Being a Woman, He laid the magazine down. "That is a good bit of work," he said, "one of the cleverest thiegs you have done. How came you to write it?" She laughed softly. "r knew you would Itsk. I said to myself, he will scarcely recog- lise it as mine." "True! for you to be the author of an pfcenee little love song, where one can almost •al the heart beating, the warm blood leap- ing, seems to me slightly incongruous." ? "And yet I am no Puritan." lu "In one sense—no; but you, nevertheless, embody my idea. of the self-controlled woman of the world-a. woman 'who will never let passion sway nor feeling govern her actions." "Being a oold woman," she said, "a criti- jism like yours will necessarily not phase me." "When did a criticism of mine ever phase you?" he retorted. "You are too confident, too self-assured for that." "What a disagreeable sort of a person I must be," she mused. "How can you bear to be with me ? Do you come to see me from jure kindness—because you do not wish to around me? Surely you can find no pleasure di talking to one so unfeeling." "Nevertheless I do; I rarely leave this aouse without registering a vow never to re- turn, but as surely as the day comes round 1 find myself once more ringing at your gate." ".No doubt, ringing several times before admitted, she laughed; "but you, who be- Jieve in sentiment, 'will forgive poor Maxwell; he is in love with one of the maids, and is, therefore, incapacitated for the trifling duties «f every day." "Doubtless you find the case interesting '.from a psychological point of view?" "I do. Mamma wishes to dismiss thenv both, but I have begged that they be allowed ■to remain. I tell you this to show you what >n overflowing fund of sympathy I possess— 'to let you see how little you have appreciated 'the nobler attributes of my character." "Wùatver else I have done," he said, "I lave never under-rated your facility for turn- ing things into ridicule. It is a fatal gift- that of seeing always the comic side of life. It is all well enough while you are young, ibut some day 'Some day, I know not 'when or how,' she hummed, "by that time, my friend, I will ibave grown so indifferent to everything that rothing will matter much one way or the other. In the meanwhile, 'vive la. baga- telle "And is it to be always thus?" be cried. "Will vou never grow weary of the husks of life? Will you never crave something better 'han admiration and tlatterv-the mere surface pleasures of a society woman's existence? Have you not sometimes thought there would be more happiness in love ?" She lifted her eyes. "So you think, then, t have not been loved?" She got up, and from the drawer of a cabi. net took out a book of photographs. "I aan going to ci? an unconventional thing," she S-ftL, 'fieri she was seated again, "but you ao not know any of these men, so there can be no breach of confidence. Come here"- f.™. Phoned him to the ottoman at her side. This man, she touched the first picture lightly, "is a distinguished Northern physi- cian. I met him one summer in Canada. We were both of us off for a rest (sometimes people are at their best then); be that as it may. we saw a good deal of each other, and before we parted in the autumn he offered me—more than friendship." "He has a fine face," he said. j "TTug other is a lawyer who graduated with distinction irom a celebrated Eastern college; he has a clear and logical mind, one that cannot be deceived by mere appearances. He also—' She turned the page. inis boyish-looking fellow is the only son of an English nobleman. I might have been lady and oated my letters from 'Some- L Tor from town bouse- in -London had I desired. The dark-haired foreigner is a Russian—the De Vaures intro- duced hjm to me in Paris he has written several articles on the American woman's femininity. The man in uniform is a German -but why go on?" flicking the pages slightlv. I have gained my point, have I not? You believe now that I occasionally inspire affec- tion ?" Her tone was wistful, though she smiled. °iW yoU mi8UIK,-erxtand me," he criecF. ^ou know very well I never said you were incapable of awaking affection (you can make any man love you if you wish),'but the game oace won, the conquest made, and your in- terst in the affair wanes—that is what I com- plain of, your incapacity for appreciating a tnans devotion." ° She did not answer. The roses on her breast trembled, the hand holding the book clasped it a trifle closer. "Of all these men," he went on, "was there cone whom you could care for, no one whose pleadings awoke a responsive echo in your 'heart? Your heart!'