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imperial parliament. )


imperial parliament. ) i\r x, OP LORDS. ahoiiZl*Jf V'H 'Urd f'^ield Pleated a. petition for the from T ppfl. ales.—LW Brougham presented a petition ^0L i: ? ,t0 at,a Pub,ic meet'"g. and signed by 13,950 Jished fi V3* !he Churc*»-™<e should be entirely abo- tetT,rd;r [J."as perfectly evident, said hi. lordship, f.om the otlwrs whioh K>e,»IUjn' as we" as from the language of many of thn 6 8 ,0 Present ,0 the house, that the meaning alml'iiwi 1 l.°Pers y*8, l^at Church-rate should be entirely evwl f u" being transferred to any other fund this was Aman '».uCaUSe Put on grou»d of conscience. amongst the many places from which his lordship presented petitIons, appeared, Abergavenny, Taunton, Boston, Walpole, ey, Bungay, &e. &c. The noble lord most strongly re- commended the prayer of these petitions. He believed he might hir' u°m 6 conve,sat,°ns he had had on the subject, that the 'i a °U\ProPoscd 10 Parliament for abolishing Church- ra es would be entirely satisfactory, and amply realise the ex- pectations of Dissenters.-Lord Lyndhiirst: Are the petitions for its entire abolition 1-Lorci Brougham Yes and I think it a very wise abolition. (Laughter.) Lord Lyndhuvst I dont say any thing about.,that, but I merely asked the question for the sake of information. (A laugh.)—Adjourned. 1 1'KSDAY, FER. 7.—CHURCH RATF.S.—Lord Strafford pre- seated a petition from the town of Poole, praying for the abo- lition of Church-rates..—lisconut Duncannon, in the absence of a noble friend, presented similar petitions from Chard, Brad- ford, and Morley, in the counly of Somerset.-A noble lord, whose name could not be ascertained, presented similar peti- tions from Crondai, near Southampton, from the mayor, alder- men, and burgesses of Derby, and from the Protestant Dissent- ew of several-denominations in the town and neighbourhood of Derby.—Adjourned till Thursday.

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