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W T I WanteA. ¡ Advertiser, an admittei Solicitor, aad thoroughly aequain'ed with London practice, requires SITUATION as MANAGING CLERK, in a good office of general ptacfcae. Sj.^ry required, moderate. Address to "Box," Post- aJk-e, 19 >, King's-road, Chelsea, London. 3374 KIL YBBBILLBOARD SCHO OL. W ANTED, to enter on duties on t*e 2$rd November, or any Sisae between that date and the 10th January, 1376, an ASSIS- TANT MISTRESS ax-Pupil Teacher will do. Also a Transfer Pupil Teacher —Applications to be made to W. Samuel, TOny- rallt House, Poctarllaae, Swansea. 2312 SERVANTS WANTING any de- tj scription, Householders requiring Seivaiits, should ■advertise ia the CAUUT Tuua. Price Is. for 24 words, PRBPAIB. LODGINGS and APARTMENTS WANTED, tJ or to be LET. ahonld be advertised in the CAKDIPF Tiiiai* Prtcc la. ofr 24 words, PBRPAI». MACEYOY and SON have received a co:nmis- purchase Ladiet' and QenUemoti's LEFT OFF 2iOXJ3lXQ Urn horte solo au.d exportation to the Colonies, and to give the hghcsfc prices. Ladies and G.. ntiemen «p>n *t their residence*, if required, and P. 0. O re- "-411 by r-ten lor country pirata. 0 d Cold and Silver Lace bougbfc^-AihUt*, 6, Hayet, Cardiff. Bgtablished over tw3ti|y 8376 GOVERNMENT EMIGRATION. SYDNEY, NEW SOUTH WALES.— Pas^gcs are provided for Manitld C<u les not exceeding <0 jmn of age, with cr without children; and S;n?!e Men aftd Weraen, cot exce *iimr 35 yeara of sere; heiri^ farmers, n.men, labourers, and female domestic servants, on of the following rates;—12 years and not exceeding £5 10, 1 jeur aud under 12, £2 158. For passa^ej and mrtjer iafo aalica app?y to Mr. & J. Davies, 1, Ihe Haves, \Vdi8. 2125 go >t £ et. FOR Hrin, on Redemption Terms or on Single Bire, 30"-TO* TRUCKS, free 1st December next. Bepair- _AG Contraeiors, GIOIR- et^r Wigon Compa v. —Apply t. Aber- lire KhondJa steam Coal Company, Limited, 37, Britannia l^attbers. Do kg, Cardiff. 2241 pENARTH —To be LET or SOLD, a con- anient el-yt-n-rjoined HOUSE, icing the Hotel Ground!#.— *ppjy y> Mr VeUaeott,. Po»t OiS«) thaaabers, Bute Dock, or Sorth«4». P^ianh. 2250 *TO LET,—FURNISHED HOUSE, No, 9. w an PeM th. ah. two OftIcee on First Floor, f «o 29, Mount Stuar -aquaie —Apply to O. S. Stowe. 5, Mount itnarvsqu re, Cardiff. 2240 T TO MONUME >TAL MASONS AND OTHERS. J be LET, at Gwaen^reoda, Whitchurch, near Jrir;ii<r> ;h« 3 TONE UCTTltR'S SHOP of ths late Mr E'J ANS, «h ch was sucoeeafal y worked by him for a period of 40 t8&rS. Taere is a Steam-engine on the Premises, Smithy, a jpaatity,, an<l the owtat requueaa^nti fir works o' the sort; all st » rahiatton. Ap Jy to M.s. Evaas, on tho fwaee. Viae cottega, Wh.tc'iureh, Oadiff. 2111 mo be LET, SWISS HALL, Crockherbtown, «ct Fntertaiiusents or Lectures. Also offices.— Apply to Mr. T Webber, aa, Boya, .\reade, "ardiflf. 800 Ot J»a le» ALE, handaome Sight and dark BR AMAH v Æ c *i>KKKBLS, six months old, from pr ze strains on b th | Jag- M*yo«»eon. Apply. Braiath, Cardif Times office. 2id0 [ F10* SALE, Five Hundred STEE [T EN- INOS, by Landaeer, and other great masters, at WW" °Mk'- telow published prfets. b. J. Roberta, Arcade, 2381 ♦TO be SOLD, » bargain, a Skeletm GIG, B<,W- A!#> » "iroBg Dog ca t PH \KTON, with Fr* P^'ci'w «PPly to N. Lawrence and Co Auctiuaeera, 8t. Mwy-gtreet, CaidiS. 2249 AST) OTHERS. —TOHBE DIS- *!Tk' wtrr <v Contract, a first-claas o'd-^stab- rTT.f LK< '? «>« imaie.jiat« neighbourhood of Cardiff, r produce of nine cows, the property of the frattni vropnetor. r t j and to ina* apply to Mr Bod,ton, rt2Jv' Aurt:ooeer, Canton, Card;9. N 'y. g'jti, li-7j. 3510 rr° BE SOLD, Cheap, several SECOND-HAND TTaRASUING MACHINES, ♦ r^ i KNUINE3, in first clws Cocdit on. Ko f rt utart and Priest ap-jiy to ROBZY & Co., Enyinefrs, 2t»> putt i-ALE handsome Gold and Black PIANO, ~;rlr Z; A toned Cottage PUmo, fix!! trichonl, ,i Mow*, eac'pem:n» action, handeome wainutoa^e; IJeW; 008 15 gwiaew; 39 guineas UIB0* trom gu neaa. Several second-hiiid Pianos i'Jfc n>nBoniuoi» ar, a zreat reducrion. Lessona given on k "Apw to J- Webb, Book and f f"* I*?*, Ba?»-n>ad, Caniig. j#5S fpO be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT. f Rent 8s. per week Price fiCOO. ■'r SlT M<i Sh°P« Gsww-street. Rent Su. each, •flopiig. Pnee, 41150. 8 0Re,lt Ss' P*T *«ek. Frice £ 205 each. 2 S**9* Jrearl street. Bent 8s per week. Price £ -2^5 cach. ? S0" Re.it 8f>. per week. £ 810. "rCWd' PCMklrth' tilorou«hiy we'1 finished. Cooking Stova. for 3aie Cheap |5*$S"(52o8S t0 N D' XASMa> COLDSTREAM »■ 1066 LA2 £ «.I>?5i^5s' mou^TAIN RANGES: »»d important RESIDENTIAL tS- MILKER and CO.. Land Valuers and Bu-ers desirous SPORTING, and RKSI- y^ >: ATES- £ 7»««of Mirket»ble proi-erttes wishing M £ L^ £ ST"V are ,lnvi,ed 'ornrd plana and *™ca. *^en re eired, will bo jodi. io'irf/ placed £ J?wS?lteS' P^iej.y being; e*reful.y avoided, siaSfl^^St l*T»riably sattled before any cost or liability fcf ia*>T y- pnetised in Herefordshire wbU *«*»»»ated with properties in or PROMOTER^ desiring *So £ ^LD' » COLLIERY ROVTALTY^ hSL RlMlJ0r.S,"wnn« Pon wvtrai shafts par e»ab £ kr^Tef^rL^'I *WM of hou9e a!ld 3team » ? 400 acr» °l surface. It adjoins the Oi^r^ST r launched where other SI (inciting Cannel) have been proved in addi+:o» to m that the liable coal f<th:ck- PK»mt holder will arrange ,4>r what it has cost above. wl"ch even in a normal stale 'y6.mu8t lawre, ccrtain, and safe. Sui-veys by yA^ mi^.f'81' engineers have already been «?S. U% £ Z. »• W.OOD, ]s, Fmwtck. C^Fr' ,SiLI' 'semWrtachod £ £ °^fl«U-8t»0t,conveniently fttte l.zood fronte^e, fi E1Sht Honse,' in Cnsun!- r ^e- ia ''k- 'nal-'ietaehed V LLA, in Fart- •bdtcwVh^Si roS1WenipUtf t *< g^'ten.stible a d (Vinv i wt Ati^j Roa h-roau, wad-built, e1efiant y r 14 room, each; Meven^ t I'! t J?84• Semi-detached Vu.iain IU in 'cv-U CTCT^L5 ^*ard"'«"^ce), 14 rooms. Three A,'ae^Bre:t,* "sp^3S Th^' Ho'1MS in f.reef., TO i It I a Shjp m Eniera'd- li'iamTi i -T-Htw* 8'ebmmid-te.race, Park piue I^cSm. Bent ^rsrsrira^i Up" Hc,use in Colistream- wN^-S P^fcMISEs-House and Shop .splendid Prenuaes in Working-street. comurisinJ 'to'^ar^lv5' 3°rk?h'J!>s' and Lar-e Yard- KM Mil I l?.L.. "t Villi, within ten. 8«16, £ 20 to £ 40. C vBDIFF V-lmluiJ t0rn" Li-commg !o.v. CAS- Mt■. with eommodiuus Mow.. .<dbW l 8\\U8OI6, APfÑ1 to W Illid 8. HEa, Wotki-.r-árœt,. 22Ü() i W 1 L L I S~X ~N D ER s, V-nT IT" A t"CTIONEER, P iN^UHANCE AGENT, l Si A-^CADE, CAKDIFF. rim in .a*Ul2Uo^«g PROPFftXUJS for SALE. «nib» #Mf« *& £ h^\ £ L. r Rhree <rotta«feB r«* Bearn* TTiS^ ^g^16' 17> ind la'm Buzzard-street. f ^Residences in Cyri!-cre:eent; Four jtrmit • Sis rv ^c.ene Shop); Four Houses in P paz- » Metal-street, and Six m G I t}nd 46, 47 and £ 3, 64, 55, Vl^rVtnl0M a°«» Partridge-road. hi ^stty-»treet • Two'vmL^1 Terrace, Three Houses /^SS^gL'^Ty VU1>9 'P t*PP«r George-street. fcold f—j ?tre^t- Eligiole site of Free- 6teS2«S-r Cliw-roadand Ely-r«ad. 8- a. 10, KaoUHrtwrt. Shop, with I t\Jhx^">'> i~A oery Kifible Grocers and Baker's ^wefiSe* I Small Oottage, Let as separate a^T*1 Uon*y *°*y bohadoa Apl)I.Y_a:r.o. 25 [ J1 0 S E s v OR s ALE. General Insm! ^ent"^ th* f')110?111' IIouye' and BALE ;-ci2SSFF _?I I'^ he followm«: PROPERTIES FOR »Hb Stables, Co*eh.ho^^L!?T COr?er, H0USK and SHOP, Pn.e JJKO. Several 111 B^tord-street. Btfiet, behind the DrJi VILLAS in Upper Qeor^e- HOO»F„ « f450 ^0 each block. One fcOATU.—Two verv i Price £ 260. road, «ttad wiO> e^? i y ni!t YILL*S. in Stacy- TwcHOUaSinTona^et J^400 each- f- v bnck aoUMfflln J&n-aiZ t* Severa' "x roomed private improremeots paid. Tnr» ».iuCei I?^?oa3e' £ • Street One »nW^T;^ HOLSkS in Topaz- fiOCSE, vrhh Wto. i G^Jf-er H°U3K, SHOP, and BAKE- Price AtiOO n, Ket' bast thorcujfhfare in I <tOo«h-^u^Ga,?:^«V- HOU^ Stable, tonor, or boot and ^ioe Buitabio for a butcher, cheoiiat, fa. C if.on-^raet a. ^50" HOUSES rmn roKsalbslota of aousE p&o- y>diee«<Mie mowy of Jn^L ihl! )rouglL Aconsiderable *"»»TS'SarK^ .0" .U !d. Apply aa ahove. eer annum. <Se FWh«^ price, £ 5CO, rent, £ 35 pS*^ol^0vuJr Trrche.o/ ^rden'jn fTiceAl.CXM) One TrtAnrdAiI ?'(! Houses in ciive-road; tares tsrden • nrico £ '1^ 14-roomed v ula in Severn-rrad, with tarp tuàen; price, £1..100. P < of L'IId in Sevem2roa-i, IWd .W&l Pieee8o« LIBd in diS-htree!.8 in Canton. 'hHoutt;8, fentTifciil %• firinTtri house, and baeitwav v Siirr^so mi rissnhmiMi A '•x-rooined Yilla, wi h iarge, SOOM, let Mice £ 38(». Two r.Laad with a n i^fn^l^i'^r ^5s e»ch. About 8 Acres „»ta' »ro« a ye*r, about iU8a per ai*una. Driee l'i jn,f ?^' 5*ght '.»t for auia street. ThMs SouL« v^'» ""<l! Shop ia lOATO.—»ear I priC3' £ 50°" S-Mfc Eurht Howes, lat r*nt» » year; price, f^-N^ed H<W taLSL8* week P"ce' ^205 «oh. #»• taCeell»#e»d-let at^?iiw p' With a»id •ith fcackwar miH— I groand rent, £ 1 2a 6J; let at 8s per £ Wlth |«week; price £ *)i e^^wo i! iet I,,8* fronxul rent £ 1 Ss each nrlo. {»,5 I? „ lla P«r wwk It 4M; gToand nM. is U"roonied let ll.M«, S*c-h P»>8 the taxes price fcr yja TO BB LIT a Cnr^^»T*r Upper Graug* f>tSw ,,r n»»frc«t ^8r ?h°Pm suit^le for a with gtaMti and hariHovise, including a » h two overs, at the UpsW G^,e; 4t wee^n Hd Crder, and six-{oom«d ht>uaa ir, i,, weeit. m gov<l Inereaai' rent, if requited Nlne roorncS v ? at ,aa tndb.ekwayi, Ely-roS C.nton^ t ,1" WUh Of land for building to let *2T" S*v"tral Tj* fa \~f j, a, w i.et- Several Houses p rooms) at r>7^ ITcZt rApply ,0 Cardiif. ^or ^:r============================== £ L illiam DAVIS, I'i S^I C1BD1FP COAL MEBQHANT | aCTE-STREET, ^BUTK DOCKS, < ^SR^aTRE^ rK0ATH, CARTHFY | ^fi^^VrLL«rHa0«S'?g,2,J'to' i ^STL HOUSK COAL, t GXBOUOS 15u THTMUQH ^FOUSUBY COAL, BEST t'. BBST BllOmIDA \ALLY HOUSE COAL, i ',ÿ- B 1( ít '1' H 0 U S If. COAL, t GXBOUOS AaD THTMUQH ^FOUSUBY COAL, BEST 1»nil3' co.U,. f ^WDUO SURUIfi iMk SSMU or 1 w»a Ouututuk **» U _m- I ¥^UY RECKXrr'S PARIS BLUE, in Square I JL9 AndbewaMQftelMter iauuuona.—"1 teveWe&LAUM- UKaaS to the PBINCg of WALW for aeveralj tears, and 1 «Mtr { Mf IIOOtTI P^BBwB ts ttte ItRliw ussd.aod ea^ i.\¡ I ¡ :tInntl1. ltTESSRS. W. & S. HERN, Estate Agents, -i-VL Acconntants, Sc., 8, Working-stroet, Cardiff, are pre- pared to ADVANCE fromjtaO to Mortgage of Freehold or Leasehold Property. 1031 "l\/f ONEY".