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StteaJions STatmtL 1AYING Profession.—Electric Engineering taught by i £ T poet. Send to-day for free book" Bow to Become An Electrical Eosnnear." It tells YOI) bow to doable vour salary.—write for a free copv to Elect. En?. Inst., 1l3, Norwich Bouse, Sou;harnptoa-Btree«, Holborn, London. 13731 -W.ùiTËD immediately for CSn-ada:2;COO Farm labourers. l.OCO Domestic Servants: Kuaranteed employment by Government; also oo Bail tray Section Jlen.-A for particulars and application form to Bell^nd Park, Licensed Emigration Bareau. 7. New Bond-street, Bath. 18968 .de5. (tricycles, &r. O-speed Slurmey-Areher Gear Gent's Cycle; latest o model; £6158. worth treble.—A E 800. Cardiff Times mce. CdUf. 800a CarriagiB Mttdra. TTNDEBTAKER writes—'• Since I introduced Mar- U sura's light modem Funeral Stock my trade has in ereased wonderfnlly." 50 Hearses. Coaches. Washing- Ion Cars, Broughams, Landauj, some equal new bar- § kins; catalogues.—Mars ton, 24, Bradford-street, trmingham. 905 IKiMral Hitmtiihi. RtTBBEB Appliances, Enemas. Elastic Hosiery, &e- liBtsrree Trasses. 2s 6d: double, 3s 6d.—Atkinson's (C.T.), Hill-street, Middlesbrough. Estab. 1870. 10 for SOU^CBTWatea Property Gazette. "-A Monthly Register oi Estates, Houses, Lands, &f\, to be Let otSol4 ip Wales. Monmouthshire, "West of England, Stc. 1,000 copies sent monthly, post free, to the lesdingi&kabitani? of Wales and Monmouthshire Insertions free-. Copies post free from Messra Hern .D. SlesaAe Agents, Auctioneers, &c~, 74, Bt. Mary-street, Cardiff. 2444 jjp~fri~T"H_E_EtlT. I^TETA T FEATHEB3 FOB BEDS. 1toy emømoD shoddy Wool Beds wfrenyou eaft a*. 5d per liv earrlag* paid?. AyjurrantaflJlij tmdsweet. jFeatbet Beds ic order. Be d for samples and price list to B HANDY AND- CO. FEATHER MERCHANTS. Øl WELSHPOOL, NORTH WALBS.- 114 JEisaUairams. CablneS Photo, Is Id, eopied from any c.d.v. or eabinet photo; 6, 3s c.d.T., 6, Is 6d 12, 2s 6d 12 OS.C&rd s. 2s If In. Permanent Enlargement, 4s 6d.— Send »hQ*o and P.O. to Francis and Co.. 23, Lud^ate gill. &C" 13302- MXRIMONIAL Posa". soaledeDveJope 5d. with dr- ill. oalar 9d; established over quarter of century.— Editor, Boorm 9-to 14. Trafalgar Bld<rs. London. W.C. n ) JlUsuJlantøus lEants. II China.—Wanted. Swansea alld Nantpnr "l ChlavSwauaea and CanbrianPottery^nd Dlllwyn Etruscan Ware; only good specimens required; high prlaee given.—Address Collector. Echo Oftioe. Cardiff. ISattks. rpHS HA SING CROSS gASK. (Est. 1870.) Cardt1!BmDch-1.3. ST. MABY-STREET. Srar.ches also at Manchester, Liverpool. Leeds. 4c.. Ae Head Offices, 28. Bedford-street, Suand. London; and 59,Bishopsgate-street Within. E.C. LOANS of £ 60 to £ 5,CtO made on lU1y class of security. 'H PER CENT. INTEREST, allowed on current accounts. DBPoS118ot £ 10 and upwards receiTcd as under- ;p.c. per am: 2ut.ject to 3months' notice of wUhdrawal Bp.c. Ii" tl 7p.c. ,t 12 It It Special terms for longer period' Interest patdqarterJy The Terminable Deposit Bonds pay nearly 9 per cent., d are a safe investment Instead of paying large. lividjends to shareholders we pay fair rate i of Interest to our depositors, and by so doing: have earned the t10t1 we undoubtedly hold In the public confidence. We have been established for 1-1 vear», and our unique position in the Banking World to-day testiSe." to the success of our business methods and to tbe satisfac- tion of our customers, W