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'War/mktl Proved EV Chain Cables. HARFORDS, DAVIES, & Co., BRISTOL. •w HURT and STAY LINK CHAINS of every descrip- -r„ made from their celebrated EV Patent Cable Bolt n?Lm^actured at Works, EBBVV VALE and !/„ VVY> near NEWPORT, Monmouthshire. MASTERMAN, AGENT for MONMOUTH- pntif 5°^ S°U1'H WALES, who has a general Assort- P'Cables at Messrs. Harfords'Iron Yard, Bristol. MONMOUTH DISTRICT COMMITTEE « OF THE society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. 9 THE oext ANNUAL MEETING of this SOCIETY of P h ESTRY ROOM, on Monday, the 1st the uary next > and as it is desirable that ihe Accounts of p. m?^ar 1835 should be made up before 'that time, those wh° have not yet paid their Subscriptions, are re- V0 Pay them immediately at Messis. Jones and 'avies's Bank. P GEORGE MONNINGTON, Secretary. amtnar School. Monmouth, 13th Jan., 1836. WANTED IMMEDIATELY, AS ASSISTANT IN THE DRAPERY AND SILK MERCERY BUSINESS, YOUNG MAN, of civil and obliging manners, whose rn t ?0ra' character will bear the strictest enquiry. He "st have a thorough knowledge of the business; and one l-rred5 acqua'nte(^ Wlt^ 'he Welsh Language will be pre- »:^2' respectable and well-educated YOUTH, as an j ~7*NTICE, from 14 to 16 years of age, wha will be 'cited as one o( the family. A Premium will be expected. J-t0 Mr- WATKIN ROGERS, Newport, Mon- thsftire. Letters post-paid. £ 500. Wanted, °a MORTGAGE of LEASEHOLD t r r IjJjjj'kLING-HOUSES?, held for the remainder of yeara, situate in the parish of Llanover, Mon- ""•o -liel now 'et ^or j £ 50 per annum, for which Five per p • given. ■tw pMticttlars, apply to Mr. Watkins, Post Office, Aber- nny. ^one but pirncipals need apply. PORT OF NEWPORT, MONMOUTHSHIRE, January 5th. 1836. AT^.MEE™G of the TRUSTEES of the MER- CHANT SEAMEN'S FUND, held at the WESTGATE NN' on the 4th instant, the ACCOUNTS of Mr. JOHN HILLIPS the Secretary, were AUDITED by which it ap- -&red that the sum of fl32. 9s 3d was in the hands of easm. Jones .and Blewitt, the Treasurers. • .H.a General Meeting of the Persons connected with c said Fund Pursuant to a notice given for the 4th instant, e toHowing Persons were appointed Trustees for the present lT'-rlZ' :araes Lobbett, C. II. Stonehouse, George Geth- •f, lnomas Prothero, Richard Burton, jun., Thos. Powell, ajamtn Batchelor, Joseph Latch, John Owen, John Cor- ,i 1 nomas> Wall, John Young, William Young, William it S' and J- P- Rowe. ,k^*X.™S0'Yec'>—That the thanks of the Meeting be given ERe retrang Trustees for their efficient services during the pe they were in office also, that a Deputation of eight tsbns, viz., John Corner, George Gething, C. H. Stone- t ^ounK» James Lobbett, Benjamin Batchelor, sepli Latch, and Thomas Wall, be appointed to makepub- the sentiments of the Meeting of their wish to get a suffi- ~nt sum of Money, and a piece of Ground to erect a Hospi- or the purpose of receiving sick, maimed, and distressed 1 j116/1! ™ereu>; and the following Subscriptions were im- -diately entered into, viz.:— )seph Latch. £ 5 0 1 C.H. Stonehouse. 5 0 ^erge GeUung 10 0 John Corner 5 0 mes I^bbe" 5 0 William Perkins. 5 0 e'VanVn Batchelor.. 5 0 Joha Johns 1 0 0Burt°n, jun. 5 0 Rees James 1 0 5 0 J. H. Lobbett 1 0 fter Will,ams 2 0 liomas Wall 5 0 £ 65 0 oan Young 5 0 Subscriptions received since the. Meeting. • ,V1,}?ain Young. £ 5 0 Thomas Powell 10 0 >! laniEdmonds. 5 0 John Lewis 5 0 '°11« /?llely and Co. 5 0 Jones and Blewitt. 20 0 varon Crosfield 5 0 rlhnn J,&C*Baiiey 20 0 £ 92 0 John Owen 5 0 ,7 0 l.iomas Prothero .111 10 0 T-!m Jenkins. 