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BUSINESS ADDBESSES. tiink V?' /) /?/? TO GIVE TIrDOR WILLIAMS' JgALSAM OF JJ ONE! TO MY CHILDREN BEFORE THEY RETIRED TO BED, JAM certain they will Cough aU N'ght JL Without it. There i« nothing on the faoa of the earth equal to it: thoroughly up to date. O Mother should neglect to k*ep this JL^I Infallible Remedy in th« houne ready for any emergency. Remember that it is wiser to check a slight Cough at tlfoe commencement ti»4n 'to allow it to develop into a lingering com- plaint. Ask distinctly for Tudor Williams' Ualsara of Honey, and see that you gat the right article. Persons suffering from Difficulty of Breathing- should gire it a Trial, ARGEST SALE OF ANY COCGH AND JU LUNG MEDICINE IN THE WORLD. 20,000 OF TESTIMONIALS TO HAND. A BAG of LETTE-P,.S in Every Day, and what they say aibout TUDOR WILLIAMS' JgALSAM OF JJONEY IS SOMETHING MARVELLOUS. ''A Magistrate" atates:—I find your Balsam of Honey moet effec- tual for Bronchitis. "A Lady," Mre. Wast, Felix-place, Stroud, wntes —Your Balsam of Honey cured my little son of Whooping Cough. Send me on another Supply- I foave a daughter subject to Croup that I find it Tory beneficial. "The BriiiMt Army" renorta highly of it. Sold fey all Chemists and Stores in Is. ljd., 9 2s. 9d., and +3. 6d. bottles. Sample bottles sent (post paid) for Is. 3d., 38., and 5c., from the Inrentor— Do rpUDOR WILL lAMS MEDICAL HALL, ABERDARE, E5692 WOOLLEN GOODS FOR CHILDREN OF ALL AGES. FROM HATS In Fawn. Pink, Grey, ^1 D White, with and with- 4 2 out silk intermixed. HOODS In White,Fawn,Grey, D Ac., with and with- vJ2 out silk intermixed. Woollen, Fleecy, and Cloth. f 1 AITfCRS Woollen, in "White, KID vJT Fawn, Grey, and Car- dilial, with anci witli- out knee-cap als« a large variety in Cash- meres, Meltons. ke. & LOVES In White, Black, A 1 D Crimson, and Brawn. jt?2 Fancy patterns with silk finishing's. BOOTEE* With short or lonj A ID. legs, in WViite and Pink, Fawn and Pink, White, dbe. ARMLETS In White, Cardinal, £ + D. Fawn and Pink. Hand vJ made. For particulars ef other foods see Price List. SCOTCH WOOL AND HOSIERY STORES (FLEMING, REID, and CO., GREENOCK. 26, HIGH-STREET ARCADE, CARDIFF; 7, OXFORD-STREET, SWANSEA 9, CHEAP-STREET, BATH; a<, AUGUSTINE'S-PARADE, BRISTOL j 37, STOKES-CBOFT, BRISTOL. Illustrated Price List and Knitting Instruction »ok free en application to the above address, »r xx WORSTED MILLS, GREENOCK. E5236 ESSIONS AND SONS, LIMITEB. MANKRA<MR*E*S AQ IMPORTERS OF Itabers, laatft, J*iMr* Gfment, Shimney-pieces, liosumenis, Lavatories, Baths, Bajtge*. 8rater, and all Buildiar Materials. PKXARTH-ROAB, eARNIFF. Larceat Shrw RMOBI in Walea. "LIT M KILLS FTESEITCB WIT* SON* I" Sale Ajeacy fer Card' 'ff na4 South Walaa T10MP89N ÄN. SIAOKELL (Liaaited), QUEEN'S MM3IW WAREHOUSE. CAR»IFK. AIM at Swansea Mertkyr, Llaaeiiy Newjert, Ponty- pridd. Bnsto'i. tzrrr Kridjrend, Ac., kc. LAMEST STTM IN THE K1NGWIM. NEWEST ))ESlft!\S. Iiluatrated 9atal*gu«- Free «a xajbiicftUaa t» TKMfPMN AN1 SIACTELL QVEKN'S-BCILVIN(:S, r.'AL:»iFF, Or any of tke Csaipany's Nuaeraua Braackes. MSI.WIf *TE» "FSTET" •R#AXS, from 5a. lfaufciilT. 811 New Hire Svfte* ? w TEMPKRATSRK. RAINFALL. DATE. Max. Miti. !Meaa. 9 a.m. 9 p.m.jTotal. Saturday i21: 45 36 -11*0 -Q0 •00/ "CO Sumiay >22; 44 34 395 "00 "00 *00 Kaoday 1231 40 31 37.5 -00 -03! *03 Tuesday )24l 40 31 35'o 1-00 *00 "00 Weduesdjiyj25 46 22 3t'0 -00 001 *r>0 Tkursday.. I26| 40 27 33*5 -00 *00 '00 Friday m -QC

Bill Banter's Budget


rMr Pritchard Morgan's!





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Amusing Football Matchi

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Cardiff Conservatism

Schools' Socker League Schools'…