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II RAW FINE ART MAGAZINE. I ears. CASSELL PETTER & GALPIN will publish, price 7D. Monthly, The MAGAZINE of ART. '^LUSTRATBD. PART 1 now ready, price 7d. TOONRTFF^16 ^AGAZINE OF ART will.be given from WORV T);0 MONTH most attractive examples of the V11'- ART is doing for the world in our own day, first I S^-E ^LAS DONE HI TIMES past. Artists of the whil A SUPPLY THE subjects and the drawings, A Authors of the highest repute, and possessing WHI^V knowledge of the branches of Art upon articl W"TE» endeavour so to pen their BUT *■ ^EY be not merely descriptive text, TO CH AR' BRILLIANT, readable essays, calculated alike aarm the sense and to afford matter of enduring MEREST and instruction. RE ° feature of excellence will be wanting to WITH MAGAZINE OF ART worthy of ranking ■YJ. EXPENSive works of its class, the high price of *jv0NFINES them mainly to the wealthy."—Extract "rospectus. The following willform some of the most attractive features of the early numbers of THE MAGAZINE M OF ART:— T**E GENERAL'S HEAD-QUARTERS." From the HIBITI1"6 ^>ETTIE» FOR the Royal Academy EX- TP*^ MAIDENS." AIL Original Drawing on Wood "IT Y J. E. MILLAIS, R.A. DuMIGHT HAVE BEEN." From the Picture in the THE ART" ^A"ERY LOUISE JOPLING, drawn on Wood by FROM STONE TO LIFE." From the Statue by W. V FYT»VH?R MARSHALL, R.A. INVOCATION." From the Picture for the Royal ^OGR^SLB|SH6|TACY MARICS, A.R.A. OF SIR FRANCIS GRANT, P.R.A. F. LEIGHTON, R.A. W. E. M. WARD, R.A. ^JTH Portraits and Copies of some of their most character- **PC works, forming the first three papers of a series—" Our AB-RI1?0? ARTISTS." CK HAUNTS.. A Series of Papers on favourite Grounds, illustrated by Original Drawings. PARIS EXHIBITION. Papers thereon, with Views S, the Buildings and Illustrations ef the most remarkable TW&^B'TS. ROYAL ACADEMY. A Series of Papers with thumb- sketches of the most important Pictures. SATB9UES ON THE PICTURE GALLERIES. SBIVHOURS IN THE STUDIOS. I^NOTABILIA. ?AT^SWS OF BOOKS. by R. H. SODEN SMITH, M.A. J. HUNGERFORD POLLEN, M.A. Professor A. H. CHURCH, M.A. „ J. O. WESTWOOB, M.A. „ P. DELAMOTTE. The late Mrs. BURY PALLISBR. H. SCHCTZ WILSON. HENRY BLACKBURN. WALTER TREGBLLAS. SYDNEY HODGES. It A. H. WESTLAKE, &c. &c. ltc. •8—-Prospectuses will be forwarded by the Pub. lishers, post free, for suitable distribution. w ^assell Petter & Galpin, Ludgate Hill, London. q JUST COMMENCED. The CONTINENTAL PORTION of Picturesque Europe. In MONTHLY PARTS, 2S. 6d. ^NOTHING on so grand a scale has been planned before, nor lng, so far as we know, so well executed."—Spectator. Petter <&< Galpin, London and all Booksellers. Just commenced, MONTHLY, price 6d. ^ropean Butterflies & Moths. By W. F. KIRBY. With Fac-simile Coloured Plates. t, J. work is preduced in a style which leaves all rivals far 7? -Southamjton Observer. ^^J*s*ell Petter <Sr* Galpin, London and all Booksellers. GEORGE'S PILE AND GRAVEL PILLS. ^BtronUtd br teveral eminent Phptioiatu and Burgeon*, and UJrITKJUULLY held in high esteem. ThouRh you have Buffered and despaired for years and wiect Remedies in vain, be assured there is still a 8afe and speedy cure for you at a small cost by using QEORGE'S PILE AND GRAVEL PILLS, which are now recognised by all as being best Medicine vet discovered for PILE AND TRAVEL, as well as for the following pains, which, Ninety-nine Cases out of every Hundred, are caused "7 these painful Maladies:— PALNINTHE BACK, FLATULENCY, QRIPINQ, COUO, "». SENSE OF WEIGHT IN THE BACK AND LOINS, "ATTTMA PAINS IN THE REGION OF THE HEART. LIVER, AND KIDNEYS, CONSTIPATION, PAINS IN THE THIGHS, SOMETIMES SHOOTING FT.