1 0 ^idQ n f o.eph Wooton 1 0 t14^ 0 Lists for Subscriptions at the Banking Houses of Messrs. •ones and Blewitt; and at Messrs. Wm. Williams and 'oris, Newport. MONMOUTHSHIRE. GENTEEL RESIDENCE, NEAR THE TOWN OF ABERGAVENNY, TO BE LET. V° be LET, aud entered upon immediately, either for a of years, or at will,—A Ready Turnistied MATST- 'Kii*= e^ edL LANFOIST HOUSE. with suitable Offices, f ,vi a "-house, Garden, Orchatd.anda small quantity ■. r' in the occupation of — Bieddej-man, !squire, situated within a mile of the town of Abergavenny, rf 3 1 ? of the Iliver Usk, and in the immediate vicinity ci a celebrated Pack of Hounds. may he known on application to Mr. REAU- fJUN I Lanarth, Monmouthshire or to Mr. CROFT4 So- licuor, Pontvpool. All letters to be post paid. Fofttypooi. 7th January, 1836. MONMOUTHSHIRE: rwvn Rir rP A R T ° £ fiT> f |T piuvf^' en^ed upon immediately,—A Small TYU aw'vK'r Par'sh of Llantillio Pertholly, called For uarti^nl ah°ut 4J miles from Abergavenny. All letters mu^K Spp,y 10 Mr- Crof,» Solicitor, Pontypool. A II letters mult be post paid.- N, MONMOUTHSHIRE. Andt h BE LET' TITHE FREE, -gjTGWlr entere^ vVon 011 Secor>d Day of February, JtX half nf^nuARM' siluated w,thin two miles and a Pasture and Vj?ePstow, containing 225 Acres of Arable, House f'whipK adow Land> together with a goad Farm next), and i»;«i>Inay entered on. on the 2d of February For Dirt i suitahle Sheds and Offices. hear t0 Curre, Esq., Itton Comt, p 0vy if by letter, post paid. ,rn MONMOUTHSHIRE. 10 BE SOLD BY AUCTION, Atth C BV Mr. MICHAEL DAVIS, of POKR°WN INN. PONTVPOOI,, on Thursday, the 4tlLday o'clock'11"?'183^ between the hours of Twelve and One Contract4 disposed of in the mean time by Private THE foUowing very desirable FREEHOLD and COPY- Lrti A. HOLD PROPERTIES Lctl. AllthatFREEHOLD INN, called" THE NEW nance's lit e Stabling, Garden, and Appurte- Eetween T\r C ln t'le Parish of Panteague, on the high road of WiMi. W an^ P°ntyP°ol. an(l now >n lhe occupation The DM,. rr'8> as tenant from year to year. "uudings are all in good repair, and the House has an T o .ent custom as an Inn. bvvrrfvAU those Three COPYHOLD MESSUAGES, or ate inr G*H0U!?ES. and GARDENS, desirably situ- several „eor8e-street, in the town of Pontvpool, now in the and MarvCTPations ^Irs- ^nne Vaughan, Wm. Tanner, N R 'P168' as ^nants from year to year. For furih Houses are also in excellent repair. FDDIV tn \rr Part'culars and to treat by Private Contract, Usk f fcrs- M'DONNELL and MOSTYN, Solicitors, HEREFORDSHIRE. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By BURTON and SON, ^tlASA"0?. lNN>in the town of MONMOUTH, on Friday, nrpfi= i Japuary, 1836, at Five o'clock in the Afternoon duced6 8u^ect to Conditions of Sale then to be pro- r|PHE UNDERMENTIONED FREEHOLD PROPERTY "• •• *— THE UNDERMENTIONED FREEHOLD J" that, FREEHOLD COTTAGE, with the Gar- SitaatP J:,n Ground thereto adjoining and belonging, "ne^ll! raT Cr°cker's Ash, in the parish of Ganerew. about half fromrt! viHage of Whitchurch, and three miles and Mr f?7?„town °f Monmouth, now in the occupation of ^vir. nles vy ,ljams lituatp and'>i- those Tw0 Pieces of ORCHARD LAND, i^ne Aero j 1across the road near to Lot I, containing -hoice Fn a Quarter (more or less), well planted with irietor an<* now the occupation of the Pro-. r,'or VI ik 'lchard Williams, sen. WMsfd^^T^Si.^ftieulars, apply to the Auctioneers, or to W ^^LES and TYLER, Solicitors, Monmouth if rjlf^PMtagepaid. MONMOUTHSHIRE. Pontypooi District of Turnpike Roads. T^T°TICK is hereby given, that the TOLLS arising at the ^nrKv\ral TOLL GATES within the said District, called .i,„n ;Wll, y the names of the Pontymoil Gate, and the Peny- t e e, will be respectively LET BY AUCTION, to Ynn~ "idder, at the housej of Mr. JOHN JOSHOA, at vvppn .AifTton Thursday, the 4th day of February next, be- nan ."°urs of Twelve and Two, in the Afternoon, in the ,r n,er f-^reeled by the Act passed in the third year of his ■ \TajP<;ty King George the Fourth, For Regulating ;r:. voadswhich Tolls produced the last year the *is following:— ontymoile Gate £ 660 i: etiyrheoillir Gale £ 200 ,1,0 expenses of collecting them, and will be put up at s. Whoever happens to be the best bidder, must e time pay two months' rent in advance, and give i? .sufficient sureties to the satisfaction of the Tius- i 'I'urapike lloiid, for payment of the rest of •n ioonthly.