T. BOWEN JONES & CO. We are Sole Agents in this district for the Colombo Brand Ceylon Te«. All our other Teas are T. B. J. e own blends. We buv no "up-to-date" London Hl«»i)d?s blended lty Modem Tea Blenders," who are sufficiently scientific to utilise in their blends Tea dust nti dirt sweepings of the Tea Gardens with fcxhawrted tea leaves collected from the slop basinB of London Cookshojw and re-dried. The more you think of it the less you like it. A hanl of the London Tea Blenders was made last month, and brought before the magistrates; the full penalty incurred being over £ 36,090. Their teas made a good brew. We buy none, we sell none but what we can drink ourselves. Even our Tea at b. pi:'l' Ih. is perfectly clean and sweet. We recommend finer teas such as Is. 4d. and Is. 8d. BUGAURT CHEAPER THAN EVKR. T. BOWEN JONES & CO., 2, MARKET SQUARE, MERTHYR.


Business announcements. CLOTHING BEST AND CHEAPEST. ONE TRIAL is sufficient to prove the Superiority of MASTERS AND CO.'S CLOTHING. Goods to Order on "the Shortest Notice. PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED. MASTERS AND COMPANY. NOTE THE ADDRESSES:- L^^R.TT MERTHYR. 124 and 114, High Street, J W. T. LEWIS, COACHBUILDER, CASTLE STREET, MERTHYR, (Who has carried on Business in the Town for 18 years), HAS FOR IMMEDIATE SALE 1 WAGGONETTE (with head, not removable), To carry eight inside. Extra Strong. 3 SECOND HAND WAGGONETTES. 2 NEW DOG CARTS. 2 SECOND HAND DOG CARTS. 3 SECOND HAND WHITECHAPEL CARTS. 2 SACK CARTS. 1 LIGHT TIPPING SPRING CART. 2 LIGHT PHAETONS. 1 SPRING HAND TRUCK. ALSO A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF CARRIAGE LAMPS THE TltAUE SUPPLIED WITH EVKRY REQUISITE. AN INSPECTION INVITED. (168 "Y Ddraig Goch a ddyry gychwyn." JOHN LEWIS, Music Warehouse, PENYDARREN. MUSIC DEPARTMENT. MACHINE DEPARTMENT. ANOS, AMERICAN ORGANS,and all kinds of Best and Largest STOCK of CYCLES in the MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS on Easy Terms. District. INSTRUMENTS REPAIRED, Renovated, or SOLID-TYRE SAFETIES from £ 2 upwards. taken in Exchange. CUSHION-TYRE SAFETIES from £ 5 5s. PNEUMATIC-TYRE SAFETIES from £ 10 10s. taken in Exchange. CUSHION-TYRE SAFETIES from £558. -—— PNEUMATIC-TYRE SAFETIES from jEMO 10s. TUNING by Yearly Contract or otherwise. District Sole Agent for all the best Makers. Lll v "CAL INSTRUMENTS on HIRE for So{« ;vfor" ?WALIA SEWING MACHINE; Best Hand and Treadle Machine in Concerts, &c. the World; guaranteed to sew new calico 20 fold, Largest Possible DISCOUNT allowed for Cash. moleskin fold. It will pay you to call and Inspect my Varied STOCK before going elsewhere. All GOODS DELIVERED' FREE to any Part. 0 Y Gwir yn erbyn y byd." W. MORGAN DA VIES (LATE AT J. S. DAVIES'), CLOTHIER, OUTFITTER, HATTER, &c., 115, HIGH STREET, DOWLAIS, Has the Best Selections in the Neighbourhood of Men's, Youths', and Boys' Suits. HATS, CAPS, TIES, COLLARS, CUFFS, HANDKERCHIEFS, SCARVES, Ice., &c. THE NOTED SHOP FOR MEN'S AND BOYS' MACKINTOSHES. TAILORING DEPARTMENT Suits Made to Measure From 25s. Trousers Made to Measure From 8s. 6d. NOTE THE AI>DRKSS.— W. MORGAN DAVIES, 115, HIGH STREET (Bottom of Horse Street), DOWLAIS. L72 AND 118, HIGH STREET, DOWLAIS. J. S. DAVIES & CO., DRAPERS, CLOTHIERS, MILLINERS, AND WELSH FLANNEL MANUFACTURERS. INCANDESCENT GASLIGHT, Equal to the Electric Light, at One-seventh the Cost. SOLK AGENTS FOR MERTHYR BOROUGH— THOS. THOMAS & SONS, IRONMONGERS, MERTHYB. 