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.' THE e.AMMMIvAjr. '.. ■…

Family Notices



SHJP MCUS. SWA-XSKA.—Arrived, the "Morristoil armed brig, Cipiain Bsrker: !-o, t-ilc Peliew, Bedifan and Betty, 1 :-<i;e■■• i,nJr from Tuiro Jtu-e, Oa'K- salt: Penew, Lev: Prinei's* llC W Walters'; Amity, Fryar Wil-on, 1;a> ai-m Hodge, and St. Iv'es, MepJient, from St 1^ BcliordV^fc' cholas; Concord, Moon and Hirniingham. Old, from Ply-4 mouth Forest, Hav kin< Friends, une llancorne Villers, Daitou J'loulton, Sanders; V,i, e. Datton Mary Ann, Bond Fortitude, Jenkins rn '-v4. Thomas Penrose, Roger- N'epUme, V* itliers: Freeniae, Davies Hope, Edwards Frieiius Endeavour. !lick< 'aud William and Jane, Wi'kins, from Falmouth, all-Villi cam- pe.i ore: Curdlli C-aMle. Jenkins ami iVew Juvjit'dilion, Haw f ins, from Brisrol, with snndries .loin), Nicholas, insm Ridetord, with deal boards auduii-.itBritannia,Bur*, from Padsiow, with lieinp and oil Naiicv, Hands, Iropi B" ii'e- lei iy Ma. gam, Jenkins, iroia Aberav-en; i^dnll;. Fl^'lf,r- liom Watem-rd I'etsv, Wuikius.-irom W \tord I-'= rough, Adams, ti win DubJttt Ret>ecca, i;e.vi< Fei'iirJ • Jam s; Foriitutle, Vivian; iuid Marv, \-ev.to-v, ,101 1 st Ives; Union, Rich Rambler, Pnntz Ii.du in-k i Susan and Mary, James"Dove. >waffin": and Two Bro-, t hers, Swaffin, tl-om Dartmouth: hrc-thers, Card; JVrei, Richards; Cecilia, Sittran M<m. SirihL'v P> ALwiH and Riehar-d K v iroin Padsfo.v Dart, J a>:ii(.i>l, from Exeter; William lJiti. 1trom Ro Jte^er; M'ar v. "'Jouhi. from lioscasth "IutorU, tCiauis, fr.tn Pei'smice'- ■ Vigilant, Webb; frieni I ip HlJ:ikíj¡ and Sisters, Bo: rij iii Falmouth; Peggy and Beisv, Gibbs; ahd -e,- <1 Brothers, Lelean, lroruFowcy; Jt'li .ei .s a I Vv rh. Ed: wani. and Siicculanoii, Greeuii*wi<i, ti ^n I; I1,. ArHJ, Bevan, from, Bidelord,and llo^e, '.ui a ..oaih- all i;i ballast." „ I'lie lindeavour armed brig, Cafftain Blainev, sailed 1'ro'u t he M umbics Vestei dav,\vif;hconvoy. Cleared ot-.h tiie Creswtck C-: stie, Llovd, for Carmarthen, with deals ( a i es, Rees, for f.lai.ell v, w uh iron ami d Happ.V Couple, Bhidip-, fai liil-ti i, vwth sundries l^eiret^ llaniiL .s.'for Aberthaw Susanmih, Junes laiiu v. Tippet; Mary, Newton Vigdaiit, Webb; and Piper, Russell, for St. i1 es j llliam ana Alary, Power Bnithers, (iard i'etrel, Richards; and B simile. \iw„ lot Pi' tu.\ 'v\ iIlia 111 a .a M^r>, Cruiifiid, ami P-e-su.j; Brv ij.t for Brid^w ,icr. John, Aicholn, tor bidtnord, .Maud, *1 -.a,- vvaring, for Plymouth Good Intend, \ic' ill«t ty staple; Three Brothers, Laii.brook. toi \\evlor-i • • Honntf fill, Phiiper; Mermaid, Grithlh; Prosperity. W ilhains; Fanny Ann, Wade; Savage, .John and i»alKv, TtM<u<:<s, foT Waterford, all with coal or cuhn; .•;> Aent'i.—Arrived, the Ilk .don, with sundries St. iSjcliolas, iTzgerakl, from Dubitu. and Caledonia, S,dwell, from Cork, m :>ada<r. Cleared out, the Nancy, Fdw ards en 31* Ives, witb coa) Margaret, Jones; and .Speedwell, .lenkms, tor \t>er vsi with '■ .'Diligence, Williams, tor jiberniron :■ Vtnham, Lord, to^ Padstow Harriet. Perkins, tor Borlock Bh-s.»»;g, Hand- S"I1: and Fowcy, Roy. for DartinoiUli; 1 liree J'roibers, Wilkins, hrr Plymouth Two Friends. PviuiMtn, for IIfra- contby Peggy, Lobb, for Fovv ey and Margart:, Keutie- dv, for Wexford, with cuhn. w ■Cardiff.