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jpTASv A>iri JJARPS. WHY BE WITTKH ONFI WHEN 10S. 6D. T MONTHLY WILL PUIXOHASE ONE OP OUR MAGNIFICENT INSTRUMENTS ? | SPECIAL PRICES DURING- THE SUMMER MONTHS ONLY. pi ANOFORTES. CASH MONTHLY. Tn Walnut Case, full compass, 1 trichord, panel front, 3ft. lOin, high tl5. 10s. 6d. imilar Model, superior quality £17. lis. 8d. Vanderbilt Model, iron frame, full compass, tri- — < hord, machine-covered hammers, 3ft. lOin. high.. £2i. Its. Od. Do. 2in. higher (superior quality). £22. 15s. 2d. European Model, full com- pass, iron frame, full tri- chord, metal plank bar, plated bolts, sconces, in- cised and gilded panel and trusses, 4ft. 3in. hig i £26. 18s. 8d. Do. with chec action £ 28. 19s. lOd. Association Model, 4ft. 2in. high, burr w lnut, prize medal design a first- elass instrument at a moderate price, with all the most modern im- provements £31. 22s. Od. s" HROADWOOD, COLLARD, BRINS- MEAD, KIRKMAN, STEINWAY, SCHIEDMAYER, JUS TIN BROWNE, AND ERARD PIANOFORTES, FROM 18 TO 350 GUINEAS. ^RGANS, MASON and HAMLIN (Sole Agents), BELL, SMITH, KARN, DOHERTY, from 5 TO 250 GUINEAS, From 5s. Monthly. R J HEATH AND ^0NS' The CHEAPEST and MOST ACCOMMO- DATING FIRM in SOUTH WALES. 51, QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF TAFF-STREET, PONTYPRIDD. h MANUFACTORY, LONDON. Pianos tuned, Repaired, or Exchanged in all parts of South Wales. EARLY CLOSING, Monday, Tuesday Thursday, and Friday, Seven o'clock Wed nesday, Two o'clock Saturday, 9.30 o'clock from 1st May to 31st August. 53407 amided on a popular novel of Major Whyten Melvilles, in which will be introduced a mar- vellous effect with a 11 WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. gEECHAM'S pILLS FOR ALL BILIOUS AND NERVOUS DISORDERS SUCH AS SICK HEADACHE, WEAK STOMACH, IMPAIRED DIGESTION, CONSTIPATION, LIVER COMPLAINT, AND FEMALE AILMENTS. fcARGEST SALE IN THE WORLD In Boxes 9!d., 13id" and 2s. 9d. each. jg E E C H A M'S ejlOOTH pAS T E. —EFFICACIOUS—ECONOMICAL— CLEANSES THE TEETH- PERFUMES THE BREATH la Col lap sible Tubes, Oae Shilling Each. NEW JJIRE SYSTEM. FOR PIANOFORTES fJlHOMPSON II; SHACKELL, r IMITED, NEW JJIRE SYSTEM. FOR AMERICAN ORGANS rjUIOMPSON & SHACKELL, L IMITED. NEW HIRE Q Y b T E M. FOR HARMONIUMS fJpHOMPSON & gHACKELL, LIMITED. QUEEN'S BUILDINGS, CARDIFF. AIco at SWANSEA, NEWPORT, MERTHYil GLOUCESTER, rONTYPRIDD, AND PENARTH. Xurgest and beat Steele oat ef London to select from. All Instruments warranted and exchanged if not approved. TERMS—From 10s. Monthly, ON New HUIII: SYSTEM. .New CatAlogue with Photographs and fu11v detailed particulars, sent POST FREE on application. XUiilNGr, from 3s. 6d. THE jgEL GRAVE DYE WORKS 85, ADAM-STMEET, CARDIFF. Ifoted for First-class Workmanship in th following Departments:— LADIES' DRESS, GENTS' CLOTEHNG, WRAW, CHIP, LEGHORN, FELT, AND FANC HATS AND BONNETS, SKIN AND WOOL MATS. AND OSTRICH FEATHERS. ORCHARD'S, 15, ADAM-STREET, CARDIFF. OTICE OF REMOVAL w. STTOIIS TAILOR AND ARTIST CUTTER, Begs to inform his customers and the public j that he has REMOVED from SALISBURY-ROAD to 39, CASTLE-ARCADE, where Economy Fashiou, and Perfection in Fit wiil be guaranteed