154-205. GRAND EXTENSION OF PREMISES. C. H F LOOKS, WATCHMAKER, JEWELLER, AND SILVERSMITH, 49, POMMOKLAIS CIRCUS, MERTHYR, BEGS to thank his numerous customers and friends for their very kind patronage during tho past nine years. By their support he lias been enabled to extend his premises, and he now holds the BEST AND FINEST SELECTED STOCK IN THE DISTRICT. (JO AND SHH THE GKAND SHOW OF PLATE, CUTLERY, MARBLE AND GILT CLOCKS, BRONZES, &c. GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES OF THE NEWEST DESIGNS. EVERY WATCH WARRANTED. GOLD AND SlLYEll HniGH OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. m NOTE -Side Door and Private Room for Wedding Ring Customers. COME AND INSPECT OlR STOCK BKVORE GOING ELSEWHERE. [2600 Books, Sermons, Pamphlets, Tracts, Magazines, Newspapers, Periodicals, and all General Work EXECUTED BY THE %TIMES" PRINTING COMPANY, MERTHYR. fcoucationaL THE COURT GIRLS' SCHOOL, MERTHYR TYDFIL. PRINCIPAL MISS EDWARDS. The course of instruction is preparatory for the Oxford or Cambridge Local Examinations, and the whole school is examined once a year by a. University Graduate nominated by tb. 'outh Wales University College. The School will re-open Tuesday, January 22, 1895. Prospectus, with terms, etc.may be ha4 on applica- tion to Miss Edwards. ■ 154-66 SCHOOL OF MUSIC. MISS POLLIE JONES, Associate of the London College of Music, Member of the Incorporated Society of Musicians, GIVES LESSONS ON THE PIANOFORTE, THEORY, HARMONY. Pupils prepared for Local Musical Examinations. Pi-ospectus may be had on application ABEUDARE Jt-XCT. VISITED EVEItY TUESDAY. ADDRESS 46, RAILWAY TERRACE, MERTHYR. MERTHYR HIGH SCHOOL PRIMROSE HILL. Master: Mr. HARRY DEWDNEY, B.A. Second Master: Mr. E. M. TROAKE, T.C.D. Drawing Master, Mr. G. HARRIS. A.C.T. Singing Master, Mr. TOM PRICE, G.L. School hours from 9.30. SOUND PRACTICAL EDUCATION in all usual English subjects. Special attention to Mathe- matics, French and Drawing. Pupils prepared for Oxford and Cambridge Local Examinations. Prelim- inary Medicine and Law College of Preceptors, &c Drill. Games. Vacancies for two Boarders, weekly preferred. =- auctioneers. &C. J. LL. ATKINS, F.A.I., AUCTIONEER, VALUER, ACCOUNTANT, and GENERAL COMMISSION AGENT. Offices: Gellyfaclogt Cottage and 20, Upper Union- Street, Dowlais. Agent for the Liverpool, London, and Globe Insur- ance Co., the United Kingdom Temperance and Provident Institution, and the Ocean Railway Aooi- dent Co. Also for the White Star Inman, and American Steamship Companies. DAVID EVANS, ACCOUNTANT AND AUCTIONEER, 51, Gwaelodygarth Terrace, MERTHYR. ENGLISH AND WELSH SALES ATTENDED. EVAN LEWIS, AUCTIONEER, 41, MARY STREET, DOWLAIS, j Is open to conduct Sales m any part of the Princi- pality in both English and Welsh. TERJIS Strictly Moderate and Prompt Settle- ments. PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT!! George Griffiths Jones, (For more than twenty years Clerk to Messrs. Frank James and Sons, Solicitors, at Abcrdare and Merthvr) begs to inform his friends and the public generally that be will shortly commence the business of an AUCTIONEER, VALUER, AUDITOR, Accountant an Estate and House Agrent And he hopes that by careful and prompt attention to all matters which may be entrusted to him to merit their kind patronage and support. ADDRESS: 60, Gloucester Street, Aberdare. Business announcements. "Christendom Astray from the Bible," first printed thirty years ago as Twelve Lectures," by the Editor of the Christadelphian." THIS book has circulated in many thousands of copies, and has revolutionised the religious convictions of great numbers of people. It is designed to show that the Bible is not responsible for the views and tenets of Christendom. It? appeal is to the Devout but Distressed, whom popular theology bewilders, Atheism revolts, and scientific Agnosticism chills and blights. Price in paper, 2s. 2id., post free. Address, R. ROBERTS, 139, Moor Street, Birmingham. [147-50 "BEIRNSTEI^\S NEW WEEKLY PAYMENT SYSTEM, TS 6D" IN THE POUND DEPOSIT, and INSTALMENTS of 1/- per week in the Pound. No Traveller or Collector calling. Private. The Largest Stock of CLOTHING, DRAPERY, AND JEWELLERY Kept in Stock. 