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PORTER, BEER, AND CIDER, STORES, I 29, L I, A N A RT H-S [ RE E T, A* E IVPOR T. GENERAL MERCHANT & AGENT FOR BEAMISH & CRAWF0RD3- CELEBRATED & HIGHLY-ESTEEMED CORK PORTER, BEGS to inform Innkeepers and the inhabitants t;cner.>l!v t.f Newport, CarditT, Be-'i\ pool, and tiit n vicinities, II ait lie h;>u ;U- ways on Sale, B. and C.s' POllTEK, in I!ogslie?ds. barrels, Kilderkin. ;i:.d Bottles, in pOme condition SCOTCH, OAKIIILL. and other ALES, in Cask and Bottles; prime DE"0I; SOMEBSET, and HERLtORSHIUE CIDEK, in Pipes and Hogsheads: new BLACK-HORSE EAST KENT HOPS. Wholesale and Retail. new N.B. No other Porter but B. and C.s', Sold by H. S. and in order to ensure it to the Public tresh and good, anvii^e- nients have been made to receive a supply direct from the Brewery Monthly, wind and weather permitting.—Mo.y 4,1842. ALBION I/Ot SIJ, .YEiVPORT. MONMOUTHSHIRE. A fgt c m ■y rn E W E W s T O Ç) K ■ HENRY THOMAS BEGS respectfully to acquaint his Frieiuls and the Inhabitants generally of Newport and its Vi- cinity, that he HAS THIS DAY OPEN ED the abone House with an Entire Kerr Slock of LZNEN AND WOOLLEN DRAPSRY, SILKS, SHAWLS, RIB BOSS, PARASOLS, Clune CIII DELAIXES, &;c.$c. This Stock has been carefully selected in the first Markets, and will be found to consist of the Cheapest and Best Goods which can be produced. In consequence of the present great and unprecedented depression of Commercial Affairs, H. T. has been enabled to make purchases which require but to be seen to convince those who may favour him with a c\U, of then unpa- ralleled cheapness. WATERPROOF, GOSSAMER, AND BEAVER HATS. < £ > Observe. ALBION HOL&E, Commcrcia l-slreet, Newport, T ICO Doors fror:t 1.Janarllt-strcrl. THE LOWEST PRICE ASKED, FROM WHICH NO ABATEMENT WILL BE MADE. MONMOUTHSHIRE. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, Some timo in the Month of MAY next, valuable niZEBOLS 4 COPYHOLD 3STATF.5, In the parishes of Saint Brides and Peterstonc, in the sb.;vc mentioned county, the property of Mrs. Burfieid and the Messrs. Burfield. CCOMPRISING that very capital MESSUAGE, cal'ed J Tymawr, and other Dwelling- bouses, oirtlie respective Farms, and about 360 Acres of lich Meadow and Pasture Lav.il, Full particulars will shortly appear in this and other News- papers, and a Map will be left for inspection at the Office^ of Messrs. P ROT HERO and TOWGOUD, N ewpoit, the Soli- citors for the Vendor. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mr. JOHK WILLIAMS, At the Kt,.G's HEAD INN, in Newport, on WEDNESDAY, the First day of June, 1842, at Four o'clock in the Aftci- noon (subject to conditions of sile then to be produced, ALL that Roomy and Commodious MI'S- SUAGE, Spacious SHOP, and Excellent Premises, situate on the west side of Commercial-street, in Newport, a :;d nov» in the occupation of Mr. Herbert Williams, Dtuggij, together with the Court Yard and Garden, belonging thereto, and two COTTAGES, situate in a Court behind the Dvvelli: g- bouse, and now occupied by Mrs. Waters, and John Lewis. ° The above Premises are in an excellent situation, and are well adapted for carrying on an extensive business. They are held under lease from the Tredegar Wharf Com- pany, for a term, whereof 56 years are unexpired, and are sub- ject to an apportioned ground-rent of £6. per annum. For further particulars apply to the Auctioneer: or to Me-, is PROTHRRO and TOWGOOD, Solicitors, Newport. rOaT OR HARBOUR OF MSWPORi\ WE, the undersigned, being Eight of the Commissions> of the Port or Harbour of Newport, in the county of Monmouth, Herebv Give NOTICE, that the GENER 1 I, YEARLY MEETING of the COMMISSIONERS nf III" said Poit or Harbour, will be boiden on W EL)>, ^DAY Twenty-fifth day of May next, at the H MASTV- OFFICE, situate in George-street, Newp^, <* t, purpose ot AUDITING the ACCOUNTS for'nC trending the Thir 3 first day of March last, and to -(Cport the state of the said Hai_ bour.