Suits to Measure from 32a. 6J.; Trousers from 10s. 6J. One trial will suffice toshow the good value the public will receive for ready money only i2643 y CM WHO INTEND TO MARRY ITlt.ll SHOULD SBK THE MAGIC MIRROR. Af I MCM It may concern them. Important nl>La 1*1 tli au ill-heal h. Happiness assured by its bright reflections. A safeguard from evil to all who possess it. Freeper J86t lor two stamps. ADDItK86 MESSRS. WILKINSON. "8, Fitza'an-square, Sheffield, Ene. KO:;ton'S OlGG; Females J |{KNK1)1GT vlUi* i\l"'k's Only- THOU> A v IS of Testimonials have been t rco-ivr.: is MI ail parts. Females of silages lIIaould t ak" th-ui. 'liiey at once remove all Ob,i ivc- tiom. no in a it Low obstinate or from whatever cause arising. It boxes 7t.J., Is. lfd.. and 2s. 9d. hnt Post iimlt i1 cover ld. extra. direct by proprietor, H. i). Iioi I.<m, M.P.S. (from the Birming- ham General jiii'i I^ying-iii Hospital), Aston Huuse, Aston-roa-i. Hiritiii;h;4:n.— Agents C'udiJf,-A. Xason, Chemist, '!<, lirHi!*e-street, and II, Bute-street. Herth • ■ —Vilia, Chemist, Pontmorlais and George- town. '•;<-«-L!.>yd. Chemist, Oxford st: eet. New- pert-¡¡. Cueo.U;, Cannot be had from other ciiifini-ti. N.IK—None Genuine unless "••aring G. 1>. Umnn" ni led across each labek tcttsnaatwered free. 2610 -j: ';0. 1HE VEGETABLE fJTONIC. rjWlLYM JgVANS' QUININE TOITTERS. is renowned Vegetable Tonio 3 unanimously acknowledged by all who have tried it to be an unfailing remedy for all AFFEC- TIONS of the CHEST, INDIGES- TION, NERYOU8 and LIVBK DIS- ORDER, DEPRESSION of SPIRITS and DKBII.ITY. Long experience has satisfactorily demonstrAted that these Bitters are well f wn VM adapted for the Cure of all symp- linUixn tions of the above ailments, and is, without doubt, the BKST EVANS KBMISI-V of ras ASK. QUININE IMPORTANT TESTIMONIALS. OTTTUDU 2, Price-street, Kates-hill, lilllt-lvo. Dudley, June 21.—Dear Sir,— It is not often that I have any- thing the matter with me, but a few week5 ago I caught a severe cold. which prostrMed me for several diivs. By chance I saw one of jour circulars, and having heard that several persons in the neighbourhood were derivillg benefit from it, I GWTLYM resolved to try it. wlJich I did, with the most satisfactory re- TTUAVQ' ilts. I have no doubt that *iVA«o the one bottle which 1 took • ruTi-wivr has saved me a heavy QUlNliNE doctor's bill, and I shall always praise tl»e bridge that BITTERS, carries me over. You may make what use you please ——————— t "1 of this testimonial, as Iain 1 well-known in this disl rict. —Tou: s faithfully, JAMES PMNCK. 18, Railway-street, Lewis- town, Treliarris, July 2, SOLD BY 1892 —Dear Sir,— Will vou allow me to inform you • T T that vour Quinine Bitters, ■aLllj taken "by me in conjunc- CHEMISTS. p^ble ^Di^sUvePearls^' have been the means of curing me of long-standing u Tndigestion. I am a ùraper's assistant, It nd found the confinement injurious, but your medi- j cines have toned the sys- AGENTS tern and revived the spirits, as none of the IN ALL many other medicines I PARTS iad taken had ever ùow. I have much pleasure in OF THE recommending it to all my WART n friends, for I feel it is in- deed a public