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CAR MAR THE N. CARMARTHENSHIRE ASSIZES. The Commission of the Midsummer Assizes for the OOU"ty of Carmarthen, was opened on Wednesday ev. n- at 6.40., at the Shire Hall, by tbe Hon Sit iVlont«gue ^dward Smith, the judge appointed for the South Wales 'strict. His Lordship arrived in town early during tbe at the residence of Mr George Spurrell, King-street, *je judge's lodgings. It may be worthy of notice that javelin men have been dispensed with, and in fact. ,Qe entry of the judge into town at the assizes seems to i e regarded with decreasing interest. The high sheriff Th^ ^ev^» Westfa, and the under sheriff, ^Ooniag J ones, Esq, Llandovery. His Lordship attended •■'ice at Saint Peter's Church on Wednesday evening, fte-n t^8 a,8*ze 8ermon was delivered by the Rev Henry G«i Y,,rino,Ith) the high sheriff's chaplain, from j,0.a^lans 18,—" But if ve be led by the Spirit, ye are Fu J\n'Jer t^le law-" The service was read by the Rev avi(i Morgan, curate. T THURSDAY. ^j3enetP0Urt assembled this morning at eleven o'clock, e business of the Assize was proceeded with, one t Wer? only two Prisoners for trial in the county, bo or PeiJ;jry» and the other for concealment of birth, out on bail. W*56 I,8ua'' reclamation against vice and immorality '^g been read, his Lordship charged the Grand Juries '"e following tarms gentlemen of the Grand Jury,—I am happy to be able Congratulate you on the very satisfactory state of your ^Uty as regards crime. The calendar contains the (ijj es of two prisoners only, or rather of two persons t0af8e(l with offences, and both of them were admitted a" *>y the committing magistrates, and it seems to y6r Ver5' properly so admitted. This is undoubtedly a I|,j8justifying state of things, and highly creditable to habitants of this county. Gentlemen, there is one Joa:?.111 which a man apparently holding a respectable in society, a person of the name of James Grif- w is committed for perjury. Now the case I think tl»i9 require some attention on your part. You will find )*4T a Tery stale prosecution the perjury is supposed to •n committed at a hearing of a case in the County in which Mr James Griffiths was tbe plaintiff. SW^'it healing took place so long ago as the 14th of \^ber, 1866, now nearly two years ago. It seems Cljj^e defendant there set up as a set-off against the jUade by Mr Griffiths upon him for some beer he ri to Mr Grimtas. It is said on-that hearing Mr '^denied that those cesks were sold to him. Now two wi'nesses who speak to the words used by in giving his evidence before the Judge of 8 e„°-ry Couat. It seems that they took no notes of ence. 1 may tell you that in point of law it is nu'ec?Ssary that notes should be taken, but as HljL^tion of evidence, of course, it is highly ctory that notes should be taken, and that V a man is indicted for perjury there should W ^^thing that is said taken down, so that there 1w. e no misunderstanding. However, this is only a !itjjl0n of the character of the evidence. If you are \ll ky tk0 witnesses that they are accurate in their WAction of the words used, why you may act upon evidence, although they made no note in writing at 'ejj ltt»e of the words used. However, they do not pro- ^tj 0 give the exact words. It seems that this prose- not instituted until more than eighteen months 'he hearing. Of course the perjury must have ex- '(k J' the time of the hearing. The wife of the defendant Jjttjjj.1 case gives some reasons which may or may not be iStf0tOry to y°u ^or ^is pr°seculion being so delayed. of course, if you are satisfied that, he did use in giving his evidenco which are attributed to NSr,k 'he intent to use them in tbe sense stated, and N 8atisfied of the fact that those words were untrue, tif1 lllQ transaction which he denied did take place, in^t n?you W^" '1'm 8u''ty> on'y ot^er case ,%n p 4 girl named Elizabeth Evans, for endeavouring Wresa ttle birth of an infant child. The case aiso Ik?* tli 'entio» ^rom l^e circumstances attending it. Atu e offence sustained by the Act of Parliament is y 8ecret disposition of the dead body of the child. V^Sit'U be satisfied that there was some secret ^(on'of the dead body of the child, which it seems Ait in tbe privy where it is alleged it was born. C*' i?0a1^ seeuo from the evidence that there is some H,SiQ ere» whether the child was born where it was tW privy, and whether it was put there in the V^th by the evidence of the witness. No e child was found in the privy. It seems that H11 the !l0lher of the girl came to her the same night, told her what had happened, and bow that It, hif,^ wa8 found in that place. If you think th;it after "It. ;tlje chi^ 8^° ^isPosed of the body by putting 'C*6* ia "k t'ie endeavour to conceal the birth then the L'ct tt( ,I}H(le out. If you think that she did not do th erwar^#« 't seems to me that would be satis- v?yon ,e offence was not committed. I now beg to dis- V Q fii|) ° J'0ur duties. i^rie„. ^as found against Elizabeth Evans, of Llanelly, %'f^a;ent of blFtb. v'^n was found against James Griffiths, of Car- V|f Orfepetjury. ^y^^ha was afterwards tried, and found Not

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