—Dated this 27th da.- y of April, 1842. THOS. POWELL. THOS. COOKE. JER. CAIRNS. °0 W. BREWER. RD. BURTON, Sen. JOSH. BEAUMONT. GEO. GETHING. DANIEL TOMBS. FORT OR HAaaoiTR OF NEWPORT. HLREAS, by an Act of Parliament, passed in the Si\u Year of the reign of his late Majesty King William \!K fn*lt"led An Act for regulating, preserving, and n ?. ^°Ft 0r Harbour of Newport,' in the count,, r t Monmouth, it is provided, that by the registered SHIPOWM .!R, .'•fiJ1 poT1' persons ■ by the persons for the time bt'iu epgagea in the SMELTING OF IRON, shipped at the said p>it, eight persons and by the persons for the time being engaged in the MINING and WORKING of COALS, shipped at the said p it, eight persons, shall, on the First Monday in the monlll 01 June, in the year 1839, and every third succeeding year 1)1; Elected Commissioners of the said Port or Harbour. An! is is by the said Act provided, that in the Election of Commis- sioners by the Shipowners, every person who, for six months before the election, shall have been and shall then be entitled to 20 tons of shipping, shall give one vote to 40 tons of sh ping, shall give two votes; to 80 tons of shipping, sliall three votes to 160 tons of shipping, shall give tour vo to 320 tons of shipping, shall give five votes. And that in .h! Election of Commissioners by the Smelters of Iron, every [ son who, during the year ending 31st of December preceu. i: the Election^ shall have shipped, or sent to be shipped at said port, 2,500 tons of iron, shall give one vote 5,000 ton u; iron, sball give two votes 10,000 tons cf iion, shall give tl: votes 20,000 tons of iron, shall give four votes 30 úOO ton- L,• sball give five votes, such iron being the produce of senl. «<«.< wkcicof the pctKin clttiimng to TOIc KatV beet), such year, and then was, proprietor or lessee. And that in UIt. t-tecttoa of Commissioners by the Miners and Workers of C" i every person who, during the year ending the 3tst of Decern: >ci preceding the Election, shall have shipped, or sold to be si p- pedat the said port, 7,500 tons of coal, shall give one vut) 15,000 tons, shall give two votes; 30,000 tons, shall give tii.t votes 44,000 tons, shall give four votes and 75,000 tons ski give five votes, such coal being the production of some ( ni liery whereof the person claiming to vote, had been.duii'^ such year, and then was, proprietor or lessee. And it is bv said Act provided, in order that the persons concerned by > ( Election of Commissioners by the Shipowners, Smelter* 1;1 Iron, and Miners and Workers of Coal, may be apprized ot names of the persons qualified to v^te in the Elections that mootli, at least,.previous to any Election, an adve'rt^L said countv ot Mnn °mei ^evvsPaPer usually ciiculated in 1I1, Smelter of Iitn HTl'r' requiring every Owner of Shipp- ,4 claimarizht' M'ner and Worker ot Coal, who HHJ Book to Vo'e at such Election, to enter and enrol i:i ,t abo'1 °a ^or purpose, his name and plact o- • a j '"e number of votes to which he claims to be t n t lea, and the name and register burthen of the ship or ve-sel Of winch he is owner or part owner; or of the iron work or ci- llery ot which he may be proprietor, lessee, or