«?WN TO THE CALF OF THE LEQ AND FOOT. SUPPRESSION AND RETENTION OF URINE, PAINS 'N THE 8TOMACH, AND ALL LIVER COMPLAINT8. ^HGTTSSAIT hart BUN nrù by theu Pilli, and many who bad prono*e»U hopalMa BAN bo«n thoroughly MTEND to health by keir UE. 0" BOX WILL CONVINCE THE JlOST SCKPTIGAL OF THEIR EFWCACT. to mil All ..110 may be tuferitig from ONE or BOTMOf «<MLII the Proprietor prepare# this Vegetable Remedy in the/oUounng formt »S* L-OBORGE'SPILE & GRAVEL PILLS. 2—GEORGE'S GRAVEL PILLS. ■DF°. 3-QEOBGE'S PILLS FOR THBPILES. Testimonials from DoetCM, Chemists, and ao""uUd.8, from øU part* of the eountry, Kill be forwarded '"m address on receipt of altamped. envelope. Bold In Boxes, Is. ljd. and 3S. 9d., by all respectable Uuemists; by Post, Is. 4d. and 88., in postage stamps. JI,y BOX IS PROTECTED BY THE GOVERNMENT STAMP. "QTtCB—The eitk" PILlf AND GRAVEL PILLS" i* Copyright, and entered at Stationert* HaU. Propnetor, J. E. GEORGE, M.R.P.S., HIRWAIN. GLAMORGANSHIRE. 01 pld Sores and Old Skin Diseases. th RAW866**8 of these disorders are effectually expelled by this S UNGUENT, not only from the superficial parts, but >E*WSU«5^LERNAL tissues likewise. Any case, even of twenty 1 -uding. epeadily yields to its influence, .4. Certain Cure for Bronchitis, diphtheria, Sore Throat, Por Asthma, &c. OF 8016 throat, diphtheria, bronchitis, asthma, tight* J^WIE CQE8T, and pain in the side—which instant treatment degenerating into more serious maladies, this ^SAESGGG 8AME powers over chest complaints as a blister CAUSING pain or debility. Old asthmatic in- V'ICH HAS VFNVE uiarvellous ease from the use of this Ointment, MX^^IGHT round many such sufferers and re-established "«er every other means had signally failed. Legs, Bad Breasts, Old Sores, a and Ulcers. the Ointment round the affected parts, it pene- I IT tb the tlSsnes beneath, and exercises A wonderful power CJT. IJ- 1OLPOD flowing to, and returning from, the diseased •IMETFTV., .^UAMMATION diminishes, the p'lin becomes less :0AC-RTJ>'»W^E ^^TER thicker, and a cure is soon effected. In K^BEY CASES> Bolloway's Pills should also be taken, ^»Y. thoroughly expel all depraved humours from the Gout, Rheumatism, Stiff Joints. and Rheumatism arise from inflammation in the parts Y of To effect a permanent cure, adopt a cooling diet, driuk **5 thi« RU I six of Hollnway's Pills night and morning, DST+C LM most effectually twice a-day into the and RT0_'J^ -EN LJSETI simultaneously, they drive all inflam- ■ I^RGEINET,F FROM the system, subdue and remove all r\ TL<>COatracte<I J0UA L^VE the sinews and muscles lax thp '—— Ovntment and Pill$should be used in the jc* Ij6ws following complaints :— L^^ASTS (Soft) Scalds Fistulas Sore Throats Gout EKIN Diseases Glandular Swellings Scurvy ^T^HANDI LUMBAGO Sore Heads IS08 Tumours Stiff Rheumatism Ulcers >H6 Sore HIPPIE Wounds VJERY^'UENT S°ld at Professor HOLLOWAY'8 Y^IRT^PECTABLE 0T$STRRET, Lendon; also by nearly 3SIN °ts AND I, MEDICINE throughout the Civilised TH^™S'LS" 2S. 9D.R 4s. 6d., lis., 22S., _?NCE; AND *VFINA -P°T of Ointment contains one STN A^ BOX of Pills four dozen, V. AFFIXE.<3 to each Pot and Box, and IG # CVEN >U lurkinh, Arabic. Armenian, Persian, or Chinese. —— SL !"■ isiau R?