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THE COUNTY COUNCIL ELECTION. MEHTHVR. The fi^.t is waxing hot in the Cyfarthfa Ward, aud both candidates, Councillor Thomas Thomas and Mr. Watkin Moss, are busily engaged in covering the ward meetings that are held each evening, but the partisalls of neither one nor the other seem to he con- fident of success. Whoever succeeds here will leave but a very small majority. The genuine Labour party. hc'Wf^er, in rallying round Mr. Thomas, and it is confidently expected that he will give his opponent a sound thrashing. MR. LABOUCIIERE AND TORY TEICKS. Writing to Mr. Alfred Edmonds, the Liberal can- didate for the Town Ward, Mr. Labouchere says I trust that yon will be successful in your election to your County Council. The trick of the Tories is to afsscrt that politics have nothing to do with these elec- tior)°» but to oppose any man who 18 not a Tory aud a frjettd of their ally Bung. A Radical stinks in their i^ptrils. But County Council never will what they ought to be, so long as they are able to keepme-n I like you off them." Liberal" writes lu the I own Ward the only ¡ two candidates before the public as yet are Mr. Alfred Edmonds and Mr. John W. Lewis. The first named calls himself a Liberal, whilst his opponent goes on the Independent tack. There is not the shadow of a doubt as to the relative popularity of the two rivals, and the only hope, which, by tho way, is Eretty freely expressed, of gaining the seat for the iberals, lies in the retirement of Mr. Edmonds in favour of a more consistent and popular advocate of Radical and Temperance views. Two members are being brought prominently before the public, and those are Mr. David Davies, Glebeland, and Mr. Charles Henry James, J.P., but neither gentleman has given any encouragement to the rumours. Should they be asked to stand, however, there is reason to believe that one at least will consent. And when that comes about Mr. Alfred Ednioudt may retire with good grace, MR. D. A. THOMAS. M.P., AND THE TITHES QUESTION. Writing to Mr. Alfred Edmonds, the Town Ward candidate, Mr. D. A. Thomas, M.P., after wishing Mr. Edmonds eneeess, says "I hope you will make the a-llooation of the tithes a test question in all the wards in the Merthyr Borough. The question ought to he raised at the first meeting of the new County Council, and before the Disestablishment Bill get,; into committee." ,THE IRISHMEN AND MR. A. EDMONDS. At a meeting of the W. E. Gladstone Branch of the Irish National League, held on Sunday, the following resolution was unanimously passed That we call upon the Irish electors in the Town Ward to support the Home Rule candidate, Mr. Alfred Edmonds, at the forthcoming County Council Election and we trust that no Irish elector will be so unpatriotic M to vote for Mr. J. W. Lewis, the Tory candidate, after the outspoken declaration by Mr. Balfour last week, in the Houso of Commons, that should the Tories be returned to power at the next election, their only policy for Ireland was coercion. MR. A. EDMONDS AND TIIE LIBERALS. Aristides writes As a well-known Liberal, and I may say holding very pronounced ideas, I was much amused by reading a paragraph that appeared in the South IVales I)o i,!i News on Monday the 13th to the effect that the Liberal (?) candidate for the Town Ward in the coming County Council Election, Mr. A. Edmonds to wit, had done a very hold and daring- deed, in facing an audience composed for the greater part of harmless, inoffensive, tired colliers, one old lady, and at the most three licensed victuallers with a sprinkling of small boys. So far from there being any daring or boldness required to address such a meeting, why, the proverbial "Mousey" could have stalked through the ioom in solitary grandeur for all tho danger that would have attended its doing so. Mr. Edmonds tries to qualify the statement as to how "daring" he had been, by saying thatit was thenative district of his opponent, the Conservative candi- date, Mr. J. W. Lewis. But he somehow seemed to forget that in his address to these same turbulent spirits, he boasted that it was also his (the so-caJlwl Liberal candidate) native district, he having been born within a very short distance of the room wherein the meeting was then being held. Whero he can get the overwhelming majority from is to me a mystery, seeing that according to his own counting (and giving him "the benefit of doubling a few) thero were only 57 in the room. I fancy that this leaves the strong body of colliers who came in and gave him such a spirit of darint", rather a small one. Another amusing statement, is the one in which it is said that the candidate made mince-'Deat of the proposal to compensate publicans for being deprived of their