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to, CHIRK.


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AN ANGLESEY LIVING OFFERED BY AUCTION.— The market value of Church livings in Wales may throw some light upon the opinion of investors in this kind of stock. There was on Saturday an at- tempt made at Bangor to sell an avowdson by public auction, but bidders were exceedingly shy. The property in question was described as the rectory, or perpetual curacy, of Llanddona, in Anglesey, of which parish the population is computed at 492, and the gross value £246 with a rectory. The pres- ent rector (the vendors did not forget to add) is in his 49th year, and, looking at the surrounding conditions, he is, no doubt, in excellent health. There were only two points upon which the auction- eer was asked for information, and the questions were pertinent. One was whether the Court of Chancery would guarantee the rights of the pur- chaser in the event of disestablishment in Wales. The other was whether, if a Nonconformist bought, the bishop would induct the nominee. The auctioneer, with a business frankness much to be commended, explained that it was no part of his business to inquire into the religious views of any person offering: a bid. His duty was to knock down the property to whoever would concede a reasonable price. It does not matter that the so-called property is concerned with an ecclesiastical benefice-that the owner has the presentation to a cure of souls in the Church of England when it is brought to the hammer, the sole condition attaching to the transfer of propertyship is that the transferee shall pay a sufficient price in pounds sterling. Need it be wondered at-with disestablishment in the air— that bids were rather jokes than otherwise? A clergyman began by offering £ 5, to the intense amusement of the company, and others followed until a maximum of £ 70 was reached. There the lot stood fast. No one would go further and as the value fixed by the Court of Chancery had not been reached, the proceedings came to an abortive close. These scandals of putting up Church livings to the highest bidder will soon become rare, even in England for if disestablishment be not imminent, it is sufficiently in the public mind to make advow- sons about as valuable as land has become in Ireland. —Liverpool Mercury. EXTRAORDINARY CONDUCT OF A RAILWAY PAS- SENGER.-On Monday, at Chester City Police Court, the Mayor (G. A. Dickson, Esq.) presiding, a power-' fully built fellow named John Roberts, of Sandy- croft, near Flint, was charged at the instance of the London and North-western Railway Company with annoying passengers and being drunk on Sunday evening, the 29th November. It appeared from the evidence that as the six o'clock train was about to leave Chester station, two men, one of whom was the prisoner, entered a third-class compartment, in which an Irishman and a Chester gentleman were already seated. As the train neared Dee Bridge, the prisoner accused the Irishman of being a Tory, and, in spite of the latter's protestations to the con- trary, the prisoner struck him several heavy blows on the face, causing a considerable loss of blood. The Irishman got up, and .undoing the door was springing out, when one of the other occupants seized his arm. He was firmly grasped, but he con- tinued to struggle, and he was held in this perilous position till the train drew up at Sandycroft, a dis- tance of some six miles, Here his boot became jammed between the platform and the step of the compartment. The boot had to be ripped open before he could be released. The prosecutor did not appear, and the prisoner was fined £3 and costs, the alternative being six weeks' imprisonment with hard labour. WHITE'S Mac MAIN LEVER Tscss is the most effective invention for the treatment of Hernia. The use of a steel spring, so hurtful in its effects, is avoided, a soft bandage being worn round the body, while the requisite resisting power is supplied by the Moc-Main Pad and Patent Lever, fitting with so much ease and closeness that it cannot be detected. Send for descriptive circular, with testimonials and prices, to J. White and Co. (Limited), 228, Piccadilly, London. Do not buy of Chemists, who often sell an IMITA- TIOJT of our Moc-Main. J. White and Co. have not any Agents. (1671) HOLLOWAY'S PILLS.—The Great Need.-The blood is the life, and on its purity depends our health, if not our existence. These Pills thoroughly cleanse this vital fluid from all contaminations, and by that power strengthen and invigorate the whole system, healthily stimulate sluggish organs, repress over-exoited action, and establish order of circulation andsccretion throughout every part of the body. The balsamic nature of Holloway's Pills commends them to the favour of debilitated and nervous constitutions, which they soon resuscitate. They dislodge all obstructions both in the bowels and elsewhere, and are, on that account, much sought after for promoting regularity of action in young females and delicate persons who are naturally weak, or who from some cause have become ISO,






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Family Notices

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