27th May 1876
3EATH OF MR MICHAEL GUMMOW. I I ',onr obitt;ary column this week contains the 1 ,tor y for the ^a&cie of an old inhabitant, whose history for tbe Scft half centurv nr more is ciosely identified with tgle hittory of Wrexham. He had held nearly -vbccet l'tlblic office that the citizens bad to confer igoa a fellow cii'Een, but the last few years of £ > ilife be was confined to the house owing to 6:c.ing become blind. We allude to Mr Michael <Srsmmow. He was a Londoner by birth, and vr&s born in the parish of St. Margaret's, West- sLaster, and christened in St. Margaret's Churtb, ¿<!Sa to Westminster Abbey. Waen a boy his anele, Mr Benjamin Gummow, who was an archi- was appointed to superintend a larg i con- Scact at Eaton Hall, which amoauted to some- sSkaig ;ike a reconstruction of the mansion, and ofEks L-rought his father, Mr William Gammow, tiiia this part of the country, and be commenced «'wreiuess in Wrexham as builder. The deceased sras sixteen years of age when he followed his Stifc^r to Wrexham, and, as we often heard him scj*, Yorkshire Square, Tattle-street, was the jiaee where Yorkshiremen were wont to meet errciaally to dispose of their broad-cloth. Just t&en they were in the zenith of their commercial :ll<sry, so they resolved to come higher up in the tfyia- and build a mart more worthy of them- «a £ *es and their trade. A suitable site was found ifi Henblae-street, on which they erected a hall sautaining fifly-two shops, nearly every shop Staving a different owner, and the first March Scif the hall was opened every shop had an oc- assf ier: in addition to which there was a large iBom at the top, where a large quantity of SraaiBocgeia ware was exposed for sale. Mr 'STilliani Gummow undertook the contract, and tR4 his work very much to the satisfaction of bis Yorkshire employers. Since then railways put an *vi<i io the necessity of distant dealers coming over rith their goods, and the building a few years aeeo was converted into a public hall and corn islciianae. While the building of this hall was tICCgresB, the church people came to the de- ierciination to erect two galleries in the church, 4&nt contract for the north gallery being given to 3 £ r Owen, cabinet-maker, and the south gal- Lecy to Mr William Gammow, whose brother, Mr Benjamin Gummow, was the architect, he hsxlaQ ehortly before been the architect for the aceetica of galleries in St. Margaret's Church, Westminster, which remain to this day, and are swil to be a perfect prototype of the galleries in ^Ydxham Church, which in modern times came le looked upon as a piece of Vandalism,* and 3rcce removed at greater expense than it cost to crest them, including the total amount of what ■v-Ai expended in what was called 11 the restora- tiau." The deceased, Mr Michael Gammow, isccoeeded his father in the business about the year 3i £ ?3, and he was fortunate enough to obtain aortal large and lucrative contracts, the prin- «K £ aI of which were alterations at Penylao, sccsannting almost to a re-building, the re-model- bg of Brynypys, then owned by the celebrated Xc Price, and large additions to Cefn Park man- for Mrs Nathaniel Robert3. He also erected tsto large halls near Macclesfield, for which the "SStoie of the woodwork was done in Wrexbam. ÚJL the town of Wrexham, his two largest eon- tfzxafcs were the new Independent Chapel, Ches- Aer-etraat, and some additions to the Wynustay ixms Hotel, beth under Mi Welsh, the architect, :t'a tatter job with its extras" amounting to £ 3.000. Whilst managing a large business with great c.oorgy and success, Mr Gammow found time to &«vote to public duties. He was overseer of the a-a:t for several successive years, and he held cjSLoe in this capacity at the time the new Poor Ehcw came into operation. He was surveyor ■ai te highways on different occasions, and aatde several public improvements while in office. iie was also a poor-law guardian for a number of yaare. He built a large number of cottages in S&e town, suitable to the wants of the working --Lise,es, when speculators in building cottage (property were few and far between, and in baild- aeg one block he effected a great public improve- ataat, WiHow-road, formerly at the Salop-road end, was so low that it was nearly on a level wliii the brook. He bought some of the adjoin- and built the row of cottages in1! the brook, and raised the road to its jjiceeent high level at his own expense. In the Aw LS54. he retired from business, and when town was incorporated in 1857, he applied Sac the office of borough surveyor, more for the Save of 'tie work than any need of remuneration. X&e battle of the reds" and the whites" ran DGL-e. in those days. The whites" were in the ts-tp ority, and to that party Mr Gammow owed Zti-z election. Consequently, everything he did nraus wrong in the eyes of the reds," especially Li-ti treatment of the great pig nuisance. The a-.r& £ s," therefore, although in a minority, made tSucs appointment too hot for him, and he resigned in disgust, his only fault being that he did his dhsfcy with great ability and fidelity. Much as it &* £ been the custom to abuse borough surveyors im Wrexham, Mr Gumoiow could claim credit for 41g the best abused of them all.
-THE DEATH OF THE REV. EBENEZER POWELL, OF CHESTER. 2.0. iony obituary last week, we recorded the 4@ £ bh at his residence in Chester, of the Ebeuezer Powell, (late of the Academy, Halty, in the 56th year of his age. Mr Powell, vas one of the most acceptable ministers in the S'ritscipality, and was well known in connection qplfih the Calvinistic Methodists in Denbighshire, Flintshire, and the Presbytery of Cheshire and L-'«ic«shire. As he was more conversant with flKce English tongue, than Welsh, he confined his atfetisterial labours for the most part to the Eag- Uirll. congregations of the connexion along the 3ELti?ehes. He was ordained as minister in the 1-649. For the present year he had been •^feasted chairman of the Presbytery, and his WEalijications to fulfil the office were numerous, yusing cool headed, painstaking, and full of gen- ffeaiess and courtesy. A few weeks before bis decease he had received a call from the Preshy- Sacita Church at Newtown which he also ac- stspbod, and his lamented death will undoubtedly tsc&ze great grikif and disappointment to the nfccrch and congregation. The reverend gentle- ata was widely known in Wales and some Eng- fieea towns as the fouuder, proprietor, arid princi- Z!e of Holt Academy for the last twenty-five r-: and the Academy was recognised as one <sL the best scholastic institutions of the kind es- tablished in the Principality. His own high at- iet/iments, his gentleness, and devotion to, and (tzzc,, for his pupils, were the chief elements in his gptocess as a teacher of youths, in unison, it tie- Swes as to state, with the courtesy and fine Hitiiy-like qualities of Mrs Powell. Recently lie ilnA retired from his active duties in connection ¿ttl. the Academy, and had taken his residence tn the city of Chester, devoting all Lis time and -■SExcgies to preaching the gospel. Tmir-fi^y, the Ilth, as reported in the Adve/tiser, lie ufLciated at Denbigh at the Dnptmis of his :x:e, Miss Anna Maria Gee, and M: Hunipbrejs r^cberts, solicitor. He then appeared in roiiu^t JaaaAth, and performed the ceremony with energy da. -Le presence of the vast congrt gaticn which ¡):\&d assembltd together; and nothing was fur- fUsex from the minds of his relations ant] friends, ■ELd himself, no doubt, than that his death would t&ke place so soon, namely, within a w, ek. He •sjK&gUt a severe cold, however, on the following Jclday, inflammation of the lungs ensueii, and -a epite of every medical skill, his existence upon 'St.fiti, useful and acceptable as it bad been, was «Usnainated on Friday morning, the 19th instant. His burial took place last Tuesday at the Chester Ctsaetery, and was most respectably in i largely iSSeaded. At noon friends assembled at the CUII- gtsgational Chapel in Northgate-street, where Sfeey were formed into a procession of two abreast taihe following order :-Ministers representing iJKue Presbytery and monthly meeting; ministers off the City; deacons and representatives of < £ &:urehe8 and friends. The procession then OKOved down Chichester-street to Lome-street sad in front of the hearse and carriages, pro- .t6d along Cbarcb-street, Nortbgate-street. -.£.d Eastgate-street, to St. John street Prtsby- i/z'lsu Chapel, where a short service was held, ii whieh the Revs. Roger Edwards, Mold, (chair- Edwards, Principal of Bala College; SfrFen Thomas, Liverpool; Lewis Parry, Bow- Sag Bank; Edward Jerman, Wrexham Robert Ffeasaas, Garston; J. Peters, (Congregational N, inieter); Dr William Rees, (Hiraethog); and Messrs Charles Hughes, J.P., Wrexham, and Williams, of Liverpool, took part; the pro- oseeAings being brought to a close by the Rev. R. £ L>>rstley, Liverpool, engaging in prayer. From Cure chapel, the funeral procession moved in the I ,N,ne order along Eastgate-street, Bridge-street, ■toad Grosvenor-s'reet, to the Cemetery outside 4gue City, where, after lowering the coffio to the U-mily vault, the Rev. William Williams, of 1L tverpool, prayed with great effect. For friends torn a distance, lancheon was provided in St. J?c'-street Schoolroom, on their return from :?e grave.
