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£ u £ tnts:s SIXitiressitg. 1 FOUNDED 1850. FOR LARGEST SELECTIONS AND ABSOLUTELY LOWEST PRICES FOR EVERY DESCRIPTION OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, CARPET. FLOORCLOTHS. LINOLEUMS PIANOFORTES. &c, GO ro BEVAN AND COMPANY, (LIMITED), REGISTERED AS THE CARDIFF FURNISHERS Whose uninterrupted Trading for nearly Half a Century and whose immense and ever- growing Business throughout the Principality and West of England afford the strongest possible proofs of highest satisfaetion being given to the many thousands they serve every year. DINING, DRAWING, AND BEDROOM SUITES FROM 3J TO 50 GUINEAS PER SUITE AN UNRIVALLED SELECTION. DELIVERY FREE. ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUES GRATIS AND POST FREE. VE TWENTY-FIVE PER CENT. BY GIVING YOUR ORDERS TO BEVAN AND COMPANY Whose only Addresses are as follow:— DUKE STREET AND j OPPOSITE I CLARENCE STREET AND ST. MARY STREET, I TOWN HALL, HANBURY ROAD, CARDIFF. 1 NEWPORT. PONTYPOOL ■JJEECHAM'S PILLS. B FECHAM'S PILLS, ERCHAi-A'S PILLS. BEECHAM'S PILLS. JI? Worth a Guinea a Box. BEECHAM'S PILLS. For Bilious Attacks. EECHAlq'S BILLS For Nervous orders. BEECHAM'S BILLS BEECHAM'S PILLS. For Indigestion in all its forms. BEECHAM'S PILLRF. For Wind and Pains in tlie Stomach. BEECHAM'S PILLS. For Sick Headache. EECHAM'S PILLS BEECHAM'S PILLS Have Saved the Lives of Thousands. BEECHAM'S PILLS. For Giddiness. EECHAM'S PILLS. B For Fulness and Swelling after Meals. BEECHAM'S PILLS Are Worth a Guinea a Box. PILLS. EECHAM'S PILLS. A Wonderf ul Medicine for Females of all Asje EECHAM'S PILLS BEECHAM'S PILLS Are Adapted for Old and Young. PBESENTATION PASSES TO THE CARDIFF THEATRES. By arrangement with Mr. Edward Fletcher, the enterprising lessee of the Theatre Royal, Cardiff, aind with Mr. Clarence Sounes, the new lessee aDd macager of the Grand Theatre, Cardiff, we are enabled to present to our sub- scribers free passes admitting two persons to each of the above places of amusement. DOUBLE TICKETS FOR THEATRE ROYAL. JAs given by Mr. EDWARD FLETCHER, the enterprising Lessee. DOUBLE TICKETS FOR GRAND THEATRE. Aa given by Mr. CLARENCE SOUNES, the ne w Lessee and Manager. SUCCESSSFUL APPLICANTS. The following persons will, on calling at the "Evening Express" Office, 56, St. Mary- atreet. Cardiff, receive the gift for which they aeplieck z-lf niessengers are sent they must be provided with written authority to rsceive the gift. The full name and address of -.ll{\ applicant must in all cases be given. Successful applicants residing at a distance must forward 3d. in stamps to cover sost of postage All gifts must be claimed within Thrae Days of announcement or they will be for- feited. Hazard. W.. 89, Spk>ttroa/i, Cardiff Caeey, C., 50, Cairns-street, Cathtwf Jones, Miss A., 20, Morgan-street, Newtown Rees, Mrs., 7, Thesisrer-sfcreet, Cat hays Tope, W.. 36 Cambridge street, Cardiff Harris, E. Hf., 52, Cottrell-road, Ttoath Evans, V. T., 98, Arran-street, Roath Milfonl, Jr., CO, Machen-placp, TJivprside Pitvies, E. G., 20, Tvlanblctbran-sanleTif, Cardiff M'Cart'iv H.. 48, Motfnt .Stuait-K<|i are, Cardiff 3rlwar Is. W., 16. Pkset-ptreet, Grange. rflafce, J.. V*rlhr>r m^h-fprncp, Black weir. Harding, R. T., 3, Vere-street, Koahh. Dobson, MiM, 67, North-road, Cardiff. DAVID JONES AND CO. (LIMITED), THE PEOPLE'S POPULAR FOOD •• < • > PROVIDERS, SPECIAL ir INES. P RUlE MltD CHEESE, Perfect Quality, PER 0D. LB. GRAKD 1DMPE BLUE r- .i'?:?. ..? GORGONZOLA, PER 51D. LB. •J NOTE OUR ONLY ADDRESS— w ESTAIINSTER STORES, w HARTON-STRFET, CARDIFF Telegrams Premier," Cardiff. Telephone No., National 621. 