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).gtndtl, «rabtUtrs. r. A" GENTS wanted to sell Oliver's Tea; a safe and permanent income,-Write parti AOlars Oliver Oliver & Co., 290. Souihgate-road, London Ito WtL»%usim%& Jtam&n,$ct. FAKMH, instates, Country Houses; rentals from 6s an JL' acre, micea from jE7 acre. Country Houses In all sonnties. Ratter's Monthly Keelster contains <0 pastes of particulars post free 2 stamps.—Messrs flutter, 10 Norfolk-street, Strand, London. t-ereral cheap 1'arm3 And Conntry Profffirtil's in Wale "nrl Bcirder Counties. TO Let, large Shop and House best position Com- mercial-street, Maesteg.—Apply Castle Hotel. 154n To Let, immediate possession, convenient Offices on second floor, 97, St. Mary. street, Cardiff moderate jant^—Apply South Walas Daily News Office, Cardiff. 5n Mnm&l. IANOFORTK—A Lady wishes^ to^Sell-lovely 56- guinea Upright Iron Grand Drawing-room Piano, lull trichord, on massive brass sounding plate; fitted grand repeater check action, handsomemarqueterie 'panel, with carved pillars nearly new maker's 20 gears' warranty, transferable take 15 guineas ap- proval willingly.-G.. 231, Burdett-road, London, E.17891 3prralirg & Mivbs. OLD English Game for Sale all colours bred especi- ally for pit fighting; stamp for reply,—Thomas league, Marions, Berry Hill. Coleford. Gloucestershire. Botrosiw IVriidUs. /4"*1 REAT Clearance Sale of Baby Carriages at enor. OTmous reduction in prices to make room for our Xmas lovelies in British-made Toys send for price lists.— .Spencer's Baby Carriage Warehouse. St. John's Church- ';xIuare. Cardiff. 29:\O-398n I¡ ^Harljtturtr, arools, &c. FOR Sale, a 25 h.p. high-speed Otto Gas Engine, with special heavy 8 ton fly wheel, suitable for driving ylectric dynounos; fitted with patent silent exhaust £ ox and special large tank for water circulation equal ID new, having done no work can be seen at any time Vk South Wales Printing Works, Westgate-street, Car- ets.— Apply Socth Wales Daily News Office. Cardiff.554n 1'- Jfflr .'f:alt. (P1AJSTEBS, Horsekeepers.—Send Is for Book of Stable \J Recipes.—Tully, Craig Bank, Bexhill. 76 %7"AJiM00TH Bloaters, good quality, Is 6d and 2s 9d J. bag free.—Ben Angel, Corge-row, Great Yarmouth. 51 jp BATHERS, "Jjl BATHER S FEATHERS FOR BEDS. Whytay common shoddy Wool Beds when yon can 3et best ENGLISH FEATHERS at 6d per lb, carriage Warranted dry and sweet. Feather Bedsmade JO order. Send for samples and price list to H. HANDY AND CO., FEATHER MERCHANTS, 6061 WELSHPOOL, NORTH WALES. U4 Q<dPTH Wales Property Gazette."—A Monthly O Register of Estates, Houses, Lands. &c„ to be pet or Sold in Wales, Monmouthshire, West of England, &c. 1^300 copies sent monthly, post tree, to leading inhabitant 3 of Wales and Monmouthshire insertions free. Copies post free from Messrs Hern nd Pertwee, Estate Agents, Auctioneers, ice., 74, t, Mary-street. Cardiff. 2444 'JtTkS THE "DEFIANCE GUN." KTV3 OUFORRAl;BfX OR GENERAL SHOOTING.OVJ 12 bore, centrltl tire, double-barrel breechloader, lef )hoke, top or double grip action, with lever under guard. Swist barrels, horn heelplate, walnut stock. pistol grip. double bolt, rebounding locks, patent fore end, Ac.; :»und and well made warranted to shoot and handle well; price 50s, worth 80s carriage paid do cot buy <CUDS at a shop, deal direct with the actual manufac- jursrs and save reail profits satisfaction guaranteed •2>r cash returned beautifully illustrated catalogue fun .f interesting information concerning guns, testi. monials, &c„ post free.—C. and T. Davis, Far-killing Ønn Manufacturers, 4, Femley-road, Stratford-road Birmingham. 17847 JHisaHaueotts Titaitts. laTELSH China.—Wanted, Swansea and Nantganv V T China,Swansea and CambrianPottery.and Dillwyn'a £ truscan Ware only good specimens required high prices given. Address Collector. Echo Office. Cardiff. jiUstellaiwaua. wishes to win 10s up to 2Qs daily through the sale of a lucrative article-aend ad- dress to A 351, Annoncen Bureau Union, LudWig, jtraase, 56. Stuttgart. ■a —J—— Ai FROM .