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e'rnr5ion. "> P AND A. C-A (LIGHTED). CAPf)[!-T Lady m.\l.o.\rf.t ravenswood. A OUST. T eave r1 A illv' f. v- 'VKSI'OX. w-?n ;s ■ n 15, .3 o 0. i Wed., .-> -1.. 2.15, c.l?, te. 9. -;) p.m. l.'i. 3.0 p in. 0, 5.35 p.m. Fxi., .d-6> a.n.. 12.20, I Fri.. 18 .0 noon, 2.15, 1.3?. 3.3a, ro~>> ]> yn I-J. SaL 0, 2.15, 4.15, 7.15 3.30. 5.30 !•«. IS' p.m. yton 21- i '■ 0 am., UTon., 2 -9.1 a.m., 3.0, 5.15, -.30, 4 30, i.50 !»u 7. 9.0 p.m. Tries., 22—0, <U a.m.. Tiv?s.. 22 ,1 a.m., 3.45, 15..]5. 7.1 y.iii. 6.■ V 3,45 p.m. i.' Ji L 1 Ij S A I Ij i J» G S VfEu::E*n\r. Auaisr is. TL'.LF-H't,LL> •" •' RIP TO LYNMOUTU. WOOTX'. b.aY and ILFRACOMBS.—Cardiff 3.5 p.m.. IUrr»c-.ml.-e 7 V p.m.. W da Bay 7.55, Lynmouth :1V) W.\LF-iiOi.TP VT TO Wi.STON and Cardiff 3.0 p.m P->rlock 7.45, ;Jt 9 30. H\LF.HC'Un, 'lln¡> TO CLFA F.DON (via FR^ni.—. 3. -m., Clevedon 3.15 p.m., W»~ i n 015 urn. THU'tl ■•D Y A UGl'ST 17. WESTON CLE7K.iy.\v and CHEPSTOW.— C.'u'd ff :i 3>"», Chen?N-w 3 15 p.m., C!c-\?d->« 4.15 p.m.. Westjn 5/0 p.m BRISTOL—Pf-mi-th 11.20 a.m., Cardiff 11.45 a.m.. Brist'-l '.45 r» m. AFTERNOON "'PIP to MoMSLFK.-Cardiff 2.30..vfumo'.es 3.15 p.m ST^GLE TRIP to IJVN'MOL'TH. WOOD A BAY. and ILFR VCO-WRF.—Cardiff 5 30 n.m. ;YiE -'P1;e !!le;-l1er leaver I;frac<'mhe ih;s dav n* 9.0 a n. for Wooda Bay. Lynmouth, Car- diff. aud Erlsfo!. WESTON .» \D ArTNF.HF.AD.—Cl': diff 12.20 p.m.. Minehead 4.45, Weston 6 30 p.m. The Steamer leaves Penarth Pier Tm Mnutes nftpr l«av:nsf Cardiff. exceot TrijJ. -narked thns RE G rj ij A R E R V I C E to LYNMOr I :i WOODABA and II. RA- COMKE—BRIT VNNT nnd WESTWARD HO. At GG-T Leave CARTV?. L-a-c TLKR V mi BE. Monday, 2' —M.L t. n. Monday, 2 —30 p.m. T ie^dav. 2-d—9 :5 ;i *n. T'v^d?! 22—4.30 n.m. Werlnpdav, 23—9.ij a.m. Wednesday. 23—4.30 p.m. Th*rtay. 24 -9.13 N m. Thursday. -4.30 p.m. Friday, a.m. Frida", 2;-4.30 p.m. Sa-'iardar, 26—3 ~i i a.m. | S .t jrday, 26—30 n.ir*. Steamer leaves ATooda Bav minutes after Ei'ruc^mbp .)"d T r'- lh j0 muiutea. NOTE.—Steamer calls at Barry to and fro. CHFAP ROtJTE TO DEVON AND CORNWAT.L In connection with the Londou and South Western Railway Company. Particular* and 'tickets atm'y to Mr. WM. G!JY. A sent, aZ-792 t. Cardiff. ][;-kRR)C RATI.WAY AXT) P. AXDT CAMPBELL (LIMITED). r.-IT.Y SERVICE. Wit'iont Braak of .Tonrner. b-tween CARDIV V. BVRKY. PONTYPRIDD Ac., and WE-iTON. LYNMOl'TH. BAY. ILFRACOMBE. &e.. via BARRY PIE. TTVIF-TABLK CARDIFF ANTD v. i-SiON-^rPrR-VARE. VIA FAPRY PIER (\vTiiid, vVearh^r. ;tnd Other Circutactaiices Permitting :— A {j- L S i.. Tram I.pave< Riverside I Boat Leaves Weston, (L"Tl. 'c:lliÏ Wed., 15—8.35, 10.20 a.m, I Wed. 16—10.0 a.m., .2.10, 2 p. I 9.0 p.m, Thnrs.. :7—9 20 a.m., 12.:0, Thiu-s., 7-10.50 am 1.40. 2 p.rr.. 7,0 p.m. Fr H- 0.20 a.m. 2.32, Fri.8—12.10. 