THE DISCONTINUANCE OF STIMU- LANTS IN WREXHAM WORKHOUSE. The Laneet of Saturday contains the follow- ing :— The Wrexham Union has suddenly become famous for a teetotal experiment, not upon the guardians, but upon the paupers of the work- house. Fiat experimentum &e., of course. A correspondence on the subject between the guardiaus of the Wrexham Union and the guardians of St. George's Union, Middlesex, has been published as a return to an order of the House of Commons. From this. and especially from the letter of DrD-ivies, the medical officer to the Wrexham Workhouse, it is to be gathered that the guardians and the medical officer, and even the paupers themselves, are delighted with the system under which alcohol is entirely dis- used by the inmates, either as a daily beverage or as a medicine in the treatment of sickness. We should perhaps not have noticed this subject hut for oar great interest in it, and for the sanc- tion given to a grave experiment, and what ap- pears to us very questionable conclusions by the doctor. We have a clear conscience as regards the medical use of alcohol in disease. We have watched with great interest experiments of tee- totalism in Arctic, and tropical regions, and in the various conditions of life. And we are greatly interested in the Wrexham experimeat on the effect of abstention from alcohol on the estate ef pauperism. Only we are anxious that t it should be rightly made and rightly construed. The facti are too limited at present to justify any conclusions, except the conclusion that the authorities of the Union, including, we are sorry to say, the medical ofScer, have misconstrued the chief lessons of the experiment, so far as it has gone. It is clear that the guardians are saving by the disuse of alcohol more than £100 a year. To set off against this is an expeudi- ture of £ 12 or fl5 a year more on eggs, and a few shillings more on beef-iea. Another fact in the account favourable to the guardians in the three years of the non-alcoholic system, as com- pared with the three preceding, is a diminution in the aumrbsr of paupers, as if this change had a deterrent eSect. But the one conclusion not borne out by the facts is that the mortality is less in the non-alcohol period. Dr Davies says the mortality f&r this period was 354., against that of 411 for the years in which alcohol was given but he does not mention the vital fact that the average number of inmates in the al- coholic time was 271, as against 214' in the non- alcoholic. When this difference is considered in connectian with the number of deaths, it tarns out that the mortality in the non-alcoholic peiiod was 16.24, and 14.5. in the time when some sti- mulant was allowed. Moreover we must add the mortality in specified forms of disease treated on the non-iilcoholic system is not nil, nor so near nil as to prove much in its favour. Thus 8 cases of scarlet fever were cured ani 2 died,. 3 cases of pneumonia were cured and 1 died, S cases of erysipelas were cared and 1 died. It is true that of 8 cases of typhoid, all got well; and of 30 cases of measlesr all got well. But these bare facts prove nothing. Then, as regards the mortality of people over sixty, it is in favour of the alcoholic period, for in the three years, with an average number of iomates of 271, there were on an average 67 deaths, while in the non- alcoholic period, with an average of 214 inmate»,. there were on an average 62 deaths. In other words, in the alcoholic- period the mortality of people over sixty was at the rate of 8.34 per cent. of the number of inmates, and in the tee- total period at the rate of 9.64 per cent. We cannot accept this correspondence as a very valuable contribution to what we regard as a serious question and we. would suggest that if old and enfeebled paopers in sickness are to be I deprived of all alcoholic stimulant, they must be treated with more liberal quantities of beef-tea than are represented by an expenditure for three years respectively of 5s. 2 £ d., 10s. 6d., and jM 103. 3d., the amounts spent on beef-tea as a medieal extra in the years 1873, 1874, and 1wm. No wonder that the mortality went up. This is not the way to help the cause of either tee- totalism or moderatien in the prescription of alcohol by medical men, which we have much at heart. A letter from Dr. Alexander, visiting snrgeoa of the Liverpool Workhouse, was read a the meeting of the Workhouse Committee on Thurs- day, in reference to the use of alcohol as a med- icine. The communication was suggested by the circular, describing the experiment at Wrexham. Dr. Alexander described this experiment as oruel and useless in its conception, imperfect in its execution, and unwarranted by the results. The statistics quoted in its support, Dr. Alexander affirms, prove nothing, or, if they do prove any- thing, it is that the Wrexham doctor has treated his patients with less success without alcohol than with it. Several members of the Com- mittee expressed their grateful sense of the value of Dr Alexander's communication but Mr Stubbs, while declaring that he had a very high opinion of the doctor, had no hesitation in saying that on the stimulant question he held very erroneous views. There wAs also a discussion at a Guardians' meeting at Warrington, on Thursday, on sup- plying alcoholic liquors to paupers. A. member complained that the Workhouse lienor bill for the past year amounted to £ 142, and objected to the injustice to the ratepayers which this liberal allowance implied. The medical officer, in re- ference to a remark by the chairman, denied that he ever gave alcoholic drink to the patients as a luxury, bnt always as a medicine. It was proposed that a special instruction should be passed on the subject, but ultimately it was agreed to leave it to the doctor's discretion.
Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
District News. Annual Training OF THE Sheopshieb YEOMA.NRY.-The Shropshire Yeomanry Cavalry assembled at Shrewsbury on Monday, for the an. nual six days permanent duty. The force consists of the following troops :—A, Captain Wingfield's; B, Captain Vifcount Newport's C, Captain Hud. son's; D, Captain Cotes's; E, Captain Lloyd's F, Captain Arkwright's G. Captain the Hon. G. T. Kenyon's; and H, Captain Boughey's. The troops in their march to Shrewsbury did out-posc duty and reconnoitring (as ordered in Colonel Seager's memorandum of the 10th February). The different troops on entering the town pro- ceeded to The Square, where they were formed, swords returned, and the men dismissed to their quarters. The following officer and non-commis- sioned officers have been piomoted since the last inspection:— Francis Leveson Gower, Viscount Tarbart, to be Sub Lieut., and is posted to D Troop. A Troop.- -Ser,e int-.Nlajor Fenner, from the Scots Greys," to be JSerst.Major, vice James Caldwell, de- ceased. Sergt. John M mton has resigned. 13 Troop.—Private William Thomas to be Corporal. Piivato L. J. Baugh to be Lance-Corporal. C Troop. -Co- poral Joseph U'oolrych to be Sereant. Private Richard Hampson to be Corporal, vice Iiich. O.ikley, resigned. Private George Boughey to be Corporal, vice Joseph Woolrych, promoted. Private Thomas Atkin to be Corporal. E Troop.—Sergeant-Major James Guthrie to be Regimental sergeant-Major, vice James Caldwell, de- ceased. Private Thomas Speak to be Corporal, vice James Mills, dissed. Private Stephen Davies to be Lance-Corporal. F Troop.—Private Thomas Ward to be Corporal. On Tuesday the regiment paraded in field-day order at 9 a.m., and marched to Monkmoor for adjutant's drill. In the afternoon there was a second drill. The following officers are with the regiment :-Lient.-Col. R. T. Lloyd, Major Vis- count Hill, Captain C. G. Wingfield, A. P. Lloyd, Viscount Newport, C. C. Cotes, A. C. Arkwright, Hun. G. T. Kenyon, Chas. D. Hudson, and Tho. Fletcher Boughey; Lieutenants Willoughby H. Sit well, Ralph A. Benson, Robert H. L. Burton, Edward Coibett, Geo. J. D. Lees, and Charles H. Wright; Sub-Lieutennnts Alfred Darby, Edward H. Baldock, jun., and Viscount Tarbat; Adjutant, Captain Richard Playne Smith; surgeon, S. Betton G wynne; veterinary-surgeon Robertson. During the evening of each day the excellent tand of the regiment, under Bandmaster Parry, performed a selection of music in the Market Square. On Thursday a large number of specta. torll assembled in the Quarry to witness the com- petition for the prizes annually given to the most efficient swordsmen. The dexterity and skill with -hich the weapon was manipulated was exceed. ingly creditable, and the awards were made as follows: REGIMENTAL PRIZE. Private Frederick William Jones, of the E Troop, Shrewsbury, 1st; and Sergt. Pugh of the A. Troop, 2nd. REGIMENTAL RECRUITS' PRIZE.—Private Wardle, Captain Wingfield's troop. TROOP PRIZES.—A Troop: Sergeant Pugh, 1st; Private Baxter, 2nd. B Troop, Private R. Ellis, 1st; Private R. Morris, 2nd. C Troop Private Carr, 1st; Private Hampson, 2nd. D Troop: Private Morris 1st; Private Norris, 2nd. E Troop, Private F. W. Jones, 1-t; Private Joshua Lewis, 2nd. F Troop, Private T. Hampson, 1st; Private Thomas Jackson, 2nd Recruits Private E. Price, 1st; Private J. Vaughan, 2nd. G Troop: Private Downes, 1st; Sergt. Davies, 2nd. H Troop: Private Dicken, let; Private E. Edwards, 2ntJ. The annual inspection and review took place yes-I terday.