£5 to £500. MONE"i.-U yoa want it promptly, privately, And 111 low rate of interest on approved.Note Ot Hand, CAll or write MB J. H. RIMER, -1. U, TAFF-EMBANKMENT, PENABTH-ROAD, CARDIFF. Immediate attention In town or country. Bftpayments arranged to salt your convenience. 61e THE OLD-ESTABLISHED PROVINCIAL UNION BANK continues to lend immense sums daily, from jElO to £5,000, on Note of Hand Alone, or other Security, at a few hours' notice, to all classes in any part of Eng- land and Wales. repayable by easy instalments. No good application is ever refused. All communications strictly private. Moderate Interest. Special rates for short periods. The largest, best known, and most honourably conducted Business in the Kingciom. Thousands of our • regular customers have expressed their entire satisfac- alan in repeated transactions with us. If desired, one of our Officials will attend at your residence at once with Cash, and carry out the advance THERE and THEN.— Call, or write (in confidence) to the Manager, Mr Stanley Dowding, I, Queen-square, Bristol. 58 FIELDINGS, lamised. Old-established Financiers, are JP prepared to Advance sums from £20 to £3,000 at short notice on approved Note of Hand, personal or other securities. Charges arranged before transactions are completed. Mortgages on Property effected at current ■ rates of interest. Property Purchased. Trade Bills jDlsocranted. Annuities and Fixed Incomes arranged. Money advanced on second mortgages. — Apply dlreetas we have no agents, Hayes Buildings. The Hayes, Cardiff, 13938 MONEY.—Mr Pike, 43, 8alisbury-ril.—Head pos card for prospectus (returned in closed envelope tree), and you will do business with no other 8rm.14421 ESSRSS. HEBN & PERTWEE, Estate Agents.. 74, St. Mary-street, Cardiff, are prepared to Advance from £100 to £100.000 on Mortgage of Free- 1Jald orJ.ea.sebold Property, and from. £ b0 to £ 1,000 on" persona,! security. 3664 THE CHARING CROSS BANK.—Established 1870 and 28, BEDFORD-STREET, CHARIIiG-CBOSS, W.O LONDON. eets Æ51Z.415. Sarplns,,£503.000. Loans otJESO to £5.000 made on any class of secnxlty. 2iper cent, allowed on Current Account Balances, Deposits of 1 and upwards received Asunder;— Subject to 3 Months' Notice of Withdrawal, 5 per cent per annum. Snbjectto 6 Months' Notice of Withdrawal, 6 percent' per annum. Subject to 12 Months' Notice of Withdrawal,.? per Bent, per annum. Special Terms for Longer Periods, Interest, paid Quarterly. ? The Terminable Deposit Bonds pay neatly cent and area safe investment, Wriie orcall for Prospectus. 17800 At WILLlAMSJB. J. TALL, JOtarMAUCgers. MIDLAND GUN PEEARTMENT 14, DEMON GUN WOBKS. > VESEY-STBEBT. BIRMINGHAM.. GUNS FROM* 25s to £25,. FAR-KILLING GUNS AT WHOLESALE PRICES —Double Breechloaders from 25s to £10, Hammer- less from JE5 to £20, Hammerless Ejectors from £8 to £25. 5,000 Guns and Rifles usually in stock ready for immediate delivery. Send three stamps for a Price List. We make every part of a gun in our own works, and sell direct to the user at one small profit. We send any gon on approval, pay carriage both ways if not satisfactory, and return cash in full. We take any second-hand gun, central or pin-fire, breeclJo or muzzle-loading, in part payment for a new one, or*' will buy-any nnv for cash. r. "t." FOR ROOKS. PIGEONS, RABBITS. 151- Single-barrel 12 bore breech-loading shofe RUDS, converted from ri1les and bored by 8J1 im- proved process for long range and great penetration, unequalled for rook, pigeon, rabbit, wildfowl, and all long-distance shooting, price 15/ or better quality and improved safety action, price 201-. GUN REPAIRS.