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(Pdnrational. V^IOAL Miners.—Lessons by post: syllabus free.—The Universal Mining School (214). Cardiff. 536 MINES Inspectorate. Scholarships. Surveying, Elec- .m. tricity, Coal and Metal Mining Examinations.- Candidates thoroughly prepared; lessons by post.—Write <oCambrian Mining School. Forth. 667p JEasiral Inatrtmuitta. Fyoa'wajit a Piano or Organ do not be persuaded by any interested peæon to purchase until YOU have ucertained the extraordinary value we are offering. You wiUsa.ve many pounds, be most liberally tread, and get the easiest possible terms by purchasing from M. Duck. Son and Pinker. The Great Piano Merchants. Pultney Bridge, Bath, and at Bristol. Catalogue and Book of Advice free. Name this paper. ¡¡icudts anb STOCKTAKING Sale.—Tyres. Cycle Accessories. tj Covers. 3s 3d; Air Tubes with valves. 3d. guar. anteed. Lamps. Bells. &c.. new goods. Sale list free.—W. A Gorton. Manufacturer. Wolverhampton. 686n Carriages sttir JJ tbicltl. UNDERTAKERS' Opportunity.—30 Modem Hearses. Washington Cars. Clarences, Landaus, Brakes. Hansoms £ 10 some eaual new low prices and great bargains easy terms Descriptive priced catalogue.— Hansoms £ 10 some equal new low prices and great bargains easy terms Descriptive priced catalOgue.- Marsron's. 24. Bradford-street, Birmingham. 526 JIUtoral fUitttiiua. npEAGTXELIN"E Herbs.—Wonderful Medicine for Indi JL gestion, Constipation. Headache, Backache, Stomach \WI Kinney Disorders post free, 1 packet lOd, 3 for 2s.— leaeuj. Station-street, opposite Theatre. Newport. Mon. Jar Sal*. OUTH Wales Property Gazette."—A monthly k.9 Kepister of Estates, Honse. Lands. &c.. to be Let ri told in Wale3. Monmouthsh ire West of England, &c. l.GGC copies sent monthly, post free. to the leading in- habitants of. Wales and Monmouthshire. Insertions liee.—Copies post free from Messrs Hern and Pert- wee, Estate Atrents. Auctioneers.&c„ 74, St. Mary-street. Cardiff. 189 F E A X H E R S E Å THE R S. FEATHERS FOR BEDS. Why buy common shoddy wool beds when you can get best ENGLISH FEATHERS at 5d per lb, carriage paid ? Warranted dry and sweet. Feather beds made to order, tend tor samples and price l'st to 11. HANDY AND CO.. FEATHER MERC, 5061 WELSHPOOL, NORTH WALES. 114 JllisceUaiteoits. ■ alPORTANT to Mothers.—Every mother valuing JL health anfl cleanliness in her child uses Harrison's Nursery Pomade. One application kills all nits and insects, beautifies and strengthens the bair. removes scurf and dandruff, promotes growth. Price 4id and 9d. postage 1d. Sold by Chemist. Reading. Insist on having Harrisou's Pomade. 19828 OOTTTHALLS' Sanitary Towels, a modern hygienic O utility for ladies; cost less than washing. Of all Drapers, Chemists, &c. 1 ~7— iHisrdlantous Bants. WELSH China.—Wanted, Swansea and Nantgarw W China, Swansea and Cambrian Pottery, and Diliwm Etruscan Ware; only good specimew required high prices given.-Address Collector. Echo Office. Cardiff. 24 Hanks- » IJUIE (jtiAJUNG (jR08S jgANK (Est..1870.( Cardiff Branch-73, Si". MARY-STREET. Strand. London. W.C.. and33. Bishopsgate-street Within. London. E.C. Eches-Manchester, Liverpool, Leeds. Bradford,ftp. Aneta. £1.rnr,949 Liabilities, £12.3.871 Surplus £371.078. LOANS of £30 to £2,000 granted at a few hours' notice I 1 town or country on personal security, jewellery, precious stones, stock, shares, and furniture (without removal). Stocks and Shares bought and gold. i PER CENT. allowed on current account ba.lanœs. DEPOSITS of £10 and upwards received as under— tutjectto ..months' notice of withdrawal, 5pc. per an. '5 6 .