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"It is more than Gold to me. It saved my life." THE MARVELLOUS REMEDY FOR PILE AND GRAVEL And all the Disorders of the Bowels, Stomach, Liver and Kidneys. GEORGE'S PILE AND GRAVEL PILLS. R RRIFJRVX T-IT V ?- < T \YKr PILLS SAD BUT TRUK.-Tlircc out of every four of the adult population of HEDGE'S PILE & GRAVEL PILLS! country euSer more or from ni« or Gravel, or Ui, in some GEORGES PILE & GRAVEL PILLS. 0LVD TIDINGS —Nineteen out of e^rrr twenty of these caws are GEORGE'S PILE & GRAVEL PILI^S. readily cured bv the timely use oi the Workl-famed Medicine, GEORGES PILE & GRAVEL PILLS. "Georze's Pile and Gravel Pills.' GEORGE'S PILE & GRAVEL PILLS. A CHALLENGE The proprietor challenge!i the world to produce go r VAPr F'S PTT V A- P"R WVT T'TT T S efficacious a remedy for tlie Cure of Plies and Gravel,and the numerous rmfirF'S PIT V t 'RAVVT PTT IS Aches and Pains which accompany them. None can point out a case £ 7TT! £ pStvrr mnS' that these Pills will not wire or alleviate, or ehow a more effective (TEORGL b FILE & OxRA\ L.u PILLo. liemedv for thes« complaints. GEORGE'S PILE & GRAVEL PILLS, If VOu suffer Pain in the Back and Loins, or between the Shoulders, this GEORGE'S PILE & GRAVEL PILLS. remedy will effectually remove it, „ GEORGE'S PILE & GRAVEL PILLS. If you are troubled with irritation of the bladder, Suppressioni andlU- GEORGE'S PILE & GRAVEL PILLS. ^cnticm itrwor[d^G'e<^e's0p?ie ^l C^IKS*" GEORGES PILE & GRAVEL PIL GEORGE S PILE & GRA\EL PIL.*JS. no time to procure a box of "George's PiUa" aud you will soon be riyht GEORGE'S PILE & GRAVEL PILES. "gain. GEORGE'S PILE & GRAVEL PILLS. If your Kidnevs and Liver are sluggish and out of order, this remedy win GEORGE'S PILE & GRAVEL PILLS. gently stimulate these important organs, open up their clogrcd (jJEORGF 3 PILE & CrRAVEIi PILLS j> £ tpsages, and promote the accretion of licalttH out ana other vital GEORGES PILE & GRAVEL PILLS. "\r0 a roartvr to Indigestion. Biliousness, and Constipation, you GEORGE'S PILE & GR AVEL PILLS. }^ve a sure remedy in' George's Piils." GEORGE'S PILE & GRAVEL PILLS. If you gufTer from anv Bowel Disorder, such as Piles, Constipation, GEORGE'S PILE & GRAVEL PILLS. Flatulence. Colic, you have a remedy you can always rely upon in GEORGES PILE & GRAVEL PILLS. Georges Pills.. t GEORGES PILE & GRAVEL PILLS. yo™^omr heart >s affected, you -ac.(ras gi "cr\Ty r> fG urr t? «- /"<T> A "V7T7T DIT T Q iwll find these T ills &11 l*mcnc.oi»s ivemedy. iJ ,\ir I? vou suffer from Head-ache and Giddiness, Georfre s Pills mU remove GEORGES PILE & GRA\ EL PILLS. these pains sooner than any other known ..e. GEORGE'S PILE & GRAVEL PILLS. if VCu have pain after eating, and feel drowsy and listless, one dose of GEORGE'S PILE & GRAVEL PILLS. ,"Georg! Pills" "ill act like a charm GEORGE'S PILE & GRAVEL PILLS. If your food turns sour, and rises into the mouth, a few doses ol this i~,TRR^"pr* v%I "PIT S- CT? A VTTT "PTT r <4 REINED v will make your troubles a THIN^ or the PAGT. GIORQEI MLE i GKAVEL PILLa «■ GEORGES PILE & GRAVEL