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tfwumi ■i,W-jOTiiiii ■■ 111 uiHiniiiiiiiinwHfc^wm——^mmPB^—— f Biisnirs* ;cib!JrrS5f5. J^EW JJ_mE gYSTEM FOR PIANOFORTES IJ^HOMPSON & jgHACKELL, IMITED NEW I-IIRE SYSTEM FOR AMERICAN ORGANS rjlHQMPSON & jgHACKELL, nn TED NEW R IRE SYSTEM- -a—a- FOR HARMONIUMS yilQHPSON & ^KACKELL,~| IMITED QUEEN'S BUILDINGS, CARDIFF, llso at SWANSEA, NEWPORT, MERTHYR, GLOUCESTER, PONTYPRIDD, AND PENARTH. largest nd Best Stock out of London to Select from All Instruments warranted and ex-jhauged if not approved. TERMS—From 10s. Monthly, on Kaw HIKE SYSTBM KB.—N'ew Catalogue with Photographs and full detailed particulars, saut POST FEISF. on a.pplica.tion. -1- HTIFICIAL TEETH. A COMPLKTE SET ONE GUINEA SINGLE TOOTH 2s. 6d. Fire Warranty. Prize Medal. uOODMAN AND CO., 10, DUKE-STREET, and 56. QUEEN-STREBT, CABtUFF. ABTHTCIAL TEETH PAIMLESSLY" FITTED Atmospheric Suction, at one-third th8Ü' usual charges. No Extractions U2cessary perfect and per- manent life-like appcaru.llce: special SOFT P A LATES for Tender Gums; perfect for Mastication &l1d Sipeech. COUNTRY PATIENTS Supplied in One Visit, and Railway Fare allowed. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO REPAIRS, EXTSACTIONS, STOPPING, &c. TESTIMONIALS. Dr. ANDREW WILSON (late E.N.) says I can recommend Ù/Ir. Goodman as a very skilful aud humane Dentist. His re8$olJ.able charges should attract to him:111 classes." Mr. E. VYSE, rA Plaistow, says: am very weU vlensed with the auteiltionI have received frol.l1 Yvll. The Artificial Teeth supplied have given me perfect •a tisf action, as a previous Set I had from another dentist were bv no means comfortable. I lWI indebted .Andrew \<Vi180n, editor of II ¿¡¡! t h., for reC0111 U8 g me to your establishment." Consultations Free. cipeci ty in WHITE ENAMEL and GOLD 1"ILL. OxQB, AMERICAN DENTISTRY, and PLATELESS PALATES. Before entering- look for the Na.me- GOODMAN A. CO., 10, DCKE-STEEET, and 56, QUEERS-STREET, CARDITF. Hours: 1Q to B. Attendance EAST BAKEY every TITISS-DA JT, at Mrs. Boyes, 25, York-plm;e aud PONTiri'ltlDP "WEDNESDAYS, at Hrs. Pritctmrd, 2S,Taff-»t*eet. WONDERFUL VALUE | For a Weeks Only. ¡, B17T AT ONCE BEFORE THEY ARE ALL GONE. pHIL pHILLIPS.. WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER 24 ST" maky'steeet' cakdiff Has received a large consignment of ELECTRO-PLATED CLOCKS, Also a new and ingenious ALARM CLOCK. Either Clock OS. <C»D. Either Clock for O O for Usually Bold by Jewellers at 5s. 6d. SPECIMENS CAN BE SEEN IN THE WINDOW, 24 ST' MASY"STEEET' I EVERYBODY'S PAPER. JJEWS OF THE TyEEK 72 COLUMNS.j LONE PENNY A SEVENTY-TWO COLUMN Weekly newspaper, containing more reading- matter than any other newspaper published I throughout the country. fEE" NEWS OF THE WEEK I is the largest and cheap es newspaper to read at home, and the best and most varied to i send to friends abroad. ¡ •FECIAL ATTENTION IS PAID I to Welsh News and Shipping IDRISWYN'S" WEEKLY Wrelsh article is acknowledged I to be the best in Wales. I PUBLISHED FRIDAY & SATURDAY I PRICE ONE PENNY. I To BE- OBTAINED OF ALL NEWSAGENTS ¡ PUBLISHING OFFICE I' 67 ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF (Nearly Opposite the Western Mail I Buildings) ^"EWS OF T H E -E E K THE BEST PENNY PAPER IN THE COUNTRY. GRATEFUL EPPS'Sj COMFORTING. BREAKFAST OR SUPPER CO CO A BOILING WATER OR MILK 429E BUY 3TS-GJI THE MAKES. 