tenant, and iT, 'k?eC-t whereof he may claim such right to vote. And it is in 'he said Act provided, that previous to any Election, sui s quent to the first holden under the said Act, such gtdver'isen.t ii1 shall be inserted, and such book shall be piovided byande posited with the Clerk, for the time being, of the said Com- missioners. NOW THEREFORE, in pursuance ot the provisons oi 111(- said Act, I, CHARLES PROiHERO, of the borough f Newport, in the county of Monmouth, CLERK to itic Commissioners, do hereby GIVE NOTICE, that every own-, of shipping, sunelter of iron, and miner and woikei of coal, v. :\(1 may claim a right to vote at the next Election by the said Act provided to be holden, and which will be holden on MU. DAY, the 6th day of JUliE next, being the first NloiidaN in the said month of June, may enrol his name, with the othei particulars required by the said Act, at my Office, within 1 h. said borough, in a Book provided by me for the purpose .1:11 that no person will be entitled to Vote or to be Elected at such Election, who shall not enrol his name, together with the oti et particulars by the said Act required, on or before the TWENI y- SIXTH day of MAY now next ensuing. Dated at Newport aforesaid, this Twenty-ninth day of April, 1842. CHARLES PROTHERO, Clerk. THE Commissioners in a Commission of Bankiupt, bvn- isg date the 31st day of May, awatded and issud' iotth against WILLIAM W ILLtAMS. of the pa 11^'n ot S,,i>ii Woollos, in the county of Monmouth, Coal Merchant, Dealer, j and Chapman, intend to meet on the Thiid day ol June next, at l'wo of the clock in the Afternoon, at the Cummfcreial-ioo.-s, in the city of Bristol, in order to Audit the Accounts ot tlu Assignees of the Estate and Effects of the said Bankl U¡.It, Ull',CI the said Commission, pursuant to an Act of Parliament nude and pa&sed in the sixth year of the reign of his late Majeit. Xing George the Fourth, intituled An Act to amend the, law:, relating to bankrups;" and the said Conimissioneis also intend to meet on the following day, at the same hoot ;)nd dt the P.'?;Ce, in order to make a Final Dividend ot the Estate and Effects of the said Bankrupt, when and whero the Creditoi s who have not already proved their debts, ate to come ptepai'd to prove the same, or they will be excluded the benefit of tlie said Dividend, dnd all Claims not then proved will be dis- allowed. PROTHERO and TOWGOOL>, Solicitois to the Commission. TO LANDSUS.VSYQRS. | PERSONS willing to CON TRACT, at so much per Ai re, for MEASURING and MAPPING the parish of PEN- HOW, and Apportioning the Rent Charges in lieu of Tithes, are requested to send Tenders to Messrs. JONES and \VA D- DINGTON, Solicitors, Usk, on or before the 23rd of Mav. 1842, in order that the same may lie taken into cousiderati in ¡,t the Meeting on the following day. COURT OF SEWSIIS. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT a General Ac'jonmed Couit and Session of Sewe< for the Levels of the Hundreds of CALDICOT ami WENTLOOGE, in the county of Monmouth, will be held ai the House of John Lloyd, commonly called or known by the name of the KrNG'S HKAD, in the town of Newport, in the s.tu. county, on THURSDAY, the 2bth day of May instant, at the hour of Twelve at Noon, when and vxherc all Persons who who shall tiod themselves aggrieved by any Presentment m i< upon them (at a Court of Her Majesty's Justices ot Sewer-, holden for the said Levels on the 21st day of April List), may 3nter their traverse thereto, otherwise tltJ same will stand c. n- firmed. By the Court, ALX. JONES, Clet! Usk, May 11th, 