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ei_ .¡¡o:" "¡-w¡. I IIIBIMIIIIII—II idLLj.. *f11l'<rTT'1 F1— V' ""1"" 'ffl11 niW™"lj| re4N8 J CHALLENGE. | realms I 4 ,&-4'4\ < W -h yiri,-u shots id take Advantage of I T. C. tn !LM;' E R"S' S 3 a I I £ Cash Tsa.iior> Wonderfu! Offer I Before It is Withdrawn. 4^ THE 4 REASONS. /r I I4 T. C. P ALMEE ofl'ers his noted j I Suiting's for I 301- to Measure, e I Our object in ottering these I v j I Suits i'or 30/- is to attract I |lP||f|Hll| | new customers to advertise I 1 ^>a*mer cu^ aiK* 8^e' I | Q We rely solely on the Fit, 1 jr'w p 'I 1 <a Style and Wear of these Suits I Jfg | to secure your future patron- I |||f fep '$ag'e. We are bound to give ■ I H i||J | you satisfaction to do this. I j pp | "j 1 i ^r\ I A Remember T. C. PALMER I 1 1$$I has never offered Suits as | I tS!P* 1 low as 30/- except during- Sales. 1 -n T. C. PALMER will giva £1CO to a local Charity if tills is not a fact. I ,11<-5 Swansea Branch- J—— i I 4 ioc /wijiCt i 4 } REASONS Id0ili&bii6ul,i -REASONS Jj I||•.Winter Sale. NOW PROCEED3NG, £ AND DAILY THROUGHOUT JANUARY. I GREAT REDUCTIONS ISM |§| FURS AND MADE-UP GARMENT'S. § REMARKABLE BARGAINS IN 8 "k'n an^ Fur-Lined Coats, long Tweed Coats, j| and Icilor-mada Costumes. p Venin9 Gowns, Theatre Coats and Wraps all reduced. §| BLOUSES I ac8. Silk, and Delaine Blouses ai Sale Prices. I ■ MILLINERY 1 —ntire Stock of Trimmed Millinery, including Paris flj Models, to be cisared at an ill ENORMOUS REDUCTION. llj ■^UR HATb and TOQUES at Sale Prices, (g DAVID EVANS & Co., (Ctm'm 1 and Goaf-st., Swansea. I|| Exphillation of Lease. Great Sale ofFDRflTME at MASKREYS, 21, St. Helen's load We have a large Stock of excellent Goods which will be offered at Clearance Prices. Parties uriaisbing will find this a great opportunity. Note Address Worklngmaris Stores, i^qci8" „ Hst'&n's /?oacf» CHARLES JENKINS&SON ABERTHAW BLUE LIAS LIME WORKS, BRIDGEND ) Honey. f1 iliE OLD-ESTABLISHED PROVINCIAL BaNK oonciaues to Lend Im- mense sums daily from Rio to £5. on Not* of Hand rtlorw or other secarlty, a.t 4 few aotice to aU clessee ,0 aoy part of Lnglaiid and Wales, repayable by easy Instal- No jjoti application is ever refused. All communications strictly private JIoderai«i in; rest. Special rate for short periods. Tla beat iaowa, and most honourably [ o-'nasictod bLtBiuaes in ike kingdom. Tbcu- of regular easterners have expressed their entire satisfaction in repeated trans- actions w.th us. if desired, cne of our officistle Witi attend at your d-ence at once wtua ei-sn, mid co.rry ont tho advan^ there and ifren. Call or writ* u» confidence) to the Mr. Staiiioy Dowdinu, 1. Queen- %v]naT1, Bristol, or to E. Klwlll, 21, w-npoaa. I ASH ACCOMMODATION, £ 20 TO V-7 £ 1,000. Interest, 2a. 6d. in the £ for agreed period. £ .