Money. -r- .> THE WREXHAM LOAN & INVESTMENT COMPANY, LIMITED. ESTABLISHED 1«56, Are nrm-red to advance at a few hours' notice, from £ 5 pvrfrds, upon PERSONAL SEGl RITY or upon deposit if LIFE POLICIES, TITLE DEEDS, SHARE CERTIFICATES, DEBENTURES, &c., AT MODEUATE interest. v.iinarv or ot her Charges or Premiums. ^?jHVy ten?s f°' K1LLS and LOANS of £ 5(1 Qli" l1pwar. Strictest conS?enre Her¡!ymt"n hy easy 1nst3.lments. Strictest, confi(1enC'1' 3S 'r ric rv observed. by Post orother- aDf,'r;l' of application fnrn? hed free by Post or other. ¡,e. 1vnirDt attention t?vft. to every apptic?ion.—App!y Pt;K?AH, Secretary, 4, Temple Row, Wrexh? "?jONEY. MONEY.  !JONEY IMMEDIATELY LENT from £10 to E5,000 at lower interest than others. „ ToT Lv*aiife«4 s aan nd Gentlemen. F*naers, U anient rs. Carr?r-. Dairymen, 1 radesmen, Clerks. Cowk f r-rs' C?heer'-?. Gentk-Men's ?ervanta. and others in S?'?"?stt? u? ?.? ns. CI.?yn?n. Lodging House Keepers. ?o.t drr8; anil ethers, on their own pnV .gcur? 'ty without bondsmen, on Y?te f h?d ?, reray- ab^le hv e^vinMalnunts, or arranged to su? Borrower s own cnW n^emJeerni c • All comnuunc?.tlon? are received andkept ? '? ? ?nc? No njne ?pHc.tion ever refused, ?r&orSe and straigl? t?or ward transachon. guar- anteed. d b f ???'?;n? Borrowe,s are invited before app?in?else- where to Ul?ply to the actual lelid,r, ?;?..? '? R D S 3 SEVE?T?ACH.?IHHFIELI) ROAD, SH}ŒWSBURY,  STREET. OSWESTRY, and LORN"T>^TP MWLIMHAM. N.B.-Towu or .?. distance no o"Ject. Leters immediately attend-d t\ 5,3n _?-???T PRIVATELY ? to Malc or Female, in Town or Country (distance no object), AT A FEW HouRS NOTICE on NOTE OF n?ND A?O?E. WITHOUT SURETIES, .n NOT?E ? ?OtF H??(?jKcrmNABLE LOAN ?OFH?C'E ?'O? ?? A?TS ROUTINE AD DELAYS. H Advances also made upon fnrnuure piano, ??'' ??e ?amond., tr?de and f?m stock, plant, ? ?' &n. ? implements, etc. (.ithout removal), and TO ASSIST PERSONS INTO BUSINESS, also „„™ deed? reversnns, Hfe po1!c;M. private incomes, 6 Jc S' "t FIVE PER CENT. PER ANNUM. ? ?"pn?ment-) ?re made monthly, qn?rteriy, half-vearh or ?'?'.uitthe convenience of bürrower extending over ?v period not exceeding ten ye?rs. or as long as the .nte- Mtis paid, the principal CM remam. APPUCANTS IN TOWN OR COUNTRY ARE ATTENDED TO THE SAME DAY AS RECF.1VKD, .?r1 intending borrowers requiring prompt and private  advances for .ny emergency or  can reh' nnnn thpir matter hein? conducted UPON FAIR ?A?? UPRIGHT PRINCIPLES, and WITH THE STRICTEST SECRECY AND DESPATCH. Before applying elsewhere. call or in confidence for Prospectus (gratis) to the AcrUAL LENDER. MR W. BARCLAY, 1, CECIL STREET, STRAND, LONDON, W.C. (Private Gentleman). p <3 -No connection with Loan Offices. 1197n ^JOISEyT ]y]ONEY jyjOHEY MONEY LENT FAIRLY. MONEY LENT WITHOUT BILLS OF SALE, NO SURETIES REQUIRED. D?TANCE %0? MATTFR ON PROMISSORY NOTE ALOE. Re aid hv Fisv Instalments. ?ERY CONSIDERATION AND ??R TREATMENT. £ 100 LENT FOR £ Z6 REPAID OVER THREE YEAR, No NEED TO CAI.L. ?D STAMPED ENVELOPE. W. P. JONES, CRESCENT-ROAD, RHYL. NO INQUIRY FEES. WREXHAM ON TBURSDA YS, 7, EC.ERTON-STRE:ET, BEI.OW POST OFFICE. buoo NO FEES UNLESS CASH IS ADVANCED. PRIVATF. ADVANCES FROM zElO UPWARDS on BORROWERS' OWN SECURITY. Without Bill of Sale Over £ 50.000 Per Annum now being Lent.-FitT prospectus and terms, apply to GEORGE PAYNE. Acenunt- ant, 5, Town Walls, Shrewsbury. Established lnl. 1292 THE CAMBRIAN LOAN AND INVESTMKN7 COMPANY, LIMITED, IS prepared to advance any snmfromjE5 to Xr)o(, or; J. approved or other security, for periods of from three months to two years, repayable by weekly, monthly, quar- terly, or other instalments Good bills discounted on ad vantageous terms. The strictest confidence observed. Applications to be made to the Secretary, Mr James Pric?, Offices,Sammer Hill, near Wrexham. FCIMS of application furnished free, and if applied for by post will be forward, d on receipt of a stamped directed envelope. 773n A LADY having a large spare capital at her commmd Ais desirous of advancing same in sums of 13 to £ 100 to Householders, Tradesmen, and others, ON THEIR PROMISSORY NOTE ALONE, in a few hours' notic", and in strict privacv.—Apply, per- sonalis-, or by letter, to Mrs BEIIRMAN, 27, City Road, Chester or 10 and H, Mount Vernon Road, Liverpool. Distance no object. 164A MONEY LENT PRIV \TELY (without sureties) by th CHARING-CROS.S BANK (Established 1870), 28 BEDFORD-ST., CH ARING-CRO^S, Lontlon. W.C. Capital £ 300,000. Reserve Fund £ 100.000. ADVANCES IMMEDIATELY MADE. Upon Approved Promissory Notes as follows, without bill of sale. Advance £ 25—12 monthly repayments of JE2 5 10 II S" II I H 3 8 10' !) 3 4 Larger amounts in the same proportion. ADVANCES of £ 30 to £ 2,000 granted at a few hours' notice in town or country, ma'e or female, on mortgage of furniture, trade and farm stock, plant, crops, &c., without removal, and to assist persons into business. Also on dee(14, policies, and reversions. NOTICE.-Any one requiring money will do well before apy lying elsewhere, or paving fees, to think of this-Surely I can do better with a Bank having large capital at com- mand and devoting themselves to this class of business. than I can with so-called private money lenders or agents with i-IIWLL means. Good borrowers can obtain money here on reasonable terms, quickly, privately, and without deductions, repayable by easy instalments. Distance no II object. Call personally, or write. Special facilities to all requiring banking accounts. 4 per ceo t. interst allowed on the minimum monthly balance-. Deposits of tlO and upwards received as under :— 5 per cent, per ann., subject to 3 months' notice of withdrawal. 6 11 6 It 7 „ 12 „ Special terms for LARGER amounts. Interest pai. d quarterly. Write or call for Prospectu-. 922o A. WILLIAMS, Manager. MONEY! A PRIVATE GENTLEMAN, with spare capita!, is desirous of making immediate CASH ADVANCES I from A:3 up to C500 to respectable Householders, Trades- men, ind others (special adv ntages given to the working classes), upon their own security, at moderate interest. The strictest conifdence guaranteed. Repayable ,iicegiiir4nte(- ( I Repayable by instalments to suit borrowers. Distance no illtiect.- Apply to J. A. RF.NNIK, (MM ilavs and Tuesday?) Rox- burgh Hou-e. ]:, Ketiint-street, Wrexham, also, Wednes- days, 3, Bailey Head, Oswestry (private residence), also at 24, Chester-street, Shrewsbury. N.B. -No connection with any Loan Office. Letters promptly attended to. 4310 J Business Announcements. i A WONDERFUL MEDICINE BEECHAM'S PILLS  \?