PILLS. If vou have a disagreeable taste in the mouth, a single dose of George's j GEORGE'S PILE & GRAVEL PILLS. pile and Gravel Pills" at bed-time will clear the tongue before the dsrwn GEORGES PILE & GRAVEL PILLS. of another day. ■„ GEORGE'S PILE <fc GRAVEL PILI-S If you f«>'» unfit for exertion, weak, and limp, this Remedy will restore GEORGE'S PILE & GRAVEL PILLS! >°Vr ener"T, and wl!1 maKe tabour and exerdse the GEORGES PILE & GRAVEL PILLS. I/eC trm bi^ wi h naus^ and vomiting at the thought of eating:, a GEORGES PILE & GRAVEL PILLS. box of George's Pills wiil make your meat and drink both savory and GEORGES PILE & GRAVEL PILLS. pieo«mt. GEORGE'S PILE & GRAVEL PILLS. If vour Biood is impure, it will keep open all the important outlets of the GEORGE'S PILE & GRAVEL PILLS. body, and thus sjive free exit to all grow humours, and no more blood PILE & OR WFL PILLS impurities ^vill be seen burytinu through toe A&IQ in pini^ncs, Inotcnes, GEORGES PILE & GRAV EL PILLS. jn thcu^audsof cases it has removed from the Wood, root and branch, GEORGE'S PILE & GRAVEE PILLS. Rheumatic Scorbutic, Scrofulus taints that have defied all other GEORGE'S PILE & GRAVEL PILLS. remedies. GEORGE'S PILE & GRAVEL PILLS. If vou have a tendency to dropsical swelling, this remedy, by its action GEORGE'S PILE & GRAVEL PILLS. upon the Kidneys and Skin, will soon bring relief. GEORGE'S PILE & GRAVEL PILLS. If vou have Difficulty of Breathing this remedy will prove a friend to you GEORGE'S PILE & GRAVEL PILLS. in the hour of need. GEORGE'S PILE & GRAVEL PILLS. It is an aperient, and therefore removes Constipation. It ?3 AiitiMliou?, and PTT.E Xr fiRA\7T'Ti PIT.T.S mil, therefore, correct all irresjularities of the Liver. It is Diuretic, and fiFflPP V'Ci "PTT Jh- C1 T? VP'T "PTT r wiil, therefore, keep open the Water pas*axes. It is totiic, and rPORPF^ PTT F PRiVFT PTT T V therefore, give tone and vigour to the Dipstive Or^ns. It Wood- liiliOxltiiLi S rLLiXj & LrKAVllaj i ILLo. purifying and NenTe-Strengtheninj it is, therefore, ALL WTI AXT. These World-renowned Pills are sold everywhere, in Boxes, 1 1 and 2/9 each. By Post, 1/8 and 8/- PROPHIETOR- J. E. GEORGE, M.R.P.S., HIRWAIN, GLAM. CAUTION I—When purchasing PILE AND GRAVEL PILLS," see that you get GEORGE'S all others are Imitations. The Genuine PILE AND GRAVEL PILLS have the Maker's name, J. E. GEORGE," on the Government Stamp around each Box. GEORGE AND JONES, (SCOOKSSOR3 TO ISAAC THOSAB) 24 & 25, SEYMOUR STREET, ABERDARE, ARE THE CHEAPEST UNDERTAKERS IN WALES nOFTINS executed and carriage mid to any part within a distance of 25 miles, for the folkrrin tjcieeeOOFFEN'S FOR CHILDREN, 6 months old, with the beet Registered Trimming?, and with Flannel and Wadding inside, for the low price of 6?. 