&) repay £ 22 10b. £ 50 repay £ 66 6s. ^0 „ £ 33 15a. £ 100 „ £ 112 lQs. or Tmte to tb« Nvell-known Vinaocier VV. JACKSON, 25, Tudor Road, Cardiff; 33, Commercial I Real, Hereford; 31, Hagley Road, Edg- b^stxa, Birmingbacn; 26, Bernard Street, Russell Square, London, W.C. 3211 I I /0S^^<k = s too I \ADVAN C F- ID IJ 4p DAILY. I I I ST. It Witt Co^t wd&o I0 r Termc. £ IA wtRsm 11 || 11, 1'tt, J|§ « CARDIFF. J? Q 3 lilwdhifF.oaeyQatte Priwst^y Without SUre-tt- D-!Ay. or Fees. 7BOM AND UPWARDS. ASK YOUB GBOCEE POK THE I QUEEN'S GRAVY SALT. It is truly deliciouri for colouring: and flarvonr- iog Gravies, Sovp-3, Stews, etc. I It piloses every Oook anAall good Eoosewivea. NO TROUBLE. NO EXPENSE. Wa.rr.ii,t,-d made froTH Pureet Scwar and Sait. Try it! You will be de-,ighted.. Sold everywhere in id.. Id. and 5tS. Blccia. Manufactur-rs:- THE BIRMINGHAM FOOD SITPPLT 00.. UHITED, YIOPOBIA WOBKS. BIRMINGHAM. ¡ WATCET STOPPL-n?- Why have your f Watch ttiiiared by inooai^tent re- pftirars wren ny p,l1.g to Jack Gimp bell (\at4 Miers Bros., WAt^hZrakera and Jewellers to hi3 Majesty King Birvard). yon can get it sfcil- fnliy repaired at a lew prioo. Old Gold and SHwr Eoag^t. Spectsrjles to salt all Aadreea 20, Arcef-e, B^gb-stredt, Swansea. 1 Fubllo K etlcea. QLAMORGAN COUNTY COUNCIL. PROPOSED TRAINING COLLEGE AT BARRY.. The Education Committee of the County Council invite Architects, who have been in practice for too years, and have been estab- lished in the Co-airty or one of the County Boroughs therein for not less than seven years, and who, during that period, have had experience in superintending the erec- tion of important buildings, to send in com- petitive designs in a/xordance with condi- tions, which may be obtained by them on application to the Clerk of the County Council at the County Offices, Westgaie- sfcreet, Cardiff, with the view to the selec- tion bv them of an Architect to carry out the erection of a. TRAINING COLLEGE for 130 Resident Women Students and 20 Day Students. The Committee will be a in con- sidering the designs sent in by Mr. Henry T. Hare, F.R.I.B.A., of 13, Hart-street, Bloomsbnry-equare, London, and the authors of the five designs that arc placed first by him will be paid a fee of J315 15s. each, sub- ject to such fee being merged into the com- mission to be paid to any one of the five who may he selected as the Architect to carry out the work. Architects desiring to have the conditions must, in making their application, furnish particulars showing that they come within the above limitations, but the fact of the conditions being kanded to them is not to be deemed a conclusive determination that they are so qualified in the competition. T. MANSEL FRANKLEN, Clerk of the County Council. Jannary 21, 1910. 4301 ST. JOHN'S BAZAAR. FEBRUARY 2nd AND 3rd, 1910. China and Glass Stall. Will those who promised the iato Mrs. Jcmes Poweil Gifts in mcney or kind for this Stidl kindly send, as early as possible, the same to MRS. HARRISON, ST. JOHN'S VICARAGE, HAFOD. MISS CAROLINE ABRAHAM, L.B.A.M., OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY OF MUSIC, Resumes Lessons in VOICE PRODUCTION, ELOCUTION, DICTION, &c., On TUESDAY, JANUARY 26th. ELOCUTION CLASSES ARRANGED. 