—Guns by any maker promptly repaired, vety best material and workmanship, at about balf dealers' charges. NewB1locJrs or new" barrels fitted, barrels browned or bored. Cten converted from pin to central fire, and. done np< SB new. at small cost. Exact price given for all. zepairs if desired before the work is commenced. Gross may be sent from any part of the United; JQngdom by parcel post for Is. CARTRIDGES.— Best of All." The best "Smokeless Powder Cartridge ever made. price 7/- per 100, or 500 for 33/ 1,000 for 63/ "Sadden Death." The best Black Powder Cartridges, 5(- per ,100 or 47/6 per 1,000. Lots of 100 and upwaxfe ^delivered carriage paid tat any station in England. at Wales. Everything in Guns, Rifles, Revolvers, Gun Imple- ments, and Cases at WHOLESALE PRICES. 17879 Xjl BEE TO E N When yon are tired of taking nauseous and mys- terious prescriptions and 'compounds, which do yon nogood. but only min your digestive organs, write to me and I will send yon a Book which describes a Quick and Certain Cure for lost strength, wasting weak- neas» <fec., from whatever canse arising. NO STOMACH MEDICINE. NO ELECTRICITY. Specimens of letters received and guaranteed genuine :— It is an excellent system, and I have scrupu- lously followed the instructions, and am a better man than 20 years ago.—G.G." Cannot be better than I am at present. It is a perfect cure.—K.G." Book sent sealed, post free. two stamps.—A. G. LEIGH, 92 and 93. Great Bussell-streefl. Blooms- bary. London. Send at once and be cured. Seventeen Years' Continuous Successes. 16625 "TV A INE'S BILL POST I.K*€h XT 8YNDICATB For Aherdare, Hirwain, Mountain AsBf and District* Z. ANDREWS, Secretary. 13520 Offices- n NEW THEATRE, ABERDAREj C'LARKE'S B 4i PILLS are warranted I to cure GRAVEL and PAINS in the BACK and all kindred complaints. Free from mercury Established upwards of 30 years. In boxes, 4s 6d each, of all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors throughout the world, or ssnt for 60 stamps by the makers, the Lincoln and Midlwd Counties Drag Company, Lytcolja. 1em Ilnblít ^musnrtfnis. CARDIFF. rjlHEATRE JJOYAL, CARDIFF. Lessee and Manager ROBERT REDPORD EVURY EVENING AT 7.30 except SATURDAY, when the performance will commence at 7, the MUSICAL PLAY, t THE BELLE OF NEW YORK. Special Engagement of Mr Frank Lawton, the original whistler, from the Shaftesbnry Theatre. London. Morning Performance SATURDAY at 2, NEXT WEEK— THE MOST SUCCESSFUL COMEDY. ARE you A J^JASON? Box Office at Theatre, 10 to 5. Nat. TeL. 362 Jublit jIlotítt!í. IF DUNCAN McNEILL, who was some time in the coal trade in McLellan-street, Glasgow, will COMMUNICATE with M. Mactaggart, Solicitor, Bowrnore, Islay, N.B„ he will hear of some- thing to his advantage. 17910 ANCER HOSPITAL (Free), Fulham. VJ road, London, S.W.—PATIENTS SEEN DAILY on their own application at 2 o'clock. Funds urgently needed for general expenses and for the Research Department. 17734 Secretary Fred W. Howell. JFffr alt. 1000 £1 FULLY. PAID 7 PER CENT. J_ CUMULATIVE PERFERENCE SHARES. carrying 2% per Cent. Bonus, FOR SALE at par. Preference Interest only requires £11,250, Capital £150,000. Reserve Fund. £476,678, Last year's profits over £1,000.000. Established seven years. Sound se- curity. Can divide.—Address Shares, care of Smith's, 51, Moorgate-street, London, E.C. 17926 %utlDtttg &ocietiez. THE TAUNTON AND WEST OF JL ENGLAND PERPETUAL BENEFIT BUILDING SOCIETY. ESTABLISHED 1857. INCORPORATED 1883. Offices 3. ILAMMET-STREET, TAUNTON. Secretary Mr ALBERT GOODMAN. BORROWING SHARES, £60 EACH. SUMS OF MONEY are ready to be advanced on security of any description of real property—free- hold, leasehold, or copyhold—on the most equitable terms; the principal and interest repayable by Monthly Instalments. INVESTING SHARES. £60 EACH, realised in about 13 years and 4 months by Monthly Payments of Five Shillings per share. FULLY PAID-UP SHARES, bearingaftxedrate of interest, payable half-yearly, or allowed to accu- mutate. DEPOSITS received. Interest at 4 per cent, per acnam. payable half-yearly. or may accumulate. Prospectuses, or any further particulars, may be obtained on application to the Secretary, as above, or to 189 Sir THOMAS WEBBER, District Secretary, 11, St. John 3-square. Cardiff. pipping .f1otites. HITE STAR LINE.