—The folloiring SUMS are ready to be J-TJL ADVANCED Security: £2,000, £1,000, .£900, £.800, .£500, £400, £.250, £211», and £100, Ap- ply to Mr. J. Samuel, Auctioneer. &c., Church-street, Cardiff. 134 -PI A A £ 10°y £ 200r £ 200, £ 300, £ 400, £ 450, ovJ-Ulj £ 500, £ 500, and £ 1,CHJ0 ready to be ADVANCED on Leasehold or Freehold Property, at 5 per cent. Apply to Mr. T. Davies, House and Land A0rent, 84, Cowbridge-road, Can- on Leasehold or Freehold Property, at 5 per cent. Apply to Mr. T. Davies, House and Land Aben:" 84, Cowbridge-road, Can- ton, Cardiff. 100 MOEY MONEY*! MONEY »—MONEY" immediately ADVANCED on Personal Security, and reas-^nab e interest charged. No Hi 1"1: of Sale r quired, thus savicg all extortionite c arges.-Apply. to L. J'li,les:one, 122, Cowbridge Road, Canton, near Cardiff. Plate ar.d Jewellery received. 1997 MONEY LENT FROM JElO UPWARDS to Householders, On their Furniture acd Effects, Wrraour RzxovAL, Also, on Plates, Watches, Diamonds, Jewellery, Pianos, Furni- ture. Stock-in-Trade, &c.. by LOUIS BARNETT, BELMONT HOUSE, CHARLES STREET, CARDIFF. 861 IONEY TO BE LENT, in Town or Country, to Gentlemen, Farmerj, Trad;amen, or others, from Fifty Pounds and upwards, upon person >1 security. Interest five per cent per annum, from OIU to seven yesis, No com- mission or charges maJ", Als=3 3umS horn Qr,e Thousand Pounds on Mortgages, at thr e and a iuif per cent. on freehold or lee. ehold property, for any tern not exceeding twenty-one years.—Apply <o Win. Holland, Esq., Civil Engineer and Sur- veyor (late Henry Howard). 11, Euston-sqnare, London, 1985 MONEY LENT, by the Lombard Bank, Li- mited, 43 and 44, Lombard-street, City, and 147, R gent- stree', W., on Deeds, Reversions, Folxres, Wàrrant8, Trade Stocks, Fann Produce, Fun1Ít ure removal), and ;Per- fonal Security. Deposits received. On demand, 5 per cent. subject to notice, 10 per cent. Opeus Drawing Accounts. Sup- plies Ch; que Books. Prospectus and balance sheet free.—J. PRYOR, Manager. 1273 MONEY.—A Private Gentleman with surplus capita!, is desirous of making inonediate ADVANCES to gentlemeu, manufacturers, farmers, tradesmen, and others, male er female, requi: ing be same, in town or country. m sums from .£10 to on note of hand. No law costs. Termi from £ o per cent., extend ng fro-n throe months t.) five years, Mort,¡a.ge6 ne- gotiated at less interest. Distance no object, as rso:1" can repay by P.O.O. or cheque. By !l.pplyinP8rsona.¡¡, from 10 to 4, or if by letter, enel08íng a stamped direcled envelope, statiug amount required, to Sir. A. BRADBURY, IS, Walwoith-road, Lon- don, S.E particulars wi.i be sent by return of post.—N.P-.—No connection with 'oaii OffiCf So Residing in øame watrict ever 3Înce 1S41. Secrecy with despatch. 746 jVedUCTIO N I^ D ISCOUNT Householders, Tradesmen, Victuallers, Cab Proprietors, Wheel- wrigtits, Eairymen, Farmers, Artizans, Me hMifa, and o'hers, can have CAJH ADVANCES on their Household Furniture, Stock-in-Trade, Cattle, ar HorsfS, WITHOUT REMOVAL. Dis- tance no object. Distress for Ren*, Sheriff's or County Court. Fxecutions paid out to any amount hy aprlying at the WEsT OF ENGLAND LOAN AND DISCOUNT OrFlCE, Avon House, Charles-street, or 2, Bute-terrace, Cardiff. N.B,-Ap;-lica.tioll.i promptly atten 'ed to, C'h Advanced also on Deposits of Jewellery, Pianos, Plate, Diimonds, or Uunsaleable Stock-in-Trade. 100 SOLOMON RLAIBFRG Manager. LAMORGAN FINANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. Capital, £ 10,000, fully subscribed. Incorporated under the Companies' Acta, 1662. and 1867. Omasa 32, ROYAL ARCADE, CARDIFF. MONEY ready to be advanced OR ali kinds of securities. All advanees are made in full. and may be repaid by equal Monthly or Quarterly Instalments, tQ SUR the convenience of the Borrowers. Scale of Repayments, Prospectuses, and all other Information may be obtained at ti.e office of the Company. The present rate of Interest on Depositsis 5 peromt. THOMAS WEBB1«, Secretary. Applications by Post should contain stamped envelope for free poøta¡,6 of reply 209 PRINCIPALITY PERMANENT BENEFIT JL BUILDING SOCIETY. OFFICE:—8, ROYAL ARCADE, CARDIFF, AJTO 43, TORK PLACE, NEWPORT, 4 3 GLEBE ST., PENARTH The Oldest, Largest, Cheapes', and Best Society U1 the District. Annual Income tor the year, 1874 £41.W6 16 8 Triennial Profits, divided in 1S74 45N 18 5 This Society has new worked for 15 years without any loss. Shares 111ay be hken. ai d Deoaits from £ 10 to £ 3,000, at 5 per cent, interest, ireid from risk, can be wade daily, on ppH- cation t the Ofixes as above. WM. SANDERS, 1-4 Managiog Secretary. GLAMORGAN BENEFIT BUILDING SOCIETY. CARDIFF. FROM: JE5 TO £2.000. DEPOSITS RECEIVED DAILY, AI FIVE PER CENT. INTEREST. Payable Half-yearly. R. EMERY, Secretary, BRITANNIA BUILDINGS, DOCKS. 15th August, 1874. 166 CARDIFF PERMANENT BENEFIT BUILD. ING SOCIETY. Omen: No. 3, CROCKHERBTOWN, CARDIFF. Trusths Wm. Alexander, Esq. Chaa. W. David, Esq. Chaa. Henry Williams, Esq. SSCMIABT: Pete Price. AsKfn :—Pontypridd, Maseru Alexander Bros. Walnut Tree Bridge, Mr Wm. Evans, Junction Shop Marthyr and Aberdare, Mr David Evans, Auctioneer; Newport, Mr Thomas J. Jones, Auctioneer, Commercial Buildings Rhymney, Mr Jones, The Picton Arms, PouUottyn; Ogmore and Cwmgarw, Mr. John Martell, Post Office, Ogmore Vale; 11 miliiiwint. Mr. William John, Rrynteg, Llantrissant. Sums of £ LOO to £3.000 ready to be advanced on Mortgage of Houses or Land. Intending Borrowers should send in applications for advances on the day in the Month. Shares may be taken and Deposits made daily. All furtlier information, of Roles, Actuary's Reoort, luuaooe-sreet, Sic., may be obtained daily, ali the Society's Office, Crockherbtown, Cardiff, er of any of the Society's Agents. N.B.—The present rate ai interest on Deposits is 6 per cent. six nlOÐtha. notice, tt per cont. three months, and 1 per cent. at I call.. 2003 1653 PETER PRICE. Secretary. THE TAUNTON AND WESTOF ENGL AND JL PERPETUAL BENEFIT BUILDING SOCIETY, The oldest, the most equitable, and safest in the Principality. Established 1S57. Investing S lures, 5s. pHmol!th..£60 eac". Borrowing Shares, 10s. per month, &CO each. This Company has always aU )wed Members to withdraw a' any time by giving three months* notice, cr by paying one month's illtreet instead of notice. No int re^t charged beyond thia. Prop's added to Members' Subscriptions every year. Three ptr Cent. vi the Profits may Ice withdrawn, on redemp- tion, any time after first five years. Applications to be made by borrowers, Investors, or Depositors, at 32, Royal Arcade, Cardiff. THOMAS WEBBER, District Manager, or 3, Haramet-street, Taunton, 1S9 ALBEtiT GOODMAN, Secretary. i dutaticu. IISS RIGHTON, (Mrs. W. G. TRICB), Associate of the London Academy of Music, (Pupil of Sir Julius Benedict and Dr. VV; lit), PROFESSOR 07 THE PIANOFORTE, WINDSOR PLACE, CARDIFF. 2190 BEDFORD COUNTY SCHOOL COMPANY JD (LIMITED). HIT vmMjjs-EARL COWPER, K.G Vici.-CiLviBMAN—Mr. SAMUEL WHITBRKAD, M.P. HUD-)(A8T8tI. OF THB SCHOOL—C. W, BOUttNE, M.A., Cantab., late Senior Mathematical Master at Marlborough College. Annual Fee £36, or £12 per Term. Ths next Tenn will commence January 19th, 1876. Apply to Secretary, Mr. M. Sharman, 6, St. Bedford. 2277 MRS. S. J. D A V S C H 00 L, iTJL FOR YOUNG LADIES. 29J CHARLES STREET, (Opposite Weelev Chapel,) CARDifF. 1705 6 WINDSOR-PLACE, CROCKHERBTOWN, MRS. MARTTN'S School, for a limited number of Young Ladies, ba RE-OPENJEID on THURSDAY, July 29. Cardiff, December z9th. 1507 BOARDING SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES, conducted by the IHSUS MARKS, a sisted by compe'ent I English and French Governesses. The Misses Marks beg to an- nounce t'lat their house hai b1!en cOD8idecablyenIared and ÎIn- proved, and that consequently they are able more effectually to give the:r boarden all the comforts and attention of home. The next quurter will commence on the 21 h JrfLT (D.V.) Harrow House, Dumfries-place, Cardiff, .bine 34th, 1874. 129 o m m E R c i A L s cla o o L, 33, ADAM-STREET, CARDIFF, Established 1356. PxrsciFAl. Mr. BEES LEWIS. FIRST-CLASS COMMERCIAL EDUCATION given to a.ll boys entering the School. Candidates prepared for the Civil Servro &uminatWnø. Music taught. For further particulars apply to Hr. Rees Lewis, 33, AdaD1. Street. 1S6 ST. MARY'S HALL, CARDIFF. BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES. PREPARATORY CLASSES FOR YOUNG GENTLEMEN Uacsk Tim YUIUI or Aug. COSTOCCTSD BT MR. AND MRS. SIMPSON, Certificated Teachers (First Class). New Quarter Commences Octohes 6th. 1914 ST. JOHN'S SCHOOL,? CA.RDIFF. Private Tuition lQr 6d. par Quarter. Mr. F. BOWEN, Member and Associateof the College of Pre- senters, author of Key to the Acts," "Life of St. Haul," Upper (3MS School Arithmetic," English Patrsingand Analysis," Ac. Position on Government Class-List:— By Examination i.First Class. By Service .Firft Claas. All the advantages of a good MIDDLE CJMSS EDUCATION. 161 ^Insurance Jlotfees. SUN F I R E () F F I C Established A.D., 171QL Insurances effected from la, 6d. per £100 per antmm. No Charge for Policy or Stamp. Proafit and Libera Low Settlement. Duty on.Insurance in the Sun in 1818, Cl20,, being more than one-ninth of the whole amount paid by Sixty-two Offices then existing. Prospectuses, Forms of Proposal, and aBiafomation respecting Fire Insurance, may be obtained of the Acent, I MA. JOHN JEKX1NS, i Pubiic Aoeountant. <?» 80, Hbrh-ateeet. Cardiff. g u » FIRE O F J I C B. AGUT, MB. PETER PRICE, N-NT^ F!