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R Savocet BES>Qnf round skiis of boof, 28 eold potatoes, one onion, a spoonful of sauce Ifravy, flour pepper and Bait. Cut, the skirt csi 'into small sl.ces, lay them in a pie-dish with the pepper, salt, gravy. and sauce; scatter ove» the onion, finely shred, and fill up with sliee4 potatoes, over which put a few pieces of driy ping. Bake an hour and a-liaif ICED PUDDING.—Pour a little calf's foot jolb Into a mould and learr- it to become cold; buttet the remaining part of the mould, and arrange dried cherries about it. Steep some slices of sponge cake hi sherry and place them round the mould. Fill up the centre with whipned cream in wh:ch a little isinglass or gelatine has been put. Place in a cool plaice, and turn out when set. Strew chopped coooar tt shavings ffter it. BAKED COTTEK OTTSTAUDS.— Make half-a-T>i«* of very strong coffee, mix with it half-a-pinl of boiled milk, bent or three egfrs into it. tweoten, and pour ;ntr a greased pie-dish. Bake rery slowly till set, scatter chopped almond over, and servo hot or cold. SPAID MI Onto.x Suit PRIST:.—Take & moderate- tized Spanish onion, peel it, and cut it in haJf, take out the heart on each side, season with pepper and salt. Put into the middle of the Onion a nice fresh sheep's kidney, close the two sides together, tie it round with twine, piace it in a basin, and cover with a saucer, then bake till the onion is quite soft. To accompany thai dish InMh some potatoes, press them into a di.nh. tcore across with a hark, and brown before the 6re. BEE? AND HAM PIE.—Take qJh, of beefsteak, out into neat pieces Cut Alb. of cooked ham and four hard-boiled eggs into slices. Arrange ingredients in layers in a pte-dish, Reason each with chopped parslev, thvmo, ma.rjpf.ain, lemon peel, pepper and salt. Put a. cupful el good stock into the dish, coyer with & rich ybfr crust, ornament with leaves cut out of the pa* try, brush over the crist with beaten yolk of og and bake in a sharp oven till the paatrT cooked. Then lei the meat cook •towly till Ian ooW. "Ba.t. pa," 4afd tAe fond little boy, "when i groyr up I hope I shall be just like you." T" That's right. Tommy," replied the gratified parent But why are you so anxious to be juat like mo when you grow upT" "Oh, well," re- plied the loving child, it must be eolendid not to hare any hair to oomb." tdra. Startuppe: Ah, professor. And now 18 mj daughter getting on with her musioT Da you think she will ever become a great singerT Professorr "Madam, it is very hard to say." Mrs. Startuppe But surely she possesses some of the qualifications? Professor: Ach 1 Yea, I Madam; she has a mouth." I have already aaid No' to you, Mr. Vore," tttd Miss Bute. I don't seem to be able to make myself plain, although 1 have kried- •"Ah, Miss Bute." interrupted Percy Vere, "yew *auldn't de that no matter how you try." Well—eh—of eourse, I shall always be (lad to feave you eall upon me, Mr. Vere. The Irish porter is eternally a joy, unless 1" want anything done/ It is now related by a feminine tourist that on arriving at a remote Station in Mayo, with a prospect of an eipht- mile drive on an open car, the inquired anxiously: Do you< think it will rain, porter, to-nightr And she t was answered: No, |na'am. indeed. It rains just watter here—like fcreryw nere els* Kawh man wild woman'b life is like a garden. What he or she sows there they will find agaic. If they sow nothing, the garden will be bare and dreary. If they let weeds once gei1 a footing, they will cover the ground rapidly with their foul growth. If you tackle life v.ith a determi- nation to succeed, life is bound to yield success. If your heart is full of love and sympathy, the flowers of tenderness and gratitude will spring up wherever you go. What are you sowing in your garden? Flowers or wooes? Or are you jut letting it alùne?




Swansea Harbour Trust.

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