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Business? xMre^ses 1 THE HEALTHIEST TOBACCO IN THE WORLD IS G-OODBODY'S "OUR SHAGG." PURE IN LEAF, RICH IN FLAVOUR., IS GOODBODY'S "OUR SHAGG." PACKED IN loz. AND 2oz. PAPER PACKETS AND tLB, TINS, IS GOODBODY'S "OUR SHAGG." THE HEALTHIEST TOBACCO IN THE WORLD IS GOODBODY'S "OUR SHAGG." PURE IN LEAF, RICH IN FLAVOUR, IS GOODBODY'S "OUR SHAGG." PACKED IN loz. AND 2oz. PAPER PACKETS AND hB. TINS. IS GOODBODY'S "OUR SHAGG." THE HEALTHIEST TOBACCO IN THE WORLD IS GOODBODY'S "OUR SHAGG." PURE IN LEAF, RICH IN FLAVOUR, IS GOODBODY'S "OUR SHAGG." PACKED IN loz. AND 2oz. PAPER PACKETS AND !-L2. TINS, WHOLESALE DEPOT 5, CASTLE- STREET, CARDIFF. TEUSUKAPHIC A-DDRJISS "GOOD BODY." HOW REFRESHI NG! iFi'EB THE LONG SPELL OF HIGH PRICES TO BE ABLE TO QUOTE THE FOLLOWING POPULAR FIGURES) jQATID JONES AND C°.'S CELEBRATED I MILD H A CON wm gix> AI MONSTEB STOCK TO SELECT FROM rntlO STORES O-LITTLZ BB-AUTIBSr SMALL, AND JWMP vTt* A .tr* HAMS, fim 61\), J,¡t}, VERY FINEST BUT T R R,1 PES lij, gB, LB, GRAND VALUE i AT I JJS, AND 113, 1 D. JJAYID JONES AND 00 (LIMITED), "^TESTMINSTEil STORES, ^THAETONrSTflEET, 0ARDIFF. y? E29 111 '"l11 11 ■' W Ll^.J |f^ WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. :B P, P, C H A MS JJILLSi yoM BILIOUS AND NERVOUS DISORDERS IWtJH AS SICK HEADACHE, WEAK STOMACH IMPAIRED DI0ESTIGtf, S0N8TIPATI0N, LIVER COMPLAINT AM) FEMALIS AILMENTS. ULEGE8T SALE IN THE WORLD, .In Boxes 9W., 13^d.. and 2s. 9d. each. gBSCHAM'S TOOTH pASTE JL —EFF1C ACIO US—ECONOMICAL— CLEANSES THE TEETH- PERFUMES THE BREATH • Collapsible tuba. Is. each. SPRING CLEAN IN G CAEPETS BEATEN by Gold Mednl process. <_ C" STAINS CLEANED Ti;;ted from 9d rser Tan\ l^rV*r'S rC,Lf A^ Ali appHai2C«8 f0131(1 v. ASHING LAIT'jpKIE"D in superior style. Shirts VCll&rs, «c., a speaahty, Ouoss TAX S to All Parts Daily, Penarta Office:—19, WINDBOE-SOAD, T,, ,9rARDIFF STEAM LAUNDRY. I; Ah. PET AND WINDOW CLEANING- COMPANY (LIMITED), MIN3T-STREET, CATTTAYS, CARDIFF. bead post-card. MA NUT1 ACTUREK. Horsforth, O (Terra bis L'tl.. Own (!or)rji rlireci frorii t'lie Looiij,at Mil ¡ *ricagl, viz :— Screes Fan«iew, Ca SBxaeres, Bciies. Mantie Cloths .Patterns free ou application, Save all intermediate profit Special tot of Dresa Meltons, all shales, at per yard. A&fress MANUFACTURER. ROES" fOiiXH, xN'iiAii XiEEDti O T TJEATH ASi) CJONS JaiL • • JUL QABDIFF, jpONTYPRIDD, AND "J^UNDON, piANOFORTE AND 0RGAN jyjERCHANTS. fFBOM SOUTH WALKS DAILY NEWS, 9Ta JANUARY, 1894.) "VEEDICT OF NINE HUSDMB."—Under this title Messrs. R. J. Heath and Sous, Queen-street, Cs.rditf, pianoforte makers, organ builders, and music ware- houfsemeu, have collected an imposing array of testi- 1, monials and Press opinions relating to the quality of the musical instruments supplied by them. The firm is so wen known in Ca-rdiff, and, indeed, throughout South Wales and the West of England, that it is hardly necessary here to dwell upon its influence and commanding position. This collection of testimonials serves, however, to do something more tiia.11 certify to the excellence of the instruments furnished by Messrs. Heath and Sons. It shows, in a sense, how steady is the growth among the general public of a desire for a knowledge of music, and how increasingly numerous, even 111 the homes of the working classes' are pianos, organs, and h¡,r.lloniunli>. The