rite or call for Prospectus. A. WILLIAMS and H. J. TALL. Joint Managers. JHanftr. £5,000 TO LEND In Sums of £5 and Upwards. Immediate Private Cash Advances granted to an £ Bespocgible Persons, Gentry, Professional Gentlemen, or Tradesmen. HTVPT.Y ON WRITTEN PROMISE TO REPAY. Srtcs privacy. Lowest rates. JOHN j^ROWN, 1, Pembroke-terrace. CardUT. I 3257-S59n £20Sõ- £ 5,00CrADVANCEX> By Private Lender on Slmnle Promissory NOiel, Fo Bills of Sale taken and absolute privacy Iturantee" Pint letter of application receives prompt attention, and intending bozrowerl are waited upon by a repre- sentative, who is empowered to complete transaction an terms mutually arranged, no charge being mode Utesa bralsec* actually completed, bpeelai quotation* leabtirt Ions- Write in confidence to O. WELLS, 3M3—408n COBBIDOB CHAMBERS, LEICESTER. -JP^AHCUir^SISTANCE. £13 TO Jg500. Is.large or srtf&ll amounts according to rsaalrementi ON PROMISSORY NOTE ALONE, With PEOMPTITCDE and at LOWlibT RATES. For 10112' or short neriods. PRIVACY GUARANTEaD. Bepayments-to suit-clients'convenience. Call or V/rite H'T. LEWEZX AND CO., 27. Charles«l, CardlIf;- 1245—6Ta TilUBLDjNGS, Old-estahlisbed Jb'inancierf-, are jre JJ pared to Advance snras from £20 to Æ3.ooo at short noUee approved Note 01 Danù. personal or other jecuiitiea. Charges arranged before transactions are completed. Mortgages on Proporty effected at currenS tales of interest. Property rurchased. Trade Bill* riscounted. Annuities and Mzed Ineomes arranged. Money advanced on sccoud mcrtpagps. — Apply Jirect as we have no agents, Hayes buildings. The Hayes. Cardiff. 13938 -a/I"ES8BSS. HERN <t PBRl-WBE, Estate Agents. tl 74, St. Mary-street. CaxAiff, are prepared to vuce from £100 to £lOO.OWon Mortgage of Free- eld or Leasehold l'roperty, and from £ bJ to £1.000 on <eisom»l security: 365-1 II BANK continues to lend imiaeuse sums daily, from £ 10 to £ 5,000, on Note ot Hand Alone, or other Security, at a few hours' notice, to all classes 111 auy part of Eng. land and Wales, repayable by easy instalments. No good application Is ever refused. All communications strictly prlV&te. Moderate Interest. Special ras for short periods. The largest, best known, and most honourably conducted Business In tbe Kingdom. Thousands of our regular customers have expressed their ectire sa.t1s1ao- tion in repeated transactions with us. If desired, one of our Officials will attend at your residnce!lot once wHh Cash. and carry out the advance THERE and THEN,— Call, or write (in confidence) to the Ma.na&er. Mr Stanley Sowdlng, 1, Queen-square, Bristol, or to the Local Agewts. Pavieg and Co.. 97. St. Mary-street. Cardiff. HAT'S IN A It depends. A good name is everything No man is high in public estimation unless he has deserved it-that is. earned bis reputation. It ia the same always. When an articte<taas obtained a good name it has always deserved For instance, a good name on a cheque is coin of the realm, just all safe. If you ars vary the name of a great physician ia a guarantee, too; yon feel safe. If you are below par the name of a good medicine is a guarantee, too you leel safe. JJEECHAM'S pILLS jgEECHAM'S P I L L- T3 E E CHAM'S p. I L L S are the great family physician—tliey have a good name, at.d you tnow you ape safe in using them They have earned their reputa- tion, which is world-wide. Thousands use them every day, and have done so -for sixty years. If there