1842. fnuiY i P, r i, tztks COMSNSSION. NOTICE. THE lithe Commissioners for England and V\ ales he ^^ce' that on the 21st day of May next, they wil- proceed,eithei by themselves or by an Assistant Commissi^; BKSir'rtiio ?v!'ard the Total Sums to l>e paid by way 5- CHARGES instead of the Tithes of the parishes of <ISot°n? Langstona and hamlet of Latidevenuy, in the pa ■! ot saipt brides Nethetwent, in the county of Monmo according to the provisions ot the Act for the Comrnutat.o litbes in England and Wales; and that th-; fi-st Meetim- l < this purpose will be holden at the Ku..c;'s HFAO INN, New, ,I. in the said county, at Ten o'clock in the Forenoon, of the I, a^ve mentiooed when all Persons interested ar^ desire.; •- attend. Dated this 2.'ith day of April, 1842 By Order of the Board, Tithe Commission Office. E' HOVENDEN, Secret^ 1 In the Press, and \cill be published in (he co'se of iter week, PRAVSES FOR THE DEAD, ON. THE CATHOLIC DOCTRl: E .OF PURGATORY Demon- strated, by Extracts from a Series of Lectures on the above subject, delivered at Sr. J\L\llY's CIU-RCII, Newpoit, by the llev. EDWARD METCALFE. To be had of all Booksellers. M. MICHASL, RESPECTFULLY informs her Fnendsand the Public Newport and its Vicinity, that she has just returned fmm London with alargeand elegant ASSORTM EN T of GOODS, which, having Purchased for Ready Cash, she can altold to Sell at Twenty per Cent. lower than the prices of any other house in town. N.B. The following are some of the most Fashionable Fa- Imcs of the present Season;—Straw, Tuscan, Fancy Rice, Whalebone or Erilliants, and Prince of Wales's Tuscan. \ewpor.f, May 12, 1842. TEETH. MONDAYS & TUESDAYS A B E WEDNESDAYS So; THURSDA YS. CHEPSTOW. FRIDAYS IC SATURDAYS MONMOUTH. During the month of May. Mr. L. MOSELY, SURGEOX DE\TIST, OF 12, BERXER STRIA F O A L< OIID S TR E E T, L OX DO X, HAS the honour to inform his Patients, the Nobility, Gentry, the Residentsgenerally of the county, that he has resumed his Professional Duties, and that he may be consulted during the month of May, only on MONDAYS and TUESDAYS, at his private rooms, ANCKI. HOTEL, Abergavenny, 011 Wedm S- IHYS and IHURSPAYS, at Miss BONNLY'S, Milliner, near the George Hotel, Chepstow, and on FRIDAYS and SATURDAYS, at Mr. J. Puwfu.'s, plumber, &c. Monmouth. At home from Ten to Five. Mr. L. M. takes this opportunity of acknowledging the gra- tifying confidence reposed in him during the la3t live years, anil begs at the same time to say that from his extensive pract ee in Town, (No. 12, Bemer's-street, Oxfoid-street,) he is cnabh-d to offer to country patients advantages never yet attained. Mr. L. M. h as the whole of the Mechanical department under his J own directions, by which means he can ensure peifect ease and comfort, also from very great improvements, just COlli pleted, he has been enabled to reduce the prices very considera- bly, so as to bring the aid of the Dentist within the means of all parties. Every kind of Artificial Teeth upon the most improved and modern principles without wires or iiaatures of any description, without extracting the stumps, and worn with pertect ease J//M« the most tender ^itms the Teeth are entirely incorrodible and never change cr lour from ill health or medicine, and may he fixed from One to a complete Set. Natural, and every description of Artificial Teeth. Every operation in Dental Surgery, Scaling, Stopping with gold and cement. Children's Teeth attended during second dentition. Mr. L. M. will be happy to give every explanation, free of expense, and show specimens of Artificial