36318 C R 0 S S B ft 0 THEE S, WORKING STREET CARDIFF SPECIAL VALUE IN BEST G ALVANISED ^JORRUGATED JRON SHEETS. TO COVER 2 FEET IN THE CLEAR. PRESENT CASH PRICES 5ft. long, Is 2Jd each. 8t't., Is lid per sheet 6ft. „ Is 5 £ d „ 9ft.,2s3§d 7ft. „ Is 8d „ 10ft., 2s 8d „ RIDGING, NAILS. WASHER*, and all neces- sary Fastenings at Reduced Rates. 3ALVANISED IRON CISTERNS, TANKS. INQVIRJ™" SoiTO'TJUJ ? MORTIMER'S CROUP, COUGH AND WHOOPING COUGH MIXTUBE IAIPOUTANT INFORMATION! CEOUP is a disease which mostly attacks young children, and the Hi wh) have once had it ere mo. e susceptible of it than befo e: but this gradually wears off as they grow older. it Sf mP-times terminates fatally v.. thin twenty-foui* hours, although when death happens it more ccmmcnly (ccnr" on the fearth or tifth day. It coirniences usually with a slight cough, hoarseness, sneeznsr, as in a common cold, but boon suooefds a peculiar Pbrillness and ringing of the voice as ir the sound were through a biazen tube; then comes the dreadful and distressing hard singing, and crow ng ough, net unlike the barking of a dog. "Whet, this is attended with difficultv of breathing the case calls for imme- diate attention and most active treatment. In this stage persons generally begin to get alaimed; but as it comes on mostly in the middle of the night it often proves fatal, because of the delay occasioned by waiting until the morning without medical aid. The Proprietor, having found tiis CROUP MIXTURE so efficacious ui his own fam'!y, and being blessed as a means of restoring his children repeatedly from this appalling d;sease, he thinks it his duty to parents to give it a greater publicity. He has 1 ad already the heartfelt gratitate of mmy mothers for being the means of restoring their children that were once given up. While we hear of so many deaths from Croup, what a comfort it must De to have a remedy ready at hand. What love can that mother have towards her child that will not procire for herself what has been such a blessing to others, wten it can be obtaii.ed at such a trifling amount. mRSCTTONS FOR USE. In Group, a go-id teaspoonful to be taken imme- diately, and repeated every haif-hour until the child voinite (operates as an em: tic), and if the symptoms will not abate in a few hours it should be given in the same way, and a flannel dipped in Spirits of Camphor applied to the throat, and wetted often. In Whooping Cough, at the eemmenrement, a tea- spoonful evei-y half-hour until the child vomits (operates as an emetic), and a teaspoonful continued two or three times a day. In Coughs, Colds, or Sore Throats, a teaspoonful two or three times a day. The following are a few irom among THOUSANDS OF GENUINE TESTIMONIALS. The Originals may "oe setn at the Proprietors'; any- one doubting their genuineness may write to .Addresses given. From the Right Rev. the LORD BISHOP OF SWANSEA. Dear Sir,-Our children frequently suffer from attacks of Croup, and we have always found Morti- mer's ldíxtUM a sure and safe remedy. My wife saya she would not for anything be without it in the house. Having had experience of its beneficial effects upon our children, we gladly take every oppor- tunity of re ioaimetiding it to our friends. Yours very truiy J. SWANSEA. 