was an Order of Merit for medicines, like there is tor men of high and true worth, BEECHAM'S PILLS twouid be among the first to be honoured. The bead cannot be right if the stomach is wrong. BEECHAM'S PILLS keep the stomach right. There is really no need to day to catalogue their virtues as a blood purifier, a tonic for the nervovu system, or a cure for a sluggish lifer. Tfcfc name on the box is all you want. They are so well known that they "JJECOMMEND IJfHEMSELVES. Sold everywhere in boxes. Price Is lid (56 pills) and 2s 9d (163 pills), YRS- -;i u 'EfFlCA. HSobott mnjssH. «• AUJOVS couGit, i < q^s tMMEbfATT geuep. -v -w IJÑUM CATHARTl CU M PI LLS. fpawwcesTiON a ITS EVILS:^W^m I ORJOUS OERANCEMI r. A» AC»a&Aat £ ) APgaigNj:-5^^gJ XAYSTtC PILLS" •> CUK mCEACHE a WEUgALCTAyyy J .rTA. T& 4' fPttblic ^mosfnwitts. CARDIFF. "VT EWnn H E A TEE iWleProprirtor .&OBKRT RBDFOED PARK-PLACE. CARDIFF. TO-NIGHT AT 7. ROBIRT RBDFOJlD'S AND MILTON BODE'S PANTOMIME— JJED JJIDING HOOD. Powerful eut, includiag :— Mlta ANNIE PURCELL. Ifill NORA GUY, Mils AGNES TANDT. Mr AINSLB Y BURTO N, Mr J AY LAU RIER, Mr HARRY UICKLEY, Mewrs KEATH & M.ERSON, COLLINS-STELLA TROUPE of 8 Lady Dtacen, and TED A MAY HOPKINS. BEAUTIFUL SCENES. MAGNIFICENT DRESSES IN THE BUTTERFLIES BALL y and THE KING'S PAGEANT. Price for Red Sesta Private £2 U, £1 lis 6d, £1 11. Dress Circle. 4s. Orchestral Stalls (Front Rows), 4s other Rowi. 3s. Unreserved Seats—Balcony, 2s; Pit Stalls, 21 Pit, 15; Gallery. 6d. SPECIAL MATINEES EVERY WEDNESDAY & SATURDAY at 2. Children under 12 half-price (except pit and gallery to these performances. Box Office from 10 to5. Nat. Tel. 37S HEATRE ROYAJU CARDIFF. JL Lessee and Manager .ROBERT RRDFORD. EVERY EVENING AT 7,30. Mrs FRANK BATEMAN'S COMPANY in the Fopuiar Play, NO WEDPING BELLS FOR HER. JUrbUc £ Latutx. TSANCER HOSPITAL Free), Fulham \J road. London, S.W.—PATIENTS SEEN DAILY on their own application at 2 o'clock. Funds urgently needed for general expenses and for the Research Department. 13584 Secretary Fred W. Howell Smiditig forums. THE: TAUNTON AND WEST OF X SifQfiAND PERPETUAL BENEFIT BUILDING SOCIETY. KSTASLISHB&1S57. INCORPORATED 1M3. Offices: 3. HAMMET-STREET, TAUNTON. Secretary Mr R. A. GOODMAN. BORROWING SHARES, £60 EACH. BUMS OF MONEY are ready to be advanced on security of any description of real property-frøe- hold, leasehold, or copyhold—on the most equitable terms; the principal and interest repayable by Monthly, Instalments. INVESTING SHARES. jE60 EACH, realised in about 13 years and 4 months by Monthly Payments of Five Shillings per abare. FULLY PAID-UP SHARES, bearing a ifxed rats of interest, payable half-yearly, or allowed to accu mulate. DEPOSITS received. Interest at 4 per cent. per annum. payable half-yearly, or may accumulate. Prospectuses, or any further particulars, may he oobtaiDed on application to the Secretary, as above ertc 1S9 Mr THOMAS WEBBER, District Secretary, Tower Chambem. Ctnmcb-etreet, St. Jehn s- square, Cardiff. ARE YOU RUN DOWN ? IS YOUR DIGESTION POOR ? IS YOUR SLEEP BROKEN ? Worry and overwork can do much to bring about these conditions. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS GWlLYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS GWLLSM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS THE VEGETABLE TONIC, THE BEST REMEDY FOB NERVOUSNESS. WEAKNESS, INDIGESTION, SLEEPLESSNESS, LOSS OF APPETITE. LOW SPIRITS. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTEUS GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS THE VEGETABLE TONIC. Testimonial. 105, Gilfach Gyuon, Twynrodin, Merthyr Tydfil. DearSff,— In May. 1901,1 became ill from a very severe attack of nervous prostration. Life was a uerfect misery, as I was so Nervousness depressed, "dyspeptic, and weak. I have Nervousness been treated by different doctors, and Nervousness tried nearly every patent medicine, but derived a mere temporary relief. A few weeks ago a friend from Carmarthen advised me to try GwllymEvans' Quinine BitteT*, and I purchased a large bottle, but had go confidence then "in it* efficaej to do ihe any good. I am glad to say the effect has beD marvellous with me. I am now in almost perfect h<-alth. I shall continue its use for a little Vhile longer to prevent the Ulnes3 returning. I can truly say that there is no tonic that I know of equal to Gwiiym Evans" Quiaitte Bitter3, and you are at perfect liberty to publish this i-tatement, all I thinli any 1 er,on suffering from any nervous diseases will find a true friend iu GwUvro Evans' Quinine Bitters if perse- vered with. I am yours, Ac., HENRY TILLER. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS GWILYM. EVANS' QUININE BITTERS GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS THE VEGETABLE TONIC, Testimonial. Coed Talywern, Weakness Puffryn. Weakness Gentlemen,—I am pleased to be able to Weakness bear testimony to the benefit I have re- ceivedty talcing Gwiiym Evans' Quinine Bitters. I have had medicine from t arious doctors everyspnng for years past, and was obliged to take mcdicineall last winter, but as I reoeivedlittle benr-tlt I resolved to try Gwiiym Evans' Quuine Bitters, and though I have only taken three 2s 9d bottle*, am able already to go about. I been suffering from Weakness, <&c. Yonra truly, M. A. WILLIAMS. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTEHS THE VEGETABLE TONIC. Testimonial. Indigestion 44, Llwydarth-road, Indigestion Maeeteg. Indigestion Dear Sirs,—Gwiiym Evans* Quinine Bitters is, j n my opinion, one of the best gifts given to humanity. I myself have derived the greatest possible benefit in stubborn cases of FlatuIenoo,Indlstion. Logs of Appetite, and Weakness. I have proved Gwiiym Evans' Quinine Bitters on my own person to succeed when all other remedies have filled. Yours truly, T. POWELL. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS GWTLYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS THE VEGETABLE TONIC. Beware of Imitations. See the name Gwllym Evans on the label, stamp and bottle, _bout which none are genuine. Sold everywhere in bottles 2s 9d or 4s 6d each, or will be sent, post free, on receipt of stamps, direct from the sole Proprietors, QUININE BITTERS MANUFACTURING COMPANY, LIMITED, LLANELLY, SOUTH WALES. JJR. J COLLIS JJROWNE'S CBLORODYNE. Invaluable for CO U G HS. C O L Do, BRONCHITIS, AS-T H M A NEURALG I A, And all Kindred Ailments. This old and triad remedy has stood the test of two generations. REFUSE to be put off with a SUBSTITUTE; the Original can be, bad of all CHEMISTS if you let it be seen that you are not weak enough LO accept an imita- tion. -CL,LIS BROWNE Is the Name. 4. 6d the priees. 1233 GIVE YOtR PIGS SOME GIP. PIGS that have GIP escape swine fever, e keep free from worms, IW, cramp. gripes A fits, ^5i. ■ feed well, thrive, and A (IIMIHfatt/ rapidly Sample Cashwitlforder. 