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publications. JUST PUBLISHED. PERSONAL HOLINESS. (12 PAUES.) BY J. GIB.-ON. No. 2. PRICE TWOPENCE. ALSO, ETERNAL SILENCES. (12 PAGES ) PRICE T W O P E X C E: Orders received at the CAMBRIAN NEWS OFFICE, ABERYSTWYTH. Sold by Mr Edward Edwards. Great Darkgate- street, Aberystwyth Mr Win. Jenkins, Great Dark- gate-street, Aberystwyth Mrs Stephens, Bridge- street, Aberystwyth. business JUtitesscs. WELSH LITERATURE. A CATALOGUE containing the most Important Works in the Welsh Language will be forwarded on Application. It contains the Ency,-Iobwflia Cambrensis," in 10 vols. a new and enlarged edition of the Myvurian Archaiology of Wales," in one vol. several English- Welsh and Welsh- English Dictionaries, and a large number of other valuable Works. Office of tihe "BANNER AND TIMES OF WALES"— the oldest Welsh Newspaper, established in 1843. It is the National Organ, and a first class Advertising medium. T. GEE & SON, Publishers, DENP.ICH. A CARD. D. P. DAYIES & DAVIS, AGRICULTURAL AND SANITARY ENGINEERS, ARCHITECTS, AUCTIONEERS, LAND AGENTS, SURVEYORS, AND VALUERS, ABERYSTWYTH & LAMPETER. MESSRS. D. P. DAVIES & DAVIS ITt beg to inform the Nobility, Clergy, Gentry, Agriculturists, and the Public generally that they have secured the services of Mr W M. MORGAN, of Cardigan House, Queen's-road, Aberystwyth, for many years with the late Mr Smith, to whom any communi- cation may be addressed, and it will receive prompt attention. [dl99 EVAN MORGAN, YEAST MERCHANT, RHEIDOL HOUSE, 37, BRIDGE STREET, ABERYSTWYTH. AGENTS SUPPLIED. ORDERS BY LETTER WILL BE PUNCTUALLY ATTENDED TO. OWEN & SONS, PARIS HOUSE, ABERYSTWYTH, Tailors, Hatters, ShirtmakerB & Outfitters. Winter Suits of Dittos from 55s. to 90s. Ladies' Cloth Jackets from 35s. to 63s. Waterproofs for Ladies and Geutlemen. Seal Jackets and Fur Cares made to measure. LIVERIES. LIVERIES. Those who employ Livery Servants are invited to send for their quotations, which will be found lower than any House in the Kingdom. OWEN & SONS. BEEHIVE .DRAPERY t, I I ESTABLISH- MENT. IF you want the best possible value that Ready Money can command in General Drapery, Goods, Ready-Made Clothing. &c., Ac., Suits and Single Garments made to measure on the shortest notice-tit, style, and workmanship guaranteed—go to DANIEL THOMAS, GENERAL DRAPER, TAILOR, & OUTFITTER, LITTLE DARKGATE STREET, ABERYSTWYTH. Terrns-Rea(ly Money only. One Price for all. 13!' ALL Goon? MARKUP IN PLAIN FIUCRKS. CORRUCATED GALVANISED IRON ROOFING. ■" X PRICES .y ——' — ON APM.1 CATION CORRUGATED IRON CO., WOLVERHAMPTON. FOUND DEAD. AT IDIS^ season of tl»6 .■ ear, when 'TIU1Dt especial, v of the rat species, will return in Lumbers fro?n the fields and crowd into granaries, corn stacks, &e., your readers would do well to bear in mind that there is one certain remedy -and that is Sand- ford's Rat Poison, to be obtained Sandford, Sandy, Beds. It is the most certain remedy 1 have ever tried. Little' pellets about the size of a pea are put in the rat-holes or in their runs. I destroyed over '!< rats from one dressing with it. C. Cook, Grange Karm, Ellesmere. Salop.-Pricc Is. per box (is. 2d. with postage), of SANDF''HI- AN1) SON, Sandy, Beds. Also Mice Poison for dressing corn stacks. Answers well. Kills Mice on the spot. Thirty-Fev en dead in the house by one packet. Send stumps and'trr. [e74 Meetings. "1' f. .r'f' ,r. "TraMor /1\ Brython." TRE'RDDOL EISTEDDFOD, WfiTCH WILL, BE HEIJI CHIEF CHORAL COMPETITION. Choir, not under 70 in number, that will render best "AH we like Sheep have gone astray'' (The Messiah), Prize, £ 20 0s. Cd. and chair for the Conductor. Con- ductors of the other choirs to receive £1 OH. 0d. each. i Programmes will be out shortly. Secty.