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DENTAL NOTICE. MR. PAXTON HARDING, DENTIST (Licentiate in Dental Surgery, Royal College of Surgeons), WHITEFRIARS, CHESTER, WILL ATTEND PROFESSIONALLY AT 22, CASTLE STREET, LLANGOLLEN, EVERY TUESDAY instead of alternat Thursdays. Next Visit Dec. 29th. Bydd MR. PAXTON HARDING, DEINTYDD, Yn ymweled a 22, Castle Street, Llangollen, BOB j DYDD MAWRTH, yn lie bob-yn-ail dydd Iau. Bydd yr ymweliad nesaf Rhag. 29ain. WHAT IS TRUTH? J HUT II is a solid "FACT," more solid than the granite rock it is the richest coin of the purest "en 1'ee ':ron) alloy of every description. The shaft of will not face it, neither will the shots of pre- tI ICe enter it. It is surrounded on all sides by a tin°USand foes but each and all, without excep- lon, are mute beneath its piercing glance. IT IS A FACT, AS SOLID AS THE ABOVE, THAT w BEECH AM'S PILLS, have been before the Public for thirty years, at l-li n°W become one °t' the leading Patent Medicines Ea t Present 'lay. From North to South, and from j. st to West, they are to be found in the homes of j.ve rich and the poor. All classes of society use 0QIJ and they are by thousands declared to be j, WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. » 0r females of all ages these Pills are invaluable, as 0Qew doses of them carry off all gross humours, and tPrt obstructions, and bring about all that is 4Uired. No female should be without them. There ■PlLT ^^icine be found equal to BEECHAM'S for removing any obstruction or irregularity giv taken according to the directions of 1? ea°b box, they will soon restore females ages to sound and robust health- ji j, °r a Weak Stomach, Impaired Digestion, and all and of the Liver> th°y act like MAGIC," UJ afew dosfes will be found to work wonders on the 8tr lmP°rtant organs in the human machine. They l0 eilgthen the whole muscular system, restore the aorf complexi6n, bring back the keen edge of °t h e' an<^ arouse into action, with the ROSE-BUD fra5ea,lth, the whole physical energy of the human ettih .^ese are FACTS admitted by thousands, »,j racing all classes of society arxd one of the best Rti^tees to the Nervous and Debilitated is, aa* D ■HAM'S PILLS have the LARGEST SALE of "atent Medicine in the World. BEECHAM'S PILLS a, 1'B Emitted by thousands to be worth above a Guinea for Bilious and Nervous Disorders, such as Gridri' anc^ Bain in the Stomach, Sick Headache, and Aness' -^uiness and Swelling after Meals, Dizziness of .Ur°wsiness, Cold Chills, Flushings of Heat, Loss and Shortness of Breath, Costiveness, Scurvy J)r itches of the Skin, Disturbed Sleep, Frightful &c a8' an<^ Nervous and Trembling Sensations, jutes' 'llie ^oes give relief ni twenty *s no fiction, for they have done it in thousands 0bta,aSeS- 'Lbe Proprietor of these Pills having Qllal|llled (at great expense) a Patent for them, he wb°le world to produce a medicine to ■'hM fa "*1 *'or removinP *-he above-named complaints, iivr-1. tl} £ fint t>d nndL lasting hon.H'^ 'ho-' !iU^"erer is earnestly invited to try one Box of I riae Pills, and th y will be acknowledged to ba riiE RIGHT THING IN THE RIGHT PLACE. ,Pautxon.