b SWANSEA MERCANTILE BANK LTD., OF 18. PARK STREET.. SWANSEA. MAKE CASH ADVANCES FROM £ 10 to S500 tv» 0 Commercial Gentlemen, Tradesmen, and Respectable Householders, on -11' own Note of Hand, at a lew rate of Interest. Strictly Private and Confidential. or further particulars, apply X B. JONES, Manager, IFI. PARK STREET, SWANSEA, 11. — —
TO A»TLUJ»^ '<" The circulation 01 the South walo Daily Post" in Swansea, liaiie'iy, Neath, Aberavon, and West Walee generally, ï. guaranteed to be larger than that. at all other daily newspaper* oombined Conse. quently it is easily the best Advertising Mediurr..
Family Notices
BIRTHS. MARSIAGES AND DRA'THS. NOTICES appearing umder this head are charged at a minimum rate of Is. 6d. for 20 words, and Id. r'or each additional word and must be prepaid. No noticc oi this description will be inserted unless authen- ticated by the name and address of the sender or forwarded through a solicitor cr an agent of the "Daily Post."
TEIFAID ADVEETISIKENTS. gCUTH w ALIRS T, ) AMY pOST. LOST AND FOUND OR TRADE SPECIALITIES. One Three Six Insertion. Insertions. Insertions. ^W'ord? 0 9 1 0 1 6 80 Words 1 6 2 0 2 6 Words 2 6 i o 3 6 R APARTMENTS, SITUATIONS VACANT, OR WANTED (TO HE LET OR SOLD, AND MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. Oao Three Six Irifcertiijn. Insertions. Insertions fO Words 0 6 0 9 1 0 80 Words 0 9 1 0 1 6 40 Words l 0 1 6 2 6 50 Words i 6 2 0 3 6 M Words 2 0 3 0 4 0
NOTICE—1Tiae "South Wales Daily Post" will be delivered direct to subscribers from the Chief Offices, High-street, Swansea, at the following prepaid rates;- Per Messenger. Per Post Three Months 3 3 6 6 Sii Months 6 6 13 0 Twelve Months 13 0 26 0 Any irregularity in the delivery should be made known immediately at the Head Office. -I SITUATIONS VACANT Kousekcepers. wANT ED' & respectable Working HOUSB- koej»er; w idow prefer rod.—Apply .V. Joseph. 8, Pentyla-, Abiravon. 718dl-2fl ytT"ANTED, Working Housekeeper, two per- sons. State ago ond wages required.— rite W.S., "Daily Post," Swansea. 83el-25 A/^ANTED, Working Housekeeper, for work- ing mau bacludor; age 35 to 40.—A; ply John Jones, Tydravr, Bonytnaen, near Swansea. 231 e 1-2 7 e-! rilchenmaitfs. A respectable Person Wanted, ior Plain Cooking; nve in or out —Apply Market: *«st«urant, Oxtord-.>trojt. Swansea. 6115nl 25 i OOOK-GBNE-RAL W.inted, út once, must be goo'J. coo i-—Apply 8, Skctty-rcad, Up- Ws, 6135nl-27 "VV^vTv" ^00<^ Ccok General, 'cr beginning e-ruary — Apply Mrs. Wilfrid Trom«s tumbles 118c-l-23 a Look-Genera!, to assist :'n Hari \v,? _tb4, °vciiin:ib.—Apply Mrs. Parker, .n^s-.i Castte, Neath.. l8»el-27 ANTED Pebruary~UUr«x^~riraoed"Co• k- pL. ~^PPly Mrs. Dowla ,]ones» Penv- ]House, toaetty, Glamorganshire. 344»l-23 W ANTED, Cook-GeneroJ; also~Housemaid- General; tnroo in: pi; mutt have good rsf6rences— Dent Jones, Oxford-street, Swan. fjCa; s 98el-23 Ranted. February 11th, experienced toik- :M. General,; two other maids kept-.—Applv Dowle-Jonog, Penyrheol House, skettv .0., Glam. nl-27 Kcusc siid Parlourmaid*. XTOUSEIvfAID Wanted.—Apply 151, King Ed- -.vard's-rcad, Swansea. 9Gel-2S WANTED, Young Moui-e-PariouiuiauI.—Apply Pant Gvvyn, Sketty. 230el-27 ~}ilYANTED, Young Hon.-e-Parlourmaid; good relirence required.—Apply J, St. Jemes ^rdens. Swansea. 125e!-25 ANTED, a btrong, clean~Girl~as" Ward >. -^ai ior sc^rl-t Fever Block.—Apply a^ion, fever Hospital, Swansea. 20ft?l-27 .6- -= 111 Nurses. "Yy ANTED, immediately, a •refined Girl", i about 17, as Kuise, inr one lxvby.—Apjjly first tu 7, Souih-terrace, Neath. 19321-27 =.¡ Cenerals. A gocd General Wanted.—Apply evenings, Mrs. Gain age, 5, Westbury -street, Swan- &: 8.. 8960-25 EA exi>e:ience-d General; re- ferences necessary—Mrs. Rees, Peiiydre 5^. Ne-<ath. 4^1-24 —D«vv G-irl Wanted, for domestic work; no family.—Apply mornings or eQings, 24. Hillside. Mount Pleasant, Neath. 787dl-22 ^MAJtT Young General Wanted; fond of -p chiWiren —^76. Norfoik-street,- Mount feasant,, Swansea. 88el-25 WAÑ-rEID, a. good General Servant. 16, New-street, N :ath. 6.25nl-22 ANTED, a Young Girl, 15 or 16, to Nurse. -11. Grove-place, Swansea. 364el-24 "^7" ANTED, h General Servant—Apply 14, Woodlands-terrace. Swansea !30el-2j YyANTED, a onoe, a good General Servant.— Apply Rutland A-'ins, Swansea. 124al-25 YyANTED^ a good General, or Nurse Girl — Apply 6, Garlton-t;rraoe, Swansea. 87el-25 \yANTED, a General Servent.—Apply Rob- erts, Brynhuan, Eaton Grove, Swansea. 6118nl-22 •V|'ANTED, a Yonng Giri, for Housework.- Apply l, Brynmiii crescent, Swan^.a. 6114nl-25 VY^TeD, a clean, respectable Day Girl, %,e 16 to 18.— 94, Walter-road, Swansea. Wr 3310-22 V\ ^TED, a Young i>nerel, for Housework. 8\ -Apply Mrs. Bemett, 122. Oxford-street, 65el-24 Vy at nnoe, General Servant, about Ut '-Apply D. J. Samuelfi, Tobaccon- V*>"rTi6von- 84«l-25 Vy ANted, respectable Girl, as General. — slt>e^tAPBly Mrs. Bassett, Harris's Hotel, High- W- S*ansea. 209ol-27 reepectab'tj, willing GVrl, as ^Plau^^eral; four in family.—5, The Grove, S" Swansea. 121el-25 a good Gamral—Apply, with re- focd-stj^^e. Israel, Pantygwydr Hotel, Ox- "r*rAy Swansea. 30dl-94 eri>erlenced General; must hav*v»^5le?i5 ~A]>ply E. Gregory, 36, Wate'* S wanseo. 117el-24 V g'€ a strong ?ermnt, about 18 to 20, Or-eniiii?11 0Qfc; reference required-—Apply 30. "Street. Swansea. 10lel-25 Yy &*>d General Servant; two in N/v- J ■ r ferenc 's required.—Apply 51, ^k-stpaet; Swailae,a. 35531-28 \Y7"ANTf;i)> clean Girl, to assist in House- at 39 S'WP oat.