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i LIFE AND FIHE SNSURANGE| S U R E T I S Bjj? » & c EVERY DESCRIPTION OF LTFE AND FVFTN 9 TTA N E-ALSO SURETISHIP AGRFFM5 £ T4 SOP -TB'B FWKL1TY OF ARSONS IN SITUATIONS OF TRUST, ^JE,L?EOTOD through W. CHRISTOPHERS. ^^N-OPPIOB, VVbo represents Comp,,tijies of unquestIOnable position, iMora.CE i> F^I,™ C*™pticu from "iB^teSSS^V f' 0. « 4M«RTM by liberal treatment of the ured, rates of premium as low AS consistent WITH safe and profitable business, bonuses. amide 8pcurity. nN;-PROMPT settlement of claims. No charge is made to policy-holders for stamps or medical CEA, LIFE -D APARTMENT. Life Insurances MAY ^EIE^ ™D«;-STATED- For tlie whole term of Life, with Profits For the whole term of LIIE, without Profits. For the whole Lit e. with increasing rates of premium, without Frufais. For a. sum at Death, witL premiums payable only for a limited number of years. For A sum nayub'e at the age of OU, ,>O, CO, or G5. On the join t lives of two persons. For a sum at the death of the first of tm. On the life of the last survivor of two. For short periods, Annuities, Endowments, &E., &c. FIRE DEPARTMENT. In this denarfirout Insurance? are elfec'ed npon BUILD- IAGS and Goods of all descriptions, at rates ranging from Is 6d per cent, per annum upwards, according to the nature OF the risk undertaken, whether Ordinary, Hazardous, Doubly Hazardous, &c. also upon Agricul- tural Produce and Live and Dead Farming Stock. GUARANTEE DEPARTMENT. Suretyship is undertaken for the Fidelity of persons in Situations of Trust, on the yearly payment of a small sum AT A stipulated rite per cent. The GUARANTEE SOCIETY (for which W. C. is AGENT) was empowered by a Special Act of Parliament in I 1842, with a capital of < £ 100.'HO. fully raid-UP and j iuvested. It was the first Public Company established in Great Britain to obviate the inconvenience and defects of Suvetiship by Private Londsmen, and it is expressly authorised by Special Act of Parliament to give security for OFFICIALS OF HER MAJESTY'S GOVERNMENT, Its security is adopted bv TBE BANK OF ENGLAND, THE PAXK OF IRELAND, THF COUNCIL OF THE DUCHY OF CORNWALL, THE SECRETARY OF STATE IN COUNCIL FOR INDIA, THE COURT OF CHANCERY, THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT BOARD, TRE f ORPORA) ION OF THE CITY OF LONDON, THE PRINCIPAL BANKER*, RAILWAY COM- PANIES, PUBLIC COMPANIES, & COMILERCIAL FIRMS IN THE KINGDOM Persons of the highest character and qualification? frequently decline valuable appointments, either from an unwillingness to place themselves and their friends under so serious an obligation, or the great difficulty of obtaining satisfactory Sureties but the 'nstifcution ot this Society removes these difficulties. Full particulars, prospectuses, and forms of application for Life and Fire Insurances, Guarantees. &c., may be had of WII. CHRISTOPHERS, 'Merlin" Office, 15, Commercial Street, Newport, Mon. O M T- en SUN FIRE G AND LIFE IN EG OFFICE, S S LONDON. RN ■— UJ 0 fire In.ntrar.ces ejfecled on almost every description of Property. QUN LIFE ASSURANCE OFFICE. i-? Low RATUTF of Premium for Young LIVES. LŒUf Cash Bonuses. XIIE GUAUDTAN HOTJ.