9 Months old 8s. 4 Years old 13s, ] 9 Years old ISs. io 9s. 5 „ „ l^s. 10 193. \q I0e. 6 „ „ 15s. 11 20s. 2 Yeom old .Us- 7 „ „ } £ • i %Z 21s. 3 12B. 8 17s. 20 „ 25s. OOFFIK8 CPolishedX with best Metal Mounting's, for Adult*, or with solid Brass Trinuninw, with Black Cloth e*rer*d, and in«W^ and craWide beautifully finished, for the low price of £ 3. Special attention is called to the fact that they have one oj he beat Establishments in Wales, together with tb« great variety of Goods, viz.Wood, Trimmings, CovfriMB, Hearses and Coaches. Thev hare in their possession Seven Classes of Hearses and Mourning Coaches to sutt all efasees of v«opie- PrlOffliOTHearses from Afeerdare and Aberaman to Aberdare Csmeterv, from5s. Prices.of Cofflus from 6s. to 100 yuineas. .J PICTON & MORRIS, COMPLETE FUNERAL FURNISHERS, DOWLAIS. THOMAS D A V I E S POSTING MASTER AND CAB PROPRIETOR, i2s" tliiuking the p-ublic for the liberal pntronajp received frcm them for many years past-—he l^ing in aue- ceeaion to his father, the oldest established Cab Proprietor in Merthyr—bf-g's to invite special attention to his lai-ge and complete facilities for Posting, and in particular to his ample arrangements for Funerals. He ha3 recently added to his stock of hearses a new handsome Glass Panelled Hearse, and ifi now prepared to supply hearses for funerals fiom 10s. upwarda. Arrangemetits can bo made with parties at a distance either by lettc-r or by personally waiting uprm tbem. Wedding Carriages kept. Breaks for pleasure parties upon the most reasonable terms. ADDRESSES CASTLE HOTEL LIVERY STABLES A:, D BUSH HOTEL LIVERY STABLES, MERTHYR. BALSAM THE OLD WELSH REMEDY For Cough, Cold, Influenza, Bronchitis, &c. < Had a bad asrlunatic cough and short breath three months. Often unablo to lie down, but had to sit in chair at night. BHAYMAN'S to sit in chair at. nightr. g Commenced taking your Balsam four days ago I am already -ie, .7 ciired. Arl, tiiJi "GEO. BE AG LEY, SkotiermiH, Haikmcre, Dec, 3rd, 1894. SOLI) EVEUYWUEKE. PRICE, b. !>> and 2*. Od. PROFESSOR KELLY, TEMPLE OF HEALTH, 60, GLOSTER STREET, ABERDARE, Spel allst In all Diseases. All kinds of H^rbs, Barks, Flowers, &c., kept in stock all around the j*ear. All diseases treated with HEBBAII Medicines. No POISONS kept or used. PROF. KELLT attends the Eagle Coffee.tavern, Dowlaie, every Monday, 2 till 8 at 2, Cross Keys Street, Merthyr, Tuesday, 2 till 8; Pontypridd I Market, Wednesday, 9 till 6; Bridge-street, Porth, Thursday, 2 till 8 at Aberdare, till 12 o'clock on the abovo days, and throughout c'. e day on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. ESTABLISHED IN 1836. I FOR THE PROTECTION OF TRADE. STTJBiBS' MERCANTILE OFFICES (STUBBS' LIMITED), 42, GRESHAM STREET, LONDON, E.C. SUBSCRIBERS, BT OBTAINING TIMELY IMt'ORUATIOX, MAY \i AVOID MAKING BAD DEBTS. EVEttY TRADER SHOULD BEAD STUBBS' WEEKLY GAZETTE, With which is issued a Supplement containing LIST OF CREDITORS t.SDETt ALL THE IMPOBTAST FAILURE;?, THE COMMERCIAL REGISTERS. CONTAIN MOBB THAN tar SE\rEN MILLION ENTRIES. DEBTS RECOVERED PROMPTLY. AND PAID OVER TO SVBSLWBER8 ON TUESDAY AND FRIDAY IN EACH WEEK j BRANCHES at Aberdeen, Birmingham, Bradford, Brighton, Bristol, Belfast, CHARLES STREET CHAMBERS, CARDIFF, Cork, Dublin, Dundee, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Leeds, Liverpool, Manchester, Newcastle, Norwich, Nottingham, Plymouth, Portsmouth, Sheffield, and 3, Princes-street, Regent-street, W. SUB-OFFICES.