4.0, 8.0 p.m. c.-3 D.m, Sar 3 a.m, 12.10, 2.3). I Sat. a.m.. 1.45. 4.0, -.23 p.m. 7.30 p.m, Mon. :j—3.35 a.m, 2.32, 5.;0 Mon.. 21—10.0 a.m,, *.0, -),n 8.0 D,m, Taes., 22— 8.35 a.m., 2.32, Tues., 22—"0.0 a.m.. 4.0 -.10 p.m. 8. ) p.m. >V_el_. -5—9.20 a.m., 3/2, Wed, 25—10.45 am., 5.15, 0.% am Tlmr.i.. -9.2) a.m 3.42, Thurs 24-10 0 a. -m,. ",15, 545 p.m. i.4: p.m. TIME-TABLE BETWEEN CARDIFF AND LYN- MCUTH. WOODA BAY. AND ILFRACOMBE, VIA BARRY PIER, TO AUGUST 31st. 1899:- TO LYXMOCTH. WOODA BAY. AND ILFRACOMBE. A Steamer wiil le«<ve Barry Pi«r at 10.0 a.m. each Week Day afte- the arrival of the 9.15 а.m. Train from Cardiff (Clarence-road) and the 8.47 i.in. Train >r. m Pontypridd. FROM ILFRACOMBE, WOODA BA Y, AND LYNMOUTH A Steamer will lea ve Ilfracombe each Week Day at 4.30 p.m fexceot on August, 15th. 16t1, 13.h. 19 C8th. 9;-h. 30th. and 31st. when it will ;€ave at 4.1s p.m.). calling at Wooda Bay and Lynmouth. and arriving at Barrv Pier at 6.3'5 p.m.. cc-Jine-tii,? with the 6.50 p in. Tram irom Barry Pier for Cardiff, and calling at all Int -,rin,,d"ate Stations. The Steamer will call at Wooda Bay about 25 minutes attar 'eavin? Ilfraeombe. and will call at Lynmouth uhoat 10 minutes after leaving Wooda Bay. RETURN llClvLTS are Issued on WEDNE3- ?A-L^nCl'?-St l:*1JAY AFTERNOONS at RE- to tt'KSTON from CARD11F a,!d ALL STATIONS exceut, Grangetown to BARRY PIER iinciusivei by Trayis runn'.ng :u ccnnec'ion with any Boat leav'ng Barry Pier at 2.0 p.m. or after. TICKETS at Is. each, to cover any part of the Boat, will bg Issued daily from COGAN and all Stations to Barry Pier line usive) by Trains connin4: with Boats leaving Barry Pier at 5.0 p.m. or aiter lor Weston or a Channel Cruise. Trains running in connection with the Steamers wnl stoD at all Stations except GrllJg-etown in botii directions. Al; up tranu will stop at Gran.getown. For Times at Inter- mediat-e Stations -t-e Bills. The Fares (combined rail and steamer) from *,ard.ff (Riverside Station) to all places visited by the Steamers going from Barry Pier are the same as from Cardiff by Boat alone. Fare Lists are Exhibited at all Stations. For Furrlier Particulars apply to Mr. Wrn. Ony 70a. Bute-str°et. Cardiff; or to the General jfanager. Barrv Railway. Barry Dock. A BY ORDER. Barry Dock, August 12th. 1899. 64985 ^— '.c A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. .Jg'EEiCHAlT'rf jpiLLS. BEECHÀW pILLS. JgriECHAM'S pILLS FOR ALL BILIOUS AND NERVOUS DISORDERS, SICK HEADACHE, WIND AND PAIN IN THE STOMACH, IMPAIRED DIGESTION, CONSTIPATION. LIVER COMPLAINTS, AND FEMALE AILMENTS. LARGEST SALE IN THE WORLD. In Boxes. 