8, CLEVELAND TERRACE, SWANSEA. .1 rjp O ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS. ARCHIBALD D. DAWNAY & SON LIMITED. WALES AND WEST OF ENGLAND. ENGINEERING WORKS, EAST MOORS, CARDIFF. Steel Joists, Flitch Places, Anglos, Teea, Channels. CONSTRUCTIONAL STEELWORK. Bridgee, Roofs, Piers, Pithead Stages. Fireproof Floors- JAMES HARRIS, Has a large quantity of FRUIT TREES, SHRUBS, &c. to offer, in Fruit-Bearing state. Also a large quantity of quick Privet Enonymoas for Hedges. Send for quotations. AU kinds of floral devicee from home-grown flowers; also new Seedling Potatoe. Lady Llewelyn, the beet early Potatoe grown. Send for particulars, also sent Met BLACKPILL NURSERIES, Near Swansea, 40?1 I NS, | Jeweller, Pawnbr^ber, and Dealer in Antiques- Watches, Jewellery, Old China, &c., &c., Soli. Bought and Exchanged. Inspectiom invittd. Appointmf Dt arraageu. I Genuine Barlains always CD S1'e. A. Lyons, 25, High bt Swansea, —L-i I § 09 TO 0 £ E| [j S rt amnaK | Q tD l^^nJuafG I pn o 3 r INVITE SUCCESS by first securing that most excellent of aU possession*—good, sound, robust health, if you negket to do 80 yon are laying tho foundation of failure and disappointment V. a cannot possibly have catae for self i-ongratniatMMi, you cannot expect to enjoy a successful career 90 long as your health continues unsatisfactory. One of the most reliable meane of ensuring a lasting state of health is to be found in Beecham's Pill. They remove digestive malad, purify I h blood and promote tha ismirishmect at" i energy of the entire system. Core yoocseif, help yourself, invigorate yoursall ByT aking IEEC I PILLS. frepaued only by THOMAS BEECHAM, St. Helens, Laac. Sold everywhoio in boxes, HOBTONS BENEDICT PILLS. FREE TO LADIES. h a few dap correct all irregularities sstii semove all obstructions; so cure amemia. By post, Is. or 2s. 9d., from HORTON & CO., Chemists (Chief Dis- pensers fram the late Birmingham Lying-in Hospital), (77 Dept.), Aston MaDar. Bir. niirrgkaaa. Sold over 40 years. Seldom ever fail All ladies should send penny stamp for a flee sample of Pills. ———— ———— :2 1THE New mENBH THERAPI Ofc;^b faccctinnTitaTHa»iiataUbyKtr«mi.I^or»tao.Xobeit,YgJy- caca& otijerv, r.ucn«s«4»t-«arythin^ httkertoanployea tor Moadfwsoa, b^l^U>krficW^au) kwwlliotraf jotot* kidr>eyTWa»Mar & anasrriliseases, stnctonvdischaryii^ pifa«jyravftl ,aa iwtiatgcfeT«'oat,rivwa&Jt:8"*< ei nausfaan, Ac. ThrtxIonaCKo*-1-2 S.F^ce Z+. F«w free aHvica m to snit&isiKty of Therapion write, tem&Mtp ttrarped sHdrevsfd envda^e, to The Le Cleat I liiillM't" -# -n_ Ip' | THE SALE i I BEN.'EVANS' 1 1 S r 1 |j I "Bargain Time" will soon be over, and W jtp in the course of a few weeks New Spring m *a Goods will be the order of the day. 11 Meanwhile Reduced Prices Rule through- H out the House and in every Department, |j money-saving opportunities are plentiful, jS and the task ot laying out one's money to tho best possible advantage was never jg easier. wj All Season's Goods are marked down Ij for absolute clearance, and the Bargains 2 p offered in garments for immediate service St are most tempting. gg ft 9 X BEN- EVANS & 60., LTD. SWANSEA. 1 | Q'.#f'Æí'D -.n;:a. -u- "1"):U If you want MONEY AY TO GEO. FRY & CO. (Late SQL IIAQNF-M 11., Dyrmvor' Place, Swansea, Mamtpr-F. -,VWKL- FY. TeL 16.1. r .