—42, Castle-street, Swansea, Blackburn, Cambridge, Derby, Exeter, Gloucester Grimsby, Hanley, Hudderstteld, Hull, Ipswich, Leicester, Liuierick, Loudou- deny, Middlesboro", Newport (Mon.), Northampton, Oxford, deny, Middlesboro", Newport (Mon.), Northampton, Oxford, Presfton, Beading, Southampton, Stockton-on-Tees, Sun- derland, Walsall, Waterford, Wolverhampton, Worcester, York. TERMS.— £ 1 Is.. E2 29., S3 3s., £ 5 5s., according to the requirement?. PROSPECTUS for^-ai'ded, on application to any of the above offices. [140 RISK LIMITED. PROFIT UNLIMITED. SPECULATION BY OPTIONS. "Speculation by Options is of all methods of apeeiiUttion the most prudent ,Arthur Crump (late Financial Editor of the Timu). StorJcn avd Shares says —"Lar^e profits, averaging f83 15s for every Sll 5a. invested, have accrued Stoci Exchange Timt-s says :—" In 17 day; each subscriber cf C5 12s. 6d. received a profit of 244 7s. 6d. Mes-rs. Smith and Bercsford have an auiple capital for the conduct of a very larffc business. The firm is the largest in Option Dealing in Engi-and Hirm-in/iha-m Daibj Cnzette cays ".Lar^e profits, averag- ing jE88 las. for every Sll 5, invested, nave accrued to those I who hia-c acted on their advice C(1pi-talid says :—"Messrs. Smith and Bercsford give tome very sensible advice '<bout Options, which they recommend, may be consulted to advantage." Sko; E'xchange savs Messrs. Smith and Bercsford have been very fortunate In receut transactions." Pi. Worli says" Messrs. Smith aud Hore-foni have a thorough yM<p of the subject, and a careful perusal of their work will well repay speculators." Civa Service Gazttte says Our readers cannot do better than take) Messrs. Smith and Berei-tord as their financial guide-, philosophers, and friends Citizen says Tne only safe way of'inaking money on the London Stock Exchange." UNITED OPTIONS—Opened every Monday and Thursday on the System advocated above. Any number of Shares at £ 5 12s. 6d. each, WITH- OUT AN IT FURTHER LIABILITY WHAT; EVER, may l>e secured by letter or telegram. SOLE CONTROL of all L'nited Options taken on lx,-half of Subscril>ers, thereby securing a manifest advantage. Stamped contract forwarded. Send for revised pamphlet and full particulars of 3ur next United Option to SMITH & BERESFORD, Stock & Share Dealers, 53 and 54, Chancery Lane, London, ESTABLISHED 1888. Telegrams Clerkship, London." Telephone No. 2583. Agents wanted everywhere. rOB COUGHS BNLSAM op tavi T(,A o E PPtk. Na- B M 'tjs' POWELLS tESt tN?M)BmMMMmnntMNHMF mmm,, MR m an in OP ANISEED For ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, NICHT COUCH, INFLUENZA, HOARSENESS, AND ALL LUNG TROUBLES. SAFE AND RELIABLE. Established 70 Years. See Trade MarV on Wrappers. Ecrare of Imitaticns, SOLD CY CHEMISTS EVERYWHERE. In Bottles, Lli.S.'J. 4,6, aud U/. DUPTURB. Particulars of the latest scientifically constructed Patent Truss (highly commended by LanvA-, &c.) which positively cures rupture. Sent free. The Link Shell Truss Co., 171, Wardour Street, LONDON, W. TO U P T U R E. LINK SIIELL TRUSS (Patent) POSITIVELY CURES.