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HAVERFORDWEST PETTY SESSIONS. These sessions were held at the Shire Hall on Thurs- day, before the Mavor, John Madocks, Esq. S. Harford, Esq, H. P. Goode, Esq, and T. Rule Owen, Esq. FURIOUS RIDING. Jamas James, a haulier, living at Freystrop, Was charged with furious driving in-Castle Square. The defendant pleaded guilty, saying that he was-given a few glasses of beer, which proved ratber too much for him. He was very sorry for the offence, and assured the Bench that it should not occur again. Mr Cecil said that he did not press for any severe penalty in the case. The Bench fined the defendant 5s and coste. amount- ing altogether to 14s 6d, which he was allowed a month to pay. Mathias Harries, of Crisboro, was charged with furious driving in Castle Square, on the 11th of June. The defendant denied the charge. John Griffiths, of Lewiston, deposed that he saw the defendant driving a trap along the Castle Square. lie was standing at the corner of Bridge-street, and before he could get out of the defendant's way, the trap knocked him down on his back. His arm and side were sore from the effects of the collision. The defendant said be halloed to the people three or four times, and they would not get out of his way. The Clerk, ob-ervcd that the defendant should take care what be said; for according to his own statement, he drove over the complainant because he did not get out of his way. He had no right to treat even a cow or a pig in that way; and if he had killed the man by wilfully driving over him, he might be tried for his life. Mr John Jenkins, of Castle Square, deposed that the defendant drove at a rapid pace, and after knocking Griffiths down he did not pull up. The defendant balloed cut 'hey,' but he was so quickly upon tbe man that he could not escape. The defendant called, in his own behalf, Thomas James, who deposed that the defendant was not driving furiously: the horse was going at a trot. Griffiths offered to make up the matter for a glass of beer. Griffiths denied that he was willing to, settle the case on those terms. Mr Cecil said that be was aware that Griffiths was willing to arrange the ctse if the defendant made an apology. The Bench fined the cefendant 20s and costs, remark- ing that they imposed a heavy fine because the defendant had wilfully driven over the man. ALLOWING A FEROCIOUS DOG TO BE AT LARGE UN- MUZZLED. Henry Phillips, auctioneer, of Hill-street, was charged with allowing a ferocious dog to go at large unmuzzled. Tba defendant pleaded not guilty. P.C. Morse deposed: On Saturday last, some time after nine o'clock, I was on duty at the top of Market-street. I saw the defendant there with his dog unmuzzled. The defendant threw his walking stick on the ground, and the dog picked it up, and carried it to him. A dog belonging to Mr Thomas Thomas, the carpenter, of St. Thomas Green, came by with a liitle boy, and the defendant pointed his stick in the direction of the dog, and his dog flew at the other and got it down on the ground. The defendant stood on the corner, and smiled and did not interfere Mr Harford: What kind of dog is it? Defendant: A Newfoundland. Mr Cecil; It is a mixed breed-not a thoroughbred Newfoundland, P.C. Morse: I got the dog off as well as I could, and the littl- boy, who was crying, went off with the other dog down the street. 'Die defendant went in the direction of the New Inn. I saw nothing of his dog afterwards. Defendant: You say I wentsto the New Inn? P.O. Morse: I say you went in that direction. Defendant: You had better be cautious: for I did not go there. Mr Harford What. does it signify if you did go there ? Have you any question to ask about the dog ? I Defendant: I can tell you that every word this gentleman has stated on his oath is incorrect. Mr Harford: You most try to find that out. Defendant: I can prove it directly. I don't know that I saw my dog attack any dog: and if he had I should not interfere, because he never does any harm. Is the dog bere-did he injure it in any way ? P.C. Morse. I can't say—it was a large dog, but a puppy. Defendant: My dog is at large, and at large it shall be so long as it is quiet. P.C. Morse: You were on the smile all the time, and did not intetfere. Defendant: It is a very quiet dog, and would run ] away from a mouse. I never saw him injure any dog. Mr Cecil: I have served you with two notices in reference to this very dog. Defendant: I don't recollect ever seeing my dog touch another dog, and if I did I should not interfere. This case is got up by the police, and if they have nothing better to d,) they had better be quiet. Mr Harford: We don't want these comments, and I won't hear them, Confine yourself to the case, sir, if you please. Mr T. Ince Webb Bowen, Hill-street, deposed I have seen the do., attack dogs and children repeatedly., and I have been three times to the police and the Mayor ibout it. It attacked my children, and always attacks my dogs when I bring them out. It has attacked other children, and I consider the dog a perfect nuisance. The Clerk: That evidence is nearer the mark, Mr Phillips; what have you to say to that? Mr Bowen: It flew at Mr Owen's children, and has attacked me. If I had had a stick with me the last time, I should have taken the law iuio my own hands. Defendant: If you bad done so, vou would