*INATH 0 ARGBAFFWAITH, am yadfa'r O^erS?10!1' f-K? mod^ de'stl"saf' ier> 1, Lon Eben, Abcrteifi. MANURES! MANURES!! JOSEPH FISON & CO., IPSWICH, MANUFACTURERS OF SULPHURIC ACID & CHEMICAL MANURES, (One of the oldest Firms in the Trade). Just Arriued, per S.S. Sea Flower, a supply of the following:- VERY STRONGLY RECOMMENDED. ExtraQualityCorn Manure Special Mangold Manure Special Potatoe do. Special Turnip do. ALSO, Dissolved Bone Manure Concentrated Manure Superphosphate Soluble Guano THE Com Manures are designed especially for the production of fine quality combined with large yield, in -which respect they excel other well known fertilisers (see pamphlet, pages 2 and 3), and samples of corn grown with these Manures have fetched the highest market 2 and 3), and samples of corn grown with these Manures have fetched the highest market prices in past seasons. The Root Manures are designed, not only to give the young plants a good start, but to support them through every stage of their growth. Attention is drawn to these points as some Manures are only partial in their action, and, though forcing at first, fail to bnng the crops to perfection. Works-Ipswich & Bramford. Head Offices-Eastern Mills, Ipswich. AGENT: WILLIAM JAMES, Ironmonger & Implement Agent, 0-A-T?,IDia-A-3>r. ø- Warehouse CAMBRIAN QUAY. BOOT AND SHOE ESTABLISHMENT, 42, St. Mary Street, Cardigan. -F?.TH1 A T^T-MLAD^BOOTS & SHOES. DANIEL DAVIES, FASHIONABLE BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, BEGS to solicit an inspection of his Newly-received Stock of Ladies, Gentlemen, &nd Children's Ready-made "WIISTTEE BOOTS, in all the latest designs, from the most noted Manufacturers, the whole of which are marked at the Lowest Remunerative Prices. Gentlemen's Fishing and Shooting Boots. Ladies' Gloue Kid Button Boots. TZEEK BESJPOltEJ DEPARTMENT still continues to receive D. D.'s special attention, experienced workmen only being employed, and the best materials used. «3T REPAIRS NEATLY EXECUTED. *¥ CEREDIG EVANS' COUFOHN WINE PILLS THESE PiUs, prepared from the recipe of an eminent Physician, who has for maqy years prescibed them for his patients with unerring success, are now publicly introduced, in order that the mass of the people may become acquainted with a Medicine, the efficacy of which has been proved beyond doubt in the treatment of all disorders of the Stomach and Bowels, such as Indigestion, Wind, Flatulency, Loss of Appetite, Sense of heaviness after Meals, Colic, Stitch in the Side or Back, and habitual Constipation. They combine the tonic and strengthening properties of Quinine, with those of a mild aperient, thereby removing all obstructions to the healthy performance of the functions of digestion without A causing depression of the system. For females these Pills will be < found most valuable in restoring and invigorating the constitution, and may be taken with perfect safety by all ages. 18 The Proprietor has received numerous testimonies to their efficacy, and has every confidence in recommending them to all who are subject to the above complaints. PREPARED ONLY BY E. YJERED/G EVANS, Chemist, Cardigan, And sold in Boxes at Is. lid. each. GLASS & PAPER-HANGING W AREHüUSE, 31, PENDRE, CARDIGAN. OWEN BEYNON EVANS, Painter, Glazier, Paper-hanger and House Decorator, BEGS respectfully to inform the Clergy, Gentry, and the Public generally, that he has commenced Business as above, and trusts, by strict attention to business, combined with moderate charges, to merit a share of tjieir patronage. A