—LIVERPOOL TV to AUSTRALIA, calling at Capetown (South Africa). PERSIC, 11,974 tons .Nov. 12 RUNIC, 12,482 tons Dec. 17 MEDIC. 11,984 tons ..Jan. 14,1904 AFBIC, 11,948 tons Feb. 11,1S04 The accommodation on these twin-screw steamers comprises smoking, reading, and dining rooms. Fares.—To Australia, £19 to to Capetown, dE15 15s to £22 Is. For farther particulars apply to Local Agents or to Ismay, Imrie and Co.. Liverpool; 17, Cockspnr- street, SJW., and 34, Leadenhall-street, E.C.. London. rjIHE nyOICE OF THE pEOPLE whenever raised and for whatever porpoae, must always command the fnllest atten- tion and respect. Whether the subject be imperial, national, industrial, or domes-1 tie, the Voice of the people holds the Bway. This voice it is that for nearly sixty years has consistently sounded the praiaeof jg EEOHAM'S pi I L S .II! —a medicine of which the people liftVO long known the remedial valtte In BILIOUS AND LIVER DISORDERS^ SICK-HEADACHE, FAILING APPETITE, JjANGOUR, AND WANT OF TONE caused by depressed conditions of the, Nervous System. In all sacb cases it is not too much to say that the benefits to be derived from ajnClicious use of JgEECHAM'S pILLS £ are practically known all over the world. } (hi,- SOLD EVERYWHERE IN BOXES. Price, Is lid (56 Pills) and 2s 9d (168 Pills). B. J. HEATH & SON, MUSICAL JNSTRUME NTS BY ALL MAKERS. 'SOLE AGENTS FOR t BROADWOOD.ERARD.SCHIEDMAYER, WALDEMAR, & CROWN PIANOS. RECITALS DAILY ON THE ANGELUS AND OTHER PIANO ? PLAYERS. The SYMPHONY AND Self-Playing Oboans, 4 ENORMOUS DISCOUNT FOR CASH. "6J' Q U E E"N gT"KEE T* ri ARDIFE \J 1066—2# 70, TAFF-STREET, PONTYPRIDD, STANWELLROAD, PENARTH, 3, STATION-ROAD, PORT TALBOT. Nat. Tel.-cardiff, 01199. N.B. jyS PEC TALLY g A-F E I have used your Balsam with my two older children withgreat snccess, and have known it as a VALUABLE REMEDY for more than THIRTY YEARS. Mr R.J. Hall, School House, r; East Markham, Jan., 1902. p. JgAEWMr j "Hay man's Balsam has earned an excellent reputation. Tried it myself, and found immediate re. lief- Quite safe for ebildreD," —Mrs Ballin, in Baby." FOR INFANTS & ChiujrenJ ':r N.B. 125*1 > «v^' NO LANCING OR CUTTING Required if yoanae the- World- Renowned BUBGESS LION, OINTMENT. It has saved many. limb from the knife. Cored! others after being given up by hospitals. THE BKSTKEMEDY for WOUNDS and all SKIN DISEASES, A Certain Cue for Ulcers. Tumours. Abscesses, Eczema. etc. Thousands of Testimonials from all parts. Sold by all Chemists, 7d. Is 1d, etc.. per box, orpost fieee for stamps, from Proprietor, E. BUBGESS, 59. Gray's Ion-road, London. Advice CARDIFF ADVERTISING, POSTING, AND CIBCULARDISTRmUTIN COMPANY, LIMITED. OFFICES AND WORKS—1, PARK-STREET^ CARDIFF. SBCRETARY FRANK H. SIMPSON. Proprietors of the Principal Stations in Cardiff and Neighbourhood. Contractors for all description of Advertising, Circular Distributing, etc. 132 All orders promptly attended to 1014 1DASS AND PALE AND MILD. rALES. fSBASON BREWINGS 1 AY NOW BE HAD IN: PRIME CONDITION, IN CASKS OB BOTTLES, FU.LTON, DUNLOP, AND-CO., CARDIFF ma B W P O R T O F F I C E J.