—The Public are requested to notice that Qe Words Beecham's Pills, St. Helens," are on the OVernment Stamp affixed to each Box of the Pills; if ot on, they are a Forgery. "repared only, and. Sold Wholesale and Retail, by j"e Proprietor, THOMAS BEECHAM, St. Helens, to&^hire' in Boxes, Is. I I d. and 2s. 9d. each. Sent i'ree for 15 or 36 Stamps. n ky all Druggists and Patent Medicine Dealers United Kingdom. ■ Full directions are given with each box. jiti if' :%i '1'° PHOTOGKA PH E R S.—Th» "CHABTERHOUSE" PLATS, has been awarded a. PalZE MEDAL (Bronze), at the ^KUIHATIOI)AI> INVENTIONS EXHIBITION, LOHDOK. B Manufactured solely by the SL ABTISTS' STORES cheapest and most rapid plate in the market. 14 Plate, Is. Sd.; 1-2 Plate, Ss.; 1-1 Plate, 5s. « Other sizes in proportion. for Illustrated Price List of all Photograpbia Requisites to *AIUGHB, 43, CHARTERHOUSE SQUARE, LONDON, E.C. IL 'D ^^6p5^JtLLUSTBATED ,P, T GRATIS ky&. Christian Union TSWtM8W| WCTSMffli by should be read Can to find where prise medal teeth and workmanship —"»d at chargsg generally paid lot moat interior dentistry. THB CELEBRATED 0 Owl 4mat2!f*v»a^6^ *°r Joiners', Gardeners', Foresters', Farmers', ftnd ?et vm! Sharpens with a spittle. Ask your Ironmonger to aria w wont» drop me a note. Hononrablo Mention at fcxhiw- lbltlon« 1878; and Bronze Medal, London International *ton? 1884- JOHN C. MONTQOMERIE, "Tam o' Shanter Dalmor*. Tarbolton St&tiou. R.S.O.. Scotland. guarantee!) 6hA £ ES BY A DIVIDENDS in CONSOLS. MEtR°politAN FEEEHOLD LAND fe^hold^ ToSXT(J^niited), whose Property is exclusively UENt. d.TT j a limited number of these FIYB PEK to t>:?uNTEED SHARKS. |7lTrTTTi 31. Lombard Street. London, E.C. -C BEHOLD RESIDENTIAL ESTATE FE«BEWM.. F0R SALE, ►2^ State of Virginia, consisting of hoiiii farming and fruit land, with a commodious 10 azid all necessary out-buildings. 14 miles from ^es aro stores, and 16 miles by j-ail from University. S^ed in r<illard' 10 acres are d, and 26 acres «.S £ lwie^ Plenty of grass. f,ps, &c fon'n^r furniture, farm implements, cattle, "her Dartin, Possession may be had in ihe, spring. I'oi -Pa«ieulars-Colonel Elder. 55. ParlimnM.t-st.. T-on.lor- JHE ALBERT CATE MART & REGISTRY g 5 Horses, Dogs, Carriages, Harness, &e., for g 6 > also for the Registry of high-class Men ervants wanted or requiring employment. Forms 2it' ^°8' ^ree on application to the Proprietors, j an^ 26, Brompton Road, London, S.W. (four £ 8 from Messrs. Tattersall's.) IB I CYCLES. IJ|lk COVENTRY CYCLE CO., 1 LIMITBD, Y IMPERIAL WORKS, COVENTRY. I Castrated Lists on Application. ■JVv /Liberal Terms to Agents. C^^PILTR I CYCLES. EDWARD EDWARDS, AUCTIONEER AND A PPRAISER, 1, CHAPEL STREET, —-—- LLANGOLLEN. (1773) A ROBERTS & SON, AUCTIONEERS AND ^PPRAISERS, H0TT<5T? t s ACCOUNTANTS, u^i^, LAND, ESTATE, AND GENERAL AGENTS TEMPLE BUILDINGS, CORWEN. (1772) XMAS SEASON, 1885. WINES AND SPIRITS AT Wholesale Prices AT C. K. BENSON & Co's SUPPLY STORES, 14, HIGH STREET, WREXHAM. CHAMPAGNES.from 30s. Per Dozen. BURGUNDIES. 248." HOCKS „ 22s. „ MOSELLES „ 24s. POETS „ 18s. „ SHERRIES 18s. „ CLARETS 12s. „ MARSALA „ 18s. „ IRISH & SCOTCH WHISKIES „ 27s. „ „ RUM 27s. „ „ GIN (FINE LONDON) „ 24s." „ FRENCH BRANDIES. 