^?, £ ?Tinst ft>r twenty yean an Artot ot the SUN FTRE OFiICE, can c>nfltl«ntly recommend it to^M notice of the the known character whteh this Sodetv lubiic Jtôtitt. COUNTY OFLA.MORGAN. Whereas, at the GENERAL QUARTER SESSIONS of the PEACE held at the Town of Gaidiff, in and for the said county, on MONDAY, the Twenty-eighth day of June, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy-five, the itatc- ment of Thomas William Eooker and john Prichard, Esiiuircs, two of her Justices of the Peace, acting in and for the Eaid county. That it was expedient that the parishes cf St. Fagans and Llatiil terae, in the Hundred of Dynatpowis, in the said county, and now forming part cf the Pe'ty Sessional Divi- sion of such Hundred of Dynaspowis, and so much of the j arish of Egv.v;, MUII, in the Hundred cf Caerphilly, in the said county, as lies within one mile to the East of that part of the River Taff. which i between the Tat! Vale Railway I Bi ijge at Tail's Well on the North. and the point wh- re tha said parish of E^lwysilan joins the parish of Wbitchmeh, rear Ton-jwynlaij on the Scutli, and Inw forming part o! the Petty Sessional Division of tho Lower Division of such Hundred of Caerphid; commonly called the Division of Caer- philly Lower, shcu'd henceforth be added to a form part of the Petty Se-.soLa! Division of lh., Hundred of Kibbor, in the said COlIu!y, That toe slid Petty Sessionsl Division cf Kibbor now c'm- pri-es the parishes of Caer-u, Llanedarne, Lanithen, Lisvane, Roath, Radyr, and Whitchurch, an I part of the parish of Llandaff. That the said Petty 8 ssionil Division of Kiboo. will be in- creased by such addi ionai rarishes of St. Fagans and Lliu- illterue, and the siid part of thi said parish of Eijlw.vsilan being added the and the said Potty S<83icnal Division o! Dynaspowis, ai <1 of Caerphilly Lower w ll be deereissd, thereby the said Divis on of Dynupowis to the extant of the said parishes of St. Fagans. and Llanillteroe, and the said divisioa of Caerphilly Lower to the extent of the Faid part of the said parish of Fglaysilan, living in pur- suance of notice for that purpofe, given under the direc- tions of the Act G, Geo. 4, c. 43, in t'lree successive numbers of The Cambrian, Cardiff Timet, and Mcrthyr bxprrxs news- papeis, 1.:SU,Û:y published and circula.1.eÙ within the said county, laving been taken iut) consideration a the said SS5ion8. It was ordered that the omsiderati n of the said statement should be th n adjourned to the next General Quarter Sesiions of the said Cvu ity, to be hot :en at Swansea, on Monday, the Eighteeuth cay cf October, Oue Thousand Eight Hun- dred aud Seventy-five, anù at the la->t tamed Sessions it was ordered thit the sai,lst1.tement should be adapted, nd that the said several Parishes of Saint Fagans and Liiniilterne, in the Hundred cf Dynaspowis, ia tie Siid County, and now forming part of the Petty Sessional Divls'on of such Huudred of Dynaspowis, and so much of the Parish cf E«lwysiUn, in the Hundred of Caerphilly, as is before-mentioned, should henceforth be added to and form pjrt of the Patty Sessional Division of the Hundred of Kibbor in the said couaty, aod that such order should take effect from the Sixteenth day of Ûf.tober, 1876, being the tirst day of the next Michaelmas Quait r Sessioni cf the Peace for the said Countj. And Notice is hereby given, that such Order of Court will be enrolled at the General Quarter Seuions of the Peace, to be held in and for the said county, on the said Sixteenth day of Odob.r, 1876, and that at any Court of Quarter Ses8ior.fi preceding the last menticned Sessions, ay person, y palitio or corporate, jointly or severally, may present a petttion in writing to such Court againtt :1'1 ør 3"y p.na of such, rder. Notice of the in'ention to prtsent such petition, and the ground thereof, must be served Ten ciiar days before the commencement of 9uch Sessions, on one of the Overseers of the Poor of the parish or place wherein such patitioner shall re-cde at the time of presenting sLlch p tition, aud must aiso b3 lodged with tbe Cleck of the Pe of the Couuty of Glamorgan 'J. wdnty clear days before such Sessions. By Order of Court. THOMAii DALTON, Clerk of tbePeace. CARDIFF, 16th November, 1875. 2372 AMENDED uTlC". GLAMORGANSHIRE. TAFF AND FLY FISHERY DISTRICT. SALMON FlSBERE ACTS, 1861 to 1873. OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that at ihe General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, hsld at Swansea, in and for the County of Glamorgan, on Monday, the 18th daY6f October, 1873, the fol:ûw- ing gentlemen were appointed Conjervatois ior the Taff and ft;iy FI8herr .ïi4trictfor the ensuing ye» :-Thomas William Booker, Esq., Velindre, Cardiff; John Hoyle, N-q., Cardiff Castle James Brogilen, Esq., Cocdrig an, near Cardiff; the Honourabe Henry Camt.bel! Bruce. DuHryn, AberdaTe; Wiliam Sbewrd Cart- wiight, Eq., Newport. Mon. George Thomas Ciajrk, Esq., Dowiais House.; tha Honourable CoJon,,1 George Herbert Wind- sor CIltc, M.P., St. Fagans, Cardiff John Stuart Corbett, Beq., Cogan Pill Hon e, C,mli4; Robert Francis la'1e8 Jennr, Eøq Wenvoe Castle, Car<ttff Major Vaughan Hanning Lee, M.P., Dtl.ington Park, Taunton; Henry Lewis, Etiq., Green Metdow, Caniiff: Robert Rickards Eiiq" Maindy, Cacdiff; George Svilliams Griffiths Thorn's, Esq., The Heath, Cardiff; George Montgomery Trahnrne, Kilq" t. Hilary, towbridge; Major Thomas Picton Turbnvill, Kwenriy Priory, Bridgecd; Ev,n Widiams, isq., Duffryn-ffrwd, Cardiff; G ,vilym Willi ims, Fsq., Miskin Manor, Pontypridd Rev. David Watkin V/i'.liams, if Fairfi ld, Pontyrridd; and Messrs Elward David, TheHendre, Llandaff: iiichard EdwarJs, Vedwhir, Llsvydcced. Aberdare; R >beri, Fore.t, Ksq., St. Fagans, Cardiil and Benjamin Matthews,Glacelv, Cardiff. And NOTICE IS HEkEBY JoTR. THEN GIVE.V, that the first ire?ting of the said Board of Con- servators will te held OR WednesJay, the 24th day of November, 18;5, at Noon, at the Royal Hotel. Cardiff. By order cf the Ceurt, 1HO. DALTON. Cardiff, 2nd November, 1575. C.etk of the Peace. 2207 rpAFF VARAILWAY. FIVE PER C3:NT. PREFERENTIAL SHARES. FOURTH AND LAST CALL OF £2 PER SffARS, MAKING EACH SHAKE FILLY PAID UP. In pursuance of a Reso'.ut'dn of the Board of Directors the Pro- prietors cf F.ve re" Cent. Preferential £10 Shares in this under- taking, are require I to pay on the 1st day of January, 1876, the FOURTH AND LAST CALL of TWO POUSDS IU Shara to the National Provincial Bank of Erg and, at Cardiff, Bristol, or London. Interest at the rate of Five psr Cent, per Annum will be charged on all calls remaining unpaid after the said 1-t dav of January. FREOERICK MAR WOOD, Secreta-y. Cirdiff, lith November, ls75. 2871 GLAMORGANSHIRE CANAL NAVIGATION. NOTICE is HEREBY GIVEN thtt a SPECIAL GENERAL MiETINGor As embly of the Coxpany of Proprietors of the said Canal Navigation will be heid at the Cardiff ArtniJ Inn, in the own of Cardiff, in the County of Glamorgan, on TUESDAY, the 30th day ot NOVEMBER ins.sni, at the hoar of 12.30 in the Afternoon, for the purpose of taking into consideration the leasing of a portion f the Cs-tal known as the Sea Lock Pond," and the Houses, Wharfs, and La, ds of the Company, from Crockherbtown ock geawarJs, and of determining on the steps to be taken r<4ativ<" threw; Dated ft. T. CRAW SHAY, Chartcan. ÐEORGE PHRL3MORE, W. T. CRAW SHAY, (HARLES H. JAMES, for George Martin, Frank James, and self, Trustees of W. Mey- ;0 rck's Estate. 3750 mi. GEQi-GE THOM < S. Seaiion, 1876. In the matter of the Elementary Education Acts, 1S70 acd 11; SCHOOL BOARD FOR CARDIFF, IN THE l COUNTY OF GLAMORGAN. NOTICE ia HEREBY GIVEN, tht the School Board for Cardiff, ir> pursum.e a:id in exerc^e ot the powers giv^n them by the Pigmentary Educa'.ion Acts. 1370 and 1373 (in which first-mentioned Act tb3 Lands Clau-es Consolidation Act, 1845, and the Acs amending the 8lme, are with certaiu except,ons incorporated), and of every po*er enabling Hum in this bahalf, propose to take all and every the piec s or parcels of lands and her"ditament;r, the situat:onsa.ud quantiiiei whereof are giveu Ín the schedule here'o, for t13 purpL8¿s of erecting on the said pieces or parcels of ialld certain Louses in which pubLic elemen- tary schooli IDlY be carried OD, and oi providing playgrounds to be attached tt ereto. And NOrIC is HEREBY FURTHER GlVES, that a plan of each of the said peces or parce's of 11lld may be sen at all reason hc.urs at the office of th3 Cl'-ri-z of the School Beard (vr Cardiff, at the Town Hall, in the iiorough of Cardiff. Dated at Cardiff, this 5th November, 1875. D. REE3, Clerk oi the Board. SCHEDULE ABOVE REFERRED TO. .j Quantity in Parish. £ ascription and situation of 1 square feet property. (about). ADAMSDOWN. Partly in the tjk Parish of Saint! PiJce of vac >nt land adjoining j Mary the Virgin, Adaoiidown House, Loui dedon and partly in the north by the hOU8 and th3 Parish of premiseS of South .19Z Boath, both in on the cast by M(,ra-pldc, on the Borough of the south by Adamadown House Cardiff, In the: rorollilds, and on the west by County of Gla- W indsor-road. morgan. I BUTE-STREET. Parishof 3aint Piece of land with wooden Mary theVirgia. sheds, in the occupaton of Mr in the Town cf Reynolds, Plumber, situate Cardiff, in the near 8t ifary Church, in Bute- County of Gla-, strtet. bounded on the north by morgan. premises Jto. 240, Borc srreet aiore3Md, in the occupation cf 1<V1 Mr Murphy,Provision Merchant; • on the ea«t by Bute-street; on tha south by No th Church- on the by Bute-street; on tha south by No th Church- street on the west by build- ings anti Hemises being No. 1, North Church-street, in the occupation of the Sisters of I' Mercy, by Brewery-street and by a back lane. TEMPERANCE-10 WN. >: Piece of vacant land bounded Partshot Samt, on the north by Wood-street Mary theVtrgin, and back of the River Taff on in the Town of the east bv back walls and pre- S&.77I Oardiff, in the j uji^es of houses situate on the, County of ula- west side of Eisteddfod street; morgan. on south by the embank- ment of the £ outh Wales Rail- way aud on the west by the River Tafl. way aud on the west by the River Tafl. J I OLD SEA. LOCK. Five dwelling-houses and pre- Parish of Saint mises No. 13,14,15,16, andl7, Ma-y the Virgin. Eleanor-street, facing the Old in the town of Sea-lock, together with a por- Cardiff, in the tkm of a Bu tiler's yaid,occupied County ol Gla- by Mr Thomas Haines, and cer- morgan. tain stables outbuildings there- in occupied by Mr George Vending, Mr. Humphrey Tay- lor, and Mr Robert Day at the back of the eaid houses, and 10,0SQ having an opening into Eleanor- pUwe," bounded on the North b; Eleanor-street, on the East partly by No. 18, Heanor- street, and partly by the aforesaid yard on the West by a lane at Lhe rear of the bouses in Penarth-terrace; and on the North by a lane at the! rear oi the houses in Windser- eiptanada. D. REES. T ° B U 2- L D E R S. PERSONS aet.rons of COHTRACIING for the EREC- TION of Police Stations at Liantrissant and Pandy may see Plans and Specifications at my Office, No. 6, WORKING STRUT, CAEDIFF, on and after MONDAY, the 8th day of fiovxM- BBII, instmt. Copies of quantities mav be had on application to me. Tender to be sent me addressed, Tat-dcrs for Station," 011 or before the 1st day of DBCEMBIR next, J:acI1 Tender mnst be accompmitd by the name of two Sureties far the due performance of the Contract, or they will not be at. tendel to. THO. DALTON, Clerk of Peace. Cardiff, 2nd Nov., 1375. 