—Apply after 5 p.m., ^ansei -street, Swansea. 15el-22 Y^rA^T £ £ ), ?0Od Geaerai Servants; capable Ltd -daties.-Apply David Evans end Co., •* ^attistreet, Swansea. 3591-24 wA-NTM, experienced General Servant, f r 25 to 30; three in family.-Apptv Dirlwyn, Queen's-road, SKOtty. 67el-25 "\y*A^ED, good GeneraJ. Serveut; refer- w ences required—Apply White Swan Hcxel, High-street, Swansea. 157el-26 ~W once, a ,-cspet Lable Yonng Gin, d'O.ny, IOT ^onerel houses ork.-A_)p]y E. J-i icks. 8. Walter-terrace, Swansea. 368el-23 yt/*ANTED, at once, General Servant; sleep out.—Apply after ti p.m., to 33, The Promenadei, Mount, Swansea. 151el-26 WANTED, experienced (^neial7~able~to—do plain cooking; re/arenoes required-—Mrs. Rohde, Voletta, Newton, .Mumbics, R.S.O. 182el-26 y|7"AiM'ED, good General Servant-, refer- enoes.—Apply between 6 and 7 p ru ti Mrs. Thomas, Denver House, Trafalgar-terrkoe Swansea. 6129nl-23 WA?T,KI)' Gi/1' iusl~let~who0If" to Nurao ail<i 'uake uerself useful; sdeep in hetween b «nd 7, At 131, Ox,ord- ,;wsnfea- 179el-22 WAi!TSD' (^neral. Servant, for ii„a«. ork, <\ad assist ;n Ru- in the evenings. ^I|!l'y1 D°i"an, Anchor inn. South Prosp^t, lX>tk; ^^sea. 22;x-i-.>7 AN2Tp.j3j a Young Girl, agr« about la h&urri from 10.30 until 8.30 p.m.— Acpl" Mrs. Harris. Kish Restaurant, 35. Marlborough- r-ad, bwansea. 142el-27 "^yANTED, capable General,plain "cooking and wasmug; wages £ 18.-Appiy 6 ?N>SomrSt ElmS' Mount (houtom of _Hill^wan.^a.^ 362cI-2^ for g,,cd &i. W AXTI'D' lor go0d Situation,-Geiieral",sei vant, for family of two.Appi atat ^So™-bVa^' 6t€, MrS" (D'-> ^°hardt ^mgoi nouh, Llangadock. 80O1-25 y OuN? .Girl Jcu.E.— Apply after 6, to No. 6 xnonq-road. Swans.aa. —^ Servants' Registry Office. Qovi-nvass Agency and Select 3{"eT^U'y~ BEVONAJ It^lps DISENGAGED. E.-ccell^n* Mcancies, Cook-General, Housemaid, Superior Munibl-^ ^gishaUn Is.-iie, 31el-24 PARLOURMAID, Cook, iAundr^sTandTHouse- aiA0 gJ°d Generals Ag^cy 7^ m7v M^S Employmeiii 8- }, !■>, fiigh-stieet Arcade, Swansea. 336? 1-28 "V inmedi'3ie^y, experienced nrf and irf Co; ks* ^Housekeeper, Parlour and Housemaids, laundresses, Generals etc— Appiy Miss Lewis, J'^u-ol&ss Registry, 18 C;3. If-street, Swansea- 51^ 1 iscelianeous fHuatlons. QARPENTERS.-Wanted, few good Cer^m^, CLOG bW"UEe:L 351e-l-28 Q.R0CERY.-Wanted .sirong L*a7~^jTie, try?1 -?S lfiarn' IjV,s in; good wages if tuituble. b. Boast, Vardre Stores, Clydaoh. 64 a 1-24 QROCERV and Provisions.—The Direct Trad- 'mve & vacancy (or a smart JUN.or.—Write The Manager, 212, High-street bwansea. 21 e 1-24 Q.ROCERY and Provisions.—Warned, smart Improver for quick cash trade. State wagee and references.-James, Boro' Stores Penyldarren. Martbyr.. Mel-25 M Vvantad^ t .vo respectable A Young Ladies, M Apprentices fcr Mil- Lnery Workrooin.-Appjy to j. Kees Evans. 218, Hign-stroet, tewan;h«. • 795dl-22 pOxiTEfR Wonted, at the Swans>x~ Hospital single •, w.gee £ 30, living l.i._ApDlv bv ;'n ifir"5 telico' to th« Secretary at th ^QclQ3B two testimonials. 94^1,25 PHOTOGRAPHER, going~to~t'»Md^ w-anfs smart Corupanion to travel; good ad- drees, 1 ittli3 oopital, certain success; refer- ences exchanged.—Write I'iwtographer, "Daily Post," Swansea. 7Sel-25 OTAGHJ.—Wnnt^dv iseveral smart Amateurs, s Indies and Gents, for Variety Tour. Must be refined.—For interview, write Siege, "Dany Post," Swansea. 202el-27 OM.-MJT Young Man Wanted, for Warehouse, Packing, etc.; on? used to soliciting pre- fsrrecl.—Ste.lte age, expvienee, snd wagv>s ro- quired, to Box 61, "Daily Post," Swansea. 354al-22 ''PO BAKERS.—Good Vanman Wanted.—Apply Vanstone, Manselton Bakery, Manaelton 6102nl-24 rg'O BUTCHERS.—Wanted, smart Youth, 16 to 18 years of age, to do a Ronnd «Jid assist in shop; mqst bo able to ride cycle; good wages; references requir&d.— Apply Lawson, Purveyor, 231, Oxford-sftn&et, Swansea. 183el.2õ y ACANCY for Youth, in the Whole3«le~Cloth- v jig; experience not neceesary.—Apply, sta ing age, etc., to Clothing, "Daily Post" Office, Swansea. 337el-23 WANTED, exj>erienced Bcrmaid, for Vaults Bar.—Apply Longlands Hotel, St. Helen's- r cd, Swansea. 11631-25 \\7~ AS TED, at ones, An exi>erienced ironer.— « Apply Modal Steam Laundry, Clareneo toi race, Swansea. 17Sel-22 WANTED^ at once, experienced Barmaid, for "f Vaults—Apply Longlands Hotel, St. Helen's-road, Swansea. 'leSel-Se TX/'AXTj.ED, a.t once. au experienced Bar- t. maid; must havo references.—Apply to Albion Hotel, Swansea 44el-24 WANTED, Young Lady, lor Fancy" Business; I'1 reference required.—Write Box 480, "D-.ily Post," Swansea. 21&al-24 "V/V7*AITRESS Wantad., immedaiately; alao good » strong Girl as General.—Apply Mrs. Lorkley, Albert Restaurant, Swan?ea 177el-26 T^TTANTED, immediately, Young Lady, eg 't, Barma«id.—Apply t'ersonallv Treferred, Mrs. Phillips, Whyndam Hcteil, Swansea. 95ei-25 WANTED, domesticated Yonng Lady, for Bar; also Cho nibprm aid .-Apply, with particulars, Lion Royal Hotel, Lampetea*. 149el-26 WANTED, reliable Person, to look affen- House for a week, or a good Housekeeper permanently.—2, Gore-terrace, Swansea. 15691-26 ~[ANTED, Coach for Candidate taking part » two Cambridge Previous Examinations, chiefly mathematics.—Apply Lloyd Rogeans. West Cross. 611nl-36 WANTED, an industrious Boy, able to drive and milk, and make himself generally useful.—Apply Lloyd Rogers, Brynhaul, Week Cross, Swansea. 4&10-22 TT7*ANTED, immediately, Paving Cutters, at f Fforcillais Quarries, Cymmer, Port Tal- bot, work wet or fine; good wages can be earned.