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----....-.... SWANSEA Y.M.C.A.


SWANSEA Y.M.C.A. RECXPTION BY SIR JOHN AND LADY LLEWELYN, LIE CI COMPANY AT THE ALBEiT HALL. lIE JOHN AND THE AlllS OF THE ASSOCIATION. The Albert Hall, Swansea, presented a picturesque appearance on Thursday even- ing. when Sir John Llewelyn, as president., accompanied by Lady Llewelyn and Miss Llewelyn. held a reception of the members or the S- ansea Y.M.C.A., lady friends and K»ipi»Tt< generally, of the good work which the local organisation, whose head- quarteis are in Dvnevor-place, are doing Over 1.000 people availed themselves of the kindness of SiT Jno. and Lady Llewelyn, notwithstanding the inclemency of the weatno • The hall itself was effectively decora tec* by Messrs. Ben Evans iwl Co., chiefly in screen, pink, white and rad, the piriform W:5 ornamented with flowers, and the flooring was made cosy and home-like wit! dainiv tables, easy chairs and settees. As th;: guests entered their names were an- nounced by Mr. T. Thomas. nounced by Mr. T. Thomas. MR. WU LIS C. CRISFORD, Who em 'tained the gathering). Amongst the large number present were U.r(; Mayoress- and Miss Lee, Mrs. Turber- Yiii. M:se Dixon, Mr. W. Graham Vivian, ii. Mr. arid Mrs. D. Roberts, Principal and M^s. Owen, Dr. H. Rawlings, Dr. Ebenezer and Mrs. Davias, Mr. How el Watkins, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Roberts, Mr. W. E. Harris, Vir and Mrs. T. P. Cook (chair- idan of committee), Miss Rene Cook, Mr. G. Cook, Xtr. and Airs. R. Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. W. War. D. C. Jones, T. H. WillisoU and Miss Vv. -on, E. Davies, EL Belling- ham, D. <y> r and Mrs. Meager, Rev. H. S. Williams, Mr. and Mrs. J. Williams iDuiais Howe), Bertie Perkins, S. Iaimer, T. S. Harrison, Corby (maJiager of the Savings Bank). S. Solomon, W. Edwards, D. Thomas. Coon. Ruthen, Mr. and Mrs. David Grey, C. Jones, T. H. Morgan, A. Webber, Mattey, W. Watkins,^ J. Mulhol- iand and Mi. Muiholiani, J. F. Flicker, D. Grainger-Jones, J. Austin, R. W. Jones, J F. Coiled, A. Samuel, H. Smart (sec.), and many others. Mr. A. Davies, F.R.C.O., having pi aye a recital in finished style on the organ, iiv. a capital selection oy the Y.M.C.A. Y Voice i'^rty, bir Jnc. L • ■■ elyn, who met with a. hearty reception, fa>.v .idod the compauy new year's ZS. lue sentiments, he said, that he was about to utter came from the very r of 1- teart, and he felt at the out- .y-v w ij mjjiuy ui, Wip way his in- vitation n;Ki been accepted, and he felt it too as a great compliment to the Y.M.C.A. "I be o^ects of the Association, which was exUmamg aJi over the world, were that the otgamsauuw suouid be mauuged by Chris- tina uii'.c upuii a CiirjL&i-iau ULtoiiieaS bv.sis. i..icy uiv. not set uiemseives m opposition to <xXi} eli arch or oroed; thjey aeaued too i..6 togiii-ner all 811a.des oi thought m the ..iimkaji Ciiurch, liwo. ao all tlksy possibly couid to raise the tone of the yoong men of tne u," .vii. (Appiaose). The Association I. an adjunct 01 one churches; tney wiszied vo icave e.ery man to his own church, and Uiey aiiiuxi at rescuing, elevating, educating knn u-sfrieiidiag youug men, and intended. bu.ig-Q^ etfry legitimate u&e in their power w •ocuui^uisn it. (Applause). The \.M.L.A. was the rendezvous for any manly lebow who chose to take advantage of the organisation, ajid it was a centre for the d^vjii'praeiii of a strong healthy and re- llout LO'.VII (Applause). Swansea, held a g,Ayj pj^>. x>mpaied with other towns as iegarai< membership and work, but he hardiy t-aosight England had done its duty in spreading the i.M.C.A. movement, when they <x>niriM. £ ,ed it to the great growth in they <x>niriM. £ ,ed it to the great growth in America a.d Germany. Why had the Bv. :.T;«>a A&iociation asked an old man like sura to become president ? Were he a I younger m.ui he might be able to cio more goou than ab an old one in promoting the AfcWKSiat'Oi., but he suspected the desire was U> get amongst them one who had had some experience p the world, and who upended to do liir r-est to promote the interest of his fellows so long as life lasted. (Loud a.peu.<< £ f;). And he could not help iemeai- bei iiig tliev had a call to do something of that kind." Body and soul went -ogether in tins world. Which was to bo the predominant pai-tnerf Let them try and rise, tor tae. body w ,wi call them down; let .hem try • u> help one another day by day to a better life, ine f.rst thing a Y.M.C.A. sho-uid ^et ítsdí t.r.dc was to increase sympathy and brotherhood amongst us ail. (Applause). Thtfn ta'ur.g the other side, let them do 8o.T.eth;iig more to promote the temporal welfax,a ,1.L(! the amusements and recreations of ths pevple, and thereby try to minimise the danger? of temptation which surrounded tham aii round in the streets of Swansea. (Aprhuse). The Swansea Association had donf ft gr»j,: t deal in raising the young men. One ,Jf the recreations which could be pro- moted very. well was illustrated by the admirable singing cf the Y.M.C.A. Male V c:c<- Pr.ty. (Applause). He did not know