- Vide LanrfJ, August 4th, 1894. WRITE PoR PARTICULARS. A MARVELLOUS MEDICINE. A MARVELLOUS MEDICINE. DR. LINK'S WORLD-FAMOUS PILLS. DR. LINK'S WORLD-FAMOUS PILLS. DR. LINK'S WORLD-FAMOUS PILLS. STOMACH AND LIVER COMPLAINTS. STOMACH AND LIVER COMPLAINTS.. STOMACH AND LIVER COMPLAINTS. A SURE CURE. A SURE CURE. A SURE CURE. ACTS LIKE MAGIC. ACTS LIKE MAGIC. ACTS "LIKE MAGIC. RESTORED TO HEALTH. RESTORED TO HEALTH. RESXv*&ED TO HEALTH. THE DEBILITATED. THE DEBILITATED. THE DEBILITATED. THE DEBILITATED. THE DYSPEPTIC. THE DYSPEPTIC. THE DYSPEPTIC. THE DYSPEPTIC. ESTABLISHED 30 YEARS. ESTABLISHED 30 YEARS. ESTABLISHED 30 YEARS. DR. LINK'S PILLS. DR. LINK'S PILLS. DR. LINKS PILLS. ONE A DAY. ONE A DAY. ONE A DAY. THK WEAK. THE WEAK. THE WEAK. THK OLD. THE OLD. THE OLI). THE YOUNG. THE YOUNG. THE YOUNG. ALL CAN TAKK THEM. ALL CAN TAKE THEM. ALL CAN TAKE 1HKM. I SLT'CGI^H LIYKR AND STOMACH I>HOIU>I;KS.—Dr. Link's Pills arc a wonderful cure for all stomach complaints, giddiness, trembling, cold shivers, headache, wakefulness, indigestion, wind, scurvy, and kindred complaints. Taken by the tnost deli- cat-c of both sexes aud children. Recommended by the medical profession for 30 years past when I other medicines fail. Of all Chemists at b. ljd. per box. or direct froiu the proprietors, Is. "21 <1. I LINK & Co., Link House, Wavdour Street, London, W- DUPTURE. LINK SHELL TRUSS (Patent)! POSITIVELY CURES.- Vide Lancct, August 4th, 1894. ¡ b, WIUTE FOR PARTICULARS. v v i LINK SHELL TRUSS COMPANY i SURGICAL INSTRUMENT MAKERS, 171, WARDOUR STREET, LONDON, W. ESTABLISHED 1840. AWARDS- 17 GOLD MEDALS. ONLY GOLD MEDAL, PARIS, 1889. ONLY GOLD MEDAL CHICAGO. 18W. S rtTTC' t I CURE FITS I And to ;.r«-1 th;> to vru. ifyo:: art- in1eresf?d, I wi'l OIA I? vo;; i irt.Mtc '.i> my rriueoy'or nothing ■.<< that yon may c i'.t." chituce to :;y i! L^toi <■ ;^yi:ig out an v mouey, be- 1 cv. j i'rr- e tvrrv cr;ni:dsy r :n niy remedy, and "l am j surt- a t: U;! of it Vi;i fwn to:i-. itu V \ov of it=s sterling I nwrrit. 1 t::<ve n-ad'' s .siud- of f it I^pilepsv or !a!1ij!S H;ca: n-htn'l oy'CUHE do uot menu 1 nt; e'v to stop tl'fci fcr a tlrur. and then have them re- tu'-n rgaln b'.it a nuSico; CUKE. nec;>u:-e others hav« thiied to rdlexe yovu is r,->\ a P'C<JC rcaso»J why you should j v'0'h;w I'1 suffvv. Send ,-d. fo'r < '-trriHge of my treatise, 1SK OaoL^ £ .cw* JOHN MORGAN AND SON, ESTABLISHED 1868. FUNERAL PURNISHERS. .D i.- lw, John Morgan and Son's Latest Glass jPauelled Hearse. DEFY COMPETITION IN QUALITY AND PRICE. [ Proprietors of Hearses and Mourning Coaches to suit all classes. A large sclcction of Shrouds and Trimmings kept. Estimates given fur Bricked Graves. 