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REVIEWS. "J<' r-.r- .r- A new serial story by Mr. Max Pemberton, entitled "The Iron. Pirate A Plain Tale ef Strange Happenings on the Sea," will be com- menced in next week's number of Chums, the illustrated papor for boys. Mr. W. E. Hornung, whose novel, A Bride from the Bush," attracted so much attention, has written a new story of Australian life and charac- ter, which will be issued shortly by Messrs. Cassell and Company under the title of "Tirq Luttrell." "An Interview with Sir George Reid, P.R.S.A. by Mr. Raymond Blaythwayt, will appear in CasselVs Magazine for March, which will contain the commencement of. a new serial story, entitled The Island of Six Shadows," and a paper, Through London on a Barge," by Mr. F. M. Helmes, illuBtrated by Mr. W. Raincy, R.I. The Q uiver for March will contain contribu- tions by the Bishop of Ossory and the Dean of Canterbury, and an illustrated interview with A. 1-1. K. B. A new serial story by Edith Lister, en- titled The Wisdcm of Alice," will be commenced in the same number. The first part of the new serial issue of CasselVs Popular Gardening is published this week. The work is edited by Mr. D. T. Fish, and contains contributions by Mr. Edward W. Badger, F.R.H.S., Mr. James Britten, F.L.S., Mr. William Carmichael, Mr. William Coleman, Mr. Richard Dean, Mr. William Earlev, Mr. G. S. Jenman, F.L.S., Dr. Maxwell T. Masters, and other authorities. A special feature of this new serial edition is that the best aud latest varieties of flowers for cultiva- tion will be described. A popular edition of Mr. James Payn's novel, "A Modern Dick Whittingtou," will be published early in Ma.rch by Messrs. Cassell and Company, in one volumne. THE SHIPPING WORLD.—The March number of this journal is just to hand, and we find in its columns much interesting matter upon shipping generally. Among the many illustrations we find the plan of the London and South Western Dock at Southampton. This will no doubt be of interest to many of our seafaring readers. A large number of recently published specifications of patents also appear. Special attention is given to Trade and Finance, while the opening of the Ba,rry Commercial Graving Dock finds a place both under Industrial and Shipping News" and Harbours and Docks." Those of our readers who are interested in shipping matters cannot do better than order the March number of this "Herald of Commerce." Price 6d. HELPING WORDS, Monthly ld.-(A. W. Hall, Great Thoughts Office, 28 to 32, Hutton-street, E.C.). One of the principal features of this month's issue is Mrs. Margaret Scott Haycraft's story —" The picture on the wall," which is charmingly illustrated. The serial story, River- side cottage," by Miss Mary I. Stead, is ako very well illustrated and is developing in interest. A portrait and biography of the late George W. McCree, The Bishop of St. Giles," as he was called at one time a seasonable paper on the Narcissus Dr. Newman Hall's paper on Paul's Faithful sayings, and many other items make up a capital number. The March issue of Advertising, the monthly journal for advertisers, edited by Mr. J. Osborne, of 132, Fleet-street, London, E.C., is a very practical number, and one which contains much invaluable information for all advertisers or those contem- plating advertising. A table is given showing the actual amounts spent by a large advertiser in a lengthy list of journals, and the amount received in orders in each case. This is a feature in adver- tising literature which has never before been attempted. Then there are numerous other articles by experts, all of which are worth thoughtful con- sideration. Altogether Advertising is a distinct success. It is published by Smith's Publishing Agency, Hutton-street, Salisbury-square, E,C. GREAT THOUGHT, March Part. (A. W. Hall, 28 to 32, Hutton-street, Fleet-street, E.C. En- larged to the extent of four extra pages of read- ing matter, and much improved in the quality of its illustrations, Great Thoughts still maintains an honourable place among the journals of the day. Perhaps the most noteable features in this month's issue are the appreciative sketch of Alfred Austin the poet, and the editor's reply to the question. Is Christianity played out ?" An excellent view is alse struck in the article, Great Triumphs of the Nineteenth Century." Maxwell Gray's serial story deepens in interest as the weeks roll on, and in romantic charm it is scarcely less powerful than her first great effort-" The Silence of Dean Maitland." To all who love reading which is at osice thoughtful and bright, we commend the columns of Great Thoughts. MOTHERS AND DAUGHTERS.—(London: A. W. Hall, Great Thoughts Office, 28 and. 32, Hutton- street, E.C.) The second number of the new and enlarged series of this magazine is fully up to the standard of the first. Miss Florence Nightingale's work in promoting Rurial Sanitation is described by herself, and a recent portrait of the authoress adds to the interests of the article. Many ad- mirers of Faber's hymns will be glad to have the portrait of him that accompanies an article on his less known hymns. Articles on clothing by Miss Ward on What to Eat, by Miss Pope Facts and Figures and Fathers and Sons Sunday Talks for busy Mothers, and the Invalids' Page adds to the worth of a good number.