\ hi p/ PATENT  ?? PILLS. I %r~J) \?A A lift univerg;ifly admitted I ,-1, to 6e worrn Liui-NisA A Box for bilious and nr, ous disorders, such as wind i i-l tuh in the stomach, sick headache, g;-I(Iinesq,fu! Tle-s t-) t d vtruiiing aftt-r ueals, dizziness and drow= leiS, coht nHa, flushings if [ ieat, logs of appetite, short- ness o! .re^tfi, cottiveness, scurvy, and blotches on the skin, disturbed 'Idlm, fright- ful dreams, and all uervous and trembling sen ntions, The tirst dose will give relief in twenty oiuates. Every sufferer is earnestly invited to trv f) to b-ii f hesa Pills, and they wi:! BE acknowledged to WORTH A aeINEA A BOX. For females of all ages these Pills are invaluable, AA few doses of them carry off all humors, a-t t about all that is required. No r.n:1!e stiould VE without them. There is no medicine to be found equal to BEECHAM'S PILLS for removing any obssn-t.on OI irregularity of the system, If taken accord g to the directions given with EACH box, thay will soon RTST IRE females of all ages to sound and robast health. This H n been proved by thoi-sicds who n .ve trie i them, anI found the benefit* whih are ensured by their use. For a weak stomach, iuj-jrured digestit n, and all ais- orleraof the liver, chey ;ict like MAGIC, and a fev dosea will be found to work wonders on the most im- portant organs in the FCURRAN machine. They ^TREN^TH^R the whole muscular SYSTEM, restore the lon^-H-st con, Elexion, bring back the KEEN edge of appetite, and arou- Into action with the ROSEBUD of health the physical energy of the hanian frame. Thfeie ARE FACTS- 'testified continually by members of all classes of society and ODe of the best guarantees to the nervous and it- bilitated is, BEECHAM'S PILLS have the largest SALE r f any patent medicine in the world. BEECHAM'S MAGIC COUGH PILLS. As a remedy for Coughs in general, asthma, br n". i 1 affections, hoarseness, ant-rtneat) of breath, tigbtt:E.S "11.1 oppression of the chest, wheezing, &c., these PHI* stand unrivalled. rhey hre the BEST tiver offered to the publican 1 will speedily remove that sense of oppression and difti culty jf breathins which niphtly deprive the r:1t¡!H of rest. Let any persc-n BEKCHAM:S COUGH ,"Ii-i.> A trial, and the most viol-r-U COUITH will ia a SLICRF- tiice he removed. Prepared only and sR-ID wholesale <\nd retail by t':f Pre Prietor, Thomas BECOH SIII, St. Helens, LANCASHIRE, it boxes lot IHD, Is lid, IS "1 each. 8old by ill DRUG^IST.^ and Patent Medicine Dealers, Overylviic-re. -F¡)!1 fliwctiens srt firtn t.ich B..v. 1  A (.;ntleiiiiii CORNS & BUNIONS. years tormented I ltb Lorns, ?' I)E ? "'? to '?'rd others the !nfu;t:ti UI 1'OBTAINED thvir comp'ete removal in a hort priodJ, without RAIN or inconvenience. ?end addr?s on Herts, c-n-.e!o-A )e lo S. P. WOOLLATT, EN], W;:re, 5Ud Business Announcemeats. RIO A MaCk m n AM- wafhteen r v\ \1 L t ?/ t i 'M???? t Mlo?ohk) smilingJuees oil ? SU?U?Br (I » vherever bp is used. I EVERY "WOMAN V°nble t^t the^shins c{aJ^ringt; Sh# fclthes—TO boil all the fore- EVP,RY V?,7 I-, T, A,V wh(, h .:sew.r' to do krows the tronble thqt '(lay brings. Sh* the fold—LI:.R :ead"(l nr.d iar-armel-: H N- UD the c'othp* ™ line, we*jk ,after week: OUT INTO inron. Fin(i rul, all fil- li?t rnn?-i-anl vr'-ti',? -'i 1 ";trm anl i,er;;?irin,- from the hot, filtliy -t,,?anl.oftpnto r::notit into |T pn.-nmor.ia ov I V-o-N Hn-lr. d 'T"EA2A P'JOR \IC-TIM by hard labour an 1 exposure. i-?o-nLLe ii-. t sleam to th-? e-olcl air o:,Isi(le proinces a ctk'd, anrl followed either by 1-.?p a -oap vi-hl('!] is Pnrfl, ? ?"?  ? ? ???"  I I in "S. thin a stron- wnAn-ii D bVit r ;E a rirl T^E'V^E VRL" ST' ? ? ?? ?° ti?e with SU?NLIGUT SOAP" a q t fan with anordinaiy S. § XI/KST T .OTVTri.T«TG' -W' ,tli t,ia son-ns clothes ,vear out cuicker thfin l?ghtning. but S-DAI-" the dirt out ',vitliout injury to the fiiie-,t iiater7a]. brek<M. 8 fl I "~u"- I ^^thejaitton^a^nott^r^ STAY 02T. 2'">0 I A' L 0 C K' S :JE8C:»1.Bl. O"lC"S PLASTER A nti laHist upon liinvivzg AN.I.Ct)CK9-44 aud ALLCOCK'S only. BmVARE OF ALL OTUERS PlrlLPOKTlXG TO BE AS GOOD. ) ALLCO:'tJJ' PI I LaAQu TI TQQ recommended by Mark Guy Pearse, Henry Thorne, (EvangelIst, At t m??'? Q PD! LHO 4-?0 Mrs Henry Ward Beecher, Dr. Gordon Stables, G. A. Sala. and Medical Men throughout the World. 52a 1 IB —.—-— — ■ C L A IT K E' S "P¥SSM!D" N u Y i I A P FOOD 'r N M1u ijt 'I ,¿,. WAP.EJERS. By their peculiar con tructim-the glass chimney conducting and concen- tTati.iR lil-at to the bottcm of the water v ssel-they give a larger amount of light and heat than can be obtained in any other lamp of the siame class With- out tmoke or smell. All Limps are fitted wit i CLARKE'S NEW REGISTERED PANNIKIN. BY this invention any liquid food can be p ured ou or drunk without scum or grease passing through the spout, and pr -vent- spilling when poured into a feeding bottle, so unavoidable with a I other P..nnikins. These Pannikins will fit all the old Pyramid Nursery Ltiups, and CAN be purchased separately. CLARKE'S "PYRAMID" NIGHT LIGHTS are the best in the world, and th,, o ly on s siii':it,le f ir burning in the above, and for lighting passages, lobbies, &c. N B.—NO paraffin or other itangerous material used in their mannfactu-e. Price of Lamps, 2s lid 3< 6.1, 5., and T's eich. Sold everywhere. If any difficulty in obtaining them, WI"J¡.- t.. OI.ARKH'^ "PYRAMID" and "FAIRY" JIGHT COMPANY, LiMtT n LONDON, X.W. for nearest Agent's address. Show Room: 31, Ely Place. Holborn Circus, and 484, Collins Street. Melbourne. 161 I TORPID LIVER HEADACHE. P. -iT ERS bI) AJl Chemists Is. Hd. J  Small Pill Smsall Small Price. I 12f>3  <    Ir ItT POLISHES E1UAL TO' I I1Xl1 l1 AX £ v^\y BURNISHED STEEL. j j t [ J!M\ JLt/\ W If ? eSEOWTHOHT WASTEJ t Z !L ? OR DUST..J ?t t RiFI ""g V Ik ■ "W > I Black Lead )tLp, On) EVIRYVAMH ORY; SBRI SQUAItE,LM4N, ^SiSSSSSS^SSaSSSSSSSmimlBSSSSmSSSSmmmmmSBmmmmmSS^ 13 ?..?  ?'?.  ?' ['  ???* B c<????*,???:?'r????M?'?MK??M B ———?-?—— C M.  ?     ?.? ? ?9? ? ?_ ?. ?? -?, -? ?.?r?-?.? ?.. ?., ?.    ? ?..   | $'0? These Remedies have stood the test of FIFTY YEARS' EXPERIENCE, Jt j And are pronounced the Best Medicine for Family use. THE PILLS Purify tlie Blood, correct all disorders of the LIVER, STOMACH, KIDNEYS and BuWiiLG, c.nd are invaluable in all complaints incidental to Females of ail a^es. THE OINTMENT Io; tlio only rclia!>le remedy for PAD LEGS, SORES, ULCERS, and OLD "WOTTNDS; for J3KO.\CIIITIS, SORE THROATS, COUGIIS, COLDS, GOUT, LIUEUSIA-risi/, | GL^JSDULAR SWELLINGS, and for all SKIN DISEASES it has no equal. Eanufactured only at 78, NEW OSrO^D 8TRBBT,Iate533,OxfordSt.,LON?ON, SOLD BV ALL MEDICINE VENDOR3 THROUGHOUT THE WORLD. j||^ Advice Gratia, at the above address, daily between tho hours of 11 & 4, or by letter,  !)?? _?_ -? 'i '1", J" h" ..1- -J I: J WATERLOO EOUND FEEDING- OIL CAKES. -? i i o  (I ?.. 2 j I'? i Unequalled for all classes of Stock. Every delivery is guaranteed to Analysis WATERLOO ROUND LINSEED CAKES. Guaranteed over 97;per cent. of purity. Manufactured by the WATERLOO MILLS CO. (Limited) I1 HULL. 510