Teeth in evey stage of preparation to those wishing to see them. References to the whole of the faculty, and very many of the most respectable resident families in the county. Constant attendance at Town residence, No. 12, Berneis- street, Oxford-street, where Letters will always meet with im- mediate attention. A vacancy ior a Pupil. who will have the advantage of learning both the Mechanical and Surgical de- partment. April 30th, 1842. ARCADIA COTTAGE, Two miles from Abergavenny. rT0 11 E LET, Furuis'ied, for one or more years, A RCADIA COTTAGE, newlj painted and papered, c.,n -t\- sisting of Dining-room, Drawing-room, five Bed-rooms, Kitchen, Scullerv, Larder. Pantrv, Coal Cellar, Knife-house, Chaise-house, Stabliug for two horses, Orchard and Garden. For particulars enquire at the Cottage, between the hours of Eleven and Five, or bv letter. A Pew in the parish Church of Llantillio Pertholy. NEWPORT MONMOU THSHIRE. TO BE LET, U' I T H I M iU E D 1 AT E I' OS S E SS JO N Til AT well-known and old-established Inn aad Poirtinii- house, with lock-up Coach-house, 6cc known by the n:«me ot the "PARROT INN," situate about the centre of Com- mercial-street, in'the flourishing town of Newport. n:'nlC of the "PAnMOT INN," situate about the centre of Com- mercial-street, in'the flourishing town of Newport. The above otfers a desirable opportunity to any person wish- ing to embatk in the business, from the very eligible situation, having a full command of the leading thoroughfares to the New Floaiiug Dock. The Premises are, in every respect, from its superior capabilities, well calculated for the carrying on a first- rate and extensive Trade an opportunity which seldom offers itself to the public. The Stock-io-Trade, Fixtures, Furniture, &c. to be taken to at a Valuation. For further particulars apply to .Mr. MORGAN MORGAN, Draper, Newport, Mr. GEORGE MASTERS, \Vine Mer- chant, Newpoit, or to Air. W. GRAHAM, Auctioneer, &c., -1 A,, Old Mnikei-street, Usk. May ¡'¿th, 1842. G LAMOR G A XS II IRE! TO BE 1ST, AT CAERPHILLY, IN THE ABOVE COUNTY, AXD EXTERED (rPOX IMMEDIATELY, 4 LL that well-built and desirable Premises, called Ton- ^/jL y-\elin," comprising a good W OOLLEN MANUFAC- TORY, with all necessary Articles that belong to the I rade. åbu, ;¡ good Fulling-Iliff and Dye-House, with all Materials for the above Trade all in good repair, and in working order. Also, a good and commodious DW ELLI NO-HOUSE. The above Premises are wOllolY of any peison's notice that is acquainted in the above line ol business and are situated in a convenient part of the country foi a good supply of woik. The above Premises will be let together, for a term of Seven, Thirteen, or Twenty-one Y earj Lease. For further particulars apply on the Premises.. STOW FAIR. KSWPORT, MONMOUTHSHIRE. NOT ICE TOT II E P TBLIC, £ T having been stated in last week's MERLIN, that the above Fair would continue Two Days, and such not being the case, the present Notice is hereby given, in complIance with the "W afiistrates' request, that the Fair will be held as USUAL on T H U R S D A Y N EX T 0 LY. J. MOONEY. May 13. 