■ 12 „ 7 „ Special term<¡.for longer periods. Interest paid quarterly. Owing to the nature oi our investments we are able tot fay rates of interest on deposits that will compare favour- ibly with dividends paid on almost any class or stock o )bareholding insuring the safety of capital. We have been established for i i years. and our position in the banking icorld to-day testifie3 to the sucoesj of our busintlllll eethods and to the satisfaction of our customers, Write ..r call for prospectus. UK^^VILLlAJIj^andJT^ALL^Ioin^lanag|raL^ ,neu. jgio TO £5,000 ADVANCED By Private Lender on simple Promissory Note. No bills of sale taken, and absolute privacy guaranteed, First letter of application receives prompt attention, and intending borrowers are waited upon by a representative who ;8 .empowered to complete transaction on terms mutually arranged, no cham being made unless busin83;1 actually completed. Special quotations for short loans. Write in conscience to— C. WELLS. 16. CLARE-STREET. 398n 5989 BRISTOL. THE OLD-ESTABLISHED PROVINCIAL UNION X BANK continues to Lend immense sums daily, from £ 10 to £ 5,000 on Note of Hand alone or other Security, at h few hours' notice, to all classes In any part of England N and Wales, repayable by easy instalments No good application ieever refused. All communications strictly private. Moderate interest. Special rates for short periods. The largest, best-known, and most honourably conducted busines in the kingdom. Thousands of our regular customers have expressed their entire satisfaction ;r repeated transactions with us. If desired one of our dllcial.. will attend at your residence at once with cash, Uld carry out the advance THERE and THEN. CaUor "Tite (in confidence) to the Manager. Mr STAN- LEY Queen-square, Bristol, or to Mr WM. JAMES 168. Richmond-road (top of City-road), Cardiff. MONEY Lent, £ 5- £ 500; low rates: fair dealing.—County Credit Ch., Ltd Agent W. P. Thomas. Abertillery.n IriiELDlNGS. Old-established Financiers, are pre- JL pared to Ad vane :ium from to £3 ,000 at short lJoticeon 3PflroVetJ Note of Hand, personal or other securities Charges arranged before transactions are completed. Mortgages on Property effected at current rates of interest. Property Purchased Trade Bills discounted. Annuities and Fixed Incomes arranged. Money advanced on second mortgages.—Ajwly direct, as we ha Yd uo agents.—Hayes Buildings, The Hayes, Cardiff 13933 E8SRS~s7hERN & PERT WEE, Estate Agents, 74. 1T]L St. Mary-street, Cardiff, are prepared to advance bom Uoo to £100.000 on Mortgage of Freehold or Leasehold Property, and from £50 to on personal security. 15664 A CONSTITUTIONAL CRISIS in. a physiological meaning is even of more importance to the individual than what is implied by the same expression when used in national or political sense. To remove illness and deranged conditions of the bodily organs is of supreme importance. To regain, establish and maintain the health is certainly the first duty every citizen owes to himself ana to society. In this connection it is as- serted with confidence, based on the experi- ence of three generations, that Beecham's Pills •re quite invahiabJe for keeping the general. • up to the mark. No family, no person of either sex, ought to be without a box always available, because they fortify the constitution against the inroad of disease. The complex nature of modern life CALLS FOR energy, jadgment, strength, confidence. These qualities can never be efficiently exercised by those who are distressed by a number of often neglected ailments which sap the vital powers and enervate the-system. Indigestion, niiiousnesB, constipation, feeble appetite, ner- vousness, poorness of blood, and disorders of a.like nature, if allowed to continue uncured, will end in totally unfitting the sufferer for the work demanded of him. It should never be forgotten that Beecham's Pills arc a certain remedy for troubles arising from digestive dis- turbances and the grave evils that follow in their wake. Do not, therefore, neglect the symptoms you know so well, and from which, perhaps, you may have long suffered. Get to the bottom of the trouble and eradicate it by taking gEECHAM'S piLLS. jgJECHAM'S pILLS. gEECHAl'S piLLS. DR. J. COLLIS C Rio £-0 D Y N Invaluable foe COUGHS, COLD*), BRONCHITIS. ASTHMA. NEURALGIA Anda.11 Kindred Ailment* This old and tried remedy has stood the Uet of two generations- REFUSE to bo |,oto £ f with a SUBSTITUTE, the Original can be bad of all CHEMISTS; you lotu beeeen that you are not weak tiBougb ui lICCepaD. imitation. COLLI3 JJ R O W N £ :t the ,N a.m.e, J f lid. 2s 9d, 4s 6d, the prices. 