have got into a mess. MrBowen: But instead of doing so, I give yoa the benefit of the mess this time. (Loud laughter.) Defendant: I never heard that it attacked your chil- dren. Mr Harford: We don't want remarks: we will hear your statement presently. You must now cross-examine the witness if you please. Defendant: Did he attack your dogs ? Mr Bowen He has upset my dog. Your dog is a nuisance, and has been long so. I have complained for three months about it. Defendant: You did not complain to me. Mr Bowen I had nothing to do with you I went to the police, and they complained to you. Defendant: If your dog had attacked my children, I should have gone to you. Mr Bowen I had nothing to do with you, and it was not my place to go to you. I complained for a long time, and it seemed as if I could get no redress. Mr Cecil deposed: I have seen the defendant's dog fighting with others many times. I have sent two written notices to Mr Phillips. Defendant: I know you have. Mr Cecil: The notice required him to keep the dog in or muzzle it. I had had frequent complaints ——- Defendant: Where are your witnesses ? Mr Cecil: I am not going to tell you that. Defendant: Surely you ought to do so. Mr Cecil: The defendant pa:d no attention to the notices it was at large this morning. I sent two or three verbal messages. Defendant: I should like to know what your son did to my dog ? Mr Cecil: My son is here; I am quite willing he should be examined. The Clerk said that the Bench could only hear what was connected with the case. It was quite irregular to enter into other matters. If Mr Phillips had any com- plaint against Mr Cecil's son, he could take out a sum- mons against him, and it would be heard in the proper way. Mr Cecil said he was certain that the defendant could prove nothing against his son, and he would like his son to be examined by the Bench. If the Bench would examine his son,' they would be satisfied that the defen- dant had made a most malicious insinuation against his character. Mr Harford said he would bear nothing but what was connected with the present charge. The defendant: My dog has never attacked anybody. Mr Bowen I have seen him three times prevent my children passing, and the last time he snapped at one of them. Defendant: You are wrong. Mr Harford: Were you there ? Defendant: He is the quietest dog in the world. Mr Harford You don't answer the question-we have no time to tamper away with you. Were you there on the occasion when your dog snapped at Mr Bo wen's child I Defendant: I don't believe I was-My dear Sir, I am not always Witb my dog. He is only with me when I go for a walk. In answer to a question from Mr Goode, The defendant said be wished to examine Mr Cecil's soti in his case. Thomas Stephen Cecil was then sworn. Mr Harford Now, I understand that this evidence refers to this matter solely, and not to any other col- lateral circumstances ? The examination of the witness by the defendant was then proceeded with. He deposed I am the son of Superintendent Cecil. I don't recollect passing the defendant's door on the 6th of this month with Lemon's son. I did pass the door on the 5th. I did not teaze the defendant's dog with a stick near Mr Robinson the shoemaker's house. I unmuzzled my father's dog, be. cause I was afraid of the defendant's dog. The defen- dant's dog did not run away for protection. The defen- dant's dog went at my dog, and for that reason I took off the muzzle. He growled and jumped at him. Mr Harford: All this occurred on the 5th, and has nothing to do with the case. Mr Cecil said that Lieut. Bowen witnessed the affair on the 5th, and asked that he might be reoalled to give evidence upon it. Mr Bowen was then recalled, and deposed: I was standing at my window when I saw Mr Cecil's little boy com'ng up with a dog which had a muzzle on. I did not then know he was Mr Cecil's son. The defendant's dog attacked Mr Cecil's dog, and the little boy attempted to drive him off. The boy was very much frightened, and he loosed the muzzle off his own dog, and r.in up the street as fast as be could go. The Clerk: One irregularity leads to another, and svo are now hearing two trials instead of one. We are try- ing Thomas Stephen Cecil as well as the defendant. The Defendant: My dog is as quiet as a sheep, and may be put among a hundred children without, doing them injury. I am now over sixty years of age, and I was never pulled up for a dog or anything before. I hold myself responsible for any damage my dog may do to anybody or anything. The Clerk: The Bench think the case is proved, and they fine you the low fine of Is with costs, in the hope that you will put a muzzle on the dog, and so avoid a repetition of the offence. Defendant: I will never muzzle him until I see there is harm in him. If there were canine madness about, there would be reason why I should muzzle him, but at present there is not. Mr Harfortj: Please yourself. The Clerk If you don't do so, you roust take the con- I sequencer, and consider whether you will like the chance of paying 40s a day; but that is your business, not mine. Defendant: What will be the consequence if I don't pay? The Clerk You will go up to jail. Defendant: For what time. The Clerk: Fourteen days. Defendant: Then I'll go for fourteen days-I'll go before I pay any money for this. The Clerk: You will not, [ am sure, give me