3866. SPECIAL NOTICE BIBLE CLASSES are being held on SABBATH U AFTERNOON 3, from 3 to 4, and TUESDAY EVENINGS, from 8.15 to 9.16, intended to assist the young men who have recently given themselves to Christian work, through the recent Religious Meetings, 18 the Booms of the Young Men's Christian Association, M, Crockherbtown, Cardiff; also a PRAYER MEET- ING on SABBATH EVENING, at 8.15, to ask God's blessing upon this work. t Thoroughly unssstavian. All Oassas invited. 17i ) "TO THE POTATOE DISEASE.—A Treatiae on the JL Disease in Potatoes, by a praotical Farmer and Gardener; the Cause and Cure, with refutation of the Principal Theories advanced by others, together with plain directions for preparing ) the land, 8Dd farming a hearier crop ot potetcet, entirely free t trom the plague; mcludtog also a pefrect ear* tor ithe Voot-and- Mouth Disease mO^le. Tost frM oa receipt ol SI penny W. WMiy-ggf fufelir jTatkei DRILL HALL, CARDIFF. (By kind permission of the Marquess cf Bute.) THE CARDIFF CHORAL UNION Will give a GRAND CONCERT IN AID OF THE FUNDS OF THE CARDIFF INFIRMARY, ON WEDNESDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 24th, 1875. AATISTSS MISS GERTRUDE LEWIS. MldS JENNY LEWIS. MR H. T. E Y W A T E R, (The celebrated Blind Tellor) MR BRANDON, (Principal B-SS, Exeter Hall, Bass Oratorios and Musical Fest vals,) THE BAND WILL CONSIST OF 35 PERFORMERS, THE CHOIR WILL NUMBER ABOUT ISO VOICES, Tha Solol at.d Choruses will be Accompmied by the Band. CoXDtrcroR, MR REES LEWIS; ACCOMPANIST, Mr W. TRICE; Leaeer OF THE BAND, Mr E. G. WOODWARD. Doors open at Hal'-past Seven, Concert ,to commence at Eib.t o'clock.. PRICS5! OF ADMISSION Reserved and Numbered Seats, 5s' fc'ecoinl Seats, Unnumbered, 2s 6d GatUry, Is GJ; Promenade, la- Tickets at Mr William Lewis's, Duke-street, where Plan of ms Halt may be seen. 3747 QARDIFF CALEDONIAN SOCIETY. THE THIRD ANNUAL BANQUET will be held ON TUESDAY, 30TH INST., (ST. ANDREW'S DAY,) at the ROYAL HOTEL, CARDIFF. C. LUNDIE, Esq.. ia the chair. Tickets, Otic Guinci each, i xluding wines, may be ob'alned from tile W,WJi):'8 oi Committee, or from PETER WHYTE, Honorary Secretary. Butd Docks, Cardiff, 11th November, 1975. 2385 3713 IIUTCHINSON & T A YLEURE'S -H- GRAND CIRCUS. ST. MARY STREET, CARDIFF. Infirmary Saturday. Fi. st Grand Diy Performance of the season, Saturday, Nov. 20tii. fee bills, &c. Saturcay evening, the People's Night—GRATD EXTRA DOUBLE PERFORMANCE. Monday, Nov. 22nd, and every evening, the MYsTERIOUS MAN, whose performance has nightly astonished, yet delighted tho u ands, will appear iu a llW aid oriaina. entertainment on the Enchanted Ascending Musical Spiral, cxtraordiuary exhi- bition, accomplished only by PrtI\Ci £ SADI D'JALMA, the champion of all nations'. Re-apyearance, after three years' abs nee, of the great Cardiff favourite, TiCDDY STERLING. the wcoden-le^'ged Clown Great su cess ofSTOKELLI, as L'Diable de Mu?ique. F rst appearance of ALPHA ? as equestrian clown, mimic, and gro e ,qU!; the youngest ride? in the world. The bean iful, t'le fascinating, ever-pha<ing ADA ISAACS, the celebrated Lad) ,le>ter. On sceouat of the inclement state of th, weather, INFIRMARY SATURDAY is postponed t'll NOV. 20th. Fir t Grand Day Performance of the Sfason. Doors open at 2 p.m., commencing at Note.—The whole of the proceeds, withevt anj d-ductiou, will be handed over to the Cudiff Infirma-y. O. en every evening 3' 7.15; oommencinc7.45. Second price at 9 o'clock—Grand Day Pe formance every Satur- day at 2.30 —boxes is 6d bit and promenade (Jd, {)3 IK FIRMAEY SATURDAY AT THE CAR- DIFFCIRCUS, SATURDAY, Nov. 20tb, at ?.30 p.m. Dooi'3 open at 2. Carriages ordered at 4.15. AH the Artistes will appear; all will pive thiir services gratuitously. The Pro- prietors rely upon the support of thj Publ c on this occasion, as tbey intend handing oter the whale of the Proceeds of the acove Performance to the C*RDIKF INFIRMARY, without any deduction whitever. BRILLIANT PROGRAMME. Chi'dren under 10 Haif-prics to all parts of the house. 3748 GLAIORGANSHIRE COUNTY ROADS U BOARD. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that,thj Special Meeting of tha County Roads Board proposed to be h. lien a.t Bridgend on the lith (by of Novfmber instant, w ill not be then held, And NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN, t; at a Specia' Meeting of the aid County Roads Boards will be lvdden st Bridgend, in the said County, on WEDNESDAY, the FL st day of De ember next, a'. Neon, for the purpesj of consulting ab Hit erecting a Tell Gate or Ton Gatei, to bs called the Heath Gites," in, upon, or across the turnpike road leading from Roath and Cardiff towards Merthyr and Caerphilly, at or near tl» second mile-.tonj on the aad turnpike Nd ltading from Cardiff to )1erthy1', I nd if EO detérmuled to make sucb orders relating ther to as ntay be dc mad expedient. r a. ed this N intli day of November. 1875. IHOjSAS DALTON, 2319 Clerk to the Boa.rd. All Pe sons desiring to contiact to supply the following request, d to sen a sealed tenders to the gaol, by Twelve o'clock on SATURDAY, the November, 1875. Th: contract t) commenee on the 18 De- cm^r, and to cÙlltÏuue in force until thi 23th February, 1876. Beet Beef (without be ne) per lb It l' cks or 1. u;,toa Flt ur per ea k Oat "eal w per cwt. Mottl d Scap tf „ Yellow Soap .« „ „ Salt „ Split Peas per bushel. Coals (best Screened, delivered) per ton. C'*ais (Through and Through, delivered).. Sm ill Coal (delivered) Jt Leather Printing The terms of payments sn at the close of the Quarter Sessions subsequent to the tetmination of the contract. J. S. KNOX, Major, Governor County Gaol. 2326 FJP A FF V AL E R XTL~W^A7Y7 NOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN, that Goods and Mineral Tr iins will be J1¡un on the Cowbride Bailway during the Month of De^eoihier, 1S"5. Particulars may be ascertained on appl'e tion at the £ tati<ns. and to GEORGE FISHER, General Manager. Cardiff, 12th Nov.. 3^ ff'O THE ELECTORS OF THE PARISHES X or PENARTH, LLANDOUGH, AND COGAN. LADIBS asd GBSTLKMKN,— We beg to offer curselves as Candi- dates for seats at the Local Board of Health, abJut to be formed for the district of Penarth. b. coming bdorp you as Candidates, we do so as rerfectlY independent men, wishing to act in the bCJt interests of the iatep-iyers. Whilst we are desirous that sanitary improvements and other mnttdrB wliieh may ba Ileedful should be properly carried out, we pledge olirse\-e3 to protec; the ratepayers against any unnecessary expenditure, We are. Ladies and Geutlemcn, Your obedient Servants, (Signed) JOHN FRY, JOHN GUTHRIE, WILLIAM ltiLEY EDWIN V AClIEL L. Penaith, Nov. 2, 1375. 3517 V.R.—Farming in Canu'a.—V.R. TO TENANT FARMERS.—There B no class JL to which Canada offers a better field than to the Tenant Farmers o! Great Britain and Irel vud who are anxious to change their condition of Leaseholders to that of owners of the Soil. Canada is comparatively so clcae to England (Liverpool to Quebec beicg the shortest sea passage to Amsric.i, average 9 day),and the means of intercommunieition are so numerous and expeditious, that within a few years it is not uureas03able to expect that the Dominion ill supply the home market with farm produceas readily as did Ireland twenty searS ago, and with far more profit to the producer. The superiority of Canadian Dairy produce has now been fully established. The Winter Wheat of Ontario, exhibited at the Paris W01 Id's Exhibition in 1S66, took the first prize and at theFiuit Show in Boston, U.S., in 187S, tbe largest ever held, Canada tookthe first prize for out-door hardy grapes and plums, and sis medals for peachfs, pears, &c., ia compet'tioa with each aud all of the States of the American UnIOn. the growth and suc-tess of Stock Farming in the Dominion is demonstrated by the large demand from them for hith-bred Eng- )ish stock, the faces cf leading buyers of the former country, like the Honouratles G. Brown and Cochrane, and Messrs. Stone, Snell, Hood, Hope, Craig, aad others, or their representatives, being now familiarto farmers at ail the best exhibitions and sales of prize stock in Great Britain, Importations from Canada of live stock and fresh meat have recently been made and atten- doo with liO little p&;I1!1iary succees. Improved Farms, Dwellings and Farm Buildings, can be purchased at prices ranging from .