—Apply ForeaMn. 195el-28 WANTED an experienoed Waitress, for the Refreshment Bar of a Skating Rink.— Apply, staling wages required, and-expelfrience. to Rink. "Daily Post," Swansea. 6121nl-24 "YJ^ANTED, experienced GencraJ, able to Co plain cooking; family three; no small childirein references r squibed.—Apply Mrs. Morgan, Vicarage, Pontordulais. 191el-27 WANTED, occasionally, Handy Man, to da rough Ma.?on Work, Painting, etc.; one that can do rough Carpentry pr€<f erred. — Address Handy, "Daily Prkjrt," Swansea. 139el-28 WANTBD, ftnme<.li«it:fy, Swansea district. f J Cold Roll Superintendent, 4-mill tin- works must thoroughly understand his work, and a good disciplinar'en.—Write Tin, "Daily Post, Swansea. 144el-26 O strong Young Wom.m Wanted, at ones.—J. • Beynon, Fish Kesteumnti, 175, Higii- street, Swansea. 343el-25 9 Painters Wanted, at onoe.—Apply Coed- franc Schools, Stanley-road, Skewen. 33&.)1-24 /,o-ents 3t!d Travellers. I A Gentleman of good education and appear- ance Wanted immediately to call upon proieofMonal gentlemen for well-known firm. One of good social standing, abloO to interview wi.h influence, who is disengaged desirable. Salary £ \50. Only applications giving full par. tioulars will be considered.—AddrecS D. W., "Daily Post," Swan&e-i. 167el-22 CANVASSERS Wanted, for Enlargements, either sex.—Ar ply between 6 and 8 p.m V, Dyaevor-place, Swansea,. 72el-25 1?NDOWMENT and Sickness Benefits in first- E rate British oflio", ages up lo 60. Secre- ttries and Agents Wanted. Eqr.iiabJe terms.— Write Provincial, "Daily Post," Swansea. 34S;l-28 VST ANTED, Taa. Agent, in Swan sec and Dis- VV tric-l; euiifc witkhv or spinster; good ci:arac&er; splendid salary and commission.— Write Tea, "Daily Post," Swansea. 360el-28 XXTANTED, by well-known firm, idem dis- »» triet agent for Amman aiul swanaoa -Not insurance or house purchase. Applicants should be energetic and able to push business. Salary and commission. Per- manency, with good future prospect*. State age, references, and previous occupation.— Appiy Competent, "Dnny Post," Swansea. 167el-22 Appiy Competent, "DaJly Post," Swansea. 167.e1-22 VI/"ANTED, immediately, in Llauelly, a Man » tis Ciuivasser and Collector, for Gorsei- non and district, either whole or part time. non and district, either whole or part time. Connection given to start. Also special salary and commission. Must have good referencee in the town.—Apply by letter, to H. Barker, Manoger, TL.e Provident Clothing and Supply Company, Ltd., 20, Wind-street, Swansea. 204el-27 Tl^OULD you like to v.:ake 15s. to 25s. per »» week, ^pare xiuie? Good chance, qual- ify full t.jBC, witli weekly salary. Most varied Agency, Including all ne-essaries for House; iilso all kinds clothing I.adies and Gentleman). General Drapery, JJoot:3, Cutlery. Furniture, Cycles. Musical Instruments. Easy weekly payments. Success ce'tain. Applicants must be householders. State occupation, time in district.—Apply to,Weekly Commission, "Daily Poet," Swansea. 777dl-2? Managers and Clerks, CLERKSHrPS: £ 85-. £ 450: Admiralty, War, c Exciss, Customs Offices, vacancies now; open to ali. aged 15-22. Exjjeirience unneces- sary. Special explanatory jximpbiet freot' Secretary, Ci\il Service Eumau. Albert Hail. Edinburgh. lSel-22 TX 7" AN TED, a Young Lady, well up in Bcok- keeping.—Apply, w?tli reference, to Box 10, "Daily Post," Swansea. 54el 24 WANTED, at onoe, Young Woman, to assist in Book-keeping, and make herself use- ful.—Apply Hirs. Cliappell, 63, Wind-street, Swansea. 61 £ 5nl-22 Tradesmen's Apprentices and Assistants. APPRENTICE or Assistant required, ii,r A shop duties, by up-to-date Tailor.-Ad- dress Latest, 'Daiiy Pf»st," Swansea. 527dl-24 6_ GROCERY.—Aesistant Wanted, used to solicit- ingj. — Ai>plT. stating salary required, ;wd previous situations, to Patna, Daily," Swans?a. 176el-26 H ADDRESS ING— Vac-aiKy for Apprentice, ail branches taught; premium.—E-vans, Ladies' and Gents' Hairdresser, 27, Ht. Helen's- rc>3(1, Swansea. 227el-27 TTACANCY for an Api>rentice to t^e Trad?; premium requiied.—Apply, stat- ing age, to Box 339, "Daily Post," Swansea. 6132111-27 WANTED, respectable Lad—Apply R. S. Williams, Arcada Bakery, Orc?>a.Td street-, Swansea. 75el-21 YOUNG Lady required, as Apprentice, by y flrst-cdaas Confectionery Business. — Apply Matthewi, Confectioner, Walter-road. Swansea. 6133nl-27 Office Foys, Errand Boys, etc, A respectable Boy Wanted—Apply Parker's Stores, Port Tennant-road, St. Thomas, Swansea. 185el-26 X\TANTED, a smart Bov, to deliver parcels.- Apply LipUin's, Hig-h-street, Swansea. 55el-24 "t^TANTED, smart Errand Boy.—Apply John- VV ston, Florist, Oxford-street., Swansea. 6100nl-22 TTlTANTED, two smart Error.,1 Hoys — Apply VV Thornsby, Fruiterer and Grocer, Th.» Grove, Inlands, Swansxu 6137nl-28 WANTED, a Boy vl4\ ior Errands, and make himself useful In 1 uouse.—KaalJ, Chem High-street, Swansea. Mel-34 Situations Wanted. BARERS.—Young Man, age 24, requires a B Situation as good Second or Single; well up in Bread, Cakes, Smalls, Hot-plate; disen- gaged by giving a week's notice.—State wages, etc., to Baker, "Daily Post," Swansea. 666dl-24 HOUSEKEEPER seeks Situation, working it man's home; 3inaii family.—Apply J. T.. Carton House, Pontardulais. 120el-22 HOUSEKEEPER (Working), e^je 34, requires immediate re-engagement; methodica.1, industrious; good plain cook; good references. —Add-rees A. J., 6, Rock-terrace, Mumbles, near Swansea. 