53, MONK STREET, ABERDARE. TO THE INHABITANTS OF MOUNTAIN ASH AND DISTRICT. WATCH THIS SPACE NEXT AVEEK. IT HAS BEEN RESERVED FOR M R. WILTSHIRE, I MOUNTAIN ASH. ♦ THK BEST FUNERAL FURNISHER AND UNDERTAKER IN THE DISTRICT. r 2Sg7 "TIMES" PRINTING COMPANY Are noted f"r COLOUEED POSTERS of all sizes, CONCERT PROGRAMMES, and HANDBILLS, wmcii AFTE ARTISTICALLY EXECUTED. AND WITH PROMPTNESS. y STOP ONE MOMENT! "OH! DEAR DOCTOR MUST MY DARLING DIE F' THERE IS VERY LITTLE HOPE, BUT TRY TUDOR WILLIAMS' PATENT BALSAM OF HONEY. THERE IS AN ENORMOUS INCREASING DEMAND FOR rrUDOR W ILLIAMS' P ATENT ¡ BALSAM OF HONEY. HAVE YOU TRIED IT I IF NOT, THEN TRY IT NOW, AT ONCE. j 7 IT IS INVALUABLE j for vreak-chested men, delicate women and children. Tt cures when all other remedies fail. It cures Coughs, Colds Broachiti.% Asthma, Tight- ness of the Chest. It cures Thousands of Children of Bronchitis and Whooping Coughs. It cures for One Shilling when Pounds have bern cpent in vain. No mother should neglect to keep the Infallible Remedy in the house ready for an emergency. Rementijfr that it is wisfr to check « flight Cougb at the commencement than to allow it to derclope into a lingering complaint. READ ON. COMMENDED BY PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. When you are distressed with a miserable cold, nose hanged up, throat sore, limbs aching with a g«nenil feeling of saiotherin^, a few doses of the Balsam of Honey will clear the wretched eymptoms awsv, almost btfoTe you know it. There is nothiug like it on the raarket; it is thorough! up tu date; it trickles into all the system. A true friend, prompt and reliable iu its action. RETURNED INCURABLE FROM THE HOSPITAL. I think it right to inform you of the ^r^a^ l»ene £ t I ha-ve derived from usiDg your prana Balsam of I Honey. I write these lines, as matter of fact and experience, thab there is no C-ough Cure under the j canopy of heaven like it. I have suffered from affec- | tinr.s of the cheat and lungs, also asthma. I have j been to London and Liverpool Hospitals, but found i more relief by four bjttles of Tudor Williams' Balsam j of Honey than all medicines that I have taken for years previous.—Yours faithfully, ROBERT M'MCFFIE, King-street, Blackburn." IT IS MORE THAN GOLD TO ME. My wife desires me to convey her best wishes for the success of your Balsam of Honey. It has beeu of "Teat lienefit to our little onotj, who suffered from Bronchitis and Couglis during the last two most inclement winters. It privet them instant relief. Further, our medical attendant, Dr..Jones, quite I c.>Ticnrs in the freouent use of the Balsam when oeca- J sions requires.—Yours faithfully, JOHN WALTER MORGAN, Esq., Bryuheulog House, llirwain. MORGAN, Esq., Bryuheulog House, llirwain. THE JJRITISH A RMY gPEAKS j JJIGHLY* OF IT. | During the two yeara that our Regiment were iu Perulrt'uko Dock I used your Tudor Williams' Balsam of Honej*, and found that there was not another Co igh and Luug Cure on the British luaiket equal to it. Send me on a ca^e for my friends at ONC>—Band- sc-rgt. W. HAKDS, L-t Bn. The Couu. Rangers, Anglesea Barracks, Portsea, Portsrnoutli. Sold by an Chemists and Stores all over the World in Is., 2s, 9d., and 4s. 6d. bottles. Sample Bottles sent post paid for b. 3d., or 3s., from the Patentee. D. Tcdob W ILLIAMS, 1- MEDICAL HALL, ABERDARE.


[No title]