—scournfully—"whv ahould I speak of what you do not possess?" <( True,' she echoed, leaning towards him; "king ago, ere I had grown so world-wise, or learned to guard and fence, to weigh and ponder—I gave my heart away Gave it away to one who valued the gift so lightly that he scarcely realised that it was his. And are you so lost to chivalry that you would aock me for my poverty?" "Margaret!" he exclaimed. "I, who look at sentiment from a psycho- logical point of view—who care only for the Surface pleasures of a society woman's exis- tence—who see the ridiculous side of life and not its pathos—have all these years fed my fancy on a dream?" He passed his hand over his brow. "Are you in earnest? Is not this some Jest to torture me ? I cannot believe the man lives who is indifferent to your affection. Pej-haps you wrong him, perhaps he is awk- ward at expressing his deeper emotions it may be that you are so dear to him that he fears to lose your friendship in asking for your love. It may be that he puts so poor an estimate upon himself that in his wildest dreams he cannot imagine your caring for iim. Who knows?—perhaps at this moment he loves you with all his strength, yet dares not speak, for fear of your waving him aside as something of little worth." "You plead his ease well," she said. "One might imagine that, in your day, you had known what it was to let vanity stand in! the way of happiness. Tell me-if you cared for a woman—cared for her enough to ask her to be your wife, would you (loving her like •his) hold your peace because, forsooth, you did not feel sure what her answer would be ?" "Assuredly," he said. "Cruel, ungenerous!" she cried, springing to her feet. "You would, not tell her when, even thcugh she guessed the truth, being a woman, she could not apeak ? Oh, I know what you would say-I have heard the old tale before: 'Any woman can make a man propose to her.' That is not true. Let her overstep the bounds ever so slightly, en- courage him a trifle too much, show him too plainly what her heart is, and he turns from her in disgust. Ah, if the day should come when you find yourself in the place of a character we have conjured up-I pray you, of your goodness, tell her the truth." He took a half step towards her. "Margaret." he said, and his voice fal- tered, "do with me what you will-I love you There was a moment*? silence—a silence fraught with feeling. Then she lifted her eyes. They were full of tears. "If I could," she said in a low voice, "I would turn vour 'words off with a laush pretend, as I have done with many, that I thought you were only in jest; out the time for that is past. I can play a part no longer. Archie" (the old name fell tenderly from her lips), "hear from me what you might have guessed long ago-I have loved you all my life." v

FOR sailors* FRIENDS. yOREiasr ARRIVALS AND MOVE- MENTS OF LOCAL VESSELS. CMnrose arrived Constantinople from Hamburg nth. Kosslyn arrived Briton Ferrv 10th. Haglan left Avr for Swansea 10th. Rapid arrived" Liverpool 11th. Rothesav left Rotterdam for Barry 10th. Rnath passed Malta 10th. King's Cross Datl-l Pera 11th. Slingsby left Amsterdam for Cardiff 9th. Amsdale arrived Bilbao 10th. Ely Rise arrived Newport 10th. A. Strong left Oran for Oarston 9th. Mandalay left Taganrog for Bo'nesK 9th. Caedmon left Kramfors for Ormikern. Thomas Turnbull arrived Odessa from Novoroseigk 10th. Gwfnthnd left Dunkirk for Bilbao 10th. Rhymney arrived Rochefort 10th. Gardawe left Sulina for "Gibraltar 10th. Hart left Bilbao for St. Nazaire lOfch. Jersey arrived Swansea 11th. Elr arrived Philadelphia 10bb White Jacket left Hamburg for Penarth 10th. Ð. E. Wood arrived Malrao from Sunderland 8th. Euterpe arrived Gibraltar 10th. i ——aagp—wm—mi^——

11 t T:m Fell Lieoless, Tired Out,. and with little ft no ^ppetite. Gwihin Evans' Quinine Bitters, tfte Vejje^k Tonic, will speedily banish that listlese- »«ss. ,?D<^ restore the appetite. Sold in bottles. IL "i- • ^s- 9d., "Hid 4e. 6d. ea^h. A SPOTLESS COMPLEXION.—Sulpholisie LotMn elects off all imperfections in a few days. Pimples, jj^mishea, Irritating Objectionable Appearances, Ite Anem- Roughness, Tan, Uncomfortable Skin I)i;- H?.^rementfi entirely fade S' fav. leading a heautifut j ■fri in. Shilling bottle of Sulnholine everywhere. "Excuse me! Where do ▼ u buy your Tea?" "Why. iIiIPS'8tat- #pnew4'? k" ?..?.t??

