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New Lexington, Ohio, has a postmaster who is said to be"adruggi-,t and dentist. He also keeps a grocery, dry goods, boots and shoe stores; is a silversmith, jeweller, painter, cabin, tnjftkcr; and when times get a little dull, gets out a patent for some invention." TIT FOR TAT.-It was in the old cotohing days, and Sheridan was passing through Oxford. Party spirit ran rather h:gh at the time, and Sheridan was a marked man. A respoctable looking tradesman got into the coach at Oxford, who soon began to rail against Sheridan, not knowing that ho was sitting close to him, calling him all sorts of nau.es, declaring that h-, would be the ruin of tho country, and so forth. SUerirlnn said nothing, but very Quietly got out at Benson while the horses were being changed, and inquired of the coachman who was his companion in the inside. "Oh," said the coachman, he is Mr Brown, a potato-merchant in Oxford." By the by," said Sheridan to his companion, when he got back into the coach, 11 1 heard stranae stories, as I passed through Oxford, of a man named Brown, a potato mer- chant." "What?" said the man, opening his eyes in astonishment. "They say," said Sheridan, that he is the greatest rogue in the place, cheating everybody right and left selling rotten potatoes for sound ones never paying his debts-in short-Of "Sir." said the man, no loneer ahle to contain himself 66 f am tnot Mr a- 'II. Rrown!" And I," said the other, c. am Air Sheridan." SCENE IN MANDERS'S MENAGKRIE.-Manders's mena- gerie seems to he fruitful of exciting incidents. The Ctrnarvon Herald on Saturday briefly mentioned a "scene" in the performing lions den, and of this some additional pa-ticulars have come to band. 011 the second day of exhibition at Holyhead one of the performing lions, being taken seriously ill, was removed from the group and replaced by one 01 an adjacent group. No sooner had the lion got property in than four lions pounced upon him, one seizing him by the back, while another fastened upon him by the throat, and in a few minutes he was completely worried. Mr iVlandera used every endeavour to rescue him, but before this could be done he had received a severe bite in the throat, which proved to be so serious that Mr Matlderll ordered him to be poisoned at once. The destroyed lion was valued at £4UO. RoEfBGitY OF FIREARMS IN BELFAST.—A great num- bor of firearms recently stolen from the establishment of Mr O'Neile, in Belfast, were recovered on Saturday, through a boy having presented one of the pistols for pawn in a pawn office. A constable was at the time inquiring in the office for other stolen property, and took the boy into custody. He endeavoured to escape, bat was recaptured, and a search in his father's abode discovered the weapons concealed under the flooring of a room. Too MUCH OF A GOOD THING.-We notice in the Sollicitllde that the Sultan has three wives; the first is named Douvnele (new pearl), the second Itaivani Dil (marvel of the heart), and the third Eda Dil (elegance of heart.) Tho total number of wotten comprising the harem of his Highness is incredible; it amounts to 900 of as classes and all ages. His chamberlain, guards, pag coachmen, &c, oonstitute the number of 2,.300. 571) lables are set every day in the seraglio, twetvepersois at each table; the total number of plates, served twice a day, amounts to 6,000. HORHIBLE SClCNE AT AN EXECUTION.—Dowey, who was executed in Charlottetown, P.E.I., spent twenty five inmuies in roading his coniei?sion on the gibbet. Ihe shei iff having cut the rope, the felon fell to the ground, about sixteen feet, the rope having broken. He sooi, rose on his knees, and attempted to unloosen the cord around his neck, and the excited multitude began to surge in toward the gallows; but the soldiery were faced about with bxed bayonets, and the populace-among whom were many womeu—were kept ba k. Dowey Wllb asain borne to the platform and lauuehed off the drop. This time lie fell so that, his teet touched the ground. Here several of the bystanders seized the rope and drew the criminal up about eight feet, where he uied ot sitau- S'lhtim.—American puper.

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Family Notices


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F 11 E E M A 3 O N It Y.

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