0 ow gold by all Corn Met* cbantL. Manufacturer, j 0. HAMLIN, Hsrcourt, 9AL18BURV, bípPing Mpticts. jnANADIAN PACIFIC LINE. FASTEST For Sailings and Pamphletre- Work and TO CANADA. W BITE. STAR LINE.—LIVERPOOL Tw to AUSTRALIA. eallingat Capetown (South AfriCaJ. RUNIC; 12,482 tons -Jan. 11 MEDIC, 11,584. tons .Feb. 9 AFRIC, 11.943 tons .„„Mar. 14 SUEVIC, 12,500 tons Apl. 11 The accommodation on these twin-screw steamers smokiug, reading, and. dining rooms. Fares.-rTo Australia, £11 to to Capetown, to £22 la. For further particulars apply to Local Agent* or I to Ismay, Imrie and Co., Liverpool; 1. Cockspnr- Street, H.W and 3S, Leadenhall-street E.C., London LLAN ROYAL MAIL.—CANAJSI and U.S. Unsurpassed for 1st, 2nd and 3rd classes. Special ratesto Ontario, Manitoba, and Canadian Nerth West. Handbooks free.—Apply Allans, 51-, Pall Mall, 19. Jam- street, Liverpool, and 10S, Leadenhall-street, London; or to W. J. Trounce and Sons, Bute Docks, Cardiff; Captain J. A. Scott, 15, Cathays- terrace, Cathay«; C. Stuart, 35, Mount Stuart- square; C. J. Cudlip, 32. City-road; Davies & Co., 58. Charles-street, Cardiff. Insurance. OTTVT FIRE OFFICE OUIL FOUNDED 1710. The Oldest Insurance Office in the World CARDIFF BRANCB- 2. CHURCH-STREET. W. EVAN LLOYD. District Inspector, Funds ai Jlniitts. LIZABETH COOPER. Decaased.'— JLJ If GEORGE COOPER, formerly of Arkwright- sfcreet, Nottingham, Hairdresser, who was seen in Cardiff about Christmas, 1893, and ia believed to have resided at 42, St. Mary-strect there, will communicate with the undersigned he will hear of something to his advantage. Messrs LA RKEN and CO., 18971 Solicitors, Newark. X STOP ONE MOMENT. X OH, DEAR, DOCTOR. MUST MY DARLING DIET THERE IS VERY LITTLE HOPE, UT TRY FJUDOR ^yiLLIAMS1 PATENT BALSAM OF JJONEY. THERE IS NO REMEDY UNDER THE CANOPY OF HEAVEN EQUAL, PATRONISED BY ROYALTY. NOBILITY DOCTORS, NURSES, and MOTHERS PRAISE IT. WHY? It contains PUKE Welsh HONEY and an Essence of the Purest and most efficacious Herbs, gathered on.the Hills of Wales, being gathered iu the proper seasou, when ita virtues are in full perfection. BRONCHITIS. THERE are thousands of children who die annually from Bronchitis, Whooping Cough, and Croup. This is a grand discovery for the cure of such complaints. It is INVALUABLE for Weak-chested Meu, Dieate Women,and Children. It cures when all other remedies fait. It cures Coughs, Coids, Bronchitis. Asthma, lightness of the Chest.. It cores thousands of children of Bronchitis and Whooping Cough It cures for one Shilling when Pounds have been spent in vain- TRY IT. If yoa have a Cough, try it; if yon have a cold, try it; if you have Bronchitis, try it. It loosens the phlegm and promotes expectoration, produces warmth and comfort to the chost, and gives refreshing sleep when yon have lost nights of rest. A STIPENDIARY AND A MAGISTRATE IN THE COUNTY OF GLAMORGAN REMARKS I feel it my duty to inform you that I have been using your Tudor Williams' Balsam of Honey in my family, which is a large one, for many years, and havg proved its great value, having med nothing else for Ccugh during Measles. Whooping. Cough, and Bron- chitis, and can highly recommend it to ail parents for such complaints. SEE THAT YOU GET THE GENUINE ARTICLE. TUDOh. WILLIAMS- PATENT BALSAM OF HONEY. MOST IMPORTANT. SO MANY IMITATIONS AND FRAUDS. Sold by all Chemists and Stores in Is, 2s 6d, and 4s 6d bottles. Sample bottle sent (post paid) for 13 3d, 3s, and 5s, from the inventor. Saving in purchasing the larger size bottles. rjiuron WILLIAMS, L.S.D.E.W. MEDICAL HALL, ABERDARE. 