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LARGEST SELECTION IN THE TRADE IN ALL DEPARTMENTS. ft I I DIRECT FROM THE MILLS.—Newest Styles in Tweeds, Harris, Horn espun V I I I I | 'U Meltons, Beavers, Serges, &o. Pishing, Shooting, and Hunting Tweeds a |A| ill | | | rl SDecialitv. Also. Homespun, Clan Tartan, and Serge Costume Cloths for Ladies, WW I Ull specially woven in all the Latest Novelties. 50 PER CENT. SAVED BY AVOIDING INTERMEDIATE PROFITS -Travelling Rugs, Shepherds' Mauds Tl 111" r Pi O Blankets, Flannels, Shirtings, Knitting Yarns, &c. Do your Shopping direct by I lfll !■ t I I X post, thus obtaining Goods of acknowledged Excellence at First Cost. I V U L L U l J Patterns Free. (Name this paper J All Parcels Paid. J CURRIE, M'DOUGALL, & SCOTT, Langhaugh Mills, Galashiels, N.B. iTX II7 A AT NOTE.—Farmers and others can have own Wool Made into any of the abova ALL VV ul/Li at Reduced Prioes. We Pay Carriage of Wool and Finished Goods from and to all Parts. Agenis Wanted. (3893 TELEGRAMS:— ESTABLISHED "ADVERTISER" LLANGOLLEN. 1860. HUGH JONES, STATIONER, BOOKSELLER, PRINTER and PUBLISHER, FANCY AND ART DEALER, CASTLE STREET, LLANGOLLEN. MISCELLANEOUS STATIONERY. ALBUMS, PHOTO., WRITING, &0. LETTER CLIPS AND BILL FILES. BASKETS-LETTER AND WASTE-PAPER. LETTER BALANCES AND BOXES. BLOTTING PADS. LUGGAGE LABELS CLOTH, MANILLA, BOARDS —PERFORATED, BRISTOL, DRAW- AND PARCHMENT. ING. LUGGAGE LABELS. ADHESIVE, IN CLOTH. BRUSHES-GUM OR PASTE. MARKING INK. CAMEL HAIR PENCILS AND BRUSHES. MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS. CARBONIC PAPER. PAPER FASTENERS. COLOUR BOXES-HARD AND MOIST. LETTER BALANCES. PRESENTATION. PENS, PENHOLDERS, AND PEN-RACKS. COMPASSES. PENCILS, ORDINARY LEAD, FANCY, AND CORRESPONDENCE CARDS. COPYING. CRAYONS POCKET KNIVES, SCISSORS, AND ERASERS CHALK AND CHALK-HOLDERS. QUILL PENS, QUILL NIBS. DATE CASES. RULERS-FLAT, ROUND, AND PARALLEL. DRAWING PINS. SLATES. DRAWING BOARDS, &c. SLATE PENCILS IN BOXES. ELASTIC BANDS. STEEL PENS, COLLIES', GILLOT'S, HUGHES'S, &C INDIA RUBBER. STATIONERY CABINETS AND CASES. GUM, AND GUMMED TICKETS. T SQUARES. SET SQUARES, etc. INK-WRITING AND COPYING. TRACING CLOTH AND PAPER. INKWELLS & GLASS INKS OF EVERY DES- WAX, SEALING, PARCEL. AND BOTTLE. CRIPTION. WAFERS. INKSTANDS AT ALL PRICES. WRITING DESKS. INK ERASERS. WORK BOXES. JAM POT COVERS. WORK BASKETS. BIRTHDAY CARDS IN THE NEWEST DESIGNS. LEATHER GOODS. • BAGS-SCHOOL AND TRAVELLING. PAPETERIES. BLOTTING AND SERMON CASES. PHOTO. FRAMES—GREAT VARIETY. CARD AND DIARY CASES. PURSES. DRESSING CASES—LADIES' AND GENT.'S. POCKET BOOKS. JEWEL BOXES. RUG STRAPS. LADIES' COMPANIONS, BAGS. &c. TOURIST CASES MUSIC ROLLS AND PORTFOLIOS. WALLETS—ALL PRICES. LETTER CASES. WRITING AND DESPATCH CASES] BIBLES, SCHOOL BOOKS, ATLASES, DICTIONARIES. PHOTOGRAPHIC VIEWS OF NORTH WALES, IN PLUSH AND OAK FRAMES. WINDSOR AND NEWTON$ARTISTS' MATERIALS. HENRY LAURANGE'S SPECTACLES. PATENT GLAZIER WINDOW DECORATIONS. ILFORD DRY PLATES. P. O. PAPER. NOTE THE ADDRESS— HUGH JONES, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL STATIONER, dc„ "ADVERTISER" OFFICE, LLANGOLLEN. A PRIVATE GENTLEMAN, having a considerable sum of uninvested money at his disposal, is prepared to advance the same to all respectable and responsible persons, in any part of England, Scotland, or Wales, in sums of not less than J315 to -81.000. on the Borrower's own SIMPLE WRITTEN PROMISE TO RE-PAY, without Sureties or Security. No delay. No Law THE* STRICTEST PRIVACY IS GUARATEED and, if desired, a written undertaking will be given to his effect. Advances also made on Mortgages and Reversions at FIVE PER CENT. INTEREST PER ANNUM, repayable by easy instalments, or in one sum, to suit the Borrower's convenience, or, if desired, the capital can remain as long as the interest is paid. IMPORTANT NOTICE. As this is not a regular loan office, habitual borrowers need not apply. For full particulars (free of charge), apply person- ally or by letter (stating amount required) to MR. STEWART, 2, Cooper Street, Manchester. (4372) ONE BOX OF CLARKE'S B 41 PILLS is warranted to cure all discharges from the Urinary Organs, in either sex (acquired or constitu- tional), Gravel, and Pains in the Back. Guaranteed free from Mercury. Sold in Boxes, 4s. 6d. each, by all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors throughout he World; or sent to any address for sixty stamps yy the Makers, THE LINCOLN ANDMIDLAND COUNTIES DRUG COMPANY, Lincoln. MONEY TO BE LENT. Strictly I Any Sum from £ 5 to X1000 I Strictly Private Advanced on Private Advances. Exceptionally Easy Terms. ) Advances. MRS. D. BEHRMAN, 16, CITY ROAD, CHESTER, having a Large Amount of Unin- vested Capital, is wishful to Lend same in Sums of X5 to X1000 to any Respectable Person (Male or Female) on their own NOTE OF HAND, without delay, law costs, or any impertinent inquiries at interest highly benefrciil to Borrower, and on Deeds, FROM 5 PER CENT. INTEREST. This advertisement being from a strictly private source, habitual borrowers are requested not to apply. No good application is ever refased, and distance no object, a gentleman being sent direct from the office to ctrry out all advances. Apply in confidence to Actual Lender, MRS. D. BEHRMAN, 16, CITY ROAD, CHESTER (Next to Royalty Theatre). (4151) lrIUSIC. "THE MARCH OF THE PILGRIMS." 2/ "RA VENSPRING," "VOICE OF WATERS.2/- HUGH JONES, "ADVERTISER" OFFICE, LLANGOLLEN.






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