benefit. With best wishes for its success. —Yours truly, E. T. WAUKHAM. *• At this st.Mson ..f the year C no one shuulii be without, it: A course taken NOW will be invaluable in giving 1011e to the sy=tem, new life to the blood, and biaeing the frWTT VM e: nerves. Avoid imitations. o Seethe name on the stamp, VITA-MO 8 *bel, and bottle's. Refuse all BiVAiNts olhers. Insist upon having d th" Genuine GWILYM QUININE BVAN8' QUININE BIT- TEliS. Should any diffi- BITTERS- cnltv be experienced in J BVAN8' QUININE BIT- TEliS. Should any diffi- BITTERS- cnltv be experienced in J procuring it write Lo the 'I ,proprietor, who will for- ward it per Parcels Post, cnrriage paid, to any ad- C ùress, at the following t prices ;— I t Bottles Is lkd, 2s 9d, and <s 6d each. ( Cases of three large bottles at 12s 61 per case. I PROPRIETORS: I QUININE BITTERS MANC-FACTURING COMPANY (LIMITKD), LLANELLY, SOUTH WALES. El 639 3 CARDIFF ARCADES. 1 J Royal Arcade. FR A N K' ] MY HATTER! MY HOSIER! 1 ROYAL ARCADE. 2753 A N T H 0 N YANDC 0 M P A N Y 4.1.. (Opposite the Royal IloteO, Proprietors of Nurse Thompson's Celebrated Pilis. The only cure for Anaemia. Thousands saved < from Consumption. t —jpEDLEirS J^OYAL gALOON, < Haircuttin^, Shaving, Shampooin;?, &c. 1 Quarterly Subscribers, 5s. ] 3, ROYAL ARCADE. Established) p 1iDL!Œj l26 Yenrr. s UMBRELLA MANUFAC TORY & WAREHOUSE FOR LEATHER BAG.s, 34, ROYAL ARCADE. I HI! II I Castle Arcade. J. I-t. WOOD, PRACTICAL OPTICIAN, Maker of the Celebrated PERISCOPIC PEBBLE SPECTACLES. W. Br!ST' CHINA AND GLASS DEPOT 9, CAS TLI-ARCADE. NEW PATTERNS IN DINNER AND TEA SETS. rflHE CASTLE™ OUTFITTING COMPANY, JL TAILORS, DRAPERS and GENERAL OUTFITTISPS, 16, CASTLE- ARCADE, CARDIFF (High-street end). Our Prices will be found tho lowest in the Trade. FJmK y^onoi'HY, HIGH-STREET, CARDIFF. Speciality-RICH BRIDAL CAKSS ALWAYS IN STOCK, from 15, :<:>£1..° 10s. JOSKPH j^ATTHEWS, GENERAL BOOK AND MUSIC SELLER, 20, CASTLE ARCADE. High Street Arcade. CA. BR! riON, AR IS TIC PICTURE FRAME MAlSER. The Latest and Choicest Proof ETCHINGS and ENGRAVINGS in Stock. Pictures Suitable for Presents. 22, IlIGH-STREET ARCADE. j OHN SHAW, 18 "and 20, HIGH-STREET »J ARCADE, CHINA AND GLASS BAZAAR. A Choice Selection of USEFUL PRESENTS, suitable for Wedding or Birthday Gifts. Unquestionably Largest Show in Wales I.V 11. SMITH, LADU<>' AND CHILLKEN'S Zi. UNDERCLOTHING of every description. Fa.ncy and Home-made Holland Aprons and Pinafores, Corsets, &c.. in groat variety. 28, HIGH-STREET ARCADE. WYNDHAM ARCADE. QAINAN, ifOIl CHEAP CLOTHING. 16. W YNDH AM ARCADE. 2913 E A M BIRDS SUFFER AND NATURALIST, 21, WINDHAM ARCADE. Birds and Animals Artistically and Taste- fully Set up. 2912 CYCLE-1. A~S D ( IGABS. THE MODEL AUCTION" MART AND STOCK EXCHANGE ROOMS. NORTH- TRRHT, CAHDIFF. MR. WU.LIAM BRADLEY will SELL by AUCTION, on WKDNE8DAY, June 14, 1893, tlie largest and best consignment of P. Pneu- matic, Dunlop. Swift, Cushion, E., Solid. Ji. Cushion, H. Pllemmltic Tyre SAFE riHS, from the well-known Makers awl Manufacturers nf Co\"entryalld Dudley. Best Machines ever offered to tLe public in Cftrdiff or District, and which at'eon view upto the above day of Sale. Also a large Quantity of CIGARS. Sale at Two o'clock. Also 10 Full Compassed Iroll Frame Pianofortes at 3 o'clock. Auctioneer's Office and Salerooms, Iforl tl-st1 Cardiff. 