£4 and upwards per acre, according to quality, or for the amount required to carry on a leMed Farm in Great Britain. FREE GRANTS of rough, uncleared, but first-class Land. of from 100 to 200 acres, may be obtained of the various Pro- vincial Goemment8, with additions in tome cases for grown-up chddren. ASSISTED, ALMOST AMOUNTING TO FBEE, PASSAGES, are granted toFa m Labourers and Domestic Servants. The Agents of the Government in Canada will furnish trust- worthy information as to Lands open for Settlement in their res- pective Provinces and Districts, and Farms for Sale, &c. Further information may bo obtained, with descriptive pamph- lets, maps, &c., gratis, on application to Edward Jenkins, Esq. the Agent-Gcnoral for Canada, Canada Government Building Kintrttreet.Westmicster. London, 8. W. 21 8 280 d FREE EMIGRATION^ TO JF SOUTH AUSTRALIA. FREE PASSAGES to SOUTH AUSTRALIA are granted to Artisans, Agricultural, Railway, and pother Labourers, and Gardeners, Copper, Tin, and Lead Miner", not exceeding 40 years of age, Single cr Married, with not more than three Children, also to Single Female Domestic Servants. Persons of the above callings and ages, paying their own Full Passage, receive a Land Order Warrant of the value of £20 for every Adult above 12, and £10 for Cbildren between 1 and 12 years of age. HANDBOOK DESCRIPTIVE OF THE COLONY, Gratis on Application. Immediate application should be made to the Authorised Local Selecting Agent, Mr G. F. PRICE, Church-street, Pontypridd, or to 1 he Emigration Agent for South Australia, Bo 8., Victoria Chambers, Westminster, London, S.W. 224 MESSRS. W. H. SMITH A SON deliver the SOUTH WALES DAILY NBWS at an Early Hour each Morning in all ¡;.n. of the following Towns:— CARDIFF SWANSEA NEWPORT ROATH MERTHYR POBTSKEWETT CANTON ABERDARE BRISTOL BUTE DOCKS PONTYPOOL ROAD HEREFORD BRIDGEND NEW MILCORD GLOUCESTER NEA orR PEMBROKE DOCK LAMPETER LLATTBLLY TENBY ABEKY8TWXTH HAVERFORDWEST CARMARTHEN fte CARDIFF TIMES also delivered every Friday to any address in the above-named Towns. ORDEBS to be sent to the Managers of the various Bookstalls FOR COUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA,, JGRONCHITIS, and NEURALGIA. DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE. Vice-Chancellor Sir W. Page Wood stated publicly in Court that Dr J. Colas BrowDe WM undoubtedly the inventor of Chlorodyne, that the whole story of the defendant Freeman was deliberately untrue, and he regretted to ear it had been sworn to. -8M the Times, July 13, 1S64. « DR. J. Collis Browne's CHLORODYNE. The Right Hon. Eari Russell communicated to the College of Physic,ans and J. T. Davenport that he had received information to the effect that the only remedy of any service in cholera was Chlorodyne, See "Lmcet," Dec. 31,1S63, DB. j -JDoHia Browne's CHLORODYNE Extract from the "Medical Times," Jan. 12, 1866 la prescribed by scores of orthodox practitioners. -,Of course it would not be thus singularly popular did it not supply a want and fill a place." DR. J. Colli J Browne's CHLORODYNE ia th« certain remedy in coughs, edds, asthma, consumption, neuralgia, rheumatism, Jtc. DR. J. CoUis Browne's CHLQS&ODYifE is a certain cure in cholera, dysentery, diarrhoea, &c. B. J- CoUiTBrowna'a CHLORODYNeT CAUTION.—-None genuine without the words Dr. J. Colli* >Bfown«'s Ohio- rodyne on the Government stamp. Overwhelming medical tes- timony aocoinnaniea each bottle.. Sole manufacturer. J. T. DAVENPORT, 88, Great Russell-street, Bioomsfeury, London. j Cardiff jtoiript SUftiaa. CARDIFF MUNICIPAL ELECTION, 1875. I TO THE BURGESSES OF THE SOUTH WARD. LADIES AND GEYmzmzN,- The election of Kr Winstone to the office of Alderman having caused a vacancy in the representation of your Ward in the Council, I have baen raque3ted by a large number of influential slsctors, who kindly promise,l me their support in the late contest, to place my services at your disposal. This I do with pleasure, assuring you, that should I be elected, I wiii, to the best of my energy and ability, attend to the important duties of the oSce. • I am, Ladies and Gentleman, Your obedient servant, D. EDGAR JMES. 46, Loudoun Square, 2344 Nov. 9th, 18T5. 3630 QARDJFF MUNICIPAL ELECTION, 1875. TO THE BURGEiSES O. THE WEST WARD. LA cuts AND GKNTLBMES,— In consequence of the Election of new Aldermen, two vacan- cies have occurred in ycur Ward, and yu wid son bo called upon to elect Candidates to represent you at the Town Council. Having carried on a somewhat extensive bu iness in H'gh- glre it and elsewhere for the past twenty years, and watched the growih cf this impoitant town with mu li interest, I feal this to be a suitable opportunity of offering myself as a Candidate f,)r the honour of representing you at the Cvuncil Board. My general conduct is pretty well known, while the active part I hive taken in every movement for the benefit of the town, moral y as well as ci: mmcreiai iy, induces nie to hope that my service4 will be acceptable to the BurgeS383 generally. I come before you as a perfectly Independent C.indidite, pre- pared to d.-voi,e my time and ene gies ta the furtherance of the beat interest of the town generally. I am, Ladies and Gentlemen, Yours very trul v, THOMAS EVAyS. 7, High-atreet, Cardiff. 2345-3621 I CARDIFF MUNICIPAL ELECTION. MR. EVANS. COMMITTEE WILL MEET EVERY EVENING AT 7.30 p.m., i. tha ANTE.ROOM of the j! STUART HALL. 2384 QARDIFF MUNICIPAL ELECTION, 1875. ,TO THE BURGESSES OF THE WiST WARD. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, I beg to thank those of you who have voluntarily offered to support me in my candidature for a seat at the Council for the West Ward but as I do not wi h to oppose some of those ge^tl> men who were in the field before me, I have detei mined most respectfully to withdraw from a contest which can .ot fail to excite unnecessary feeling. I Trusting at some future t'me to have the honour of representing yot". I am, Ladies and Gentlemen, You. obedient strvant, JOHN THOMAS. Tho Old Brewery, Cardiff. CARDIFF MUNICIPAL ELECTION, 1875. TO THE ELECTORS OF THE WEST WARD OF THE BOROUGH OF CARDIFF. LADIES AND GBKTLEMKN,— Itiaccoi-dancewi,ht..eLu-.Perousi- signal request of the rate- payeis of our Ward, I have consented to be nominat d as a candi date for your suffrages, to fiii one of the vacancies occasioned by the e'cction of tha Mayer cf Cat (I ff acd Mr Bowen to the office of AJderm=n. If it ba your pleasure to honour me with your support on Elect'ou day (24th instant), it will be my constant endeivcur to promote the well-being of the Ward, and to prove your confidence hns 1:0. been miaplaeod. I have the hoaonr to be, Ladies and Gentlemen, Ycur 00 dient servant, 21, Working-street, Cirdiff, THOMAS CROSS. Nov. Cth, 1875. 3759 CARDIFF MUNICIPAL ELECTION, 1875. TO THE BURGESSES OF IHE WESr WARD. LADlES AND GESTLEMEX, — In consequence of the Etcc'.ion to the Alderraanie Chair of our much-respected Mayor, Ut Dauie* Jon ;<, and Mr H. Bowsn, Jate yourreprjsontiti.es ill the Town Council, you will be called on to elect Two Councillors to a.I t.h3 seats thus rendered vacant. In deference to the earnest solicitation of a large and influen- tial body of ratepayers, I have, after duly considering tb; responsibilities, du'i s, and honours appertaining to the office of Town Councillor, consented to allow myseif to be nominated for one of the vacant seats. Being iiativa of. the town, I am personally interested in furthering its advancement, by fostering it commerce and promoting eveiy industry wtich wilt tend- to enhance its position .and malie it tint great and important seipoit, for which citure an l circumstatcos havo so admirably adapted it. My business experience has, I trust, trade mo conversant with some of its requirements, and contributing as I do largely to its ri es, it will be my study, both for in 7 own interest and that of th ratepayers, to counsel economy in the administration of Municipal affairs, having at ali times a dus regard to efficiency. Thera are many questions to whi zh (if elected) I shall direct my elfecial attention. Foiv most eir.on^st tlusa atquircment by the Corporation cf the Gas Works and Wator Work-. which I consider should be in the hands of the Municipal authorities, that the piofits dervati theretrom may be applied to lessen fie liurdens of taxation. Another question of eq ;a! importance, and which claiais promp attontion, is th,\t of a Publio Lecture Hall," the want of which hasfora considerabb time been siverely fait. On these ques- tions I am mo t pronounced. Shou'd you honour ri with your confidence, 1 will devote my time and attotti ;n to further the moral, Eoc'al, and commercial well-being.of the Ratepayers, and promote such maasures a3 wal tend to the prosperity of this important tov. aud thui render myself worthy cf th-j trust I atk you to repose ill me. I sm, Ladies and Gentlemen, Yours obodiertlf, THOMAS WINDSOR JACOBS. Qusen's Head Ho I el, ,Bridge stre: t. CarJifE 9th November 1875. 3623-2347 CARDIFF MUNICIPAL ELECTION, 1875. TO THE ELECTORS OF THE EAST WARD, LADIES AND A vacancy having been created in your Ward by the election of Mr Elliott as Alderman, and a number of iafluantial ratepayer having requested me to come forward as a candidate, I have decided to place my services at your disposal. Having bèen a resident in the town for sixteen years and also a 1 u-ge ratepayer," mj interests are identical with yours. Should you dome the honour to elect me as your represouh- tive, it shall, at all timea. ba my earnest endeavour to promote the best iuterea's of this important and rapidly increasing Borough. I am, Ladles and Gentlemen, Faithfully yours, ANDREW FULTON. Park-place, November 9th, 1876. 2316-3629 IMPROVED AND ECONOMIC COOKERY. JL Use LIEBIG COMPANY'S EXTRACT OF MEAT as stock of beef-tea, soups, made dishes and sauces; gives fine flavour and great strength. Invariably adopted in households when fairly tried. CAUTION. -Genuine only with Earon Liebig's facsimile across label. 115 ROWES AMERICAN GOUT AND RHEU- MATIC PILLS. The great Remedy for Gout, Rheumatism, Rheumatic Gout, Rheumatic Fever, Sciatica, Lumbago, Tio Dolortux (Face ache), and all pains of the Limbs. Since the discovery of this Medicine a few yea-s ago, it has attaired sach an extraordinary sale, unequalled by any other medicine. However bad the disease, by a little perseverance, it will certainly yield to the influence of this Medicine. Thousands can nON br testimony to its efficacy, The first dose will relieve the pain in less thui an hour. A fact which no other medicine can boast of. Sold by all Chemists, in Boxes, at It. lid., and of the appolated Agents. By Post 15 stamps. r ROWE'S GREAT AMERICAN REMEDIES FOR THE PILES AND GRAVEL. TheM Medicuies are used in the American Hospitals, and recommended by the leading Physicians, both in America and this aountry, as being the best and most effectual ever discovered for the Pilei and Gravel, as well as the following complaints which are generally brought on by them— pain in the Back and Loins, Flatulence, Constipation. Pain in the Kidneys, Bowels and btontach, Retention and Suppression of Urine. The thonBmds of Testimonials received from patients who have been cared by their use, after ad other means had failed, is sufficient guarantee of their efficacy. Sufferers who have derived no benefit from other Medicines are earnestly solicited to give tilemik trial. They are put up in the following manner. (Care should be taken to procure the one suitable to your com- plaint.) Rowe's American Powder for the Piles. Rowe's American Remedy for the Red Gravel. Rowe's American Remedy for the White Gravel, Sold by all Chemists, in Bottles, at Is. lid. Appointed AgentsMr. Watkin L Thomas, Aberdare • Mr. ThtAmag, Merthyr Mr. James, Mountain. Ash; Mr. Jenkins Treherbert; Mr. Hill. Neath; er by Post, 10 stamps, from the principal AgOttsy. we 'Sea PRINCE OF WALES ROAD, LONDON, N.W. CTTOWELL, bottler oi BASS'S PALE' • JJL ALEandGUWNESS'S EXTRA DUBLIN STOUT Ban's Highest Class India Pale Ale per dot. Imperiall a Pints, in very superior condition r 8e. 6\1. Guiness'sExtro Dublin Stout, highest quality, brewed) „„ in fine condition, per doz., Imperial Pints 138. Od. Quantities not leM than Thre» Doxen. delivered by our own OarttdaUT. « .V.