choice Stock of Paper-hangings from the best Manufacturers. Chimney and Toilet Glasses always in stock. Plain and Ornamental Glass of every description for Windows, Doors, &c. PICTURE RODS AND GILT MOULDINGS. Pictures framed. Estimates given when required. ESTABLISHED UPWARDS OF 30 YEARS. HENRY DANIEL DAVIES, MANUFACTURER OF ■WOOLLEN CLOTHS, FLANNELS, BLANKETINGS, Welsh Plaids and Stripes, Hosiery and other Yarns, I Priory Street, CARDIGAN. These Goods are manufactured from PURE Wools, and WARRANTED to be unadulterated with SHODDY, or any other INFERIOR Materials. The Hosiery Tiarns are in great variety of Colours and Qualities, made up in different size Balls convenient for Retail Dealers' ready sale. PATTERNS and WHOLESALE PRICES forwarded, Post Free, to Shopkeepers ONLY. TO CONTRACTORS. TENDERS are invited for the ERECTION of a BAPTIST CHAPEL and PREMISES in Priory-street, CARDIGAN, the same to be sent in (under seal) on or before the 18th day of MAY, 1878, addressed to Mr. DAVID MORRIS, Draper, Cardigan. Plans and Specifications may be seen at reason- able hours on any day in the meantime at the residence of Mr. David Morris aforesaid. The Committee do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any other Tender, and will require the Contractor whose Tender will be accepted, to enter into a strict contract for the due completion of these works. J. R. DANIEL, Cabinet Maker, Upholsterer, PAPER HANGER, House and Ornamental Painter, UNDERTAKER, &c., 12, ST. MARY STREET, CARDIGAN. PIANOFORTES For Sale or Hire on the Three-Years System. Yn awr yn barod, pris Swllt, HYNODION HEN BREGETHWYR OTMRU, Gydag Hanesion difyrus am danynt Cyflawnir y gwaith mewn Tair Rhan. Rhoddir Gwyneb-ddalen a Chynwysiad cyflawn gyda Rhan 3. Yn awr yn barod, mewn Llian, pris 2s. 6c., COFIAlTT Y PARCHEDIG John Jones, Blaenanerch, GAN Y PARCH. JOHN DAVIES, BLAENANERCH. Y Caniedydd Americanaidd: Y 4 Rhan mewn Llian, pris Is.; yn Rhanau, 2c. W rexham: Cyhoeddedig gan Hughes and Son; AC AR WERTH GAN Mrs. Williams, Bookseller, Aberteifi. LLAN LINE" Shortest Ocean Passage to ME RICA, Halifax, Canadian, & United States Mail. Composed of Twenty First-class Steamers. Leaving LIVERPOOL, every THURSDAY, and LONDONDERRY every FRIDAY, for HALI- FAX, QUEBEC, PORTLAND, and BALTI- MORE. Threugh Tickets to BOSTON, NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA, and to all points in CANADA, and the STATES. Low Fares and excellent Accomodation. Passengers who secure their Tickets before leaving home, are met at the Railway Station in Liverpool by an appointed Agent of the Company, who takes charge of them until they go on board the Steamer. The Canadian Government grants Assisted Passages by the Allan Line. AW Write for the Pamphlet LORD DUFFE- RIN IN MANITOBIA." For Rates of Freight or Passage, apply to ALLAN BROTHERS & Co., Liverpool or London- derry or to the Local Agent, J. C. Roberts, "Observer" Office. IMPORTANT MEDICAL WORKS. 122nd Thousand, Free by Post, in Envelope, Two Stamps. GUIDE TO HEALTH or, Advice and Instructions for the cure of Nervous Diseases. Gives Instructions Mid Ad- vice, the result of twenty-eight years' special practice, for cure of all diseases of the Nervous System, Nervous Debility, Mental and Physical Depression, Palpitation of the Heart, Noises in the Head and Ears, Indecision, Impaired Sight and Memory, Indigestion, Loss of Energy, Pains in the Back, Constipation, Blushing, Hysteria, Timidity, Self