ifreat 3ajoritv of the letters in this list relate to pianos and while many of vkern have reference to most costly instruments containing a.ll the latest improve- ments, supplied to the well-to-do, the greater num- ber relate to serviceable instruments purchased for the homes of the wage-earning' portion of the community. This growing love for so refining an art us music is a, most favourable sign. For though ill the Principality music has for generations been the chief recreation of the people, it has for the most part been choral music in connection with churehes aud chlpeb that has occupied attention. Instru- mental music is now, however, receiving its fair share of attention, and all those in true sympathy with the art must trust that the movement will go bCcadiiv ouward. These testimonials have been re- ceived from every quarter of the Principality, while not a few collie from other portions of the United Kingdom, and some from South America., India, and vLbot, diatact countries. All speak most favourably of Mess vs. Heath's business methods as well as of tiicir instruments. R J HEATH AND g0NS INVITE INSPECTION. FtLL ILUJSTRATED LISTS A>~D VERDICT ruST l-'KEK. 53407 KTIFICIAL rjTEETH. A- COMPLETE SET ONE GUINEA SINGLE TOOTH 2a. 6d. Five Warranty. Prize Medal. GOODMAN AND CO.. 10, DUKE-STREET, and 56, QUEEN-STREET, CAKDLFF. ARTIFICIAL TEETH PAINLESSLY FITTED by Atmospheric Suction, at one-third their usual charges. No ExtraoUonfi aaceasary perfect and per- nuujetit life-lilce npjs^u'ance special SOFT PALATES for Tender (JUTTIS perfect for Mastication and 8i>eech. COUNTEY PATIENTS Supplied in One Viait. and Sail way Far« allowed. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO BEPAtRa, EXTRACTIONS, STOPPING, 4e, TESTIMONIALS, Dr, ANDEKW WILSON (lllte R.H.) says I can peeonimend 7iLr, Goodman as u. very okillul autt Uuwa»)e Deiiinst, His raasou^ble charges should ittmct to him all olapses," Mr, E, VYSlc, of Plaistow, says:-—"I am very well uiaaeeil with the H ttention I luivo received from yon. The Artificial Teeth supplisd have given me pei't'eot satisfaction, as a vrevious Set I had trom tuiothor tlentUif, were by no means comfortable, t iun mdebted ,Andrew Wilson, editor of ilauUU, for lC':OlU me if uie to your eatabliahnitait." Consnltabiauc) Efee, HTieei t.<. it, WHTTN ENAMJ5U and GOLD ^IT,L iNijti, A MEMO AN DEiN TlsTJiY, .aid fLATELESS PALATES, lltsfvd* anteriusf loeiU. for the -S'ame acODMAN 4. CO., 10, mA 6(5, QUEEJi-STJiEET, CARDIFF. Utiiirs lo to ii. AttpudtMJCB t-AH'l1 BAMvY ovfiy nt Mrs. lioyet., 06, VuJ'k^iiiup; h»4 I'ON'J'VTUIOP WEoNKiPAYH, SSi'+'alf^C^eet, FOR PIANOFORTES jyHOMPBON & jgHACKELfc, IMITED •JTSW j~jpiEi^ gysa'KM FOR AMERICAN ORGANS rpHOMPSON & ^HACifELL, 1MITED ■J^EW gYSTEM, FOR HARMONIUMS i rjTHOMPSaN & gHAC'KELL, J^IMITEB QUEEN'S BUILDINGS, CARDIFF. Also at SWANSEA, NEWPORT, MERTHYR, GLOUCESTER, PONTYPKIBD, AJiD PENAgTH. La^west ud Bust Stock out of to Select fraaj All Instruments wn-rrajitcd and exchanged if not approved. TEams-Froin lf)s. Moatliiyt on NBW HIRE SISSBB —;— NB.