1 P A E S L E Y S JL Celebrated Kami-made HATS. ONLY TWO PRICES :-ALL PUR, 2s. 9d BEAVER PELTED, 3s. 9d. 15, W Y N D H A M A H, CAD E. MANUFACTURER, Horsforth. offers his -4J Own Goods direct from the Loom,at Mill Prices, via :— Series Panctos, C:ls}¡mu-.5, Beiges. Meltons, Mantle Cloths Patterns sent free on application. Save all intermediate profit. Special Lot of Dress Meltons, ail- shades, at per yard. Address MANUFACTURER, HORS. FO^T.K. NEAR TRBDS. SusmrsS Sijfcrrssrs. HOW REFRESHING! AFTER THE LONG SPELL OF HIGH PRICES TO BE ABLE TO QUOTE THE FOLLOWING POPULAR FIGURES DA. VID JONES AND £ JO.'S CELEBRATED MILD BACON PER glD A MONSTER STOCK TO SELECT FROM THE yyESTMINSTER STORES "LITTLE BEAUTIES! SMALL, LEAN, AND PLUMP HAMS. (FEB gp. tAl. VERY FINEST BUTTER PER JS. g0- LB. GRAND VALUE AT r AND r ID. DAVID J0NES^ANDTtC0 (LIMITED), yyESTMINSTER jgTORES, yyHAETON-STREET, CARDIFF. E29 WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. J_JEECHAM'S pILLS For all BILIOUS AND NERVOUS DISORDERS Such as SICK HEADACHE, WEAK STOMACH, IMPAIRED DIGESTION, CONSTIPATION, LIVER COMPLAINT, And FEMALE AILMENTS. LARGEST SALE IN THE WORLD, In Boxes 9-:kd., l3id., and 2s. 9d. each. jg E E CHAM'S IJ O O T H Y) A s T E JL —EFFICACIOUS—ECONOMICAL— CLEANSES THE TEETH- PERFUMES THE BREATH. -Collapsible tube, Is. each. DIARIES FOR 1894. DANIEL fJWEN AND ^JO.'S (LIMITED) ^NE gHILLING JQIARY IN TWO SIZES. John Walker's Loop Hack Diaries. Marcus Ward and Co.'s Pocket Diaries. T. J. Smith's Diaries, in great variety. Charles Letts' Diaries, froIil ld. Blackwood's Diaries, fr0ID ld. to 3s. Pettitt's Diaries, from Is. to 8s. 6d. Licensed Victualler's Diai-y and Takings Book for Receipts and Expenditure. Shipping Diary nnd Handbook. Eason's Penny Index Diary. British Weather Almanack and Chart By Post extra. ORDER AT ONCE. f2573 PRICE 2s. 6d. (POSTAGE 3D.) CROWN 4TO. ILLUSTRATED. A. M E E S RESERVATION AL ASTRONOMY (A Book for Beginners). A FEW COPIES MAY STILL BE HAD FROM DANIEL OWEN and CO. (LIMITED) I PRINTERS, &c., CARDIFF. [27690 N ow RBADT. -IAJ PRICE 6s. 6d., POSTAGE 6v. EXTRA. HQANIEL QWEN AND 0O.'S 0ARDIFF AND JJISTRICTj JQIRECTORY. The Eleventh Edition of the Cardift Directory i now ready for Sale. Copies may he obtained from any Bookseller, or direct from the Publishers, DANIEL QWEN AND CO, (LIMITED), QARDIFF. N.B. -Any Subscribers who ittzj not haw received their Copies will oblige by communicating with the Publishers. 26698 NEW EDITION. KOW READY. C& 8v 168 PAGES. Price Is. Postage, Zd. extra. Y PEDWERYDD ARGRAFFLLD. Y JpE.PvCH 0 (tEFN YDFA Gan CBAIGFRYN. L27667 ()w,:n .i:T H"'1: (T!r"mr>']fr ) ^utjliratton^ PRISON LIFE IN SOUTH WALES. THE EXPERIENCES OF A ABDIFFI AN IN THE GLAMORGANSHIRE GAOLS. A pERSONAL NARRATIVE OF A Year's JNCARCERATION IN ^JARDIFF AND GWANSEA PRISONS. BY A i 13 SEE JFJVENING X PRESS.' APRIL 3, 1894. IN THE "EVENING EXPRESS" OF APRIL 3rd, 1894, There will appear the first of a series of articles on Prison Life in South Wales." These articles are the written up experiences of a man who spent a year in goal. We are not permitted to say who the writer is, but if his name were published, it would be at once recognised as that of a man who was once very widely known in this locality. The articles will be nine in number, and will appear in the follow- ing order: — I.