1043 MANFULNESS.—An interesting and instructive Book can be had FUll describing tttue, simple, and Scientific System whiah baa been practiced for over 20 years with unexampled luocesa, together with over 1,000 Testimonials giving absolute proof that the severest cases ot NERVOUS EX- fiAUSXION.DJSCAY O* VITAL FORCS, WASTING, WEAKNESS. VARICOCELE, etc., have been PER, MANENTLY CURED WITHOUT Stomach Medicina- Electricity, Change of Diet or Habits, LoIs of Time or Occupation. A former sufferer writes :_h It has made life again wottb living." Apply to-day enclosing two stamps for ostage ia plain envelope. and mention this paper.—A. J. Leigh, 92 and j. Great Uusoell-street, London, W.C. 16625 CCARDIFF ADVERTISING, BILL- J POSTING, & CIRCULAR DISTRIBUTING COMPANY, LIMITED OFFICES & WORKS. 1, PARK-STREET, CARDrFy. Manager-FRANK R, SIMPSON. Proprietors of the Principal Stations in Cardiff and Tseighbourhood. Contractors for all descriptions of Advertising, Circular Distributing, &c. All orders promptly attended to. 1005 J JtaMtr JLtraiseramis. CARDIFF. THEATRE, CARDIFF. Sole Proprietor-ROBERT REDFORD. EVERY EVENING AT 7.15, MILTON BODE & ROBERT REDFORD'S GRAND FAIRY PANTOMIME— DICK HITTINGTON, The Most Gorgeous Production ever Staged in Cardiff, Including the following Powerful Combination of Artistes- Miss ISABELLE DILLON Mr PHIL SMITH Miss GLADYS GUY Mr TOM E. SINCLAIR Miss MINNIE DUNCAN Mr MARK LESTER Miss BLANCHE ASTLEY Mr ARTHUR LESLIE Miss ELSA McINTOSH Mr JOHNNY FULLER Miss BETTY O'BRIEN Mr ARTHUR E. GODFREY MORNING PERFORMANCES EVERY WEDNESDAY & SATURDAY at 2. EXTRA MATINEE THURSDAY, JANUARY 20. Children under 12 years of age admitted to these Performances at the following reduced prices Dress Circle, 2s Orchestra Stalls, 2s and Is 6d Pit Stalls and Balcony, Is Pit, 6d. Box Office at Theatre, 10 to 5 and during the perionnance. Nat. Tel Cardiff 376. I 1069—87e flrtMir litriirfs. CANCER HOSPITAL (Free), Fulham- road, London, S.W.—PATENTS SEEN DAILY on their own application at: o'clock. Funds urgently needed for general expenses and for the Research Department. 19615 Secretary, Fred W. Howell. ——————^m KEEP YOURSELF pIT. The eld say lis;, Prevention Is better thaa rure," has a wonderful meaning in relatiol1 to physical health. Itsaptnes3 does not strike us while we are well and strong, but directly wa cet out of sorts we ieei the truth of the truism. GWILYM QUININE jglTTERS. There Is probably nothing else quite S3 good." reliable, and so quickly effective in conserving health and warding off threatening attacks of dis- ease as Grwilym Evans' Quinine Bitters. This! not a wild statement—there is a perfectly souni reason for the unusual claim. GWILYM VANS' QUININE jglTTERS. Gwilym Evans' Bitters are compounded from various natural products whichLadmittedtypot- sessthe most valuable bracing and stimulative pro- perties known to the Healing Art. The system braced and fortified by an occasional dose oc Gwilym Evans' Quinine Bitters is almost. invul- nerabie against the common and insidious ailments which invade all homes. GWILYM VANS i QUININE JJITTERS. The effecto; Gwilym Evans'Bitters upon ths system is to assist—not to Jorce-every natural function of the pbysical organism. The heart. tbe brain, the liver, the kidneys, stomach, and blood- ell feel and respond to the quickening influence Gwilym Evans Bitters, and as a result the nerves, muscular fibres, and tissues of the body-are all brought under their vitalising influence. I GWILYM "pi VANS' QUININE jJITTEBS. Jfron are weak, allla*. asamie, debilitated— Gwnym Evans' Bitters wiU put you right, ft you are convalescent after an exhausting illness. Gwilym Evans' Bitten will bring the system up to par quicker than anything else. Ify6n are well and strong, an occasional doee of Gwilym Evans's Bitters will act as a bulwark to your health and lifeguard you againstdisease. GWILYM ~p<VANS* QUININE JglTTERS The extraordinary snecessof Gwilym Evans* Quinine Bitters is easily proved when taken afte; e bad