\ of the » SOUTH WALES DAILY NEWS,' 18, J puM:rati0rrs. ? THE LAND WE LIVE EN. BEAUTIFULLY ILLUS- TRATED BY EMINENT ARTISTS AND ABLY I DESCRIBED BY LEADING WRITERS OF THE DAY. j ENTIRELY NEW WORK. 1 In Fortnightly Parts, price 7d net. ) IJHE JgRITISH ISLES DEPICTED BY PKN AJ«UCAMERA, With a Series of MAGNIFICENT COLOURED PLATES, Reproduced from Pictures by J. MACWHIRTER,^R.A. J. AUMONIER, R.I. DAVID MURRAY, AJt.A. J. FULLEYLOVE BJL ALFRED EAST, A.R.A. A. W. WEEDON, R.I. C. E.JOHNSTON. R.I. EDWIN HAYES. R.H.A. C. W WYLLIE. HARRY HINE, R.I. and other Artists. together with a profusion of ILLUSTRATIONS FROM PHOTOGRAPHS EXPRESSLY TAKEN FOR THE WORK. Part I. now ready. CASSELL & COMPANY, Ltd., London, and all j Booksellers. J IMPORTANT NEW FINE ART WOBJi, In Fortnightly Part's, price 7d net. THE JgRITISH ISLES DEPICTED BY PEN AND CAMEBA. Everythinpr concerned in its production will be new. from the text) and pictures to the type from which it is printed. It has been planned with the ntmost care. so that, whilst on fresh and unconven- tional lines, the work will be found as systematic as it is popular. The Coloured Plates will be Droduced;by the three- colour process with the perfection which this pro- cess has now attained under the direction of Messrs Cassell & Company, and thesi plates are alone sum- cient to give the work a distinctive note. CASSELL & COMPANY. Ltd., London; and all Booksellers. AN ENTIRELY NEW AND BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED WORK. In Fortnightly Parts, Price 7d net. TH JgRITISH ISLES DEPICTED BY PEN AND CAMERA. The black and white illnstrations in the British Isles" will be no less Important than the Coloured Plates. For months past photographers have been engaged throughout the kingdom in taking views for this publication. A series of illustrations has thus been secured unexampled in beauty, which, when re- produced on the art paper prepared for the work, will represent the characteristic features of Eng- land, Scotland, Ireland, and Wales, to the fullest advantage. The text. combining history with description in such a manner as to abe thoroughly readable and highly interesting, will be from the pens of some of the most able writers of the day. Part I. now ready. CASSELL & COMPANY, Ltd., London; and all Booksellers. 17922 ADKIEL'S ALMANAC FOR 1904, contains VOICE OF THE STARS, ARTICLES ON WET SUMMERS, COMETS, &c., and Birthday Influences. N.B.— Zadkiel Foretold the Difficulties of the Government, the Decline in Consols, the Crisis in the Far East, See. The most useful Almanac extant. London: Glen & Co.. 14, Bed Lion Court, Fleet- street. Price 6d, by posted. 17921 ALWAYS RELIABLE. ALWAYS RELIABLE. ALWAYS RELIABLE. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS THE BEST REMEDY THE BEST REMEDY THE BEST REMEDY FOR INDIGESTION. WEAKNESS, LOSS OF APPETITE, NERVOUSNESS. SLEEPLESSNESS, DEPRESSION OF SPIRITS, NEURALGIA. CHEST AFFECTIONS. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. -1" Testimonial. S, Selborne-terrace, South Woodford, London, N.E. Gentlemen,- I have been a sufferer for many years from loss of appetite, indi- gestion, and its kindred com- INDIGESTION. plaints, and have tried all sorts INDIGESTION, of remedies. Havine heard of INDIGESTION. Gwilym Evans' Quinine Bitters whilst on a visit to South Wales. I decided to try it, and, after hav- ing taken a few bottles, I must say it has done me more good than anything else I have ever taken. Yours-&c., E. BUDD. GWILYM EVANS QUININE BITTERS. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS- GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. Testimonial. Coea Talywern, Duffryn. Gentlemen,— I am pleased to be able to bear testimony to the benefit I have received by taking Gwilym Evans' Quinine Bitters. I have been taking medicine from various, doc- WEAKNESS tors every spring for years past, WEAKNESS. and I was obliged to take medicine WEAKNESS, all last winter, but as I received little benefit I resolved to try Gwilym Evans' Quinine Bitters, and, though I have only taken three 2s 9d bottles, I am able already to go about. I have been suffering from weakness, &c. Yours truly, M. A. WILLIAMS. GWILYM EVANS' QUINTNE BITTERS. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. GWILYM EVANS' QUININf BITTERS. Testimonial. Broom-street, Birmingham. Dear Sirs,— I have suffered greatly during the past 12 months from Nerv- ousness and Weakness, and though several doctors have pre- NEBVOUSNESS. scribed for me, I received but NERVOUSNESS. little benefit until I was recom- NERVOUSNESS. mended to try Gwilym Evans' Quinine Bitters. I have already found great relief, and intend to persevere in its use, as I believe it will soon restore me to my usual health. Yours gratefully, J. REECE. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. GWILYM EVANS* QUININE BITTERS. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS, Beware of imitations. Ask for Gwilym Evans' Quinine Bitters," and see that you get it with the name" Gwilym Evans on the label, on the stamp, and on the bottle, without which none are genuine. SOLD EVERYWHERE. SOLD EVERYWHERE. SOLD EVERYWHERE. Gwilym Evans' Quinine Bitters is sold everywhere in bottles 2s 9d and 4s 6d each, or will be sent, i on receipt of stamps, carriage. tree, direct by THE SOLE PROPRIETORS > "QUININE BITTERS MANUFACTURING COMPANY, LIMITED, LLANELLY, SOUTH WALES, T>OSTiTL DBtlYERY OF THE "SOUTH WALES DAILY "NEWS." The Proprietors of the SOUTH WALES DAlLT NEWS "begi/o announce that by a special conces- Stan ct tte naf tAattHctties they are enabled to. despatch their First Edition each morning by the> Mans leaving Cardiff at 2.30 a.m. and 445 i&jxu* glamorgSISHIRE, CARMARTHENSHIRE, PEMBROKESHIRE, CARDIGANSHIRE. as wall as those portions of BRECONSHIRB and MONMOUTHSHIRE comprised within the Tredegar and Rhymnev Valley Postal Districts, may now have the SOUTH WALES DAILY NEWS I delivered at their residences daily by the same post as that which conveys their London letters. London and West of England subscribers receive 'their papers on the forenoon of publication. The Third Edition of the "SOUTH WALES DAILY NEWS is forwarded (prepaid) to residents of the following and all other places within the Cardiff Postal District in time for the first morning delivery s—• St. Fagan*s Sully Mlchaelst-onc-le- Pen coed Courtyrala Vedw SJBrides-sup.-Ely Dinas Powis Castletown St-Nicholas Cadoxton Marshfield Bonvilstone Barry Penarth Peterstone Caerphilly Idandough Llandaff Bedwas Lisvane Radyr Ystrad Mynach Llanlshen Morganstown Pwllypant Whitchurch Mellingriffith St. Milan's TafTs Well f: Pentrch Cein Mably Tongwvnlais L St. Andrews Wln'tTreeBr'ge- jE s. d. Per Quarter, post tree 0 9t 9 Per half-year 0:19 6 Per year 1 19 0 THERAPION.—This successful and t highly popular remedv, as employed in the Continental Hospitals by Bicord, Rostaji, Jobert Vepean, ana others, surpasses everything hitherto employed for impurity of the blood, spots, blotchesf pains and swellings of the joints, kidney, bladder, and liver diseases, gravel, pains in tffe back, stone, 1 gleet, nervousness, sleeplessness, &c. Therapion is prepared in three different forms, Nos. 1, 2, and 3, according to diseases for which intended. Full parti- cnIars send fltamped addressed envelope for pam- et to Mr B. JQtiWSQiU. Ho19squat:e. —n—■— — = liuatngss ->f,1iIIi/4." Tfil 7 "WORTH DOUBLE" Mr. W. HOWE, THE WRITTEN TESTIMONY Mrs. DAIFISON, "S'r.r.ll, OP THOUSANDS OF CLIENTS 1 "VXit, Write* nnAiiw iRfk ANSWERS THE QUESTION! H Grange-o*er-«andS, Writes on Aug. i&th- WHY PAY THE ORDINARY HEAYY PROFITS OF Writes— «I would not sell RETAIL FIRMS! EVERT ADVANTAGE A PUR H >" V"? IttlS?1 «r.dSi! CHASEK CAH DESIRE 18 ASSURED WHEN you | of the Brooch reS keeping Is perfect." J SUY DIRECT FROM H. SAMUEL, J j else ^from you H la |9/c Solid Gold Hallmarlced Real Oxydised WATCHES for I 1 usuinias.fe. „ wioiU/ea-rrs?., sss ■ USUAL RETAIL PRICE, 7/- Xo a„ nuPchasi..ff 1 white enamelled dial. H ,e Gent's Real Gold Signet 0f goods valu« 25/. I USUAL RETAIL PRICE, 7/6 ■ USU ALRETA anf, nP*«ds WIthia aU/O Sterling Silver Hallmarked ■ USUAL RETAIL PRICE, 9/- radius of JO miles..13/3 Gent's Alberts. ■ Very handsome Real Gold USUAL RETAIL PRICE,«/. I 2/9 NumerongCpatter»s. A MONTH S FREE TRIAL! 