30s." „ HOLLANDS „ 32s." „ SINGLE BOTTLES OF THE ABOVE CAN BE HAD AT CORRESPONDING PRICES. CASE BRANDIES. Guaranteed the genuine productions of the names whose brands they bear. HENNESSEY'S OR MARTELL'S. 1 Star, per bottle 4s. Sd. 2 „ 5s. 2d. 3 „ 5s. 8d. JULES DUFONT & CO.'S 1 Star, per bottle. 4s.0d. 2 „ 4s. 6d. 3 5s. Od. WHISKEY. Jamieson's, Dunville's, Brenan's Kinahan's, Glen- livet, Glen Alva, Encore, and Melrose. CHAMPAGNE. Roederer's. Moet and Chandon's Perrier Jouet's, G. H. Mumm's, Veuve Clicquot, Heidsieck and Co., and various other well-known Brands. ENGLISH AND FOREIGN LIQUERS. MINERAL WATERS. Schweppe, Ellis's and Edisbury and Co.'s, at Wholesale Prices. C. K. BENSON & CO., HIGH STREET (OPPOSITE THE NORTH AND SOUTH WALES BANK). -MONEY. HOW TO MANIPULATE, lvi MASS, & MULTIPLY it with limited outlay. I SPECULATION AND INVESTMENT. The minimum of risk and the maximum of gain. Immediate Operations. Immediate Settlements. Profits divided pro-ratd. STOCK EXCHANGE "COMBINATIONS" practically formed daily as fast as remittances reach us. Capital employed frequently doubles itself in the course of one day. Full particulars on application to IVTIDDLETON & Co., Stock & Share Brokers, — 7, TRUMP STREET, LONDON, E.O. SAFE INVESTMENTS FOR SMALL SUMS. PERSONS of either sex will find a perfectly secure investment for sums of £ 5 and upwards. Good security and large interest. Se- curity deposited with investor. References given and required. Apply to F. ST. AUBYN, Esq., 48, Porten Road, West Kensington Park, London, W. 13 "SEWiNG MflCHINES EXTRflORDINflRYT Every Family should have one of own EXCELLENT SEWING MACHINBS, COMPLETE with ACCESSORIES ^tfftCW' and INSTRUCTIONS. ill' v.itA6 XN CAS^J^^S only £ 1 19s. Od. SJiV' Forwarded anywhere on receipt -1 QjS< of cheque or P.0.0. N.B.—Agents *• —required. Send stamped envelope for particulars. HAV Elf V/VTa\ |H YOURI kL*L*l 1 AWN A. & J. MACNAU8HT0N, F| LF| WOOLLBM MAHCIAOTDRBRS, UinflB PITLOCHRY, PERTHSHIRE, VHBI ■ B B B Pay cairiase for Wool tent them for Mnaufac- VWAJIB^JL- ture into their Celebrated PITI.OCHKY IIWVBi TWEEDS, DRE8S TWEEDS, BLANKETS, llinir IliTfl BED COVEBS, DBUGGETS, SHEETINGS. SAIMLFC. IN IW KNITTING YARNS, *C., *e. Highest eulo- AVU KITINI* from the leading Journals. Patterns, ■ AL BB B H| chargtts, and full particulars as to time required, IMMV JLJUL >ield OT wool, *«., on appUoatim as aksva. IN STOCKS, SHAKES, &c. ? Before doing either, send for our MONTHLY LIST OF STOCKS & SHARES. ADDRESS WEST CENTRAL INVESTMENT AGENCY, 8, Millman Street, Bedford Bow, London, W.C. THE PUNJAUB and CASHMERE CARPET JL COMPANY (Limited).—Capital £100,000, in 20,000 shares of £ 5 each, of which £ 10,000 has been subscribed, privately amongst the directors & their friends. v'l'he shares are payable 10s. on ap. plication, 40s. on allotment, 20s. on 5th April, 1885, 30s. C-sS'iS* July, 1885. Bankers,The Agra Bank, 35, Nicholas-lane, London, E.C. Chairman, H. CHOLMONDLEY PENNELLi, Oxford Mansion, London, Director of Interior Commerce, Egypt. Messrs. ElboroughandCo., of 58, Lombard-street, London, E.G., are prepared to receive applications up to Feb. 10 for the un- issued shares at par. The profits of the undertaking are estimated at 30 per cent., by Colonel