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BUSINESS ADDRESSES. t Af! j TO GIVE rpUDOR ^TILLIAMS' JJALSAM OF JJONEY TO MY CHILDREN BEFORE THEY RETIRED TO BED. I mi certain they will ratijli ail nijht without it. There is nmhiusj en the Market equal to it; th#r»ujhly up t» <1»t«. th8.reu:hly up to <1»t«. ONE 8F THE MOST REMARKABLE REMEDIES OF THE AGE. TUBOR WILLIAMS' PATENT BALSAM OF HONEY. No raether should Reflect co keep tlw Infallible Re«edv ili tbe hou^e ready for any eirerjen-y. iemeuioer tllat it is wiaer to check a slight Caujn a1 the cam»enc.pment than te allaw it ta develop into a Jinj,-eri»5 c«»j»!a.:nt. A«k tEatinctly for Tudar Wil- 7i;¡JN' Balsam of HeRey, and "eo that; you get the ifht, article, Persel1.a iufferinp fr_>n» Difficulty of treathiag alMuld gire 1t So trial. LARGEST ANY MEDICINE IN THE W8RLB. BRONCHITIS. There are t.lieu»and<j »f children who die aanually fr»i»i bronchitis, wheeling conrh, and croup. A *ran«l diacevery ktjt been made for the cure ct such omnplaiat*, aawM-ly, Tudor William*' Balsam or -H*»ey, which costaiss Welsh heaey and an essence extracted from a aelection of tins purest and moct e»Seaci«u* herb*. A Swansea lady declare# that this Balaam act* like ma»ic on her children whenever they are aflk-ted with one of these kindred com- plaint*. CliTea immediate ease. 8e14 by "all Ghewiiais and stores is 1?. Hd., 2a Sd. and 4a. M. B«ttlea. Sample botUe* «e*t (pMt paid) for 1a. 3d., 38., and k, trtm the InTentor— B. TWDOR WILLIAMS, MKBI0AL HALL, ABE»»ARE. 29118 GEORGE'S PILE AND GRAVEL PILLS. VtAAiER/.f CENTURY theae mar- TeUoua Tftlla hare hei«J the flrgt place in the wofld as fu SI8*1'5' e Gravel nnd all ike disorders of the Stomach, B«wels, hirer, aad Kidneys. There is ne: a civilised ;iat:»n under the sua but that hu experienced their VJMTITES (.KNfiftAI, SYMJ'IOMS.—Pains in the Back, nt; he»weea the Shoulders, and in the region of :he Heart, jstomscb, JArtr, and Kjdnev. Couatipa- »ien, Wind. Gnf>in?, e't3)ic, BUieuancsi, Suppressisn tAd Retention of Lrine. Paina ;n the Thighs, Palai- tat-.on, Giduisess. ])epreasi»n Gi Snints, Dropsical jwe!l)»ja, Q*ne*ai Debility. TIO'T.SAVDS hare beeo cured by these Pills, aad 'I** ln. ,hls p«s»eaj:on an enarmsu." \Tr 'J. Te^moniaU *'•« all parts of the fl £ receirmj frtah oaes, af which the iolir,w>ri<j, from oue of the mast p-»puU" aad re- of Welsh ministers, :0 a far #;uas]«; From what I have t-een aad heard there ia net a mere dfseiTedly popular medicine in this country than s »ue and 8rar,'l Pills.- Wherever I f* 1 h,T* travelled about a good deal) I aai sure te hear oi their virtues. I wa* net more aurarised thaa plen.