On Good Friday, Wrexham played their last home fixture in the Combination, their opponent? being Gorton Villa. There was a very good gate," some three hundred coming from Manchester. A high cross wind spoilt the play, and not much first-class football was shown. Wrexham played their cnp team, with the exception that Tt Jones, of the R-serve, took Oswal i Pavie3* place on the right wing. Wrexham had the be?t of the first half, the only goal obtained being scored by Lea, who did n t put in an appearance until the game had been started about twenty minutes. The second portion of the game opened even, but then Gorton went ahead and put on four goals in a short time, and finally won by four goals to one. On the play, Gorton were the better tam. Their defence was safe, and th=ir forwards played a very fair game. The Wrexham team appeared to be rather out of form. The back division was very unsteady at times, and the forwaid s eeamed unable to pull together. J. Turner played a very good game on the left wing, hut he got no assistance from Lea, who lagged behind considerably. W. Turner was well watched in the centre. T. Jones, the reserve man, shapes in a very promising form. The semi-final ties in the Welsh Junior Competi- tion were played off on the Racecourse on Saturday. The first tie was between Flint and Llay Hall Blue Stars. Both teams had plenty of weight, and it was re- marked to U8 several times that they were the heaviest tsanis that had been on the Racecourse this season. However, neither of them knew over much about playing football, and the game was of a scrambling character. Flint were the better team, and won rather easily. We have heard a lot of this team lately, and ex- pected them to show up better than they did, but we are informed that they played much below form. Bartley, in goal, played a very good game. Hall and Price were the best of the back division. Of the forwards Croudace worked very hard. Christopheraon did a startling bit of play at the com- mencement, and then did nothing else. The left-wing passed very nicely at times. Amongst the Llay Hall men A. Lawrence and J. H. Jones were the best of the back division. The forwards were a poor lot, Graham and A. Jones being perhaps the best. The second match was a most exciting one, both teams playing a fast and combined game. The score about represents the play, and the Vies, must be congratulated upon their display. Harrison played a better game in goal than we have seen him do previously. The backs both played well, and Wilding and Burke were the best of the halves. The forwards all deserve praise. Perhaps Kelly and Parry were the best of the set, but they all worked well. In the Chirk team, F. Edwards, the centre half. back, is a promising player, and Meredith, George Williams, and Egan were the best of a good set of forwards. On Saturday Chirk got into the Snal of It he Chester Charity Cup, by defeating Westminster Rovers by two goals to nil. On the same day Shrewsbury won the Shropshire Cup, defeating Oswestry by three goals to one. On Easter Monday the final tie for the Welsh Cup took place at Oswestry, the competing teams being Wrexham and Shrewsbury. The day was beautifully fine, and the trips run from various place?, brought in hundreds of spectators —nearly a thousand going from Wrexham. The Wrexham team drove in the morning to Llan- gollen, where they had dinner. They then drove to Chirk, where they joined oce of the specials to Oswestry. The Shrewsbury team were the first to appear, being quickly followed by the Wrexham men. After a short delay a start was made. The commencement was sensational. Wrexham scored at once, and then, through a misunderstanding between Turner and Ellis, Shrewsbury put on a very simple goal. That point practically decided the game, for it seemed to quite unsettle the Wrexham defence, and half-time arrived with Shrewsbury leading by five goals t) two. Wrexham made a gallant attempt to better their position after changing over, and had much the best of the play, but they failed to score, and Shrewsbury were returned winners of the cup. The display of the Wrexham team was most dis- appointing. The defence, which is considered the strong division of the team, broke down completely in the first half- time, before the long kicking and rushing of their opponents. Turner played wretchedly in goal, He ought to have stopped three of the goals scored against him. Of the backf, Ellis was a complete failure, and it was not until after the first quarter of an hour, during which all the damage was done, that Roberts showed anything like his true form. Hayes placed very we!! amongst the half-backs, but Evan Williams and J. Owens did not shine. Not much fault could be found with the forwards, I who j;!ay-d a n'ce passing game. ¡I A. Lea did well, but lie did not play a forward, and in our opinion it was a very great mistake to move him from half-back. This change un. doubtedly unsettled the defence, and the weak play uf the back division lost Wrexham the match, J. Turner played a very good game, as did also W. Turner. Oswald Davies and J. Roberts were both good, but they were not given enough work. In the winning team, Rogers surpassed himself in boal, and ti.e two backs defended him well. Aston and Pearson were good at half-back, and Holloway and Green were the best of the forwards. On the day's play, the best team undoubtedly won, and we congratulate them upun their success. At Shrewsbury, during the progress of the game, several telegrams were received, and when the final message was post ?d at Jones', tobacconist, the ch:eri Ig was intense. The team were met at the railway station by a huge crowd, and were loudly cheered. A procession, headed by a band, playing the conquering hero comes," was formed to the local headquarters, the Unicorn Hotd, where the team were enteitiined to dinner. A smoking concert was afterwards held. The winning of the Welsh Cup is the one sole theme in the town, it being some fifteen years since a foreign" cup found it* way to Salop, when t'le town team won the Birmingham Cup. The gate will probably amount to about £110 The gate of the Scotch match totalled £12418,. W. Turner playa for Everton against Notls County, at Everton. on S iturday. Several of the clubs in the Combination have finished their matches. Wrexham play their last match to-day (Saturday,) The London Welsh have done very well on their tour. They beat Carnarvon by six goals nil, the forwards playing a good gaaae. In their match against Bangor, they were beaten by four goals to two. The game was an interesting one. The Welsh were weak at half-back. Owen Elias, the captain, of I' whom great things were was about the play r on the field, j A Charity Cup for North Wales is talked about. i ERDDIG ROVEBS V. FAIRFIELD ALBION.—Played on I Good iiiday, the Rovers winuing a good game by fcur goals to one. PBESTON ASHTON ROVERS V. RUABON.—Played at Ruabon on Good Friday. The home team were short of the majority of their first team. A good game ended in a draw of two goals each. RHOS V. EABLSTOWN .ALBION.-Played at Rhos on G. od Friday. The home team had the best of the game, and won by three goals t'1 nil. BOOTLE V. NORTHWICH VICTORIA.—At Booile on Gr-^d l.iday. Tile former had much the better «■ f the game, and led hy three goils t-i itoitt at the interval. Against th* wind B". tl- t-till monopolised mo t d the play, and won by three goals to none. HYDE V XORTHWICH ViCTOSIA.—At Hy 'e on Satur??y. It was a verv ven game a!i h: nUKh. Roivhottam scored for Nor?hwich, and H??aves' for Hyde, and the game i-nded in a draw of or>2 goal for Hyde, and tiie g-ime t:iid e?l in -,i draw of ol?'! gcal HHL Y. AITREE chupcii.-riayed at llhyl on (;oo-,l Friday. The game was evenly contested. Hhyl .<_v. d very erratic in their shooting in the first, half, experienced hard lines in not scoring. At half- time Aintree led by one goal to nil. The last half was very rovuh at times. Aintree kept up the jiressure, a:1 won a well-contested game by two goals ti none. MOLD RED STARS V LLAY ITALL.-Thepe teams met at Mold, on Good Friday, when the home team won a closely contested game by one goal to nil. WREXHAM VICTORIA RESEBVE T. BBOUGHTON ALEXANDRA.—Played at Broughton, on Good Friday, the visitors winning by two goals to nil. WREXHAM GYMNASIUM T. LLANGOLLEN ROVERS — Played at Llangollen on Saturday, the home team winning by three goals to one. RCABON V. LIVERPOOL (EXCHANGE). A mafcl between these clubs was played at Ruabon on Bank Holiday. The home club entirely out-classed their opponents, the result being, Ruabon, seven goals Liverpool (Exhange), nil. THE LIVERPOOL 5TH IRISH V. These teams met at Denbigh on Good Friday. there was a large gate." The play was greatly spoilt owing to a strong wind prevailing. A pleasant game conclu(led in a win for Denbigh by three goals to one. Osbori-,e, Lloyn, and Ned Moulder played an excellent game for Denbigh. WREXHAM GROSVENOR V. WREXHAM ST. MARY'S. -PJaFd on the Grosvenor ground on Good F.-idav. Tne homesters played a weak team. The hom; team played with the wind in the first half, and pressed j throughout, scoring four times, hut two goals wt re (FsaHowed, and half-time arrived with the Grosvenor leading by two goals to none. Tile second half was more evenly contested, and St. M try's scored, but it was disallowed. Before the finish, each team scored, and the final result was-Grosvenor tlirec St. Mary's one. BURY V. CHIRK.—The visit of the Welsh Cnp- holders to Bury at'racted fully 4.000 spectators. A perfect gale of wind completely spoiled the game, and accurate shooting was out of the question. A good cross shot from Plant was nicely met by Humphreys who registered the first goal for Bury. Later on tid* was supplemented by another from Plant, who lushed through a shot placed by Scowcroft The visitors failed to notch a point, but in the second portion thi was accomplished by But'er, who beatL >weby a lonu shot. The fiml score was :—Buvy two goals, Chirk one goal. RHYL V. BBYMBO INSTITUTE.- P,ayed at Rhyl, on Saturday, in nice weather before a large number of spectators. The home team had hard lines immedi ately on starting, and up to the interval had the best I of the play, but could not break through the visitors' defence, which was very sound, Brymbo scored aft;r twenty minutes' play. Early in the second half Rhyl equalised. B ymbo afterwards broke away and scored I their second goal. The final result was thu', Brymbo Institute two goals, Rhyl one. WEST MANCHESTER V. RUABON.—At Manchester on Good Friday, before 2.000 spectators. The home team started against a strong wind, and play was even for a time. The visitors had slightly the best of the game, but eventually the home right broke away, and from a good centre Angus scored with a splendid shot. No further scoring took place before half-time, when the home team were leading by one goal to none. Resuming, Allison scored for West Manchester with a long shot. The home team pressed severely, and Milne registered a third point frum a corner. Angus got a fourth, Wigmore headed the fifth and sixth in quick succession. The visitors could not make any headway, and Sidley scored a seventh with a good cross shot. "West" registered another goal before time, and the result was-West Manchester 8 goals, Ruabon none. RUABON V. PBESCOT.—Played at Prescot, on Satur- day. The home team were the first to become prominent, Watkins forcing a corner from the visitors' custodian, which, however, yielded nothing tangible. Ruabon, with good combination, came to the other end, and Gerrard scored for them. Even play followed, and the visitors aided by the wind, played a determined game, though they failed to increase their score. Stockley equalised with a good shot. The homesters continued to press and had most, of the game, but the visitors defended gallantly. At half- time the score was one goal each. After the interval, Prescot again pressed for a time. The Welshmen then had a turn, and their left wing made the score into two. The home team tried hard to draw on equal terms, and were rewarded eventually by Wat- kins sending through the Ruabon goal, a performance he repeated a minute later, thus giving the home team the lead. Before time, Ruabon had drawn level again and the result was thus a draw of three goals each.