Forbes, R.A., in his letter accompany- ing the prospectus. The company starts unfettered by any liar feiiities or claims for promotion fees. The patrons are: Lord Lawrence. Lord Lytton. Sir George Birdwood. General the Eight Hon. Lord Mark Kerr. H. Roper Lethbridge, Esq., C.I.E., late Press Com- missioner to the Government of India. For prospectuses apply to the bankers, or to Messrs. Elborotufh and Co.. as above. u NATIONAL PEOVIDENTl FOR MUTUAL INSTITUTION LIFE ASSURANCE. I FOUNDED 1835. ACCUMULATED FUND, £ 4,000,000. CLAIMS PAID IMMEDIATELY on PROOF of DEATH &TITI.E. WORKING EXPENSES ABOUT S PER CENT. or THE INCOME. OFFICES—48. GRACECHURCH STREET, LONDON. E.C. AGENTS WANTED WHERE NOT REPRESENTED. KNIGHT & FOSTER'S "PTHIIVS CAN BB OBTAINED OF THE j (TAKERS, SO, Basinghall Street, Leeds. SAMPLE BOX by Post for 13 Stamps. FCEST CLASS INVESTMENT. Absolute Mortgage Security. Suitable for Trustees & other Investors. Interest and Bonus for 6 1 ears, 61, and 7 per cent. Interest paid, quarterly. mHE WESTERN SUBURBAN BUILD- JL ING SOCIETY. Established 1874. Deposits received at 4 and 4J per cent. APPLICATiON S invited for Special Issue ofC5 Investment Shares. 5 per Interest and Annual Bonus. Bankers: National Provincial Bank of England, Lmtd. Prospec- tuses, &c.,gratis. Thos. H. MARTIN. Sec.,38,Theobald's-rd,Bed- ford-row. W.C., & Ladbroke Chambers, Ladbroke-grove, London. THTOBSES' MANES inclined to lie the wrong -CL side, out or rubbed, Walley's Patent Oanvas Elastic Mane Layers are warranted to permanently lay the shortest and most •tubborn Mane in six hours. Noted reputation. All parts Of tne world, by post 11/-j—J. B. WALLEY, frhitehurch. Salon.. Buy only English Watches. BENSON'S (New Patent No. 4658) "LUDGATE" WATCH HAS OBTAINED THE HIGHEST AWARD OF A GOLD MEDAL AT THE INVENTIONS EXHIBITION, 1885. SILVER GOLD JPK K obO. 0. £ 12.12. The 'Ludgate' Watch is a Silver English. Lever OF MY BEST LONDON MAKE, WITH "SPECIAL STRENGTH" THREE-QUARTER PLATE MOVEMENT. JEWELLED THROUGHOUT IN RUBIES, TRUE CHRONOMETER BALANCE, ADJUSTED FOR EXTREMES, WITH DAMP AND DUST PROOF PATENT RING BAND, AND EXTENDED BARREL, MASSIVE STERLING SILVER DOME CASES, WITH CRYSTAL GLASS FRONT Which combines the Strength of the Hunter with the convenience of the Open Face Watch. WINDS, SETS HANDS & OPENS AT BACK. The IMMENSE superiority in Value, Accuracy, and Durability of the "LUDGATE" Watch to SWISS AND AMERICAN, (made in IMITATION of and sold as English,) and to the Old Full-Plate English Lever (still sold by other makers,) from the great defects of which the Ludgate is exempt,-is proved by the Award of a GOLD MEDAL, THE ONLY ONE ADJUDGED TO ENGLISH WATCHES. THE "LUDGATE" IS OF BETTER QUALITY & VALUE THAN ANY £10 WATCH HITHERTO MADE. THE "LUDGATE" IS MY BEST LONDON MAKE, STRONG, HANDSOME & RELIABLE, WILL STAND THE HARDEST WEAR AND ROUGHEST USAGE, AND IS THEREFORE THE BEST WATCH FOR HOME, INDIAN & COLONIAL WEAR, BY RAILWAY MEN, MINERS, AND COLONISTS (No. 1, LARGE SIZE), WORKMEN & ARTISANS (No. 2, MEDIUM), GENTLEMEN, OFFICERS & MEN IN H.M. SERVICES, YOUTHS' & BOYS' (No. 3, SMALL), WILL BE SENT FREE & SAFE AT MY RISK TO ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD FOR £ 5.5s. OR IN 18-CARAT