171el-26 KESPBCTABLE Young lAdy seeks engage- ment as Barmaid, in or near Swansea, &gi 22.-WriOO A.B.C., "Daily Post," Swaneea. 173el-26 ANTED, bv Youth (18) position as Clp-r-k, in any office; good references,—Address Ilukah, "Daily Post," Swansea. 612Cnl-26 "VVrANTED, by respectable Woman, three days of Cleaning or washing; good reference. -Apply M.M., "Daily Post," H-gh-street, Swan- sea. 15M-26 \\rANTED,' by superior j>»rson, situation ss » Housekeeper or Caretaker; go<->d refer- ences.—Address Superior., "Daily Poet. Swan- sea. 353el-27 WANTED, by Widow, 38 years of age, « » Situation as Housekeeper, or position of truot good reteM5nces-Write Box 369-. "X>aiiy Post," Shiransea. 70el-2?7 TX/'ILLING Man (30). f-eaks employment, any » capacity; used to horses and milk trade; spl:ndid canvasser.—Griffiths, 19, Edwar 1- » capacity; used to horses and milk trade; spl: ndid canv&sser.—Griait.hs, 19, EdwRri- st-reet, Swansea. 152el-38 WANTED, Situation •« General; experienced, good references; Port Talbot or Swan- sea preferred.—Alice Look, c.o. "Preas," Foru- etreat, Chard, Somerset. 86el-25 WANTED, by reepectaWe Married M«n, W Situation as Oaretaiker, or position of trust. Security. Highest references.— Adda-ess E.. 17, Hanover-street, Swansea. 5el0-22 WANTED, work as Dressmaker, or plain W Needlework; thoroughly competent,. Charges strictly moderate— Apply Mre Dra per, 6, Spring-terrace. S^in&Sa. 8113nl-25 WANTED, Situation es Working or Assistant Housekeepeir, by sr«eody, reliable person; experienced; good pUia cook; good Terences. -Address Trust, "Daily l-ost- S.vsnaea. 47el-34 —. ■■ ■ ■■ «- III— ■ in WANTED, by Youth (i6), position as Junior Clerk, in busy colliery offioe or other; Shorthand,, typOwriMnc; Te.feMmoe present ,&n-AoyerFl.-Addwess Haydu. "Daily Post," Swansea. 8el 22 WANTED, Sltuallor as Groom, Gardrner, W or Handy Man; married; used to home* milking, gardening; generally useful; good character.—-Address Groom, "Daily Post," Swansea,. 208el-27 'TT'OUNG Lady requires post in busy office. X fts Shortnand-Tyipist,; few months' ex- peri'ence.—Apply Typist, "DRiiy Post." Swan- sea. 218el-25 j X7 OUNG Lady wishes to have sitnation in X Swansea or near; good Book-keeper and Cashier; good references; would make h Nrself useful.—Write Useful,"Daily Post," Swansea. Cashier; good references; would make h Nrself useful.- Write Useful,"Daily Post," Swansea. 373eI-2S II to,- .¡-. Kifieellaneous Wants.. H~ XlRDREcSmsFI TTiNG s7— W^ted! 8ec*- ond-hond Fittinys, in good condition; Marble Slabs, Mirrors, etc. Prompt cash. — S1»te perttculars to B., "Daily Post," Swansea. 184el-24 |) EQUIRED, by Lady, to Borrow, pr.vate.y, £ 12, till 2nd February; good security; i4 interest given.-Writ,a Loan, "Daily Post," Swansea. 7Sldl-22 OIX-i:005IED House in Swansea.— Write House, "Daily post," Swansea. 19i>l-24 QIX-ROOMED Mtxiern Hoase Wanted, or img-lit divide Largs House; West End District.—State rent and full forticulart-, to I St Helen's, "Daily Post, Swciise-a. 334el-28 X\T ANTED, good, sound Car :.nd liar nest, f t) suit pDny 13 i.,ii.—State particulars j and price to D.H., "Daily Pott," Swa^sec. 147e1-as \\J A \TED to Buy, ilouse, in Paye-streeit or ¡ » Niclwll-st-reel, or j in mediate neighbour- hood.—Write Page, "Daily Post," Swansea. 1*7"ANTED, suitable Premies, iu Brynam- man, ior a fixed business; ;c>Od JKJMI- tion.—Write Woodlands, ••Dr.ny Post," Swan- s'a. 6119nl-:M lnyANTED, .Small Premises, suitable for prl *» sate Workshop, with ga-co; sirall out- building would suit.—Address Premises, "Daily Poet," Swansea- 10061-25 XATANTED, Light Van, or Spring Cart ( I » liood), good condition, cheaji; also Baker's Plant, Troughs, etc.—Pioneer, "Daily Post," Swansea. icl 28 WANTED, .Second-hand Furniture, Pianos. f Gramophon-js, Rccords. any quantity Manv proved the ixsj: and only pl-sce ;v;r highest prices.— Lewis, Furnisher, 1. Prince of I Wales-road, Swsnsea. 91fl-25 "VX^ANTED.—A Lady, living alone at West Cress, wants a Married Coup'.e (without children) to live in part of her bout*; rent, free in return for wife's services.—Apply or write, "Lyndale," Langland-road, Mumbles. ?a3dl-32 -l" I'frcellaneous. AI UP LAY .—Plea se send name and address. -Will be treated fairly.—Evans, Soiic to-, o. Fisher-street, Swansea. 36&»i.24 NOTICE.—No claims to be paid on tee death N of D. Bevan, 5, pier-street, Swansea, without the signature of his widow.—(.signed) ELzabetii Bevan. 13el -12 A ROPTION. — Wanted, kind, resi>ectib'e Couple, to Adopt Baby from birth, us own; premium given, £ 8.—Reply to Maud, " Post," Swansea. 194el-23 KESPECTABLE People would' Adopt Baby, with fair premium.—Write E. C., "Daily Post," Swansea. 162^1-22 WO I"Lt; SMC kind person Adopt a Little » Boy, eight, years old.—Write Anxious. "Daiily Post," Jjwa-nsoa. 6101nl-24 WIIJL, any lady adep't a well born c .ild, a W few dayc old; a genuine opportunity; lair premium.—Addrf.-« The Matron, 9, Al- bany-road, Roeth park, 9981tl.. w INNI-N-G Numbers in Rees Evans', Lrn- samlet Prize D i-a wing: 1030, 509. 472, 275, 497, 276, SSg, 56.5, 701, 1234, 149C, 1585. 1227, 4, 243, 1522, 1168, 32, in(i 1587. 220M-22 MME. JEANNE LECi.AlKE, Parisian Painjist, Phrenologist, l-adi«€' Specialist.. Advice Daily, 10 a.m. till S p.m-—Alexandra Arcude, Swansea. Engagements arranged for Bazaars, Garden Fetes, etc., at a special chacp. 7«e2-l J Lost and Found. LOST, Small Black Toy Pomeranian Dog. Finder rewarded 011 returning same to 136, St. He leu'a-road, Swansea. 