Gathered from Gwalia MAST PARAGRAPHS OF THE PRINCIPALITY. A Column of Notes and News of .Persons and Places of Interest and Instruction for Old and Young. Professor J. Young Evans, of Treveeca College, has just beta up m Oxford for his XL A. degree. A lady in a Cardiff trame-ar yesterday said it was diisgusting to see xiie men "metropolo- sing all the sipaoe." It is stated that many of the stones that went to build the graol at Carmarthen were trimmed by no less famous a man than "Iolo Morganwg." The fiivt Welsh magazine—"Yr Eursrrawn"— was pufoli-hed by an Englishman, one John Ross, who carried on pnutinir at Carmarthen from 1743 to 1799. Sir E. J. Reed's forces are diminishing. At Adamsdown on Thursday night they consisted almost entirely of a dozen sohoolboys who cheered or hooted in the wrong places. A muscular revivalist is the Rev. Seth Joshua. He is about leaving the ikemorial-hall in Cow- bridge-road, Cardiff, in order to start operations in Newport. It is probable that of all the Nonconformist preachers in Wales "Seth" is the best shot. Cider-drinking in Wales does not appear to ba a great source of national income. During the year ended March 31 laxit the total amount contributed under this head of licensing- taxa- tion -yas B2 10s.—Brecoiishire and Carmarthen- shire going halves. Radicalism in Cardiff is prepmring for the wor^t. The lines on the central offices of the party are as follow VOTE FOR REED. CARDIFF LIBERAL OFFICES. CLEARANCE SALE. "On Wednesday afternoon .vfr W. Pritchard Morgan addressed a meeting of the electors of Cefn Pennar, a village some distance from Mountain Ash, in the open air." Thus we in a con temporary yesterday. Cefn Pennar is very much in the "open air," indeed, for it raut be at least 2,000ft. above the sea. When judges come to Wales now tW find white crlovos everywhere. In times gone ;>v wteri murderers- found no work abroad, thev ie.l upon the judges. On one occasion we read that a ehietf justice of Carmarthen wa-s slain on the bench by one Morgan Dafydd Lk-welyn. He, of course, was a Welshman. One even ma- this week a member of the stuff was Presented with ;i hedgehog-a real, live £ elK?; iv"d from the braee. The prickly thing was placed in a room all by it-elf pending- further n movaZs. But, lo and' be- nold wiien his new owner went to look for him I It now turns out that he was a Kadical, and it may be expected he will turn up at one of Sir Edward's meetings, A writer in this month's "W-ales" complains of title pass ignorance of Wel^h plaee-uames inovvn by officials in Wales. "In Belgium, he sa.j-g, "it doeti not matter whether vou write Antiwerpen or Anvers, in Switzer- land rt does not matter whether vou write Ljeneve or Geraf or Gme\-ra,; but "in Wales, it you write Abei-tawe for Swansea, you wi I probably get your letter back undelivered." A Worthyr man who heard Mr. D. A 1 nomas read an appreiiatory letter from Mr. Labcuchere wntes"It is a curioua thmg, but whenever I call at the National Liberal Club 1 never see Mr. D. A. Thomas in the company of any other Welsh member. He is either alone or speaking to 'aliens.' On the •T°.,0eratil?u^rT kave him thus eng-aged w' Luboa'jhere—another One of the political heroe* of Wednesday at Cardif was Mr- W. Ben Griflkhs, York Hotel, Cardiff, who j. the Unionist Procession v Common to the Royal xiotel. ri irf* tyriffith* was on lus bicycle, which bore the ma^ic words, "\ote for Maclean." He was thrown twice, but was uninjured, and earlier in the day he canvassed alone and unaided Mary ?Of Ann-street, David-str^t, and Canal Bank with- out receiving a scratch- The parish of Llandaff originally covered a much greater area than it HOW does. The wllOle of Canton, Grangetown, Ely, Maindy and .