SCOTLAND T. IRELAND. Various reasons caused alterations in the Scotch side at Glasgow, with the result that the game with Ireland proved much more even than might have been anticipated. Indeed, the football was quite exciting, and Scotland, as on the previous Saturday against Wales, could only claim a victory by the narrowest of majorities. Cathkin Park was the scene of the game, and here the crowd was computed to be 10.000. The Scotchmen started the ball, and obtained the first goal through the agency of Waddell. Subsequently the game was pretty even. Both sideB made many attacks, but half-time was reached with the score unaltered, Scotland leading by one goal to none. When ends bad been changed the Irishmen strove very hard to equalise, and several times tie ball just passed outride the bar. However, the home team broke away, and soon obtained a second goal. Eventu- ally, Ireland registered a goal, kicked by Stantield, and the result was a win for Scotland by two to one. Tina was the eighth match between Ireland and Scot- land, the latter having won in each case.

GRESFORD v. MOLD. I These teams met at Mold on Good Friday. There was a fair number of spectators pre8ent, when North kicked off for the homesters. A strong wind blew across the ground and the play was not of a very brilliant character for the tirst, quarter of an hour. The visiting forwards then settled down to their work better, and compelled the home custodian to give a corner in defence. This was well got away up the field, and Fraser had to hit oii, twice. Mercer finally cleared, and the Gresford lcis wing got possession, and Roberts scored a beauty, from a neat pass In Tilston. Gresford pressed ngair, the home forwards being quite-at sea. After the home goalkeeper had saved remarkably well on more than one occasion, Gresford added another point, A. Roberts shooting through. The score at half-time stood—Gresford, two Mold, nil. re-i-t irted, but Baker returned, and Morgan put in a good run along the Mold left. but was pulled up by Mercer, who was playing a sterling game. C. Davies then shot wide of the Mold uprights. Give and take play ensued until close upon time, several corners falling to each side, and both goalkeepers playing well. The game was stooped for a few minutes, owing to the Mold goal- keeper being winded. Gresford afterwards pressed severely, but the defence of the home team was capital. The whistle blew with the score-Gresford, two goals Mold, nil. The Gresford team was as follows :-Fraser, goal; Mercer and Randies, backs Thomas, W. Fraser, and Tilston, half-backs; C. Davies. Jonep, A. Roberts, Pountney, and Challoner, forwards.