3â5 C. P-TTTl c K PAWNBROKER AND OUTFITTER, 40 & 41, BUIDGE-ST., ( jARDIFF JJ.B.-Excpe lin« ?0». 4d. in (he £ In!e eit. 2(()5 WE are now OKtring the liest. Line of LI&MT r^KUMATIC TIHB SAFETIES Ever see., in Cardiff. With ball steering ami latest Dunlop tyret. Huinber pattern frame, price £10 10s. Also, WtJ are offering Special Lines of Cushion Tyres, bought by our Mr. D*vies at the various Worhs last week at rock bottom prices, which we can snow at prices that will astonish VOO. We are also agents for the following Firms, and can supply these at prices that will beat any firms ill the country :—Hinlfre. lTumtx-r. B. and A., New Howe, Q:iadr;iuf, 5i';w 1;<1. Ac., &?. NOTE AJ)i>BB«8-57. QUEEN'-STKERT, CARDIFF. W. H. DAV1E'3 and CO. II [TIC TORY! a h TIPTON'S 1 rjp E A S 3 PROCLAIMED VICTORIOUS OVICR ALL OTHERS. 'i'- IRECT FROM THE TEA GARDEN TO THE TEAPOT. P ——— f NO MIDDLEMEN'S i PROFITS i j TO PAY. i RICH, PUIZE, FR-KGRANT, IS. AND 1S. 4D, PEK LB. FINEST TEA THE WORLD CAN PRODUCE. g pm, I S. 7 D. LK t r NO lIlGHKH PRICE. r )ver ONE MILLION PACKETS SOLD c WEEKLY. i SPECIAL NOTICE. -DeUvered carriage paid for an IS xtrald. per lb. to auv address in Great Britain, on rtiers of 5Ibs. and upwards. Samples sent free on Dplicatioit. r 11 "cm i 'A GUARANTEE.-Money returned 111 full if Tea oes not givs perfect satisfaction in every way. T IPTON, ( .'EA and COFFEK PLANTElt, CEYLON. t 'HE LARGEST TEA, COFFEE, ANU PROVISION i DEALER IN THE WORLD. Sole Proprietor of t he foil wing celebrated Tea and f Joffee Estates in Ceylon — Dambatenne. Layiria-i- oLte. Monerakande, Mahadambatenne, Mousakelle ( 'ooprassie, Hanagalla, and Gigranella, which cover housands of acres of the best Tea and Coffee land in ( Jevlon. j CEYLON Tea and Coffee Shipping Warehouses < Maddema Mill, Cinnamon Gardens, COLOMBO. Indian Tea Shipping Warehouses and Export Stores Armenian Ghaut, Calcutta. Indian Offices Lyon, Uange, Calcutta. General Offices BATH-STREET, CITY-ROAD, LONDON E.C. Local Branches 7, HIGH-ST. AND ST. MARY-ST. « SWANSEA Arcade Buildings, Highstreet LLANELLY 9. Stepney-street. BRISTOL. 22, Wire-street. Branches in all the rriiicipat Towns of the United Kiugom. plARDIIF SCHOOL BOARD. MONITORS' AND MONITUE3SES' EXAMINATION. The above EXAMINATION will be 11el,1 on SATUR- DAY, June 17th, from 9.30 to 12.30 and from Two to Four at the Higher Grade School. Forms of Application, which must be relui-iied on )r before June 10th, may be obtained at the Board Inspector's Office, 24, Castle Arcade-chambers. D. HE FS, Oerkoftheiioard. Town-hall, June 6th, 1893. PEOPLE'S MACHINE DEPOT, 27, CASTLE AKCADE. I BEG to INFORM tlm PUBLIC that I hare DPENED the abovo PREMISES with ft largo itock of Perambulator!1, Sewing Machine?, Mai Harts, Birycle.5, Mangles. Repairs in all it Sranclies (a speciality) will be executed unde ny personal supervision at the lowest trado wices.-F. G. GRKY (late with Henry Thomas 3t. John's-square. P.S.—Needlt s, Cottons, Oi', and all Acces- •oi ies kept in Stock.


