*airwuter were formerly iu Llandaff j i t li-^ cathedral \vas the one parish church for all. But there are now six ec^lfisias- ticai districts eacli with its church and vicar namely, Canton St. John, Canton St. Oatherms' Fly bt. David Maindy St. Mark, ^r.u1.;«tovv-1 >-t. laul and Llandaff Yard All banr..>. A cat belonging to a resident of Penarth was given to the captain of a vessel to take wnh him to s*a nearly a year since. A f.-w days ago the boat came back, and the cat s old owner went on board to inquire as to its welfare. VVe missed it this morning," said the SAipper. On leturning home later in the day pussy to the surprise of its old master, had already found its way there, although it had been to the other end of the -world. Seme of the electoral coincidences in Wales. In Cardiff tihe two rival oa.ndidates are stay ing at the same hotel; the East Gla- morgan candidates are neighbours on PenyiJan aeing Roatti Pao-k tihe Usk committee-rooms of the candidate for division are in the S t two eandidat^ iu Sou^i Moranou-bhslhire, if they stood together, oould chaJenge the world for the beauty and development of their moustaches. orP <x,ng°]-e the Unionist speakers w-ho are rude.y interrupted in the Splot Ward by a gen-tleman who i« known as "Dublin rbm tthat ttfie k/tter w probably moved to this conduct by the cwisctiousne-s that some Prominent Libemis connected with the waid St S6^T to him at times when a Wtle kmdness can be appreciated. It wasn't oohhc* so much as gratitude that induced Mr. Dub.,n Tom to disturb Unioenst meet- The Post Office is proud of its skill in for- warding letters to insufficient or obscure addresses, yet a simple Welsh phrase is enough to baiHe its keenest intellect. Of this incapably an amusing instance is given. It seems that a letter dated Nos fawrth," or Tuesday even- ing, oould not for some reason be delivered, and it was sent from post-office to post-office in yam search for a place called Tuesday even, sender" wati 11 to the residence of tlie The music'al rivalry between Merthvr and Tt, 'S,^IJENDEII,T the STeat Unionist meetnig at Dovvlais on Wednesday night. Miss XXva Burr, the accompanist, and Messrs. David Davies and Tom Lewis, the vocalists, belonged f ti SPxvIal-- (-llolr' while Mr. W. Phillips. „ J-nree Salmons, is leading bass in the Merthyr combination. Mr. James Jones, the other singer, was the only one who belonged to neither choir. Furthermore, the musical com- mittee were all members of Mr. Harry Evans's choir. Wales is by no means famous for its artists. One erf the earliest- names that occur in tr-at direction comes from North Wales. He was Llandiudno, who was born jn pj90- He wag the author of the "Beauties of Cambria, a book which he illustrated. He is interesting to South Walians as having marrie«i a daughter of David Charges, of Carmarthen. He wa^ in politico an extreme RadicaE, wheu Radicalism was not popular in Wal«s a? it is to-day, and. was expelled by the CaJvinistie Methodists at the instigation of th1" Rev. John iiaS" J died at Great Malvern, and was interred at the cemetery. His widow survived bim ten years, and died at Aberystwith in 1873- AN EIECTION SONG. Sing a song of Ministers, A pocket full of Bills, Four and twenty recipes For curing human ills! The Peers are in the Chamber, Awaiting abolition, The Welsh Church in her kingdom I Expecting deposition! 'Lord Rosebery is a't Epsom, Laughing at his foes, When down pops a Brodrick And pecks off his nose! When the farce is ended Then the fraud is seen— Isn't it a pretty dish To set beiore the Queen f •—"Globe." -?-