Distrust. Dizziness, Groundless Fears, Muscular Relaxation, Loss of Sleep, Faulty Nutrition, Loss of Flesh, Weakness, Pimples, Diffidence, <fec., resulting from Loss of Nerve Power, fllus- trated with Cases and Testimonials, with means used in each case. Important Rules to be observed by Patients. Also by the same Author Seventeenth Thousand. Fifty-seven Engravings on Wood, post free for 7 stamps, PHYSICAL EDUCATION or The People's Guide to Health XT On the culture of the healthful and beautiful in humanity. Fifty-seven Engravings. Subjects:—Physical Education, Laws of How to render weak muscles strong, Gymnastics, Prevention of disease, Cure of disease, Air, Light, Skin, Met, Bath, &c. Gives in- structions for developing and strengthening the human body, How to regain lost health resulting from loss otnerve power, the effect of overtaxed energies—Over-work, City life, Worry, Brain toil, and Intemperance. How to secure long life, and avoid the infirmities of old age, Ac. DR. HENRY SMITH, No. 8, Burton Crescent, London, w.o. NEW WORK OF VITAL INTER gT. Post Free, Six Penny Stamps, FromJ. Williams, 22, Marischal-street, Aberdeen. A LONG AND HEALTHY LIFE. CONTENTS. 1. Medical Advice to the Invalid. 2. Approved Prescriptions for various Ailments. 3. Phosphorus, as a Remedy for Melancholia, Loss of Nerve, Power, Depression, and Feeble Digestion. 4. On Self Treatment and Cure. 5. The Coca Leaf a Restorer of Health and Strength. IF you want PRINTING of any description done neatly, expeditiously, and reasonably go to the OBSERVER Office, No. 1, Eben's Lane,(op- posite the Black Lion Hotel), Cardigan. BENSON'S WATCHES. Watch and Clock B Maker to the Queen and Royal Family, and by special appointment to the Prince of Wales and Emperor of Russia. Old Bond-street, and (Steam Factory) Ludgate-hill, London. "DENSON'S WATCHES of every description, J-> suitable for all climates, from £ 2 to 200 guineas. Chrono- graphs, Chronometers, Keyless, Levers, Presentation, Re. peaters, Railway Guards, Soldiers, and Workmen s watches of extra strength. "DENSON'S ARTISTIC ENGLISH CLOCKS, B decorated with Wedgwood and other wares, designed to suit any style of architecture or furniture also, as novelties for presents. Made solely by Benson. From 45 5s. DEN SON'S PAMPHLETS on TURRET A* CLOCKS, Watches, Clocks, Plate, and Jewellery. Illus- trated, sent post free each for 2 stamps. Watches sent safe by post. Benson's new work, "Time and Time Tellers, 2s. 6d A Certain Cure for Nervous Debility. RATIS, a MEDICAL WORK showing VJT" sufferers how they may be cured and recover Health and Vitality, without the aid of Quacks, with Recipes for purifying the Blood and removing Skin Affections. Free on receipt of stamp to pre- pay postage. Address—Secretary, Institute of Anatomy, Birmingham. HAIR DESTROYER. WELLS'S DEPILATORY IS THE ONLY EFFECTIVE remedy for the immediate and permanent removal of superfluous hair fcpm the 23rd and 24th of Victoria, Cap. 68. GENERAL STATEMENTS of the Receipts and tr Expenditure on Account of Highways of each Parish, Township, &c., in the District of BON- CATH, in the County of Pembroke, for the year ending 25th March, 1878, as audited by the High- way Board for such District. Signed by J. F. JONES LLOYD, Chairman Transmitted by THOMAS GRIFFITHS, Clerk to the Highway Board, residing at No. 19, St. Mary- street, Cardigan.

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Family Notices

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