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IMPORTANT SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. GK T. SMITH TVTILL SELL by AUCTION, on THURSDAY and FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 8th and 9th, 1872, at the ABSEMBLY ROOMS, a large and varied assort- ment of very superior HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, I he pfbperty of a gentleman leaving the town, and removed for convenience of Sale. I Assembly a gentleman leaving the town, and w Further particulars next week. SUPERIOR NEW CART FOR SALE. P. T. SMITH has a very superior New CART, • with RIBBLES, &c complete, for Sale by I KIVATE CONTRACT. If not Sold by Private Contract previous to the Monthly Fair on Monday, February 5th, will be offered for SALE by AUC- TION in the SMITHFIELD. SELF CURE FOR INVALIDS. Medicine Supsrseded. NATURE'S CURATIVE, (ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM.) HEALTH AND MANHOOD RESTORED ( Without Medicine). Care yourself by the Electric and Medico Self-Adjusting Curative. SUFFERERS from Nervous Dibility, Painful k-7 Dreams, Mental and Physical Depression, Palpitation of Heart, Noises in the Head and Ears, Indecision, Impaired Sight and Memory, Indigestion, Prostration, JjasUtude, De- pression oj Spirits, Loss of Energy and Appetite, Pains in the Berek and Limbs, Timidity, Pelf-Distrust. Dizziness, Love of Solitude, Groundless Fears, §c., CAN NOW CURE THEMSELVES By the only" Guaranteed Remedy in Europe, protected and sanctioned by the faculty. Details free for One Stamp by WALTER JENNER, Esq., Medical Electrician. PERCY HOUSE, BEDFORD SQUARE. LONDON. N.B.— Medicine and Fees superseded. In proof of the WONDERFUL CURES effected, Invalids can t "ELECTRIC AND MAGNETIC CURATIVE" on RIAL, with reference to the leadiug Physicians of the day. Established 1840 as Surgical Mechanician, &c. r- A TEST GRATIS.-Send for Details. CAUTION. .V.B.- This is the only acknowledged Curative Appliance as in use at the various Hospitals, and recognised by the Medical aoulty of Great Britain, and none are genuine unless had Walter J enner •, nho cautions the public against styled, doctors imitating his discoveries, and copying por- tions oft/tis advertisrmenl. Vide Prize Medal and Hospital Reports. T. "RTTTtTl PLUMBER, PAINTER, GLAZIER, AND HOUSE DECORATOR, P' 38, PORTLAND STREET, ABERYSTWYTH, A LARGE assortment of PAPER HANGINGS of the Newest designs from the best makers. BATHS fitted up on the most approved principle.- (I W Picture and other Frames gilded. LOWEST PRICE & BEST Q BEST Pale SOAP, 4d. per Ifc. the best ditto, 3d per lb. the bar. BisMRnvO' LEUM OIL. from Is. lid per gallon, SSKkj&jFW quantity. Best COMPOSITES, 7d. and iRjSnE Best Tallow DIPS, made on the premiaaEif i^e lowest price. Cart and Machinery Gr £ ase3fe^C I D. RICHARDS, 26, Nart^jKgjpfi £ THE BEST tMVESTMEKT OF FOR A SMALL OUTLAT^f^l the?e 7sheno g|| SdSo^^ i knowledge of j the business Wlj jBTtlll aste 18 Ifo I required, is a Wkffl nuch on ,I Le m o n a d,, ')&.)Crease $Dt Aerated drinks. The book of 44 pages of illttsl^a- tions and information forwarded free. ——————————— at S. BARNETT, Engineer. kit: It 23, FORSTON STREET, HOXTON, LONDON, ft,oi —MM— BSTA:RLI 8 H ED 1854. Ko. 13, r Great Dh-gate St. ABERYSTWYTH. t DAVID THOMAS, e \)t Watchmaker ¡. Jert'cller. The möst -ífu- proved Wakhes at very reduced All descriptioD5 of Watches and on the Fhol-teit netke. I eel and made to I der. 1 WEDDING RINGS Gold &r. œ iT I L110 -e r 1 I ¡ I II" ill ■ ■ I If ■III nillllllKif'llliHdIIRl i nil m Let no one be longer oppressed with the notion that his nmlady is incurable till these purifying Pills have had a fair trial. A lew doses will remove the more urgent symptoms, and thereafter completely control all disordered actions, rouse the torpid liver, relieve the ob:-truetea kidneys, cleanse impure blood, and confer on every function healthful vigour. Impurities of the Bood Those wonderful Pills are valued at the humblest hearths as well as in the houses of comfort and wealth. They work a tho- rungh purification throughout the whole system, without disor- dering the natural action of any orpan, and eradicate those germs of complaints rrhich consign tens of thousands to an early grave. Indigestipn. Bilious Complaints, and Skin Headache. Vo organ in the human body is so liable to disorder as the liver, and none is more apt, when neglected, to become seriously •liseused. Remember when nausea, flatulency, or acidity on the stomach warns us that digestion is not proceeding properly, t' that Holloway's Pills regulate every function, give strength to every organ, speedily remove all causes of indigestion, bile, and sick headache, and effect a permanent cure. Weakness and Debility. /n °f debility, languor, and nervousness, generated by excess o any kind, whether mental or physical, the effects of t.iese 1 l u is in the highest degree bracing, renovating, and res- torative. ey drive from the system the morbid causes of dis- L! ease, re-establish the digestion, regulate all the secretions, fj strengthen the nervous system, mi. the patients' spirits, and I bring back the trame to its pristine health and vigour. 