28 A 29, BRIDGE STREET. TREDEGAR. NOAKES' THEATRE, MARKET PLACE. ABERDARE. GREAT ATTRACTIONS NIGHTLY. COME EARLY TO SECURE SEATS. CHANGE OF PROGRAMME EVERY NIGHT. LOOK OUT FOR THE DAY BILLS. Ask your friends what they think of it. Costly Dresses and Scenery. POPULAR PRICE. MIND AND COME EARLY. TRUSSES (RUPTURE).— The Link Shell Truss is the greatest invention of modern times. Dr. Phelin, the eminent physician, writing to the Lancet, says— "It i3 a truss which I always advise patients to use, It will in very many cases be found an effectual cure." Lancet, says on August 4th, 1894—"It is an efficient truss for a cure." British Afcdical Journal, on June 30th, 1894—" It is the most comfortable and secure truss." Medical Times and Hospital Gazette, savs- It is a sure protection against further prolapse and cures." Edinburgh Medical Jovrnal says—" It suits exceedingly well for a radical cure. j;l1f/li/51¿ Sports says—"It is the only truss that can be worn by athletes competing in races, when suffering from rupture. (Lord Kinnaird and Dr. Turner contributed.) Worn by the late Sir Andrew Clarke, M.l). Awarded 19 Gold Medals. Worn by 698 Medical Men. Particulars, one stamp, from the Link Shell Truss Co., 171 Wardour Street, London, W. As a safe, permanent, and warranted cure for Pimples, Scrofula, Scurvy, Bad Lejrs Skin and Blood Diseases, and Sore' of all kinds, we can with confidence recommend CLARKE'S WORLD-FAMED BLOOD MIXTCRE. Sold by Chemists every. where. A FAIR, BKATUTL SKIK. — Sulpholine Soap Rives the natural tint and peach-like bloom of a perfect Complexion makes the Skin smooth, supple, healthy, comfortable. 6d. Tablets everywhere, Advt. THE TIMES EXCHANGE- The easiest and cheapest way to make a bargain is to advertise your want in the Timts. These tiny CAP a are superior to Balsam of Copaiba, Cubebs or Injections KjUiilUa and cure in 48 hours the same diseases wi\hout inconvenience. 4/6 of all D Chemists. Or post free. Wilcox and CO., 33P»Q:sft>rd-g| .toy pq> Pusiness announcements. I J-, AUTUMN AND WINTER, 1894. 4 M. EDWARDS, VICTORIA JJOUSE, 3 Õ VICTORIA (STREET, ,i:, DOWLAIS, HAS CHOtCR ASSORTMENT Of THE LATEST A^IJMN AND WINTER NOVELTIES, "c 9* including FURS, MANTLES, JACKETS, MILLINERY, DRESS MATERIALS, LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S OUTFITS, tc. UNDERCLOTHING, GLOVES, HOSIERY. fGENTLEMEN'S SUITS MADE TO ORDER. it I R. LL. ATKINS, 20 & 21, UPPER UNION STREET, DOWLAIS č: (UPPUSll'E THE FA4RISH UNDERTAKER AND COMPLETE FUNERAL FURNISHER. AX EFFICIENT STAFF OF WORKMEN KEPT. ORDERS EXECUTED AT THE SHORTEST NOTICE. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. branch Office—26, PLANTATION STREET, PENYDARREN, where orders are also received. Price Lists for HEARSES, SHBLLIBEERS. COACHES, &c., may be had en Application to the abeve Addresses. NOTE-A II kindaof WR ATHS and CROSSES kept on the Premises also J EVERY EQUIPMENT FOR FUNERALS. BABIES' LIVES ARE SAVED BY USING REES' FOOD FOR INFANTS, MALTED AND COOKED. The most perfect substit«te for Mothers' Milk, therefore the best Food for Infante. YOUR BAJJY SHOULD BE YOUR FIRST CONSIDERATION. 