| ALLEGED MURDER AT LLANASA. I ARREST OF THE DECEASED'S I HUSBAND. Great excitement has been caused in the dis trict between Holywell and Rbyl, consequeut on the somewhat sudden death of Mrs Ann Jones, the wife ef a farmer named Robert Jones, residing at Rhewl Fawr, Llanasa. The woman's death, which took place on Sunday morning, has been a matter for considerable expression of feeling, and various reports have been circulated in referenee thereto. As far as can be ascertained, the facts of the case are these. The deceased woman had I been a widow in tolerably good circumstances, and resided in a small farm called Groesffordd, Whit- ford. Close upon two years ago, she was married to Robert Jones, who at that time kept a shop at Sara, Trelogan. Jones and his family removed to Groeaffordd, where they took up their residence after the wedding, and in the course of a short time it became apparent that the union was an unfortunate one, the neighbours testifying that the, partieslquarrelled frequently. Of late it was known that they had received notice to qnit Groesffjrd, and that Jones had taken possession of another farm, knownyas Rhewl Fawr, whither he and his family removed at the beginning of the present month. This farm is situate some dis- tance from the road on the right band side leading from Ffynnongroew to Glan'rafoa, a lonely spot with but few houses near, and those not within hearing distanee. The circumstances connected with the present enquiry commenced on Friday week, when Mrs Jones was seen by a person liviug on a part of the farm premises, which hasl i, been converted into a dwelling, to be in ber usua I, health, indeed it is a fact that she was washing during the whole- of the day, and took her meals in the usual manner with the household. Weslaould observe that the house has long been untenanted, and had fallen into a very deiapidated condition, so thab apparently there were but one or two rooms above stairs which could be occupied, the remainder being under repeir. The family reiired to rest in the evening with- the exception of Mrs Jones,, and a child eight years of age. who apparently were awaiting the return home of Robert Jones, who was known to ha?e gone to Holywell market. AA what time he did arrive home, or in what state, and what trans- pired batween them we are not now in a position to state, but that a row took place is evident from the depositions of a woman who lived in a small cottage within the farm yard,about nine paces from the dairy door of the farm (the room in which the family Jived) to the door of the cottage 1 his woman, by name of Alice Lewis, was awakened in the dead hour of the night by screams of murder," and having dressad herself, went to the bedroom window which looked into the dairy window of the farm, there being a light in the dairy, and no. blinds on the window. The voice she knew to be that of Mrs Jbnea, aad sbe asserts that for an hour at least the screams continued. although she did not see the parties. Once only did she see tha- husband, Robert Jones, and he then passed the window in his-sbirt sleeves and once only, shostates, did she hear his voice, and then apparently addressing some one, he-exclaimed in Welsh" DAmD you once." ('.Dvmï.ia chwi unwaith.") When the sounds had subsided Alice Lewis returned to bed, and the day began to dawn It may be natural!; asked why She woman did not attempt to interfere to rescue the penon who cried so piteously, and therefore-it should be said that she was a wan, delicate looking, person, who would probably be of little service-in a-scrimtnage. The next fact revealed showed that on Saturday evening deceased-who it will bw remembered had been seen on Friday in good he»ltb<&nd spirits- was lying in bed very ill, with her left eye greatly discoloured, and complaining of great pain in her side. Aboat nine o'clock on iSunday morning she died without having, been seen by any medical gentleman. Whether any steps were taken for that purpose will be matter to be revealed here- after, bat it is stated, however, truthfully we know not, that medicine was procneed for her by her husband. The facts of the case having come to the knowledge of the polaee,, searching inquiries were instit-Ated by Mr Superintendent Hughes, Holywell, and Sergeant Jones, Gwespyr which led to the holding of AN INQUEST I On the body of the deceased, which was opeaed, at the Crown Inn, Ffynnongrow, on Tuesday, be. fore Mr P. Parry, coroner. The followingpgentle- men were impanelled on the jury t Messrs. Henry Jones (Gwespyr), foreman; Edward Hughes, Robert Parry, John Hughes, Richard R v wobs, nobert Aoberts, uoger Williams, Robert Williams, Abel Owens,, Robert Roberts, Edward Williams, John Owensi John Williams, John Davies, and Samuel James. The Coroner, in open. ing the court, said this he believed was & rather serious case, and he may as well tell them, before they took a view of tbe body that he intended ordering a jpost mortemexamination to take place, which would be conducted by Dr. Williams (Holywall) and Dr. Griffiths (TerfynX What ne proposed was that they should view the body, and then adjourn to Monday next, so as to allow time for the examination to be made but there was one witness whom he should like to hear that day, for he- was afraid that if they neglected to take her evidence then, she- would be tampered with before Monday.—The jury then proceeded to view the body, which lay in a bedroom at Rhewl FAwr. The left eye was greatly discoloured, and there were other marks upon the body, which will be spoken to by the doctors after their examtnation. On rstarring to the Crown lun, the witness referred to by the Coroner was called. She said: My name is Alice Lewis I am single, and a charwoman. I live at Rhewl Fawr, in. the parish of Llanasa. I knew the deceased, 40n Jones, the wife of Robert Jones, farmer, the tenant of Rhewl Fawr. I have known him for many years, but I only became acquainted'with the deceased* when- she came to Rhewl Fawr to reside, at the begin ning of the present month. I had never heard anything wrong between them until what I heard on Friday night last. I saw Mrs Jones as a rate every day. I saw her on Friday morn- ing, and spake with her as she stood as the door between eight and nine o'clock in the morning. She did not then complain of being ill, neither had she a black eye at that tima. I did not see her again on Friday, bat I heard a row between them. I did not see Robert Jbnes that day, but I got a glimpse of him in the row at night. I was not home all day on Friday. I do not known whether ..Robert Jones had> gone to Holywell market that day, nor do I know that he was in the habit of doing so. I was in bed, when about Saturday morning, as near as I can guess, I heard a great row in the house at Rhewl Fawr, and she was crying out murder." I was asleep in bed, and the cries awoke me. I stayed in my own house and did not go from the bedroom. I was too much afraid. I was afraid of them who were making the row, and of Robert Jones for one. I do not know that he is a bad tempered man. I knew the voice of the person who was crying out murder," it was the deceased. I had not heard a row between them befora.-By Mr Supt. Hughes: I went to bed about ten o'clock on Friday night, and had slept before I heard the cry of murder." When I heard the cry i got out of bed and put on my clothes, bat did not leave the room. 1 stood by the window for a long time, an hour at least. All the time I was at the window she was crying out murder." I heard Robert Jones say Damn you once" in Welsh. There was a light in their house, and no blind on the window. I could see into their house, and I saw Robert Jones come across the floor and stand opposite the window in his shirt sleeves. I did not see Robert Jones strike her at all. I went to bed after all bad got quiet, and soon afterwards the day began to dawn. I went to see Mrs Jones on Saturday night. She was then in bed, and I asked her how she was. She replied, I have a great pain in my side. I would like to get some- thing to relieve it." I made her a cup of tea. She did not complain that she had been abused. She had a black eye then, but I did not referjto it to her. On Sunday morning the little girl came to fetch me and told me that Mrs Jones was very ill. I went upstairs, and found her husband holding her up in bed. He said She is very ill," and I replied She's dying (y mae hi yn darfod) Robeit Jones." I was there at her death. She did not speak to me because she could not. She vomited greatly during the time I was there.—By the foreman When I went there on Saturday night she had a black eye, but was not then bleeding. She bad also a cut high upon the forehead under her hair, and she also appeared to have lost some skin from the fore- head. The coroner complimented the witness upon the manner in which she had given her evidence. The inquiry was then adjourned to Monday morning. Whilst the inquest was proceeding the medical gentlemen appointed by the coroner were eon. ducting their examination of the body of the de- ceased. At the time the jury visited Rhewl Fawr to view the body, the husband of the deceased was in the house, and he appeared to be remark- ably cool and to view the sad affair with a non. chalance which to say the least of it was rather astonishing. However, It could not escape notice that the pelice kept a close watch upon him, endea- vour as much as they may to appear otherwise. They were always close at his heels, and as soon as the doctors had fulfilled their unpleasant task, they seized him and took him manacled to Rhyl lock-up. On Thursday he was taken before the Justices in that town and charged by Mr Superintendent Hughes with the wiffbl murder of his wife, Ann Jones, aged 50 year:. The nature of the charge would indicate that the post mortem examination had turned out unfavourable to the prisoner, and hence his being arraigned on th03 capital offence. Evidence, it is said, of a very strong nature, will be adduced, but on Thursday the proceedings were only sufficient to justify a remand until after the inquest.