- J WINE ASD SPIRIT MERCHANT, i c m by SALE THIS DAY. The Bankruptcy Acts, 1869.-Re W. Gwynn, a Bankrupt. In the County Court bolden at Cardiff, in the County of Glamorgan. MR. W, P. STEPHEN SON (in conjunction with Mr. JOHN SAMUEL) will SELL by AUCTION, at the Angel Hotel, Cardiff, by order of J. D. Thomas, Esq:, Trustee, on FRIDAY,the 19th day of OVEMBER,1875,a. 2 for 8 o'clock precisely (subject to conditions of sale to be then pro. duced), the under-mentioned valuable LEASEHOLD PROPERTY:— I-O* 1.—All those two Messuage or Dw-illing-hoiise, situate and bemg Nos. 6 and 6, Adelaide-Piace, Bute Dccks, Cardiff, now in the occupation of Mr Samuel Please and Mr William Stephens. lhis Lot is held under a lease f om the Trustees of Lord Bute, for the residue of a. term of M years from 29th Sep- tember, 1852, at the yearly ground rent of £4 li 3d. LOT 2.-All those Messuages or Dwelling-house", rituate and being Nos. 32 and 33, George street, Bu e Dock*, Cardiff, no N In the occupation of Mr. William Geirlsh and Mr Loveirove respec- tively. l'h;8 Lot is held under lease from the trustees of Lord Bute, for the reiidue of a term of years, from the Match, 1853, at the yearly ground rent of LOT i—Ali that semi-detach.vl VILLA, kn .wn as Rhymney Villa, and si uate in Tae Walk TLe¡;rville, btely in the occu- pation of Mr Wiliiim Gwyn This House is wall built and in rood repair. It is held lM.»e, fro an Lord Tredegar, for thereSidu? of a term of 99 years, from the2.)t ifarcli, 18t33, a tin > early ground rent of LOT 4.— AU :,hat MESSUAGE or DWELLING-HOUSE, situate and being No. 27, Moira-terraco, Adatnsdown, in the ocoupa- tion cf Mr Knibry. This Lot is hid under lene for the residue of a term of 91 years, frvm the 29th September, lSGo, at the ytarly tround- rent of £3 10s. LOT 5.—Thirty-two Sixty-fourth SHARES of and in the Steam- tug John Bui! of CaruifT. For further pa t.iculars, apply to John Morris, Esq., solicitor, to Mr W. P. Stephtnson, auct:oneer, 21, t) T. II. Ensor, Eøq" s licitur, or o Mr J. Samue1, auctioneer, Chunh- Sale of Fruit Trees, Shrubs. &c., &c. 1%/TESSRS. ALEXANDER BR JS. are instructed -LV JL by Messrs. J. S^aley and .vons, to S LL by AUCTION, at the Cardiff Muk,;t-house, on WEDNESDAY Next, Noveuib.r 24th, at Two p.m.. a farae cohgignu-ent of Fit? IT TREKS, ORNAMENTAL SHRUBS, STANDARD and other RuSS3, together with sundry (ther lots of Nursery Produce Cat.ilo.ues arc being prepared, and may b; obtained upon application to the Auctioneers. 2330 70, ,3.. Ma'y-street, Cardiff. <' 70, ,3.. -5rtJ, Cardiff. S kit- of Wines. ~l~ESSKS. ALEXANDhR BROS, arein&tcucted .1.t" to SELL by AUCTION, a', the Cardiff Arnn Hotel, on t SATURDAY, the 27th of November next, ut 3 p lU, tha following eticice \Vi.NE3 and Brandier-, CO dcz-n fine oid Port, 20 dozen of old crmted do., about 100 dozeu of Vt n fine Sherries of different kimls, 10 dozen Madeira, to dozen Claiet, 20 d Ken sparkling and stilt H ck. a like quanti.y of Motelle, Cham oagne, an 1 20 eases of Brandy. Samples ba tisted at the Auctioneers office, bero e or on the morn in; of the sale, and further pari icularg upon application to the Auctioneers, 76, Sf" Mary-street, Cardiff. • 2281 L'ancarvan, neir Cowbridge.—Sale of BVeeho'd Land and HoSes. MESSRS. ALEXANDERBR03. are instructed by tho representatives of the late Mr Evan Griffiths, to SELL by AUCTION, tt tie Fox and tonne's Inn, Llanca'van, m MONDAY, December 6th, 875, at 3 o'c.ock in the afternoon, in the following, or such other 10 s 11.1 may be diltOlminfd upon at the time of sale, the following FREEHOLD LAND and HOUSES, situate ia the village of Llancrvi);. Lot A freehold p e e of laud, known ss "Croft Redinog," containing 1 acres 3 roods aud 31 perches, cr thereabouts, and numbered 791 on the parish map of tha said pin h, now in the occupation of fr. JL rris Griffs hs. Lot 2. Two freehold cottages and gardens, nnmbered 7S3 and 78 1011 th map of the said parish, now in the occupation of John H'.pkin and James Evans Lots. A freehohl dwelling hause, shop, nd out-buddings, numbered respective! 801,802, and 803 on the map of the said paiish, in the occupation of Mr Richard Edwards. To view the premises, apply to Mr David Griffi'hs and Wr HOiri Griffiths at Llancarvan, and for fur her particu'a:supply to the Auctioneers, 76, St. Mary-st ejf, Cardiff. 2162 Cwmiiiddy Farm, Porihkerry, nine mile; Wèst of the town of Cardiff, and about five mi es south of the Peter tone and tt. Fanans s atiops on the Great Western Railway.—Unreserved tale of Fat and Store Stock, including anna and ehoiceHerd cf Ayrshire Cows, several guol Cart Horsis, the Aricultu- Implements, and the Crops of Corn, Hay, and turnips. MESSRS. ALEXANDER BROS. areimtructed by Colonel Romdly to SELL by AUCTION, on THURS- DAY, the 2nd of DECEMBER r.ext, the who'e of the valuible STO, CROPS, and IMPLEMENTS upon this FAilM-vz., 120 fat and store sheet); 70 held cf Durham, Avrs:;irj, and other lat'le 7 capital oa-t horses and mares; 10 fat porters; 2 large ricks of excellent wheat; 2 iarge mows nf bartey; 3 licks of olack oats; 1 diito bea s mow of elover hay; 16 acres of swell s. The Implements are nun-e ous and good, and are ay the most approved makers. Lunc eou will be provided at 10 30 am and the Sle wll be commenced at 11.50 p.n^tuatly,live Auctioneers'be ng dedious to dispose, if pos-ible, of the whole in one day. Ariaigements will be made t' « convcoi«nce of parties attending ihe sale, to rU11 a conveyance lrQ Card II, imme- diately upon the arrival of the TVff Vale down train at 9.10 a.m. Terms, tllree months, npoa a.pp.oved bccarity. C¡..t.ahgue8 "ill be ready 0 e week previous \0 tbc83le, ànd rcav be obtained upon appicatk n to Mr Wiisdn, the lalliff; or to thi Aujtioneers, at 76, St. Mary-street, « arom. 5355 Preliminary Announcement.- Penmou F.-rin, parish of L'an ar- van.— Unreserv id Saie of Stock, Crops, and Implsuie .it'. MESSRS. ALEXANDER BROS. &»insiructea by Mr Edward John, who is retirin* fidpi i iriuiig, to SELL by AUCTION, at the above far in, during tfie month of DcC.nC'fr next, the valualle tTOCK, CROPS, iMPLKiiE.V'lS, and Effect3. Further particulars may bc obtained upoa appliijaliou to the Auet!OIJCtl8. n 76, St. Mary-s'rtet, Cardiff. 2358 Bryutad er — Llantrissant Statioi). IVTESSRS 1). EVANS aud SON arejmtructeJ i-TJL to SELL by AUCTiOA (utidar the powcts to .taincd in a Mortgage Deed). at the Windsor Arms Hulel, L'antrissa;;t tat on, en THURSDAY, the 25th day of November, 1875, a" 4 o'clock in the afternoon, tubject to such cjndi'ion^ as -hall be then produced, all iho eTwo WeH-t.u It DWELLING HOUSES, with larse gardens adjoining, situate ovposite the IVúr Arms, Brynsadler, ilantrissant Station, h dd uniera 1.ase from S rA. Dissby Milkwort", for the te m of 99 ye irs, fOil the 2bth day ol September. 1397, at tha io ,y ground rent cf j,2 Gi 0d p.r annum, and now or lately, in t:.e sev -sal occupitions of Morgan and WIlliam Herii. Thb toial ¡¡r1!. o! the ga.den1l is 30 perciiesor thereabouts, ani the houses are wtli supplied w.th tjood spring water. Fu ther pirliculars may bo had on appiicalion to the Aurtiou- nerrs, Taff-street, Pontypridd, or to 4 Mr W. BRADLEY, Solicitor, C^diff.. Dated. Novimver 11th 1875 ■' S KingVKead, Peu.oel. MESSRS. D. & SuN aire instructed ±VJL by Mr. Jenkin W liiiu.3, to SKLL b1. AlJGTION, ia a Field at Uie >1 a k ol the above HGU5e, on Monday, Nov. U76, the untermcntloticd srOCK. viz F; sheep, Cotswold and Rvlnor 33 Radnor eww, put to a Cotsw »M Ram 10 ¡.ubi!, lame bred; õ c jWS In c.\lf; 7 ft'.cows, 4 fai heifer J, C w and Caif, 3 heiftre, ia cilf; 6 steeis, rising three years old young nitre, rising tour years oki, aijapied for any kind of wo,ll; cob mare rihing four years old 2 mountain penic quiet to ride, rising thiee years oid; 2 jeariing p\Dle3, 8 rat auJ 10 store pigs, 4 side" of bacon. Four rnonths'cre :UwiIJ he ;:iven, UpO'1 approved fecurity, to purc:hr..9' rd to the amoant of £ 10 and upwa. us, or Dbcvunt for cai/hat 1 he rite of 5 per c nt,. p-v auimm. It f:e8hmentsat U, Sale to COlllmnCe at 1 thai-p. Any further rartitulars may be obtained nil asp iration to the Vendor or of the Auctioneers, Tali' t e».t, Pontypridd. Tymaw; llysvan, within one and a half miles of L'.aivshen Station (Rhytnncy Had way, and i ;u mi es from Catúiff, MESSRS. D. EYANS & SON are instructed by Mr JohnWride (who is leaving the to SELL ly AUCTIO >, at tbe above Fa Ill, 011 THURSDAY, UEOEMBKH 2. CROP.), Iiil'LcMEM'S, &c,:—-0 Etdnor ewes, capital ram, 8 milch ciwj in calf, 2 hcife'S in 1 If, tho t-hcrn Lull, rising 3 yearj t-11, yearling ditto, 2 calvfs, sow in farrow, entiro ho;se, 5 years old, bay rnaro, 4 years old, bvh capital workers; the produce of 11 acres of wheat, in prime condition, ditto of 5 »cr s of barley, all inside and r ady for thia>hing, 8 tons of clover (2nd crop) iu prime condition, mowin;-m;¡,chme, winnowing-micbine. ci,aft-wach:Uè, wagon, broa.d-whe.t cart, nsaily 11 w, narrow-whed d t'O, phaeton aud harness, roller, scarifier, tu-nip rclier and pcuffler, •& heel-rakes 2 pa rs of drags, plough, 2 seta of trace harnes". 2 sets of shaft harnrss, ploughing harness. 2 Udders, scythes, pikea, rakes, p g-t-ou^hs, saddle and bridle, washing aud mangling machine. Fcur months' will be given, upon approved security, to purcha tro to the amount of 1;;10 and upwards, or discount for cash at the rate of 5 lcr cent. per annum. Refreshments at P, sale to cümmecce at 1 sharp. Any further particuhrs may be obtained on application to the vendor, or ot the Auctioneers, Taff-strset, Pontypridd. 2.89 Preliminary Notice.