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Business Addresses I HAVE fOU TRIED IT ? I IF NOT, THEN TRY IT NOW. ITwilTOC Ev AN*' QUININE BillKKd. SWIiYM PJVAitfB' QCLNKUi BITTERS. 1 SWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. ps This is the one uukiu'Wit-ageii Remedy which gives STRENGTH TO THE WEAK. NEW LIFE TO THE DEBILITATED, JOY IN LIFE TO TH"; MELANCHOLY. THE BEST ANALYSTS OF THE DAY SAY THAT frWILlM. KVANa' iUTiJtfKS GWILYM EVANS' BITTERS 6WILYM KVANS' BJTTKItB | IS A PERFECTLY HARMLESS. PURELY VEGETABLE REMEDY. JkJMvA ictors say it is a SAFE, CERTAIN, JiIa ifiber it is TRUSTWORTHY REMEDY. KJWILYMTK VANB ~BlTTEJS-f j "-WTLYM EVANS' BITTERS I G-WIL7H EVANS' BITTERS | That Always Sires "• AN EXCELLENT AfPE'lI 11-i TO THE DYSPEPTIC, And ROSY CHEEKS to all Delicate YOUTHS and MAIDKNS. Recovered Patients by th Score who have tried other Preparations without Deriving any Benefit, have been Cnred by Using < ii VVIL^^ EVA-N'S' ^UIN UNElUTTEKS. I GWILYM i'VSiNH' QUINISE BITTERS. GWILYM EYANS' QUININE BITTERS. I TTTK PERFECTION O!" MEDICINAL PHTvPARA- IONP. AND THE BEST REMEDY OF THE AGE. —— These Bittcra have been before 1 the Public for nearly Twenty Years, and the Preparation is so much ap- prpciated in all places where it has been glvsn a fair trial that the „ demand for it is increasing day by Contains— da„ Qnisine. „ GWILYM EVANS' BITTERS. Sarsaparilla, GWILYM KVANS' BITTEUS. j GWILYM EVANS' BITTERS. Burdock, gwilyM EVANS' BITTEKS. Saffron, Lavender, THE BEST REMEDY OF THE AGE. RECENT i E8TIMONIALS. FOOD BKEMED HEAVY AS LSAD. 41, Bamford-street, Hillgate, Stockport, Nov. 3rd, 1891. Gentlemen,—Allow me to say that I have derived great benefit from using "Gwilym Evans' Bit- Recommended ters." Where my food formerly for seemed heavy as lead after eating. Weakness. '-he "Quinine Bitters" caused it Nervousness, to seem light as a feather. I find and iilso that it causes the blood to cir- Indleestion. culate better in my broken limb, and at the same time strengthens me. I feel thankful that your little book came into my possession, and I advise all who study health to obtain "Gwilym Evans' Bitten" at once.—Years truiy, Mrs. M. HALIUM. GWILYM EVANS' BITTE'iS. GWILYM EVANS' BITTERS. The number ox small imitators or these Bitters throughout the country is one of the best proofs of their virtue, for Imitation is the sincerest form of ftat- terv Do not be persuaded to take any of these imita- tiona which are offered under similar names, b«fc which are entirely devoid of the virtues of this renowned pre- paration. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. BE CAREFUL. Bee that the name Gwilym Evans' Quinine Bitters" is on the Label Stamp and Bottle, without which none ^SoldU»y all Chemists iu battles at 2«, 9d.} double size. 4s. 6d. Cases, containing threej«, 6d. bottles, at 12B. ed. per case, also sent carriage paid for the above prices to any address -*y the proprietors, QUININE "GLTTERS QQ„ Y LANELLY. AMERICAN DEPOT: Mli. R. n. WILLIAMS, FHARMACIST, PLYMOUTH, PKNNA. [1689 TESSE WILLIAMS'S fJTRUSSES ARE OF THE BEST SHAPE AND QUALITY. Single Truss, Ritfbt or Left. f»« Super Quality, Leather Covered — os. 3d. Doable Truss 3s. 64. Super Qua'ity, Leather Covered post Free to Any Addrsss in Great Britain. These Trusses are specially suited for Inguinal Hernia or cases of Ordinary Rupture. Scrotal Kuptore, Um- bilical Rupture, and i' n>e other cases require Trusses and Belt;•> of special e ^M-uction. Such appliances must be made to order. Prices and full particulars on appli- cation. We keep all sizes in stock, from 13in.to 40in., single, double, right, and left, and ca«, there fore,supply any size at a moment's notice. 