'j The Kidneys Their Derangemnt and Curee. 1 If these Pills be used according to the printed directions, and the Ointment vuhbed over the region of the kidneys for at least half an hour at bed-time, as salt is forced into meat, it, will pene- U-ate the kidneys and correct any derangement. Should the "iT'?v0n be stone or cravel, it is particularly recommended that the Ointment, in such cases, be used night and morning, as by ii iormedC1°US application the most astounding cures may be per- Holloway's Pills are the best remedy knorrn in the world for the following diseases:— ving diseases:- Ague Gout stone and Gravel Asthma Headache Secondary Symp- Bilious Complaints Indigestion toms Blotches on the Liver Complaints Tic-Doloreux f Sliin Lumbago Ulcers Bowel Complaints j i-<-s Venereal Affections Debility Rheumatism Worms of all kipds Dropsy Retention of Urine Weakness from Dropsy Retention of Urine Weakness from Female Irregulari- Scrottila, oi King s whatever cause, ties Evil &c., &c. Fevers of all kinds Sore Throats Who Pills and Ointment are sold at Professor HOLLOWAY'S Es tablishment, 533, Oxford st., London; also by nearly every re- spectable Vendor of Medicine throughout the Civilised World, In ,n «nd Pots, at Is. lid., 2s. 9d.,4s. Cd lis 22s., and33s. tach. The 0(1. 8ize contains three, the 4s. 6d. size six the lis. size sixteen, the 22s. size thirty-three, and the 33s. size fifty- two times the quantity of a Is. 1 Ad. Box or Pot. I he smallest Box oi 1 ills contains four dozen and the smallest 1 ot of Oint- ment one ouncc. > Pun printed directions are affixed to each Box and Pot, and can 4 «* m any language,. even in Turkish,'Arabic, Armenian. ■ Persian, or Chinese NOTICE. J. RICHARDS & Co., TAILORS, DRAPERS, & GENERAL OUTFITTERS, BEG- to inform the that their Stock is with the NEWEST STYLE in PLAIN & FANCY COATING, TROWSERING, and VESTING. Any length cut. Patterns, post free. All Orders promptly executed, by hand or machine, in a workman-like manner and the most Fashionable Style. T7Dr^iargea £ Sx?rtment of Gentlei»en's SHIRKS, LINEN & PAPER COLLARS and FRONTS; SILK TIES & SCARFSj.'GLOVES, BRACES, UMBRELLAS, HATS and OAffc. bILK HATS to order. • ( OiLe Price onlj.All goods in plain figures. CARDIGAN HOUSE, 10, taarket street^ Aberys^Brytfe. T' ntAwar^f^gqtrsg^ER ST., ABERYOTWYfri. sbeis prepared t° offer ajunusually lowjprices. Watches and Jewellery Repaired on the Premises All Urders attended to with the'greatest punctuality. '9 .,4 r' S. ALLSOPTJc SON. G. CARESWELL, Agent Aberystwyth, H of MILD & BITTER A|^S. Office: 0, Portland Street, 'BERLIN REI^S^itKR Ladies' OijtAtting: & Baby Linen Warehouse «, Pffi^TREEf;" ABERYSTWYTH. # (Of. aOi'few STIlEET^OT^r,) 7 'bf-Y .>U|„ ] Assortment of SER £ tN ««lpPc^EEDI^^I>ftK-mdieV and UNDER-CLOTH- tl^^GLOVES-HQ§M^LACE-and a great t variety of FA^ CY ARTXGLES «uitable for Presents, .Bagaar^ f 8;. N. C. 1$8hown^Jfigf&Uy.' Ladies^ SH^^ANQ WB^PERS suitable for the t>resty$»nd app^aching Season. r Ifjuj." ..j !■ i* {-' .«• 'iHair-Quttmg,, Singeing, '}, d' 'nno. -Q,. 'ons m -o ons. pfc<9 lafest Improvements. ta, a*d r,ftf -b t -)a Bond-street, • > If YIAR^JR L>Y««K or. BMATED^WAS" 0 P. PRIW SMRS, CIGAKKTTES, PANGJ TOBACOOB& WPES, &C. 10VS of every descr i tTon, PIA^FOEttES & FEHAMBULAl ORb *n Hire. ■r am m PAaTENT • ^CAtVftNlC^: CHAIN-BANDS. B^TS,^ HAVE KENIJEUED ELRO^TKICITY TEFT- $ECTLY' PELK- VPPI.IfAlJLPi in a roild continuous form, and UXTREMKLY EGF^AOICgJS without shock or un- pleasant sensfction. r They SiJBKniLY. SOOTHE fgomslfepains,re-animate torpid Ifmifc raiive the slucpish functions of\lile, aiid»impart renewed ctferpy arid vitality to constitutions enfeebled by whatever causes. The dailv increasing number of cures effected, by PULYER- MACHEll'S XF.DICO-GALN-A-NIC,.iYSTE-.Nl is so extensive and varied, that it forcibly pointrtttjiiis invention a universal remedy. THE FOLLOWING TESTIMONY signed by (be flili of the English medical faculty has been received :— "We, the undersigned, have much pleasure in testi-" fy.) g that Mr