—Alvag Farm, St. Nicholas, ne:r Cardiff. MR. JOHN THOMAS has been instructed by :L Mr. Thomas Small, who is retiring fom farming, to SELL by AUCTION, on THURSDAY and FRIDAY, the 9th and 10th daya cf December, 17;3, at Alvas Farm, near St. Niohohs, the whole of the valuable STOCK, CHOPS, and IMPLEMENTS. Also the HOUSEHOLD FCRNITClIE. Full particulars will appear shortly, and may be had ell appli- cation to the Auctioneer, Cowbndge. 2332. Pencarr"g", noar Bonvilstone. MR. JOHN THOMAS has received instruc- .1.1 tions from Mr. Richard Bassett, (who is leaving the farm) to SELL by RUCTION, on THURSDAY, November 2ith, 1875, the undermentioned STOCK &c., comprijing— 55 Sheep—viz., 30 breeding ewes, and 25 limbs. 35 Head of Cattle—viz., 6 milking cows in calf, from 4 to 8 years old 12 steers and 10 heifers, in forward condition, 2 and 3 years old; 6 calves, in gcod con iition and Hereford bull, 2 yeirs old, bied by Mr. Williams, Red House, Ely also several pigs. Horses—viz., very powerful cart mare cob colt, by Battler," 2 years old cob filly, 2 years old and a very promising yearling fidy. Crops-viz" 2 ricks of well-harvested wheat and 1 mow of oats, and to be let to 2nd February next, about 150 acres of rut? age. Implements—consist of wagon,^ 2 carts, ptny trap, mowing machine' >y "Burgess and Keys horse lake ly •* Howard;" heel ditto; horse-power and ohaff cutter: Cambridge roller; turnip drill; wheel plough by Howard," 2 swing and double ditto, I pair of iron drags, winnowing machine, wheelbarrows, ladders, pig troughs, grindstone, bonches, tables, &c., &c. Jo-ou months' credit on the usual conditions. R freshments at Twelve o'clock. Sale to commence at One, precisely.. Furtlur porticulirs may be obtair.ed on application to the Auctioneer, Cowbridg?. 2330 Bryncwttjn Farm, Pencoed, near Bridgend.-lmportant Sale of Stock, Crops, and Implement!. MR. JOHN THOMAS has been favoured with instructions from Me srs. Lewi i Bros, (who are leaving the Farm), to SELL by AUCTION, on Monday, November the 2'nd 1S75, on the premises at Bryncwttyn Farm, about a qcarter-of-a!, mile South of the Pencoud Station, G.W.Kaiiway, the undermen- tioned STOCK, CROPS, Ac. •" 0 Sheep-corn pnstng 40 crOes-bred ewes, served by a Cotswold ram, and 30 lambs. 39 Head of Cattle- viz., 8 cows in calf, 3 heifers risincf 2 veai-s old, in calf; 2 barren cows, 6 steers, 4 fat heifers; 8 steers Pigs—3 fat plgt, 3 sows, and .1 small pigs. 7 Horses—viz 5 powerful cart horses of various atres. and 2 cob mares 3 and 6 ytars old, go well in harness. Cropi-2 mows o barley, cr0.i 0f 30 acres 2 rOcks of wheat, crop of 9 acres; 3ncksot oats, eropot It acres; Sucks of cover hay, about 75 tons and 7 acres of swedes. the Implements—consist of double and single furrow plousrhs, by Howard, iron drags, double-action turnip lutter, by Gardner, mincer by Hornsby, su table for lioise or steam power, grist mill, tu-nip drill and rclier, corn dn;1 by Tiliey, 4-horse power portable steam engine, chaff machine, by Richmond and Chandler. driv.11,' shaft, pulley aau straps complete, sheep racks and troughs two combined mowing and reaping m/chines, self- deiivery reaper by Hercsby, haymaking machine tvo American hay rakes, winnowing machine, hand tiunk, and a number of other farming requisites, too numerous to pirticu'ari/.e Six months' credit will b given upon arproved security, to purchasers to the amount ofiIfJO and upwards, or discount for cash at the rate of 5 per cent, per annum. Rcfreshnienta at 12 o'c10ck. Sale to commence at 1 precisely Up trains arrive at Pencoed at 11.20 a.m., 3.2,6.15. trains leaving Pencoed 10.50 a.m.. 2 40, 7.12. Further particulars in Catalogues, which miy be had a few days prior to the sale on appLcaHon to the Auctioneer, Cow- brIdge. 2i31 MADDOX AND EMER\, Land and House Agents, Auctioneers, &e &c., 18, High-street, Cardiff have the following very va.uable Properties FOR SAT.F. bv PRIVA1E CONTRACT:— 4 Dy House in Mount Stuart-square. 2 Houses, Bute Etp anade. ROATH.—2 Villas in Oakfield-street. 1 Villa in Southey-street. 2 Villas in Newport-road. 1 Villa in Woodsworth-st'eet. CATHAYE?.—6 Houses in Flora-etreet. TREDEGARVILLE.—1 Villain East Grove. 1 Villa in Richmond-street. SPLOTLANDS.—2 Houses and 1 House and Shop, Star-streeL LOWER GRANGE.-3 Houses in Knoll-street. 1 House and Shop, with stable, coach-house, loft. and yard, corner of Homsdaie and Earl-street. 1 House in Homsdale-s'reet. 1 House and Shop in Kent-street. 4 Houses lu Hewell-street. 4 Houses in Oakley-street. 8 Houses im Oakiay-street. PENARTH.—Several First-class Villas. A House,#rith Skittle Alley adjoining. Also a large extent of LAND To LET for Building Purposes on Lease for 99 years in the most thriving and important part of the Rhondda Valley, close to Collieries just opened, and whare house property is much in request gam Sin m Jales llurtiatt* ^To I R ONMONG E R S.^ To be SOLD by TENDER, the STOCK-IN-TRADE of Mr. W. Evans, Ironmonger, No. 1:8, Cowbridge-road, Canton, who is declining the Business. Sealed Tenders to be sent in to 5fr. W. P. Step'ienson, 21, Queen-street, Cardiff, on or before the 2 ith November instant. 3782 VICTORIA SALE ROOMS.—These spacious v and elegant SALE ROOMS are now open for the reception of all kinds of GOODS, MERCHANDISE, FURNITURE, and ither articles designed for SALE. Parties wishing to dispose of Goods may consign them to Mr. N. Lawrence, Auctioneer, the proprietor, who will settle all accounts immediately after each sale. .Mr. Lawrence has Sales Weekly at the above rooms. 118 M E S S H S. SAUNDERS & CO., AUCTIONEERS AND VALUEltS, 107, STRAND, LONDON, W.C. SEVERAL COUNTRY HOTELS AND TAVERNS REQUIRED AT ONCE. COUNTRY CANVASSES WANTED. it i4 MR. A. BLACKER, Auctioneer, baj 5Sl' announce that he has OPENED the PREMISES, MfcSLV Trinity-street, CardiiT, as a PUBLIC SALE ROOM. All j-ifeUes having any kind of goods for dsposa1. are respectfully solicit, d to consign them to he above. Dry and good storage. Promnt :t!i'mf!'1tll. an 1 ..a,1t advanced if rrquiredT 2171 rpHE 0ARDIFF QLOTfllERS. I ASTERS AND CO MP ANY. — -r> w aa W H J 05 rA "i > 3 O w H g S « § a 3 § go « S » w g. S3 S° SB > Pi H O J O PS « o H « -1-1-1-1- 17s. 6d.;5s. lid.112s. 6d. 15s lid 4s. lid. -1_1_1__1 Iii 21s. 115A. 6d. 25s. 6d. 7s. lid. 15s. 6d. 19a. 9d. !5s. lid. ij 25s. Gd. 19s. 9d. 129s. 9d ] 8s. 9dJ 17s. 6d. 23s. 6d. I <?s, 9J. 29s. 6J. 21s. i)5s. 6d.j 10a. Gd.| 19s. 9d. 25s. 6d. 8s. 9d. 32s. Gd. 23s. 6d. 42a. 12i 6dJ 21s. 29a. 9d. 10s. Gd. 35s. 61. 25s. 6d. 45s. -I-¡-I- 35s. 61. 25s. 6d. 45s. los. 6d,| 25s. Gd. 32s. Gd. 12s. 6d. 42s. 29s. fid. 19s. Gd. 17s. Gd.i 27s. Gd. 37s. 6d. 15a. 6d. 50s. 135s. 6d. 55s. 12s. 9d.j 29s. Gd. 393. 6d. 17s. 6d. j 65s. J 45s. 638. 21?. J 32s. Gd. 4.5s. 19s. Gd. jyjASTERS AND COMPANY, OO 29 AND SO, ST MARY STREET, CARDIFF. N 0 W 0 PEN, THE NEW ORGAN FACTORY, TRIMTY-PLACK, Near TRINITY CHURCH, SWANSEA, J. S. DANE AND SONS Beg to s ate the great demand for thtir Organs and Harmoniums hat; induced them to Lease those Extensive Premises in Trihity- pla.ee, near Trinity Ciiurch, for the OF ORGANS, AMERICAN ORGANS, AND HARVIONItMH. And hope, by the aid of Steam Power, to fulfil aU orders more promp ly than heretofore. > lieverai organs are now building. Full particulars willllhottly apper. PRICE LIST. Organs, 2 Sets of Keys, 12 stops, £120 to £159. 2 20 „ t » 1 „ 5 „ £äO. Organ Harmoniums from 3 15 0 CoctivfS 4 10 0 5" 5 sops 7 10 0 5.. 8 9 9 0 „ .»• 5 „ 10 „ 12 12 0 P ano ortes, S-' veil cctaves, walnut ca*s, IS guineas. Orgall-Ra"Dloniums, with AmlJrican 01'3.'1 reeds, 10 extnk Organs, Haimoniums, and Pianoforte} tho oughly renovated or exchanted. Praotical Builders and Tuners sent to all parts. 23>8 3601 A GOOD PIANO-FORTE MAY BE J3IRED FKOM £22;). Od, PBlt QUARXSR, ON THE THREE YEARS SYSTETM. THOMPSO SHdCKELL, 101, OXFORD-STREKT, SWANSEA, At 4, QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF, 8ud fcranck at 109, BUTE DOCKS. Desire to call special attention to th, abov notice ?uid wo1d warnthe }>u!)Uc against the so-called Sond-hat1d Pianoforter now s > lreely ad vertiseJ. at what is hid 0 be 18$3 than balf the original price. Tho PhnOil supplied by Thompson and SlaackeJl are warranted, ■ and by.he best makers only. Spacious Show-rooms at 101, OXFORD-STREET, g WAS SEA, and 4, QUEEN-STREET, QARDIFF, Containing without exception the finest stock of Piano-fortes, Harmoniums, and American Organs in South wales. N.B.—The "Bute" Model Harmoniums, as supplied to the Marquis of Bute, price Twalve Guineas, in handsome ItoSe" sod, s the very best small harmonium manufactured, liarmotuums 10m Four Guineas. 1 514 IVTR. GRAHAM YOUNG, SURGEON DENTIST, No. 63, CROCKHERBTOWN, CARDIFF. Professional attendance at the above Address every Wed- from 10 to fi. Attendmee at Newport tho seeond and fourth Thursday in e ery month at Mr Jon s, clitmist. 64, High-street, (two doors from Post-office) from 10 to 6 next visits, Thursday, November 25th. aud Thursday, December Uh. Bridgena, the llrnt and third Thursday" is every month, at 22 and 24. Caroline-street, from 10 to 4.30 next visits, Thursday, November 18th and December 2nd. Artificial Teeth on the most approved principles from 5s. to 21s. each. Stopping from 2s. 6d.; and all othoi Dental Operations. N.B.—Operations by nitrous oxide gas, by appointment spnt letter), to Residence, No. 7, Park-street, Bristol. JONES'S HEAL-ALL OINTMENT. V (Trad3 Mark—Real tared,) » OR EVERY TBE BEST APPLICATION KNOWN for Scrofula, Scurvy, Skin Diseases and Sorea of all kinds. It cures Old Sores, Ulcerated S'ore Legs. It cures Ulcerated Sores on tbe Head and Neck. It cures Blackheads, or p,¡¡¡pJe; on the Fllce. It cures Scurvy Sores, Cancci-vtis l.7!¡)ürs. It cures Durns and ScaUls, Ringworm, He.), Piles. It cures Weak and Watery Eyes. It cures Red and Sore Eyelids. It cures Inflammation in the Eye. It cures Movins Specs or Floating Bod'es before the Eyes. It cures Cataracts and Partial B'indnes3. It cures Ob( ur tv of Vision and Dimnos1. It cures Children's Sore Eyes left after meas'es. It allays Inflamimt on in a few hours, and fcoothes pain very quickly, Sold in pots. 181d, 2s 9J, anÜ 4. 