—New (Jatftlogue with fliora^vaphs and full detailed j)astioulars sent SOST PEKK on application, —' DO YOU KNOW THAT GWILYM EVANrf' QUININE BITTERS, THE VEGETABLE TONIC, By its wonderful Tonic properties ffives Tone to the whole system, increases the appetite, braces the nerves, improves the spirits, ana tiros gimil.? assists in eualding the system to withstand the attacks of various disorders ? DO YOU KNOW THAT GWILYM EVANS, kx QUININE BITTERS Cures every disovilev of the Stomach, and is universally admitted to be the greatest remedy CXiDllt H For Sick Headoehes, Wind ,and Pain in the Stomach, Loss of Appetite, Disturbed Slef i), Dreams, and ulJ Nervous affections, there is no medicine te equal a WILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. It is of exceptional value to females of all ages' and none should be without it, By nsinp these Bitters all obiltrncUons or irregularity of the system is removed, the health is re- stored, and an Invigorating digestion iID. par ted, BE CAREFUL. See thai the name Gwilym Kvans' Quinine Bitters" is on the Label, Stamp, and Bottle, without which none re genuine. Sold by f).H Chemists in bottles at hi. lid,. 2s. 9d., and 4s. 6d. Co,ses containing three 4s. 6d. bottles, at 12s. 6d. per ease; also scut, carriage raid, for the above prices, to any address by the Proprietors. QUININE BITTEKS MANUFACTURING O CO.. LIMITED, LL A NELLY, SOUTH WALES. BUY FROM THE MAKER. P Å R S L E Y S j!L Celebrated Hand-made II ATS. ONLY TWO PJUCES ALL FUR, 2s. 9d EE AVER FELTED, 3s. 9d. 15. W Y N D H A Til A R C A D E. J^ANIEL 0WEN AND CO (T.IMTTEP), PRINTERS AND LITHOGRAPHERS CARDIFF. jQANI^L AND £ JO. GENERAL AND FANCY STATIONERS CARDIPF W~ ESTEIWv MML. 'HiSST DAILY PAEEBjar WALES Saturations: LOOK OUTI JU LOOK OUT O 0 K QUT! FOR THE jg XPRESS gUDGET, THE jyjCAL JLLUSTRATED p A-PER 32 J>AGES OF J>ICTURES AND pORTRAITS. jr THE EXPRESS jgUDGET CONTAINS ALL THE "EVENING EXPRESS" FOOTBALL SKITS AND SCENES LIGHT READING FOR THE HEARTHSIDE, CARTOONS FOR THE WEEK PORTRAITS OF PUBLIC MEN AND WOMEN, SKETCHES AT LOCAL MEETINGS HUMOURS OF THE POLICE- COURT WAT, PAST AND PRESENT 8PARKLS FROM THE BOTTLE- YARDS, RHYMES AND RGUNDELAY PIOICING8 FROM ALL POINTS OF THE COMPASS. THE PICK OF SHORT STORIES HINTS FOR THE LADIES BRIGHT READING FOR THE LITTLE ONES, GOSSIP FROM THE GREAT METROPOLIS jQOOK QUTI FOR THE Jg XPRBS8 JgU D G E T THE NEW LOOAL JLLUSTRATED pAPER 32 pAGES OF piCTURES AND I JpORTRAITS. NOW READY. AT ALL NEWSAGENTS ONE pENNY WEEKIJY I NEWS OF TI-IB WEEK. BUT WAffALY aawaPAPsaj. CARDIFF TRIENNIAL MUSICAL FESTIVAL. A MKtlTlJiG of the GlJ ARANTORS of The SECOND FESTIVAL will be, held at the Nisi Pritis Court, Town-ball, Cardiff (by kind permission of his Worship the Mayor), on SATUBDAY, March 17th, at Eight p.m., for the purpose of considering t.h8 i-ecommendations of the Provisional Committee and electing a General Council of fifty Guarantors. All Guarantors whose Guarantees have been delivered to the Honorary Secretary before or at the meet in" be eligible for election on the General Council, and entitled to vote ut the meeting. All Guarantors viH also-become Honorary Stewards of the Festival, and be entitled to priority in booking seats, and all who guarantee £25 or upwards will become Vice-presidents of the Festival. Forms of Guarantee may obtained from ths Honorary Secretary or a.n r member of the Committee. H. M. THOMPSON, Chairman. WAIJTEB SCOTT, Hon. Sec. 13, Hish-street, Cardiff, Xareli ILth, 1894. 