6103nl-24 LOST, Leather Purse, containing Gold; Left on desk at General Post Office, Swansea. Finder rewarded on returfing to 6. Page-street, Swansea. 13Sel-22 T OST. Monday n-i'ght, in Temple-surest, Lea- ther Purse, containing Cast'i «nd ("rold I/)cket, initialled M.J.D. I'.eward. — Davies, London House, Fforeetf-3C-h. 6127nl-22 OST, Saturday eveuing, (k)ld Inckeit, o;n Xir taining Photographs; iniuftls >.n outside. Finder rewarded on returning same to 8, ljangdon-plaoe, OysteriMouth-r&ML Swansea.. e(K>l-24 LOST, Thursday morning, near Troed-y-Bryn (foot of Mount Pleasant) Lady's Puis^. containing Gold, Silver, Piid Keys. Finder re- warded on returning same to Central Police S-taHon. 224el-27 LOST, Thursday, January 13th, Russell-st.reet, from Alexandra r.ram meeting 6 o'clock train from Mumbles, Black Satin Bag contain- ing Lady's Blade Evening Shoes. Finder re- warded.—Mrs. Christopher Burgess, 1, lands, Mum bias. 23eA-24 IpOUND, Collis Dog If not claimed in three deys will be sold to defray expenses.— Apply 3. Byng-street, Landora, Swansea. 199el-24 FOUND, in Swansea, January 15th, English F Sheep Dog. If not claimed within threi days will be sold.—Central rolico Statioii. Swansea. 1S&e-1-2¿ -i— 1 JVucation. MINERS and Officials prepare for Prom^ ticn to Posts of Mine Managers or Mines Inspectors. Lessons by poet.-WrltAt for Free Syllabus, (59) "The Cambrian Mining School," Perth, Glam. 916cl-22 C1IVIX Service Candidates successfully pre- pared for their examinations. Numerous recent successes Telegraph Learners, Head Post Office, Swansea, Malo Sorters London and Swansea G.P.O. Pitman's Shorthand rapidly taught. Arithmetic. Book-keepitig, etc., Suc- cess guaranteed. Ladies or gentlemen.—Mr: Harris, Shorthand School, 56, Oxford-street, Swansea THOROUGH Preparation for Examinations T and Business in Fremth. German, Span- ish, Italian <ConvertsS.6»aI method); also in Latin, Esperanto. Bcok-kaeping (Double Entry), Short-hard. Typewriting, Arithibetie, Translations and Foreign CorreepooSenoe. Prospectus on ajjpl.cation.—Oswald Kortto, Public Translater, 1, Kensington-terrace. Swan- sea. Tel. 636 Central. FRENCH, German, Itwlian, Spanish Taught by native teachers, with our conversa- tional method. "Few rules and much drill." Only Genuine Berlitz School in Swansea, 57, st. He>len's-ix>ad. Also translations tlwoughly executed. 712M-25 _3 Music. TUUtriON.—Guitar (Spanish and Portuguese), T .Mandoiine, Jap Fiddle, Piano, Frencli, 0€>M»ii, Dutch. The lesson, Is. or 6d.; Classes cheaper.—Datoiiborvo, 131, Nortoik- atiroet, Swansea. 39el PIANOFORTE TUNING. 3s. ISd., Reoom- P mendatlons from Dr. Tumin. Gladetoee, and Brpadwood and Sous. Pianos from Hop- kLnson, Collard. Brinsmead, etc Sala or Hire Charges Eden, 5;), Brunswiok-street. fewan- sea. LANOFORTES Tuned, 3s 6d. Pianos by 1. Bnnsmead and Collard and other lead- ing makers, from 10s. 6d. monthly. Show- rooms.—J. F. Collett, 4. Niohoil-sto eet, Swan- sea 638b3-3 I^OR SALE," Harmoninm-irTwarntrt Case, bv Mnrdoch; £ 2 17s fid.; a bargain.—Apply j 1, Phillipe; Parade, Swxnaea. l"»el-26 f I' Property For Sale and To Let. I" OR immediate Sple, Tobacco, Fancy, and -L Stationery BusiutM, iock-up or living rocTU may bo had.—Write Fancy, "Daily Post," iBw'i'asea. 15el-22 i-TiEEKOLI).—For Hal* Private Residencs, Uplands district, 2 re^ptioa loijois, fee.,tfast do., small krichen and scullery, 5 btd*ioius, hot and cold water throughout, Jav.<tbry and bath rooms; or'-i^ase would be ar ihged.—Write ''Daily Post," S-.van- *&'■ Ti-: 1-25 -ST Pre- ^4 mises to -Apply L. J. Popkin Mor- gali. Solicitor, 10, Cros-s-streot, Swansea. 113el-25 BOND-STREET, SWANSEA. — Six-r»omed 13 House for Sal1?.—A.pply L. J. Popkin Morgan, Solicitor, 10, Cress-street, Swansea. H3el-25 SWANSEA and Mumbles.—^For Sale, Lease- hold House, best p-art of Mcirlborough- | rood, Hrynm.U; bath iliot and cold); also t i-ee I>ea>eioid Houses, best position, main road, MaT.bles; long lease; well let. -Apply IXxvid M Thomat, Estate Agent, Rm-lcnd-street. Swan- sea. 353ei-28 M'UMBLES.—Two ;>mi-aet«c!J<Hl Residences, containing ll rooms and 9 rooms, largo Ga il iiis.-Apply Frank Ranuell, Arctionser. S, 4>-i'oge-street., Swansea. 318e 1-28 For Sale—Houses. Ii^OR SALE, two Houses, ltichardc-street, Mausilton; low ground rent.—Apy.y Mr. i W (J C:tisti»ns, Solicitor, 20, F.sber-stroot, .Swansea. SSodl-^ L)R SALE, two Houses, s x rooms, with \H:sÏ1- J- liotwes and coal houseis; ground rent 3 guinees lier annum. ■— Apply Henry J-ne-, Bireifgrove, L:uu9B.mJ<:t. 6ll7nl-25 i"!OF. SALE, five Freolioid Cottages, partly new. near High-street Si-at-vou; net 6 rental £ 44; lowest price £ 7K); a bargain.— Apply Evans. 21, Park-street, Swansea. 999J1-22 ITfOU SALE, House, North side Carlton-ter- .1.' race. Verandah front; long lease, or freehold. c* L c: purchase money can re- II main on mortgage at per cent.—Apply Mr. W. G. Christians, Solicitor, 20, Fishor-sl.reet s."an5-.>A, 595J1-24 BRYK-ROAdT-SWA\s»Fa^—Fo~SaieT~ -D hold Semi-detached Villa. All modern conveniences. Excellent repair. Beautiful wr sifv- "I Cricket Field aid Swansea J3,ay- o:\3)j.;r,V Daviu M. Thomas, Chancery Chambers. tireez,, Swansea. 163el-26 To Let~Businesi Freinisos. rpo LET, Lock-up Shop, in main thorough- X fore. Si. Thomas.—Write Shop, "Daily p st," Swansea. 133el-2o rpO LET, 23, Fleet-street. Pekehoace, House, X and Shop.—Apply Mrb. liemvnings, 2S. Pajre-strfet, Svwnseii. 97el-25 rpO LET, Lock-op Shop, two r»x>ms, near High A street; rent 7s. tsl.; s'.ate business.