licences. He certainly asked the audience to follow him in an illustration which he attempted to draw (save the mark) for it was a most shady and indistinct drawing, and I failed and still fail to see where the connection of the two cases began. Ho said here we have a colliery proprietor who is told by hie manager that his colliery is Unsafe to work he consequently has to close it, and the poor collier is of course out of employment, and all the compensation that he can get is to be told to take his pick and shovel on his shoulder and go seek work elsewhere. What lie, Mr. Edmonds, would dearly like to tell the publicans, would be this, to take up their picks and shovels and go and seek work elsewhere." Will you, Mr. Editor, kindly inform mo iu which way such an illustration could touch the compensation clause in tho abolition of licencM ? Any impartial mind would at once see why he attempted such an illustration. The poor hard- working collier," yes, that is all very well I suppose he thought that that cry wouij fetch their votes, but there was not much honfHty;:j such an illustration. I think that a simple illustration of this kind would be nearer the point, and I 1/ave no doubt but that that same overwhelming majority who marched in in such a solid manner wouW be better able to under- stand it. We will still sjppose the colliery owner to be present, and also the Colliers in their stalls and we will suppose that onsman has not worked accord- ing to the views of a ceifain number of the other men, although he is as good j collier as any of them, and knows that what he las done is quite right; yet, because they think he/ias not worked in the proper manner, according totheir views, he must take uphis pick and shovel nnd^o seek pastures new, and on no account must he isk for compensation for being deprived of the mejns of livelihood. I think that an illu-tration of that-kind would meet the two cases, better than the onsdrawn by this bold and daring" orator. I Mr. Alfred Edmonds is hardly the person one would have expected to hear running amuck against the publicans, as hejssofond when at temperance meet- ings of calling tfiom. It is well known that hut a few short weeks ago ha sought an interview with the President of the Licensed Victuallers Association, begging him for his support, and also that he would use his influence with the other members of the trade on his behalf in the coming election. But when he finds that tiay consistent in their principles and will have nope of him, he (A. E.) is suddenly fired with a feeling of wonderful virtuous indignation and attempts, for it is nothing more, to justify such unjuct and iniquitous treatment of a respectable body of tradespeople, when he advocates the abolition of licences without compensation. But this all happens when hs.^eks to pander to the working men of the ward, hoping thereby to catch their votes but un- forluiip.sely for him, although fortunately for the town, be has again miscalculated, for the working men have in the weighing of him found that his pro- fessions of loyalty to thern are not even skin deep. Why does hy not give air to the.se some views of his on tbe compensation clauses at some of the bars that hsis so fond of frequenting? Hie ilhistrationsand his utterances generally against the Liberal Unionists and tho Conservatives are nothing more than a case I of sour grapes. Had he been able to get their sup- I port all would have been well. Is this the Fort of man one expects to see posing as a Liberal"' He talks j of honour why th'rf is very little political honour shown here. His chairman at this wonderful meeting spoke of the wolves decked in another animal's clothing. Was that a little gratuitous sarcasm? for as I have shown you, it would suit this valiant candi- date down to the ground. His opponent was quite right when he dubbed him a political will 'o the wisp," but I think a political chameleon would have suited Ijetter. In conclusion, I would give him a word of advice let him devote the whole of his time for the next three years to learning the principles of consistency and, well, political honour," and he then perhaps may be able to wriggle successfully to a place on the Coun- cil. He ought to know that "honesty is the best policy." Radical writes :—" Having watched the career, journalistic and otherwise, of Mr. Alfred Edmonds for the last few years I am bound to come to the con- clusion that ho is not the man to command the united support of the Liberal Party in the present election. I don't want to say anything unkind of him, and I hope the present experience he is going through will be a stern lesron for him as regards the future. If he wants to get on as a Liberal ho most stick to his party more consistently