28253 1^- EATINGt S" C'CHJGH LOZENGES I —— "94, Commercial-road. Feckham, July 12, 1889. DfKir Sir,—I am a poor hand at expressing my iiit-s, hub I should like to thank you. Your lozenges have done wonders in relieving my terrible ecngh. Since I had the operation of 'Tracheotomy' (the same as the, late Emperor of Germany, and unlike him, thank God, I am still alive) performed at St. Bartholomew's Hospital, no one could possibly have lilrl j, more violent cough; it was so bad at times that it quite exhausted me. The mucus, which was very copious and hard, had been softened, and I have been able to get rid of it without difficulty.—I am. sir, our" truly, J. HILL. UTTERLY UNRIVALLED. The above speaks for itself. From strict inquiry it appears that the benefit from using Keating's Cough Lo'zensces is understated. The operation was a specially severe one, aud was performed by the specialist, Dr. H. T. Butlin, of St. Bartholomew's Hospital. Since the operation the only means or relief is the use of these Lozenges. So successful are they that one affords immediate benefit, although from the nature of the case the throa.t irritation is intense. WEIGHT IN GOLD. Under date Sept. 8, Mr. Hill writesl< I should long since have been (leiid but for your Lozenges— they ate icorth their xoeighl-in gold. Ivvill gladly see and tell anyone what a splendid cough remedy they are." Keating's LozentreH are sold in tins. Is. l|d. each. The unrivalled remedy for COUGHS, HOARSENESS and THROAT TBOUBLES. gERRI AND Q °. COMPLETE HOUSE FURNISHERS, 34, QUEEN STRKET' A R D IFF, ARE NOW HOLDING THEIR ^NNUAL £ JLEARANCE JGAL PREVIOUS TO XI oH STOCKTAKING. IMMENSE BARGAINS §§ 3 IN EACH MW 1 DEPARTMENT. W Q DINING, DRAWING, ft ANI) H ° BEDROOM SUITES, BEDSTEADS. GS 2 CAEPETS, OILCLOTH, G Q TN ~I ELIXJTRO-PLATE, O Q GLASS, CHINA, J A>:jD PI O EARTHENWARE. >> K CW fel-1 M co P IMMENSE STOCK TO CLEAR REGARD LESS OF COST. TERMS BEST POSSIBLE VALUE FOR CASH ONLY. ALL ORDERS OVER ONE POUND CARRIAGE PAID. 349 QUEEN STR EET CARDIFF. e2925 S. A NDREWS AND SON, § FURNISHING UNDERTAKERS, § ¡! I Every Requisite for Funerals of all classes. 1 OPEN CAES, HEARSES, BROUGHAMS, | SHELIiIBIEKS, Belgian Horses, &c. 1 CHI*!1 OFricic:—30 & 31, WOEKING-STBEET, 1 chilp OFricic:—30 & 31, WORKING-STREET, 1 I CARDIFF I (Opposite the Monument). BrMiehes :—The Mews, Castle-road, oath, and ¡ 'Bus Office, Glebe-street, Pena.rth. Telegraphic ttddreas :— "OMNIBUS," CABDIFF. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. WiE STERN ThI A I L ONE PENNY DAILY. jPOST FREE, 98. 9b. PER QUARTER JgVENING JgJXPRESS, HALFPENNY DAILY, POST FREE 6s. 6D. PER QUAETEE. BEKLT jyj AIL, ONBJPENNY WEEKLY, POST FREE la. 8n. PER QUARTER NEWS OF THE WEEK. ONE PENNY WEEKLY rOST FREE Is. 81>, PER QUARTER. CHEQUES or P«ST-6F«CR ORDJSRS should be Femitted in pveferenee to Po age Stamps. Postage stamps are not 1 '9j'us«d bnt, as they are often lost in the Poet, they must, if remitted, be sent at the Subscriber's risk. ALL SUBSCRIPTIONS MUST BE PAID IN ADVANCE. OheQnellllnd P.O. should be Crogsed and Mad Plynlle to D. W. THOM AS. 19 gATISFY YOUR WANTS THROUGH THE MEDIUM OF OUR ADVERTISING COLUMNS THE CHARGE IS A FARTHING A WORD. S BS S ION SAN D SONS S IMPORTERS AND JfANUFACTOKSHS Cy TIMBER, SLATES, CEMENT, BUILDTNG MATERIALS, CHIMNEY PIECES, RANGES, GRATE S, & c SHOW ROOMS — PENARTH-ROAD, CARDIFF e3 rie GRATEFUL I]1PPS'S 1A COMFORTING. BREAKFAST OR SUPPER I^QCOA BOILING WATER OR MILK l AA9E







NOTE ,8.


Corn Averages.


---m! 1 Resources of Queensland.

[No title]

Notes from London.



The Portsea Sensation.

Gossip of Old Gwalia. \f .'