RHEUMAnC CURE—Phil Phillips' "Kheujnstic Cure." Suifererv from Rheumatism, Rheumatic Gout. Sciatica, and Neuialaria may Obtain Instant Relief and Certain Cure bv Usinsr the Patent Appliances— Socks from 10s. fxl. D'!r Pair, Belts from 10s 5d. L each. Wristlets from 5s. per Pair. Send Measure- ments, with remittance, to Phil Phillipg, Jewel!e 24. St. Mary-street, Cardiff. e37C82 MOTHER IF BABY COUGHS or Wheezes run DO risks, but irive it a. dose of Mortimer's Courh and Croup Mature. Of all Chemist.?, la. lid. per bottle. e34465 Whv suffer from Sick Headaches, BUII OUlftNlotl, Liver and Nervoiui Disorder* when Gsilym Evans* Quinine Bitter* may be ao raulily o!Gained. In bottler, ig. lid.. 2s, 9d., and 4s. &<L each. 26212 you Want Clujioo T»a, loake for THIJLLIPS'S. the Tea SnedalutA, iffrafh-tr i ? t jJk&iisiSSiyJ, U; ? Save i I Your Time | and Clothes by using Titan IS Patent Soap. It drives out the dirt without rubbing, and j^| the clothes last much longer. IjfS ITitan 0 it an: S m PATENT | 9"1 Soap | pK makes splendid lather, and is soft and pleasant to the skin. J§S It Whitens Linen without sun- jgji shine or chemicals, and makes. f% flannels and woollens soft and g fleecy. Excellent for colored. and dyed articles, and specially ? suited to silk goods, which it ? leaves in perfect condition. g s 8"-For all Domestic purposes. ^1 TITAN SOAP is unequalled and the Stag most economical in the market. P Try it & g and Prove it S JE SOLE MANUFACTVRERS- ? The Liverpool Patent Soap Co., Ltd., V^| LIVERPOOL. ?&!??mK?????

PARTY MOVE FRUSTRATED A POLITICAL GUARDIAN AT SWAN* SEA. At the usT.iai meeting of the Swansea, Board of Guardiaais on Thursday, Sir J. T. 1). Llewelyn presiding, the Rev. J. Davies, of Cadle, attempted to move a resolution of which he had given notice '"requesting the electors of Swansea and the district to vote only for those candidates who have pledged themselves to speak and vote for the Veto Bill of Sir William Harcourt."—The Chair- man said he must move this resolution out of order. It evidently introduced party politics —a thing which liad never been raised in the board before. As clmrman he, under the standing orders, had to decide ouestions of order, and he ruled this resolution to be quite out of order.—line Rev. J. Davies, however, persisted in attempting to speak, and after- wards rudely told the chairman that if he was going to vacate the chair he (Mr. DavieB) would have the room to himself, and he knew the members were in his favour.—The Chair- man: I am not going to vacate the chair, for there is other business. You will have my support for trying to stop drunkenness, but not for this motion.—Mr. Davies (angrily): You are acting the tyrant. You won't get into Parliament. (Laughter, i—rOn Mr. C. into Parliament. (Laughter, i—rOn Mr. C. H. Perkins interposing with the remark that the ruling was right, Mr. Davies heatedly ex- claimed':—"That's all you know about it. You are worse than a Tory or 01 Conservative. You are ■worse than a Judas." To the chairman: You will see who is chairman next time.— The next business was prcoeeded with.