3 and 4, PARK-HALL BUILINGS, CARDIFF. fTHRAPNELL AND GANE T 3C, 38 AND 41, QUEEN-STREE1. 0OTTAGE FURNITURE, -S- GOOD, SOUND. CHEAP. QPECtA!. jgHOWROOMS, NOT: SURPASSED IN THE pROVlNCICS. "JMMENSE gTOCK QOTTA^E JpURNIlTRE. QOMPABE p RTOBS. rj-VRAPNELL AND QAiNE, MANUFACTURERS OF SUBSTANTIAL FURNITURE, 38 AXn 41, CARDIFF. A AT 38, 39, and 40, COLLEGE-GREKN, BRISTOL, ¡..uïD 161 and !?, COMMMRCIAL-SI'RSET, NEWPORT, ESTIMATES FREE. CATALOGUES FREB. ALL GOODS CARRIAGE t' A 1 0 TO ANY RAILWAY STATION IN THE KINGDOM. B EL G RAVE DYE WORKS. 1) Y E R S ANT) ^LEANERS OF tATS, BONNETS, OSTRICH FEATHERS I.A DIES' DRESS, AND GENTS' CLOTHING. ÜI:,CHARD'S, 35, ADAM STREET, CARDIFF. Hats or Bonnets Altered or Re-made. Leghorn Hats Cleaned or Dyed, and made as New or More Fashionable Shapes. [122388 £ "i ARDKNERS—amateur and professional \T —Farmers. Answers, Sportsmen, and all in- terested in Rural Matters will find Mr. J. M-air'« BottAL Notbs" in the. WltRLy Mm" both in- /fceating And valuable. Business Addresses. X'<OH, DEAR, DOCTOR, \f What will you recommend for my Tight jK Chest this Fearful Weather ?" ■'Ob, there is nothing like TUDOR WILLIAMS' PATENT BALSAM OF HONEY." Not too anxious, l ut anxious enongh, that Tudor Wi llams' marvellous Patent Balsam of Honey be made known all over the Civilised World. THRRHIS 1*0 MORE TRYING SEASON FOR THE HUMAN CONSTITUTION THAN THE PRESENT WEATHER. Beware of t.he sunshine ill the day and the cold winds atni-ht. Should you cat?h a coM, nip it in the bud by 'aking tht-Certain Remndy. TUDOn ^TILLIAMS' jgALSAM OF JJONEY. Thousands of Children have been Saved from an Un- timely Death by the prompt use of Tudor Williams Baleam of Honey. No Mother should negleci. to kftep this Infallible Hemedy in the house ready for any emergency. Remember that it is wiser to check a slight Cough at the commencement than to allow it to develop into a lingering complaint. Ask aistinctlj for. Tudor Williams' Balsam of Honey, and ec that you get the right article. Thousands of Children Cured from Whooping Cough and Bronchitis when all other Remedies fail. Persons suffering from Difficulty of Breathing should give It a. trial. NOW COMMENDED BY PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. When you are distressed with a miserable cold, nose bunged up, throat sore, limbs ach'ng with a general feeling of smothering, a few doses of the B ilfain of Honey will clear the wretched symptoms away, almost before you know it. Th^r j is nothing like it on the market; it is thoronghlv up to date; it tri kiea into all the system. A true friend, prompt and reliable in its action. Just itnothfr word. When you ask or send for Tudor Williams' Patent Balsam of Honey, do not allow anybody to per- suade you to purchase something else. If you do you simply throw oft the genuine article and take on with a false one. Wonderful Curel Daily. Thousands of Tes- timonials to hand from Ptil parts of the world. SPONTANEOUS TESTIMONY. My children aud myself have been great sufferers from bronchitis and spitting of blood from the lunga for many years. A bill was placed under my door after reading the conteuta I fuund that it concerned our com- plaints. A bottle of Tudor WHH&nis F&tent BftlMin of Honey was sent for to the neaiest stores. After taking four buttles the effect was alt that eonld desired. Two more wera sent for, and the result was a grand cure, I wish I h..d kucjrji of this preparation before. Three years ago I lost a darling daughter suiTar- ing likewise. I deem it a duty to ^ake an interest In pushing tJ-¡" sale of your Tndor Williams' Balsam of JIoney.