66, Miskin-street, Cardiff, Feb. 28th, 1888. To Mr. W. Francis, Chemist, Carmarthen. Dear Sir,—I have to acknowledge the receipt cf »be two bottles of Mortimer's Crojp Mixture. I have found this preparation so very effective in cases ot Crcup and severe Colds that, d. r.ng the (old sea-.on e«p<cially, I always like to have a supply at Hand. Wherever there are children at all subject to Croup it is invaluable. I firmly believe that it has on more than one occasion ea., HI the jVe8 of some of my children. I am by 1:0 means a believer in, or art i>d''ccate of, the jniliscrurinute use of patent Medi- cines, but my experience of Mortimer's Croup Mix- ture has been such that I feel impelled, from a sense of duty to ether parents, to send you this voluntary testimony. Very faithfully yours, B- G. EVANS. From thi- J. THOMAS, Eaptist Minister, Tabernacle Villa, Carnal-then. Dear Sir,—I have great pleasure aa testifying to the rffiiacy of Mortimer s Croup and Covgh Mixture. We always have it in the house, and find it a most bencficial and invaluable remedy in Croup and Whoop. ing Cough. Y >urs truly, J. THOMAS. Penrhos, Newnham-road, Bedford. Sir,—I received the three bottles of Mortimer's Crcup and Whooping Cough Mixture. Please send me twelve more bottles, as my children have all got the Whooping Cough. I And it does thtm so much more good than anything else in fact, I have nevei known it fail in Croup or Whooping Cough. Kindl, sent by return "nd oblige, Yours truly, A. REES. Cobden Villa, Ferryside, Carmarthen. Mr. Francis.—Dear Sir,—Please send me another bottle of that valuable medicine for Children—Morti- n.er's Croup and Cough Mixture I never like ro be without it at hand. From long experience I can truly say it is the best mtdicin-; I have used for Croup, Whooping Cough, and all other Coughs in Children. A rever failing remedy in an attack of Crcup. Yours faithfully, D, T. MORRIS. 165, Riehinond-road, Cardiff. Mr. Fran-is.—Dear Si.—Please forward per return post a bottle of Mortimer's Croup Mixture. Why do you net have an agent at Cardiff? I wt.,1 obliged last night to bend for a medical man to attend my child, who had an attack of Group. Had I Mortimer's Crcup Mixture in the house medical aid would have been unnecessary, as I have alw-ys warded off a eenous attack by giving the Croup" Mixture in time. I have used it for many years, and never find it fail. Your* truly, JOHN AARON. PATRONISED BY THE PUBLIC FOR OVER 60 fLUiS. Mar be obtained from any Chemist, in Bottles, at 111. lid. ASK FOR MORTIMER'S CROUP MIXTURE. it.j.ir n AND SOK8 QARDIFF, pONTYPRIDD, AND r LONDON, ~JT>TAN OFORTE AND 0RGAN .JYJTEROHANTS, fFROM "SOCTfí DAILY XEWS," 9th JANUARY, 1894). "Verdict of Nine Hundred."—Under this title Messrs. R. J. Heath and Sons, Queen-street, CanJiJ. pianoforte makers, organ builders, and music ware- housemen, have collected an imposing array of testi- monials aad opinions relating to the Quality at the musical instruments supplied by them. The Arm, is so well known in Cardiff, and, indeed, throughout South Wales and the West of England, that it is iiarrtty necessary here to well upon its influence and commanding position. Thw collection of testimonials serves, however, to do something more than certify to the excellence of the instruments furnished by Messrs. Heath and Sons. It shows, in a eense, how ettady is the growth among the general public of a desire for a knowledge of music, and how increu- inirly numerous, even in the homes of the working Classes, are pianos, organs, and harmoniums. 