— Writ4 k- S. D "Daily Post- Swansea. 50el-24 rpO:l/5T, Off-licence, with Grocery Business JL ('attached, 64, Ann-street. J.lan-oiiy. — Apply fe- Allsopp and Sons, Ltd., Wind-street, SwaneSiO- 22:1-24 To let—Houses. Jtt) L>~T,, sit«aate at Jer.-qy Marine.- j X Enquire Mr. T. is&ac, Builder, Jersey | Marine. 45al-24 TO LET, Hou £ :-e„ in Tiwfalgar-terraoc, with ij.mediate possession.—Apply James, 78. Bryn-rord, Swansea. 213rl-27 rpo LET, icimediate possession, Dderwoniaur X House, and Shop, Upper T><wn. Lough or —Apply T. Arnold, The Park Llaueliy. 192el-27 | TWO Housee to be. let, Bishopoton, nin-i | rooms, garden; *our-ro^med House, gar j den —Apply G. Beynon, Bishopslou Farm. 783dl -22 TO LET, House, at Newton, suitable for Shop, al;*> two Residences in Mumbles —Apply Ft«nk Ran dell, 6, Col lege-street, Swansea. 218-1-27 rpo LETT, 114~Rho uddn-s^.Tieet; six ro^ns — an I Bathroom; 10s. 6d. a week in- citis^vo,—Apply E. Fiowoi', 14, Henrie-t-te-sfc:eet, Swansea. 226^1-24 rpo LET, f»ngiieid Cottage, W-cst Cross, S "ir.i- -*• dermic lied, with lovely garden and fruit trees.- Apply Messrs. sRobinson Smith, »?u. | and Lewis, York-street, Swansea. 201el-27 rpo 1.KT, 14, Grosvenor-tmd, Sketty, in Mcrch I or letor. t'"o Sitting, four Bedrooms, I barth. e*liC., soutih asi>eji, view of Bay, good garden .-Apply at above address. 367el-2S rpo LET. six-roomed Hoase; bafcii hot and X cold), scullery, out offices; near Great w r n station,. L lansx m le t.—A pp] y to B. Llewelyn, Glynderwen House, Llansainlet. 58el-24 TO be Let, 'Vest Cross., near Swansea, Semi- detached Villa Residence, 2 Reception Rooms, Billiturd Room, 6 Bodirooms, Bathn om, and usaal offices; Garden and sni-all Orchard., -PVrr further pAi~tieuln,rs apj>ly to Henry Par- minter. House &nd Estate Ag<ent, Neath. I 146el-25 (|A.Tl'MBLi}S.—Hou&e to T^et, condaining 7 a^X ijooms, bathroom (liot and cold), etc.; I magnificent view; close to station.—Apply C. Gtistevus, 29, Promenade, Swansea. 6124nl-26 <9 Offices To Let. I TO LET, Offices, 20, Fisher-street, Swansea-— JL Anply on premises, to Mr. W. G. G ris- ) fcans, bolicitor. 505dl-24 NEATH.—To be Let-. 2 Suites «f Offices and Cellars, in main street, electric light, good approach, centre of tnwn.-Por further I particulars apply W. Horry Kecs and Son, Land Agents and Auctioneers, Charlesv.ille-pl-iee, Neath. 785dl 22 FFICES to let, in c-,entq,-c of town; Suite of two Offices, newly decorated and com- pletely equipped with Furniture, telephone, and every requirement. Excellent opjiortun- ity for professional man, merchant, or broker. Immediate possession.—Apply Franx Howard, Auctioneer, Salubrious Passage, Swansea. 768el-22 768f'1-22 To Let—Stables and Coachouses I Iyo LET, a Stable, vnth ivwiny Hey Loft, at the back of 27, Pege-ist-reet ■. s-ttUable for motor garage—Apply SI, Mansel-streev, Swan- sea. 92el-25 Lending: Libraries BENNETT'S New Uplands Library, opposite I B Uplands Hotel. All new books, best authors. Terms: Subscriptions or weekly. Tasteful StaU'onery, Printing, Die Stamping. High-class Tobacco department, Public Tele- phone Call office. Visit esteemed. 5830n-t.« —— Dentistry. j TEMPLAR MATINS' Dental Rooms. Cardiff. Swansea, and Aberavon. See addressee below. 2528 NEW TEETH.—S.ngle Toc2h from 2s 6d.;»c-ts from one guinea ny, Ilenowned Five Guinea Full Sets. TJn- T surpassed for elegant appearance and durability 2528 j EXTRACTIONS—Ordinary is-, with Sinedol JLJ (painless process), 2.s. eecli tooti.. 25281 ,T71REE Extractions with Sinodol ?.hen new J- teeth are ordered. 2506 REPAIRS to Artificial Teetb of any make dono promptly, cheaply, and well. 252$j rpEMPLAR MALINS" Dental Rooms.—All Open X Daily- Cardiff- 51. Queen-street, (near Empire: Swansea—240, Oxford-street, (opposite Ero- Pilre). I Aberavon—25, Water-st-reet ine-ar Market). apartments to Let. A PARTMJ''tXT.—Ffcnt Sitting-room and Bedroom to Let; suit*, hie for bo sin- ?~ gents -man batii.—Apply o, WiL,ows-p?aoe, I near Albert H&ll. Swmsea. 122eV2o BRYNMILL.—Supeiior Furnished Ape.rt- menti-; board opt.onai: with ot without [ late dinner; near trams; sea view.—26, S'.| Alban's-road, Swaneeft. 71ei- j COMFORTABLE Lodg.:1gs, or" Úd and S't- ting Rooms, for one or two lflen; near Lr.ndore station.—Write ei-aticn, Daily Post." Swansea. 7el-22 COMFORT ABLE Bearoom suit friends or married coupie; bath and use c-I Sitting- room.—39. Singleton iLi-eet. clo^> to Giar. Tlieatre. Swansea. 16^1-26 COMFORTABLE-ipai-trneutslor two Gentle- men, in Rhone<ia-streot. Mount Pleasenr home cotniorte; terms reasonable—Writs Rhondde, "Da/ly Post," Swansea. 4&rl.24 1 BURNISHED Bedroom 10 Let also Frcnt Kit- chen ttiid t;.vo 15edr»x*ms, unturnished; moderate terms.—21, Vijroria-terrace, off K,nf Edvf rd's-road, Svansea. 61el-24 JARGE Front Combined Ronn. n e-ly fur- J nisb'id suit genUemc-n t«r:r.c moderate. —75, Mansel-terrao?, ;"»"«nt>ee. i23sl-2ci REbPECTABI.E Lodgings for two Young Men; bdh h.),, and cold'; near Albert Uall; with board, 14s.; without, 4;—Write Albert, "Daily PJST." cw&nsea.. 42il-S4 rpO LET, TTnfurnish«4 or Furnished R-JviB5S. «■ 11, Page-street, Swansea. '•• &5el-25 rpO LET. 2 or 3 Unfurnished iio-oms. y, Fr.:g- an ire-avnu», Sk- Turns pass d<"o«rs. I 33d-24 TO LET, t-,v-• or three I niurni^hed. Rooms, with xtse of scullery and bath.—Apply :2k, Norfolk-street, Swansea. 32el-24 rpo LET, two )ttrMy iurnished or unfur- X nisJied Rooms, in Ph.ilij»E Parade.