the trouble to send you up there for, it you do not pay, it will assuredly be done: let there be no misapprehension about It. Defendant: How much is the money ? The Clerk:.lis costs and Is fine. You had better take a couple of days to consider over it: you will not let me send you to prison. The defendant tendered a L5 note in payment, when the Clerk said he was unable to give change, and re- marked that perhaps the police would get it cashed. The defendant said he did not wish the police to have anything to do with his money, and that he could man- age without their assistance. He then produced a half sovereign and a half crown, and was given back 6d change with a receipt. He then, addressing the Clerk, said :—To what fund does this money go ? Clerk To different funds ? Defendant: It does not go to the police-but there, Is is not very much. The defendant then left the Court. ROBBING AN EMPLOYER. Thomas Dames, an errand boy in the employ of Mr James Scurlock, tailor and draper, High street, was charged with stealing a sovereign, the property of his employer. Mr Scurlock deposed that on the morning of Wed nesday week he had in the breast pocket of his coat a purse containing a sovereign. The coat was placed on a side table in a room which he used adjoining the shop. The prisoner had access to it, and in the afternoon about half past three o'clock, he found that the money was gone. He made inquiry of certain parties, and from in. formation he received, his suspicions fell upon the pri- soner. P. C. Morse deposed that be apprehended the pri- soner on Wednesday week. He was searshed by Mr Cecil, and 13a 2|d were taken from him. He acknow- ledged taking the sovereign from Mr Scurlock's pocket, and said that he gave half a crown to his father. No inducement was held out to the prisoner to make the confession. The prisoner admitted the offence. Mr Scurlock said that he did not desire the prisoner to be severely punished, and hoped that the Bench would deal leniently with him. He had no mother, and that circumstance might possibly have some weight in the consideration of the Benoh. The Clerk said that the Bench, partly in consequence of the kind recommendationjof Mr Scurlock, and partly in consideration of the very tender age of the prisoner, had resolved to pass upon him the very lenient sentence often day" imprisonment in the House of Cerrectoin with hard labour. CHAITGE OF TRESPASS. James Evans and Thomas Evans were charged with trespassing on grass lands belonging to Benjamin Phillips, of Shoals Hook. Neither party appeared, and Mr Cecil stated that the case had been settled since the summonses were issued. The Mayor said that parties bad no right to settle cases without the permission cf the Bench, and said the case ought to come before the Court. Mr Harford expressed a similar opinion. The Bench then adjourned the case till next sessions. IMPROVEMENT OF THE BREED OF BLACK CATTLE. An important preliminary meeting, consisting chiefly of influential tenant farmers, was held at the Castle Hotel, in this town, on Saturday last, for the purpose of taking into consideration the propriety of forming a Herd Book, for our native Black Cattle, and also of establishing a joint stock society, having for its sole ob. ject the production of a model breeding herd, as a con- tribution towards their permanent improvement. On the proposition of Mr J. Eaton Evans, Mr W. Owen was unanimously elected to preside over the meet- ing, and Mr Morgan Evans to be secretary of the society. Mr Owen, on taking the chair, expressed his hearty approval of the object for which the meeting had been convened. He was fully convinced that the breed of Black Cattle was not what it might be made by close attention to breeding, and he should be glad to assist in any way he could in carrying out any project that would be calculated to establish a breed of better quality than that which they now possessed. After some further remarks, he called upon Mr Evans, of Mabus, to whom he believed they were indebted for the present meeting, to introduce the subject. 1;>' Mr James Eaton Evans said that be was compelled to leave the room in a short time, and therefore begged to express his entire concurrence with the remarks made by Mr William Owen, and his approval of the scheme for the promotion of a herdbook. He, however thought that it would be advisable at that meeting toappoint a committee to ascertain from breeders in other districts the best method of forming a herdbook. Mr Morgan Evans, on rising, said that before proceed- ing with any remarks of his, it would be well to read some letters which bad been received on the subject which they had met to discuss. The following letter came from J. B. Bowen, Esq, M.P. for the county of Pembroke.— 'Mr Bowon presents his compliments to the Secretary of the Black Cattle Improvement Society, highly ap- proving the scheme of establishing a herdbook for black cattle, and will thank him to insert his name among the subscribers to the first volume. 'Llwyngwair, 15th June, 1867.' He also read the following letter from a gentleman, well known in this county as an extensive landowner, and a hearty supporter of our native cattle- Astramont, Castlebridge, Ireland, 'June 20th, 1867. 