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LONDON, JUNE 26. DEATH OP H18.MAJE8TY, GBORGE THE FOURTH Oevent ^jr VH^^T6 ^een P^parecl for this distressing ™ 8TATCD,FC, «»NGH lopes had iestv's CONSF^HI^?1' preceding WEEK that his Ma- with HIS DLFIACP TTN&T SUFFICIENT strength to combat the most NSNU' r" CHA?GE HAD substituted for hope however THO^L ^0T APPREHENSION- The event, in its CHARANTO V XPEcted, was at last rather sudden hausted stetfnf V?M°N T LAY' NOTwithstarlting the ex- that he would hnhf TT L.' RE WAS SOME REASON TO THINK D .OLD OUT FOR THREE or four davs. So Ion* as a SUIFERER'TO^RNITENR^8^11 J-EMA'NED'TOENABLE the ^oval its attacks and ITS PTT I ASE'AND TO BEAR UP against so Ions? as THP RV, ,ACERBATL0NSJ so long was life preserved; C0U.LDBy AN effort of the con- tinue to HP long did the vital functions eon- constitiiHon BUT TLIE moment that spring in the and the snirit FL^ T ?PERATE>THAT instant life was extinct, STITUTIONE!I™K ° regions. That his Majesty's con- sucb a DI*NRFULS BORE UP against the exhausting attacks of there 18 A DF.CISIVE PROOF OF ITS great strength but wav- AND TU:O ^NS^TUTL0NS A PERIOD when their strength gives verehrn tho • YM& UNHAPPILY arrived with our late So- Further narf1CYI OF DEATL1 fastened upon its prey.— Further particulars relative to this lamented occurence ARE given in our last page. PA^SPFRIJ«URD^S ^Wednesday give the official des- ^ANDINA of HIP AND Military Commanders of the WM^M-EVLFTNST111^61* »'ERS* They confirm the ao A fresh TELP^F {-RE^EIVE U THESE LIAVE BEEA FLOWED by corps of ARAH PN ICI PF,TC.H FNUOUNCINg THE defeat of a movement OFVP V T T HAD A"EMPTCD T> OPPOSE the «KS £ ontVeiith very givesthe important AD !v F* INVADERS' A P^ATE KTTER short conflict with THP T N CA::T TBE FRENCH Lrces, after a siderably on the ™H °°PS OT THE Dey, had alvanced con- sented to have J- CAPLTAL" THE CONTEST is repre- french was comnlpt J^TI86^6!6 BUT TBE TLUMP!L OF the mated at between THRAO J?'1 ?SS 051 ^LE OCCASION is esti- Paris papers states THAT 0R/OUR ,L!T1('REd men. One of the Powers is to take nl»,> • 3 PON§RESS the Gnat European settling the affairs «{• P6 M "UST' ^'OR the purjose of finally THE accoiin T«F ?,ECE AND DKCUSSINITH.K of Algiers', Sultan meditafpc AN™ ^01?STA)1TINOPLE still INSIST that the 18. understood to consider the recently attempted alliance au-inriJv? J indication of a settled desiaj of erecting AA independent empire in the nortli of Africa. G ISNOLSEF I^FAHE LEIAR"T *TATE.THA,: GENERAL Guilleminot plains of hi, DU?V° W Constantinople. The Sultan com- Algrers H,|TD'SS™U'ATLONS with respect to the war against CHFS-IHFES? BAS ASKSD this Ambassodor to be acceded to this request! GOVEMJIENT DOES not seem to have W^FC* C?NS'.11"GENERAL atTangiers, M. Beramendi, MVI.TATL0NJ°F the Em>eror of Morocco went to THE DIFENIFT^ DE^NITIVELY»ITH Renoliel, THE banker, AND MOJROC^ S".BSISTL"? BETWEEN ilie Governments of Spain quitted Gibralf-a ESP £ CTINS ,CErtaiu pecuniary claims, has wJSSeiSsSi: ng teiBinated tb« a« CESNRTHETN^R^ FETHE MOSTdeplorable details con- The terrible PV £ WF« ETAA 011 TLLFT 16TH OF MAY. the volcano D(^TRN° WHICLI opered seven new craters in WIEF £ ^P*RNV'<- 2* V-'B^ES "?AR-TH« mountain. TESL T?V?"D 1,R? OT IHE VO'CANO had never before ex- I,A, ISP.7? destruction of these villages, and of twofarm- NI.MHPJ- F eir neighbourhood, has, of course, caused a great "!„Zj OF B?TH OF MAN and beast. It was not till AYS after the disaster that it was possible to approach, O^EEDEAVOUR to assist the sufferers. Never was calamity W/, MO,E unforeseen, or more general. Sicily will IANT ..R TB^8 SCOURge, which has laid waste the richest land most fertile country in the world. L\<VV™F,CA PAPERS, to the llth of May, have been received. FPR„„ In&~ *be Courant, Bolivar has been appointed JFE' UP°NA FIXED salary." Many of his old N^R»A^S,I-U BAD RA^SED from obscuritv, endeavoured to NNTIIM W I3 R,DN AND f°RCE him from the country, and RII'TA;G D M6 interference of the Ambassadors of Great Brazil, and the United States, who gave notice of theirimmedhte departure in case of the dissolution ofCon- F1 NLNM PReyented him from quitting the ungrateful soil of AOTH«RI+LA V?R EV^R* 9N BEING re-instated in the supreme had HO • 8 MODERAtion was as remarkable as his sertlces 1DSTEAD OF dooming his enemies to perpetual ba- THPM N *RAITORS of Colombia, he has merely ordered TN •* RE T° the interior. The event is so far favourable MRNH^KT11^terests of the bondholders of this countrv, as it may RPSNFR, R TO INSURE the integrity of the State which is TIRONA L0 ,R TBE debt. At the moment when Bolivar was £ FU^ TO leave Colombia he obtained from the Congress MPNT FP 8 ,C^EE' making the funds destined for the pay- E Public creditor inviolable for the future. HOII«AIN«.