BRYMBO. I Church SCHOOLS.-LII.st March, the boys de- partment of the above schools was examined in freehand drawing by the Science and Art Department, Sonth Kensington, London. Since then their report has been re- ceived, and from it we learn that of the boys presented 3i satisfied the Department they had been tanght drawing. Nine more gained certificates of the first grade, and two having passed excellently, will receive Government prizes. FUNERAL of HBMBY Howabd.—The remains of Henry Howard, who was killed by falling from a stage-cart on Saturday last, when going from Wrexham to the Moss, as stated in another column, were conveped to their last resting place on Wednesday evening, in the burial ground at Bryn Zion, Broughton, when a large concourse of friends followed to testify their sympathy for the widow and the family. Appropriate ad- dresses were delivered by the Rev. Mr Winter, Cerney, and Rev. Ed. Roberts, Lodge. CADP'MIl-ETING.-The Unified Methodist Free Church, Lodge, held their annaal camp meeting in the npper part of the Lodge on Sanday, when addresses were delivered by Mr Bott, Wrexham, Mr E. Salisbury, Poolmoutb, Mr Geo. Fardoe, and Mr aad Mrs Walker, Lodgew The connexion at this place is at present without a chapel, and the weekly services are held in a house kindly lent for the occasion. A suitable site has been tielected however for a chapel, on the property of the Broughton Coal Co., and safcseriptions are being solicited for its erection. Inquest.—On Saturday, an inqpeat was held at the Globe, Mois Side, before B-. H. Thelwall, Esq., and a respectable jury, on the body of Ann Jones, widow, aged 64, who had died at Llan. rhaiadr, Denbigli, witnout any medieal attend- ance, and had been conveyed by her relations bere for interment. It appears that the deceased had gone there to bury a relative,, and having renamed there & few days, had taken eold, and died on the 13th. inst. On being removed here her relatives applied for a certificate from a doctor, bat were refuged. From the evidence of her daughter, Hannah Jones, who attended her mother, it appears* that deceased had died before medisal aid could be obtained, and she thought that a certificate could be obtaiaed for hw..I-'f he jury returned a verdict "Died from- natural causes." COEDPOETEF- AND MINERS. I ThbiDrum AND FsfE BAND.-The boys of the PeDygelli Board 3chools, who form the above band, turned oat for the first time at am early hour on Wednesday last, and were enthusiastically received* by the inhabitants generally. They paraded the principaHhoroughfares of the place, and rendered very satisfactorily several national Welsh pieces, under the leadership of Mr. Jones, the head-master of the schools. Their perform- ances were very much applanded by the spectators, who praised them for Iloprogreg,, they had made, during few weeks' practice. The only deficiency we noticed in the appearance of the boys was that they were without uniform, but- we trust that the people of she neighbourhood will not be long with- out furnishing them with this requirement. A sovereign has been promised already by a leading tradesman, and no doubt several others will follow his example. Messrs. Jones and Thomas RObenta must have devoted great amount of time in train- ing the boys so well, and the parents of the boys especially should be thankful to them for their labour. DENBIGH. I the kofal Denbighshire JIUSBARS.The Denbigh troop of this regiment assembled, on Tuesday last, for mounted drill at Galltfaenan. Independent Chafh. CHAPJCL-STBICDU- The Rev. J. Thomas (Ap Yychan), tutor of the Independent College, Bala, preached two most powerful sermons in this place of worship on Sun- day last, to large and appreciative congrega- tions. Sab Accident AT M CASTLE.-On Thurs- day last, a little girl, who bad not long been in. Denbigh, went up on the rock under the Castle wall, just above Howell's School, and as she was reachiqg to gather some wild flowers her foot slipped or a stone gave way, and she fell a con- siderable distance over the precipice, perhaps- 40, feet or so. Her injuries-are very severe, and she has been conveyed to the Infirmary, where she is being attended to. She was about 10 years old,. and was on her way to- school. Bryn-y-park, where this accident happened, is very dangerous, several others having met- with some accidents in the course of years, and it. is time something waa done to protect it. There is a footpath near the place. and the temptation to stray there is- very, great. The little girl is progressing favourably. Desertion.—On Thursday evening, at six. o'clock, Samuel Blackwell was brought up in'the custody of Sergeant Lewis, before the Mayor, (Mr T. J. Williams), anii Messrs R. Lloyd Wil- liams, and Thomas Evans, charged with desert- ing his wife and-child,, and leaving them chargea- ble to St. Asaph Union. The defendant ad- mitted the offence,.and his wife pleaded on his behalf, he expressed himself willing to remain in this country with her, as there never bad been any quarrels, his wife bad been living with her mother, and according to the statement of Ser- geant Lewis who had been to Barnsley, ia Lan- cashire, to arrest him on a warrant, that* he had been earning as. to 6d. 6d. per day in the pits. The Bench;taking into consideration the wife's recommendation and her offer to pay all ex- penses, dismissed him with a reprimand and a caution. His wife paid the 12s. relief,, and JE2 10s. 3d. expenses of apprehension,, and Sd. court expenses, total, ZB 10s. 3d. PETTY SESSION. MAY 24TH. Before W. D. W. Griffiths, P. H. Chambres, Meilis Owen, and Oliver Barton, Esqrs:, and Colonel Humber- ston. Poaching.—Hugh Roberts, Vron Aberwheeler, was summoned fer trespassing on Moely Park, in pursuit of rabbits. Defendant did- not appear, and the service of the summons having been proved, his brother, John :Roberts, Vron, proved seeing him on the land with a net, and that he caaght a rabbit. Mr Barrow said he rented the shooting from Major West.—Fined 20s. and costs- Transftv of License.-Tke license of the Red Lion Inn, Llansannan, was transfered from Miss Jane Burchinshaw and her sister- to Mir Peter Jones, who has bought the property. School. Boanl Cases.—Mr Owen did not sit in the following cases: Robert Evans, Percy Bank, and Thes. Edwards, wore summoned by the Nant- glyn School.Board attendance ontcer for not sending their boys to school. Robert Evans appeared.— D. Roberts, the attendance officer, produced the bye-lawa and the notice book, had called on Evans and gave him notice to ceme before the Beard, he did not come. Hia boy was twelve years of age. Fined Is. and costs.—Mrs Edwards, the wife of the other defendant, appeared,, and stated that her boy was thirteen on the 3rd of May, aad that she had kept him to school seven years. He was not thirteen when the notice was given, and the reason he had not been seat to school was that she had been ill for two months.-Case dis- missed. A Bate in Aid.-)Er J. Parry-Jones, appeared on behalf of the Denbigh and Pentre Yoelas Turn. pike Trust, of which he is the clerk, to ask for a rate in aid of the trust funds. He produced the necessary books to show that the funds were not sufficient. The receipts from, tells, &c.. were £ 100, and the expenditure, exclusive of the free labour which had been given by the township, was .