—Arrived, the Hel.ev Watts and Charhunu Peg-- gy, Harries, from Bristol, VM,« -e.,d-tej In.tn-trv, Lew ";■■ !OIIJ i3a .m.ulb Jaiie, Evans; ami Aittrv, W uitt v, n era Dublin; BetsSs George, from Cork"! Forester, Jones'; A|-iv > V Andrcvv, Rivett; and Haauan, Jones, from Bristol, iu ballast. Cleared out, the Cvguet, Jones, for Dublin Weuao burn, Murray, for Leiih Jane, Evans, for (jiasgow and I 01 ester, Jones, for Bttslol,.vvith non inienos, Richards. for ditto, with sundries i Ddi_eiiC'. C,i • Pej-i m and St. Michael, Salter,-tor Cork, widi foals. Llanelli/.—Arrived, the Grace, Prvnn. lrom I.cndon, with Utiiber, deals, ,&c.; d.iitnet, lyuwis CailRTine, Richards • True Briton, Davies mid TJV.V,, Richards, trom Civrdiwn V ■ William,• Haycrafl; and Providt.ee, ihomes, tioin PI y. luoutli; Maty, Joiies, from St. i ves llliam and Mary, s i o Eastaway, fro,n Plymouth; Btf-ssihg, Short and E-tlitr, Bovven,iroai Barnstaple, ill-ballast. Cleared out, the Rebecca. Miles, for Carmarthen Dili- gence, Morgan Taunton, Owens and Lovtlv, Rewiand tor Cardigan; Brother-, B.dl; ai.d Sistei s," Du.es, Fovyey, Witii eoals. Bristol,—Arrived,j the Samuel, Stiiphmgs, from V.'afer-, ford; Henrietta, "M'Douagb,- from (lalwav Susanna, M'Neice, from Belfastand Charlotte, Cook, -troin Dublin. Entered ont, trie Amitv, Lewis, lor A^ervst-with,eH1n Trader, Symons Happy Return,,I,>rooniJiain -Sigtors, Vaughan", for '"Neath John and ^la^s, > ori and ]'(,a £ ftnd Plenty, Jones,for Carmarthen J and lyiojiux, 1 )IH moud,' for ;)wans(>,a. Falmouth.—Arrived, the F,agleshu>sh, Courtnev, from London; Oakvvell,.Jones; Marnier, Banks: Jlarlonl.W at. t, e i and Dolphin, Richards, liuin Swansea ;Harriet and- Anns W tlkills and Ann, Harvey, jrom Llanellv.. Mainzwi.—AMI ed, tne Maraziou, Mephe.as, irotu Aea(li, with coal. i'einnuci.— \inveil, tlio taiionv Triek- and Idorn. Teague, ir.MM SWAIIM-.ii, vv iih C<FH.i-s ;• Trinislator/ Bnghdiule, from Cardill, with iron and Charlotte, Llovd, from fen^y, withcuhn. St. 11 s — Virued, the Nancy, Rees, lrom Wevmoulh, in ball st. lor Carmarthen; «ud Ijoveiv PEIR^V Joluis, froni- Cowes. for. -^IDLORD ..• Padstow— Arrived, tue Sq 1111.1, Fr;, Ma-ta, RitJ-ird- and Britannia, Ball, from S^vapsea jmd L i.ioiit sar^i n!. from Card ill- Cork.—Arrived, the Flora; Smith. fro;n ('ivditf, viu» wrought iron; Orion, ot Bannoulli^ Evau.s. irons London •and Rehccea, ot Holyhead, Evans/ fVotn £ iv'eyiool, bot^i with merchants goods. i- •■■■ Sailed, the Bet,sy, of Ssvan>e^, -Geor^, for-'CiHitona- sherrv, in balh-t .MaigaieU of C.ir<n^»n, Dawn i(,f Nevvrv, with flax seed, Mc. aiidCa!ed'->ra;t, of Iji KU.]. will, Ibr ( a!:difi, iii'buHa.st. A letter; from P.^zance metrtions ihe arrival there' of th-j Howe. ———, trom London,to Sv*iiis{»t;jai wiftj. Uinber'and iron, full of water, having struck on UH; R"nel ^ioin The Little Sisteis, nkors from <Bu,toi u, \cwnmn,l- land, w ith sundry merchandize, st.uck ,or;. Arklow Bauk«- afeout it. (piarter ]>ast ten o'clock the r,Ight oT tiie J5th ujjii. ■ where she unshipped bei iudder. • The • eaftfo inhsf be t"e- tlreU di-c;hatged, and it-is reared the vessel Vi 11 riot be g ;;t'. HIGH WATER ON SWA VSKA-BAR For i»< ensuing Bei, Days.. Morning. | Evening. lleighf, .C- < II; M. 11. M. F. 1 Saturday 4 4 I>9 '14 1-0 Sunday '1 1<» 5 Jii In 7 Monday a 08 G lb 17 11 TUCS4MV 0 .•!> -.7 0 13 -JJ- ••• We-dm-day 7 1 7 <J-J i'a 5 •-Tburstiay 7 W '<'< 7 17 5 i ridav .8 .>1 |- H 16 *i lllOIl WA'ITR AT Till" PALACES the t i Days. j Mori/nag. Evening. • j 11. si. a.. M. > Stitnrday j. "> 1 ,.5 2.1, SWIDAR- 5 4) I) 0 Monday 6 1A) 6 40 Tue- i, | 7 (1 7 W W vdaesdnv I ? 23 7 +i Jhiirsaav 6 6 I 8 V? ?r.<by I' 6 8 17