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>XOXOXOXOXOXOX<>XOXOXOXOXOXC>X<I Ö 01 I H H. S. Stavel^^I^P. I SANA TOGEN H helps their nerves M H let it helpyours.1 Q "When you are run down," writes Father rj Bernard Vaughan, Sanatogen promises -to pick A you up it does soP "I have several times taken a course of it H A when I've been run down, and always \vith 0 M excellent results," writes Mr. Henry Arthur Jones, w 6 the famous dramatist. u M a () "I have taken it frequently and do so still M H when feeling the strain of overwork," writes A Viscount Chaplin. C Mr. H. S. Staveley-Hill, M.P., also finds Sanatogen a most excellent tonic and restorative Q after hard work." Probably you are in need of a tonic just now, or you would not be reading this announcement; so why not take M the hint these able and distinguished men have given you ? M W A O Buy Sanatogen at your chemist's to-day, and take it regularly for V ki some weeks; you will find its effects both exhilarating and fatigue- H 1\ suppressing, yet entirely free from injurious stimulation. (The prices— A V from 1/9 to 9/6 per tin-work out at only 2d per dose, less than tea, coffee, ki or alcohol.) But be sure you get genuine Sanatogen, manufactured 1\ exclusively by Genatosan, Ltd. (British Purchasers of The Sanatogen Co.) V Chairman, Ladv Mackworth, 12, Chenies Street, London, W.C. 1. H M W V Note.—To protect y$u from substitution, Sanatogen will later on be M re-n amed Cenatosan "-genuine Sanatogen. Henry Arthur Jonet F<HherBemMdVM<hM 7\ j HenryArthurJoftee Father Bern"d Vaugiban 0 0 >roxoxoroxoxox< >xoxoxoxoxoxos: r SHAFTESBURY TEMPERANCE HOTEL, MOUNT PLEASANT, LIVERPOOL. About Five Minutes' walk from Lime Street and Central Stations. Mount Pleasant Cars from Landing Stage Stop at the Door. Telegrams: "Shaftesbury Hotel, Liverpool." Home-like and Moderate. Welsh spoken. HOTEL GWALIA Upper Woburn Place, LONDON, W.C., CENTRALLY SITUATED, within 5 minutes fralk of Euston Station and CO minutes' from Paddington Station by under- ground to Gower-street Station. 130 ROOMS. LUXURIOUSLY FURNISHED. Passenger Lift to all floors. Bed, Breakfast, Morning Bath, and Attendance 6s. each person. Telegraphic address: "Gwaliatel, London." Telephone: City 5010 add 5011. n734 Managing Director: JOHN JENKINS. NEW ST. DAVID'S HOTEL, HARLECH. Close to famous Links and Seashore, Garage, Inspection Pit, Stabler Billiards, Excellent Cuisine. Write for descriptive booklet. FINEST SEA and MOUNTAIN VIEWS. H. H. JONES. — CHOICEST DESIGNS~ In all kinds of MONUMENTS and HEADSTONES in Marble Granite and Slate at Lowest Prices. D408 ESTIMATES FREE. Have YOU tried the Only Reliable Remedy for all p DISEASES IN FOWLS ? l( "'V 0,. Pfll' P. OJ 11lto Prepared </6. j, p I f -ra only by fot"% £ && William Jones X'' A M.P.8., IJ1HE pHARMAOT, ] A BERAYRON. ■ A BFRAYRON. d464 "GEORGE FELL0WES7 Baker and Confectioner, CENTRAL CAFE, NORTH PARADE HIGH-CLASS RESTAURANT, Having Seating Accommodation for 200 Persons. DINNERS PROVIDED DAILY. TEAS, Etc., Prepared at all Times. This Buisness will be carried on in connection with that established at 19. TERRACE RO.4 D, which is noted for the quality of HOME-MADE WHITE and PATENT BREAD and CON- FECTIONERY and GENERAL GROCERY. Agent for Dr. Allinson's Whole-Meal Bread; also Daren and Hovis Bread. Mack Daily under 'Model Hygienic Conditions. WILL ENSURE CUSTOM. b85 f "THERE IS SOMETHING IN G W lLYK E VANS' QUININE JJITTEBS THAT ALWAYS DOES ME GOOD." So writes a grateful patient. YES. THAT IS THE SECRET I,) CWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTEfi8 It scientifically prepared by qualified Chemists. It is Nature's Great Restorer and Natural Stimulant. For over 40 years it has acted like a charm. When you feel run down. When there is a lack of cheerfulness. When there is want of go. When there is a feeling of misery and helpless- ness, as to be almost unbearable. There never was a time when it was more neces- sary to be well and keep well. Do not resort to alcoholic stimulants and their depressing after effects. The strength of all spirits is reduced, and the price far and away beyond the reach of most people. Take CWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS It will take away the craving for alcohol. It will aave you pounds in doctors' bills. Notice the effect upon your health. How much better you will feel in the morning and in the evening, when the day's work is done. You will then enjuy your food and your labou will be a pleasure. It is Nature's Cure for Anaemia, Neuralgia, and Sleeplessness. It wiH purify the blood and stimulate the circu- lation. It will assist and promote digestion and Improve the appetite. It braces the nerves and fortifies the muscles. It rouses the sluggish liver -nd thus enlivens the spirits. It removes all impurities and obstructions from the human body and gives tone to the whole system. There is no Better Tonic that you can take In the spring and summer. Remember there is only one genuine CWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTEfiS and insist upon having it. Sold everywhere in bottles at 3s. and 6s.—a great saving by taking the larger size. Will be sent carriage paid on receipt of P.O. from the Sole Proprietors- QUININE BITTERS MANUFACTURING CO., Limited, LLANELLY, SOUTH WALES. CORRY'S TOBACCO POWDER (Free of Duty since 1866). For Lice and all Skin troubles in Cattle, Horsea, Pigs, etc., for preventing Fly on Sheep and Warble Fly in Cattle, also for Fleas, etc. 08 Dogs, Cats, Poultry and their nests. NON-POISONOUS. Norisks from CHILL as by Washing. I Approved by Board of Agriculture. In Tins, 1s. 3d. and 2s. 6d.; also in Bulk. Also Corry's Ringworm Lotion, Equisan Mange Specific, Maggot Lotion, Foot Rot Lotion, &c. Sold by all Agricultural Chemists. Lotion, &c. Sold by all Agricultural Chemists. Manufactured by CORRY and CO., LTD., Shad I Thames, London, S.E.

Aberystwyth Comrades. I

Tregaron Soldier.

Comforts for Fighters.



Devil's Bridge Soldier. I

[No title]



-----IMallwvd Brothers. I

Talybont Hero. I