1S42. MOSES SCARP. P E N T W Y N FRIENDLY BENEFIT SOCIETY, HELD AT THE HOUSE OF MR. RICHARD ROSSER ABERSYCIIAX. NOTICK IS H Elt EBY frIVEN, THAT tins Society will be DISSOLVED, and that the Meetings will Not be Held after the FIRST MONDAY in JULY next. Hy order of the Committee, t HOS. L, l ,d L\ H l\ E, :cnt\ a¡ y. ated this 2nd ¿,IY ot May. 184' TAKE NOT2CF. CLOSE TURF, ST. B RIA ELS, GLOUCESTERSHIRE f I MIE Sale of Furniture, Farming Stock, Growing Crops, JL advertised to take place upon the above Premises, on Monday and Tuesday, the lfitlr and 17d1 of Ilav, in- stant, WII L NOT TAKE PLACE. RICHARD WHITE, .1 in., Auctioned. Coleford, May 12th. 1842. NOTICE. THE Freehold Estate, called the CHURCH FARM, situ- ate on Llangwm Ueha, in this county, adveitized in last week s Mi nr rv, to bp ^old bv Auction, at the Three Salmons, rsk oil the instant, HAS BEEN DISPOSEn OF BY PRIVATE CONTRACT. NEWPOST CSTIEILILT CXIVS. iMIE FlRSf MEETING of the "MEMBERS of this j M. CLUB took Place on Ti'I SDAY last. Owing to but little Notice having been given, there was but a thin attendance. \-v\-Te reclues,,et' by the Secretary to state, that on TUESDAY N E\ 1, the WicKFis will be PITCHKD at One o'clock, and that as many Members have promised to anend, it is hoped others will Le induced to joi/i them, and thus HISUIC a good game. lue accounts of the .Seeretaiv and Treasurers will be prepaied and presented for the Inspection of the Members on that .lay the Secretary begs to express his regret that tiom his being much occupied, he *as prevented furnishing them on the Fir;I day of Meeting. CHEFSTOW AND ABERGAVENNY. OF KOAOS-KEMEYS BRANCH. NOTICE IS HERE BY GIVEN, THAI a 1 rustees of the above District of ko-.ds, will be held at the 'Tou n-„A,.l, Usk, on WED NLSlJA Y, the 15th day ot June next, at Twelve o'clock.. Noon, for the purpose of l.ETTING 'he TOLLS ansinc on the Kemeys Braaeu ol the said Roads, in ihe manner directed by the Act passed in the 3id and 4th years of his late Majesty ucjrge the Fourth, For regulating pike Roads." The Tolls have hiineito been collected under the authority of tie- Conimissioneis. 1 lie lidls are collceted at the Gate at the Kemeys Suspen- sion Bridge, aud the renter will have the use of the House and Garden contiguous to the bridge. The Renter will have to pay down a deposit of Clo. r.er ceut. on the rent, which will be held as a security for the due payment "f the rent quarterly, and he uill be required to give such security as the Trustees present shall approve of, foi gular payment of the 1 ent and compliance with the conditions, subject to which th Tolls will be Let. Usk, May 4th, 1042. JOHN SHEPAR! N.B. The T, uotees of Kemeys Suspension Bridge, will,, the same time, be prepared to Let to the Renter of the above Tolls, the TOLL by FOOT PASSENGERS, over the Bridge, SERVANT WANTSD, i ASTEA I)Y WOM N of good character, is wanted a SERVANT OF ALL WORK. Apply A. B. C., Mv.iu.IN Office. FOR S A J> S TWO or THREE BRACE of POINTERS and SPANIELS, the pioperty of a Gentleman bond Jide riving up shooting. Apply to Mr. EDWARDS. Diuggisf, Usk. ABERGAVENNY, MONMOUTHSHIRE. 1 Elegant Riseuvod, Mahogany, other Furniture, Dairy and Breiving Utvusils, Kitchen Requisites, Carriage, Harness, Saddles, Bridles, fyc. č>¡c., For Sale. WTIJERRICK BEGS to inform the Public, that he has been honoured with instructions to OFFER for SALE by AUCTION, THE VALUABLE HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE A XI) OTHER EFFECTS, Of the Proprietor (William Morgan, Esq.,) on the Premises, at the GREAT HILL HOUSE, within Ten Minutes' Walk from the town ol Abergavenny, on WEDNESDAY, the "25th ol May, and following days; Consisting of five sets of Teurnay window curtains, trimmed with silk cord and tassels; handsomely carved burnished gold cornices, with covers, &c., complete solid rosewood sofa, and a set of chairs (of the Elizabethan style), spring cushioned, stuffed, backed, with covers and bell-pulls to match the cur- tains; a large quantity of dining, drawing-room, and fancy chairs; rosewood