'To the Secretary,- Sir, -I am glad to see that an effort will be made to form a society for the express ob- ject of improving the Pembroke blacks. It has long been my wish to originate such a society, but other occupa- tions have prevented me. I am rejoiced that others are likely to be beforehand. I now shall briefly state what my views were, but without any intention of dictating. We have in the county of Wexford a society for the purpose of encouraging superior sires. The shows are held once a year at one of the local shows. Premiums are given for bulls, stallions, rams, and boars, the. largest prize being reserved for buUs-£2,5 are given for the best Shorthorned Bull; X15 for the second, &c. I have thought of trying to form a similar society in Pem- brokeshire the Pembrokeshire Blacks being substituted for the Shorthorn, and its improvement in those qualities in what it is found deficient being made the main object. 'A breeder of talent will naturally form an improved stock. The consequence of our society has been that more than one careful treeder of Shorthorn stock holds annual sales, and scatters improved young bulls through the country. That this will be the case in Pembrokeshire I have no doubt. I wish you success, and shall be glad to join tha society as a subscriber. If we improve the Blacks and add to their selling value, every farmer, how- ever small, throughout the county will reap the benefit. You will understand that I merely throw out the views I have had before me as suggestions. Yours faithfully, .7, GEORGE LE HTJNTE.' Mr Evans then proceeded to state the objects of the meeting and, in the course of his remarks, said that the purpose of the society was to form a Herdbook for the Pembrokeshire Black Cattle. The Blacks were certainly not what they could be made by a proper attention to breeding. Much had been done by gentlemen in that room who had, not only succeeded in producing a good herd, but had also made them pay. He believed that breeding was prosecuted to little purpose, and with no safety without the help of a herdbook, as it was the only safe guide in purchasing breeding stock. Every breed of farming stock that had hitherto attained to any notoriety, owed its present position to the energy dtad scientific management of a few—very few—peisons. The im- proved Leicesters- to mention only one instance-are a breed of sheep which have been raisc.^ into a general reputation in this kingdom, and owe their entire origin to one man-Mr Bakewell. He (Mr Evans) proposed that, in conjunction with a herdbook, a herd should be formed, and bred on acknowledged scientific principles, following in tho track of all founders of an improved class of animals; and he felt thoroughly convinced that what bad been done for other breeds could be done for this breed (the blacks); and what bad elsewhere been accomplished by one or two, might here be accomplished by a combination of many. This could be done on limited liability principles; and by efficient management and a thorough attention to the recognised laws of breed- ing, a herd might be established which would leave an indelible mark on the Black Cattle of the county. In their adaptation to the wants of the majority of farmers in this and the adjoining counties, no cattle were so suited as the Dative cattle of'the district. They were susceptible of development into a very superior class of animal, and they deserved our attention and every effort on their behalf. He would now beg to submit the I fol- lowing as a prospectus for the proposed company. THE BLACK CATTLE IMPROVEMENT COM- PANY (LIMITED) Capital, £ in Shares of £ each. Deposit, 4 per Share. CHAIRMAN— DIRECTORS — BANKERS— AUDITORS- SECRETARY— The breed of cattle known throughout Wales sometimes as the Castlemartin, and at other times as the Pembroke- shire Blacks, are acknowledged to be peculiarly suited to the soil, climate and agricultural position of Pembroke- shire and the adjoining counties of Cardigan and Car- marthen. They are good grazers and good milchers; and whilst, from their hardihood, they bear well the vicissi- tude of our changeable climate, they are also kindly in their disposition to latten when stall-fed. They are of fair size, and when bred, are handsome and unique in appearance, and the quality of their flesh is not to be sur- passed. They are highl) prized by English graziers, meet with a ready sale in our fairs at all ages, and in every stage of condition, and the demand for them from England is on the increase. There is no breed existing which for general usefulness can compete with them in their own native district-have such perfect adaptation to the climate and physical characteristics of the above named counties, & also to the system of farming generally adopted by our farmers, dairymen, and graziers. It is to be regretted that individual exertion has not hitherto been sufficiently energetic to raise the general standard of our herds. Neither has there been sufficient care taken in the selection of our breeding stock, and little attention has been paid to the recognised laws of scientific breeding. Our cattle are thus not developed to the extent to which they are capable. Every modern improved breed of cattle, horses, sheep, or pigs owes its position to the skill and energy of but one or two eminent breeders, and out of one herd or flock have been produced a class of animals which, in a compara- tively short time, have acquired a national celebriiy. Tho-roughly