J it association could aim at any better raeans oi recreation tnan by training the vur*\ whether in the nature of speech or eingin? to praise God. In their efforts at Pynevor-p'aoe they had tried to do some- thing by wh.c oonld provide reading] and recreation rooms and opportunities to sw.fcps from the temptations of the street, pp very glad too to think their efforts he:pr>d by laxJy auxiliary helpers, who ■« er? h* ;t>in.g the young men to move on- vr&rds. Applause). Their meniDership IP, had -nCTfvused. For many yea.M the insti- tcl '<>r. hurl prcspei^d under trie fare of his friend. Mr- Nichols. (Applause). Now they had another secretary (Mr. H. Smart), who, he hehevr i, would bring new life into the Assf«ctati<f. In Smart they had the rirrbt mar. in the rif'it place, and the mem- bership ha-1 increased cinM Mr. :imart had bpe7! th. rf It was over 805 altogether, and if thav cf'-ntinued to grow in numbers in that way ;t would be necessary to do some- thing in Lhe way of providing new build- ingn. The turnover financially was fairly satisfactory; thev had a small debt just client meeting their expense* with the an- nua' incorr.e. In Great Britain there were 1,400 y<v;: centres, with a membership of over loo' CuO. Altogether there were 7,773 Ycmcr Christian Associations, with a mem!;c-r>hip of 721.000. (Applause). AI- though Swansea stood well, compared with other t<Vvvus, Sir John wanted to see the -spread oi i.he Association greater m Swan- sea. in th" future than it had been in the pas!. (Apphiuse). In conclusion, Sir John hoped he might have th«- pleasure of meet- I ing. them all again, and he hoped the pre- sent V".o.r would be as prosperous and more so than any that had gons b-ofors. (Load 1 atplailoo). 1 Mr. T. P. Cook, in expressing on behalt or the Y.M.C.A. the members' feeling oi gratitude towaids Sir Jno. and Lady Llew- elyn, said when Dr. Rawlings resigned the presidency, after some years service, the committee were concerned who should suc- ceed him, and they were fortunate in se- curing Sir John, whom they all a^imired, and who was a thorough young men s man, and as such he was a most welcome addition to the role of presidents of the Association. (Applause). Sir John, too, was a thorough British sportsman, a true English gentle- man, and pc-asessed a strong, sterling and consistent Christian character, and the mem- bers' pleasure was intensified by having Lady Lleyelyn with them as well. (Loud applause;. Lady Llewelyn had proved the interest she took in the work by accepting the Jirpt presidency of the ladies auxiliary of the Association. (Applause). The ladies auxiliary was doing good work; the first secretary was Mrs. Hsrschell .Tones; (treasurer, Mrs. R. Lewis, and chairwoman of committee, Mrs. H. S. Williams. The Swansea Association was increasing rapidly, and pending ;t, big and comprehensive scheme for new buildings, they were I utting up with the present building, where con- siderable alterations were being made, which wouJd a.dd to the comfort of the members and be of great service. (Hear, hear). F'roceedrng, Mr. Cook said he did not think the Association was supported by the townspeople generally in Swansea as it should he; they were endeavouring to cater for the all-round needs of the young men of Swansea—physically, socially, mentally, morally and spiritually. They were seek- ing to build up strong and noble charac- ters and to help forward in men's lives a strong, virile and manly Christianity. And they wanted the town to help in the work. (Applause). In conclusion Mr. Cook wished strong, virile and manly Christianity. And they wanted the town to help in the work. (Applause). In conclusion Mr. Cook wished Sir John and Lady Llewelyn a very happy new year and many of them, and they hoped, as his sun began to dip to the west and the shadows began to lengthen, they might experience continuously all the sun- shine of the divine love, solace and peace. (Loud applause). Cheers were then given for Sir John and l ady Llewelyn. Lady Llewelyn. Sir John, in acknowledgment, said in any way they would like to command his ser- vices on behalf of the Y.M.C.A. it would give him real heartfelt pleasure to try and fulfil his duties. (Loud applause). During the evening Miss Rene Cook pre- sented Lady Llewelyn with a handsome basket of flowers. Besides otgazl recitals given by Mr. Arthuir Davies. Mr. Willis C. Crisford (Eirmingham), accompanied by Mis? Emily Rowe, gave humorous, dramatic and musical recitals, which were greatiy enjoyed. The piece de resistance was a "fishy fishing yarn," which fairly convulsed the large company by its eccentricity and exaggera- tion. The Y.M.C.A. Male Voice Party cang at intervals. Light refreshments were supplied, these i arrangements being in the capable hands of Mr. J. E. Fitt. The whole of the arrangements were earned through by the secretary and assist- ant secretary of the Y.M.C.A., at the re- quest of Sir John T. D. Llewehm. The bouquet wae supplied by Kit/lev's, Oxford- street, and the plants by Messrs. Parsons.




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