«jd to Snd Georte'« Pills ■ a hcusehai^ward i» America when T visited that couatvy a few veaw- 11&,0. This reaaedr is not a quack aoatnira certified to cure all the ilLs to which flesh ia heir. the .oatrary, • Here's Pills ],»Te no 3U ih pretent^or. f^r t^th! P"ir: 5tfe sure remedies w j e,"10it P«»tui disordei-g that trouble iank.ad, viz., l'Jes *r,<l Rravel, and their numersus •ccr.injianyiHj; achea and j/aina. Mr. Gearje ha« mr jvinpathy a,«,l jood wishes ia his effort to relieve nankind of two at its greatest eaeaaiea. "eolwyn Bay.15' Q. EVAXS' Mialeter Thia remedy >aay be had in the followiajf forraa — N». 1. GEORGE o PILE AND GRAY PILLS N.. 2. GEORGE'S GRAVEL PILLS THE N». 3. GEORGE'S PILLS FOIi i PILES. Srid everywhere. in Boxes, Ie. l]d. and 2.. 8d. each. K EATINGS COUGH LOZENGES. K EATING'S COUGH LOZENGES. g EATING S GOUGH LOZENGES. K EATING'S COUGH LOZENGES. EATING'S COUGH LOZENGES. If"EATING S COUGH LOZENGES. L. "ANT DOCTOR WILL J ELL YOU" there ia no better cough medicine than KKAT- TNG'S I.OZKNGES. One jives relief; if you suffer from coa^h hy them but once thsy will cure, and tbpy will Lot injure your liealth; the most delicate can take them. Am a remedy the, ere simply un- rivalled. gold everywhere' in 13id. tins. 04765-2 "LET IB MLtiS HESeW.NB WITH S0N«1" PJE¥METER jp I A N • S Sole Agency for Card ff and South Walea TJI»MPS<IN AN9 iSIACIELL (Limited), ^IfBKN'S MTJSIS WAREK0TT5I, Alio at Swaasea Jferfchyr, Uaaeiiy Neivjort, ?oaty- pridd, Brlssoi, Barry Bock, Rrid^ead, Jtc., tc. LAJttwrr S'l'8CI IN rm KINCMM. NEWEST DESIfiN'S. IUusttated Oatalofue free oa hanltcatlra t. TM«MPS«N ANB SMAGKELL (Li»it«d), <2VKKN'S-3VU.BIXCS, C'AUBJFF, •f any of the Sempasy's Numerem Braaches. THE «g?.HWR »TTB PISTEY" 9R«ANS, from 5s. MMtftIy. M New JHre System *5322 IT IS A F A 0 T SOME PEOPLE PREFER SUFFERING TO TRYING A WELL-KNOWN AND LONG-ESTABLISHED REMEDY, 'i GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS, THE VEGETABLE TONIC. GrWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS, ACKNOWLEDGED TO BE THE BEST REMEDY OF THE AGE FOR WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNESS, INDIGESTION, LOW SP FRITS, SLEEPLESSNESS CHEST AFFECTIONS. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS Is told in BOTTLES at 2a. 9d. and 4s. 6d. •sch, op in CASES, containing THREE As 6d BOTTLES, at 12s. 6d. per ca*e. By all CHEMISTS and PATENT MEDICIMO VENDORS, or direct from the PROPRIE- TORS, CARRIAGE FREE BY PARCELS POST. nEW ARE OF IMITATIONS. SEE THE NAME "GWILYM EVANS" on LABEL, STAMP, and BOTTLE. SOLE PROPRIETORS: QUININE BITTERS MANUFACTURING CO, (LIMITED). IjLANBLLY, SOUTH WALES. breakfas t — SUPPER. E P P S S GRATEFUL-COM FOATING. COCOA BOILING WATER OR MILK. SESSIONS ANT) SONS, LIMITED. vantttactvrf.xs akt> impsrteks tr Umbrrs, 9!atea, Joiner- €emeat, Shianey-pleete, Uenumeata, Lavatories, Baths, Xaacei, Svatea, and ail Buiidlag; Materials. rENA*T*OAB. glARBIFF. Largest Shew Reeass is Wale*.

[No title]

[No title]

Bill Banter's Budget




A Mother and Her Babe



A Cruel Mother i.II

!Tin-plate Trade I.

The Tramway Fatality o

Transvaal Claims

A Valets Love Letters