^E AND VEHICLE ASSUR- ANCE ASSOCIATION, LIMITED, 31, LOMBARD Street, London, E.C. SECOND EQLTRABLE P.RLLMAXEXT BENEFIT BUILDING SOCIETY. ES TABLISHED AT BRIDGWATER, 1S52. Money advanced to aDY amcnnt on Freehold or l ease- hold Property, repayable by Y Instalments, AND at a lower rate than that clwrpJ by any other oiSce. For further particulars to tlle AGENT of the i District, CHARLES OULLL.L, U btow-HHL British Schools) NEWP'^ -i -& -J -1. .1..+, A-ND GlWEUAL INSURANCE BROKERS, EMIGRATION, COMMISSION,$ESTATE AGLXix. DISTRICT HANAGEES FOit THE UIUTON LIT'], ASSOCIATION, LIMITI.D. THIS Soeicty £ 31 0QQ VILH Govern- ment PM'NIAUITO LFE Assurance COMPOS' Acts, under v h CH tlie A^OCNTUON LS IUCOR E. WKi>ii, Esq-. 0-; B. w. I«CHAKI*0>> ^<1-, M.A., M.D., I.L.D., F.R.S., Vice-cltairrii<>n- -j local Uircctors. LIEUT. COLONEL H. G°KK LIN»SAV, J.T\ R-.L DL. WOODLANDS, CARDILL- H.J. PA, RFS->«'• JIVERY PRACTICABLE -J" ASSURALLCC. EASINESS TRANSACTED AT MODERATE A "IA A8E *SS UlWID. LION FIRE COMPLY, SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL, E,J LL.P' :-00,000. THIS COMPANY INSMES::LN;O^ AO8C,IPTIOI OF T NSSI S BV FUE OECASIONEU BY LI^LITUU.G 01. L,0FCSES V) J NNRRL T-XL'IOSION OF O-AS RECOGNISED, AND MAD GOOD. LOSSES SETTLED P^MPUY ANDHLERALLY SUEVTYO FAND every Prospectuses, Troposal Forms, and EVUJ MID1-MATION BUOWN, R^EYEYLNE) Me8Hs. HAhSF" D 1 street, Com^^ori ?Ion> pHCKNIX ETITE 0 F 1 0 T i. Lombard-street and Charing Cros^, Lon..< Established 17S2. R ^LF0CTERL Insurances apainst Loss by L ire and LIT'*11 11, ú1 tup opon every description ot' Property, in ALL 1-1. World, on the most favourable Terms. THT SK*.LENIENT OF CLAIMS ARRANGED WITH I>R0ULI" AND LIBERALITY THE AMOUNT ALREADY PAID BY THIT> CEII-P" Losscsexcetds ICLR'LEEN MILLIONS STEELES^1- WILLIAM C. WACDONALD) FRANCIS B. MACDONALD J SECRETARIES. ROTES AND LULL PARTICULARS CAN BE OBTAINED OF THE AG^TS at NEWPORT. a.r. E. C. BAKER, NATIONAL PROVINCIAL BANK. „ S. T. EVANS, Auctioneer, HENILIS Vale. W. H. LTWJS:, LONDON AND LROVINCIAL LANK. \\IJ. MIIICCK, PRINTER AND STNTION<R. C. I MINI S, SOLICITCR, 1, 'IRAITGI.I-VKCE. F. W. CKOKS, 10, Caerau Road. „ 'I. ( 1 TIR;CH, LLISWERRY. F. W. BKEIT, Accountant, ABCRCARN. C12 r CKlblOJLQI l'ALNJL\(r.j Al-L COLCURS, MATERIALS, PHOTOGRAPHS, PLLKPL LINO CLHTR IEAMES for above in stcck at ( l j Leis & Son's, AL'J*b'l COLOlhMl N. I I ( I j I. ] E I; S AKD S'L A T IO N E R S, n n,UC IA' Street. l\L\\JI.J.'J, Mon 'o T-RS AmmNawD Aoo,o t-21, lamomm"h 'a u JP JN 39 and -10, HIGH STREET Newport, Mon., SPRING, 1881 SIr., ETery department is now replete with v„ the Se'SOn- Great care has bP H f°r