GOLD CRYSTAL GLASS CASES, TWELVE GUINEAS (No. A SIZE). A Remittance by P.O.O., Draft or Cash, must accompany Order. QT\t¡1nr.A v" ■ = T w. •_ jt i. only Maker of a Three-Quarter Plate English Watch for '£5 5s. in Silver, or < £ 12; 12s. in Gold, and that our Patent "Ludgate" Watch cannot be had through or of any other Watchmaker in the Kingdom. Any infringement of the Patent Rights will be proceeded against. An Illustrated and Priced BOOK. explain- ing the advantages of this Watch over the Full-plate English Watches sold by all other makers, will be sent Post Free on application, to J. W. BENSON, WATCHMAKER TO H.M. THE QUEEN, THE STEAM FACTORY, 62 AND 64, LUDGATE HILL, E.C., AND 25, OLD BOND STREET, W., LONDON. Consequent upon the award of the GOLD MEDAL, the demand, always great, has so increased as to necessitate more extensive Machinery, which now enables us to EXECUTE ALL ORDERS for the 'LUDGATE" WATCH WITHOUT DELAY. Illustrated Pamphlets of Watches from X2 to £500, Gold and Silver Jewellery, Clocks (House, Chime and Turrett), Electro-Plate, and Musical Boxes. Free on Application. CLUB ASSOCIATIONS. FOREMEN, SEC- RETARIES OF FRIENDLY SOCIETIES, AGENTS, and others will find their Incomes considerably increased by establishing Clubs for the New Patent "Ludgate" Watch, as it is worth from Z5 to X10 more than any English Watch sold, and therefore bound to supersede all others. Particulars on application. (1586) I •• CONSUMPTION A/I-^G^COMBEVE'S'SBW^WOEK. It S_ 133 CASES GIVEN. Post free from Coombe Lodge, Peckliam, London. JAPANESE and CHJLJN JUSE GOODS Importers. f urx'TlA & CO., 129 and ISO, Houndsdltch. London, E. T-H-E' EASY 'LAWN MO ER With all the Latest Improvements. HAS 5 knives, an open steel Tr roller, which, with careful con. Tr roller, which, with careful con- n struction in other parts, enables jl a child to work a 20in. and a /I man a 40in. machine. TfiADEHtojxair APPly for list to any Iron- jam "U\Rie monger or Seedsman, or direct to the Sole Licensees, iS|||g|^ Selig, Sonnenthal & Co., *085, Queen Victoria Street, 'A'CH London, E.C. U ARANTEED EMPLOYMENT for Sons of 1TT Gentlemen, Farmers, &c., on good Farms in AMERICA and CANADA. Board, Lodging, ana Wages given. Moderate premium inclusive of all expenses. Apply to Secretary, British and Industrial Agency, 21. Finsbury Pavement. E.C. UPWARDS OF 10.000 TESTIMONIALS. BOEHLEN'S BRILLIANT, ton, LIQUID METAL POLISH. Once used always used. Brilliancy; no smell; no scratching; less labour; more lasting; no mess. Used in the Royal Mews. Contractors to the P. and O. Steamship Company, the North London and the Tilbury and Southend Railway Companies. The BEST BRIGHTENER KNOWN of Gold, Silver, Plated, Brass, Copper, Plate Glass, Gilt Mouldings and Oil Paintings, and all other classes of metal goods, from the most costly and fragile to those in commonest use; producing the most beautiful polish cheaply and with the least possible labour. Sole ManufacturersJ. BOEHLEN & COMPANY, 20, BUCKLERSBURY, LONDON, E.C. Sold by, Chemists, Druggists, Oilmen. Grocers & Ironmonger*. A Sample sent free for 6 stamps. Bros HAS been the success of DB. G. H. JONES' system of painless dentistry, and the consequent run on,- his illustrated explanatory pamphlet, that the whole of the first edition has been disposed of, and a new edition is now ready. Send address on an ordi- nary postcard to Dr. G. H. Jones, 67, Great Russell Street, ttCndcc,Md FM&phlet will be ftent hy return. At all LIBRARIES and BOOKSELLERS'. 