1117 PIANOFORTES. THE SOLE AGENCY FOR CARDIFF AND DISTRICT FOR THE WORLD'S GREATEST MAKERS. BECHSTEIN, BROADWOOD. BLUTHNER, ERARD, BCHIEDMAYER. STECK, NEUMEYER, WALDEMAE, PIANOLA PIANOS. & ÆOLIANS IS HELD BY R.J. HEATH AND SONS. CARDIFF. PONTYPRIDD. PENARTH AND PORT TALBOT, Who also Stock Pianos by BRINSMEAD, COLLARD, KIRKMAN. STEINWAY, IBACH, RITMULLEI:, &c-, &c FROM 15 GUINEAS CASH OR 10s ea MOTTHLY. ORGANS by MASON & HAMLIN, BELL. DOMINION, do., &c. 1-educed Instalments, Special Discount. Nat. Te1.-Ca.rliff 01HJ. Pontypridd 21. WEAK MEN, I Suffering with Weakness, Lack of Vigour, Pre 1 mature Decline, Varicocele, Atrophy and a Debility should send at once for partibulari ot a I speedy cure to H HENRY FOSTER, | The Chemical Laboratory, Brighton, England. 1 Nama thia Paper. 189301 BASS AND CO'S PALE AND MILD ALES. SEASON BREWINGS AY NOW BE HAD IN PRIME CONDITION, IN CASKS OR BOTTLES, OF FULTON, DUNLOP, AND CO., CARDIFF IXMAS GIFTS FOR SMOKERS. JERSEY BEING A FREE PORT, YOU SAVE MONEY BY IMPORTING CIGARS DIRECT FROM US. Pearson's Weekly says :—" A Twopenny Cigar could be bought for a Halfpenny if there were no duty." Special Vahie—" MARCUS SERBUS. "A very High-class, Full-sized Cigar (mild or medium strength)- Sample box of 25 sent, duty and car- riage paid, to day part of the United Kingdom for P.O. Ord r 5a 6d; Box of 50,10s 6d. Guaranteed equal to any cigar sold in England at 4d. Price list post free on application. 566 J. F. BELFORD, Cigar Importer, JERSEY, C.I. -r- CARDIFF ADVERTISING, RILL. POSTING, AND CIRCULAR DISTRIBUTING COMPANY, LIMITED. OFFICES AND WORKS—1, PARBT-STREET, CARDIFF. SECRETARY—FRANK H. SIMPSON. Proprietors of the Principal Stations in Cardiff and Neighbourhood. Contraction for aU descriptions of Advertising, Circular Distnbutiifg, < £ c. All orders promptly attended to. 132—1044 t l' !:lhUíjnt5 J\ hbrtsSl5. I- "v mmskJw A customer's highest ax^scia-BH tions leave room far dell^Ut Sa and astcnialimont at the doable "'Hr$A^gyELJS. I where finoet quality Watches ja ty\ and. Jewels a?e eirer to Egl «ft VJbwak be ^ound, offered at a Em Vk V ajaca^Bi reduction from 0 usual retail prices. m solid Silver I Er-ochm Gent's Solid Real AP I MONTMn3 Watcbes, strong and 5/6 I dfit^ J i R c!al Gem Engraved I s iting% oto FRE st IZ-1 Lockets. 19 1 R-1 Gold 6/6 Solid CoU TRIAL Solid TF, L. GOIA Engraved Gold 2 Piloto Alberts. Solid 410 ;I SoLid Gold, Hand- 7= four Di2a some two Rubics. Cruet, .ith Shisit I.gAies' for H2m En- Wid COME AND SEE FOR YOURSELF S "nothing could be more convincirg than a personal inspection, which you are^free to make without new yE*R0raEV°ra<^ZM, Eg for all pnrchaserg, ASK FOR YOURS SB —COME EARLY. Train Fares Paid, B H. SAMUEL7 c, w,DV jjjijjl (or MacchcBter). «jSti MARY'ST^ CSiPdlff 1li1Sl- .f.oIr.- ;I eavesf od Assists digestion. I Your Infant will require no corrective medicine if Neave's g Food is given strictly according to directions. i Quickly and easily prepared. Quickly and easily prepared. I E Purveyors by Special Appointment to H.I.M. the M jg Empress of Rusisia. I Gold Nledalst London, 1900 19 -JA¥''uUiI'\n?'