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HILL HOUSE, HAVERFORDWEST, Conducted by Miss Peake, and Frauleine Klapper t, suc- cessors to Miss Davies. 'j'BE duties of the above Establishment iOr Young JL Ladies will be resumed on Thursday, the 30th instant. Hili-street, July 15, 1868. STEAlI-l COJfMCJNICATION WITH THE SOUTH OF IRELAND. rpHE New Milford (Milford Haven) and Waterford X Daily Service (Sundays excepted). The Milford Havao and Waterford Steam Ship Com- pany's Royal Mail Steamers will sail, weather per- mitting— FROM NEW MILFORD, At 7,45 p. m, on arrival of the 9 15 a.m Express, and 6.0 a.m, third class trains, so as to enable passengers to proceed by the 6.0 a m. train to Limerick, Cork, &c. FHOM WATERFORD, arrival of the train from Cork,Limerick.&c so as to enable passengers to proceed by the 8.35 &. tn, Srst and second class Express train, reaching London about 60 p.m, and third class, arriving in London St 9.45 p.m. For further particulars apply to any of the Railway Stations, or to Messrs Jackson & Co, New Milford, South Wales. See Bradshaw's and Irish Guides, and Railway Time Tables. JJROWNand POLSON'S CORN FLOUR, FOR Children's Diet. J^ROWNand" FOLSOH'S t: 0 RN FLU b H, FOR A which the best Arrowroot is applicable. J^ROWN M'l P OLSON'S CORN FLOUR BOILED WITH MILE, FOR BR E. A K F A S T JJUIOWN and POLSON'S CORN FLOUR. nOILED WITH MILK, FOR SUPPER. B ROW Nand POLSON'S CORN FLOUR, TO THICKEN SOU P S. II ROW Nand POLSON'S CORN FLOUR, TO ■• T H I C K E N SAUCES. RO WN and POLSQN'S CORN FLOUK. TO THICKEN BEEF TEA B RO WN anJ POLSON'S CORN FLOUR, FOR BLANCMANGE. gUOWN and POLSON'S CORN FLOUR, CAUTION-To obtain extra profit by the sale, ptaer qualities are socaetimes audaciously substituted instead of BROWN and POLSON'S. CURESAND COMFORT FOR THE BEDRIDDEN BY HOLLOWAY S OINTMENT, f Tars wonderful Ointment acts like magic in relieving and •curing old sores, wounds, bad legs, ulcers, and 'options of the skin; when rubbed on ihe surface it r^ttetrates and purifies each tissue oa its passage, and 1?ert8 the most wholesome influence over the internal junctures, it heals by cleansing all animal fluids with ^nich it comes in contact, and thereby .promotes a sound permanent cure. Gowt and Rheumatism. To sufferers from the racking pains of Rheumatism 'nd Gout this Ointment will prove invaluable. Aflei fomentation with wa<rm water the soothing action of this Ointment is most remarkable; it seems at once to lessen inflammation, ease pain, reduce the swelling, restore J .t¡atural cit-eulation. and expels the disease. For the 4bove complaints Helloway's Ointment and Pills are in- hlullble specifics. ^pthcria J>rorrthitk, Sore Throats, Coughs, and Oclàs. ..This class of diseases may be cured by well rubbing Ointment, three times a daj% upon the throat,chest, back of the.patient. It will coon penetrate and give j^fediate relief. In all stages of Influenza, Colds, and pouchitis, tikis treatment may be (oliowed with effi- and safety—indeed it has never been knows to Varieties of Skin Miseasez, Scrofula, Scurvy. o This Ointment is a certain cure for Ringworm, Scurvy jpr°fnla, or King's Evil, and the most inveterate skin to which the hnrasn race is subject. They can- llnii trea'ted with a safer or more speedy remedy than >hi TW?y4s 'Ointment, assisted by his celebrated Pills, a'et so powerfully on the constitution and so purify fro that these disorders are completely eradicated 1,1 the system, and lasting cure obtained. Piles Fistulas, and Internal Inflammation. J?ese complaints are most distressing to both body and Of' f&lse delicacy concealing thetn from