13id. and 2s. 9d. each. JR. J. H^ITHASDGONS P lAxNOi^ORTES AND ^RGANS, BY ALI, MAKERS. gQLE AGENTS for J. BROADWOOD and SONS and j. and P. SOHXEDMaYER. LIRDUCED INSTALMENTS AND SPECIAL ) ASCOL NTS DURING SUMMER MOTHS. ■' b-s. PIANOFORTE, IRON-FRAME. VANDEKBOLDT MODEL. P- HENRY ■ « PARISIAN Bt ARD SCHOOL *8 AvSOcIA 1ION 42 ,v M IMPROVED ASSO- CIA lTO N f5 „ QUEEN S •• DRAWING-ROOM MONTHLY INSTALMENTS FROM IOS. 6d. fPWAhDS BY ARRANGEMENT OS. to 6s. in the £ DISCOUNT FOR CASH. Carriage Paid. GUARANTEED AND TUNED FREE. Grand and Upright. Pianofortes by Coilard 13n:ílIH,ad. ivirkman, Erard, Pleyel. Bluthner Bechitem. Steinway, Ac. ORGANS FROM 5ge.. By Ma?on and Humi.n. Bell, SmIth. and Others. 51-. OUEKN-STREET, CARDIFF. 70. TAFF-STREET. PONTYPRIDD. 31. WINDSOR-ROAD. PENARTH. Jr.* NUFACTOR Y LONDON. Nat. Telephone: Cardiff 1,021; PuntTP-idd. 21 etc raùt JÜ) tif;S. a. W'q ART DECOEATOB3. WO A V I S AND SO N. • PAIN Ir'jv.S. Or A S3. Oil., AND PAP Ell t! N til NG KANT3, 11, QL FLN-S'I'REET F U B^riTUTRE. COMPANY (LIMITED' n ,r CARDIFF FURNISHERS." S'r. v ND RHEUMATIC CURE. FOR FULL PASTICULARS APPLY TO P U 1 £ eT ,y H I L L I t S 1 ST V*T? Y-Si'Rl'lET. EASY TO UNDERSTA ND WHY P^OoDMAN S ceECIAL ^uGAREl'TES .); J ARE TTNTSQUALLEl). Becanse .hev are Hand- made on the Premises, and selected of the Pui est Virginia Leai Tobacco. G S. Cigarette ks the E-Ie of tbi Town. fel30 Ii. i. MA^Y-STRT^7 CAEDiFF. I £ tis;tne^ ÇIbbrt55tø. r. REVOLUTION IN FUENISHING! The ^T>c°«;rul and Uninterrupted Trading of Nearly Fifty Years has placed BEVAN AND COMPANY l LIMITED) In ths very Fortfront ,f the Hou^e Furnishers of Son'h W^les, with the rssnlt that To-day they ire undeniably far and away the LA 11G EST FURNISH F. RS IN THE PRINCIPALITY, Whilst an Inspection of their IMMENSE STOCKS \everything required for Complete Furiiisni..g, and inciu iing a Large Array oi PIAXOFORTES AX3) ORGANS, At about half usual priced will quickly con- iuce yon that thev urn also the best and ch.'?.p;isu Furnishers in South Wales and Mon- mouths-hire. £12 12 O Th" following (being the Entire Goor:s P-eciiiirt-d for a. Dining-room) is a fair sample of what they offer:- SUBSTANTIAL HOME-MADE LEATHER-CLOTH SUITE, Comprising Conch Tvv:> Easy Chairs and Six Small Chairs. Telescopic Dining Table. Hand- some Plate-glass back Walnut Sideboard, Bevelled Plate Overmantel to match. Brass Rail Fender, Set of Fire Brasses. Handsome Bor- dered Tapestry Carpet, with Hearthrug to match, and Pair of Handsome Curtains, with Cornice Pole ind Brackets complete; the whole Lot for TWELVE GUINEAS OXLY. form- in the GREATEST BARGALN e^er offered to the Pr.'aiic Delivery Free by Rail or Read Vans through- out Wales and Border Cou':t:eil. and the Return Fare Paid of Cadh Customers to the amount of £10. LARGE ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUES GRATIS AND POST FREE. AGENTS WANTED IN EVERY DISTRICT. BEVAN AND COMPANY 21, Duke-street and 97, St. Mary street, CARDIFF. ALSO AT SWANSEA. NEWPORT, AND PONTYPOOL. Å RTISTIC JpURNISHIKG