1 vol., cloth, bevelled boards, crown 8vo. Price 5s. LINDENBLUMEN: and other Stories, j By ROWLAND GREY, Author of "In Sunny Switzerland." ] Exquisitely pathetic. Nothing can be more touch- Of the five stories included in this volume, all are ing than the 'Doctor's Mascotte.' A book worthy of well worth reading."—Scotsman. ] its charming name.Morninll Post. Madame Rebelle' is a remarkable story.Literary "Tales we can entirely recommend. 'The Antwerp World. Postman,' rising to the height of true comedy, is one of The same felicity which characterised In Sunny the best pieces of genuine humour, apt invention, and Switzerland' is apparent in the glimpses afforded of lifelike representation of foreign manners and habits, Coblentz, Basille, and Antwerp, in these varied and inte- that any of our countrywomen have written since resting stories. Glasgow Herald. that inimitable story, 'The Sacristan's Daughter,' by There is power in this volume of no ordinary kind. 'J1 Mrs. Trollope. 'Madame Rebelle' has rare dramatic It manifests ability of a high order."—Aberdeen Daily :■ power."—Illustrated London News. Free Press. "The 'Doctor's Mascotte' is the prettiest. 'The Lindenblumen' gives several well-written glimpses Ii Antwerp Postman' most amusing. 'Lindenblumen' of Court life in the Fatherland.(Belfast) Northern Whig. > the most ambitious. Guardian. Five stories which will bear reading and re-reading. ■■ "Rowland Grey's really delightful book forms a There is a very rare freshness, picturesqueness and com- Uotable addition to the lighter literature of the season, pleteness about them.Newcastle Chronicle. Nothing more charming has appeared for a long time." Attracted now by the idyllic charm of the Doctor's -Knowledge. Mascotte,' then by the dramatic power of Madame "A collection of interesting tales, the best of which Rebelle,' and again, from another point of attack, by a is Madame Rebelle.' The others well repay perusal." 'White Rose,' we are compelled to own the fascination -Queen, of the story.teller.Topical Times. London: KIDG^JNT PAUL, TRENCH, &c Co., 1, Paternoster Sq. e Cost { LUVUI.'I WLWL X I Buying HOT/BROOK & Co.'s Brand. Sold by Grocers, Oilmen, &c., everywhere. > The National Table Waters." (ASK FOR ELLIS'S.) ESTABLISHED BSlHHBalRll?l 1825> "ABSOLUTELY PURE." SOLD EVERYWHERE. Soda, Potass, Seltzer, Lemonade, Aromatic Ginger Ale. Fcr GOUT, Lithia Water, and Lithia and Potass Water. Scle AddressR. ELLIS & SON, RUTHIN, NORTH WALES. it LONDON AGENTS: W. BEST & SONS, Henrietta Street, Cavendish Square. TliERCONWY TEMPERANCE HOTEL, £ HIGH STREET, CONWAY. j JANE ANNE JONES, PROPRIETRESS. It VISITORS to Conway will meet with every attention, combined with very moderate charges,at thiswell- v k own Hotel. BRITISH WINES AND CONFECTIONERY OF THE CHOICEST DESCRIPTION. Tea and Coffee provid,ed at the shortest notice. v Elm LLANDUDNJO PearflLip' Fair white hands. Bright clear complexion Soft healthful skin. 0 MONO= (REGISTERED) Knitting Yarns. "HACO" YARN as "ALLIANCE" YARN RED HEART FINGERING Rj««r SPINNING WHEEL YARN .