flection of materials to ensure their ?D the in weal" and permauancy of color. ° satl3*action 0ur Men's Black Worried Suits „ oi jS, 29/9, 35/.1, 42/- 45/- 49/S, 55' at ;n rreat demand aud ur:, '1 an,l 69/6,, Z'W™* "'tde- r «t«»»I=JS6d to bo TUe Juvenile department contains • i—igs and designs and in it registerod clothing for little Boys, Boys ^lT re,luisito '"red no efforts to secure the m0*t pft °^f3' Having f' e evcrj confidence iu stotiu^ tl f mP ranSes' we th"' 0f 7 "™« >^o2 Zn'T' f°,t J rgest trades m tne country and buTi 7^ of tbe ,.h, *e al"e m a P°Sitioa give von +?'a r S 1Kg f°r f'dforffl°liey- Tllut this fact i=, q Value to be 3 e(l by our yearly increasing t- aPPreciated is pr 0rtunity of a2aiu thanking U<?!- aDli We take t5r's 0P!5^1 patronage. D -,lJU your kind and liberu AssUriug j™ of our best services, ^>'e are, Sir our obed'Vnf MASrEEs 'CRRAAT». ,WRF C!O!«A, ":D COMPANY, r"« •» msh llmt, Newport. J". • *k ¡. MASTERS & COMPANY Respectfully solicit the favour of a trial order for TROUSERS, 10s, Gd., made to order. SUIT COMPLETE, 428i, made to order. A perfect fit guaranteed. .r 1 lJ to, Ú-L Our New Ranges for the Spring' are now i complete and are unquestionably the BEST YALUE IN THE TRADE. •„ "TilE NEWPORT CLOTHIERS," 39 and 40, HIG-H STREET, NEWPORT. > ALSO AT 29 AND 30, ST. MARY STRLEF, CARDIFF, AND AT IS AND 19, CASTLE STREET, SWANSEA. I. MASTERS AXD COMPANY. DEPARTMENT A—Bespoke or ordere'L goods. In this department we hold an immense stock of ^cotch, Irish, and Yorkshire Tweeds, and West of Enr AM: clo'hs. Trousers made to measure from 10s 'Jd to 23s 6d Suits from 42s to 107s Gd a splendid range of Worsted Coatings from 2:is Gd to G :s—the coat made to measure-a perfect fit guaranteed. DEPARTMENT B — Serge Jackets, Trousers, fino Shirts Drabbett and Dnngaree Jackets, Trousers, and Jumpers; Duck Goods Moio and V. ord Trousers and Vest; every care is taken to ensure tlu- work being very strong, and every requisite for the mechanic and working man. DEPARTMENT C—Hats and Caps of every descrip- iion; our Felt Hats in all the new shapes at Is lid, 2s lid, 3s lid, 4^ lid, and 5s lid, are worthy of attention Waterproof lotting. The Patei.t Ventilated Waterprorf Coat, "The Talethes," as worn by H.R.H. the Prince of Wales Rugs, Port- manteaus, Hat Cases, CUR £ et Bass, and Oil-kin Coats. J DEPARTMENT D—Ready made eloMiing. Winter Overcoats from 12S lid to 5C4s (JJ Suits from 12s lid to 79s 6d Cloth Trousers from 2s lid to 21s Cd Black Diagonal VV.orsted Coats and Vests to match, 25s Gd to 4I>s 61 Tweed and Cloth .onu Coats, S;IC3, and Frock Coats in a great-variety of materials. Pilot :,nl Nap Reefer Jackets, Alpaca. Russel Cord, Brown floiiaad, and Drill Jackets. Blacks, fcr mouriii. o: every size, style and price, always ready. DEPARTMENT E—Hos'evy, SHHTS, Pants, Scarfs Umbrellas, Ties, Mufflers. JERSEYS, Frosts. Gioves, Hose and H;ilf-hose. Wrists, Towels. Cnr.ii.uun Jackets, Braces, Handkerchiefs, Collars, Wool Veais Oxford, French, Cambric, and Wotd Shirts. DEPARTMENT E—Juvenile Cbthir.gr. BOYS' Suits and Overcoats, Youths' .