£108 10s. He explained that a debt ef 022,000 had been recently wiped off, and the debt now only amounted to .21,100. He asked for a rate-in aid of 24 las. from the township ef Taldraoh. Robert Jones, the surveyor, did not appear. Order made. In the case of Iryviad Jehu, Mr Vaughan Jones agreed to a voluntary contribution of £9 15a., the at me as 1873. The township of Uwit Caren oc- casioned considerable discussion, as part of the road was said to be in Kantglyn parish, about one mile or one and a quarter, while Uwit Caren had eight and a half miles of road within its boundary. The new ordnance map showed three parts of the road in question to be in NantglyB, and so did an old map on a deed relating to certain enclosures, it was also stated that the Nantglyn enclosure map showed it so. On the other hand it was stated that the Henllan Enclosure Act showed the whole length to be in that parish, and a reference to the Aet of Parliament of 1825 showed that Nantglyn parish was not once mentioned, farther Mr Owen put in a tracing which purported to be the boundary of the disputed part as the inhabi. tants had walked in the day before! Under this conflict of evidence the magistrates adjeurnei the case for the production of the enclosure maps. FLINT. I LAYING THE FOUNDATION STONE OF A I NEW CHAPEL. Ua Wednesday, the foundation stone of a new Welsb Calvinistio Methodist Chapel was laid by the Mayor, R. Muspratt, Esq., the old one having fallen out of repair and become otherwise incon. vement. By inquiries, we find that Calvinistic Methodism was introduced into Flint about 1788. cant wu at that time a considerable bathing place, and amongst those who went there in the summer of 1783 was William Lewis, a native of Anglesey, but who lived at that time at Adwy, near Wrexham. Win. Lewis was a preacher, and it was suggested to him by John Williams, of Northop—at that time a gatekeeper there-that he should preach. He did so, and the first ser- mon ever preached by the Calvinistio Methodists in Flint was preached that year, from a stone close to the Swan Inn, in Chester-road. The preacher met with considerable opposition, some throwing atones en the roof of the house, so that they would roll down on the head of the preacher, but noth- ing serious was attempted. Some little time after, a house WAS rented hy John Williams and two or three others from Northop, in which ser- vices were held with considerable regularity, and when a preacher was unobtainable, one or two came down from Northop to assist at prayer meetings, &c. While this house was rented, the Rev. Rebt. Ellis, of Mold, was in the habit of going down,, and be, being a licensed preaeher, was safo and could not be interfered with by the authorities. About 1792, the town was visited by John Davies, of Nantgiyn, who in attempting to preach met with considerable opposition. He was, however, protected by a Mr Copuer Williams, a solicitor, and allowed to preach from the stone close to th Swan Inn. Thus was the church founded in Flint in thefase of great difficulties, but with indomit- able resolution. lit the year 1797, the Rev. Thos. Charles, of Bala, came to preach at Northop, stay- ing with John Williams, in a conversation with whom regarding the desirability of establishing schools, Mr Charles as ked whether nothing could be done in that direction in that neighbourhood ? John Williams answered, Is it possible to have a day school in Flint V to which Mr Charles re- plied, "I will give the money, if you can find a man." The result was that the services of a yoteng man were obtained, who preached in the above mentioned rented house. Nothing was at- tempted except to teash the children to read Welsh, but such as it was, it was the first of its kindimade io Flint, and the honour belongs to the rot T. oI'T'I. Ualvimstic Alethodists. lh* master was not very popular in the town, and was usually followed through the streets by a crowd, calling after him, in Welsh and English alternately, Hera's the A B COman —he was regarded as one too lazy to work. Although the school was a free one, its success was but limited, and had to be given up in six oonths in favour of a night school, in which both adults and children were taught to read Welsh. This was well attended, and was continued for two years or more. About the commencement of this century a chapel was built. It became too small, and in 1835 a larger one was build. The new chapel had no architectural pretensions,, but was serviceable in its day. How- ever, in the course of time it became shabby, too small for the congregation, inconvenient, and hardly worthy of the connexion. Ten years, aye and fifteen years ago, it was felt that a new one was wanted, bnt until lately nothing was done. The expense of a new building was thougho to be too much, and the church was loath to burden itself with a debt which might become unbear- able. At last the inconvenience of the old build- ing became so apparent that the whole church was unanimous in its yearning fo? auothtr. A committee was fccmed, of which the Ray Michael Jones was appointed chairman, Mr Jos. Hughes, secretary, and Mr John Edwards, Victoria Stores, treasurer. The committee met with the greatest kindness from all, and very liberal promises were made. In the ne3t place, the servioes of Mr R. Owen, Breck-road, Liverpool, were obtained as architect, and he submitted plans, which, with scarcely any modifications, were approved of. The site ef the new chapel is identical with that of the old one. and is situate on the west side of Chapel-street. Thake was a house attached to the old one, but this also has been pulled down to II _> ø tn, matte room tor a vestry, senooirooms, 4IC. x no size of the new cbapel inside the walls will be 51ft. in length by 36ft. in breadth, and sitting accommodation will be furnished for 3GOo persons. At the south end of the chapel there are to be two schoolrooms and a vestry, the latter 15ft. by lift. The larger schoolroom will be 3 ft. by 15^fs., and the smaller 19ft. by ISHt. The style adopted is free Romanesque. The back walls are to be built of stene, and the front aad side elevations, whicn look into the two streets, are to be Icailt of the best Ruabon pressed brick. All the dressings are to be of freestone from tbe Uetn quames. lhe froat elevation comprises a central facade and two wings, one of which shews a gable to the side street. The schoolroom gable forms a break in the side elevation, giving a transept appear- ance to the building. In the front there is a porch, projecting aboat six feet. This also has a centre gable over tine front door, aad over the gable there is a very handsome triple window. Inside the chapel wiU present a very See appear- ance. The ceiling is divided into panels with carriers and centrepieces, while the whole fittings, including pulpit, pews, &c., are to be of the beat pitch pine, worked clean and varnished. Having obtained plans, the next business was to obtain tenders, and the contract was eventually let to Mr Edward Peters, of Leeswood, the amount being .21,400. While the old ehapel was pulled I down, and during the building of the new one, the congrega- tion meets in the Town Hall, which, although rather small, is on the whole pretty convenient nnder the circumstances, and it has been cleaned and renovated by the Council. Wednes- day last had been fixed upon for the laying of the foundation stone, and the church unanimously reaolved to ask the chief maistrateofthe borough —Richard Muspratt, Esq.