the knowledge fr0 'e fnost intimate friends. Persons suffer for years ^oitL 8 an(* sim^ttr complaints when tbey might use 0(yn *Hy's Ointment with instant relief, a&d effect their w'thout the annoyance of explaining their ail- *3 to anyone. The Pills greatly assist ihe Ointment purify ^e blood, regulate its circaiation, rene stI-uctures, and invigorate the entire system, v Ointment and Pill6 should be used in ttefoilowiEc Sftflr cases:— is ft*4 Bi-P i. cbiego-foot Fistulas (Sose-throats Chilblains Gout Sfcin-diseasr Chapped-hands GlandularSweJ-Sge'tecuiTj 'Je of \r Corns (Soft) Lumbago Sore-Mads IVT Cancers Piles Tumours Contracted and Rheumatism (Ulcers s^-Baw 8 ^'S-jolnts Scald heads Wounds ,h8Ql4„7. Elephantiasis Sore Nipples J Taws 'iVrn, Establishment of Professor Hollo way, 244, Strand, <2) Bari London, and also by all respectable diisggists < » Mtv, ln modicices throughout the civilized world, at the j )| J* Prices:—ls.l&d, 2s.9d., 4s.6d, Us, 22#, & 33s.cach pot ? a •siderablesaving by taking thelargersire?. | v ectio».for the guidance of patient «in everydiscrdcr areaiHxedto each pot. J 'b P'11s and °tof;ment can be had of all Chemists I sgifite, with Welsh Directions, without ex^ra expense, I VISITORS TO HAVER FORD WEST, AND OTHERS WHO WISH TO EXPEND THEIR MONEY T3 THE BEST ADVANTAGI ARE RESPECTFULLY INVITED TO CALL AT P. P. ELLIS'S G ROC E R Y E STAB LI S H M E NT, HIGH-STREET, HAVERFORDWEST, WHERE they can select goods of choice quality, at suitable prices to meet their requirements. The Teab I Vt and Coffees now on sale are unusually good. Reduced Prices charged on quantities. Orders by letter have particular attention I PLEASE OBSERVE-LOWER DOOR FOR RETAIL DEPARTMENT. I ESTABLISHED .1 8 1 2. u. tfe T. PRO C T 0 R Invite the attention of Agriculturists to their SPECIAL BONE MANURES, Which are of a superior quality, and the most economical that can be used. PROCTOR'S TURNIP MANURE I. PROCTOR'S WHEAT MANURE PROCTOR'S MANGOLD MANURE PROCTOR'S BARLEY MANURE PROCTOR'S POTATO MANURE I PROCTOR'S GRASS MANURE BONE SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIMn). FULL PARTICULARS SENT FREE BY POST ON APPLICATON TO MF.S PROCTOR 01; THElIt AGEN 1'8, I ADDREss,—H. AND T. PROCTOR, Xi X X ICIAL M 1ST XJ H 13, "W OEKS, CATHAY, BRISTOL. WOKKS,—EIRMINGHAM, CHESTER, WARWICK, AND BRISTOL. AGE N T S- Mr W. VAUGHAN, Fishguard ] Mr JOHN N. EVANS, Aberayron Mr D. P. SAEK, Seedsman, Pembroke Dock Mr C. MORGAN. Llandewi-brefi Mr T PARKER, Cardigan j Messrs. DAVIES BROTHEHS, Drefach, Llanybyther PUIZES OPEN TO THE AGRICULTURALISTS OF WALES, T WHICHER DAVIES BEGS TO ANNOUNCE THAT HE HAS JUST RECEIVED A LARGE CARGO OF BURNARD. LACK, & CO'S. CELEBRATED MANURES which are unequalled for high agricultural value, and which during the past year have carried off the principn prizes at the leading public competitions in England. These Manures, which consist of the COR NAN D ROOT MANURE, AND .¡., DISSOLVED BÜ1,E MANURE, have been received in excellent condition, and are now ready for immediate delivery, at moderate rates for cash. T. W, D. begs to state that he intends onfering i. TWO VALUABLE SILVER CUPS for competition by the Purchasers of the Manures sold by him. These Prizes will be given for the best Crops of Swede Turnips grown In pieces of not less than five acres in extent. The Cups have been purchased at'first hand in one of the principal manufacturing establishments in the Kingdom FIIiST PRIZE, vatue. £ JQ J.O;. SECOND Ditto, value £6 Os. A constant supply of the Manures will be kept at North Hall, St Ishmaels, as well as at the Warehouses in Haverfordwest. Deliveries