1 treat majority of the letters in this list relate to pianos, and while many- of them have reference ta jiost instruments containing all the latest improvements, suppaed to the well-to-do, the greater number related to serviceable instruments purchased ior the lxjmes of the wage-earning portion of the community. This growing love for so refining an as music is a inost favou rable sign. For though in th-j Principality music has for generations been the chief recreation for the people, it has for the nost part been choral music in connection with churches and chapels that has occupied attention. Instru- mental masie is now, however, receiving its fair hhare of attention, and all those in true sympathv with the art must trust that the movement will go steadily onward. These testimonials have been received from every quarter of the Principality, while not a few come from other portions of the United Kingdom, and Borne from South America, India, and other distant countries. All most favourably of Messrs Heath's business method", as well as of their instruments. R.J. JJEATH AND SONS INVITE INSPECTION. N;I/L IR,:A>N; VI'KIT AND VERDICT POST FREE. Grand Theatre Booking Office. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER.— THOMPSON S BURDOCK P1LI.S purify the foullest blood, and relieve every disease of Stomach, Liver, and Kidneys. Pure Blood gives Health. Thou- sands have been cured by these wonderful Pills whwe diseane could not be reached by any other medicine. —Sold by all Chemists, in boxes, Is. lid. and 2s. 3d. Saot bv. rail to 11,1).11.pw. »*C6Q f lptiblir N ORTH ROAD COAL YARD. The above YARD will be OPEN on MONDAY NEXT, the 20th inst., for the SUPPLY (Wholesale and Retail) of COAL, COKE, PATENT FUEL, BttlCKS, PAVING STONE, &c. Best Quality House, Steam, Smiths, and Nut Coals. All Orders promptly attended to. PROPRIETORS- J. T. JENKINS AND CO., e6869hI8] 93, EXCHANGE, CARDIFF. 4 NNLTAL ATHLETIC SPORTS AT ABERGAVENNY xSPORTS AT ABERG-A-VIENNY ON WHIT-TUESDAY, JUNE 4TH, 1895. OVER JE50 IN PRIZES. EVENTS: -1 aud 440 Yards Half-mile Mile. Half-mile Bicycle (scratch) Half-mile and Mile Bicycle. Programmes from Evans and Powel, Somerset, Abergavenny. GRAND FETE at Abergavenny Castle on Whit- Monday and Tuesday. Go and see the Condo Original Japanese Performers. Military Band for Dancing both days. Fireworks, &c. e4220 NOTICE OF REMOVAL. STEWART AND HARPER (Stewart late from Jacobus) Have REMOVED FROM No. 24 TO 27, CASTLE ARCADE, And are now Showing a First-class Selection of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS At most Economical Prices. Our Specialities are :— Business Suits 42s. Od. To Measure. Covert Coats 35s. Od. Trousers 10s. 6d. Justness :abbrt??t?. 6 < "g^OOKUM" JNSECT jpOWDER OOKUM KILLS BUGS. K OOKUM KILLS FLEAS. K OOKUM KILLS BEETLES. K OOKUM KILLS CRICKETS. T7^00KUM iV KILLS ANTS. K~" OOKUM KILLS MOTHS. K OOKUM IS THE STRONGEST. K OOKUM SOLD IN TINS, 3d., 6d„ and Is. Get a Tin To-day. Harmless to Animals. SOLE PROPRIETORS :— DUCK AND SON, CHEMISTS, ST. JOHN'S