^UITS. Overcoats, I>OY^' a:¡ J Youths' Jackets, Reefers, Vests, Trou-ers, AIM Nickers, and every requisite for Little Doys. Boys, and Youths. "The Man of v\'ar" Suit is i-2 much demand, as is also the Jersey Suit, of BOTH ot which we keep a large assortment. Tweed Suits for Lutie Boys, well made and trimmed, from 2s lid. MASTERS AND COMPANY, THE X E W P 0 1; Z c L o T 11 I E r. 5," 39 and 40, IIIGH-STCLIET, NEWPORT. t. 4\ Al D 0. O:EPAN RS w 139 and 40, IV[ON. T:1:AT I!0'L-Y STLJEV, — 0.1/T!EBLOSLS?SS,D IUO^TOXWIBVV1 RIJIFOL«I THE ■O'VKT NERVE SRJ.P- LttCh bottle contains :J2 v ,—-—- QULN follows the use of Uttpport»;fc' J^ce en 'he body ^Mch, bv £ i:s the br,;V nd ,,eiTes' repairs the !avj-r reatjnc..tai„iru,gth. itc^Power, and so sives r^h lS> about lid. each dose. vRAT '1VE STT!i?vr,i [^'iS /il X0f Vty'KK^83,'a>ui follows the use tT^t,lC''S he^nburiV;fi0ppinSsiiavii^iO^ TONL0. as it ^'ije'csti^'LvS Tonie'-s wP ation. &c ~,b,en.^tions, removes Vuv o W;|JS incre. J* cordial bitter fi»v" e ad lia hvt'imiJ Cr',Wl«e o'- = •ate-al)Pttite, and by ■;ts rrciD'sts' bl,t mwst oh having; oni'1'?, 18 avoid^d.-Sold b.v yc,it,ute- 6 ulu.v Pepper's Tonic, not UPPER'S TARAXACUM, LTL R5!J48 I)*\ fluid eonibujatior, f0r d e r a if<? O D O P H Y L LIN. 1 1 r!Y 'n'hc'i frc.rn yil<>t of the liver par- the action Of the live,es'ion. }!v gently stiB» ^■tliol^vytliW8y £ et.li^cl »nd Mishu movi,^ the at eati,^a, ^e,Pai„ beneath the p th y,icl ■Judications nf Sasi,,lt tastu iu the 'll0.l:td.' ^a,rilX?Sum Po^P&„-vstl0Psi^, .re re- in? \pl o'' ,Jhie P'H'■ .R°ttles, 2s. yd < Js, niuch safer than that 8 18 applied. K U'd by ,,11 chemists.— Ji" ACR01' rs NUT too L5' r<lliVvusi^ this delicious PASTE— n tcetli bctomcs white, sound ^trilice, the enamel of the xceedinply fnigrant, and siivoi.^i 1)0,ished like ivory. ctitioi'S ot taitar on ncgieCj useful for removing im itts. Pots, is. and^s. cd. eacli /oCeth- Sold bv all cbeSrdiseases cured-vetCracroft's) f56iS C^suij'HOLINE LOTIon A PEW DAYS. IkJ ~~g blotches, scurf, in a few duVs!°Vfs ,<:f'l!Ptions, pimples, rcclnes-' orjasts, prurigo, tetter "i-U '"pbl.v successful n Syd^SCated ,DVCl0,ate SkiH affections. ^S'a^ble 10" m' l>H()I-KI-0T10^-—An ,nlParently hopelesslv ami^°?e' ^oweverdeeply D v sulp?011"0.?,8 qulcfcea With skin disease, shou>d'I| cj1(Ct wid become ^.b°ssible. In two or throe dajs o; ti e Hiamdy a in a dimiirslied njiptai"1 oD]iteration of the emiT-; K!eriP-y to fade away, and comP iuou. Sold everywhere ^rTl^OLlNE^-riON;aq.lr [5fri8^ /.a Redness, Cashes, Ulem;'i for pimple B," ntior Eezcnia, Rosea, p^v -s if"s- Spots. RouaUt s Jjiscolourati tbe skU). Sulpholine aprsl?:,Scurf, and Genera1 Imtabih J i g c.,n vvitiistaiid it; 'nu V a marvel. None the skin outwear a,ld^ attackst,em CULPHOL1NE desirinR to have a beautifuHriWanco»»^{reetlo«i l"r0m ° Kv Sulpholine. Its all desiritiK aii appli^n f°r the coinmeml. U to near 1 y half -«- pint, price -s. Jd. ea^h. Sold^eve^wlVe^l 5^1 T IVER PILLS.