J. L. Pl'LVEKMACHEB'S recent" "improvements in his Yolatift Batteries and Galvanic" Appliances for Medical Purposes are of great import-" "ance to Scientinc Medicine, and that he is entitled to the consideration and support of everyone disposed to" "further the advancement of real and useful progress." "Dated this 9th day of March, 180G." "CHARLES LOCOCK, Bart., M.D., F.R.C.P." "WM. FERGUSSOX. Bart., F.R.S." "EDWI) H. SIEVEKIXG, M.n., f'.R.C.P," "HEXRY HOLLAND, Eart.. M 1) F.R.S." "J. RANDAL MARTIN, F.R.O.S." And Dr. C. HANDFIELD JONES, P.R.C.P. & F.R S., Phy- sician to St. Mary's Ilosjiital, under date March 10th, 1806, in a similar Testimonial as to above, states :—" I am certain that he is an honest earnest labourer in the field of Science, and 1 think that he deserves to meet with every encouragement from the "profession, and from scientific men." Also Recommended by Sir DUNCAN GIBB, Bart., M.D., L,L.D." "T. H. TANNER, M.)).. F L. Soc." "J. RUSSELL REYNOLDS, M.D., F.R.C.P. "C. B. HAIICLIKFE, )1.1). F.R.C.P., F.R.S. "A. CLAnK, Ml)., F R.C.P.. Physiean to London Hospital," &e., &c &c. PR IC K L I ST ofrULVERMACHEKb GALVANIC CHAIN-BANDS, BELTS, and 1LEXIBLE BATTERIES. A. NARROW CHAIN-BANDS for Sciatica, Rheumatic, Neu- ralgic, and Gouty Pains, Chronic Rheumatism, Local I a- ralysis. Cramp in the Extremities, according to Power 18s., 22s 40s., and upwards. B. BROAD CHAIN-BANDS or BELTS, tor Lumbago, InUi- gestion. Liver, Chest, and Nervous Complaints,' A able as a Belt 22s. to 40s. and1 5os. C. BROAD CHAIN-BANDS for nervous Deainess, weau, Tooth, and Face Ache, and Noises in the Head 21s. and upwards D. BROAD' CHAi'NS for' Loss of Voice and other Affections of the Throat, Asthma, Spinal Complaints .„ 10s. Cd., 18s., 22s and 40s. E. BROAD CHAIN-BANDS for Writers' Cramp, Trembling, Nervousness, See. 22s. to 80s., 40s., and bus. F. COMBINED BANnS for General Debility, Central Para- lysis, Epilepsy, and Functional Disorders J 50s. to 60s. COMPLETE' SET' WITH VOLTA ELECTRIC BELTS for restoring Vital Power WITH VOLTAIC FLEXIBLE CHAIN BATTERY £ b. n. CHAIN BATTERIES for Extreme Nervous Debility, P^ra- jvsis and for restoring exhausted Vital Energy* (to be used'in conjunction with specially combined Bands). f3 10s. to 4 H 'HIGH-TENSION FLEXIBLE CHAIN POCKET BAf- TFRIES with a complete Set ot Combined Bands, Belts, and acce'ssories (for special cases', £ 10 and upwards, A test se'nt igratif.) on loan lor a week if required. No Galvanic Bands or Belts arc 0^ *\ZXrTon The facsimile ofj. L. VVLVEliMACHER S signature on the ports of cures containing likewise nu jra,s „ Materia many standard scientific works, viz., w* fWpjj-jne » o*k Medica," 4th edition; Dr. Tanner's Practice ot Medtc.n »t edition • and Dr. Ilandfield Jones on "Nervous and Functional Disorders, Sent post free on application to the aoie tor and Patentee, J. L. PULVERMACHER, GALVANIC ESTABLISHMENT, 168 REGENT STREET, LONDON, W. And of Job* Cole, Cbymist, Aberystwyth, ABERYSTWYTH S CHOOL. HEAD MASTER,—J- D. ROBERTS. First Prizeman at the Presbyterian College, Carmarthen. PRIVATE Lrssons will be given to prepare Young Gentlemen for the various Universities, Colleges, Professional and Commercial pursuits, and the Competitive Examinations. J. E L O'S r g, ,I.. NEW EATENT ANH OJHER CANDLES, LIG-HySk^^ILET SOAPS. jhis well~lvnown Candle ^7^briHiantl^3S^ora its hald"eSS iS 8peciall>' t&ttstiie&xii Ball Rooms. e>^teMii.CETI and COMPOSITIOST. or TRANfiPARENT WAX CANDIES. These beautifuTcandles, the latter used by Her Majesty, distinguished by their soft light and steady burning, still main tain, in spite of tbe numerous competing varieties introduced ot 'ate their high position amongst the upper classes and can be had either with plain or patent self-fitting ends as desired. » ccrri rTTTtVC.—These admirable Candles are yearly in increasing demand, and are supplied as heretofore in Sperma- ceti, Paraffine, Petro-Steanne, and also in Chamber Candles 12 in a box. W'SDGE-:E"ITTJ:NG.-The trouble and danger of pa- per are avoided by the use of these patented Candles. Under the name of the Westminster Wedge Candles" they are supplied as follows:- Transparent Paraffine, ) 6's. 8's, and 12's Hard white and glossy Steanne, tQ b n] Compo>iies ot all qualities, ) AND Chamber Candles, 12 candles in a box. NON-GUTTERING CAWDLES,-The tendency to nutter greatly lessened, are sold. as follows The Channelled Candle yellow; the Fluted Candles, clear, in boxes of 18, 24, 30 candles each, and the Cable Candles, white, in boxes of 12, 18' and 24 candles each. The Candles varying in size, each box oi' the same quality, is sold at the same price. The ASSATGO CANDLES have longitudinal in- ternal channels for the prevention of guttering, and into these external air is introduced, adding brilliancy to the flame. Sold in oxe of 13, 18, and 24 candles each, varying in size, and the ame pi* ce ^acn DO* TCT&HT tXGrHTS.