—to honour them by performing the ceremony, to which, he kindly gave his consent. The day opened inanspiciously, the wind being in the north-weet,. while dark clouds lowered in the heavens, and about eleven o'clock the worst fears were realised* for the rain came down in. torrents. It did not last long, however, and abont noon it cleared up again, while those interested consoled themselves with the reflection that, however much the rain might interfere with their proceedings, it would do more good in general than it possibly could dothem harm and in tbis resigned state of mind they resolutely "hoped for the best." About half past one the members of tha ehurch and congregation accom- panied by friends from the surrounding districts, formed themselves into a procession near the Town Hall. Among thoae present we noticed the Revs. Roger Kdwards, Mold; Michael Jones, Flint; W. Pierce, Rhosesmor; B. Jones, Bagillt; John Jenkins, M.A., Golftyn; John Pugh, B.A., Holywell; Evan Lloyd, Holywell; D. Lantrow, Flint; and John Jones, blostyn Metlsrs Joseph Hughes, John Edwards, John Roberts, Glasgow House John Thomas, P. M. Spans, Holywell; W. Evans, Holywell; &c., &a. The procession called at Trelawney House, the residence of the Mayor, who there joined, and headed it up Church- street to the site of the chapel, where a small platform had been erected for the accommodation of the principal personages. Here there was a considerable-number of people present, and the Rev. Roger Edwards took charge of the proceed- ings. He first called upon the Rev. Michael Jones to give out the hymn selected. for the occasion- Gosod bebell yn ngwlad gosen," which was sung, in English and Welsh. The Rev. J. Jenkins then read a portion of scripture and otfred the dedicatory prayer. The Rev. Roger Edwards then stepped to the front and said they were all aware of the obiaoc of the their assembly-it was patent and in view of them-the performing in the ancient town of Flint the interesting esremony of laying the foundation stone of the new chapel belonging to the Welsh Calvinistic Methodists. They were not beginning a new Mission" in the town,, they were act introducing a now sect into their aacient borough. No, it was almost a century since Welsh Calvinistio Methodism had set its foot there, and it was not unknown in the town and neighbourhood. They were about now to build a new edifice, in whioh to worship the Most Sigh, and to pzoelaim the old, old story, of salvation solely and wholly by the blood of Christ. Their old chapel had become unworthy of the age and of the connection, and ia proceed. ing to build a new one, the church at Flint was only following tho- example of other churches and congregations in the district. There were some who spoke invidiously of the number of sects into which the countsy was divided, but in the present state of society, he considered that a variety of Christian denominations was more an advantage than a disadvantage to the country. They acted in some respeetsas checks to each other, and in other respects as stimulants to real life and activity. This was am opinion shared by some of those who belonged to the Established Church, one of whom compared the Established Church in Wales prior to the advent of Methodism to an old fashioned couch, with an old coachman, fat plasid horses, going along in a humdrum way, wholly indifferent to the wants of the country and people, until one day it was passed by a new coach full of pas. sena,ers, when the old coachman woke up saying, Why! this will not do," and was roused to greater energy and life. What was it which fur- nished the example of instituting Sunday Schools, building chapels, &o., the friends of the estabtish- ment ?em8el7e3 would confess they were much lkidebted in this respect to Nonconformity. Wales was yet, after all the labour, far from being what they wished it to be, but, it was known as a t-iaa noted for the excellence of its morality, and the absence of crime amongst its inhabitants. For this state of things the chapels of Wales claimed a large share of the credit. On one occa- sion, a nobleman had told him in the presence of some of those present, that he had always said that had it not been for Welsh Nonconformity, Wales would have been a sink of immorality. The connection to which they belonged had been charged with sticking to closely to the Welsh lan. lanituage but those who had their hearts warmed by Welsh preaching felt it every afterwards to be a necessary part of their existence. They must have Welsh services wherever they went, whether they went to the English towns, or whether the CMaaed the water to America or New 1 Zja!and, and, ia the tatter place a ehapel had been built for the WeJsb Calvinistic Methodists, so it could not be a matter for surprise that they were I about building one in Flint. He was certain that all wished the undertaking a success, aad they were all glad to see the foremost place at that ceremony occupied by the foremost man in their old borough, its worthy Mayor, Richard Muspratt, Esq. (Applaase). Ho called upon the Rdv. Jno. Putfh to introduce Mrs Hughes to Mr Musoratt. The Rev. J, Pllb then addressed Mr Mas- pratt, expressing their sense of his affability in consenting to be present to discharge the duties on so interesting an occasion, and hoping Mr Maspratt and bis family a long connection with f the town and district. He introduced Mrs Hughes, London House, who presented Mr Mus- pratt with a silver trowel and mallet. Both were the gift of Mr Ed. Jones, Albert House, of beauti- ful design, and of the make of Mr Beavan, Bir- kenhead. On the trowel was the following in. scription, "Presented to R. Muspratt, Eiq., Mayor of Flint, on the occasion of his laying tue loundation stone of the Welsh Calvinistic Methodist Chapel, Flint, May 24th, 187671 Mr Muspratt then came forward and performed the ceremony. Having re-ascended the platform he addressed the assembly, and said that when they first sent a deputation to him asking him to pertorni the ceremony of laying the foundation stone, he at first felt inclined to refuse, thinking they might, among their own connection, find some person better fitted for the duty, but on that being represented as diffiiult, and as it at- ways gave him great pleasu73 to be of any use, and to do any good to the town, he gave his con- sent, (Hear, hear.) As they all knew, h, had been a workman all his life, but no day's work tic ver had gave him greater pleurQ t ha the one he bad jiisu pet-forlned. (Applause.) Ho sincerely trusted that the work would be finished without accident, and that all connected with it would be to the glory of God. He knew that in the past the church to whinh it would be connected hd done great good in the town, and he hoped that .1 _1- _1..1 -=- -J .1.. gooa worn wouia continue ana prosper in tne future. It was known that with respect to his re- ligious views, he was very liberal, and prepared to go a great way, and would as soon, when occasion required it, go into a dissenting chapel as into a church. He was glad to see u movement in that direction, and that West- minster Abbey had recently been opened tor a minister outside of the Establishments This was a cheering sign of a movement which, he trusted, would result in the extinguishment of all religious differences, and in the eventual formation of one [ great and universal church. He thanked them sincerely for their great kindness towards him, which be would rememoe; as long a:t oa uvea, and he hoped he would live-long, and to be always prepared to do all he could in the furtherance of every good work. (Applause.) The next business was to receive tie usual offerings on the foundation stone. The following were some of the amounts oooscribd .