„nratier8 & Berlin Houses in the United Kingdom & Colonies. JXOM only, 6 and. 7, Newgate Street, London. ESTABLISHED 1766. 'OD-]}S-ONTS'SY NET CTATESV— See Explanatory and Weekly Circulars, Post free on application. O0S"ON'S SYNDICATES.— Goodson & Co, are the only successful Syndicate Stockbrokers. ON & CO. have distributed Thousands \JT of pounds of Profits this year to Subscribers. OODSON & CO., Stockbrokers, Devonshire Chambers, Bishopsgate, London. E.C. T\rj]i^l3ljASON'S TEA, in all its excellence^ -131 2-. 2/6, 3/- Per Pound. Lower qualities at lower prices. •paTT/rlPS and COMPANY, 8, King William Street, City, London, B.C. A Price Book post free. Teas, Coffees, and Cocoas «"• Parcels .rost. The BELF AST E0PE WORK Company rf^ I j 1 'i (Ltd.). Price List on application to Belfast. GACKS and BAG-S.—New& Second-hand, for jr8! Tjmi?, Mills, Mines, Coals, Cements, Plasters, and all other riT"ses-~S. 14, Seel Street. Liverpool. TJBP TO-P E S. Wt A Pleasant Tonic Liqueur. WIT? THE NEBYES. WEAKNESS, AND DYSPEPSIA. J; un Extensively prescribed by Medical Men. OFJUI: CHEMISTS, Wholesale. 66. Ludgate Hill. London. WiNTED, LADIES and YOUNG MEN, \y to take pleasant Work at their own homes; 2s to Is. a day easily made; work sent by Parcels post JO canvassing; no stamp for reply.—Lorraine and Fo-reston, Hastings. (1682) SUCCESS COMMANDS SUCCESS SPECULATION & INVESTMENT with O limited and defined risk. Stoclc Exchange operations rnadeeasy. Themllllmum of nskand the maximum of goRin, CO. form COMBINATIONS of SP.EqULATORS for STOCK EXCHANGE dealings as fast as remit- tances reach them. Operations extend from two to thirtydaysor thereabouts. Immediate operations. Immediate settlements. Profits divided pro rata. NOTHING SUCCEEDS LIKE SUCCESS. MIDDLErrON & CO. have invariably made If I. large and speedy profits, ranging from 401 to 500°lo and they have always closed their COMBINATION S with very handsome pro- Vy fits in them for each & everyContributor interested. Shares £ 5 each. Any number open. Explanatory Pamphlet (4thedit.), entitled, "MONEY MANI- PULATE!), MASSED, and MULTIPLIfiD," Post free on application, and all particulars of lY/TIDULETON & C°-i 'i'rump-st.London, E.C. Jxl. Sworn Stock and Share Brokers. The Sole Proprie- tors of MIDPLETON Sl Co.'s "COMBINATIONS" OF SPECULATORS, Telephone No, 10164. Telegraphic Address, Combination," London. E. LETTSOME & SONS, p OKTHAlT AND r ANDSCAPE JL. PHOTOGRAPHERS, Picture Frame Makers 84 Picture Dealers. GROUPS AND RESIDENCES TAKEN ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE. CASTLE STREET & VICTORIA PLACE, LLANGOLLEN; BRIDGE STREET, NEAR THE RAILWAY STATION, CORWEN; AND MARKET STREET, RUTHIN. 12(7) ESTABLISHED 1849. m ESSRS. COTTAM & gONS, SURGEON DENTISTS OF THE ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS, DUBLIN (Residence-Caxton House, Oswestry). It/TR. COTTAM begs to give notice that on TUESDAY, Jan. the 5th, He will receive his Friends and Patients of Llangollen and Vicinity at the residence of MR. S. LLOYD. 