—Dated this 9th day of January, 1836. CIIARLES.THOS. EDWARDS, lert to the Trustees of the said Turnpike Road. DAVID EVANS & SONS, <abtnet:JHatterø, £ tpljol0terer0, &t., BEG to express their unfeigned" thanks to the Gentry and Public oi NEWPORT and its vicinity, for the kind pa- tronage and sjpport w hi-h they have uniformly experienced in their line of bus; nt ss, for a period of thirty yeats and as- sure their supporter; and friends that they shall unremit- tingly endeavoir to merit a continuance of such favour, by the siif er'oiity of their goods, strict attention to orders, punc- tuality, aid m )dff Iti( n of charges. David Evans, Jan., continues to give Instruction on the Pedal Harp and Piano-Forte. INSTRUMENTS TUNED. Between 60 and 70 ACRES of LAND, within four miles of Newport, TO BE LET, on the 1st of February next. An approved tenant will find this a desirable opportunity. (One Concern. ) H. WILLIAMS, SURVSYOa AND LAND AGENT, Timber and Tithe Valuer 4' Civil Engineer, BEGS most respectfully to inform the Gentry, Clergy, and Inhabitants of NEWPORT and its environs, that he is about commencing Business in- the above line and he hopes by strict attention and practical knowledge, to merit a portion of their support. Newport, 13th of January, 1836. WHEALS HARMONY AND MONTAGUE CONSOLIDATED COPPER. (Sc. TIN 3MXMSNG COMPANY, REDRUTH. CAPITAL, — £ 50,000, In 5000 Shares of £10 each,—Deposit, £ 2 per Share. Dirfftors, WILLIAM WALKER, ESQ., DAVID INNES NOAD, ESQ., RICHARD JONES, ESQ. 33attftets, Messrs. GLYN, IIALLIFAX, MILI.S, and Co., London. WHEAL HARMONY and WHEAL MONTAGUE adjoin each other, and are situate in the Rich Mineral district of Redruth, in the County of Cornwall. Application for Shares to be made to Mr. 11. M. PAR- TRIDGE, Auctioneer and General Agent, Newport. TO THE INDEPENDENT BURGESSES OF THE BOROUGH OF NEWPORT. ENJ'LEMEN,—Accept my warmest and most grateful thaniis for the honour you have this day done me. in electing me one of the Members of the CotLncilof your Corporation, and which I feel the more because it was al- together UNASKED for, and UNSOLICITED, on my part; and I take il as an earnest, and one of the most solid nature, that (living amongst you, as I have, nearly all the days of m.lf life, and known as I am to all of you, in reference to both my public and private character,) you have considered me a fit ob- ject of' your choice, and worthy of the confidence which you have been pleased to repose in me. Ill, indeed, should I deserve that confidence,, did I not duly appreciate your kindness thus exemplified towards me, and be assured that I will, to the ut- most oj my power and ability, upon all occasions, zealously and independently discharge Ihe important duties arising out of the situation in which your suffrages have placed me. R ith every sentiment of respect and grateful feeling, I sub- scribe myself, your very faithful, obliged, and obedient Servant, THOMAS JONES PHILLIPS. Newport, Jan. 8th, 1836. Abergavenny Quadrille Band. TG. PEENE desires respectfully to return his thanks, • and those of his Assistants, to the Ladies and Gentle- men of Abergavenny and Neighbourhood for the support they have experienced since the formation of the Band, and regrets he has to inform them that, owing to both the Stew- ards being of Monmouth, through their influence and those connected with them, they are deprived of the satisfaction of attending upon them at the ensuing Fancy Ball. Most pro- bably it is to the same cause he may attribute the manner in which they have lately been treated at Usk. T. G- P. must also be excused remarking, that he is not so unknown in the musical world as to be unable to procure the first professional assistance necessary. To the Ladies and Gentlemen of Breconshire, and particu- larly to those in the