- W.'ire Parade, "Daily Post," Swanseii. G4-e1-20 -+- rpo LET. two furnished Rooms, or Lodgings; X suitable for two Young Men; moderate terms.184. Oxford-street. Swansea. rpo IJ5T, Furnished, comfortable Siiting-room X and Bedroom; suit a gentleman; bath and piano.-36. Gwydr-cresc nt, Swans&n. 26ol-24 TO LET, Furntshed,Front ?ittiiig-r ion; and one Bed'.oom bath (hot eold): g«>>:l cooking an:! ,.tt-:ndnnoe. — i9, Waltor-nxul. Swansea. lSOel-36 TO LET, two Furnish.>d Roc-ois-; suit Young Ladies or Married Couple; also two Unfurnished Rooms.—Apply 118. • t. He-len's- rccd. Swansea. :56c'i-Zj TO LET, two Rooms, in respectable neigh- bourhood; suit -one or two ^-ntlcmen; terms mode rate.—Wr lie Moderate?, "Daily Post," SwGn=e<; 6&el-25 rpo LET, tvo comfcrtablo I'yrnish-Kd Rorms, X wilh J.oifiely people; suit married- couple.— Apply 31, Kiniey-rerrace, Farm-lsn St. Thomas, Swav-soa. oS5:-i-23 rpo LET, two burnished OT Unfuini? eu X- Rooms, for Young Married Couple or two G&nt-lenion.—Apply 4. road, of: Ai- gyle-slrect, Swansea. 2'7el-34 rpO LET, Furnis'ied Bed-Sitting-roo ii; su't X married couple; Cs. weekly, use of scul- lory and gas store; .three minutes from Al- ber-t Ha11.-43, Cariton-te-rracs, Swansea-. 358al-2o TO L2T, a Double-bedded Room; also Sitting- rood eook:ne and even- convene n-A Stilt t^ O 1: di'OS -0. gi- It! ']il 01" tel"L moicratei—Appiy 1. Ccn#itufJr.n "HHi, Swon- I sea 37el-24>, TO LET, Furnished Sitting-room and Bed roonl; suit one or two gentlemen or married couple: or large combined From R;om6; bath (Ikit and cold;.—Apyty 14, Bn-D. y-Mcr-road, Swansea. 62al-24 "Y\7"ALTER-EOAP—To Let, Bedroom end Sit- ting-rocm; suit married couple; no chil- crcn.-Wnte C.C., "Daily Post," Swansea 197el-23 TyANTED, one or tv.o respartable Young Men; sJiaire rooms with two others; pleasant evenings; central; moderate.—'Write Swank, "Daily Post." Swansea- 364ei-28 9 Unfurnished Rooms to Let; Tait newiy raarned couple.—Apply to 2, Wordsworth- street, Mount Pleasant, Swansea. 20rl-24 f) Unfurnished s t-o suit newly married ocupie or two steady men. -2", Brynsift-terrace, Mount Pleasant. Swansee 135-16 'T Wili'jvv.i-place. Sw;n:so-a.—Oomfortable L.<lgingN for ono -or two Young Men: bath (hot and cold); terms moderate. iE9el-f-6 Xpartmenti Wantei, v — j LADY requires Bedroom, with quiet family; away during day; moderate terms.—Write Box 330, "Da'.iy Post," Swansea. 361el-24 LADY, residing in best part o? Swansea. L wishes to sh&re Furnished House wiiU > fuir.ll family; witbont attendance.—Write S-eleet, "Da-ily Post," Swansea. 2l9?l-27 rpwo Unfurnished Rooms Wanted, by young X married coupbe, -11 Argyie-street or Mchaw^on-strect.—Write P., •-Daily Post.' Swansea.. l4Jel-25 "V17"ANTED, injiued.ia-te' by respectable Per" » son, quiet home du-ing Accouenm-rnt.— Please state terms, «\nd address, to Taruts, 'T aiiy Post," Swaase. 2-9 XJif ANTED, by respeetab'e, Person '.in- furnisliod room, within easy reach of St. Mary's Church preferred. -Addreas Staid. "Daily Pos' -A-ansea ''Ml 22 \STAN TED, by a respectable Married Couple. throe or i'our rooms, t>ontril, or Small House preferred; reliable tenants.—Write im- I mediately, to Rooms, 'Jh\.ly Post." SwanscJi. 358el-25 \\TANTED, I pWnde or Higher Sketty, a-m- *» fo.'table and Sitting-room, i attendance, lire, light; ledv and c-inld (live-. | Very moderate terms.—Write Moderate, 'TJii'.v Post," Swansea. 221^-1 25 ',1 KlscelJaneous sales. "Fj>OR SALE, Pomeranian Biteh, pure X whits.—1,150. Neath-road, Plasmarl, i Swansea. 597dl-25 I^OR SALE, a Double Mail Carl, in good condition.—Apply W. Roderick, Brecon- roftd. Yetradgvnlais. 612Tjo1-26 FRIE-D FSS'L ..V.d Chip Potato Business for Saio, urujo a- ^ugiifare; good l.ving accommodation; reasons for sell- ing.Apply 23, Neath-r^ad, Briton Ferry. 49el-24 r|tOB UILD Fit s".—Billheads. Memoramduaw I. Pusinesis Circulars, and Cards. Ttme Sheets, Estimate Books, and every kind of Con,morcial Printing at the "Cambriaa" Offloe, 2ll. High street. Swansea. BILLIARDS.—ForSale. Full-size Burroughes -D and Watts Table, .£23; smaller Tab e;, £12 and £ 6.—Billiard Rooms, 215, High-street., swan-' sea. I 174-e1.26 FOR SALE, cheap, to sare second removal, F one Pair of 16in. and one, Pair of sin. Haulin3 Engines, one Boiler 27ft To 7ft.. in- sured at 1201bs.; one 30it. x 7ft. 6in.; 40 tens cf OfJlliery Rails, 181bs. and 22ibs.; HO Trams. 2!t. 6m 2ft Sin., and 2it iOin. cuape, and numerous other Plant, and Aiactinely: also Portable Engine, Mortir Mill, and Saw Bench. —Apply Charles Williams, Machinery Mer- chant, Morriston. 600nl-t.c. \TERY smart, last Bay Pony, 13.2, Idsal tradesman's pony, t-biok-act; only wants seeing; £ 14.—Addrees R. J., c.o. "Daily Posi." High-street, Swansea. 2"22 PIGS' Wash for Sale.-Applj D&akin, Bir- JL mingham Feting Hoi/-?. High-street, Swaneea. 2i0rl-27 SKATING-RINKS — For sale, Shares in Skat- ks ing Rink Companies, giving dividends of 30 to 50 per cent-, on present prices, j^y- able monthly.- Particulars on application to J. H nry lredale and Co., Share Dealers, 21, I Watrr-stToet, Liverpool. RM P IR ]h] JL^S Oxf*ord Street. Swansea. -JB TWO PERFORMANCES NIGHTLY. FirstPerfonna.toe G 50 p.m. Second Perforcmoc* 9 p.m. Soats may ?>e booked by Poet, V^ire r;r Phone. 