MONMOUTH ASSIZES. THE NEWPORT KfBEL CASE CON- CLUDED. The Summer Assizes for the county of Monmouth were resumed at the Shire-hall, Monmouth, on Thursday before Mr. Justice Hawkins, when the court continued for the fourth day the trial on the criminal side of William Ferrer Taylor, commission agent, on a charge of writing and publishing a defama- tory libel of and concerning Samuel Jenkins, a bailiff of the Newport County-court. Mr. Ram appeared for the prosecution; Mr. A. T. Lawrence and Mr. Hardy appeared for the defence. The defendant, as a suitor at the county-court, had written to the Superinten- dent of County-courts at the Treasury making complaint about the conduct of the bailiffs of the county-court, and more particularly about the conduct of Jenkins in receiving payment of £ 7 on an execution and paying only L4 over to the registrar of the court.—Mr. Law- rence addressed the jury for the defence.— Mr. Ram having replied on the whole case for the prosecution, the Judge summed up at considerable length. He suggested to the jury that the conduct of the bailiff in not paying the money over to the registrar within 24 hours, as directed by the rules in acting as an agent for the parties, also contrary to the rules, and in keeping no proper books or memoranda, showed great irregularity.— The jury found that the words in the libel did not impute criminal misconduct, but that there was gross irregularity, a.nd the justifica- tion was proved.—His Lordship ordered the defendant thereupon to' be discharged. ACTION OX A BOND. Rees v. Samuel and Son.—This was an action (before his lordship and a special jury) brought by Philip Rees, of Tycoch, against Margaret Samuel, widow of William Samuel, of Upper House, Llantarnam, and her son, Joseph Henry Samuel, for the re- covery of a sum of JB449, principal and inte- rest, on a bond which the defendants signed ten years ago as sureties for a loan obtained by the late William Samuel. Mr. Ram appeared for the plaintiff, and Mr. A. T. Lawrence for the defendant.—It was admitted that Mrs. Samuel and her son had signed a bond for JB500, but the defence was that they had done it under the coercion and the stronger will of the late William Samuel, and they got no consideration at all for it. —The case resulted in a verdict for plaintiff regarding the alleged undue influence. The legal consideration of the transfer of deeds, &c., was left in his lordship's hands for future judgment.

A RECORD SCORE MADE WITH HIS GUN BY A CARDIFF MAN. Private W. Ellicott, of the 3rd Volunteer Battalion Welsh Regiment, has made a record score in the running-man competition, seven shots with the Martini-Henry at 110 yards, by scoring 25 eut of a possible 28. He has beaten the best previous record of 23 made by himself last year. The first prize in the competition has gone to Mr. Ellicott six times out of seven. In the Fraser Competition, eight shots with a double sporting rifle at four runs of t ie running- deer Mr. Ellicott has made 23, the best ecore at present, and in the Colt (six shots at the deer with sporting rifle) he ties with a, score of eigh- teen with Captain Bagshawe.