attack of Influenza, when the Patienfci t weak and downhearted; appetite gene, nervous and low spirited, sleepless, depressed. tired out. weary of life. -i" GWILYM pjl VANS' QUININE JglTTERS. Why, if you only try one bottle you will soon bt relieved of your nervousness aud weaknas. aall icgain your appetite. There is nothing else likei. Always keep Gwilym Bitten in tbehouse, and why not take it as a preventive? It is an ideal Preparation lor persons or both seseat ot III ages, and the results beneficial inevery case of indisposition and illness. ]i their merit* were lightly appreciated, Gwilym Evans' Bitten would become an institution inevery home in the country. Gwilym Evans' Quinine Bitters is purely Herbal Tonic, and it is the beat Pick-me-up ia the world, and makes life worth iving. Try a bottle now. The name Gwilym Evans" on the label, stamp and bottle" the only guarantee of genuineness. Of all Chemists and Stores, U Lotties, 2s 9d and 4s 6d eich. Eole Proprietors—Quinine Bitters Manufacturing Company, Limited, Llanelly, South Wales. GWILYM QUININE BITTERS. 1012 X STOP ONE MOMENT V oa, DEAR DOCTOR. MUST MY DARLING DIE! r THERE IS VERY LITTLE HOPE, BUT TRY TUDOR ^yiLLIAMS' g ALSAM OF H 0 N E Y It is aji essence of the purest and most effica- cjogg herhev gatixered on the Weieh Hills and Valleys in the proper season, when their virtues are in full perfection, and combined with Pure Welsh Honey. All the its are perfectly pure. rjTUDOR ^yjILLIAMS' JgALSAM OF JJ 0 N E Y Cures Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma, Whooping Cough, Croup, and all disorders of the Throat, Chest and Lungs. It is invahxabie to Weak-chested Men, Delicate Women. and Children- Wonderful pure for Children's Cough after Measles and Whooping Cough. It succeeds where all otberBiail. IT SOOTHES WHILE IT CURES. Thousands of people have written to us testify- ing to its marvellous curative properties. For Vocalists and Public Speakers it is a Real Blessing—it prevents hoarseness and sore throat, and keeps the voice as clear as a bell. Try it. You will not regret it. ITS HEALING BO WEB IS MABVELLOUS. TUDOR WILLIAMS' PATENT BALSAM OF HONEY. No House Should be Without tt. See that You Get the Genuine Article. 80 Many Imitations and Frauds. Sold by all Chemists and Sbores, la, 2s 6d, and 4s 6d bottles. Great saving in purchasing the large bottles. Sample bottle sent (post paid) for Is 3d, 2s 9d, and 5s, from the Inventor, D. Tudor Williams, R.S.D.L. This preparation is not a quack Medicine, but of 36 years' standing, prepared by Scientific Chemists and Druggists. Manufacturer:— TUDOR WILLIAMS, M.R.P.S., A.S.Apth., London Analytical and Consulting Chemist and Druggist by Examination. Medical Hall, Aberdare. 1019 PAINE'S BILLPOSTING SYNDI- CATE i ui' Aberdans Hirwain. Mountain Ash, and District. Z. ANDREWS, Secretary. Offices- 1015 NEW THEATRE, ABERDARE. lusurantt. 200tir tar. CTTVr FIRJfi OFFICE O w FOUNDED 171a The Oldest Insurance Office in the World. CARDIFF BRANCH—13. WINDSOR-PLACE. W. EVAN LLOYD, District Inspector. Insurances effected on the following risks :— FIRE DAMAGE. Resultant Lose of Rent and Profits. Employers' Liability Personal Accident. & Workmen^ Com- Sickness & Disease, pensation, including Fidelity Guarantee. Accidents to Burglary. Domestic Servants. Plate Glass. APPLICATIONS FOR AGENCIES INVITED. 6815 pipping flatxcts. 4BERDEEN LINE FROM ..(IL LONDON TO XJ AUSTRALIA. Via PLYMOUTH, TENERJFFE, and CAPETOWN. W5RICLES (tw. sc.) I ^MORAVIAN .Mar. 15 Ja.n.15 MILTIADES (tw. sc.) MARATHON (tw. sc.11 Feb. 16 I April 13 •Carries third-class passengers only. Superior accommodation for Saloon and Third-class Passengers at low fares to South African, Australian. and New Zealand Ports. Return tickets interchange- able with Lund's Blue Anchor Line. Apply to GEO. THOMPSON and CO., Ltd., 7, Billiter-square. E.C., or to Local Agents. WHITE STAR LINE.—LIVERPOOL W (South Africa*. PRMIC, 11,974 tons Jan. 13 RUNIC. 12,482 ton» Feb 10 MEDIC, 11,984 toni Mar 10 AFRIC, ll,948t.onJ Afrril 7 ibeaccommodAtion) 1 theo twin-screw steamen comprise! smoking, reading, and dining room?. Fares.