92 Central. MONDAY, JANUARY 17th., AND DT'HING THE WEEK. rom the vaudeville sna Shaft-esburv The- Jjoiidon, and the Palate Theatre, London, COURTICE POUNDS Wili Pre-ent "Ch2JVG6— ;xi* friend, by Kebe tTTow»rd. Music bv HeJ"rnan rir;ü1: and Samuel. FLORENCE ESDAILE, Vocalist. TATE AND TATE. comedy TrampoJiu Acrobat, presenting Lh £ lr °n^nil forward Somer saujts—Please L'-oun'. OLIVE ARMIBALE^ &)ubrcfi,e. r ABDULLAH. ARABS, i Twelve Real Vloorish Artistes ir a Wonder- foi Pyramid Building and Tumbling Per- formance. The 'Well-known L'omcoy Couple, SPRY AND MONTI. [ Presenting a Miscellaneous Come, ,"j 111. Song Writer and the Soubrelte." Messmates Ashore! ELITE HARMONY BOYS. In a Hi^jfc-ciass VocaJ Act. introducing Sotign, Harmonised Numbers, and Uances. New and Interesting Subjects on the AKSRICAN BIOSCOPE. v THE POLAR ( ON TROYERSY SETTLED. HARRY GREY. Jild wbo.ur't. only die C'JVC-ari the Pola. but having "Cooked" K \in make# u 3ensa.tK>n{iJ appear(y)an(^ upon the same, "J yuuw 3Un hlg ^reafning rjUrle5t,0C> .of the Earth." p| OUA-NSl'A GRAND 1 ME AIRE, | at 7.30. Ooors #p?B 7. NO 2ASLT DOOKs! B I WHEN KNIGHTS WERE BOLD I P %J-> ««I- £ | ^iTIIUIllill lllilllBffiii WM iiUKHi" "¡¡¡ I mil! ll i if! I I SWANSEA GRAND THEATRE. MONDAY. JANUARY' 24th, and During the Week. I MATINEE. SATURDAY AT 2,30. The Great Farcical Musical P!av— T -0 tr The Great Farcical Musical P!av— = THE DAIRYMAIDS. = 1 SPrC*ui:s 2 BB—■BH^—BKB^a»3fa!rTnrrTrr I~At the Swansea To-N'ght at 7.3J, Frank M. Thome's Great Human Plav— THE WOMAN FAYS. E„h 9d. and Is. ALBERT HALL, SWANSEA. FRIDAY, JANUARY 28th, at 8 BLHDH fiOir § InH. HEFFNESLEV HUMD AND FULL CONCERT PARTY. Mine. CLARA BrTT and Mr. K'KNNKRLSY RUMFOUD wiL Sing New Song Cjcle — "Four Cautionery Tales and a Moral." — P<?A fsrfco slammei doors for fun and miserably). 'i m ATM* r*A .»*n a,Tay m nis Kurse *nd hJ lion'). « Ji?»° t0ld hes arld was burned to death "*Y l*no cnewed little bits of string and was cut In dreadful agonies). "CHARLES AUGUSTUS FORTESCUE" (who always did «hit w43 r-Vht and so accumulate j a great fortune). ° IK.KE1S.—5s 4s., 3e„ 2s. 6d. and 2s. at Thompson and Sbackells. Galiery Is • oors ouly. Early Doors 7.15. 6d. extra. Ticket holders Free. MUMBLES PIER SKATING RINKS, OPEN DAILY FROM 11 A.M. TILL 10 P.M. Instruction tor 'Ladte-s and Gentlemen FTE-e uf Charge. EANNEY'S MILITARY BAND v EVERY AFTER NOON AND EVENING. "♦cheons^ 'i calk 1: 41 Pier Hotel. Thursday. 17tli F-Gaiary.—GRAND FANCY DRESS CARNIVAL- RETURN F'Jl.t AND USE OF SKATES FOR 3 HOURS— ONji, SHILLING. OLYMPIC RINK, OXFORD STREET. OT THE FIRST AND ONLY "RAT INC RIAK IN SWANSEA. 3 SESSIONS DAILY-lO,o l, 2 50 to 5, 7.30 to 10.30. ADMISSION SIXPENCE SKATES OR FLOOR SURFACE—6<1. E: CLARKE, Acting Manager. DON'T FORGET PROF. CLARKE'S BENEFIT, WEDNESDAY, J-1N. igt-h, 1910. Miscellaneous Sales. ipoit oALE, jjo-ett-tiest; marked Collie Dog in Wa.efc; grand c-nnpaiiion for lady or ohildren; two ve,rs.-Irritc fennel, '-bpdly Plc^u, Sw ansoe 36€el-24 FOR SALE, Dog aiKi 3;lofi puptnes. by the winning sire "Cradoc Oxonian." to be sold eliaup; room wanfcfU.—16. Balaclava-street, SL Ti.omas, Swansea. 19&C-1-27 BAhUAIX.-éor Sale, two Nanny ats <on& li:>rnl3f-s): must soli; Mom wantixi; nlJ 1 offer refused.—Apply Oaten. Llwyfc. ffyn n. Resolven. 14dei-26 T^LVXTRIC Lp.mi«.—Sevetno.! Arc I.amj>s, sui% E :tble for Colliery or Work? Lighting, :or s. to. will aooept v-ea-y low price to clee-r.- Appiy w. Drainer, Swansea. 22lc-l-27 TTUMBER Motor Cycle for Sale, 5 h.p., sood 1 bill climber and in JJoerfoct running order; .£12 or nearest ofier.—Write Motor. "D.:d:y Post," .-r-wun&e.t. 154el 2a I C'HAMPICJX iieoj-e,' 1^ul] Puppies~f<.r Sale, chfeap.—Apiily W. f ^Hifcrd, S2, Malvern-' t.Taee, brynuliH, s«en»»a. 22^1-97 C^AMKUAS. several sUes. to be sold cb^ "■ in* reesonablo offer refused-—Photo- grcphei', 70. Hav,iiioiti £ -veu:te, Swansea 76el 25 flX) be Sold, Maesteg, Iierge Photo studio. -*• and two barge Sign Boards, to be ra- roov-sd for re-building.—Pp.rf-icaiars, Te.yior. PhoT'wpraiJ ^rs, S'.vantea. 340?l-28 CKATING RINKS;—For Saie, Sliares in Skat ing Kink Cotnpenie^, giving dividends of 50 to 100 p3r cent. < n present prices, pay- able aonthly. Part-ioulars on application „to J. Henry lredale and'tV)., Silare Daaler?. 21. Wo.ts.r-ttreet, Liverpool. 795dl-22 I !fore35. Carriages, etc. ipoR sALE, flcrsc- and Cart, snitcfcje for ooal meicliant; also L^iry.—A])ply 108, Wee- tern-s reet. Swcnge*. 90cl-2S Xj^uR SALE, two Wagons, ellcitp to eexly rur- • £ »er; in good ■ss^datioo.—Apply 6. Blount PlMUKtit, Gwaun-Cae-Gtirwen. SsOel-M I^Olf SALE, Cob," 13-2, Harness, Xew Gambo, CLaflouttter. and GajvaniM<i Stable.— Apply Griffiths, Colby-road, Bmry Port, j 612Sni-27 H^rnet v-: ?tf:ady woi-ker jX1 adl gear, tó- gether or seni'iivi>>'■ Ajip-i Isaac, Ailt, Van. geruKeii. 145el-2t i7>OK SALE. BROWD me-re. gc"d worteir. 14 bands.; cheap: no owner bar- :nz no us-Vimijany, 72, western-strc-et, Swansea. 223jL-Z? 1X)R SAI-Ti, Puny. Cart> and jlarneBS. in ex- ie,r condition, >-t oichflnge -f<w lighter.—Apply1 TUfCk«1'. Kicha;^ siSwansea. 17K)R j-A-LE. roiiable CX'b, 1*-1 Mare, 15 bands, 1 q"ai-?t in all lz.rtJe&> tii^o Tmj> and Ha;nt^, suit cob J5." Ba-rgain to .miuediata mir/iirs*or- iwm wanted.-Apply Umve11 Jen- kin?. near Chnr«h. 186-"1-2T uoi) Pony. Trolly *ii:d Harness fo« <de complete; •,beal' 1° im mediate pur- chaser-Apply W. J- -loan, Ti.e Market, Swan, m*i. _.P7e1'25 TTTJ have for Sale foilowing; Cars, all is VY fl,cU«s condition.-10-12 h.p. DarrAeq. r-v 1-=* lune, oon'ple-i« with all spares; 70-13 -.nfieid (Xjmiilotc is «bOYe: 6 h.p. RoTer, tw'^na'er; 9-H b-P- Earracq 4-eeater complete; R 1,.jJ Ttevr^n complete; 2^ n.u. Ford Ji-seater, J^Sle^T exceptional bargains.-A,^ly Weal Wales Motor Oir CV., .d., 7. MeiWurne-p^ Swansea.