GRESFORD v. DENBIGH. This match was played at Denbigh, on Siturday. The weather was delightful, but a stronp wind blew from goal to goal. This is the first time that Denbigh have had a visit from the Gresford Club, and there was a good crowd present to witness the encounter. Both teams were well represented, Gresford being short of Edisbury and Edwards, but their places were well filled by Mercer and Tom Roberts. At half-past two Cecil Davids kicked off against the wind, but Randies returned, a-id Gres- ford immediately took up the running. They severely taxed the hon.e defence, and Roberts op?ned the score for Gresfurd with a well-directed shot. The home right then made a capital run, but were cleverly robbed by Tilston, who passed ta Pountney, and that player dribbled through the home defence and notched the second goal for the visitors. Gresford who had the wind in their favor in the first half, played very well, and had much the best of the play, and half-time arrived with t >em leading by two goals to nil. Challoner re-Etxitid, and even play followed, both goalkeepers being kept busy. Fraser, in savim; a shot from the home ri ht wing, gave a corner, which Tilston cleared. Davies and J ones raced away, the home custodian saving a shot from Challoner in fine style. Denbigh were now having the best of matters, and scored about a quarter of an hour from the tinish. Denbigh pressed afterwards, but the de- fance of the visitors was strong, and could not be again beaten. The final result was thus, Gresford two goals, Denbigh one. The following team repre- sented Gresford :-Fraser goal Mercer and T. Roberts, backs Thomas, Randies and Tilston, half- backs Davies, Jones, A. Roberts, Pountney and Challoner, forwards.

THE WELSH JUNIOR CUP. SEMI-FINAL TIES. The semi-final ties in the Welsh Junior Competi- tion were both played off on Wrexham Racecourse on Saturday, before about 1,000 spectators. The firiit game, which took placg at half.i)apt three, was FLINT V. LLAY HALL BLUE STAIRS.-Craig kicked off for Flint. Christopherson at once came away- down the right wing and scored a grand goal for Flint. Wynne eaved well and gave a corner, which came to nothing. Tllis was followed by a similar advantage to Llay Hall, but the play was taken to the other end. Returning again Bartley hit away a good shot. Nice paqsing by Jones and Matthews re- sulted in some exciting play before th" Llay Hall goal, the ball being finally cent behind. From a free kick for Flint near their opponents' goal resulted in Craig heading the second point for his side. Three corners for Fiint were not i-nproved upon, and then G. Jones broke away, Shelbourne finally shooting over the bar. Graham missed a good chance of scoring, and a corner for LIay Hall was pent behind. Some good work by Croudace followed, but he shot just outside the posti. At half-time Flint led by two goals to nil. The second half opened even. Llay Hall looked dangerous, A. Jones shooting in well. Bartley kicked away. Directly afterwards Bartley saved well twic", and a corner was 1'1.0 cleared by « • i I — -1 A (^k/ttnn him. xrora a corner at tne opposite euu, inwvucwB put on the third point for Flint. Play continued even up to the finish, but nothing else was sco-ed, and the final result was thus Flint three goals, Llay Hall Blue Stars nil. Tne following were the teams FLINT.-Bartley, goal E. J. Htuhes and J. L. Hill, backs E. A. Ellis, J. Lloyd and J. Price, half-tacks E. B. Christopherson and C. W. Croudac-, right wing A. E. Jcnesand J. Mathews, left win-: T. Craie, centre LLAY HALL.—J. Wynne, xoal A. Lawrence and Reuhen William", backs; J. H. Jone, C. Pti Iden and A. Lawrenc half-backs Graham and ;I., right wing W. Shel- bourne and A. Jone lrffc wing Crompton, centre. Umpires, Messrs. Cotton and W. J. Hughes refe ee, Mr Fred. iivans. The second match was WREXHAM VICTORIA V. CHIRK RESERVE.—Trainer started for Wrexham. The Chirk forward-a at once broke away, and G. Williams immediately scored for fhem, Williams and E^an t'(,t down avain from the kick-off, but Davies headed away Another run by Williams and Egan en-led in the former kicking out. A run by Parry and Kelly looked dangerous, but Tugh shot wide. A free kick for the Victoria near goal was well sent in by Wilding, but the ball was eventually scrummaged behind. Some nood play by Trainer and Kelly followed, and Kelly 6naly equalised the score. Nice passing by the Chirk left wing was next noticeable, the ball going into touch. A shot from Egan was just saved by Davies. The Vies went away, and after a good shot by Gill had been got awav, Burke kicked behind. A shot from Meredith I was mulled by Harrison, and Davies just saved by giving a corner, which was cleared. Pugli and Wil- liams rushed away. The former centred beautifully, but the ball was cleared after having been in front of the Chirk goal for some time. A shot from George Williams was kicked out by Harrison. A free kick for foul play against Chirk was well placed, but the ball was got away. Chirk rushed down the tield, and Harrison rushed out to kick-away. The ball was sent in again, and Johnston just saved. Chirk pressed for a t:tiie, and Harrison saved a low shot. J. Itobetti stopped the Yictoiia forwards when they looked dangerous. The ball was returned, however, and some nice passing in front of goal resulted in Parry putting through the second goal for the Victoria. A good ruah by Egan ended in iVIeredith shooting wide. A free kick for Chirk near their opponents' goal was cleared ju-t as half-time was called, with the Victoria leading by two goals to one. ON changing ends, Chirk had the best of the play for Ihe til si. few minutes. Wrexham came away, and Parry jut missed coring. Eiward Williams put the ball through for Chirk, but the point was disallowed, t ;e hall having been previousty fouled. Harriso.i kic,e(i twiy a shot, ittid Parry coming away, l'oweli saved well. Not long afterwards, G, Wi iiatns cquali-ed the score. Iromthe re-atirt, the Vies ciiiie anay, Pu^h screwing outside. A free kick for loul play against Chirk was well put in, but Wats ciea: ed. A corner for the Vies was also got away. Frnlll a pass by Trainer, K-,Ily put his team ahead, with a magnificent long shot. The Vica pressed after this, i;nd Gill shot outside. A corner for them was beautifully placed by Pugh, J. Meredith heading away. Another corner for the Victoria was kicked behind. A futile corner for Chirk followed, and then time arrived with the score standing, Wrexham Victoria three goals, Chirk Reserve two goals. The teams were as follows VVlt' XIIAM V]CrORI.J Harrison, goal; A. Davies and J. Johnston, backs; J. Wiliting, T. Gill, an I T. BUlke, balf-bicks K. Parry and G. Kelly, right wing J. Pugh and A. Williams, left wing H. Trnner, centre. Cnt-K ITESERVE -Powell, goal; J. Meredith and J. Davies, backs; E. Morris, F. Edwards, and J. Iobert;, h ili-lacks Meredith aud E. Kobert-I, right wing E. Williams and W. ligau, left wing G. Williams, centre. Umpires, Messrs 1). timith and Wilcox. Keferee, Mr Cutt M.