-D' KlN(j.s Xj contHiniw dandelwi.nu q,liHi ^R PI LS, tar ^bove all others as the surest, mift W'thout mercury, are removing obstructions and irrep„iai,j5.st' »«d best means of stomach, headache, biliousness, shoul, of the liver iind fuistipation, flatulence, torpidity, sop, P:'nis, indigestion, Dr. King's Pills are sold everywhere. ri" perfect health. f^ocKYEirs^siTLPHOr HTn^T^v;,Tv^r" 3 the safest and best. In n f0wd IvLSTORLR is white hair to a perfectly eradually deepeiis -re- n%es the effect of costly wasl^ 'S11 *h"!<'■ Rockyer's surpass teej iiarmieS6 ] fvever disappointing m effect. ^ifte bottles, is. Od. bold everywhere- — [51.45 4" GE.NTS WANTED EVERYvVHERE, TO P0RAI KENDAL & DENT'S CELEBRATED CLUBS For supplying Val' :t °c(ks- Jewellery, Silver-plate Musical lusti uuier.ts, ^.J^es, Telescop«s. &c.. at RBSPBCTABLE MES iNCliKAsE THEIS INCOMES. Poremen, '1 iniekcepeis. Railway Otticevs, Secretaries »f Portrait Clubs, 1'ohie JeFgeatits, Miopkeepers, Partkwlars and ( atiilogues. l'T '1 *strati< 11s. free by pi KKKDAIi 1)E>1. Match JManniacturers,li 0, 'vfccapsic.e, London.—" SpiKSSID sos. VU>> k\ ^\U;VR. X.C.CO, THOMAS LEWIS, Practical Tailor anil feles Ma RIDING- HABITS. LIYEEIKS. 60, HIGH STREET, KEWPOET. 5L>22B 7 LOI^DOK HOUSE, iNEWPvORT, Are lioTf Slioiving' a large purchase of Heal Seal Jackets, Fur-lined Cloaks, ntucli under k .(.( (..t'V:to.. '1<. .-&.l.. .10. 'Ii. i Season's prices; also a splendid assortment | of Far Capes in Sable, jlarte.i 'I ail, Skunk, Eaccoon, Seal, jl:4dKJLf'ii^ Jl' i)} cw-(_*• 5.-7 0 CHO L E II A MAI BE AVOIDED BY U-SE OF 3tl K E N T 6 E I L T E E T PRICE ICs. (id. AV»'Aiit) £ i> SUVFU 2¡fEVAL, TSYUXHY, i87J'. VHO^CN „I IV^XT'S ETLTEB -in which the water :IEC nils in process of filtration. The WATTB advar:tage of this is that all sediment ij lc't at the bottom, in place of forming a a RRNY021^ iiit,;s of tilth for the water to PUTS through, ;,s IT the u.-uul method of iiiter- 2R*R Ulg- (r) T'ILTTR/ — hcho, Jure <ltli, li-8-I. 7~5~ TIT \Ye have no hesitation in saying it is the most ellicient now befoie the public. [ILTLPINQ Nay, liiSJ. MEDIIIM ENIFE CLEAZISG MACHINES, FIIOII 23S. SAVE CUTLERY AND y irp-LABOUR—LAST A LIFETIME. GEORGE KENT, 199, 200, 201, HIGH HOLBORN, LONDON. l.El\'mOPES! ENVELOPES 1 An ivnwense Stock of various shapes and kinds at CHRISTOPH EllS & SON'S, COMMERCIAL AND GENERAL STATIONERS. PRINTERS Sf ACCOUNT BOOK MANUFACTURERS,- 15, COMMERCIAL STREET, NEWPORT. A really serviceable Commercial Envelope at 3s. p Ihousand. The TITTY secure square flap Envelope at Js. Gd. PTV 10OQ, good quality. I VILLIERS & SONS, ARTISTS AND PHOTOGRAPHbl\S, 19, BRIDGE-SI, NEWPORT, Every convenience for producing the highest class works on Canvas, Opal, and the ordinary photographs, in a supe style. Drawing rooms, Views, Machinery, &c. Also special arrangements for Instantaneous Portraits of Children and Animals. Ciirtes de Visite taken at greatly reduced prices. 