SQUARE. CARDIFF. AGENTS :-Cardiff: Sanders, Chemist, Tudor-road Greaves, Chemist, Cowbridge-road Prust, Chemist Clifton-street. Penarth: Blake Benjamin. Barry: County Drug Co. (Limited), 81. Holton-road. Ponty- pridd Key, Chemist; Newport: T. M. Evans, 104, Marshes-road e3986 ^RTIFICIAL rjpEETH. COMPLETE SET ONE GUINEA. SINGLE TOOTH 2s. 6d. Five Years Warranty. Prize Medal. GOODMAN AND CO., 10, DUKE-STREET. and 56, QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF. ARTIFICIAL TEETH PAINLESSLY FITTED by Atmospheric Suction, at one-third their usual charges. No Extractions necessary; perfect and per- manent life-like appearance; special SOFT I'ALATKS for Tender CunM perfect for Mastication and Speech. COUNTRY PATIENTS SUPPLIED in ONE VISIT, and Railwav Fare allowed. SPECIAL" ATTENTION GIVEN TO REPAIRS, EXTRACTIONS, STOPPINGS. &c. TESTIMONIALS. Dr ANDREW WILSON (late R.N.) says:—"I can recommend Mr. Goodman as a very skilful and h'jmane Dentist. His reasonable charges should attract to him all elapses." Mr. E. VYSE, of Plaiatow, 8ays: -1 am very well pleased with the attention I have received from you. The artificial teeth supplied have given me perfect satisfaction, as a previous set I had from another dentist were by no means comfortable. I am indebted to Mr. Andrew Wilson, editor of 'Health,' for recommending me to your establishment." Consultations Free. SPECIALITY in WHITE ENAMEL and GOLD FILLINGS, AMERICAN DENTISTRY, and PLATELESS PALATES. Pefore entering look for the name— GOODMAN AJSVD CO1., 10, DUKE-STREET, and 56, QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF. PONTYPRIDD: 68. TAFF-STREET (over Glamor. ganshire Bank). NEWPORT: 28. HIGH-STREET. SWANSEA: 15, CASTLE-STREET. Hours 10 to 3 Consultation free. MR. GOODMAN ATTENDS PERSONALLY AT 56, QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF. JQANIEL OWEN AND CO. (LIMITED), WHOLESALE AND GENERAL STATIONERS. SPECIAL LINES:- CYCLING MAP OF SOUTH WALES AND ADJOINING DISTRICT Is. CRICKET SCORING SHEETS AND BOOKS 6D. & Is. SIREN WHISTLES. 6D. AUCTIONEERS' LOT NUM- BERS, per Packet 6D. FANCY STATIONERY, NOTE PAPERS, &c., IN GREAT VARIETY. JJANIEL 0WEN AND CO (LIMITED) ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF. 37 MR. DIGHTON ?TJL PROTOGRAPHIC ARTIST 15, CHARLES-STREET, CARDIFF (Two Doors from Congregational Church), Begs Respectfully an Inspection of his NEW PBEMISES, which are admirably adapted for the production of High-class Photography. MR. DIGHTON MAKES A SPECIALITY OF PORTRAITS OF CHILDREN. Every attention given to each Visitor to his Studio. THE CARDIFF MILK SUPPLY COMPANY Are the largest retailers of milk in the Provinces. They deliver to all parts of the town twice a day. BUTTER. EGGS, RAW CREAM, AND DEVONSHIRE CREAM FRESH EVERY DAY FROM THEIR "MODEL DAIRY." Only the best of everything, so that the public can depend upon having good value.—Address, CASTLE-EOAD, CARDIFF. e4192 ROATH MACHINE DEPOT 1>1 14, BROADWAY. Sewing Machines, Perambulators, and Mail Carte at lowest cash prices or on easy terms. All kinds of repairs. SPRING CLEANING. BROADWAY FURNITURE STORES. Furniture Repaired. Upholstering at.Lowest Prices. S. J. MEWTON," 14 and Ig, BROADWAY. WESTOM-SUPERMARE. • HAR W DELOT BOARDING HOUiSE, Close to Pier and Woods. Terms moderate and inclu- e6195.







[No title]




Honouring John Storrie.




Gathered from Gwalia