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ESTABLISHED OVER 30 YEARS. Å. W. SPENCER, (Successor to HENRY THOMAS), JJOMESTIC JJ/JACHINE JJEPOT, gT. JOHN'S 0HTJRCH jgQUARE 0ARDIFF, ,°,, Is the BEST and CHEAPEST HOUSE in Cardiff for all kinds of PERAM BULATORS, WASHING MACHINES T MANGLING MACHINES KNITTTING MACHINES MAIL CARTS, SEWING MACHINES, INVALIDS' CHAIRS, Bicxohmr BY ALL THE WELL-KN&Wjf MAKERS, FOR READY MONEY OR ON EASY TERMS. gjPENCER'R SPECIALTY THE NEW HIGH-ARM LOCK-STITCH SEWING MACHINE With Walnut Cover and Full Set of Appliances. THE WONDER OF THE AGE CASH PRICE:- £ 2 18s. 6d. INSTRUCTION FREE. Repairs in Every Department by E xpenence 1 Workmen. THE LARGEST BUYERS OF MAIL CARTS AND PERAMBULATORS IN THE UNITED KINGDOM. BATH CHAIRS, MAIL CARTS, AND PERAMBULATORS LENT ON HIRE' BY THE WEEK OR MONTH. sulk am MR s ?aN Sjrn ANDERSONS, ™ j— THE WATERPROOFERS ANI> .ATHLETIC — offfFirrs*} HI & ? ? ?J? WILL PRESENT ONE OF THEIR CELEBRATED BLACK PABAMA TTA j- —GUINEA WATERPROOFS fnllfj) !?R rdl f^7 »/ T To tllG ^dividual who sends in to them by the first post on the polling day the roj- tj II y V SSH\f m:t' or nearest correct, score, filled in on the sccre board in this picture. I 1 i The SCOle lepresent the numl>er of vot,.s which will be polled by the candidates. I f J? ) In the event of two persons giving thecorrect score, Messrs. Ancleraou will p^rsont A 1-7: k (' ol ?? Loxing gloves 40 the lucky wiuner,s an^^ th(.m Sght it out. -7 o g4 "\A ?:ff?'H\lj' -< I.' WIl' ? r'J-I ( I ) U l I ? '\? c1t ??'?. ???%?!j ¡till"" <l /¿ P 0, ¿ ??." {Ill f ? ?,. ?' ? W?M I • < 1 Meetw, ANDERSON (Limited) will also Present one of their Famous "MATCHLESS" CRICKET BATS V J To the Person who can fill in the Correct Features of the Bowler and Bowled. In the event of several Correct Portraits being given, the Prize will go to the individual whose Letter is First Opened on the Morning of the PollingDay. All Competitors must Mark their Letters "PRIZE COMPETITION" on the outsida >.??- ONLY ADDRESS IN WALES:— -C". v,, 8, Q U E E N-S T R E E T, C A R D I F F. 'W.tite for List# of all LidiaBubber Jfoarfactured Goodb ya#l Athletic Jet^uisite** ?t??. ■ BUSINESS ADDRESSES. > FOUNDED 1850 FOR, LARGEST SELECTIONS AND ABSOLUTELY LOWEST PRICES FOR EVERY DESCRIPTION OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, CARPET. FLOORCLOTHS. LINOLEUMf PIANOFORTES. &<y GO 10 BEVAN AND C OM P ANY, (LIMITED), REGISTERED AS THE CARDIFF FURNISHERS Whose uninterrupted Trading for nearly Half a Century and whose immense and ever- growing Business throughout the Principality and West of England afford the strongest possible proofs of highest satisfaction being given to the many thousands they serve every year. DINING, DRAWING, AND BEDROOM SUITES FROM 3; TO 50 GUINEAS PER SUITJ AN UNRIVALLED SELECTION. DELIVERY FREE. ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUES GRATIS AND POST FREE, ,#, ,Ic. 'I' SAVE TWENTY-FIVE PER CENT. BY GIVING YOUR ORDERS TO BEVAN AND COMPANY Whose only Addresses are as follow DUKE STREET AND OPPOSITE CLARENCE STREET ANB ST. MARY STREET, TOWN HALL, HANBURY ROAD, CARDIFF. NEWPORT. PONTYPOOP i > i DAVID JONES AND CO. (LIMITED). THE JpEOPLE'S pOPULAR JglOOD JpROVIDERS. 'V .• THIS WEEK'S SPffffi^ '( r f. .>? SIN d A P 0 R E PI N'E v The PINE APPLES of SINGAPORE are justly celebrated above all other Country for their delicious Flavour and Aroma. NOMINAL 2JLB. TINS, 01D. EACH- 12 TINS FOR 0D. 3D. ) IN ORIGINAL CASES OF TWO DOZEN, gS. 11D. PER DOZEN. 71 ? -?