í1lli?f'JóW'!I'IIm. a £ 6 TO £ 5,00Q. — HOTELS. THE ONLY BACH&LaRS' HOTEL IN LONDON. LGNB&OH. AVISTOCS fOTIL C?ntoTill y situated. ]O Bedrooms. ElecTirio Lift. BEDROOM, BREAKFAST AND ATTEND- ANCE FROM 5s. -4 CHURCH" ( CONGRESS. SWANSEA. BOOK OF 103 PAGES, Cciifcaiftinir Conr^J. eta I CO ED OF PROCEEDINGS, SERMONS, PORTRAITS, Price 1/ May be had at the "Daily Post" Swansea, or A. R. Way, Wind-street; I Smith and Son, Eigfr-pfcrset; Wyman and Son, Bookstall; George Wiii'.ams. 69, High- street; J. G. Grey, Uplands; Morgan and Higgs, 18, Heatkfieki-stteec; C'has. Evanss, Brynymor-road; D. John, Newsagent, Plas. marl; John Thomas, Newsagent, Fforest- -=- KSTOr ONE MOMENT. \S OH, DE-IE, DOOTOii K U03T MY DAiiLING VIE? #a TEEIUS IS VEKY LITTLE HOPE. BUT I-ay rpuitoa "^TiLiJAMa' PA11SNT gALSAM OB' HOSEY, Whioh contains pure Weiah Honey aJid an Essence of the Purest aeitl Moet, EEca-iio-a# Herbs gathered CD the Hills of Wales, being: gathered in the proper season, when their virtues, are in full perfection. BEONCIIITIS There are Thousands of Children who die annually from Bronchitis, Whooping Cough, and Croup. This is a fo-rend discovery for the Cure of such complaints. It is invalu- able for Weak-Cbestod Men. Delicate Women, and Clh-.ld;ven. It euros when all other re- medies fail. It cures Congbs, C'old, Bronchi- tis. Asthma, Tishtness of the Chest. It Onres Thousands of Children of Bronchitis. Whooping Cousrh. CUEBS FOR CHILDREN'S CODGRS APTER MEAKLBS. It Ourefl for Ooo Shilling whn Pounds have been epent in vaLi. TEY. IT. If yon have a Couffh, Try it. If you have a cold, 'I'rv it* If you have Bronchitis. Try it. It loosens tho phlegm and promotes expectora- tion. produces warmth dcd comfort to tbe Oheat, and fftves refreshing siatp when y<u have lost nights of rest IMPORTANT AND INTERESTING FACT PBOM i £ SS SHAiLSOCiC 1LIGH CLIFF. BOUPJCKMOUTH. "Pot weeks I suffered from a severe cold. incessant cough, tightness of the cliest and hrorucbitia. When a severe cough same on C ^ixsusrht I shenid rapture a blood, vessel. One of your bills was handed me on toe street of Glsussow. I went to the Dearest ahemista's shop and purchased a bottle of vour Tudor iliiama Balsam of Honey. I took a dose there and then in the shop. The effect was marvellous-it eased my cuogh in- stantly. I have found nothing so effectual. I consider ii a colden remedy. Words are fasr from being adequate to describe bow thankful I am to you for making known your great disocvery to the world." For VbeaUstrt and Public Speakers it has no efjaaJ.. It makeB the voice as clear as a bell. See you get the genuine article, Tudor Williams' Patent Balaam of Honey. So maay imitations and frauds. SooLd by ailt ohemieLA and stores in Is. 3di, 2s. 6d.. and 4s. 6d. bottles. Sample bottle sent (poet free) for 19. 3d., 2b. 9d., and 5a. from the Inventor. Saving in purchasing the large-size bottle. Manuf acttaier— TUDOR WILLLAJfe, J.I.E.P.S., F.S.CJ., Analytical and CoiMruiting Chemist and Druytrist by Examination. MEDICAL HALL. ABLIO)AME. iv hi whn in-i "iiwi'i n'Tra—iiipiiii pi tin in ——j ■* | ASK YOUR GROCER 3 1 FOR A "AMPLB PACKET OF I 1 DOHOrttY UKZfi OLAXSk 1 Too wi; I be den: IUed, !å po!bltes Cds nd | Collars like Ivory inan-stly, and ptesenrai the a iSnen. Diffws tr';m¡ all oths- It imilsg ow be a put ia tbe staron | SOLDaVRRVWHEJtKta .AmmIsA jawkota, | Send k.r «9UBflj £ post 8 Send k.r valawn post tnb. 8 IUakani BiKMIRGHAM FOOOSUPPLf Co I IA, VlCZOXjyii WQJBKS BItMlSGHAM. |



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