1 -5 Tins 6d, and Is. each. ¡ A REAL BLESSING T' MOTHERS! Depend upon it Mothers, it will give rest to your — J: i selves, and relief and health to your Babies. REES* COOLING AN0 SOOTHING POWDERS rbis' FOR INFANTS. INFANTS' PRESERVATIVE. No Mother shouW be witbootthen); after oue dose the ehiid: The best uld safest Medicine for AVind, Gripes, l it?, bcconics as bright as a button. Acidity, Restlessness, &0. PRICE !<. lid. PRICE It. lAd. Any of the above Remedies will be sent Tost Free, from the Proprietor, ON receipt of P.O. oi Stamps. PHEPAKED ONLY BY R. P. REES, Dispensing Chemist (BY EXAMINATION), 177, HIGH STREET, DOWLAIS. THE LAKGEST FUKNISHING STORES IN THE PRINCIPALITY. THE UNIVERSAL FURNISHING STORES, Temple Buildings, Union Street, Dowlais, Are the cheapest as well as the largest in the district for all kinds of FURNITURE, BEDDING, CARPETS, LINOLEUMS, PIANOS, &c. EVEHY REQUIREMENT FOR COTTAGE OR MANSION. Immense Showrooms stocked with Household Goods of every description, at prices which defy competition. INSPECTION IS RESPECTFULLY INVITED. ALL GOODS DELIVERED FREE. ESTABLISHED 1G64. W. R. CO HEN, PAWNBROKER, OUTFITTER, & JEWELLER, The Furniture Depot," (Opposite the Post Office), 93, Pontmorlais, Merthyr. W. R. COHEN for New and Second-hand Guinea Gold Wedrtinj; Rinjs, Keepers, Dress, Signet, and W. R. COHEN for New and Second-hand Watches, Gold and Silver Chains, &c. I W. R. COHEN for well-seasoned Household Furniture, Millpuff and Feather Bed#, Pianos and American Furniture Sold for Cash, or by Weekly raynwnts an the Hire Purchase System. Side Entrance and Private Rooms for Wedding Ring and Pledge Customers. MUSICALLY IMPORTANT. MR. EDWARD LAWRANCE, ritOFEssoi; OF MUSIC. Of the celebrated Conservatorium of Music, Leipzig, Honorary Organist Christ Church, Cvfarthia, formerly (for many years) the Organist and Choir-master of St. David's Church, Merthvr, Honorary Local Examiner to thf> Royal College of Music, London, Councillor of the lucorjwrated Society of Musicians &C. IS always happy to receive ADDITIONAL PUPILS for PIANOPOETE, ORGAN, HARMONIUM, SINGING, H\HMONT and COMPOSITION LES-SONS, &c. MISS HILDENHAGEN (Niece to Mr. Edward Lav-ranee), continues to receive YOUNG PLTILS, and to carefully prepare them for later tuition under M»v Edward Lawrance's personal care. For Terms, which are Moderate, apply to Mr. EOWARD LAWHANCE, Professor of Mu»ir TRACTHEIM 2, CoURTLAND TERRACE, MeRTHYK TYDFIL. BEST OF CLOTHS AND THE LATEST OF STYLES. ———— IF YOU WANT YOUR CLOTHES WELL MADE, GIVE YUVR ORDERS TO THO M A H JONES, AERON HOUSE, DOWLAIS. BEST OF CLOTHS KEPT; SUITS MADE IN THE LATEST STYLES, AND A GOOD FIT GUARANTEED {PRICES MODLRATE, AND DESPATCH SHOWN IN CARRYING OUT ORDERS. CALL UPON, OK WRITE TO THOMAS JONES, AERCN HQVöE, DOWLAIS. I Business announcements. MR. HARRY EVANS, A.R.C.O. CONDUCTOR DOWLAIS PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY, GIVES LESSONS AT HIS OWN OR PUPIL'S RESIDENCE, IN Organ & Pianoforte Playing, Singing, Harmony, & Theory. Rhymnev and District visited every Wednesday. For TERMS, "which are very Moderate, apply te BEETHOVEN HOUSE, DOWLAIS. Engagements accepted for Organ Recitals, Concerts, Eisteddfodau, kc. j MANGE, AND ALL DISEASES OF THE SKIN IN HORSES, CATTLE, DOGS, CATS, &c., POSITIVELY CURED. The Sporting Life of August 23rd remarks "It is gratifying to notice the decrease of Mange amongst our London Stables, and we understand this is accounted for by the use of the Mange Liniment, manufactured by the City of London Veterinary Medicine Company of Perry Hill, Catford London." Price for Dogs, Cats, &c., 2 6 per Bottle, post free Herses, Cattle, &c., 11/6 per GaHon (jar included). M. L. WALTERS & Co., WEST END STORES, ALMA STREET, DOWLAIS, ARE NOW RECEIVING WEEKLY CONSIGNMENTS OF FRESH CARMARTHEN