—Certainty and regularity. OGLE- -BY*S STAR NIGHT LLGHTFE as a rule burn their time and give a good light. ° TOILET SOAPS.—The well-known UNITED SER- VICF TABLETS in general use through the United Kingdom, the'colonies, and British Settlements throughout the world. The SPERMACETI TABLET possesses valuable emollient properties, and is exquisitely perfumed. J. C. & J. FIELD'S NEW PATENT AND OTHER CANDLES, NIGHT LIGHTS AND TOILET SOAPS, May be obtained of all Dealers throughout the United Kingdom The Trade alone supplied, but Messrs. PI'F.LD will be happy to supply consumers with any information as to the special quali- ties'of their goods, and with the names of their nearest vendors. TRY POOLE'S BREAD! 26, PIER STREET, ABERYSTWYTH, (Opposite the National Provincial Bank,) WA RR ANTED Genuine, and stamped Poole" on the top of every Loaf. H. POOLE also professes to sell Goods of every de- scription in PASTRY, of Ihe very best quality ,-viz.. SEEP, GERMAN FRUIT, and other CAKES, in great variety if not on hand, will be made on the shortest notice. Also, SOUPS, JELLIES, CUSTARDS, BLANC MANGE, PIE", TARTS, PUDDINGS, &c., suited for invalids and others, to order. British Wines—Lemonade—Soda Woter-Sherbel- Ginger Beer, Sfc A lso, Ices. paper hangings. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF PAFEH, HANGINGS, at greatly reduced prices, AT T. THOMAS'S, PAINTER, PLUMBKH, GLAZIER, & HOUSE DECORATOU. Bridye-street, Aberystwyth. Pictures framed in Gilt, Maple, &c—Mouldings supplied to the Trade at moderate prices. Terms— Cash. TO ARCHITECTS. THE Aberystwyth School Board are prepared to receive applications for the appointment of Architect to the Board. Letters, stating terms, &c., to bo sent in to the Clerk of the Board not later than Friday, the 9th of February next. MR. MUHP'.LY, Surgeon Dentist, returned to Aberyslvvyth on the 16th inst. ST. MICHAEL'S CHURCH, ABERYSTWYTH. There is a weekly offertory in this Church. The Money collected to be devoted to the following good Works :—The New Church lately erected-The New National Schools, and their Support-The Curates' Aid and Pastoral Aid So- cieties-The S. P. G. and Church Missionary Soci- ety-The Infirmary and the Relief of the Poor. DENTAL SUKA-EKLR. REGULAR ATTENDANCE. H. M. JONES & SON, StTBGEON DENTISTS, M C.O.E., No. 19, NORTHAMPTON PLACE, SWANSEA MAY now be consulted periodically at No. 20, PIER SIREET, ABERYSTWYTH. Next visit' MONDAY, Feb. 5th, from 10 a.m. till 4 p.m. The Somniferous Anodyne Vapour, used by H. M, JONES & SON, secures entire immunity from pain during operations, and is perfectly safe and harmless. 19, NORTHAMPTON PLACE, SWANSEA. FINE Flavoured Strong BEEF TEA, at about JD 2Jd. a pint Ask for LIEBIG COMPANY'S EXTRACT of MEAT, requiring Baron Liebig the Inventor's Signature on every jar, being the only guarantee of genu;neness. Excellent economical stock of Soups, Sauces, &c. MARBLE AND STONE WORKS, SWAN HILL, SHREWSBURY. Bo. DODSON begs to intimate that Ihe Show Rooms contain a lartre collection of Marble, Stone. &. Enamelled Slate Chimney Pieces, Marble A. Stone Mural Monuments. Cemetery A. Churchyard Memorials, Fonts, fountainst Vases. &c Designsforwarded for inspection; and commu- nications oy letter will receive immediate attention READ THE WARNING VOICE. A™,9IAL WORK FOR PRIVATE IN- SritUCTWX. By HEXRY SMITH, M.D., of the University of Jena, Author of the "People's Uuide to Health," &c. THE WARMfcG Vol Cr, a med ici I work (160 giving the NEW SPECIAL TREATMENT for the perfect cure of Nervous Debility, Painful Dreams, Mental and Phystcal Depression, Palpitation of the Heart, Xoises in the n !a. t S' Imiecisi°n. Impaired Memory, Indigestion, Prostration, Lassitude, Depression of Spirits, Loss of Energy and appetite, Pains in the Back and Limbs, Timidity, Self Dis- trllst, Dizziness, Love of Solitude. Groundless Fears, See. With a New Chapter on the Use and Abuse of ELECTRICITY for the Cure of ervous Debility. Contains many letters from patients that tr the s0'calIed remedies without medicine, proving ELECTRICITY IS NOT LIFE. ILLUSTRATED with Cases and Testimonials from grateful patients WITH MEANS OF CURE USED in each case. Sent free by post to any address, secure from observation, on receipt of two stamps. Address—Dr. H. Smith, 8, Burton Crescent, London, W.C. IMPORTANT TO COUNTRY PATIENTS. CONSULT A LONDON PHYSICIAN WITHOUT S>IITH w'l'. the Benefit of Persons suffering from NERVOUS DEBILITY, &c„ on receiving a description of their case, send his written opinion, with advice and directions for the most successful treatment and cure. Address-Dr. H. Smith, 8, Burton Crescent, London, W.C. I Pronounced | 1 Be careful by Connoisseurs to ask for THE ONLY "LEA&PERRtNS" "SOOD SAUCE." SAUCE. *#* See name on wrapprr, label, bottle and stopper. Sold by Crosse & Blackwell, London, and by all dealers in Sauces. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. LEA & PERRINS, WORCESTER- THE SPECTATOR, INDEPENDENT LIBERAL NEWSPAPER Every Saturday, Price 6d., hy Pust, 6}d. The Proprietors, who in 1861, purchased the Spectator, have since that date conducted it them selves. They are therefore exempted from many influences which press severely 1 e lndependence of journalism, and have from the nrs made it their chief object to say out what they believe to be truth in theology, politics, and social questions, irrespective not only of opposition from without, but of the opinion of their own supporters. Their object is to reflect the opinion of cultivated Liberals, but in the matter of the American War they fought against the mass of the very class they are tryinS to represent, and were finally acknowledged by them to have been in the right. In politics the object ot the Spectator is to maintain Liberal institutions everywhere, that is, L the right of free thought, free speech, and free action, within the limits of law, under every form of Govern- ment but, nevertheless, to maintain that in a free State the power of the whole community may be usefully employed in constructive enterprise in theology, to maintain the views usually known as those of the Broad Church in ecclesiastical affairs, to defend the inclusion within the Established Church of every variety of opinion consistent with belief in the divinity of Christ, and the right of the State to control the Church and in social questions to urge the faith that God made the world for the people in those of the Broad Church in ecclesiastical affairs, to defend the inclusion within the Established Church of every variety of opinion consistent with belief in the divinity of Christ, and tbe right of the State to control the Church and in social questions to urge the faith that God made the world for the people in it, and not for any race, class, colour, creed, or section, with all the consequences to which that principle leads. The journal commands the best sources of informa- tion, and has repeatedly during this year been the first to make the true bearing of events apparent to its readers. Its object, however, is not so much to supply news as to express the feeling of the educated classes on the news, and correct that vagueness and bewilderment of thought which the constant receipt of news in little morsels has such a tendency to produce. Original papers supply comments critical and ex- planatory on Public Events, Political Appointments, Law Amendment, Commercial Affairs, Personal Incidents, and Theological Controversies. The News of the current week is compressed into an animated narrative, which the laziest or busiest may read, without missing the life or import of the events. Every important work is noticed as it appears, with a full and critical account, so as to let the reader know what the book is, what it tells, and what is its 0 place among other books. Of nearly every work some report is given. Notice is also taken of the general course of Literature, its progress, rights, tendencies, personal events &c. The Spectator contains a List of all Books published during the week (not under one shilling in price), with the names of the publishers and the prices attached, a feature which will greatly increase its value to booksellers, librarians, literary institutions, and private gentlemen. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION.- Quarterly, 7s. 2d.; Halj- Yearly, 14a. 3d.; Yearly, 28s. 6d.jfree by post. OFFICE 1 WELLINGTON STREET, STRAND, LONDON. And by Order of all Booksellers and Newsvenders. HOMOEOPATHIC MEDICINES AND HANDBOOK. 