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town TALK:.



SUMMARY OF PASSING EVENTS. THE latest accounts from America represent that country in a transition state, martial law being set aside and civil rights being substituted. President Johnson, it is said, has resolved to abolish the military courts and restore habeas corpus. Mr. Davis, the ex-president of the Southern States, is to be tried before a jury and by a civil court on the charge of high treason, instead of coming before a court-martial. Contrary to the reports which were freely circulated in England, it is now stated that there is a unanimity in the Cabinet in favour of the re-construction principles of President Johnson, and it is expected that a Government deputation will shortly visit Richmond to confer with the generals of the South on the best mode of adopting a system of rule which will be acceptable to the whole of the United States. The only State in which discord reigns is Texas, where affairs are said to be in a deplorable condition. Agriculture is neglected, robberies are frequent, and the people are be- coming demoralised. The disbanded Southern soldiers make this their home, and the thirst for blood that they have tasted on the battle-field leads to much rioting and disorder. Let us hope that a mild and considerate Government will restore commerce as it formerly existed, that in- dustry will take the place of indolence, and that throughout the length and breadth of the Ameri- can continent the ploughshare will be substituted for the sword. THE Atlantic Cable Company have resolved not to abandon the great and glorious enterprise in which they first engaged; but a notice has been stuck up at "Lloyd's announcing the intention of the promoters to have another cable manufactured before May next, at which time they will make the double effort to carry the new one across the Atlan- tic and to raise that which is three parts laid and carry it to the originally intended terminus. Mean- while the Russians are hard atwork upon their over- land telegraph route. Their part completed plan makes a distance of 29,479 miles between Ireland and America. They propose to cross the American continent to British Columbia; then by a short marine cable to reach St. Lawrence Island; another communication will bring the wire on to Cape Thaddeus, in Asia, along the north of which it will be carried, and so through Russian territory to St. Petersburg. The latest accounts state that 13,000 miles of this wire have already been laid, and if our electricians and engineers do not look sharp, their sub-sea project will be superseded. SPEAKING of telegrams, the "events" which reach this country from China are such that, in the words of Lord Dundreary, no fellow can understand." In the same telegram the reader is told, on the one hand, that the rebels are march- ing on Pekin (the capital of China Proper), with every prospect of capturing it; and on the other, that the rebellion is at an end. We want further details to explain this mystery. There is, moreover, a possibility of a quarrel between the Imperial Government and the United States. An adventurer named Burgovine, an American citizen, has been detained in custody by the Chinese authorities, notwithstanding a formal demand for his release by the American Minister in China. Whether the man is deserving of protection or not it would be wise for the Celestial Government to believe in the justice of the American authorities, and allow the man to be punished by their law, For :from such small things do great events arise." MR. MOENS, whose long enforced sojourn amongst the brigands in the neighbourhood of Salerno has excited so 1. much anxiety on the part of his friends, and interest in the minds of the public, has been released. His ransom was pur- chased at the cost of 30,000 ducats, or about £ 6,750 in hard English cash. This affair might perhaps be a warning to gentlemen in search of the picturesque not to roam into quarters sur- rounded with dangers, from which they can only be rescued by such large pecuniary sacrifices. The brigands of Italy, since they have so easily obtained their demand upon this occasion, -will, doubtless, seize upon an Englishman as a greater prize than an archbishop, or even a Pope. We hope Mr. Moens has a literary talent, and that he will publish for the advantage of his countrymen his observations and experiences of brigand life in Italy. THE particulars of the murder at Bonn of Prince Alfred's cook have just reached us. It appears that a poor young man named Ott, a Frenchman, met a lot of students, amongst whom was Count Von Eulenberg, a soldier, and son of the Home Minister of Prussia. He asked permission to pass, at which they laughed and jeered. He was un- armed, unprotected, yet these courageous young men ill-treated him. He, with a boldness which cost him his life, demanded their right to inter- cept him, when Count Eulenberg, with a "heroism becoming a nobleman," inflicted wounds with his sword, whereby the young man died. The murder apart from the barbarity and the accidental connection with Prince Alfred as the employer of poor Ott, has an importance for the whole world, as it shows the administration of jus- tice in Prussia. After the deed had been done the murderer fled for protection to Berlin, and it seems probable that he will be screened from that justice which should be dealt out in every free and civilised land equally to prince and peasant. But in despotic Prussia a noble and a soldier is> privi- leged to do what he pleases. The people of Bonn feeling that this was a disgrace to their collegiate city, have got up a petition for the law to take its course regardless of the offender's rank. It is believed that the only chance of the success of this application lies in the fact that poor Ott was a Frenchman, and in the employment of an English Prince of the blood royal. Whatever may be the result, it exhibits to the civilised world one of the evils of despotism, and the cruelty practised under such a regime. LOOKING at home, however, we see the crime of murder increasing week by week. We are first astounded with the confession of Constance Kent, which has just been published. The minuteness of the statements the youthful murderess makes causes us to shudder, and fully confirms the opinion entertained of the wretched creature's amazing hardness of character. At the same time it clears every member of her family not only of non-parti- cipation in the crime, but of the real motive she could have for the perpetration of the deed. Her father was kind her step-mother was kind to her, only sometimes Miss Kent heard what she thought disparaging language concerning her mother and the children of that marriage, and for this she sought revenge by murdering the innocent. As to current murders, a woman takes the lives of three of her own children in Southwark; a young woman has been murdered by her sweet- heart at Wolverhampton, who afterwards at- tempted to commit suicide; and several instances of infanticide have come before our notice.. We will not darken our pages, however, by noticing the names of such^wretches :-let them be tried by the law of the country, and let their names sink into oblivion. It has been said such persons seek notoriety; let us treJ¡t them as creatures unworthy a name. IN reference to the cattle plague now so pieplant in .England, we should observe that another series of Government orders has just been issued in the London Gazette. By theseorders all mayors, provosts, sheriffs, justices of the peace, &c., in England or in Scotland, who have reason to apprehend the approach of the cattle plague in their district, are empowered to appoint inspectors who shall have power to visit all fairs, markets, and other places where cattle are to be found, to separate infected from healthy animals, and, if necessary, to order them to be slaughtered. The orders also prohibit, under a penalty, the transporting of infected cattle by ship, railway, or common road, or the bringing of them to fair or market. FROM the latest accounts cholera does not seem to be spreading in Europe; for though it has been for some time at Ancona, it has not appeared in any other part of Italy; and though cases of it have occurred at Marseilles, we hear nothing about it from any other part of France. But the British authorities are evidently preparing for the disease should it arrive in this country. The Postmaster-General having regard, possibly, to the sustained exertions which the great majority of those who are in the service have to put forth, and c their consequent liability to the attacks of epidemic disease, has ordered that a stock of antidotes, in the shape of cholera medicines, shall be laid in at St. Martin's-le-Grand, and also at the principal provincial post-offices. This has caused som6 alarm among the clerks and their families; but, after all, it is only a precautionary measure, and it should always be borne in mind- though, unfortunately, the fact is not regarded with the attention it deserves-that almost inva- riably Asiatic cholera is preceded by diarrhoea, which almost as invariably yields to treatment. In fact, if one of the ordinary mixtures for the cure of diarrhoea be taken, when the latter is a premonitory of cholera,- the more fatal disease does net make its appearance at all; but unfortunately the premonitory is usually neglected, and medical aid is resorted to only when the chances are very much against its being of any use-namely, when the cholera itself has seized the patient.

The Backside Murders.

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Meeting of German Sovereigns.

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