¡- BB B ■Ji » a a M^Lai The Physician's I I kl Ikl ami iJn w fl m. 41 B Cure for Gout, jki 3 ||| 1 ""w Tl .iffll Rbeumatio Gout and Gravel. The Universal Remedy for Acidity of tjie Stomach, Headache, Heartburn, Indigestion, Safest ana most Sour Eructations, Bilious Affections. Effective Aperient for Regular Use. DINNEFORDS MAGNESIA A w &¥ BEST misei I BENSON'S 1 :wIII.- D FAMOUS lm/ £ 5:5 'LUBGATE' Watch I IS THE BEST. I HP" THEEE-QCAHTEB PLATE English Lever. BEST LONDON H ■ iln L. /mffimffll MAKE- Chronometer Balanoe, all Latest Improvements, B B m J\ %frx!P in Sterling Silver Crystal Glass Cases, £ 5:5 any size. H 9 \ftlr Jr 7 J ^mMa/om Massive 18-ct. Grold Cases, with Crystal Glass, ■ H Gentlemèn's, £ 12 :12. Ladies', £ 10:10.) M I MONTHLY PAYMENTS I jfl Sa 1. of w«t-ios, ChdDO, jFk-t same Pvioes sta fos- CAliS. H I ILWSTRATED N:n of 1.- 15/- Deposit with Order, 9 successive Payments of 101- each for H M BOOKS penal plate" and Baga. the £ 5:5 Watch. For Gold Watch, Monthly Payments of 21: I. H rats. LUDGATE HILL, E.Cj| ■IIIMMIWIDMIMIWII T I R E D 1\fEN When you are tired of taking mysterious prescrip- tions and w>arv of wearing Electric Belts, write to me and 1 will send you a Book which shows how every man. young and old, may be quickly and thoroughly cured of NERVOUSNESS, EXHAUSTION. VARICO- CKLK, and DBBILITY from any cause whatsoever. WITHOUT STOMACH MEDICINE or KLECTRI CITY Hundreds of cures. Book sent sealed, post free. Two stamp:.—A. J. LEIGH. 92 and 93, Great Russell-street, London, W.C. Twenty years' succesi- iul results. 16625 NORWICH CANARIES Direct from their Nlltvc City. For Exhibition, Breeding, and Song, cheap T;\ est procurable. Also even' other variety W '3(,a mcntionable, Free List (with easy payment system) post free. Largest collection of Bins- ing canaries in the worl,d. Al- on approval. Patronised by Royalty. W. RliDD, Bird Specialist, 2CORWICH. EVERY MAN SUFFERING from NERVOUS and PHYSICAL DEBILITY should send tor a valuable pampbtet ex-) plaining how 11 N ervou* and Orgauic Derangements and Varicocele may bs successfully treated without stomach medicir.es or electricity. 1 he method U eajy and pleasant, and wi!: eff-et a perfect and permanent cure. Sent in plain sealed envelope, free for 3 stamps. -C. T. NORTON, 59 and 63, Chancery-lane. London. Over 30 years' continuous Success. THERAPION. and popular remedy used in Continental Hospitals by Eicord, Rostan, Jubert, Vepeau, and others, surpasses every- thing hitherto employed for impurity of blood, spots, blotches,pains, and swelling oi joims, kidney, bladder, and liver diseases, gravel, paiU3 iu back, stone, gleet, gout, rheumatism, exhaustiau,sleeplessness, &c. Three forms, Nos. 1, 2, and 3, pribc 2a 9d, according to the diseases for which inten(led.-Ftill particular* send -sse stamped addressed envelope to ftlr R. JOHNSON, 43, Holford-square, London, W.C. 1359-ile LARKE'S B 41 PILLS are warranted I to cure GRAVEL and PAINS in the BACK aud all kindred complainta. Free from mercury. Estab- lished upwards of c.0 years. In boxe3,4s 6d each.oi all Chemists and Patent, Medicins Vendors thoushout the world, or sent for 60 stamps by the makers, the Lincoln and Midland Countiej Drug Company, Lincoln PA IN E "S BILL POSTING ti jfi.Ui'E. i., or Abordaro. Hirwain, Mountain Asi. and Dutxiot. Z. ANDREWS, Secretary. ti'.ires— 11)5 NEW THEATRE, ABERDARE. POSTAL DELIVERY UF aOUTH WALES DAILY NEWS," The Proprietors of the "SOUTH WALES DAILY NEWS" beg to aunoluice that by a special concession of the Postal Authorities they are enabled to despatch their First Edition each morain? by the Mails leavmj Carditf at 2 30 a.ta. and 3 45 a.m. Country suhscriberj residing within the limits of GLAMORGANSHIRE, CARMARTHEN SHIRE, PEMBROKESHIRE, CARDIGANSHIRE, < as well M those liortion3 of BRECON SHIR E and MONMOUTHSHIRE comprised within the Tredegar and Rhytnney Valley" Postal District.?, may now have the "SOUTH WALES DAILY NEWS" delivered ai their residences daily by the same post as thai whicli conveys their London letters London and West of England subscriber.