than he has done in the past, He has been a Shoni-bob-ochor," and now he has to pay the penalty. But to come to the point. It is as clear as noonday that Mr. J. W. Lewis is going to win the- seat unless he is opposed by a stronger candi- date than Mr. Edmonds. I understand that Mr. C. II. James. J.P., is pressed to come out, and I hope that he will consent, or that some other strong party man will take up the flag' Now Mr. Edmonds retire- ment would do a great dealt to pave the way, and I respectfully ask him to consider the question. He will best serve his party by withdrawing in favour of a stronger man. If he insists on going to the poll, and thereby hand over the seat to the Tories, his action will provoke against him theindignationof the party generally." L.T." writes I am sorry to sec so much apathy in the Liberal ranks with regard to the election in the Town Ward. Of course, I admit that Mr. Edmonds is not by any means a strong candidate. He has hobnobbed too much with the other side, especially the publicans, to be a strong candidate. But a weak Liberal is better than a strong Tory. Mr. Edmonds is pretty sure to vote straight in the Council if be gets there, and by his eloquence to support the right side. His opponent, though a most estimable man, is a Tory, and will vote with tho Tories. Ha.d we not better close up our ranks, forget tho past, and give Mr. Edmonds a chance": If he betrays his party we can turn him out at the next election. A- a Liberal I shall consider myself bound to vote for the Liberal candidate, though I do wish I bad a better candidate to vote for. But Mr. Edmonds is only young yet, and after sowing his political wild oats (which he has been doing broad- cast) he may turn out a very useful man. At any rate he is better than a Tory." A public meeting of the supporters of Mr. -1. W. Lewis was held at the Zion Vestry on Wednesday evening. There was a good attendance and the chair was occupied by Mr. T. I'. Williams.— Mr. J. W. Lewis, in tho course of his speech apologised to Mr. Edmonds for having stated that he had supported Mr. Frank James against, Mr. Joseph Williams at the last County Council Election. The speaker had made this statement whilst labouring under a mistaken idea, and ho hoped Mr. Edmonds would accept the explanation in the liberal spirit it was offered (hear, hear). The candidate then dwelt upon the past extravagance of the council and advocated the handing over the control of the police to the Joint Standing Police Committee, which should be much more democratic than it is (applause). It bad been circulated through the press, and used by his opponent, that he was the representative of a particular political party, but ho would assure them he was the nominee of no one and stood upon his own merits as a person who possessed some little interest in the ward (hear. hear). His opponent also stated that he was being subsidised by that class. There was not a word of truth in this statement, and if any offer was made it would lie refused not only with some warmth, but with considerable indignation (applause).—Messrs. W. Rees and Dau Thomas hav- ing spoken, a vote of confidence was unanimously passed in the candidate on the motion of Mr. W. Rees, seconded by Mr. COll. Manning. DOWLAJS. A large deputation consisiing of tradesmen, working men, and mechanics waited iqion Mr. E. P- Martin, the manager of the Dowlais Work?, on Monday 'a evening, and asked him to again contsst the seat for tho County Council. Ho has cousented to do so, and up to the present no one has come forward to oppose him. Mr. Thomas Jenkins will probably be returned un- opposed for the Dowlais Town Ward. The seat at Gellifaclog appears to be in some danger. Mr. Evan Lewis has definitely made up his mind to contest it against all comers, and seems to be under the impression that he will be unopposed but it is feared he has reckoned without his nost. Mr. Gwilyra C. James, to whom really the seat belongs, is being pressed on all sides to become a candidate, but up to the present he has not made up his mind. It should be mentioned that almost without exception throughout the county, where a seat is held by an alderman, that gentleman has nrst chance of refusal. Mr. James has not yet refused to stand, but sirould he como out it is almost certain that Mr. Evan Lewif; will oppose him, Mr. Jauiw had the largest majority in the county when he was elected six yeari ago, and Mr. Evan Lewis is undoubtedly very popular. Consequently should a contest take niafa it will be a case of Greek meets Greek," and will hi watched with probably more interest than any other. Even the Tenydarren seat is going to be assailed. Alderman Thomao Williams has proved himself too great an advocate of teetotalism to