800 pages, bound, Is., or by post for 14 stamps. THE HOMCEOPATHIC FAMILY INSTRUC- TOR (AN Epitome of). By RICH ARD EPPS, Member of the Roval College of Surgeons of England Upwards of a hundred diseases are fully described and prescribed for. London- Published by James Epps and Co Homceopathic Chemist fthe first established in England), 112, Great Russel- slreet • 170 Piccadilly; and 48, Threadneedle-street, CAUTION—The medicines supplied by agents are secured by a vand over the cork, and which band bears the signature, James Epps and Co., Homoeopathic Chemists, London," without which "°AoENTse-Tenbv, Walkington also, M. V. Davies, Bride-end; John Lloyd, Dunraven-place,-Cardiff; T. Williams, Bute-street; R Drane, 8, Queen-street; Merthyr, E. Thomas, 143, High- street; Neath, W. Hibhert; Towyn, Evan Newell. LLEDROD & YSTRAD MEURIG GRAMMAR SCHOOLS UNITED. HEAD MASTER :— THE Rxv. JOHN JONES, M.A., (late Classical Scholar of Jesus College, Oxford ) ASSISTANT MASTERS S. S. O. MORRIS, ESQ, B.A., (late Mathematical Scholar of Jesus College, Oxford.) MR. JOHN MEREDITH. BOYS well taught in Classics, Mathematics, and JD other subjects. Rooms for Boarders with the Head Master. 631" The School will RE-OPEN on TUESDAY, the 6th of FEBRUARY. Punctual attendance insisted upon. Early applications necessary, the School being very full. For terms apply to the HEAD MASTER, Ystradmeurig, R.S.O., South Wales. .January 17th, 1872. THE RUABON YARD COAL. THE FFRITH COLLIERY COMPANY, Wrex- ham, are prepared to supply the above, of most superior quality, by the London and North Western or Great Western RailwSlv '_nn 1, Laura Place, Aberystwyth. "JI/TISS TRUBSHAW announces to her Friends ^at ^er School for Young Ladies RE-Ol ENED on MONDAY, the 22nd instant. TO BE LET, With possession had immediately, TWO recently built DWELLING HOUSES, s.ltoate in Newfoundland-street, Aberystwyth, Apply to Mr. T. COLLINS, Lisburne House. TRtAa^dir ^ARLITH AR GERDDOR- An? FGLWYS1G' yn YsS°Idy Cenedl- Llanbadarn Fawr, gan Eos LLECHID, NOS Fercher, Ionawr 31, 1872. Y Cyfarfod i ddechreu r °c°h' Y cynn7rchion, ar ol talu y draul tion Fund'" ^anhadarn Fawr Restora- Mynediad j mewn trwy docynau SwlIt; Plant dan bymtheg oed, Chwech Cheiniog. ENGLISH BAPTIST CHAPEL, ALFRED PLACE ABERYSTWYTH. T^P ^ermons will be preached to-morrow by the REV. T. E. WILLIAMS, resident minister, at 11 a.m., and at 6 p.m. Collections will be made at the close of each ser- vice in aid of the building fund. MR, EVANS, ORGANIST OF ST. MICHAEL'S CHURCH, -DEGS to inform the Gentry and Inhabitants of O^aif pLJn tHai he Sives LESSONS on the Organ, Pianoforte, and in Sinking. TA Pianofortes for Sale or Hire. 36, North Parade. THE NEW STORY By Mrs. OLIPHANT, AT HIS GATES, Is commenced in GOOD WORDS for January. SERMONS PREACHED BEFORE THE QUEEN AT BAT.lvrnTi a iliJi jSE\r STORY BY ANTHONY TROLLOPE, IS BEGUN IN GOOD WORDS. THE BANKRUPTCY ACT, 1869. In the London Court of Bankruptcy. IN THE MATTER of proceedings for Liquida- tion by arrangement \>r composition with Credi- tors instituted by OCTAVIUS ROWE, now of No. 32, Charlotte-street, litzroy Square, in the county of Middlesex, formerly of Aberystwyth, in the county of Cardigan. Arthur Johnson Hughes, of Aberyst- wyth, in the county of Curdignn, has been appointed Trustee of the property 01 the Debtor. All persons having in their possession any of the effects of the Debtor must deliver them to the Trustee, and all debts due to the Debtor must be paid to the Trustee. Creditors who have not yet proved their debts must forward their proofs of debts to the Trustee. Dated this 16th day of January, 1872. C. H. KEENE, Registrar. 300 Gold and Silver Watches to select from, At No. 4, (L-J PIER STREET, Aberystwith- J. TRUSCOTT, i 11^ Silber* smitO, OPTICIAN, ETC. Established, 1848. Gentlemen's Patent Lever Watches, in £ s. d. £ s. d'• strong Gold Cases, from « on n a Ladies' ditto ditto, from •••• A !° in O Patent LeverWatelies.in Silver Cases, from 4 4 0 to 10 10 0 Flat Horizontal Watches,ditto, from.— 2 3 fli to 3 10 0 Warranted to perform correctly, & a Twelvemonth's trial given The most complicated Watches repaired and ad- justed. Watch Glasses of every size and description fitted immediately. Egg" Gold Chains, Wedding Rings, and Plate sold according to weight. DR. HUNTER'S Special Lectures to Young Men on HEALTH, ITS RESTORATION, AND HAPPY MARRIAGES.—When to marry, with advice to those who contemplate marriage, pointing out certain impediments which render married life unhappy, and directions for their speedy removal. Should be read by all who value health, strength, and manhood, and wish to attain a happy old age.- Post free on receipt of two stamps.