- JAI. JOXES, Fr< c Trade Hall, Taliesin, Glandovey, R.S.O. P.S.- Anyone wishing to offer a Prize will kindly I write to the Secretary before M.*«rcb lith. fe97 ) business Jtoiias 1 WINTER FASHIONS. C. M. WILLI AMS TS NOW SHOWING NEW GOODS JL Suitable for the Present Season. New Materials for Dresses. New Plushes and Velvets. New Millinery for Hats and Bonnets. New Feathers, Wings, and Flowers. N- e-, Jackets, Ulsters, and Mackintoshes. New Fur Caps and Gloves. New Cloths for Men's Suits. New Hats for Men in Newest Shapes. Noted Houses for Stylish Hats and Bonnets. Special attention paidtoMourning Orders. Special y alue in Blankets and Flannels. ir C. M. WILLIAMS, 10, PIER STREET, ABERYSTWYTH. StA RY LAURA14C £:SP S<3JST^heu TRADE These well-known and celebrated Spectacles are manufactured on 6tn improved principle, and are u»ed and recommended hy the leading Oculists and Gentlemen of the Medical Profession throughout the United Kingdom. HENRY LAURANCE'S SPECTACLES Are clear and cool, and never tire the eye, and ichilst subduing all inflammatory symptons, assist, strengthen and preserve the [ :"ht. SIR JULIUS BENEDICT, 2, Manchester Square, London, W., w i-ite.. -I have tried the principal Opticiaas in London without success, but your spectacles suit me admirably, both for reading and walking. The clearness of your glasses, as compared with others, is really surprising. I shall at all times recommend chem. Hundreds of Testimonials have been received from persons whose sight has been benefited by their use when all others have foiled, a lengthened list of which can be seen on application to the agents for Aberystwyth- WHEATLEY & SONS, Music Sellers AVrvatwyth. All Spectacles stamped 3.L. rc292 rnEA at WHOLESALE PRICES.—Why I pay Grocers and Stores 28. 6d. per lb., when you 3an buy direct from importers choice Congou Tea (whole leaf) at Is. 4d. per lb. Carriage paid. Cash on delivery. Sample post free 12 stamps.—The DIRECT rEA SUPPLY COMPANY, Customs Chambers. London, E.C d251 ttbu AT 6 A C N THE PHARMACOPOEIA. An extra-! from the second edition (page 188) of the translation of the Pharmacopoeia of the Royal College of Physicians of London, by Dr G. F. Collier, published by Longman and Co.:— It is no small defect in this compilation (speaking of the New Pharmacopoeia) that we have no purgative mass but what contains aloes; yet we know that hsemorrhoidal persons cannot bear aloes, except it be in the form of COCKLE'S PILLS, which chiefly consist of aloe3, scammony, and colcynth which I think are formed into a sort of compound extract, the avidity of which is obviated. I suspect, by an alkaline process, and by a fourth ingredient (unknown to me) of an aromatic tonic nature. I think no better and no worse of it for its being a patent medicine. I look at it as an article of commerce and domestic convenience, and do not hesitate to say it is the best made Pill in the Kingdom; a muscular purge, a mucous purge, and a hydrogogue purge conjoined, and their effects properly controlled by a dirigent and corrigent. That it doe" not commonly produce hemorrhoids, like most aloetic pills, I attribute to its being thoroughly soluble, so that no undissolved particles adhere to the mucous membrane." c OCKLE'S ANTI BILIOUS PILLS OF PURE VEGETABLE INGREDIENTS AND FFEE FROM MERCURY. In use among all classes of society EIGHTY. SIX YEARS. May be had throughout the United Kingdom, In bores at Is. lid., 2s. 9d 4s. 6d. Us and 22a 4, GREAT ORMARD STREET, LONDON. PRIVATE HOTEL (SUPERIOR). CAMBRIAN HOUSE, 1, TAVISTOCK SQUARE, LONDON, W.C. SITUATION CENTRAL AND CLOSE TO 'BUSSES AND THREE IMPORTANT RAILWAY STATION?, Terms Strictly Moderate. MRS. DELA HOY DE, d724] Lateof Aberystwyth. HOI.LOWAY'S PILL.S.