—To Australia, £ 1/ to £ 33. to Capetown, For further oarticaUrs apply fca Lot Agenti or tolsmay, Imrie and C)., LivarpdaL Southampton, t, Cockspur-street, S.W., sal JJ, Le^lsnhjiU-strast;, jatO., London. HAVE YOU A BAD LEG With wounds that discharge or otherwise, perhapi surrounded with inflammation and swollen, that when yon press your linger on the inflamed part it leaves the impression ? If 10, under the skiu you have poison that defies all the remedies you have tried, which, if not extracted, you never can re- cover, but go on suffering till death releases you. Perhaps your knees are swollen, the joints being ulcerated; tha sama with tha ankles, round waloh the skin may be discoloured, or there may be wounds; the disease, if allowed to continue, will deprive you of the power to walk. You may have attended various hospitals and had medical advice, and been told your caae is hopeless, or advised to submit to amputation; but do not, for I CAN CURE YOU. I DON'T SAY PERHAPS BUT I WILL. Because others have failed is no reason I should. Send at once a P.O. for 2s 6d to C. T. ALBERT, 73, FARRXNGDON-STRiSET, LONDON, and you will receive a box of GRASSHOPPER OINTMENT and Pills, which Is a snre remedy for the care of Bad Lass, Housemaid's Knee, Ulcerated Jointa, Carbuncles, Poisoned Hands. Tumours, Abscesses, Sore Throat, Bronchitis. Bunions, and Ringworm. (Copyright.) THE DOCTOR: Ah L yes, restless N aiwMeverish. 0hre Kim a Steed- MAN'S Powder AND he will soon be all ript." llteedme's Powders F?L !? Why Pay Cash down when 6d. Weekly •will aemre Superb English-made M. WaeMy or button, black or tan, at factory priev! PA Boots sent 1o yon for 6d. depoot (and fid. Wej > postage) and when balrnea of payment' l £ sent A pair of Kumfy" hoase- Bjf shoes Riven FRBB. O*ot.'l, 7/6: fl I lAdleii 5/6; Chlldran's, |/e, tt FttttheMttene BaiMin)<<t. W.C. C. BECHSTEIN. BY SPECIAL APPOINTMENT TO THEIR MAJESTIES THE lUNG AND QUEEN, H.M. THE LATE QtTEEN VICTORIA, H.M. THE EMPEROR OF GERMANY, H.M. THE CZAR OP RUSSIA, H.M. THE KING OF ITALY, H.M. THE KING OF SPAIN, &c., &c. MY SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR CARDIFF AND DISTRICT ARE R. J. HEATH & SONS, Who are also Sole Agents for BROADWOOD, BLUTHNER, STECK, SCHIEDMAYER. NEUMEYER, WALDEMAR, THE ORCHESTRELLE CO.'S PIANOLA-PIANOS AND ORCHES- TRELLES, &c. 1QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF 70, TAFF-STREET, PONTYPRIDD; PENARTH and PORT TALBOT. Nat. Tel.—Cardiff, 2199 Pontypridd, 21. GRAMOPHONES & ACCESSORIES. 1010 Ie HOE'S SAUCE There's nothing in the World better than Hoe's Sauce tor Im- paired appetite and digestion. It is delightfully piquant and stimulating. ZwATCH FOR SKILL. ■—T~*T In the ceatre of the diagram you see Fig. 5. Arrange the figures 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 3 and 9 in the remaining squares, c so that the columns add 15 up, down, J across, and from corner to corner. If correct, and you comply with the simple condition we shall send you A correct, and you comply with the 1-1!-1 simple condition we shall send you A HANDSOMtr WATCH (guaranteed 5 years); will be sent to you Entirely Free of Cost. Send your answer NOW, enclosing stamp for reply, to INVICTA WATCH CO. (Dept. 4), 100, High-street, Northfleet, Kent. THERAPION and popular | remedy used in Continental Jdospitals by Kioord, Rostan, Jobert, Voipeau and others, surpasses every- thing hitherto employed for impurity of blood 3pots, blotches, pains and swellings of joints, kidney, bladder, and liver diseases, gravel, pains in back, 8tone, gleet, gout, rheumtillm, exhaustion, sleepless- ness, &c. Three forms, Nos. 1, 2, and 5, according to diseases for which intended. Price 2s 9d. For free advice as to suitability of Therapion write, sending Stamped addressed envelope, to the Le Clerc Medicine Co., Haverstock-stre^t, Hampstead, London 19781 S'VANSEA OFFICES OF THE •SOUTH WALES DAILY NEWS," No. 52. HIGH-STREET.

IjClapham Conflagration.







Neath Lady's Death. .

Aberbargoed Selected. .















[No title]