convinced of the value of the material, the worthiness of the object, and the ultimate success of the project, it is the object of this Company to establish a herd which shall mark an era in the history of our Black Cattle. This can undoubtedly be accomplished by combined capital, skill, and perseverance. For this purpose it is proposed to raise a Capital of I £ in £ Shares, one of which is to be paid up at the commencement of the undertaking, and the remainder to be paid by annual calls extending over three years. By this means it is intended to establish a herd of not less than 20 cows and the requisite number of bulls, all of the very best quality which can be obtained, and from these producing, by careful attention and judicious management, a herd of breeding animals of first class character. An annual sale will be held for disposing of surplus stock, young bulls, heifers, and cows. Every purchaser who is a shareholder, besides receiving his dividend arising from the profits of the company, will be entitled to a discount on his purchase at the rate of 5 per cent. for one share, and 10 per cent for two shares and upwards. A herd book will be established for the district generally, and all the animals of the company will be duly registered. The advantages to be derived are:— (1.) A valuable public school in the science of breeding. (2.) A repository of good and true blood of a dis- tinctive character, with sufficient concentrated force to make a powerful and valuable impress on all herds with a high degree of certainty as to ultimate benefit. (4.) It will thus in course of time considerably increase the market value of our black stock, and add to tbe wealth of the agriculturists of this district. (5.) Finally it is confidently expected that stock thus produced will demand and ensure the general attention and support of all farmers wh) cultivate this breed, and will shortly realise highly remunerative prices, and become a profitable investment to the shareholders. The Rev T. E. Thomas, of Trehale, while expressing his entire approval of the scheme both for establishing a herd-book, and the formation of a company, similai to that suggested by Mr Evans, of Mabus, thought that they should consider that meeting merely a preparatory one, and that a committee of management should he formed, with a view of ascertaining the best mode oi proceeding with the formation of a herd book, and that that committee report the result of their enquiries to a subsequent meeting. After some conversation the following resolutions were unanimously adopted. Proposed by Mr J. Eaton Evans, and seconded by Mr J. Griffiths, That this meeting is of opinion that it is desirable, in order the better to improve the breed of Pembrokeshire Cattle, a Herd Book be established.' It was also proposed and unanimously resolved, 'That Mr M. J. Evans, and Mr R. H. Harvey be aP": pointed a committee to ascertain the best method of forming a Herd Book for the Pembrokeshire Black Cattle.' Mr Jenkins, of Pantyphilip, a well-known farmer of great practical experience, next addressed the meeting in favour of the scheme proposed by Mr Evans. He thoogbt the scheme proposed was quite practicable. If attention to breeding and the producing of the best animals was recommended as a profitable undertaking to a single person, he believed that by the combination of 10 ) or more of our tenant farmers and landlords, a herd might be established, which would not only be of great pablic benefit to the country generally, bnt that would be really remunerative under the efficient management of a select and an elect number to fhe shareholders and subscribers. He saw no difficulty at all in getting up a first-rate herd for which the country ought to be grateful. He thought the scheme deserving of every encouragement, and there was little risk and a great probability of a great profit if it received proper support. Mr Morgan Evans remarked that if the company was formed, it would undertake the establishing of a herd book. He feared that if a herd book was formed without a herd to back it through tbick-and thin, general apathy might take place, and in a few years nothing be left of the book but a name. The company would register all Its own stock, and by this and by its example in good breeding, it would attract others to follow it and secure unflagging interest and general co-operation. He was not prepared to mention any names, but he would assure them the project was well supported. Mr Samuel Williams, of Hendre, Mr Mortimer, of Trewellwell, and other gentlemen having spoken in high terms of approval and confidence in the scheme, it was proposed by Mr R. H. Harvey, and seconded by Mr Samuel Williams, 'That the scheme for forming a Limited Liability Society for the Improvement of Black Cattle be referred to a committee, who shall report to a general meeting to be held on the 9th of July next, at three o'clock in the afternoon.' It was also proposed by Mr T. Mortimer, and seconded by Mr Thomas Morgan, that a committee be formed to report at an adjourned meeting to be held at the Castle Hotel on Saturday next at three o'clock After some further conversation it was received that the committee should meet next Saturday at three o'clock to report to the meeting to be held on the 9th of July next. The meeting then separated.

T E N B Y.