15103 j ^utc^cs. A L A E G E S T O C K O F CLARETS r L.- r' OT the ce.cbrated Vintages lS7o, 1ST 1, & 1375, now in splendid condition. rue market price of these Vintages is rapidly rising, ami .iles -rs UOV.ELL retain for the preseot their L'oi u.er- N.te CUC8TE1) PORTS Bottled a:in laid down hy Messrs. DOEKLL dnrinsr the <>:ist 4<f vears. SOLE AGENCY FOR liR. ^1AX GJ;E.,L-R& 11 L N vs A I t IAI v 11\ I"- y. CARLOwrrz, | SUPPLIED OX THE FLAOv> SYSIE^L jULD LANDED BRANDIES, ^faucet pfice lists to; wavuvd poet irce on applicnuon. -JV»H2N DOIIELL A E D CO., J CI-IKLTLV'IIA:.]-, T SCWK L.&IJU!TY, &C. EVAXCH OI-FICE^: HIGH STKEC-T, NEWPORT. ;11 I 1I £ MY~ WALTERS, | F!RSF-GLASS FAMILY BOOT MAKER,1 WATERLOO HOUSE, 1. COMMERCIAL STREET, NEWPORT. HVf. invites fhe at ten! ton of Gentlemen • to Lis Stock of superior SHOOTING WALKING. DRESS ROOTS, and the • TENACIOUS LAWN TENNIS SHOES (soles stitched Oil which he can guarantee being maim' act ured from the Best ifateria s and iu the Latent St_.ie an.l niost Approved Shapes. AGENT For. THE 'AD ArT ED" WALKING & SHOOTING BOOT. A Large Selection of Youths' Boots. The LADIES' DEPARTS ).;NT consists of a hrge and carefully-selected Assortment of the Newest Stales iu highest and medium quahtios, both in English and i oretgQ iilanufaeture. AOKNT FOE THI: BECTIVE & '• IIATIOXAL BOOT. A 5^CAT VAT ICTY OF CHILDREN'S BOOTS, SHOES. & SLIPPERS, ALL KIND OF SPECIALS ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE. NEEDLEWORK and EMBROIDERED SLIPPERS CAREFULLY made up REPAIRS neatly and EXPEDITIOUSLY executed, whether the goods were PURCHASED at this ESTABLISHMENT or elsewhere. IOS57 THE GREAT REMEDY BLAIR'S," Tlie excruciating j-am ss qutckl.v relieved snci cured in u lew (ta\s P r iTTT this celebrated 3Iedicine. this celebrated Jle(hciuc. UU U 1 Thtse Pills require no restraint of diet during their use, and arc certain to prevent tlie disease attacking any 13 T T T CJ vital part X 1 JL< XJ io • ¥<»l.l b.v all Chemists at is. Hd. and i :s. 1 d. per box. UOS-sJ^j <.Uil'C$&C5 ~BOUK8 BIJOKST~! 2d IN THE SHILLING DISCOUNT FOR CASH Off the published price of all new books, at CII.ilsroPHERs & SON'S, 15, COJIMERCIAL STREET. NEWPORT, Mox. A large stock of all kinds, including School Books Scientific Works, Poems and Tales by the best Authors, and General Literature. DO YOU REQUIRE A WATCH ? If so, note these facts which are world-wide proved realities :— X-i buys from us a Five Guinea English Silver Lever, the very best that can be made. £ 3 10s. buys tbe -ame watch in Hunting cases, positively worth retail X6 10s. £ 1 5s. buys a splendid ^-plate improved Horizon- E* _E( r'Ep-/ i'Vcr V>v'atch (tiie Defiance), £:3 10.5. -65 10s. huys our Centre Seconds English Chr. )io-i!tpii, worth £10, unequalled. Onr position as .'daaufaeturcrs of the best, enables us to serve you better than all others, a:.J add you unlimited satisfaction. This announcement is small, but it gives you tiie Address of a firm that can save you much. Send two penny stamps to pay postage or a Lar^e Illustrated Pamphlet, and prove to yourself tacts beyond dispute. Addre-s: SiKWART DAWSON & CO., 2, RANELAGH PLACE, LIVERPOOL. One Eunured \alunb:e Prizos given awav gratis Sist DLC 'uiber, ldSi. [57-19 cod Ic Cr »~ -r jASTiILiOI PILLS. 11 ..r. .u v U fJ 1 ¡' & THE OLDEST PATENT MEDICINE, IX BOXES AT Is Hi, 2s 91, -4s GJ, & 11s EACH QOCKLK'S ANTlblLIOUS PILLS, FOR LIVER CL. i-:N PILLS, o FOR BILE ^OCKLL'S A.NTiUILIOES PILLS, FOR INDIGESTION 'UCIvLE'ft ASTLBLLIUUS PILLS, W FOR HEARTBURN I lUC^L^'S ANTiBiLlOUS PILLS, V Ew'R SIOa HEADACHE ^JOCKLE'S ANIlIilLIOUS PILLS, IN USE AMONGST ALL CLASSES QOCKLE'S ANTI3ILI0US PILLS, IN UaE EIGH UY-THREE YEARS ^OCKLE'S A nTIULLI'JUS PiSjLS, IX USE EV^i'YWIIERP: f COCKLE'S ANTiBILIOUS Pil.LS, 11 ay be hau tnronghent the United Kingdom, in Boxes, at Is. Ha., 2s. Od., 4s. Gd., lis., and ]S>, Ni^V. OR.'loN J STREET, LON[5875 | rffk, f: -W v' 'L. ■•■■ l. LADIES PLAYING LA\VX T!>NNT*5, Yafhtjtisr, Riding. Drivinsr, Boatin?, and al- fspos?;! tin: hot sun an i dust, will find a most cooling and refresh- i'i Wat-h for the face, hands, and arms in j ROWLANDS' -.l 'f.4 .1, ..I., ,) l-r-t T f': ;,> KALYDOR, [ whieh ei*i 11 teak-.> all jail, ctirilviru. Freekles, Stings of Insects. a d provinces a b«auti;ul aud ei-m- plexion. It conhuns no mtneral or poisonous ingredients, and, to prevent rraud. lias ;i„ STXREX .*Y COVi:P,SHSST F-TATI? ON THE BOTTLE. AM. TOR :,t) .'v L.U\ IvALY(X>R. and a vol. J!ij-n-.n;s :natat,iis under rioniar name;. ^5G35 -EE"*OE. I. '*> TJ) 0 'V Q TR'V.'JI •» 'I.A MR C T F FT .Q F K: 5 R) /"> /*< 7 1 '-Y IT EXLY-2::<N £ CIIROIIG, T £ 3 & J' C J L*I>' W T, W' I- U V-Y S W J JWIMMWI-' ■ E EEE- .RR'TS List of K0EEI_aEM?s Local Agents. ARF.RGA\EXNí. Priee:chemistXEWPORT, S::IlITH, HIgh H :h -str"pt street Bi.AKESET.lTiiiiiotts.Chem st; BOWMAX, 21. Llanarth-st CAERLEO>, j>. & C. Unttbews „ J PHJS.UPS 9ti, Commercia V.H.f *,ST0W«Gniiiths.liookseller; street, ch«mie ^IMJEKFORD, Cordwin. ebeuusti J YODNG 20, Hifrb-street no Co-Operative Society, 1, Stow Hill C¡:l,'KROWELL Edwards, Co-operative Society „ Cnem'st; Davies, Hi>rh-st. „ C. PAIHE, chemist, 3 Com- wiui)JKF,Kenuck, 23,lJuke-st.i niercial-street. Ditto..AVilliams. Bute-street! VEWNHAM.Frver, draoer CoLEFOED.AVillams, Chemist Posrvj-ciui. w ol.u ehemist Hough & Bright, PONTYHR>OD.. JAIN*chemist LYDXKY.Hathaway RHVMSEY Davies, chemist M:undee.E. H. Jones.chemist !SwA»sEA.ueoi-»;e, chemist M O.N.MOUTH.Sambrook, Chmist L'sk iiawanii, Clw^ist. {.56M MibiiXii vk Stephens, iiigh-st.1