2/3 kniv^°anTforta Snl ■ USUAL RETAIL PRICE, 3/- NQ R|$K, andTurable. | CALL TO-DAY! NO DISSATISFACTION! CALL TO-DAY: H. SAMUEL, 7, ST. MARY-ST., CARDIFF. I ^H-^SABfUEL^^T^JlfARY-ST^^ARDIFF^ THEY TOUCH THE LIVER 'i& "ÀRtERS SICK HEADACHE, ll \#p l»i torpid LIVER, ■ w..mm« m' yjfflm ^11 FURRED TONGUE, gHj | g f yK ,ndigest,0IqN « B LL 5n8 SALLOW SKIN. SALLOW SKIN. H H t fr* PI 8m*?' They TOUCH the L I V E R S tZ. Genuine Wrapper Printed on ^5? a T"iirnim WHITE PAPER. BLUE LETTERS. I K«ookfor the Signatura. jNVAUDS' t S diL 00 HAS FOR SOME TIME BEEN USED IN 1 The RUSSIAN IMPERIAL FAMILY. I "HEAVE'S FOOD contains flesh and bent-forming constituents above the average of the I but purely farinaceous foods, so that when It is prepared according te the directions given with each tin, it makes a PERFECT FOOD for INFANTS." < < MRS. ADA S. BALLIN, Editress of"BAM Yl* BEST and CHEAPEST. In i-lb. Tins, One Shilling. The Physician's Cure for Gout, Rheumatic and Gravel. | The Universal Remedy for Acidity of the Ge^eMTdlcinelot Stomach, Headache, Heartburn, IndjgesHon, Infants, Children, Senr Frrctations, nitons Affections. DeUcate Females, and the ft Sickness of TOR AG miA r X OHI X JJEAB J^TJRSE, You had almost forgotten to give TUDOR WIL LIAMS' BALSAM Oi HONEY to my children for their Coughs and Colds before they retired to bed. This valuable Medicine now finds a larger sale in every Town and Village, from Land's End to John O'Groats, than any other Cough or Lung Cure. Why fjl UDOB II*L I A MS 1 Jg A L S A M OF O N E Y contains the PURE Welsh Honey and an essence of the purest and most efficacious Herb, being gathered on the Hills of Wales, at the proper season, when its virtues are in full perfection. BRONCHITIS. J THERE are thousands of children who die annually from bronchitis, whooping cough, and croup. This is a grand discovery for the cure of such complaints. It is invaluable for weak-chested men, delicate women, and children. It cures when all dther reme- dies fail. It cures Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Tightness of the Chesb. It cures thousands of children of Bronchitis, Measles, Cough, and Whooping Cough. It cures for One Shilling when Pounds have been spent in vain. TRY IT t If you have a Cough, try it if you have a Cold, try it. It loosens the phlegm, and promotes expectora- tion, produces warmth and comfort to the chest, and gives refreshing sleep when you have lost nights of rest. A GENTLEMAN REMARKS- I feel it my duty to inform you that I have been using your Tudor Williams' Balsam of Honey in my family, which is a large one, for many years, and have proved its great value, having used nothing else for Cough during Measles, Whooping Cough, and Bronchitis, and can highly recommend it to all parents for such complaints.—H. H. JONES, Esq., J.P., Bayswater. WHOOPING COUGH CASE REPORTED CURED. Your Tudor Williams' Patent Balsam of Honey cores my children of Whooping Cough at once. Would not be without it in my bedroom at any cost. Mrs E. CLEAVER, Rose Villa, Northaeld, Tetbury, Glos. IS SOMETHING MARVELLOUS. A BAG OF LETTERS IN EVERY DAY, and what they say about Tudor Williams' Balsam of Honey is something marvellous. SEVERE CHRONIC BRONCHITIS, combined with Asthma and Heart Affection (8-years* standing) CURED—" When I began with your treatment I was at my very worst. My breathing was very bad. I had to sit up in bed all night, and my cough was so hard I -could not cóOgh. up anything. In the daytime I was worse. I used to get such fifes of per- spiration and afterwards turn gmte cold. I was always catching fresh colds. I am now able to sleep at zdghts, and when. I rise up in the morniiigam able to-do my work with ease. Sea View, South port." MbsJaokson." WORTHY OF YOUR CONSIDERATION. Sir,—My