please the liquor party, with the result that the latter have made up their mind, although they feel certain that they will suffer a terrible thrashing, to force a fight. Their champion will be Mr. T. E. Morgan, tho rejected member of the District Council and tho Guardians, and his chances are put down as nil. The County Council elections in Dowlais are likely to pass off without incident. Mr. Thomas Jenkins will not be opposed, nor will Mr. Edward Martin in Caeharris. On Monday evening a very large and thoroughly representative deputation of tradesmen and working men residing in the last-named division, waited upon Mr. Martin with a view of in- ducing him to r-tandat the next election. Mr. Martin, in reply, said he was willing to etand again, and he was unanimously adopted as candidate for Caeharris. It 1." practically certain that no opposition will Iw offered to any of the three councillors who are seeking re-election. Late on Wednesday evening it was announced that Mr. T. E. Morgan, who had proposed to content th« seat at Penydarren against Mr. Thomas William", had retired in favour of Mr. Dan Thomas, who has definitely decided to stand. VAYNOR. It appears that Mr. Herbert Kirkhouse, civil engineer, of Tyiorstovrn, who has a residence in Vaynor, intends to offer himself as a candidate fo" election upon the Breccnshire Council, in succession to the late Mr. Thomas Jones, J. P. CEFN. It is rumoured that Mr. Herbert Kirkhouse, of Brynbeaw, Tyiorstown, Pontypridd, will contest the electoral division of Vaynor of the Breconshire County Council in the Conservative interest. ABERDARE. At Ebetiezer Hall, Trecynon, on Friday, a meeting was held to nominate candidates for that portion of the ward, in opposition to Mr. R. H. Rhys, J.P. h wf.9 ultimately decided to ask the Rev. Richard Morgan to come out. On Monday evening a meeting was held of the electors of the Gadlys Ward, at the Temperance flaB, in support of Air. D. Morgan's candidature. Councillors Evan Lewis, of Dowlais, David Proseer, of Trchariis, an 1 T. Daronwy Isaac, and others spoke.—The Ht. B. Evans has declined to the deputation who asked him to stand.—In tho Town Ward, Mr. J. W. Evaus is busy canvassing. Mr. J. Howell is coming out for the inaengwawr Ward. For the Aberaman Ward, tho candidates aro Messrs. T. Rees and T. Thomas.—At Llwydcoed, Mr. R. H. Rhys will be opposed by the Rev. R, Morgan. PENRHlWCEIBER. At a largely attended meeting of the votem of this ward, held on Wednesday, a vote of confidence in th° present member, Dr. R. W. Jone?, J.P., was passed unanimously, and promising to secure the genial doctor a seat upon tne next Council. ABERCANAID. Things are assuming a practical shape here now, and both candidates are doing all they can to indue tho elector* to vote for them. Mr. A. Daniel held a meeting last week at tho Abercanaid Board Schools, which was very well attended. A very good feeling prevailed, although the prominent men of both parties were piespnt. ?»Ir. Daniel had an unanimous vote accorded him as a School Board candidate, but when the time came to accord confidence as a County Coun- cil candidate matters jussumed a different aspect. Th" vote in thi; ease was very well balanced, a!x)ut He same number voting lor each candidate. TREHARRIS. Last Friday evening, at Bethania Calvinistic- Methodist Chapel, a public meeting was held in support ot the candidature of Councillor Prosser, There was a fair attendance. Mr. Lewis Morris WH." voted to the chair, and after a few introductory remarks, called upon the candidate to address thf meeting. Mr. Prosser then gave an account of his stewardship, and was followed by Councillor Evan Lewis, Dowlais, who, in a lengthy address, said that Mr. Prosser had made an excellent member of ths County Council, and advised the (-lectors to again place him at the top of the poll. After a few remarks from Mr. W. A. Thomas, Bristol House, Mr. D. Davies proposed, and Mr. W. Richards seconded, a vote of confidence in Mr. Prosser, which was unani- mously carried. A public meeting was held at the Public Hal! on Saturday evening last with the object of selecting i4, I' candidate for the County Council. Mr. F. Target was voted to the chub". Thero were about sixty I persons present, and it soon became apparent that the meeting was very much divided. Several gentle- men addressed the meeting, which at times was quite lively, and ultimately it broke up without any- thing being done. Councillor Prosser has refused to retire, and it is now stated that Mr. William Jenkins, of the Ocean Coal Company, will not enter the field. Major Bell's supporters are actively working on his behalf at Treharris. Another correspondent says: Mr. Prosser's pros- pects are improving. The Liberals aro rallying round