BUTTER, Of Unequalled Quality, Purity, and Freshness, which they are Retailing at Price* which Defy Competition. M. L. WALTERS & Co., ARE NOTED FOR THE SUPERIOR QUALITY OF THEIR GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, And they make every effort to secure for their Customers the BEST GGODS ONLY, at Prices which cannot be undersold, except at the expense of quality. Business announcements. HEALTH. If you want good health, you must have good digestion, and for an impared digestion you can have nothing more pleasant and effective, than D. C. EVANS' BROWN BREAD. Try a three-half-penny loaf.and judge for yourself. D. C. EVANS, HYGIENIC BAKERY, DOWLAIS. [152-201 DAVID GRIFFITHS, (For years Book-keeper to the Ebhw Vale Local Board, and with the late firm of Messrs. James & Co., Solicitors, Merthyr, as Estate and General Clerk), begs to inform his Friends and the Public that he HAS COMMENCED BUSINESS AS AN ACCOUNTANT, AUDITOR, STOCK AND FIXTURE VALUER, HOUSE, ESTATE, AND GENERAL COMMISSION AGENT, and trusts that, by strict attention to all matters entrusted to his care, to receive a share of the Public Patronage. Rents Collected, Valuations for Probate, &c. Moderate Charges and Prompt Settlements. OyncE.-EXPRESS INN, HIGH STREET, PONTMORLAIS, MERTHYR TYDFIL. C. J. PRICE, Grocer, TREDEGAR. AGENT FOR ROGERS' CELEBRATED AK ALES AND STOUTS IN LL SIZE CASKS AT USUAL PRICES. W. & A. GTLBEVS WIXES AND SPIRITS: JAMESON'S WHISKY, HENNESSVS BRANDY, &c., &c. AGENT FOR KINMOND'S HIGH-CLASS TABLE WATERS IN SYPHONS, &c. WEEKLY SUPPLIES OF THE FINEST WILTSHIRE BACON (PALE AND SMOKED). Cheddar, Caerphillv, Gorsjonzola, and other PRIME CHfiESE. BUTTER SHIPPED DIRECT WEEKLY. ¡ MAZAWATTEE TEA AND COFFEE. C. J. PRICE, Tredegar and Brithdir. MERTHYR TURKISH BATHS, LOWER HIGH STREET. r» !.s~i-X'| THE Proprietor of the alwve Baths wishes to draw the 1 public Kttcntion to the fact that the^-c baths arr re- nowned for the cure of Khcuinatism, Sciatica, and all Colds and Affections of the Chest. Hundreds of miyolirfted tcsti- nials can be seen at the Bath?. Turkish Bathers arc admitted from 9 a.ui. to 8.30 p. ID.—First-class Turkish, 2s. Scrond- c).tM (without shampooing), h, Warm Bath", 6(1. and 1<. Swimming Baths, 4d. LAMES PAY—TUESDAY. Proprietor and Manager, ,y, POOL. TIMES PRINTING CO., JOHN STREET (orrOoITE l-'KKAT WtsTEBN H.\ILW. STATION), MERTHYR. General ant> Commercial printers, AND ACCOUNT BOOK MANUFACTURERS. Estimates for all kinds of Printing in fmall ur large quantities, furnished frco on application to the Manager. The office is replete with the newest de*iyns of pe, and the best workmanship is guaranteed. A trial order is rc.spt-ctfuHy solicited. Tar.OAT iRr.iTATios AND COVGII. —Soreness and dr\ne?«, Wcklingr and irritation, inducinpr and affecting the voice. For tliege symptoms use Eppa's Glvcerine Jufubes, In contact with the jrlands at the moment they are excited "y the act of tucking, the Gl\ cerine in these agreeable c'-)n- fe«^ions fiecomes actively bcaiins. Sold it, tillS. h. l^d.,lal>elk'<L ".tAMfs KITS Co.,Ltd., Homoeopathic Oiemiirtv, London." Dr. Moore, in his work on "Nose and Throat Diseases." says "Th<- fclj^erine .'ujubes prepam! by- Kp|"4J and Co.. of vmdoiibt«'d f?ei^ ice as a curative or pallia*-ivrajrent," while t>r. Gordon Holmes. Senior Phywoinn to theM"ni<'ipal Threat snd Far Infirmary, writes ,Vler an extended trial, I have found yourGlyccnne Jujubebof consider- able b.i'. in almes-t all fomis of tbroa' di^ewe Advt. Business Hnnouncements. Merthyr and Dowlais Building Society. CHAIHMA;; MR. ALDERMAN WILLIAMBjiCP., Gwaeiody garth, Merthyr TydfiL LOANS ADVANCED IN SUMS FROM £100 TO £ 10,000. EASY Re-payments in 3 to 17 Years—Favourabfe JfJ Redemption Terms—^Utmost Secrecy—Loans on Buildings in Progress—No Management Charges. Sums received on deposit at Forr per cent. ptIt annum. Interest payable half-yearly. For Particulars apply to Mi'. PETER WILLIAMS, Secretary, Glebelana 'House, Merthyr Tydfil; or to Local Agents throughout South Wales. GFORGF'S A MARVELLOUS REMEDY FOR COUGHS, COLDS, BRON- CHITIS, INFLUENZA, CHOUGH ASTHMA, &c. j When other things fail, get a bottle, take according to directions, and B VLS M reP°r^ its wonderful power to your iriends. In Bottles, Is. l^d and 2s. 9d. rrt7?RPe'-UNIVERSALLY ADiUTTED TO BE THE SAFEST AND BIST. Contain no Opium nor anything IN'V \TCI injurious to the youngest babe. For Teething, Fits, Measles, Scarlatina, and other ailments, they are a sum POWDERS an(^ certain specific. A mother's best help and comfort. IN PACKETS, IS. lgd. EACH. Notp.—Read the remarkable and interesting testi- monials around each packet and bottle. GEORGE'S POWDERS AND BALSAM are sold everywhere. Manufactory TENTRE, RHONDDA VALLEY GLAMORGANSHIRE. 145 THOMAS DIX, CAB PROPRIETOR, BELLE VUE, ABERDARB. BROUGHAMS, CABS, DOG CARTS, GIGS, AND BRAKES Of all descriptions on shortest notice. Wedding Carriages kept in Stock. Special Terms for Pic nics. Small or Large Parties can bo accommodated. R. J. HEATH & SONS, CARDIFF, PONTYPRIDD, AND LONDON PIANOFORTE & ORGAN MERCHANTS. (From South Wales Daily News, 9th January, 1894.) "VKEDICTOF NINE HCNDRED."—Under this title Messrs. R. J. Heath and Sons, Queen-street, Cardiff. pianoforte makers, organ builders, and music ware- housemen, have collected an imposing array of testi- monials and Press opinions relating to the quality of the musical instruments supplied by them. The firm is so well known in Cardiff, and, indeed, throughout South Wales and the West of England, that it is hardly necessary here to dwell upon its influence and command- ing position. This collection of testimonials serves, however, to do something more than to certify to the excellence of tho instruments furnished by Messrs. Heath and Sons. It shows, in a sense, how steady is the growth alDong the general public of a desire for a knowledge of music, and how increasingly numerous, even in the homes of the working classes, are pianos, organs, and harmomums. The gveat majority of the letters in this list relate to pianos, and while many of them haw, reference to moat costly instruments, oon- taining all the latest improvements, supplied to the well-to-do, the greater number relate to serviceable instruments purchased for the homes of the wage-earn- ing portion of the community. This growing love for so refining an art as music is a mo.-t favourable sign. For though in the Principality music has for ppenera- tions been the chief recreation of the people, it has for the most part been choral music in connection with churches and c-hapols that has occupied attention, Instrumental mu«ic is now, however, receiving its fair share of attention, and all tho^e in true sympathy with th;> art mu«t trust that the movement will go steadily onward. These testimonials have been received from every quarter of the Principality, vhije not a few come from other portions of the United Kingdom, and some from South America, India, and other distant countries. All l"pl'ak nv 1st favourably of Messrs. Heat 1 s 1 >u:-i tiess methods as well as of their instruments. 11 ,1, HEATH AND SOSS 1N VI TE 1NSPECTION. FULL ILLUSTRATED LIST AND YERDICT POST FREE. IN MEMORIAM CARDS EXECUTED IN THE BEST STYLE AND WITH QUICK DESPATCH AT THE rp MES 0 If F I 0 E, JOHN QTREET. jyjERTHYR