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BEWARE OF A CHILL! A WARM COAT MAY SAVE A DOCTOR'S BILL. E. R. PARRY'S NEW STYLES IN WINTER SUITS & OVERCOATS ARE REMARKABLE FOR STYLE, VALUE, and WEAR. 39 CASTLE STREET, LLANGOLLEN. CANAL WHARF, LLANGOLLEN. FOR CHEAPEST COALS GO TO CANAL WHARF. < FOR r BEST FIREWOOD CONSISTING OF PITCH-PINE, RED DEAL, ASH, LARCH, &c. CUT READY FOR USE, SEND TOJ CANAL WHARF. I FOR Hay, Straw, Moss, Litter,dec., ALSO SALT (All Kinds), SAND, [LIME, &c., APPLY AT CANAL WHARF. CHAFF CUTTER, TURNIP SLICER, CORN CRUSHER (Hand or Power) ON SALE. Canal Wharf, Llangollen 'K' BOOTS & SHOES Are Sold 20 per Cent. Lower than London Prices at -N MEIRION HOUSE, LLANGOLLEN. GENTS' WATERPROOF SHOOTING BOOTS at 27/- per pair (advertised price) „ CITY 'K' BOOTS (Crup Vamps) at 22/- per pair 20/- „ „ PLIANT 'K' BOOTS 20/- „ „ ORDINARY 'K' BOOTS 13/6 and 16/- LADIES CITY 'K' BOOTS 17/6 and 13/6. „ FANCY BROGUE & GOLOSH BOOTS 15/- per pair (This Boot is Sold in an Adjacent Large Town at 21/) LADIES' KID LEG, CALF GOLOSH. BUTTON BOOTS. at 15/6 per pair. MEMEL QUARTERS, CALF VAMPS, LACED BOOTS 14/- „ GLAZED BUTTON BOOTS 17/- THE LARGE STOCK OF OTHER MAKES I PRICES' S0LD AT PLLOFONTIONATE THE System of this ESTABLISHMENT is to TH? System ^is ESTABLISHMENT is to at th?nTn~«?eT»Be*fer <2aSS °f B°°ts and Shoes at the Lowest Possible Profit, which many far and near, have found out to their advantage. R. E. ROBERTS, Proprietor. THE NEW DRAPERY ESTABLISHMENT. • ED. ROBERTS IS NOW SHOWING LATEST NOVELTIES IN DRES3 MATERIALS, LADIES' CAPES, JACKETS, MILLINERY, &c. MEN'S SUITS TO MEASURE First-Class Style and Fit Guaranteed E. R. has always A LARGE STOCK 07 Ladies' and Children's Underclothing at Remarkably Low Prices. NOTE ADDRESS- CENTRAL BUILDINGS, CASTLE STREET, LLANGOLLEN. ROBERTS & EVANS (Late Robert Evans), Carpenters, Wheelwrights, and Blacksrniths, OAK ST., LLANGOLLEN. WHEELS AND CARTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION MADE, REPAIRED, TRIMMED, AND PAINTED ON THE PREMISES. SHOEING and AGRICULTURAL IMPLE- MENTS MADE and REPAIRED. ESTIMATES an EN. GOOD WORKMANSHIP AND MATERIALS GUARANTEED. 364 NEW GOODS FOR AUTUMN AND WINTER SEASON, 1893-4, Embracing Latest Novelties, with a Good Range of SMART, STYLISH, and USEFUL GOODS, AT MODERATE PRICES. Inspection Invited. NOTE ADDRESS- MRS. E. EVANS, FRENCH MILLINER & FANCY DRAPER CASTLE ST., LLANGOLLEN. BEATTYS' CELEBRATED ORGANS AND PIANOS. For Catalogues, address DANIEL F, BEATTY, WASHINGTON, NEW JERSEY. I Rfin nnn HOI S g^TTY'S Organs at Bargains JUUjUUU UuLO. For particulars, catalogue, ad- dress Daniel F. Beatty, Washington, New Jersey. BEATTY'S ORGANS. S™ I Daniel F. Beatty, Washington, New Jersey. BEATTY'S PIANOS ■ Catalogue, address Daniel F. Beatty, Washington, New Jersey. (3551) TO THE TRADESMEN OF LLANGOLLEN AND NEIGHBOURHOOD. IF YOU WANT TO SUCCEED IN BUSINESS YOU MUST ADVERTISE. CHRISTMAS & NEW YEAR, 1893-4. CHRISTMAS is close upon us, an.d it is just the intervening space between, now and then, that a judicious outlay in advertising is certain to repay itself over and over again. At this period of the year a thousand-and-one additional articles are required in every household. The festive season brings with it the duty of supplying innumerable wants, and to do this the Tradesmen of all classes of Business will be requisitioned. The Draper, the Tailor, the Grocer, the Bootmaker, the Tea Merchant, the Wine Merchant, the Coal Merchant, and others will all be looking forward to a large amount of additional trade. But who is it that reaps the greater portion of this ? It is, unquestionably, the Tradesmen who have t1-e enterprise to give the greatest possible publioity to their wares by ADVERTISING them. Many Tradesmen are deterred by the expense of Advertising; some have no faith in its efficacy; others think it a mark of second-rate status in Business", but it is undeniable that a regular and judicious discharge of Advertisements results in a large accession of trade. Timid business men get frightened out of incurring a trifle of expense for Advertising, and the enterprising man, by keeping himself before the public, reaps the benefits. To be effectual, the Advertising of CHRISTMAS GOODS should be done at once, and persistently kept before the public until the arrival of the Festive occasion. "ADVERTISER" OFFICE, LLANGOLLEN. HUGH JONES, Publisher.