-Yours faithfully, Mrs. CLUFF, 1, Bower-street, Rochdale. WORTHY OF "SOUR CONSIDERATION. Sir,—My wifa desires me to say that you. Tudor Williams' Balsam of Honey has proved a most valuable Sir,-My wife desires me to say that you Tudor Williams' Balsam of Honey has proved a most valuable medicine in our large family (eight children). As soon as a. cough or co) t makes its appearance a do-e of Tudor's Balsam is at once administered, and this treat- ment is followed up until the cold disappears. Before using the Balsam in our family the children have been prostrate with colds for several weeks, but now, by taking doses as directed, they seem to suffer very little inconvenience. During; the short lime the cold is upon theL" the action of the Balsam is marvellous, and the little ones take it readily av.d ask for more.—WAt'fKB J. BRETT, C.M., Headmaster, Severn Tunnel School, March 16th, 1892. ANOTHER FACT. Dear Sir,-I have for many years suffered from bron- chitis and astbma, and, after tryiug several remedies, last week obtaintd a bottle of your Balsom of Honey, and have derived great benefit from it. Often when rising in the morning I have scarcely been able to breathe, but find that one dooe of the Balsam gives me instantaneous relief.-Traty youvs, C, jnJRGB, 57, Regent-street, Newtown, Bristol, Nor, 2,1801, Sold by all Chemists and Storee all over the World, Is. lid., Z3. 9J., and 4s, 6d, bottles Skmpla bottle sent (post paid) for ls. 3d., 3s„ and 08, from the Inventor. D TUDOR WILLIAMS, R,D,S,L„ MEDICAL-HALL, ABBBPABB. 2669 H T HEATH AND SONS Having increased tU<Mr i,0515teSe before til? pubita a perfect display of *11 kiwds ot Masloal Instruments, piANOS, 0 ROANS, JJAliPS, By all the fceactJng Majors, botU aew IJld seeondrhand, at the lowest possible pneea. P I A N O B By BROAOWOeO, CJQkkARP, 8BIHSMEAD EBAJtP, SiaSMAN, STEINWA¥, SCHiEDMAYKH, &:< FROM 16s. QfiSASS, SOLE • AaiSN1Y3 FOR MASON AND HAMLIN ORGANS, BELL. SMITH, KAKN, ROBERTY, &e„ 0HQAN3 Alnye- in Stoek in great variety, PROM 7a. MONtNLT, at R. J. HEATH AND SONS 51, QUEEN-STREET, 1 I CARDIFF, 9, NORTH-ROAD, ) 84, TAFF-STREET, i'ONTYPtUDD. MAIWTFACTOK* PEEL-GROVE PIANOFORTE WORKS CAMBRIDGE-ROAD, LONDON. TUNESS VISIT ALL PARTS OF SOUTH WAIVES. CLtalognes Post-free on Applicatiou. SPECIAL TERMS TO TEACHERS, SCHOOLS, AND PLACES OF WORSHIP. Canvassers Wanted in Districts where not yet Repre- sented. Liberal Terms. NEW TTIKB OYSrilM OR PIANOFORTES rjlFJOWlPSON k gHACKICf.L, J ^IMITKt) NEW rjriHB SYSTLP-M, FOR AMERICAN ORGANS rj^HOMlWON k gRAOXELL, NEW FI UtE gY s R M FOR HARMONIUMS fJIHOOTSON & SBACBEIL, L mrrEn. QUEEN'S BUILDINGS, CARDIFF. Also at SW ANSEA. NEWPOMT, MERTHYK GLOUCESTER, PONTYPRIDD, and PENAK TEL A u-gesC and best Stock out of London to select from Aft Instrirments warranted and e*fibaBg<*I If not approved. TtcSM—yfem 10 Monthly, ow Nmr KIBBSTSTJCM. N.B.—Net Catalogue with Photographs and tally de tailed particnlars, sent poser FKEK on application. l'UNING. mow 3/6.













--Cuttings and Comments.



Political Demonstration in…

The New Knight of the Garter.