wife desires me to say that your Tudor Williams' BALSAM OF Honey has proved a most valuable medicine in our large family (eight chil- dren). As soon as a cough or cold makes its appear- ance a dose of Tudoil's BALSAM is at once adminis- tered, and its treatment is followed up until the cold disappears. Before using the BALSAM in our family the children have been prostrate with colds for several weeks, but now, by taking doses as directed, they seem to suffer very little inconvenience. Dar- ing the short time the cold is upon them the action of the Bals-L- is marvellous, and thelittleones^take it, readily and ask for More,-WALTFR J. Bbett, CkMn ■Headmaster, British School, Keiordoh, Essex. This-is not a mushroom got np-%)reparation- It is, an old but true preparation of 30 years standing reputation. SEE YOU GET THE GENUINE-ARTICLE, TUDOR WILLIAMS' PATENT BALSAM OF HONEY. SO MANY IMITATIONS ANA FRAUD. Sold by all Chemists and' Stores at Is and 2a 6d; a bottle. Sample bottles sent (poet paid) for is 3d and 38 from the Inventor. Saving in purchasing the large- "bottle. D. TUDOR WILLIAMS, L.S.D.W.E. 1OT—K2S6 Medical Hail, Aberdare. t. —— WORTH KNOWING. EORGE NAISH & SON, 79, GREAT VJT FREDERICK-STREET, CARDIFF, is the OLDEST ESTABLISHED PUBLIC BILL POSTER, who rents the largest number and best -private bill-posting stations in the town and neigh boorhood. All work entrusted to him will be speedily and faathfuly executed. N.B.—Bill Posting sent by boat or rail will have immediate attention.. 13675 SWANSEA OFFICES OF THE SOUTH WALES DAILY NEWS, 62. HjBQBSattUMlS I I HAVE YOU A BAD LEG, A POISONED HAND, I A CARBUNCLE, OR AN ABSCESS? i CAN CURE YOU. gg others have failed is no reason I should. You may have wounds that discharge or otherwise, perhaps go surrounded with inflammation and swollen, that when yon £ rees your finger on the inflamed part it leaves an impression. If so, under the skin yon have poison that defies all the remedies yon have tried, which, if not extracted, will cause you suffer- ing till death releases yon. Perhaps your knees are swollen, the joints being ulcerated; the samewith the ankles, round which the skin may be discoloured; the disease, if allowed to continue, will deprive yon of the power to walk. You may have been told your case is hopeless, or hare been advised to submit to ampotation; but do not. Send me a P. Order for 2s. 6d. and I will post you a Box of Grasshopper Ointment and Pills, which has never failed to cure. ALBERT, 73, Farringdon-street, London, E.O. (Regd. Copyright.) PEOPLE SAY K.ernic!i s „ Vegetable Pills Will C' SHOULD BE MORE WIDELY KNOWN. I They have been used and appreciated by thou- sands for over Fifty Years and their sale ha« largely increased. HAVE YOU TRIED THEM? They are very small and easily swallowed. Each box is a veritable Medicine CHKST in itself. If vou feel out of sorts, or want a Spring Medicine trv KERNICK'S VEGETABLE PILLS. One is" a dose for an average man. They cure Head- aches, Biliousness, Bad Blood, Indigestion, Weakness, Nervous Debility, or Kidney Troubles. They cleanse the system, strengthen the nerves, purify the blood, and prepare the body for the summer heats. THERE IS NO MEDICINE LIKE THEM KttRXiCK'a Vbgetabek Pills are sold by all Chemists, Ac., in 7jd., i3$d., and z/o boxes, or direct of tile Sole Proprietors—KERNICK & SON. Ltd., Wholesale Druggists, Cardiff, on receipt m stamps. j £ ppHMgU?E.VOLVINGf RUBBER, or;,g I&aiss' 1Q-. Marisf.l' paii»„ TOOTH-ACHE CURED INSTANTLY BY Prevents Decay, T) §"T vrrpui X> C5 Saves Extraction, JL> u IN XXilJAi & Sleapless Nights Prevented. Neuralgic Headaches ~VT BjI A 7 If 1\f Mj^ und all Nerve Pains re- _LN MjJ JTVi V X i3l 1-^ moved by BUNTER'S NERVINE. All Chemists, islid, or on receipt of Stamps to DepQt, 13, St. (taKge-sfree#. tfoxwtob. 17903 V.

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