to the Railway Station free of charge. AGRICULTURAL SEEDS of aU kinds on Sale, and warranted to be of the best quality. ,¡ (011." supplied wholesale and to families, in chests, half-chests, and 201b caddies, not to be surpasssed by any house in the trade. ENGLISH ALES & IRJISH PORTERS OF THE FINEST FLAVOUR. BEST WILTSHIRE AND GLOUCESTERSHIRE FLOUR, PURE AND UNADULTERATED. I STEAM COMMUNICATION BETWEEN LIVERPOOL, MILFORD, SWANSEA, & BRISTOL For the Month of JULY, 1868. The Liverpeoland Bristol Channel Steam Navis?ationCompany'i? Steam Ships SOVEREIGN, Capt, Gibbs WiND*«MERE,Capt. J.Barrett MONTAOC, 'Capi Speakman AMNiKVERNo>Capt.lvoulston JANK BACCK, Capt. Old. J. KKNNKDY, Capt. Welsh \BTIZAN, Capt. Tallan. AOMBS JACK, Capt. Monis ) L'E-w.uL).YK., Capt.Beckeit The above, or some other suitable vessel, is intended to sa with Goosls and Passengers, (imlesspreventedby any unforeseen sccurrencis) as follows, with or without pilots, and liberty to tow vessels;— From Liverpool to Milford and Bristol. Landing passengers for SWANSEA, at the Mumbles (weather permitting*) Saturday July 4.9 mora Saturday 18 8 morn Saturday 11 lg after I Saturday 25 1 £ after From Milford for Bristol. LiandingPassengcrsfor Swansea at the .Mumbtef (weather permitting) Snn^ay, Jelly. 5 3 morn Sunday. 19 2 morn Sunday 12 8 morn Sunday. 26 8 morn From Milford Jor Liverpool. Jetwrringfrom Bristo levcry Tuesday, and from Swansea every Wednesday. Wednesday July 1 8 night Wednesday 15 6 even Wednesday 8 •• 1 alter (Wednesday 22 12 noon N c-dnesulay, July 29th, d o'clock evening. FAR E S (Return, tickets available for two voyages.) Cabin. Deck. Return SMfavd to or farmLiverpool.. 13s Od 7s Od 8s Miifcrdto crfrom Biistol Sa 6d is Od 18s kilfcrd to or from Swansea (Mumbles) 6s Od 3s Od — Passengers are landed and embarfced at Milford (weather per- mitting) free of charge in the Steam Tender GIPSY. For further partieuJars see small bill, or apply to John Bacon and Co., M&&ft{pn9 (tamers, 14, Water-street, Liverpool; G. II. Evans, Bristol; Cbarfes J-amb, Swansea; John Kenworthy and go., 3kJa £ £ he»ter, So D. HOltE, AQSaT MILFOltD, MR. EDWARD RIBBON, PIAXO-rOUTE, VIOLIN, AND VIOLONCELLO TEACHER, PIAKO-FORTES TUNED, ORGANS and HARMONIUMS tuned and repaired by ex- perienced workmen. RESIDENCE—6, MEKLIN'S TERUACE, HAVEKFORDWEST WILLIAM H. BAMKIN, TEACHER OF NAVIGATION AND NAUTICAL ASTRONOMY, HAKIN, MILFORD, DEN TIS T It Y. MR E. L. JONES <ol the Firm H. M. Jnnes & Son Surgeon-Dentists, M.C.D.E., 1.9, Northampton Place, Swan sea-Established 1809) attends TENBV—The last consecutive Tuesday and Wednesday in each month, at Alr J. M. Benton's, 5 & 6 Hifih-stre.-t, from Ten to Five o'clock. Next visits July 23th & 29tb > August 25th & 26th. o HAVERFORDWEST—The last Thursday, at Mr Wm„ Grifflih s, bootmaker, High Street, from Ten to Fivi ,0 clock. Next visits July 30th August 27th. PEMBROKE DOCK-The last Friday, at Mr Wm. Cook's, Bush Street, from Ten to Five o'clock. Next visits July 31st, Auffust 28th. Artificial Teeth upon the newest and most approved principles. Children's Teeth simply, but successfully repulated: Operations performed without pain, by a New and Sate System. One of the Firm Daily in attendance. A VACANCY FOR A PUPIL, 19} Northampton Place, Swansea. MIL FOR D B R EWE R Y. JjlARMERS and others can be supplied with good JL Harvest Beer at lOd. per gallon, in quantities of not ies8 than 4l gallons, A reduction of 2d per gallon to those taking it away 5a their OWN CASKS, and paying cash. Fresh yeast at fin limes. STARBUCK & CO.



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