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
THE WELSH LEAGUE. I Goals P. W. L. D. For. Agst. Pts. p, W. 1. D. For. Agst. Pt. RHOSTYLLEN Victorit 9 5 4 0 2U 27 10 Druitis 8 5 2 1 33 12 11 Rhos 8. 4 0 19 17. 8 Ruabou 7 3 4. 0 17 21. 6 KBYL 5 1 2 2. 7. 17. 2 We-tminster Rovers. 9 2 4 3 18 28 1 (Druids and Rhyl have each had two points deducted, and Westminster Rovprs; ti.)

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
THE COMBINATION. I Goils P. W. L. D. For Aget Pts Gorton Villa 16 10 4 2 47 26 22 Chast,ir 16. 8. 4 4 41 30 20 Macclesfield 15. 8. 4 3 37 27 19 Denton 16. 8 7 I 39 32 17 Nortlwich Victoria.. 16 5. 4 7 29 30 17 Burton Swifts. 13 8. 5 0 4S 25 16 Hyde. 14 3 7 4 25 39 10 Wrexham 15. 4. 7 4 25 40 10 Leek 15. 13 .I I IS 60. 3 Wrexham have had two points deducted. BURTON SWIFTS v. DENTON.—At Burton on Satur- day. The visitors were the first to score, but Thomp- son equalised after half an hour's play. Dentjn scored again, and led by two to one at half-time. The Swifts again equalised shortly after changing over, and did most of the pressing, adding two more goals. Result: Burton Swifts 4 goals, Denton 2 goals. GORTON VILLA v. LEEK.—At Leek on Saturday. Play was of an uninteresting character. Leek obtained three corners, but ware unable to score. Bennett scored for Gorton, the game being in their favor at half-time. Final score :—Gorton Villa 5 goals. Leek 1 goal. CHESTER V. LEEK.-Played at Chest jr on Good Friday, before a large number of spectators. The Cestriano. who played Brittleton, of Over, in goa', pressed from th9 start, and scored twice in the first few minutes, Leek then registering their and only point. Maintaining the pressure the Cestrians continu d to press at intervals, Lewis, Lee, Jones, and Maddocks bein- each responsible for goals. The Staffordshire eleven were unable to make any head- way against the grand defence of the homesters, aud ultimately sustained defeat by 7 goals to 1. CHESTER V NORTHWICH VICTORIA.—At Cheater on Monday, before a large gat". The first half was evelllvand spiritedly contested, and Chestjr scored one goal, ceatiy shot by Lee. On changing ends the home team, with t le wind at their backs, had all the pla. and increased th^ir score by a second goal, scored by Tnompson. Final result—Chester, 2 goals; Northwich nil. WREXHAM V. GORTON VILLA.-This match, the last home combination fixture for Wrex- ham, was played on Wrexham Racecourse, on Good Friday, before about 1,000 spec- tators. There was a high wind blowing, which completely spoilt good play. The kick-off was fixed at 11 30, and shortly after that time, Turner started for Wrexham. Wrexham at once began to press, but could not score. A t the other end, Turner saved well. W. Turner came away, and J. Roberts hit thry crossbar. Two corners for Gorton came to nothing, and then A. L« a, who did not come on until the game was over a quarter of an hour old, scored for Wrexham Wrexham pressed severely, the game being varied by runs by Bennett and Armitt on the visitors' left. Evan Williams shot in, and the ball hit the goal- post. J. Roberts secured the ball from the re- bound, but his shot hit the crossbar, and Mussey finally cleared. Several corners for Wrexham came to nothing, and they led at half-time by one goal to nil, The second balf opened slow, and it was some time before M'Cartey equalised for the visitors. The Villa then set to work with a will, and in a few minutes they had added three additional goals. Jukes put on the second point, the third was got out of a scrimmage from a corner, and Pickford scored the fourth. Wrexham played up well towards the finish, but were unable to score. Just before the whistle blew Hayes struck .the cross- bar with a splendid shot The final score was Gorton Villa four goals, Wrexham one. The teams were as follows GORTON VILLA Jenkinson, goal; Cope and Musey, backs; Myatt O.nden and Jukes, half-backs; Struthers and Picl;forti, right wing Bennett and A mitt, left wing, M'Cartey, centre. WREXHAM :-R. E. Turner, g al Robert4 and Ellis, backs Evan Williams, Haves and J. Owen, half-backs T. Jones and J. Roberts, right win; J. Turnsr and A. Lea, left wing W. Turner, centre.

