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AGENTS WANTED to push-first-class Machinery Oils. LiberaKCommission. Box 22, Post Office, Liverpool. BOYS who wish to earn pocket money, on Fridays and Saturdays, by selling News- papers, should aptily^at the Aberdare Times Office. AGENTS FOR RUBBER S#\MPS, &C., WANTED. Paying.agejriy, terms sent post free. Address Andersons Co., 62, Priest- man street, Bradford, Tks. AGENTS WANTED at ABERDARE, MOUNTAIN ASH, and DISTRICT, for First Class I n aurance Co. Good terms and salary Said to suitable men. Superintendent, 27 Upper 'wynroddyn, Merthyr. WANTED,—50 GOOD COLLIERS for New Pit. Regalap^vVork. Apply, Lane End Works, Fenton ke-on-Trent. WELSH GIRLS' SCHOOL* ASHFORD. —The Governors will jt&t 5 Foundation, 10 Intermediate Pay, bm 10 Higher Pay Scholars. Application m^t be made on Forms which can be obtaine^'from the SecretaryJ127, St. George's Road, London, S.W. PHRENOLOGY. NOTICE. HERR P £ EUSS. Address, 39, De^f-street, Aberdare. HERR PREUSS will again LECTURE on TUESDAY NEXT, in the CARMBL HALL. rpHE MATRIMONAL HERALD AND 1 FASHIONABLE MARRIAGE GAZETTE is the original and only'recognised Medium for High-class INTK.Q0UCTIONS. The largest and most successor matrimonial agency in the world. Price 3d.; in envelope. 4Jd.—Address Editor. 40, Lamb's, Conduit-street, London, W.C. NOTICE. MISS DAY wilL^fcfave great pleasure in meeting her friends and supporters at a CHILDREN'S BiUuL, Fancy or otherwise, to be held at the TEMPERANCE HALL, ABERDARE, on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 4th. Dancing from 7,o'clock. Carriages for Juveniles \^it 11, Adults at 2. Tickets, Juveniles 2s. 6d., Adults 5s. Tickets to be had at the Aberdare Times Office. Try D. JAMES, 68, Ynyslwyd Street, Aberdare, FOR HAND-SOWN BESPOKE BOOTS.4 SHOES. f Best Materials nsed. Prices Moderate. All measures kept. Repairs promptly attended to. Patronised by most of the Gentry in town and neighbourhood. Our Shooting Boots a speciality. Established 1875. T OXSSXXX'B System of Memory Training is the ONLY —* one by which the Natural Memory can be to much Improved that the System, a. a Device, will be no more needed. MARK TWAIN (Mr. S. L. Clemens) 'says of Profenor Loiaette: He showed me how to — LIfiHT UP the dark cellar of my Memory." M l MriOY Unlik* mnemonic*. Prospectus, containing Iwl I »Y» in I °Pinion» of Papila who hare PASSED EiAMI KATIOJI8, and of members of the Medical, Scho laatic, Clerical, Military, ai.d other professions, post ft88 from Profeaeor LOISETTE 87, Now Oxford Street. London. Temperance Hall, Aberdare. FOR THREE NIGHTS ONLY. March 8th, 9th, & 10th. Messrs. JAMES & WILKINSON, (Late of D'Oyly Carte's Opera Co.) LONDON MUSICAL^GOMEDY CO. Fun on life Bristol. Doors open at 7.30., to commence at 8. Reserved Seats, 33.; Second Seats, 28.; Third treats, ] s.; Gallery, 6d. Plan of Hall at Messrs Lloyd & Son, Canon- street. A WONDERFUL MEDICINE gEECHAM'S PILLS, B BECHTM'S PILLS, gEECHAM'S PILLS, Are universally admitted to be worth a Guinea a Box for Bilious and Nervous Uidordt-rs, such as Wind and Paio ill the Stomach, Sick Headache, tiiddiness, Fulness and Swelling atter Meals. Uizzines" and Drowsiness, Cold Chills, Flush, irnts of Heat LUS of Appetite, Shortness of Kreath, (ostive- nes.S Scurvy and Blotches N the Skin, Disturbed Sleep, Kriphtf il Drt-ams, and all Nervous and Trembling Seuna- tirms &E. rhe first dose ill give relief in twenty minutes. Tuis s no fiction, for they have done it in countless cases Kvery MFFI-rer is earnestly invited 10 tl Y one box of hese Pills. and they will be acknowledged to be WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. WORTH A GTJINEA A BOX. WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. For females of all ages they are invaluable No female tdiould be without them. There is not a medicine to he found equal to then- for removing any obstruction oi irregularity of the system. If taken according to tLe dirtCIions given with each !J X, v soon restore fen ales of all ages to SOUII" „I,U ;■ > s r:I This has been proved thousands who have (lieU tneiu, and found he benefits which are ensured by their use. I^EECHAM S PILLS. JgEECHAM'S PILLS. gEECHAM PILLS. For a Weak Stomach, ln)pairt-d Digestion, TAD all Dis- orders of the Liver, they act like magic, AND a few dose- will be f"und to work wonder on the ipost important orj: ns in the human maclrr.e. They strengthen the whole nu^cular -Y-tem, restore h long lost QIFAIPLEXION, bring hack the ki-en eilge of appetite, and AR<YL&O into action w th the resebud of HEALTH the whole p .Ical energy o; the buruan frame. THESE ARE FACTS WPTILIED continually by iiii-uihers of all cia>»es vt sncietjfit^and One of the best 0 e guarantees to the N er\nus anil DtJpfitatect is. BEKLIHAM'S HiLCS have the laryesi Sale of rnfy Patent Medicine in the world. gff gEtiCH^M'S M AG^COUGH PILLS. gEECHAM'sjKGIC COUGH FILLS. gEEcdni'S MAGIC COUGH PILLS e, As a remedy FAJ^^OTTGHS in general, Asthma, Hronchial A (tortious, HOAJMVNE-S, of Kreatb, l ightness and Mi' ■ ..IUII" e Chest, &C these Pills stand unrivalled- •he RT- TTT.best ever ottered to the public, and wil r. It, e THAT 8' of oppression and difficulty 0 > hnli IN^BTIY deprive the patient of rest. Le ■ n GIVE IU H, HAM S COUGH P LLS a trial • • U. most violent cough will in a short time beremovedF rrepared only and Sold Wholesale and Retail by the f. prirt.'r THUMBS ITEKCHAM, St. Helens, Lancashire, AND by all Druggists and Patent Medicine Dealers every- where. IN KOXBS, a. lid. AND 2. 9d. EACH. FLI.L DIK-cl C TIN WITH tACB BOX. THE EDINBURGH Life Assurance Company. FO JNDED 1823. Invested Funds J £ 2,060,580. Annual Income £ 278,533. ..v. nuei'i'to I l'«u»iwmj/\lD creasing Bonuses, Un doaCted security. II KAir'tjFFict—Edinburgh. Midland and South Wales Branch Office, 16, Bencet s Hill, Birmingham. Agents at Aberdare:- M 'Li ARLK~> M. LEWIS, London and Pro- vincial Bank. V R GEOHGr ABRAHAM!, National Bank 01 Wales. Mr. T L. JONES, Aberdare Tines Office. <

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District Juttlligeurfe

VALE OF t f i, V\. f 81 ———I…