TRAPNELL& GANE CHOICEST SELECTION OF BEDROOM SUITES, DRAWING ROOM SUITES, DINING.ROOM SGITE3. MANUFACTURERS OF PURE BEDDING. BEDSTEADS in Great Varit One Hundred Patterns to select from. Immense Stock. LINOLEUMS AND FLOOR CLOTH8- Send for Our New Catalogue of MODERN AND ARTISTIC FURNITURE. TRAPNELL & GANE 38 & 41. QUEEN-ST. CARDIFF. Also at NEWPORT and BRISTOL. H U R C TJ NIS PALACE VIRGINIA" AND "EIPIRE SHAG ARE SPLENDID TOBACCOS. 5H QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF, (Opposite Empire.) Furniture Removed (TOWN OR COUNTRY). APPLY JJ. FARTHING. OFFICE: 179 RICHMOND-ROAD, CARDIFF ESTIMATES FREE. e7593 pHIL JJHILLIPST WRISTLETS. 5s. SEND SIZE OF WRISTS. pHIL -pHILLIPS' APPLIANCES WILL CURE YOU IF YOU FOLLOW DIRECTIONS. S )LE MANUFACTURER: pHIL pHILLIPS, 24, ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF. ,N,EURAT-I,rIA CUREI USE PHIL PHILLIPS'. Bas Cured for la. where it has Cost You Pounds. lEPRAI,GIA CUR-EL USE PIllf, PHILLIPS- NO FAILURES. Is. and 6d. Size. By Post. Id. extra. pHIL pHILLIPS, sor.E MANUFACTURER, 24. ST. JiJAMCARDIFF. 2Ibbrt$sts. -v. PTOGERS I-LLES STOUTS I IN FLAGON. NOTICE TO PRIVATE FAMILIES. THE METHOD OF SUPPLYING BEER IN IMPERIAL QUART GLASS FLAGONS, WITU SCREW STOPPERS, ENABLES THE CUS- TOMER TO HAVE IN AS SMALL A QUANTITY AS ONE GALLON AT A TIML. AND IN SUCH FORM AS TO ENSURE ITS REMAINING iYiESH AND BRIGHT TO THE LAST DROP FOR SEVERAL PAYS AFTER BEING OPENED AND KEEPING LIKE BOTTLED ALES ANY REASONABLE TIME, IF UNOPENED AND KEPT IN A COOL TEMP ER AT URL FLAGONS, STOPPERS, AND CASES ARE ONLY CHARGED FOR IF NOT RETURNED IN GOOD CONDITION WITHIN 14 DAYS THESE FLAGONS CAN BE SUPPLIED, FOR CASH ON OR BEFORE DELIVERY, WITHIN CARTAGE DELIVERY OF THE CARDIFF BRANCHES IN CASES CONTAINING 4 FLAGONS (1. GALLON) OR 12 FLAGONS (3 GALLONS), AND EACH CASE CAN LE OF ONE QUALITY OR ASSORTED QUALITIES TO MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF CUSTOMERS AND THEIR HOUSEHOLDS TO THE EXTENT OF 2 QUALITIES IN 1 GALLON, OR 3 QUALITIES IN 3 GALLONS. SPECIAL 18 FLAGON XJASES. THESE ARj: SUPPLIED FOR LARGER HOUSEHOLDS AND CONTAIN FLAGONS EQUAL TO 41 GALLONS, AND CAN BE OF ONE, TWO, THREE OR FOUR QUALITIES TO SUIT THE CONVENIENCE OF CUSTOMERS. CARDIFF CASH PMCE LIST IN FLAGON. FLAGON ALE 1/2 Per Gallon. MILD ALE ) BITTER ALE v- 1/4 STOUT j OLD BEER PALE ALE ( 1/6 I < W. J. ROGERS, LTD., BREWERY: BRISTOL. I CARDIFF f 1. ADAM-STREET. BRANCHES 12. MILL-LANE. |'S"P>L,SJBEX^ 7 Enables the Proprietors of t ,Eša;es je úfLÎeËï °; I TOBACCO S To bring out to a remarkable ? 7 degree the beautifully cool 2 n Z and aromatic qualities of the y 7 leaf f om which it is | 2 manufactured. i Sold in loz. Packets Only, 2


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------------WIT FROM THE BENCH.



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