—Address, Secre- tary, Institute of Anatomy, Birm. EDWARD P. WYNNE. OPERATIVE Family and Dispensing Chemist, DRUGGIST, &c., RESPECTFULLY informs the Medical Pro- fession, Clergy, Gentry, and Inhabitants of Aberystwyth and its Vicinity, that he has taken to the Business of the late Mr. E. ROWLAND, S3, PIER. STREET. where he hopes, by the purity of his articles and indefatigable attention to business, to merit their approbation and support. E. P. WYNNE, sensible of the importance of a Correct System of Dispensing, begs to assure the Profession and public generally, that the strictest attention will be devoted to punctuality and accu- racy in that department, under his own immediate superintendence. VALENTINES! VALENTINES! VALENTINES! The Attention of the Public generally is called to a very Xjarge assortment, just received from Lon- don. Such JElegant emblems of love and affection certainly could Not possibly be obtained except at this establishment, he prices being low» they are within the reach of all In design they have been pronounced to be charming. Now is the time for those wishing to give proof of their Endless affec- tion, to examine the extensive and rich S TOCK. J. W. ROGERS, AUCTIONEER & PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT, ABERYSTWYTH, (Branch Office: 45, Moctyn-street, Llandudno.) SA LES efficiently conducted, with prompt settle- ions made for Probate and Ad- ministration purposes.— Receiver and Trustee in Bankruptcy. REFERENCES TO CLIENTS AND BANKERS. NOTICE. AREPORT having been extensively circulated that I, the undersigned, am about leaving Aberystwyth, and believing that such a rumour if not contradicted might tend to injure my Business as an AUCTIONEER, I respectfully take this oppor- tunity of informing my Friends and Patrons that there is no foundation in the said Report, and that any Business I may be favoured with in the general AUCTION and ACCOUNTING line, shall have that strict personal attention in bringing such com- mands to a successful issue, which has hitherto at- tended my Sales. BSSr Moderate Charges with prompt Settlements. J. W. ROGERS. WANTED, a re-engagement as BARMAID in a Hotel or Refreshment Rooms, by a re- spectable well-educated Young Person. Apply at the Office of this paper. MARCHNAD NEUADD NEWYDD TREGARON. (Tregaron New Market Hall.) Nid cogwrn o dy cigydd,- Neuadd fawr i nwyddau fydd, Yn rhydd o fynydd i for, Yn Ngharon, eang oror. Mae y MILWFIAD POWELL yn rhoddi'r tir yn rhad, A rhagor i'n anrhegu, er mwyn llesoli'r wlad A'r gwych Wir Anrhydeddus IARLL LISBCRNE, er ein llwydd, Rydd at y Neuadd Newydd gan' punt o galon rwydd. Unwn a r rhai'n yn y rhes, o n Slor, trwy'r oror eres. IOAN M YNYW; sef JOHN LEWIS, Ysgrifenydd. RUTHIN GRAMMAR SCHOOL, NORTH WALES. HEAD MASTER, REV. g. PRESTON, M.A., late fellow of Magdalene College, Cambridge, formerly Assistant Master at Shrewsbury Schools, and at King Edward VI.'s School, Birmingham. There are valuable Exhibitions attached to the School. Prospectuses on application to Rev. G. PRESTON, King Edward VI.'s School, Birmingham. TO BE LET, And may be entered upon immediately, ALL that HOUSE and SHOP, known as "Man- chester House." Rent moderate. Is well-situ- ated for carrying on a profitable trade in any busi- ness. Fixtures to be taken at a valuation. For particulars and to treat apply to J. W. ROGERS, Auctioneer and Accountant, Aberystwyth. DINGEY'S PATENT PULVERISER. fl^HIS Machine is specially adapted for Recrush- A ing or Grinding •' Lead Ski»t[>in-is," or Rug- gings. It is in extensive use in Cornwall for Grind- ing the hardest. Tin t • FRANCIS DINGE\, (Patentee.J 2r, Portland-street, Aberystwyth. 1 N.B. Will be working at Bronfloyd on or about the 31st instant. Just published for two Stamps. TO THE NERVOUS AND DEBILITATED. READ THE SECRET FRIEND." by Dr. BARNES, who has tor years jriven his exclusive attention to the treatment of Nervous Debility, Mental and Physical Depression, Palpitation of the Heart, Noises in the Head and Ears, Iiidecision, Impaired Sight and Memory, Indigestion, Pros- trati n. Lassitude, Depression of Spirits, Loss of Energy and Appeti o, Pains in the back and Limbs, Timidity, Self-Distrust, Dizziness, Love of Solitude, Groundless Fears, and many other ailments which, if neglected, bring the.sufferers loan e.