-A DAY AND NIGHT IN A CARDIFF POLICE CELL. II — A PRISONER ON REMAND AND AWAITING TRIAL. III.- THE WEEK OF THE ASSIZES AND A RIDE IN THE "BLAOK MARIA." IV.—A PRISONER IN THE FIRST STAGE. V.—A PRISONER IN THE SECOND STAGE. VI.—A PRISONER IN THE THIRD STAGE. VII.-A PRISONER IN THE FOURTH STAGE. VIII.—SWANSEA PRISON. IX.-SOME OF THE MEN I MET IN CARDIFF AND SWANSEA PRISONS. I i I I TTTESTERlSr MAIL VV FON )TT, ET>ORFTNFRT J3usínrti5 gbbrtsst9. R. J. HEATH AND SONS £ JARDIFF, PONTYPRIDD, AND LONDON, pIANOFORTE AND ORGAN J^JERCHANTS. (FROM SOUTH TV ALES DAILY NEWS, 9TH JANUARY, 1894.) VERDICT OF NIK*; HCSDKEB."—Under this title Messrs. R. J. Heath and Sons, Queen-street, Cardiff, ]>1anoforte makers, organ builders, and 11111lsic ware- housemen, have collected an imposmg array of testi- monials and Press opiniolls relating to the quality of the nlUiSical instruments supplied by them. The tirm IS so well known in Cardiff, and, indeed, throughout South Wales and the West of England, that it is hardly necessary here to dwell upon its influence and commanding position. This collection of testimonials serves, however, to do something more than certifv to the excellence of the instruments furnislwd by Messrs. Heath and Sons. It shows, in a sense, how steady is the gTowth alllong the general public of a desire for a knowledge of music, and how increasingly numerous, even In 1,11. homes of the working classes are pianos, organs, aud harmoniums. The great majority of the lettBrs in this list relate to pianos and w1ile lllanv of them have reference to most £:08tly iustMJmënts containing all the latest improve- ments, supplied to tlIp. well-to-do, the greater nUlll- bgr relate to serviceable instruments purclmsed for the homes of the wage-earning portion of the community. This growing love for so refining an art as music is a most favourable sijpi. For though in the Principality music: has for generations been the chief recreation of the people, It has for the most part been chorallllusic in counection with churches and chapels that has occupied attention. Instru- mental music is now, however, receiving its fair "hare of attel1Íloll, and all those in true SYll11Jathy with tbe art must trust that the movement will go steadily onward. These te:;¡timonil11s lJave been re- ceived fwm overy qultrter of the Principality, while not 3, few cornc from other portions of the United Kingdom, and some from SOltth America, India, and other distant countries. AU speak most favourably of Mesl>rs. Heath's business methods as well as of their instruments. R. J. Heath AND Soxs INVITE INSPECTION. FULL ILLUSTRATED LISTS AND VERDICT POST FREE. 53407 DO YOU KNOW THAT GWILYM EVANS* QUININE BITTERS, THE VEGETABLE TONIC. By its wonderful Tonic properties gives Tone to the whole system, increases the appetite, braces the nerves, improves the spirits, and thus greatly assists in enabling the system to withstand the attacks of various disorders i' DO YOU KNOW THAT GWILYM EVANS, QUININE BITTERS Cures every disorder of the Stomach, and is universally admitted to be the greatest remedy extant ? For Sick Headaches, Wind ,and Pain in the Stomach, Loss of Appetite, Disturbed Sleep, Dreams, and all Nervous affections, there is no medicine tv equal aWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. It is of exceptional value h. females of all ages' and Llone should be without it. By using these