I THE WELSH CUP. I FINAL TIE. I WREXHAM v. SHREWSBURY. This tie was played off at Oswestry on Monday be- fore about 4 000 spectators. The ground was in good condition. Shrewsbury won the toss, and S(t tie Wrexham team to play facing a bright sun. Turner kicked off, and the play for a few seconds was in the centre of the ground. J. Roberts broke away and Davies returned. J. Turner ran down, and W. Turner Fcrewing beautifully across, Oswald Davies scored first goal for Wrexham a minute from the start. From the kick-off, Wrexham returned, but a big kick sent the ball into the Wrexham territory, and owing to a misunderstanding between Ellis and Turner, Holloway put through a simple goal for Shrewsbury, thus equalising the score. J. Turner got along the left, but, shot behind. A run by Green followed, and he passed t.) Ellis, who shot second goal for Shrewsbury. From a shot by Evan Williams, W. Turner headed behind. From a free-kick near goal Ellis screwed in well, and Pearson shot just outside the posts. At the other end, from a good centre by Oswald Daviep, A. Lea shot wide. From a long kick by Aston. Gosson put through the third point for Shrewsbury. A free-kick near the Shrewsbury goal looked dangerous, but the ball was worked behind. After a nice run by A Lea, some pretty passing ensued in front of goal, and W. Turner shot the second point for Wrexham. R. Roberts was cheered for some good work. and then J. Roberts came away and centered. W. Turner heading just outside. A corner for Wrexham was kicked behind. Returning to the opposite end from a long kick, Alty Davies secured possesion, and running through the back-, put through the fourth goal for Shrewsbury. From the kick-off J. Turner dribbled down well. A free kick for Wrexham near szoal was cleared, and a corner for Wrexham was kicked behind. A long shot by W. Turner was cleared by Rogers. A free kick fell to Shrewsbury near th^ Wrexhair. goal, but Pearson sent the ball through without the ball touching anyone. From the goal-kick, J. Roberts took the ball to the other end, and some exciting play to ok place in front of the Shrewsbury goal, the ball being finally sent behind. A corner for Shrewsbury came to nothing. Good passing by the Shrewsbury forwards ended in Holloway shcot;nq. Turner saved. Toe play was rather slow for a titn-, and then Green got through and shot a fifth goal for Shrewsbury, Turner mulling the ball. Wrexham getting t1 the other end, W. Turner headed outlide the posts. A good shot from J. Roberts was well saved by Rogers, and returning J. Owens kicked wide. At the other end, Alty Davies shot, and Turner saved juot ai half-time arrived with the score standing—Shrewsbury, 5 goals; Wrexham, 2 goals. On changing ends, a free kick for Wrexham was well placed, and Oswald Davies screwed into goal Rogers saving. At the other end, Holloway shot behind. Long passing between the Wrexham wings was stopped by Pearson, and Turner saved his goal well. A tie > kick forShrewsbury near their ooponent goal was kicked behind by Holloway. A corner given by Turner in clearing a shot from Pearson was got away Wrexham looked dangerous, but J. Roberts shot behind. A scrimmage ensued in the Wrexham goal, Alty Davies kicking behind. W. Turner raced away, and the ball was just sent outside the posts. Turner cleared a shot from Pearson, and a free kick for Shrewsbury was followed by a similar advantage for Wrexham, Rogers savinz. Oswald Davies returned, and forced Rogers to give a corner, which was cleared, and A'ty Davies cime away, hut Hayes returned. A corner for Shrewsbury was kicked behind. J Turner shot in well, Rogers hitting out. After a run by W. Turner, Rogers made a luckv save A goal was claimed, but was not allowed. R. Turner saved well twice. Two corners for Wrexham were cleared. W. Turner shot wide. Wrexham had the best of the play up to the finish, but at the close the score was unaltered, Shrewsbury winning by five goals to two. The teams were act follows SHREWSBURY.—Rogers, goal; W. steadman and J. C Davies backs F. W. Aston, H. Pearson, and H. Rowlands, half-backi; H. Holloway and A. Davies, right wing A. Elds and T. Gosson, left wing ;G Green. centre. WREXHAM —K. E. Turner, goal IT Roberts and Ellis, hacks Evan Williams, A. Hayes and J. Owens, half-backs; Oswald Davies. and J. Roberts, righ: wing; J. Turner and A. Let. left wing W. H. Turner, centre. Umpires, Messrs Daines, Wolverhampton, and LI. Kenrick, Ruabon. Referee, Mr Jope, Wednesbury.

I ST. ASAPH FOOTBALL COMPETITION. The fourth annual footer com etitiou took place at tne Liwy Grove Park, St. A-.):), Oil M-iulaj. The Si. Asaph Association off-jred eleven silver iii- dAl.5 for tile tvi) tearii-, itid a!«o a silver for the captain of the winning t,-ain iii tli, ti lneie were fifteen teams entered for cdllJpetiti,11 the contest on the whole was a keen o;:e Ti e'<? was a large number of 8p)("ator". M Peter June*, tiiu hon. secretary, had c itri.d on', tii- details in a most aat?faptt.ry mnper, and there w? not ? h:tch Hi- ?" procecd¡ncd. Tne P'? ?nnnerc .) t (en r" ?-?'? V"k "'? ?"' a?amst??d lied St'J. l?ervc. ?an.e. except tho ti.?i tie W a» of f oo0 minutes ?'??- ?'?? ? ? ?ry tr? c M wind duru? most p?t of the day. On tim» being called it w? shown th?t Denbi,h '? ?n 1 ii" three goal ami three corners to nit \ItVd H ed &t?r8 presen?d t'.emse'vcs n^-iinsr H.i St A?ph ?d b?t the=u bv t?, ?..1 111?i .?' corners to four corners. Bagillf beat Witite Stats easily by two goals t'id t-v() eon-Jr* to o e cunc-r. Connah's Qiay and Mild then ( c. CUpiNi the field, and the game was rapidly and warmly cont.Pt d. Connahs Q n.y scored five coiners during the hist half, wnilst Mo.'u made a f,oil the fi st h.Vf and a goal and a corner s»cond half, and thus came off victois. Berse Rovers, a stout team of li-t e players, to. k the field against Corwen, and beat th m by one goal to nil. Llanrwst and Flint Reserve next played. L'anrw3t proved vict ns by one iroal and two comers to four corners. Colwyu Bay and Llanrwst (2 :d E!eVe! ) was a o-e sided game, Colwyn h iving all iés own u a;. and winning hy f,1ur >r■> :!s and three coiners to ni'. Ah-' J;.1H ..>■! i-. jiv In the second round ih-r w;- ,i, Kt!,nent when Denbigh again appeared to 1, Stars. DjiiIoa(i wv-n e;rsiiy, ;;nii in '.iii- > • -j two corners t oil,, co nt-r Llanrwst were sorely beaten by C dwyn Bay in a somewhat wild game by !uta boals to out aui two c irners. Berse lloverF, a favorite team with the spcctators, beat Mold by two g -als to a goal and three corners. In th 1 third round Denbigh and Bagillt wes the fir-t match witnes-ed. Denbigh wallzd around the Bagillt team to the tune of two goals and two corners to nil. Berse Rovers were no match for the CoKvyn Bay team, but they showe J a plucky front, and played with a resolution and c mliinaiioti that none but a strong and steady team could withstand. Colwyn won by three goals and a corner to one corner. By the time the final tie was fixed to come off, it was dusk. The wind had subsided slightly, but there was an tmpleasant hreezj blowing. Denbigh and Colwyn played a most determined game, but there was too much high kicking. Denbigh forwards failed in front of goal several times. The teams played for twenty minutes, and no goals were procured, Den- bigh obtaining two corner and Cohvyn Bay one, but as these did not cmnt in the final, it was decided "to play the game over a-ai" to-day (Saturday) at St. Aaph.

CHESTER CH iRITY CUP. CHIRK v- WESTMINSTER ROVERS-This semi-final tie in the Chester Charity Competition was played at Exton Park, Chester, on Saturday, before a large number of spectators. Councillor Roberts kicked off for Chirk, against a strong wind, which greatly assisted the Rovers, who made great efforts to score, but found the defence of Chirk too strong for them. The Chirk forwardt3 getting hold of the hall, worked it down the field, and had hard lines in not scoring. After about forty minutes' play, M. Roberts scored for Chirk. Griffiths added another point in the second portion of the game, and Chirk won by two goals to nil. The teams were as follows CHIRK-A. Hile.4, goal; P. Grilli ,be and G. Postle. backs: J. Jones, J. Ilate,, and M. Robert4, hall-backs J. Butler and E. Jame, right wing; George Owen and H- Morris, left wing W. Owen, centre. WESTMINSTER ROVERS -J. Grifnths. goa!; C. Jones and J. Jones, backs; E. samuets. J WHd?. and G. Jones. half-backs; J. Junei and W. Davies, ruht wing; Powell and E. Davies, left wing; E. Davies, centre.

