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BABY TODD'S CURE I DF SMS I Over Two Years of Awful Suffering- Eyes Stuck Together and Would Bleed When Washed Open in the Morning—Every Lash Fell Out. ANOTHER WONDERFUL CURE BY CUTICURA "I feel it my duty to tell of two most I wonderful cures of sore eyes by Cuticura Ointment. My little son had an attack of measles which left the eyes in a shock- ingly bad state. The lids became inflamed and sore and every lash fell out. For two years and ten months I tried many eye ointments and lotions, besides following every advice given me, but nothing seemed to do them any good. They would be stuck in the morning, and I had to bathe them in warm milk and water, which was a very trying duty, as the eyelids would always bleed, causing the child untold suffering. "I had heard a lot about Cuticura Oint- ment, so I thought I would try it, and from the first application I have had cause to be thankful. Before I had used one box of Ointment the lashes showed signs of growing, and at the-end of a few months he had a crop of lashes of which any person might be-proud. "I recommended Cuticura to a Mrs. Phillips for her child, who also had sore eyes, and her little one was cured with less than one box. I have advised dozens of people to use Cuticura Ointment, often stopping them in the street, as I did Mrs. Phillips, who was a total stranger to me. I have such implicit faith in it that I have written to relatives in England and Ire- land telling them of its wonderful virtues, and asking them to recommend it to any sufferers they might know. "I am sending you this testimonial of my own free will, in the hope that others may be benefited as. we have been. (signed) Mrs. C. Todd, Old South Head Road, Waverly, Sydney, N. S. W." Ref- erence, Messrs. R. Towns & Co., Sydney. Cnticura Soap, Ointment, and pm, are sold throughout the world. Depots London, 27 Charterhouse Sq.; Parb, Rue de Ja Pair Australia, 2i. Town. & Co., Sydney. Potter Drug & Chem- Corp., Bostoi\ X'. S. A.t Solo Propn. •855" Mailed Free,44 How to Care for Baby's Skis tad Scalp. /&Arieft's the onlr Dealer -who Will tm Eagy Terras Svlfta. Ro-rera, Budf*. Whltworths, Coventry Ch>llui|i1^a Tfinmphtt. HumbeM. Pr«re«. tPounda below pneea. A Hxh-Grtde Coventry-mada Cycle M- CMh <='°T'M<M ior V/ ot 0/ mantMy NO FLUMMERY. No Bought or Manufactured Testimonial! HAYEKS YOU IJBAD A <5 LEG With Wounds that discharge or otherwise, perhaps sur- rounded with inflammation and swollen, that when yon press your finger on the infiamcd part it leaves the impres eion ? If so, under the skin y ou have poison that detiesal1 the remedies you have tried, v»ii»ch_ tf not extracted, you Dever can recover, but go on suffering till death releases you. Perhaps your knees are swollen, the joints being ulcerated, the same with the ankles, round which the skin may be discoloured, or there may be wounds; the disease, if aHowedto continue, will deprive you of the power to walk. You may have attended various hospitals and had medical advice and been told your case is hopeless, or advised to submit to amputation; but do not, forI can cure- you. I don't say perhaps, but I will. Because others have failed it is no reasaa I should. Send at once a Postal Order ior as. 6d. to B. C. ALBERT, 73, Farringdon Street, London, and you will receive a box of GRASSHOPPER OINTMENT and Pills, which Is a certain remedy for the cure of Bad Legs, Housemaid's Knee, Ulcerated Joints, Carbuncles Poisoned Hands, and Bunions. CCopTSght.) Sold by all Chemists and Stores. I ( IgTo avoid Tyre Trotiblesll j WL"CUNCHER»S I I HGj^LUie most RELIABLE J j POST FREE ■The North British Rubber Co, Ld. jLCASTUEMlUUSjEDMgURttH^ f IMPORTANT TO MOTHERS I' ■ Every mother who values the Health and d t Cleanliness of her child should use m | HARRISON'S D F "RELIABLE" | i NURSERY POMADE• G One application kills all Nits and Vermin, I beautifies and strengthens the Plair. W gj In Tins, 4W. & gd. Postage id. f CEO. V. HARRISON, CHEMIST, BROAD ST., READINQ. f Agents for CardiffAnthony and Company, 53, St. Mary-street, and D. Harries, 102, Queen-street. All Chemists. The Great Lung Healer of the day. "GRANDMOTHER'S" ANCIENT COUGH MIXTURE. The wondcrfal tor Comenmptian Asthma.. Bronchitis, aiMTcolda Bottles. Is. Hd.. or by post, lg 3d.. WEST LONDON SYRUP CO. 4. Bank Building's, West Kensington, Loudon. THE NEW FRENCH REMEDY,' therapion 8 n & r t popular ii.>ed in Continental Hospitals by Ricoru, Kostan, Jobert, Vc peauand others,surpasseseverything hi t bertoemplojr- edforrmpurityofblood, spots, blotches, pain and spelling of joints.derangements.of liver and kidneys, piles, gravel, pa: asm back, jout, rheumatism, exhaustion, sleeplessness Three forms, Nos. 1, 2 & 3, according to diseases for ■which intended. Price 2/9 at all Patent Medicine Houses, rnllparticularsin England send stampedari dressed en re- lope to .Mr. R. J ohnson,43,Ho1for-dSquare. London, W.C. Ii Supersede Pennyroyal,. PH Cocbia, Bitter Apple,'&c, RccommeQJed by Eminent ieiaDs &ÍK!nwdB of L&<I ie. "Qll1i ;¡/!I of a.II cltelJl;Mt8, o-r tJOtt fro' LESLIE MARTYN, LTD. 2/9