Bitters all obstructions or irregularity of the system is removed, the health is re- I stored, and an invigorating digestion im- parted. BE CAREFUL. See that the name Gwilym Evaus' Quinine Bitters" is on the Label, Stamp, and Bottle, without which none are genuine. Sold by all Chemists in bottles at Is. l§d., 2s. 9d., and 4s. 6d. Cases containing three 4s. 6d. Bottles, at 12s. 6d. per case; also sent, c3,rria.ge paid, for the above prices, to any address by the Proprietors. QUININE BITTERS MANUFACTURING CO., LIMITED, LLANELLY, SOUTH WALES. J £ AYE'S WORSDELL'S PILLS. J £ AYE'S WORSDELL S PILLS. J £ AYE'S WORSDELLS PILLS. AYE'S WORSDELL'S PILLS. J £ AYE'S WORSDELL'S PILLS. AYE'S WORSDELL'S PILLS. -GAYE'S WORSDELL S PILLS. TfT-AYE S WORSDELL'S PILLS. They purify the Blood, and as a Mild but effectual Aperient are unequalled, and beyond th st hey Brace up the Nerves and set every organ i r, Healthy Action, thus ensuring complete restoration to perfect health. They are A CERTAIN CURE for INDIGESTION, BILIOUSNESS, HEAf'ACHE. DYSPEPSIA, CONSTIPATION, LIVER AND KIDNEY COMPLAINTS. FOR LADIES OF ALL AGES THEY ARE INVALUABLE. Of all Chemists, Is. ljd., 2s. 9d., and 4s. 6d. per box. E3315 MMHB|aB1BaHaanwBBBWIiaMgDI IS Å NDRJiJ WS AND SON, S FURNISHING UNDERTAKERS, Every Requisite for Funerals of an classes. OPEN CARS, HEARSES, BROUGHAMS, SHELLIBIERS, Belgian Horses, &c. CHIEF OnlCE :-30 & 31, WORKING-STREET, CARDIFF (Opposite the Monument). Branches The Mews, Castle-road, oath, and 'Bus Office, Glebe-street, Penarth. Telegraphic address "OMNIBUS," CARDIFF. JJERRY AND £ JA The Old-established HOUSE FURNISHERS, 34 QUEEN gTREET CARDIFF, Who have a reputation of eighteen years in the same Premises for Supplying Goods of the Best Possible Make at the Lowest Possible Prices, jgllLL JJ0LD THE RECORD FOR The Best Assorted Stock of Furniture in Cardiff. The Most Pleasing and Artistic Designs. The Best Possible Workmanship. The Larget Stock of Carpets and Bedsteads. The Greatest Number of Novelties. The Cheapest House Furnishers in Town. The Fairest People to do Business with. They Guarantee to Please every Customer. They Undertake all Kinds of Furnishing. They Send Out all Goods Perfect. They Deliver all Goods Free. They Supply Catalogues ahd Estimates Free, and, notwithstanding present keen cotn- petion, They are still in the Front for Best Value, and always intend to be. I SEE THEIR STOCK OF IVI AIL CARTS AND JJASSINETTS TERMS STRICTLY CASH. NO CREDIT. e2915 D,ARIBS FOR 1894. JTJANIEL OWEN AND CO"S (LIMITED) QNE ^HILLING JQIARY IN TWO SIZES. I John Walker's Loop Back Diaries. I Marcus Ward and Co.'s Pocket Diaries. T. J. Smith's Diaries, ia great variety, I Charles Letts' Diaries, from ld. Blackwood's Diaries, from Id. to 8s. Pettitt's Diaries, from Is. to 8s. 6d. Licensed Victualler's Diary aad Takings Book for Receipts and Expenditure. Shipping Diary and Handbook. Eason's Penay Index Diary. British. Weather Almanack and Chart. By Post extra. ORDER AT ONCE. f26735 nr [U 7J8858 LLANDAFF CATHEDRAL SERVICES Thursday, March 29.—Five p.m. Calkin in B flat; hymn, 125. Friday, March 30.—Five p.m.: Parry in D anthem, If we believe that Jesus died (Goss). Saturday, March 31.-Five p.m. Garrett in E flat; 7, TV.






[No title]










A Liner Overdue.'

ILady's Letters from Gus









Was a Famous Lawyer.

The Famous North End

The Cymric Causerie.