31, CASTLE STREET, LLANGOLLEN. Dated April 4th, 1883. icons' I WRITING SCRYING nr Irlk LYONS BLUE BLACK WRITIN.G & COPYING INKS. SOLD BY ALL STATIONERS. "FOR THE BLOOD ISTHE LtFE" WAS :> :< ifci WORLD-FAMED LARGEST SALE OF ANY MEDICINE IN THE WORLD. OVERWHELMING TESTIMONY ACCOMPANIES EVERY BOTTLE, PROVING THIS TO BE THE 'GREATEST MEDICINE s EVEII DISCOVERED. For cleansing and clearing the blood from all impurities, it cannot be too highly recommended. For SCROFULA, SCURVY, SKIN and BLOODDISEASES, and SORES OF ALL KiNDS, it is a never-failing and permanent cure. It Cures Old Sores. Cures Ulcerated Sores on the Neck. Cures Ulcerated Sore Legs. Cures Blackheads, or Pimples on the Face. Cures Scurvy Sores. Cures Cancerous Ulcers. Cures Blood and Skin Diseases. Cures Glandular Swellings. Cleares the Blood from all impure matter From whatever cause arising. As this mixture is pleasant to the taste, and war- ranted free from anything injurious to the most delicate constitution of either sex, the Proprietors solicit sufferers to give it a trial to test its value. SAVED MY LIFE" "254, Neath-road, Briton Ferry, Wales. Gentlemen,—I have derived such a great benefit from your invaluable Blood Mixture, that I really do not know how much to thank you. It would be a marvellous blessing for the sufferers from scrofula of Austria-Hun- gary if your wonderful medicine could be made more known to them, and many young lives would be saved. I have taken iodine baths at Hall (Upper Austria) for several years, but with very little result. I must say that your medicine has saved my life. It would do good to publish this testi- monial in some of the leading papers of Vienna and Buda-Pesth but if you publish it in England, please reserve my name for private information.-I am, yours respectfully, ((no "E.L. P.S.—-Please inform me if your Blood Mixture is sold at Vienna, as I have advised several friends there to try it." THOUSANDS OF TESTIMONIALS. Sold in Bottles 2s. 9d. each, and in cases containing six times the quantity, lls. each-sufficient to effect a permanent cure in the great majority of long- standing cases, BY ALL CHEMISTS and PATENT MEDICINB VENDORS throughout the world, or sent for 33 or 132 stamps by the Proprietors, THE LINCOLN AND MIDLAND COUKTIES DRUG COMPANY, Lincoln. (Trade Mark-" Blood Mixture.") CO RRUCATED GALVAi^ZEplRONf ROOFING. v OOFING.. 'f CORRUGATED IRON Cg. ,;1 ÇHURCH LANE .WOLVERHAMPTON} Pleasant in taste — Contains no Opiate. 0 m or-I" iff Is 'K v Tikheel Cures Safely, Certainly, and Speedily, FACEACHE, TIC, NEURALGIA, ALSO, Toothache Tikheel, is* addition to curing every case of ordinary Neuralgia, -will also cure (often in 15 minutes) three out of four cases of aggravated Toothache. A dose or two of Tikheel should always be tried before re- sorting to the Dentist. 2s. 6d., Sold Everywhere. ONE BOX OF CLARKE'S B 41 PILLS is warranted to cure all discharges from the Urinary Organs, in either sex, acquired or constitu- tional, Gravel, and Pains in the Back. Sold in Boxes 4s. 6d. each, by all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors; or sent to any addr 111for 60 stamps by The Lincoln & Midland Coun lies'Drug Company. Wholesale Agents,Braclay & Sons,London,and all the Wholesale Houses, (493)