THE SHROPSHIRE CUP. FINAL TIB. SHREWSBURY TOWN V. OSWESTRY. Played at Shrewsbury on Saturday, before 2 000 spectators. A strong wind blew from goal to goal. Oswestry won the toss, and played with the wind. Neitberside had scored up to the interval. In the second half, with the aid of the wind, Shrewsbury penned Oswestry, but it was some time before they scored. Wilcox broke away and equalised. Shrewsbury then set to work in earnest, and Eilis and Alty Davies put on goals for them. The final result was, Shrewsbury three eoglia, Oswestry one. The following were the teams:— SHREWSBURY.—Roger., goal Steadman and J. Davies. backs; Aston, Pdarson, and L. Edwards, half-backs; Holloway, A. Davies, G. Ureen, H. Rowlands, and A. Ellia. forwards. OSWESTRY.—Harris, goal; S. Fleet and Grainger, backs; G. fleet, J. Roach, and J. Ed wards, half-backs; H. Jarman, F. Gough, J. Evans. G. Evans, and A. R. Wilcox, forwards.

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
THE LEAGUE GAMES. There was a very large crowd on the Bolton Wanderers' ground on Saturday, when the home aids played the Blackburn Rovers. The latter were with- out t vo of their heat forwards-viz John Southworth and lownley—which fact in some degree accounted for their defeat. No points were noted up to half- time, but afterwards Bolton Wanderers scored twice. and won by two goals to none. Little interest of course remained in the League compet tion, as the leading positions have been settled some t'me since. Accrington v. West Bromwich Albion is now the only game to he played. Appended are the results of the League competit on, up to and including Satur- day's games Goals P W L D For Agst. pts E„ verton i2 .14 7 I 63 29 29 Preston North End 22 .12 7 3 44 23 27 NottsCounty 2 .11 7 4 51 25 26 W'h'mpton Wanderers 22 .12 8 2 39 50 26 Bolton Wanderers. 21 .12 9 1 48 35 25 Bhckburn Rovers 22 .11 9 2 52 43 24 Sundertand. 22 .10 7 5 51 31 23 Bnrn!ey 2? 9 ,H 3 53 61 21 AstonVitIa 22 7 .11 4 45 58 18 Derby County. 21 7 It 1 47 81 15 Accrington 21 5 .12 4 27 50 14 West'h Albion 21 5 .14 2 34 56 12 Sunderland have had two points deducted.

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
 I THE ALLIANCE GAMES. I There were various games of interest in this organisation on Saturday. At Sheffield the Wednes- day club beat St George's, of Birmingham, by four goals to none, Darwen gained a creditable win over Newton Heaih by two goals to one, Walsall beat S'inderland Albion by two goah to none, and Grimsby and Crewe Alexandra played a drawn game of three goals all. On Monday, Sunderland Albion beat Birmingham St. George's, at Sunderland, bv eight goals t) nil, and Darwen beat Walsall, at Walsall, by three goals to two. I FOOTBALL FIXTURES FOR APRIL 4TH. I tTlIE COMBINATION. Wrexham v. Macclesfield, at Macclesfield. Burton Swifts v. Leek, at Leek. Westrai ter Rovers v. Holj well, at Stansty rar'. Rbyl v. Saltnev, nt. Rhyl. Kuab n v. Rh s at Hhn. Druid's v. Chester S-. Oswalds, at Wynnstty Par' Chirk v. Northwit-h. at Chirk. Gresf)rd v. Rhostyllen, at Gresford.

WELSH r;IP.L' SCHODL, ASHFORD --MARErA,E OF T" E HEAD MISTRESS.—Monday witneMfed the marriage ot Mifrs V.rgo, who has been the head mistress of the Welsh School for nearly five years, to the Rev. H. A. Allpass, head master of the Sir George M.moux Sehool, Walthamstow. The ceremony took place at the Parish Church, and was solemnized by the Rev. J. Studholme Brownrigg, assisted by the Venerable the Archdeacon of St. Asaph, the Rev. W. DJuglao, and the Rv. F C. Williamsor, vicar of the parish. The bride was presented at the Chnrch porch by one of the tmpils of the school with a boquet of Lilies of the Valley." on behalf of the rest, who were all present. The service was fully choia', the address beirg given by the Archdeacon. The wedding guesti. about seventy in number, par- took of luncheon at the school, at which the Arch- deacon, representing the governing body, presided. Tile wedding present i were very numerous, amongst them we noticed a silver tea kettle from the committee, a silver fruit basket, yases and .toast- rack from the scholars past and present, a desert service from the Archdeacon, a luncheon di-h and fruit spoons from tie staff, a handsome dining-room clock from the bovh of the Monoux Giammar School, &c., &.r-. The wedding party together with the pupils of the School were afterwards photographed. We are glad t J hear that Miss A. H. Jones who has been at work in the Fchool for more than six ye^rs, has been elected by the committee 11 suceed Miss Virgo. Miss Virgo had the pleasure of hearing, shortly before leaving the school, thit no less than ten pupils had passed the senior, and nine the junior Cambridge examination with special distinctions and honors- a fitting close t) 80 successful a career.

FAIR WHITE HANDS. BRIGHT CLEAR COMPLEXION. SOFT HEALTHFUL SKIN. PEARS' SOAP for toilet and Nursery, specially prepared for delicate akin of ladies and children and others sensitive to the weather, winter or summer. Prevents redness, roughness, and chapping. Sold everywhere large scented tablets Is, smaller (un- scented), 6d. 1047 COLMAN'S MUSTARD OIL.-Those who suffer from rheumatism mayobtain speedy relief by usingcolman's Mustard Oil. Outwardly applied, it is of marvellaus efficacy, as thousands of sufferers can attest who have found relief from its application when all other Embrocations had failed. Sold by all chemists and grocers, at Is per bottle. 1608 WARNING.—When you ask for RECKITT'S BLUR se9 that you get it. The manufacturers beg t > caution the public against imitation square Blue, of very inferior quality. The Paris Blue in squares is so'd in wrappers bearing their name and Trade Mark. Retuse all others. 2459 Nothing to anybody Pamphlet on blood tain's skin diseases, ha-hing. &?., poit free.-Ban-.s-, 56 Boaler-street, Liverpool. 1642 In answer to inquiries, we wish to stata that the "PEKUE BLEND" advertised by PHILLIP3 AND Co., is an Indian Pekoa Tea. It is Lturieritir to the old-fashioned Orange Pekoe of China in being stronger ar.d richer in flavour, besides being a.unlu. el> pure. It is s:)ld in wrapper printed in red I nk at Is od a pound, for net cash only. 99 j To LADIES!! Banner'* Female Pills clear all ob- structions. Post free, 2s 9J.—Banner, 56, Boaler-street Liverpool, 164