-Y.. Iu". I pratt, E@ .£25; Mr Joseph and Mrs S,ti-ah Hughes, London House, l:W, the Rev. Mictiaui anti Mrs Jones, £102; Mr and Mrs John Edwards, Yictoria Stores, .£100; Mr John Thoiuas, X50 Mr John Roberts, Glasgow House, £25; Mr Thos. Jones, grocer, 220; Mr Hugh Jones, London House, £ 20 ;■ Mr and Mrs O. W. Jones, Cbapei- place, .£10; Mr and Mrs J. Burgess, 210; Mr P. M. Evans, Rolywell, 1:5; Mr g. Jones, Bée Hive. £ 5; Mr W. Lloyd, £ 5, &c., &c., the w hole, including RU--collected at the last meeting iu the old chapel and P,115 in hand, amounting to nearly £700. The contract amounts to £ 1,380. While the collection was made, rain began to fall, and Mr P. M. Evans shortly proposed a vote of thanks to Mr Muspratt, whic!&, being seco-nded by Mr W. Evans, Holywell, was carried by acclamation. In the afternoon there was a tea party at the Town Hall, and in the evening a meeti-tig, at which several addresses were delivered. The Sittv. M. J ones presided, and the proceedings passed off most successfully. OSWESTRY. PETTY SESSION, THURSDAY. --Before E. Biirke Wood, Esq., and T. Longueville, Esq, Ejectment.—Mr Harry Ellis applied for an ejectment against Richard Owea, of Llw) ntili. man, at the suit of his mother, Harriet C wen, the owner. Mr Hignett opposed. The Buwch aon- suited the appellant, but the cave waa ultimately settled out of court. PermittingiDr&nkenness—William Ethelstone, of tke Swan Inn, Kinnerley. was cb&rged witit permitting drunkenness.-Finud .£1 aud 8%. Sd. costs. Setting Snares.-Evan Lloyd, farm servant to Mr Foulkes, Llwyn-y-maen, was charged with Betting snares to take game, on the 22ad April. —Fined 10s, and 9J 2d costs. Ill'Treatzng a Dog.—Mr Frederick Turner, of the Plough Inn, was charged with cruelly ill- treating a dog. Police-constable Edwardo said lie saw the defendant 44 panch" his dog seven or eight times with his right fist across the bead and side of the body. He then threw the dog down, and, as he did so, he kicked it, a-id it rolled over.—Fined 2* 61, and 213.1 64<cost». Cruelty to a Mave.-Enoch Pearce,. a small farmer, at Hindford, was charged with cruelly ill-treating a mare, by working her when her shoulders were raw. Fined Is. and 8d. costs. A Nuisance.—Charles Llewellyn, graaier, was charged by William Thomas, roadman, with allowing offensive matter to run on the turnpike road from his cottages at Whittington. Fined 5a. and 9U. 4d. costs. 0 ROSSETT. m tHE kecent Ac.CIDENT.-Tae boy who was I injured by the runaway horse last week is alinost well again, his injuries not being so serious as at first anticipated. Moiuhly Sale.—Messrs Baugh, Jones, and Co. held their monthly sale at the Golden Lion Inn, on Menday. The sale was very well atteaded, and tha animals fetched very vood prices. To, chief purchasers were Messrs Parker and White- house. National SCÐOOL. This school was ex- amined by her Majesty's inspector last March, and the report has jat beon received It. is it very creditable one indeed, considering that Mr Porter has only been in charge 7.1 mcntbs. The report says-" This school has parsed a very good examination." Eighty-one were presentud for examination, of whom 78 passed in readin<r, 7g Íli writing, and 6Ji in :trithluetic. The grant was X36 2s, as against; .£70 12s of the previous year. The schoolroom is sadly too small, and so are the playgrounds. Great difficulty is experienced by tae teachers, as there is no class room. There are 17-1 children on the hooks, and 1$2 were in attendance last week. The numbers are steadily increasing. RUTHIN. dire brigade.—Tae V.luuiieer Fire Brig" ade went out to Llanfair D. Ciewyd, on Fri tay the 19th inst., in full uniform for practice and exercise. Might not the Denbigh brigade usefully imitate this example ? ComiN(a c, .v AGE oT., IN M AGE 07 Mr R. G. Ellis, SON OF R. G. &LLIS, ESQ Mayoec op tiuTHix. After a preliminary meeting at the Castle Hutel, it, public meeting was held in the Town Hsll, on Ihursday, to cousider what atepa should be taken to celebrate this event. Mr Jt. J. Bancroft was unanimously called to the chair, and an influential committee was formed to collect subic, iptious aud carry out the proceedings. Mr Bancroft was appointed chairman, and Messrs ii. Jones I Edwards and Wra. Green, j.un.. hon. secretary. | Some, £ iV oO was subscribed ia the room, and sub- scription lists are to be found at the shops cf several prominent tradesmen in the town, BTtRS?F?lJDtAXS' £ lAY ^Preseni 2 The Rev. tht3 wWardlen of Ruthiu, Chairman Mr John Jones, vice-Chairman: Messrs Thocaas Hughes, Ystrad; John Hu8hjs» Thomas, Thoo. Rdbarts, 1-1. P. Jones, Rev. J. C. Dasies Mr John Roberts, Colonel H. 1. Joues- Mortimer, Messrs Brook Cunliff*, R. G. Johnson, Tho". Symond; W. Jones, Ciocaaeo» -»• and Thomas Williams. Contract for Milk.—Only one tender was sent in" and that was for 10.1 ner aallr»„ a n, same time it stated that the quantity required was ^t worth aendM? to Ruthin. There wa? therefore no alternative but to continue Mr ParpyW t? Anchor, offer to supply good skim milk'at 9d" per gallon all the year round. It was shted k one of the guardians that pure milk conM not bi?e *ad for Is. per gallon at Ruthin The School ChUdrea.-Some conYersation took place on tbe subject of 8endin the children in the house (24 s"; under 13) to the Board School, aft the Clerk was in communication with Buckingham Union, the s%biect was de,erred till an answer came. Mr Johnson suggested that in the mean- time, the boys should be allowed to an in the town in lots of 3 or 4, to play aa other children did  walls, ?b.db £ k""rr™ of the world than  the back yard. Pinancial.-No- iB house, C6: same period last year, 77; vazrants relieved, 46. Out-door relief: I Thomas Griffiths, £ 72 4s. Hd.; W. H. Inn  93. Cheques drawn for £ 75 and 845 re?ecSvey Balance aain8t treasurer. £ 813 159. 1M )?' Hughes (Ystrad) .aid that the connU  ?h.   large of »«>« wis the average. I RHOSLLANERCHRUGOG- I x atal AcaBMT.—A collier n&mAfl sTfinxmaa ?'< the r'I"y.'?<twithMM.?! -hile at his work at the Gardden Lodge Pit, on Friday night last, from the effects of whi^h hi died on tue following morning. An inqv uest held on the body on Tuesdav .n,i was adjourned for £ week, for the production of evidence, &c., M I to the cause of death. THE Nw Weslbyan Chappi119 openi* aer?eee wHi be held ou Wh.r? IJenlllg evening, and Tuesday throughout^,lay- TV ay l' foHowin? eminent and poDufar • pected to Pr.«h, 'iz.. Kpopn??. °'?' "? ''??. T? (cbamm&n of the district), J0bn p (E-a Jo ? E ?. Dwi tach), Liverpool, WiUi? ]i;7uus f ',ICilY,. poetb)..ud H? Hughes. H?;? ? ? °f icj, gentleman will dehver aiectur? :h I-ollo* J Watin-??av evenmg, the aubJect Jb!j1 n? ■JCoK„ We??av even.n? the ?bj?"Jo? EhM. WOare exceed??yn????? ?5 that the Rev. Riob?d Robert, of T ¡ar ^t promised the indef.tig?te S.?"°".? '?0069 ? preach an Ett?I?h sermon in t.h.V7 f* Cni>Kon Monday evening, the 19th Ju„e Monday eveninc, the 1,9th Jtlfie  (! vl"I 4it (), ?the reverend gent eman is looked" mueh mtere.t,he being one of tbe m°st 0 "ltb preac?efs in the conu?c'ion. THE .PRIlTIYE JlETHoDlSrs,-Th Pri Method? Chapel has ?.?yu?i. ?ri., unpTovemen? and alteration, 'ln(i was the day appointed tor r?-op? ? ? '? ???rtj' of 03wastry, preached in thn 'uorrll71" ri urtn, '1 )\,T J JI' I'Ve, tn?, a? Mr J.W.thaataon in the ?f ?''?. T' attendance throu?hont .?? vf, .no?neatattenuonwa. pai.?o th?' ? M oer01on Ou Monday, a tea meeting ww h?d h, f-an,i tr?"?, t.d.espr.?dm?t the tl bie.