neighbourhood of Crickhowell, their most grateful acknowledgments are due, for the steady aud uni- form suppon they have always experienced from them. Any commands addressed to Mr. Peene, Organist, CrOls- street. Abergavenny, will be punctually attended to. Music and Drawing Taught. Piano-fortes Tuned and Re- paired Classical and Commercial Boarding School, CARDIFF. MR. BURNETT acknowledges with feelings ofgratitude the very liberal encouragement he has received, and begs to announce that the duties of his Establishment will be resumed on Monday, January the 18th. Mr. B. will have pleasure in giving references to persons of the first respectability, having sons under his care. BOPS HOUSE ACADEMY, MONK STREET, ABERGAVENNY. MR. RUTHERFORD RESPEO f FI LLY informs his Friends and the Public, that his School will Re-open on Thursday, the 21st of January, 1836. To unite the advantages of a Classical Education with those derived from Mathematical and Commercial Knowledge, is an object constantly kept in view. The domestic arrange- ments are on a liberal scale and every attention is paid to the health and personal comfort of the Pupils. t 7, PORTLAND-SQUARE, BRISTOL. TIIE MISSES THOMAS respectfully announce that their ESTABLISHMENT for YOUNG LADIES will be Re-opened on Monday, January 25th, 1836. January 6th, 1836. ARCADIA HOUSE, 3, PORTLAND'STREET, CHELTENHAM. LADIES' SCHOOL conducted by MRS. HART and qualified Assistants.—The Terms for Board and Edu- cation are included in one moderate sum, so that Parents or Guardians may at once see the expense of this Establish- ment, viz., 35 Guineas per annum, embracing a general rou- tine of the English and French Languages, with Music, Dancing, and Drawing. The French department is superin- tended by a Parisian Lady, who resides in the house, and who, by making that language the constant medium of con- versation amongst her Pupils, gradually initiates them into the pute pronunciation and true idiom of that country. The number is limited, and highly respectable references will be given to those who may honour Mrs. II, by their confidence. There are now Three Vacancies. Communication by letter, post paid, will meet with at. tention.—Business will commence 21st January, 1836. CLASSICAL AND COMMERCIAL ACADEMY, HERRING TUN STREET, HEREFORD. CONDUCTED BY :M:R.. EVANS, SUCCESSOR TO Mil. FOWLER. TIIE System pursued in this School is to combine the ad- vantages of a Superior GRAMMAR SCHOOL EDU- CATION with those arising from the Study of the MATHE- MATICS and COMMERCIAL KNOWLEDGE. The Domestic Arrangements are conducted on a liberal scale, and the greatest attention is paid to the health and personal comfort of the Young Gentlemen. The School will Re-open on Thursday, the 21st of Jan- uary, 1836. A Prospectus, with Terms and References, may be obtained by application at the Academy, Berrington- street.—Hereford, Dec. 24th, 1835. fro tie £ oUi tip yriuatr (Tontran, A COMMODIOUS FREEHOLD DWELLING, situ- ate in one of the most desirable parts of CLIFTON, suited to the immediate reception of a family of the first re- spectability, having every convenience, with spacious Gar- den, Stables, Out Offices, &c. &c. Also, to be disposed of,—The Reversionary INTEREST on £ 1800 odd, 3j per Cent., standing in the names of highly respectable Trustees, and payable upon the demise of a Lady now aged 66 years. Also, a contingent INTEREST in the sum of £ 1400 odd, vested in the names of the same Trustees, payable upon cer- tain events, full particulars of which will be afforded upon application to Mr. Woodward, Surgeon, Pontypool; or at the Office of Mr. GEACH, Solicitor, Pontypool. NOTICE. WHEREAS RICHARD HIGGS, whom I had hired as a Farming Servant till May next, has left his ser- vice without any just cause this is to give Notice to the public accordingly from employing him. JOSEPH MILES, Farmer, Of the Parish of Skentrith, Monmouthshire. January 12th, H136.