-irly Death. This valuable work, "THE SECRET FRIEND," is illustrated with numerous cases and testimonials, and not only gives the cause but the means of cure. Hui.dreds of cases which had been thought hopeless have been restored to perfect health And vigour alter all o^her means had failed. TO 1'Hli MARRIED AND SINOLE this book is invaluable. Pent p;isr free, secure from observation, on receipt of two stamps, or seMii'.i rods three stamps. Address, Dr. BARNES, 1, Lonsdale Square, Barnsbury, London, X. Important to Country Patients. DIl. BARNES may be consulted personally or by letter, in all private and confidential cases; and for tbe bencflt of Nervous Sufferers who cannot visit him, he will, on receiving a decription of their case, enclosing a stamped envelope for reply, be ready to give his opinion upon the nature of theea>e, and the principles of treatment necessary to effect a perfect eure. ftafif" Address, Dr. BARNES, 1, Lonsdale Square, Barnsbury, London, N. JAMES McILQUHAM, IRON & METAL MERCHANT, MACHINE BROKER, BUYER of all kinds of Old Machinery and Scrap Iron. Wholesale dealer in all kinds of Earth- enware and China. Wanted, for manufacturing, all kinds of Waste I Paper, old Account Books, &c., &c. Bridge-End House, Aberystwyth. ELLIS & OWEN, ABERYSTWYTH SLATE WORKS ABERYSTWYTH, MANUFACTURERS of Plain and Ornamental Slate Chimney Pieces, Baths, Cisterns, Milk Coolers, Head Stones, Urinals, Mangers, Cattle Troughs Dairy, Larder, and Wine Cellar Shelves Window Sills, Door Steps. Hearth Stones, Flooring, Skirting, and every description of Slate Works. THE CAMBRIAN RAILWAY COMPANY.—Tuesday night's Gazette announces the filing in the Court of Chancery of a scheme of arrangement between the above-named company and their creditors, containing provisions for the creation and issuing of debenture ,tocks to the amount of 702,054Z. and for settling liie rights and priorities of the mortgagees, holders of certificates of indebtedness, and preference and i rdinary shareholders as among themselves and for converting mortgages and certificates of indebted- ness, and arrears of interest due thereon, into such debenture stocks as aforesaid." BREAKFAST.—EJ'PS'SCOCOA.—GRATEFUL AND COMFORTING. —"By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition, and by a careful ap- plication of the fine properties of well-selected cocoa, Air Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavoured beverage which may save us many heavy doctors' bills."—Ciril Service Gazette. Made simply with Boiling Water or Milk. Each packet is labelled—JAMES Errs & Co., Homoeopathic Chemists, London. Also, makers of Epps's Cacaoine, a thin la:O""1'Hf'rP 1in- m-oninir "¡" IHE MEXICAN HAIR RBNEWFB" is the nest hair dressing known for Restoring grey or faded hair to its oi initial colmir without Dyeing it-producing the colullr within the substance of the hair--impartinr a peculiar vitality to the roots-pre- venting the hair from falling-keeping- the head cool, clean, and free from dandriff-causing new hairs to grow unless the hair-elands are entirely decayed. "THBM> XICAM HAIR RE- NEWER" makes the hair soft, glossy, and luxuriant. Certitlctca from Or. Versmann on every bottle. Sold by Clie,isirts and Perfumers at 3s. 6d., or sent to any address free on receipt of 4s. in stamps.-H. C. Gallup, Proprietor, 493, Oxford Street, London. NEW METAL POCKET VESTA Box, WITH PATENT SPRING COVER. — Biyant and May have recently in- troduced a very useful little Pocket Vesta Box with a most ingenious and simple spring cover it is a novelty in every way, and will soon come into very general use—being of metal instead of card, and retailed, filled with vestas, at one penny. Any Tobacconist, Grocer, Chemist, or Chandler, will supply it. BHOWN'S BRONCHIA I. TROCHE?, for the cure of Coughs, Colds, Hoarseries, Bronchitis, Asthma, Catarrh, or any irritation or sorene-s of the throat, are now imported and sold in this coun- try at Is. lid. per box, put up in the form of a lozenge." It is the most convenient, pleasant, safe, and sure remedy for clearing aud^strenglhening the voice known in tiie world. The Rev. Henry Ward Beecher says: "I have often recommended them to friends who were public speakers, and in many cases they have proved extremely serviceable." The genuine have the words" Brown's Bronchial Troches" on the Government Stamp around each box. Sold by all medicine vendors.- London Depot, 493, Oxford Street. FRAAR^IRX FIOHIIRNE!—FOB THE TEETH AND BREATH.—A few drops of this liquid on a wet tooth brush produces a delightful foam, which cleanses the Teeth from all impurities, strengthens and hardens the gums, prevents tartar, and arre>ts the pro- gress of decay. It gives to the Teeth a peculiar and beautiful whiteness, and imparts a delightful frasrance to the breath. It removes all unpleasant odour arising from oecayNI jeetli, n disordered stomach, or tobacco smoke. The Fragrant Moriline is purely vegetable, and equally adapted to old and joung. It is the greatest Toilet discovery of the age. Sold in large bolLes and elegant cases at 2s. 6d. by all Chemists and Perfumers. H. C. GALLUP, Proprietor, 403, Oxford-street, London.

I Cambrian Railways Time Table.

Manchester &. M:ilford Railway.

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