- NOTE OUR ONLY ADDRESS:- j W Ell S T M I N S T E R STORES. ''x: w HARTON. STREET, CARDIFF. '?' TsuaagASM PSErau. T^LI'lfMONE j NATIONAL 621. r 2556S The Greatest I nventroM OF THe Ace^5 P H I L P H I L LI P S' um ATIc cly .Gcknovvled3ed by all to eive INSTANT RELIEFS I2undi°ecis of ciesttmoniala I BELTS 10/6 SOCKS 10/6 WRjjSTLETS 5/ rnary^xb1 Cardiff. r Ifn ill! HIMMWII t- — PHILLIPS & CO., TEA SPECIALISTS, n, 'S TREET. A PERFECT FIT AND STYLE WITH: ELEGANCE. STEWART AND HARPER, ?s (STEWART In,to from JACOBUS), 1'ASHIONABLE TAILORS, 27, CASTLE- ARCADE. Specialities BUSINESS SUITS 42s Od to measure. TKOUSERS 12s 6cl do. COVERT COATS 30s Cd. do. 1895. (gPRING 0LEANING. 1895 CARPETS BEATEN by GOLD MEDAL Process. Also taken up and re-1aid by Practical Men. CURTAINS CLEANED and Tinted in our well. kr.own atvle, eqiial to new, from 9d. per uair. WINDOWS CLEANED on Moderate Terms. Note Rei Cross on Men's Jackets and on Trucks. WASHING LAUNDERED in a superior manner. SHIRTS, COLLARS, CUFFS, &c., a. SPECIALITY. CARDIFF STEAM LAUNDRY, CARPET AND WINDOW CLEANING COMPANY (LIMITED). Postal Address and Office: 1, MINNY-STKF.ET CATHAYS. Penarth Office 19, WINDSOR-ROVD* POST-CARDS RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION e2312 R. J. HEATH AND SONS JPIANOFORTES AND ^RGANS SPECIAL PRICES FOR THE SUMMER MONTHS. Cash. Month. £ »• <i. WALNUT CASE, FUfJL COM- PASS, Trichowl, Panel Front, 5 3ft. lOin. High 15 10 5 SiniMar Model, Superior Quality, 17 11 8 Y'.VNPKRBOLT MODEL, Iron Frame, Full Compxifs, Tri- rl-ord, Miichine-jover.?d Ham- mers, 3ft. lOin. High 20 14 0 V'ANDERBOLT 2iii. Higher, Superior Qu.iiUy 22 — 15 2 'UI.i.I'F.AN MODEL, Full Iroit Frame, Full TrkLord. Metal Plank Bar, Vlatnl Roii.-?. Sconces, Incised and (Wrfc.I Pan-.?1 and Trusses, 4ft. 3iti. High 26 „ jg c) lit-to, with CHECK ACTION.. 28 19 10 VSSCOIATTON MODET., 4ft. 2in. High, Burr Walnut. Prize Jleda! Design, a First-class In- Ftinment at. aStfodei-ate Price, with All the Most Modern Im- provements 31 222 ORGANS FROM j35. ?d.r? do not Fail to See Our Stock and Coaij>are Our Prices and Tenia. SHOWROOMS: 51, QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF; '141 TAXF-ii'IlRJ™^ P^NTYPRIT'D. GO TO J D A.VID JONES AND c< j (LIMITED), THE PEOPLE'S POPULAR FOOD PROVIDERS, FOR QRAND OX BEEP ?? ?J' JL? FOB JpRIME CANTERBURY LAlfB FOR ^ELECTED ^^RETHER L^JUTTON I NOW ARRIVING IN TIP-TOP CONDITION. The World," in its Is sue of December 12th, 189* says One word I would like to say about America* J Beef (Refrigerated). I had a sirloin sent to me to try, and I can ouiy say—and better judges than I have said the same—that it is quite equal to the Roast BaeJ o) Old England. I think some butchers must sell it n.s Eusrlish at Bullish prices. The best way to avoid this fraud is to go to one of the Big Firms, who honourably own which is which, so that you may be sure of having the best quality at its right value." D. J. AND Co. (LD.) ONLY KEEP ONE QUALIT1 THE BEST. PLEASE NOTE OUR ONLY ADDRESS JJG CARDIFF— WESTMINSTER STORES, ^THARTON-STREET, CARDIFF. 3639 -4 0ROSS JJROTHERSs "^TORKING-STREET, 0ARDIFF v w SPECIAL VALUE IN BEST GALVANISED CORRUGATEI JRON SHEETS. TO COVER 2 FEET nt THE CLE41 PRESENT CASH PRICES 5ft. long, Is 2 £ d each. 8ft., Is lid por 6ft. „ Is 5d „ 9ft., 2s 3d 7ft. Is 8d „ 10ft., 2a 7d RIDGING, NAILS, WASHERS" And all necessary Fastenings at Reduced Rafar GALVANISED IRON CISTERNS, TA.Nq¡ INQUIRIES SOLICITED. Printed by the Proprietor*, Daniel Owen and Or t (Limited), and published by them at their Work St. Marv-streeti Cardiff. w FRIDAY, JULY 12. 1895^ I