and itiahogany elbow chairs, of the Eli/.a- bcthan style mahogany dining and Pembroke tables, upon massive piilais and claws; rosewood and mahogany chefbo- neers handsomely carved sideboard, circular and pillar fronted, with pyramid top rosewood loo and card tables, with massive plinth and pillar, upon carved lion s paws; chimney glass, with plate 46in. by 33in., in a handsomely carved and gilded frame; superior Brussels carpets, the one 18ft. by 17ft. 6in., and the other 24ft. by 18ft.; hearth rugs ladies' rose- wood and mahogany work tables and toot cushions a hand- some library bookcase, 14ft. by 12ft. high, of Curomandel wood, with seven tieis of shelves and cupboards, with carved pyramid top a splendid double actioned piano-lorte (by Jenkins), in a handsome rosewood casj, upon massive carved legs, with music stand, stool, and waggon, to match pair globes, on mahogany stands; beautifully executed drawings and prints; Venetian and roller blinds bionzed figures of Wellington, Buonaparte, and others, upon pedestals; barometer; b;ass I porters, &c. &c. In the Bed-rooms, are mahogany fluted and carved four-post bedsteads, with crimson, drab, and other coloured furniture, and window cu-tains to match tent bedsteads and hangings; about ten piune fea'l'i;; b <!> •••>! in at trasses blankr-ts and counterpanes; alarge chevalve drt> s .;lass, in a. massive and carved oaken frame, plate 42in. by -1 *»., mahogany slab and box; mahogany circular fronted ad dressing tables washhaudstandx night commodes and bedstepst bedroom carpets and chamber requisites; a variety of c £ de. canters, wine, gohlet, and rummer glasses dinner -.■■vices and other ware. In the Kitchen, will be found a cooking apparatus (by Dea- kin), with steamer, &c., complete, and every other necessary for that department. A cold or warm bath, with pipes, &c., complete. A set of double harness men and women's saddles. I Garden and other tools; and a great number Vf other useful articles, too numerous to insert. The Auctioneer begs to call the attention of the public to the above Important Sale, and assures them that it rarely happens that such V aluable Property is consigned to disposaJ by the hammer; and also that the Sale will commence each day at Two o'clock precisely. ULUUC ESTERS HI RE. T) ESI 11A BLE TiV TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, 811 M r J A M E S W II1 T E At the ANGEl: INN, CO I. [I D, Oil THURSDAY, the Ninth of June, LtWl, at Five o'clock in the Afternoon, (subject to conditions of sale to be then produced,) A VALUABLE FREEHOLD ESTATE, (Land-tax redeemed,) CALLED MILL HILL ESTATE, situate near the village of Ci.EAiiWEi.i., in the county of Gloucester, now and lor some years past in the occupation of Mr. Trevor Morgan, con- sisting of a substantial and convenient Barn, Shed, two Sta- bles, and other Outbuildings, and also about Ten Acres of rCIY superior Arable Land. The above Estate lies within a ling-fence, and bounded on all parts and sides thereof by property of — Symonds, Esq., property of Kedgwin Hosktns, Esq., and the turnpike-road leading towards Newland. The situation is elevated and dry, and is unusually well cir- cumstanced for the erection of a gentleman's residence, which would command a varied and delightful view of the valley be- neath, embraciug the pretty sequestered village of Newland, with its interesting localities. To treat for the above, by Private Contract, apply to Mr* BENJAMIN PEACH, Solicitor, or Mr. JAMES WHITE, Land and Estate Agent, both of Coleford.


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