-The changes of temperature and weather frequently upset persons who are most cautious of their health, and most particular in their diets. These corrective, purifying, and gentle aperient Pills are the best remedy for all defective actions of the digestive organs; they augment the appetite, strengthen the stomach, correct biliousness, and carry off all that is noxious from the system. Holloway's Pills are composed of rare balsams, un- mixed with baser matter, and on that account are peculiarly well adapted for the young, delicate, and aged. As this peerless medicine has gained fame in the past, so will it preserve it in the future by its re- novating and invigorating qualities, and its incapacity of doing harm. PERFECT HEALTH RESTORED WITHOUT MUCIMNE, PURGING, OR EXPENSE, by Du BARRY'S DELICIOUS REVALENTA ARABICA FOOD, which repairs the mucous membrane of Stomach and Bowels, the Blood, the I Nerves, Lungs, Liver, Brain, Voice, and Breath- curing Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Constipation, Consump- 1 tion, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Acidity, Heartburn, Phlegm, Flatulency, Feverish Breath, Nervous, Bili- ous, Plnmonary, Glandular, Kidney and Liver Com- plaints, Debility, Cough. Asthma, Typhoid, Scarlet, Gastric, Enteric, and Bilious Fevers. Diphtheria, Spasms, Cough, Measles, Impurities, and Poverty of the Blood, Diabetes, Ague; Nausea, and Vomiting after Eating, during Pregnancy, and at Sea; Eruptions, Eczema, Sleeplessness. Dropsy, Paralysis Noises in the Ears, Atrophy, Wasting in Adults an Children. 38 years' invariable success with old and young, even in the most hopeless cases. 100,000 cures, including t those of H.I. M. the late Emperor Nicholas of Russia) Mr H. W. Stanley, the African Exploror, the March- ioness of Br^han. Lord Stuart de Decies; of Drs. Ure Wurzer, Shortland, Routh, etc., of London. Four times more nourishing than meat, and aq,iniiiatilig when all other food is rejected; it saves 50 times its cost in medicine. It rears also successfully the most delicate children from their birth. Suitably packed for all climates. Sells—in tins of lb.. at 2s.; lib. 3s. fid.; 21bs., 6s.; 51bs., 14s.; 12 bs., 32s., or about 2d. per meal. All Revalenta tins carriage free on receipt of P.O.O. Pamphlet with Cures sent gratis. Also THE KISG of INFANTS' FOODS, the most perfect Food for rearing Babies. In round boxes at 8d. and Is. 3d.-add 3d. fo, franking. Du BARRY & Co. Limited), No. 77, Regent Street, ndon, W.; and at all Grocers and Cheip-sta business Jlbbresccs. I HOWELL & SON, ABERAYRON, HAVE always in Stock Eley's Central Fire and Pin, 12 Blue Cartridges and Cartridge Cases, and Caps and Wads for refilling purposes. Also Curtis and Harvey's Best Powders in various grains, qualities, and brands. All kinds of Shot from No. 2 to No. 8. Most reasonable prices. JAMES' LLANBADARN MONNMENTAL WORKS, ESTABLISHED 1848. MARBLE Granite and Stone Monuments, 1V1. Headstones, and every other description of Memorial Stones designed alii executed to order. Postal address—Mrs. AMES, Padarn View, Llanbadarn Fawr, R.S.O., e 1 35] Aberystwyth.