6d, THE WONDERFUL BLOOD PURIFIER. TONES & CO.'S UNIVERSAL PURIFYING O MIXTURE. Trade Mark-" Purifying Mixture." For purifying, cleansing, and clearing the blood from all impurities, arising from whatever cause, and guaranteed to lie the best preparation in tho w0rld for aU eruptions of the skin, blotches, spots, pim; Ics, blackheads, pustules, boi's, carbuncles, ringworms, scald heads, fore ey, erysipelas, itch, scmf, scrofula, scuivy, elandular sweling8, cancerous ulcers, bid legs, piles, syphilis, secondary symptoms, and for all blood and skin diseases. For rheumatism also it is unequalled for relieving pailli3 and bubduing inflammation, and speedily effecting a perfect cure. It is agreeable, palatable, a.nd safe, and may be taken at a.'l seaions and under any ci cumstances. Sold in bottlfs at 2s 3d and 48 6d each, and in cases (containing six times the quantity), lis each; by all Chemists and Patent Medi- cine Vendors throughout the United Kingdom, or sent to any address on receipt of 27, 56, or 132 stamps. COUGHS! COUGHS! JONES'S BALSAM OF HOKEHOUND, TOLU, AND LINSEJED (Registered). THE MOST AGREEABLE and EFFECTUAL remedy for asthmatic and consumptive cough", bronchitis, winter coughs, diffi. ult breathing, whooping cough, hoarse- ness, of voice, and all affections of the chest and lungt. One bottle in most cases effects a cure. Price Is i Jd, 2s 9d, and 4s 6d par bottie JONES'S PATENT VEGETABLE PILLS FOR WIND (Registered). ARE THE BEST PILLS IN THE WORLD for bad t.!igcstion. wind and pain ill the stoirach, liver complaints, jaundice, tick headaclie, pains in the ch-et, 10 s of appetite, paill in the back, flatulency, griping, colic, asuse of weight in the back and loins, darting pains in the regions of the heart, liver, and kidneys, constipation, pains in the thighs, sometime shooting down to tr:e c1f and feet, suppression and retention of urine, pains in the fctomach, all liver complaints. Thousands have been cured by these Pills, and many who had been p-onounced }JOpeless, have been thoroughly restored to health by their use. ONE BOX WILL CONVINCE THE MOST SCEPTICAL OF THEID EFFICACY. Sold in boxes at Is lid, 2:1 9d, and 4s 6d each. Sent polt free for 1ft or 36statnps. Sol-s Manufacturers, W. JONES and Co., Chemist, 157, Great Howard-street, Liverpool. REMARKABLY CURES. ?, Dirkett Street, Liverpool, 20tli March, 1874. Drar Sirs,—it is with feelings of pleasure I write to inf .rm j'ou of the cood effec s your PURIFYING MIXTURE and HEAL-ALL OINTMENT has done for me. About Six years ago I was bitten on the leg by a venomous rcptle, which nearly cost me my life and I now declare to you and the world, after spending over JE150 in doctors' bills to try and heal the leg, it is now entirely heated, after using only two 4e 6d pots 01 your WORLD-FAMED OINTMENT, and two lis cases of your universal PUHIKYING MIXTURE. The truth of the above statement any person who wishes may refer to me. Your Tery obedient servant, Migsrs Jones & Co. JAIIBS SUITU. 13, Milford Street, Lerpwl, Ionawr lOfed, IS71. Mr Jone-i a'i Gjf. Foneddijion,—Teimlaf lawer o hJ frydwch wrth ddwyn tystio- laeth i ddirfawr efftithiolrwydd etch Balm Peswch. Y mae yn noded;g, canys darfu i un gestrelaid fechan Iwyr wella fy ngwraig o anwyd blin, c ygoi, a Invyr gclliad ei Lais. Argymhellwn ef i bawb a baenydir gan yr anwyd.—Yr eiddoch vo ufudd. J. MONCK. Cross Foxes Cottages, Llanfair Careinion, Welchpod, Ienawr 18,1878. Foneddigio:),—Gyda phleserahyfrydnchyrydwyf ynysgrifenu attach ich hyabysu fod e:ch-Peleni gWYIll-gwerthfawr wedi fy ngwella yn hollol—yr oedd arnaf chwant bwjd Yl1 fy ngwely y nosoo gyntaf ar 01 eu cvmeryd,—ac yr oeddwn yn meddul lawer tro wrth fyned im gwely na buaswn byth yn codi ohonii, ond yn awr yr wyf yn moddu ar ypryd a chilon newydd, fe hoffwn ir byd wybod am d^nynt.—Yr eiddoch yn ddi olehgar. Meistri Jones and Co. Jons Moaaxs. Sold by all Chemists. AGENTS FOR CARDIFF AND DISTRICT. Newport, Mr E. Thomas, Llanelly, Mr Hushes. chem st, Commerciall-street, Ca digan, Mr Jones. and MrS. Young „ Mertbyr, Mr Griffiths. Cardiff, Mr Williams, Bute- Carmarthen, Smith & Co. Btreet, Joy, and Coleman. Dowlais, Mr Evans. Pootypool, Stephens. Aberdare, Mr Thamas. Bdd¡;leud, Mr Price. Llanolly, AIr Brown. Neath, Mr Ilaj man Pontypridd, J Davief. Swansea, Mr Williams, 4, Oxford' Monmouth. Dawe & on street. Bristol, Dudgeon. NEWPORT.—J. Edmonds 5, High-street. „ PAIKE, 3, Commercial-street. And dealers in patent medicine" WHOUSALE AOENTS-Meun Sangerand Sons, Messrs Barclay and Sons, and Sutton and Co., London Or direct from the Proprietora (for value in Stamps), WILLIAM JONES & CO., Operative Chemists, t aaaa" I. 5fu8lnm &Mwm. ESTABLISHED' OYER 45 VYEAR^ NOTICE OF REMOVAL. THE OLD-ESTABLISHED CHEMIST'S BUSINESS Opposite the Castle-gate, Corner of High-street and Angel-street. C. G. MCCARTHY, In announcing his REMOVAL from the above aliren to more convenient Premises at 3 1 r HIGH J3 T R E E T, (Opposite the National and Provincial Bank oi Etigland), Begs to return his sincere thanks to the Agriculturists UIJ. Glamorganshire and Monmouthshire, together with his otttet- numerous custoniers and fr ends, for the liberal support years father and himself during the long period of Clrried on '« 'he new premises Stock of Pare- Drugs and Chemtoals, Patent Medicines, Toilet Requisites. &c.t Ac. The careful personal attention which has hitherto been givert tiiiued *nd .Consulting Departments wiH be OoO* HO M(E0PATHIC MTOICINKS ALWAYS IN STOCK. 329^ THE SOUTH WALES DAILY NEW|^ CARDIFF DELIVERY. Porftno who experience any difficulty ia obtaining the Sotmf WALES DAILY EW8, r'g"l1larly and promptly, arc informed that tiieid flowing Agents undertake the delivery of the paper to sub- fagt, -^8 'a respective districts every morning before breai- p?^f,r^HIL,BMOSrTuOMA8' Bookseller, 90, St. Mary street. IRNVVAR HAVMSS, Bookseller, hothesay-terrace. BiiTff mnmiT 1 Mr G. KOBBRTS, News vendor, 50, Halkefr* BUTE TOWN I street, Cant-on. SPWVN .wn w' H- SM1TH SON, G. W. and, BI LOILAHD J T. V. R. Stations. I,LOATEi.-3ir. SHAPom, Newsagent, Post Office. CAN1ON LLANDAFF „ t, ELY J- M"" J. DTBR, Newsagent, 60, Severu-roai* WHITCHURCH J WHITCHURCH J Cunnr. Newsagent. 13 > Cowbridge-road. CARDIFF SHIPPING AND MERCANTILE CARD IFF SR GAZttTTE, MERCANTl.u- GAZI!;Tl'.tC Published every Monday Morning. Price 15s per annum, or bj Ihe CARDIFF SHIPPING AND MERCANTILE GAZETTE,' con.a-.ns a complete record of the Shipping business of Cudiift Swansea and Newport, and the Bristol Channel, and circulates aOlon; all th; Merchants and Brokers of the Bristol Channel £ or»8, and generally throughout the various ports of the United Kingdom. It i i filed at LI03 ds, the Lombard, and m st of tb» numb.rj of Commerce, and is also sent to the hading Foreign C^rts. CHIEF OFFICKS—75 and 76, St Mary-etrest, Cardiff. 2554 SJ W A N S E A 0 F F I C ff J OF TUE "SOUTH WALES DAILY NEWS:' No. 3, TEMPLE BUILDINGS (FIRST FLOCR). All ordeis from NEWSAGENTS will receive prompt attention, and be executed upon the same terms as from the Chief Offije. Tlie; DAILY NKWS delivered to Subscribers early every morm mg in any part of the town. ADVERTISEMENTS received up to Seven o'clock will securS lneertioa in the next morning's issue of the DAILY NEWS. 2652 J S E S S I 0 N S A N D S 0 N S, MANUFACTURERS OF ENAMELLED SLATE AND MARBLE CHIMNEY PIECES, BATH CISTERNS, And all kinds of SLATE or MARBLE WORK. DEPOT FOR ALL KINDS OF BUILDING MATERIALS. DOORS, SASHES, AND FRAMES. RANGES, GRATES, SPOUTING. And all Description of IRONWORK. CANAL' WHARF EAST, JOHN-STREET, CARDIFF, AND THE- DOCKS, GLOUC-,EB:TZ:]% '000&- '< PRICS LISTS ,<?K APPUCWOJt. J 23 WORKSRREAST MOORS, CARDIFF. ^RAILWAY WAGONS BUILT, For C$5 £ .or on fllEiDEMPXION Jpag §AIIrW AY WAGONS REPAIRED And fdt a terai o{ Fears er otheff w < WHEELS AND AXLES, B^RINSS, SPRING; -•V BUifFERS,,&a., •• Soi»plkd on tlke Shortest Noflee. i I .SMITH WO?K OF DESCIKPTlbi. Q,EOBOE -W. A R M S T R^6 N~(iI" 11, BUTE-CRESCENT, CARDIFF, RAILWAY WAGON AND FINANCIAL AGENF. ) ADVANCES made UJion a'l kiftds of R^llin^ Stosk; 19(3 OLD JOHirSTCW^ O;R PVL OUP. Is TO OBTAIN THE ttBBTl "x ASK JfORrJtoBKSTOS^W>R|tJ3M>OR,. "TAkr.|TG>.5$TaElB "I have examined' Johnston's Coni pure and moj*. e 'xeellent in quah'ty. ;j Wh{j¥'wiled affords (Sompleta nourishment for OhiMftaftuift /aatoMS^'lwiw^ digestion.. :i. "CIFAPJ.W A. CAMSKOX, M N SIJ "Pro^ssof qCCheWi^try, Roy al College Dublin" C 5. •- u, — g It o W K A N; -D p O L S O N'» 0 O B iN F L 43*. tf R -r' Pas nsarly Tw^iif^yeare' pre-emin^ ngtHttattap, CAlftfOT BE SURPASSED. • goRwio^- eoWW" v —; it -i.—11 X irnfe r HAS BEEN AWARDED .7. iJL i. "iJI." rpwo POLD3IEDAI4 L-. 1 t, ■: 1' FOR ITS SUPERIORITY over ill OT&ERSi Mak^s Bread, Pastfy, Puddings, &c., right tad vftioleeohte- Sold ia ld: and 2d, PtIokêle also fJd. wctd fo., ftteut- om-es-, glS2 PAIN KILLER, a L Jledlqine, cures Cramp and Pain in the Stomach, Warihw* Djseatery.iiuidChoterai t ■ r p A IN K I L L E R' cares a*t,,oo itgk. A. re "throaty Bronchitis, and-^iiy Disease ot the C he^U. famg& i" IPAI-N XtLLkft qurii Rhsumatigm, Qt. and No PAIN KILLKR Cures Dyspepsia, Hesdaclw. aad F3y%i PAIN KILLER Cures Kidney Complaint3/Lfttafcigo,-Sfc. PAIN KILLER cureg^^Buflas, Bruise^ Spraiaj, "spft Wouafc- PAIN KILLE R ia sold" by Chemists and Medicine Vendors; Prioe la. ljd., as. S. 9d., and lis. 6d. per Bo tile. (Large Bottias Cheapest.) '• N L A R G E M -A or TFLB °" TnB SOUTH WALES DAILY NEWS X0 E I G H T P A G E S. 4 The Proprietors of the SOUTH WALES DAILY NEWS beg tIJ announce that in consequence of the rafpidly-increasing circula- tion of the paper, and the great demand upon the spaoe available for Advertisements, they have PERMANENTLY" «xrT,AJROfcJ> the DAILY NEWS to EIGHT PAGES. THE ENLARGEMENT RENDERS TIIE SOUTH WALES DAILY NEWS TijB LARGEST DAILY PA P E B, IN WALES ARD THE WEST OF ENGLAND, AND THB BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM FOR, GLAMORGANSHIRE, RADNORSHIRE, MONMOUTHSHIRE, FOREST OF DEAN, CARMARTHENSHIRE, BRISTOL, PEMBROKESHIRE, GLOUCESTER, CARDIGANSHIRE, HEREFORD, ATFD TH* BRECONSHIRE, WEST 01 ENGLAND, The SOUTH WALES DAILY NEWS is distributed through out AN uNcsi.'AI,I,r EXTESSIVS ARBA, and is published in ever? Town and Village in South and Mil-Wales, Monmouthshire, an £ and a large portion of the West of England. It is as a GENERAL ADVERTISING MEDIUM, — particularly for communicsting with the COMMERCIAL, MI ING, SHIPPING, MANUFACTURING, and AGRICULTURAL sections of the community. „ tSO¡.D BT IU NEWSAO -NTS, GHIEFOFFICF.S: CARDIFF. PROI'^IKTOM, D. DUYCV N


Family Notices