-   :I[ .I Jones, M? Pemberton, Mr? M,.t> \L!'9. I E L'd 'YlII Mrs Edge, Mrs Edward*, Mm c' 'ttlU5> Mi4 b t A 11'  .Mi. Roberts. A rOOI y number Wa n being over, and the tahle c)e.?e/ i,r« F' r,, 1 t. d I I cf'b liort yater Mvon, deU?re I uJ tu, f C I .'> 0" "e tore| on tlfe ?S..ne?f C.iv.n.?. Wilkinson, of Chester, °??'"? ?9 .'t? ?"' ?? of thanks havisg been duly \l(JCOrd„l'"V, ot thanks havi-.? been d?iy?corde. '? friends who had ?si?? uZ thi3 pi meeting was brought to a ci u? .rfij meetlD.g was "rou 0 a. c O:le at arl early a* 'ih fnenda desi? tj e?f,ci,.ny rw Ji their, nr, 'I 'I' ,-L' R "ra'¡ tude t? Mr T. S?int. ot R??, 11 "¡1"1'" f Ii lJj' in presiding at ?h? ?r?..n.at?'?-?n?? whole of the mpetinij. ¡ '.n¡ Martin Luther AND !? Tivt.a ^1 ?' ?y, tue K :v. W. Kees, L>. 1_> 0f ci.- r rmerl7 of Liverpool), deliver«d his mxC-IU ► i ctur,oa ot- Li?erpou)), deii?rcd hw ?c.-it ?'°? this su?)j??ec. in the C^pel Mawr in iteture 0,, h E I.. Ph. te funds of tl2e Eii-iisbi .1i'l, Tae .c, T?e Rev. J. Jones. (Hho?. o??d?.??. The Rev. WUhamrontk? ,,r??.j ? Y,r. b,?wai accompMted on the p t?tton:: by /?.. )'? John Jones (pastor of the C ip.;| M f'?'-? Robert. P?nyc?e (R??t). T,,>? T'- '1' ) I J J Rhos ?C.M. ani J. J* ^DY«^ » F J.1 "r Thom? Ellip, J- D. Jon?..?-. (D-acons of Hie Eu?fish (JM <-h.n-? ?'? f I,t }J,=r 1'hu.na? B. Davies, and E. Hoo-rm J n, the C?pet M?r Church), .'??r? t.,i of \T'8of had been passed to Dr Ree«, ,,nd f?r aok» b l, e chapel, the meeting was bro.?ht to a L t4a Chair man prononuotn? the Buuediciion RUABON. THE Rc-ABO? A?U RHOS CC^AGer' h CULTUHAI,.SoCIRTY.-i-ae :<,n?? ,??" ""? ?octe.y will be held in the C?,rc Hou-e o 0,[' tlJjj h II Ué.. .i?y eveuu?nfXt, w h en 'ti?upedait'm"t??r?t?cj in thp. RIItter will ;&, FA?R.—rhe usual ?I.ty f?jp v,-as hei?] on jf day. There .'ml' It day. T h  was. smaH show r, { n?, ..? fetcned -ood prices. Othur stwk » Was b' meaare. n, 2?1) DEKE?HSHIRE RtFm Vo:»Teers T?e "r. 0.- e company drill of tile above Cor^s wUl uiiBtf™ [" "v plice on Thursday e?eniu? nx, aL J,??' F Wynnstay Park, R.?bon. DrM to commmeen0Cd9 punctually at 7 30 p.m. Fx he —On Sunday morning, tbe cmitby,tthe piasyn wera Brick Workj was Iisci)verpd to be oa tire. A -tituberof willing hands were joon oa th* spot, and to prevent the fi nues e-jt^dinn to th« other parts of the building tht, stri-^d off the roof. The damage was not con«iderabltf. SCHOOL BOAHD.—An adjourned meeting of this Board was held on MOIJda> Ust, when" wore piesent the Pi,. Ll. Ome!t,cbairman, Air liio.nson, vice-chairman, Mewrs. Humim reys, NIiiries. and J. D-ribigh Joi*a cierU Acre/air New-Schools.—U was re,.»lvd, OD Ibe motion of Mr Thomson, second- b" :ùr Hum. phreye, that an application be wad,. u the Public Works Loan Commissioners fur ik f;i.rtspr sum o,, £ 3,454 41, bt-iug the ainouut rf ov:"I"i for the erection of the Acrefair Schools, as jumjutrnta by the Education Department. Precept oa Use Overseers.-On tbe moiion of the Cbairinau, i-econded by jir it Wilj reo solved that a precept for £41)U be i^aedoatM overseers of the parish, the "aWb to be paii on tise Idt of August, 1876. Ponkey ichcols.—Further arranjsaients were made tor the opening of ttiese schools. It wa; r. solved, on the motion of the Chairman, tecoadsd by Mr Humphreys, that Mr Tuooi*cu, the vice- chairman of the Board, be the chairman or' tea public meeting and, on the moticn m Mr Hum- phreys, a cotamittee was appointed to mwe a,¡ further and necessary arrangements. After the passing of a few acoouiii^ ihe Bjari adjourned. Vestry Mestisg. Oa Siturrtay, I vestry meeting was held in the Court Hoiu-a, under the presidency of G. H. Whalley, E.-<< M.P,ror::i? purpose of re-filing the salary ot Mr Wrignt, the assistant overseer. There was a ;:ocob aUtiwaiice of ratepayers, aad the chairman, in propo-iD» that the assistant overseer's salary be iccreawi to .£200 per annum, referred to the admirable manner in which Mr Wright invariably discharged the duties of his ofifce, an-l allausJ ar soma length to the increase in the ratable ralue of toe wood lands, game, &c., whica necessarily tn:ai:e>l a considerable amount of additional labour oa its overseer. Tho- proposition was ^ecoadtl by Mr Owen Hughes, agent to Sir Watkiu, who mw paid a high compliment to Mr Wright, accounts were invariably correct and of the moi: cornplete character, and gave less trouble at sm oiffces than any others they had to deal with- !I: VVright having exprefsed his thanks for the addi- tion made to his salary, the procetdiu^ minated.
NORTH WALES COAL AND IKON uHADi. I (.3y a Special ContriliUor.) I The reduction in the list price of iron of per ton, declared subseq fleut :c the lis' meeting, was expected tJ be lastruinentai giving vitality to trade, but it h^s proTeda mi-erable failure, and the dtvressiou so f*r!3 the present quarter is altogether as great or greater than it was during the list, -'line 0 ?ud mard iron are tirm nt t?pr:e?. aatc, am- mou ciu?er pma aud sec?ud cta?t tmu?!?-?" irou are ?ow offering at prtee? witum a .u,la, the ti ,um ritling (but wita an.;a tl wiuin• for several years prior to the udseiit oi t ie paraleiled goud times." And not outv io, Gli, this witau tue number of works in opera.u^ enormously reduced, aud tua produrwo the" curtailed fullyou, half. Exceptingshee«. the case with all descripnons, uiom pig iroD, rails, bars, ami hoops. R peats itself the probability is t ist we several years before seeiu, tho c):tiiliv )t F- reversed, i.e.,that we shaii eontiuiie ro low prices, and sutf-r froai tae lIpp¡Y "Iu" excess of the demand Eearin in mind that the iron trale h ¡ t e,' ,[)" heart of Bulan¡j eu?merce, and t:ut ¡ '11 I.,J is more materially a& cted by 't? coni?  that of coal, and t?km? into coa?i lir<'—J^ "bove tact?, ttiere wiil ?e iew who can be to learn that the depres-ion ill ?? "?'? ..? eo? stiU continues. Sfiip;.in< Birkenhead during t;:<-?cek ti.? '"? '? ".?.J in ueither demand, or price, the la/1' iQueitherde'0!mdo?pr)Ct', t'M ?" Mythmt! at a discount. House  ??"? .?.. th?javer?ge rpqlle at. this ??n?.t. "?''?'  aiv?nt?e due no doubt to c?e ?:tH''f?.?' j,. lower than ?rdm?rHy. Gas ??'?' ior )( ;• .1: :) uO'V.¡' reasom, are retired in Itss quauut.» u ^K in any othpr sea-on of the year, ?"?.' '?';jK regretted th?t seMr:d tenders !ur tlu* ?''  f' 1 b 1 I ,IJ ..?: of coa l have fuilfd to ?ccurn !?''? O b d'  cO!iJ. 0--her districts having ?ucees?'?-??., ajiainst thpm. Wrexham, 26-11 May, 1876.
Late Advertisement- ■ ."r-' A MEETING of the GKXKiiAl. A will be held at the (.U:lf I)li,t ■ Evening, May ?TM, at 7.0 P.w. Dr. ?'"??? Chair -r 1181 R. WILLIAMS, I■ WREXHAM ADVERTISER I (LATE MUSK: HALL). ■ ALL kinds of Letter PfMa Printing, ■ hand and Steam PoWd. H c IRCULAM, bill heads, and ■ neatest styles- gTS ■B Draw AND PAY SHEFT", ?-, D DACCOU.NT BOOKS yuK ?O??"?' 1? \V¡¡. 0OLLIERY RULES IN K?L?B ? -——?__—?.— —- eiiM)?.' .? j)I WINE LISTS- ■ it?? ALL PROGRAMMES, ?? WtXK LIS?. ??? Printed at the Advertiser ani I lishment "Advertiser" O&M «?<- -Uri-114,, 1, -v S:;? Square. Wrexham, in the County 0 ideabig Yoe. hshed oa Frtd?vs and :)*:ur,lap >It the r¡ll" fI';1 and alsoat the Establishment 01 )1t' P¡; tb,i High ?eet. Mold, in '? C?'?-? I k,li ial; (v> ^•^ K■ of Hr Erasmus Edwards, Cor wen.. ■ of Mr En?mus Ed??d,s.??". Mer?eth; at MrC.O.?y't-y=" ?? ?s.<.?.?. in the County of S?op: alld at. E.<?? of Mr F. P. Eva" yMea-ate-.tT?? t Ch??'st:? I County of Chester by 3bLINA aKf,gi>K i5'' ■ County ofChestM by 9'iL?-? ?,?' 61ijogs"?# Wrexham ?Me?id ? CHAttL'?  ?,. Cro?.O?ei'trv. Kforesaid sAd GrOVe P??Wraxhatt afd.- :1