him, and though he is not as strong a candi- date as might be detired, he is strong enough to beat Major Bell once more. Mr. Jenkins' little fiasco is apparently at an end. A public meeting was held at the Public Hall on Wednesday se'nnight with a view of inducing Mr. W. Jenkins, the manager of the Ocean Coal Com- pany, to become a candidate for the forthcoming election. Mr. J. Lewis James was voted to the chair. The following gentlemen addressed the meeting Mr. Ray (agent), Mr. Giblion (manager), Mr. T. Rees, and Mr. Bundy. It was decided to ask Mr. Jenkins to bo a candidate. It is said Mr. Jenkins has declined to become a candidate. TREDEGAR. A meeting of tho Liberal Association for the Georgetown Ward was held last week at the Primi- tive fMethodist Chapel, when Mr. D. Davies was elected chairman of the association, and Mr. Hopkins secretary, for the coming year. The meet- ing unanimously adopted the present representative, Mr. Bowen, as Liberal candidate for the ward at the forthcoming County Council election. A meeting of the Liberal Association couue-eted with the West Ward was also h'1d last week, when officers were elected for the coming year, and Mr. Aggex was again selected an Liberal candidate for the forthcoming election. Electoral matters are very tame so far, and though we are on the eve of the election the battle cry has not yet been heaixh The present councillors are Mr. H. Bowen, for the Georgetown Ward Mr. Stephens, for the Sirhovvy Ward Mr. W. Dav ies, for the Town Ward and Mr. Aggex, for the We.sf. Ward. Mr. Stephens will not seek re-election, but the other councillors are likely to stand again. Mr. 8. Thomas will probably stand as an indepen- dent candidate for the Georgetown Ward in opposi- tion to Mr Bowen, the Liberal nominee. EBBW VALE. Ho far very little interest has been manifested in the forthcoming County Council election. Mr. Richards, miners' agent, Mr. Phillips, J.P., and Mr. I). Hughes will seek re-election, but Mr. Harrison has retired and Mr. David Jones, Libanus-road, has been "electPfl as Liberal candidate in his place. Tt is not likely that there will be any opposition. BRYNMAWR. The forthcoming election is creating much interest at Brynmawr. The town is divided into four wards., and each ward has the right to elect one representa tive. Tho electors of the East Ward met last week, and unanimously adopted Mr. John Thomas, th<* present County Councillor, as the LiVral candidate- for that ward. The proposer of Mr. Thomas was the- Hcy. Mr. Edwards, Congregational minister, and tb«.<- seconder Rev. Mr. Evans, Baptist minister. It ib not likely that Mr. Thomas will be opposed. If any body did have the bravado to do so he would find! himself badly beaten, for Mr. Thomas is very- popular. The electors of the West Ward also met together to select a candidate. Tho name of Mr. John J. Lyddon, the present County Councillor, was sub mitted. but the majority of those present, wished to run Mr. Llewellyn Thomas, schoolmaster, who was accordingly adopted Liberal candidate. A meeting of the electors of the Central Ward was held on Thursday night for the purpose of selecting a Liberal candidate for the ward. Mr. John Rogers, a member of tl»> Board of Guardians, presided. A letter was read from Major Powell, the present coun- cillor for the ward, expressing his determination not'. to stand for re-election. Mr. James Bloor was adopted Liberal candidate for the ward, on the pro- position of > Mr. D. Morgan. Mr. Bloor is very popular in the town and will make a good councillor. On Friday night a meeting of the electors of tlu- South Ward was held to select a Liberal candidate Mr. A. Evans, chairman of the Liberal Hundred, presided. Mr. John Watkins, the present repre- sentative, was adopted on the proposition of Mr. Markall, seconded by the Rev. J. Williams. A vote of thanks was accorded Mr. Watkins for his past sen icc" on the Council. Some feeling has been introduced into the West Ward (writes a correspondent) over the selection of candidate for the County Council election. Som« people think that Mr. Lyddon, the present repre- • sentative, was slighted in not being selected to run agaiu. Of course the people have a light to select whoever they choose, ir<tiJl there should bo a little more consideration shown for Mr. Lyddon, who has done good service on the County Council. For instance, it was he who brought forward the question of an additional constable for Brvnmawr. i Mr. Llewellyn Thomas,- the adopted Liberal candi date for the We*t Ward, having decided not to stand, another meeting was held on Saturday at Calvary Chapel Vestry-room, when Mr. James Morgan, licos manufacturer, was adopted as Liberal candidate.

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