} receive their paperson the forenoon of publication. The Third Edition of thu "SOUTH WALES DAILY NEWS" is forwarded prepaid to rezident3 oi th follow- ing and all other places within th; Cardiff Postal DL.rict in time for the first morning delivery/-— St Fagau's Sully Michaelstone-le- Pencoed Courtyralla Vcdw S Bride's-sup-ElyDinas Powis Castletow S, Nicholas Cadoxtou Marshfield Bonvilstone Barry Penarth Peterston Caerphilly Llandough Llandatf Bedwas Lisvane Radyr Ystrad Mynach Llanisheu Morganstown Pwllypant Whitchurch ileD'jifmtfith St Aleuon? Tatfj Wall Pentyrch Cefa-Hably lonsprynlas St Andrewj Wlidt IreeBridg* Per Quarter, post tree. 0 9 9 Per Half-year 0 19 6 Per I 11 0 A WEI I -KNOWN REMEDY. HAYMAN'S BALSAM. Dec. 19th, 1903 A very good cough mixture. My cbild had a very bad Cold c)n the Chest, but a few doses soon put it ALL RIGHT. Mr Austin Rimmer, St. Helens, CURED COUGH AND COLD FOR 36 YEARS. THE GIOT ENGUSH REMEDY. NO FLUMMERY. No bought or Manufactured Testimonials. HAVE (\- I YOU } J BAD A LEG With Wounds that dischargeoro&erwise, perhaps sur- rounded with inflammation and swollen, that when you pre^s your finger on the inflamed part it leaves the impression ? It' so, under the skin you have poison that denes all the rciyedies you have tried, i'rem which,, if not extracted, you never can recover, but go on suffer- ing: till death releases you. Perhaps your knees pre swollen, the joints being ulcerated, the same with the ankles, round which the skin may be discoloured, or there may be wounds; the disease, if allowed to con- tinue will deprive you of the power to walk. You may hav« attended various liospitals:arid had medical advice, and been told your case is hopeless, or advised to submit to amputation; but do not, for I can cure you. I don't say perhaps, but I will. Because others have failed it is no reason I should. Send at once a Postal Order for a/6 to ALBERT, 73, FARRINGDON STREET, LONDON, and you will receive a box of < GRASSHOPPER OINTMENT and Pills, which is acertain remedy for thecure of Bad Le^s,Hoivsemaid'sKnce,Ulcerated Joints, Carbuncles, Poisoned Hands, and Bunions. (Copyright.) WORTH KNOWING. GEORGE NAISH & SON, 79, GREAT FREDERICK-STREET, CARDIFF is the OLDEST ESTABLISHED PUBLIC BILL POSTER, who rents the largest number and best private bill-posting stations in the town and neigh- bourhood. All work entrusted to hhn will be speedily POSTER, who rents the largest number and best private bill-posting stations in the town and neigh- bourhood. All work entrusted to hhn will be speedily and faithfully executed. N.B.-Bill Posting sent by boat or rail will have immediate attention. 13675 THE B A.&RYDISTRICT BILL-POST- ING COMPANY (Liiiii'i.i»D), fropnei^rs f U.tj Oldesfc-eiiAbi'i ihao, I-argesC Hoardings, aud iiest Po-i'jona ir. the Dbiri-i. Terms on applT ati^n to <1, Holton-road, Barry. 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