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The A.M.C. of the Manchester Unity of Oddfellows con- tinued its sitting at Newport, Mon.. on Wednesday, May 19, when the proposal of the directors for a unity levy of a half-penny per member for general purposes was agreed to. The Chancellor of the Exchequer was present during the afternoon, and delivered an address, in which he spoke highly of the Unity's efforts at reform. The Council of the Society of Arts.have awarded the L Prince Consort's gold medal to M. Michel Chevalier,for his eminent services in the promotion of free trade. Sir Julius Benedict was pre?ented with a silver table ice, at Dudley House, on Wednesday afternoon, May 19, i:j recognition of his labours for forty years for the ad- vancement of Art. The presentation was made by Esrl Dudley, and the company included the Duke of Edinburgh and many musical celebrities. A curious incident in the history of apiculture occurred on Friday, May 14th. On that day a large swarm of bees alighted upon a man's left leg at Plumstead Common, near London, and he hived them with out a single sting. They have all since done well. A special telegram from Madrid records the publication of a decree permitting the press to discuss constitutional ques- tions, and sanctioning political meetings. On the Scotch Moors the grouse are said to have stood the winter well; the birds are strong and healthy, and not the slightest appearance of disease em be detected. The birds are not very numerous. The forests are well stocked with deer. A Cremation Company is to be established in Zurich, where the undertaking starts with the support of 560 of the inhabitants. Mr Adam, it is said, intends to retire from the position of premier whip to the Liberal party before the close of the present session. Lord Kensington is mentioned as his sue* cessor. On Wednesday, May 19, the Ashantee medal was pre- sented to the Rev. Stuart Patterfon, military chaplain, by the Lieutenant-Governor of the island of Jersey, in the presence of the troops stationed in the island. The hearing of the petition against the return of the late John Mitchel, as member for Tipperary, commenced on Wednesday at Clonmel, before Mr Justice Keogh. There are two petitions, one by Mr Morton, an elector, and the other by Mr Stephen Moore, who was Mr Mitchel's oppo- nent at the election, and who now claims the seat. The grounds alleged in the petition are, that Mitchel was dis- qualified as an alien, as a convicted felon who had not undergone his sentence or been pardoned, and also by the resolution of the House of Commons. It is said that Mr J. A. Froude, the well-known his- torian, is about to return to South Africa to act in an official capacity for Government. The Rev. A. H. Mackonochie has filed a withdrawal of his appeal to the Judicial Committee, and has undertaken to pay Mr Martin his costs. The Court of Arches will now enforce the sentence of six weeks' suspension for ritualistic practices at St. Alban's. Lord Henry Lennox formally opened the gardens adjoin- ing the Bethnal-green Museum, London, on Wednesday, May 19. J. A grand Conservative banquet was given at Wednesbury on Wednesday evening, May 19, the Earl of Dartmouth presiding.