^A^E been received from Ceylon, by a respectable KIIP/XK, • mentioning avery great and unprecedented B N S IN the pearl fishery on that coast, in consequence of OF fishing, by which they have been enabled IN „! ? I16 waters, where they have found the oearls LULJL ,ABUNDANCE AND LARGE in size. One house alone has pieven large cases on their way to England. ARRIVED™TY?SH^ FORiE' 44' CAPT- Coghlan, C.B., which brinm. W A few days since from South America, accomit RJPF L '000 dollars, not one ounce of which is on on the 5th WILTOUR mining companies. She left Valparaiso Rio Janeirn S U" 'IN THE SLLORT space of 31 days, reached ♦I seldom HPPN J U A. SUCCESSFUl doubling of Cape Horn has mnrdrr IW» M '.J E C°nsequence is, that robbery to<ie"Kmfemitd' a"d eve° <* JelUngto, Sir Robert Peel, the M*" be present at TL^ AN .OTBEr distinguished persons, intend FEAILWAV ON LP ^HP^«NG °F THE MANCHESTER and Liverpool LBEFO7X^THLPL^REV>PTEMBER--A Compauyisstated to MO- Shoffiefd establishment ot a railway from Manchester IRESSW.T^ HERDF VYS- THE electioneering rumours FF representation of this city still continue in cir- ICANDS. US NOWKSALD THERE is the certainty of A fourth wward F probability of a new candidate coming for- .MWARCI f0R AXE county is also spoken of." The Brighton Guardian eontains an account of a magnifi- I' aided HV U.F ?V' GLV?° T0 Colonel »E L;. Y Evans, who, STRUGGLE FNOR^P^I^ •°"SPIRITED TOWNSMen, has, after a severe FNZ^ORA^OSFONV6 NTG 4 °PCTI B°R0"GH MCINQUE Ports W BE expect-d that the otlier JLIEW^N ^T-EYAHI^E' WMEHEKEA, and Hastings- wticceedin MNN O R M the fidd of battle, and, in LIK^ manner, K.— conquering their electoral privileges They will »ave the eXpene„ce of the men of H,? ."gS.hem? fcerew Tt°Ck >y,s!el11 is W! operation, we tin- JPIANUFACHIRPM M .US town. Certain of the small jK fl0Ur OATMPAL^F stuffs are in the practice of paying wages KARTES OF IIF» A2 F *> SL^AR' candles, soap, and all the neces- Wflce> and thp arti TO.5! PER CERIT- above the market IS WHO ARP /HN 68 VGRY DEfective iu quality The work '^WO-THIRDS of their RECEIVE NO MORE than about ^OBLIGED to DISNNNP NF • 0 TEN in goods, which they are a1little money, at AV ^FOT^TENT C]OION^TFA°T'«N BAVE BEEN informed, that the E^M SHNLT, ^80016^ HAS TAKEN A large'tract of Ifrom' SIREDWARD hL.Tu^'1 OF AB«ut 12>0 acres, FC THE county of DONEJAL A?^1'' SLTUATED NEAR Stranorlar, IPPTION tha/bullocks^* £$ DES: hear A considerable portion of it U T V*T- °{l 1 a"d PRESENT. Could these Ion J^E/NECTOD':C"5IED. \N F? %HVIESBE once established, itW0UkTnro AND Wtehed-forc°- mdustrious, useful, and intelliint F F emigration IRDIGTON teaches them to be loyaUufc S| 'F"' W,U°SE IPF^ETY. WE call upon aleneroufn S Iward M support of such a NRS P"S -° COME F°R" Wbnmk, Reporter, praise-worthy institution— <' Lord Cloncurry has offered two prizes of 1001. each, for the ,best Essays, to be produced on or before the 1st day of June, J 834, on the following subjects:—First, "A bsenteeism the Union re-considered, after Thirty Years." Second," The Populotwn aud Territory of Ireland considered with a view to Improvement The Court of King's Bench recently decided that where an attorney accepts a retainer for managing a cause, he is bound to carry it to trial, even though his clients may not furnish him with sufficient funds at the time. The penalty provided by an Act for regulating Registries, by some strange oversight, is only fourteen years' transpor- tation, one half of which goes to the informer, and the other half to the potr of the parish, or other charitable purpuses I It may be important to the keepers of toll-gates to know that the last Mutiny Act, passed only a few months ago, pro- vides that soldiers, whether they be on duty or not, saaH be allowed to pass through every toll-gate erected under Act of Parliament, without paying. Tom Shelton, the pugilist, in despair from having lost a large sum of money at Ascot races, put a period to his exist- ence on Monday by swallowing prussic acid—gambling the bane of his life—he once before actually hung himself to "do the thing that's right" to a pal to whom" he lost his clothes, and was indicted at Middlesex Sessions for assault- ing a constable who cut him down. We are grieved to state that the small farmers in the vici- nity of Maidstone are at this moment enduring the greatest distress. Arrears of poor-rates are fast accumulating against them, while the chance of paymentis every day more distant. Only last week the overseers were compelled, in self-defence to attach the agricultural implements of one of these unfor- tunate persons; the consequence of which was that the parish was immediately burthened with the support of him- self, a wife, and five children.—Maidstone Gazette. Whiston computed that the world would last only twenty years from his own time (1712), and yet asked thirty years' purchase for an estate which he had to dispose of.

