WANTED. WANTED, good Cooks, Housemaids, and General Vv Servants.—Apply to Mrs Johns, 19, Spilmao Street, Carmarthen. [9154 H?? ANTED, by good tenants, a medium-sized Shop in main street, between King-street and Dark Gate, Apply, Lloyd & Thomas, Auctioneers, Carmarthen. f9155 TO BE LET. WOUSE & SHOP to LET, No. 3, Queen Street.— J-t Apply to Miaa R. A. Jones, No. 2, Queen Street, Carmarthen. [9005 TTTOUSE TO LET, opposite the Model Schools, con- M- taining 5 good rooms and large attic.—Apply at 55, LtHnmaa-street, Carmarthen. [9126 '0 BE LET, BsoNDEG VILLA," Ferryside, from the 25th March next, containing 3 sitting-rooms and S bedrooms, with kitchen and flower gardens, two-stall stable and coach-house; also two Cottages at the back. if desired.—Apply to Thomas Jones, 2, Nott Square. Car- marthen. L9114 CARMARTHENSHIRE. TO BE LET or SOLD, ?? "MOUNT HiLL," containing 3 reception-rooms, 7 bedrooms, usual cmce3, 3-stall stable, coach-house, out- bmildings, walled garden, conservatory, two fields; total, fij- acres. Freehold. Half a mile from Carmarthen and two Railway Stations. Apply to Mr J. A. Timmins, Solicitor, 5, Henrietta Street, Bath. L9102 TO BE SOLD. R SALE, 2 Ricks of wen-harvested Hay, in grand -M- condition. Apply to Messrs Lloyd tmd Thomas, Auctioneers, 5, Quay Street, Carmarthen. [9130 LR SALE, short, modern Drawing-room Grand Piano. Jt Foerster. Leipzig. Walnut case, in perfect con- ation.—Mrs W. T. Summers, Bidgeway. Narberth. f9148 ft 0 BE SOLD, cheap, a pair Horse Landau, very strong, useful carriage, with break, &c., by a weU- tnown North Country BuUder.—Apply to Mrs Lort Phillips, Lawrenny Park, Pembroke. [9149 Ft '0 BE SOLD, by PRIVATE CONTRACT, the Farm ..I of TROET)TRHIW," in the Parish of LIanginning, Carmarthenshire, containing about 145 acres, now in the occapation of Mr WiHi&m Evans, whose tenancy will ex- pire on 29th September next, and who will show the farm to intending purchasers Two-thirds of the purchase- money may remain on Mortgage if desired.—AppI) to the Owner, Trewern, Whitland. [9101 PUBLIC NOTICES. '0 S.P.C.A.—The Annual Meeting of the Subscribers i L*-< to the Carmarthen Branch" of this Society will be held at the PUBLIC ROOMS. CARMARTHEN, <m TUESDAY NEXT, February 26th, at Three o'clock in the afternoon.—E. M. GR YN, Hc-n. Sec. f9153 -M ISS BESSIE GAY, Medallist, R.A.M./ will be J?? pleased to take a Hmited Bumber of Pupils for PIANOFORTE and SINGING. Candidates prepared for the examinations of the Associated Board of the Royal Academy and Royal College of Music, Trinity College, &c. —Per terms, appJ) to The Manse, Templeton, Narberth. [9135 CARMARTHENSHIRE INFIRMARY. Iri,%RAINED NURSES for PRIVATE CASES may be had on application to the MATRON, Inarmary, CM-marthea. [9136 s-' U N INSURANCE OFFICE, (FIRB) FOTNDBD 1710. Sum insured in 1893 JE395,854.440. For all particulars apply to the fohowim g:A gentb CARMARTHEN Mr WILLIAM FRANCIS Llaadilo Mr David W Jones LIanstephan. Mr John Davies Uamdyssil Mr John D. Thomas {7529 ? THE NEW SOAP. A WONDERFUL DISCOVERY. Tte COCKATOO" SOAP. Washes ABsOLUtEMr without labour, rubbing, or scrubbing. Try a 3d. Tablet, and prove it for yooraelvee. For Laundry, Bath, and Teiiet. Bold and recommended T W. 8. MÖRRtS,. SoLN AQBNT FOR TOWN AI<D DISTRICT 24, BRIDGE STREET, CARMARTHEN. GLOUCESTER CARRIAGE AND WHEEL WORKS, EsTABLiaHED 1846. TEE NEW SHOW ROOMS FOB CARRIAGES ARE NOW OPEN. TJ 'HESE ROOMS, having a floor area of 12,400 sq. feet, i and lighted with electricity, are the lariat and tandscmeat Carnage Rooms in the West of England. They are situated at the corner of NOR1HGATE STREET and Gl<OhGE STREET, GLOUCESTER, within three or four minutes' walk of the Railway Station!' and the Cross. A LARGE STOCK of Broughams. Dog-carts, Lacoans, Trade and other Veticles, some of which are ntted with Electric Light, Rubber and Pneumatic Tyres. PROPRIETORS: The Gloucester Railway Carriage and Wagon Company, Limited. Makers also of Railway Carriages, Saloons, and other RoHing Mock. jddress-THE CARRIAGE & WAGON Co., GLO'STER. 9t23] ALFRED SLATER, General Manager. SALMON AND FRESHWATER FISHERIES ACTS, 1861 TO 1892. TEIFY FISHERY DISTRICT. N OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that I, the under- J. signed ARTHUR DAVIEs BERRINGTuN, being ihepfrson duly appointed for the purpose by the Board «f Trade. will hold a Public Inquiry at THE GUILDHALL, CARDIGAN, On TUE'DAY, 26th FEBRUARY, 1895, AT 11 A.M., imtothe following Bye-law made by the Board of Con- servato, 8 of the Teify Fishery District Within that part of the Teify Fishery District which consists of the River Teify, the estuary of the said bivpr, the sea shore between Cardigan Island and Ctmmaes Head, and the sea adjoimng the sea shore between the said points for the distance of three miles seaward from low wtter mark, draft nets shall mot be used exceeding 200 yards in length when measured wet. Any person acting in contravention of this Bye* iaw shall be liable for each offence to a penalty not exceeding Five Pounds." AND NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN, that at such Inquiry all persons interested will have an opportunity of being heard. (Signed) A. D. BERRINGTON, An Assistant Secretary to the Board of Trade. Fisheries Department, Board of Trade, S.W., 16th February, 1895. [9151 WHEELER'S PURE SEEDS. POST FREE. "WHEELER'S PERFECTION CELERY. Exquisite navour, remarkable for its size, solidity, and weight. Per pkt., Is 6d. WHEELER'3 ST. DAVID LEEK. This is one of the finest Leeka in caltivation, being of great size, M&nchea freely, and is tender and ex- cellent. Per pkt., Is. WHEELER'S TOM THUMB LETTUCE. Most favourite cabbage variety, nothing can surpass it for navour and general excellence. Per kt., Is and 6d each. ($ every packet of heeler's Seeds is affixed a st", beanng new Trade.iTMH-&. WHEELER'S PRICED LIST OF VEGETABLE and FLOWER SEEDS WtU be sent Gratis and Post Free. It comprises all the choicest and best varieties both for exhibition and for general nse. 'jT C. wnEELER & SON) SEED GROWERS, GLOUCESTER. f:9152 ESTABLISHED 1806. HENRY CADLE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL WINE, SPIRIT, ALE, AND PORTER MERCHANT, HALF MOON HOTEL, DARK-GATE AND BLUE-STREET, CARMARTHEN AGENT FOB BASS, ALLSOPP'S, AND OTHER ALES. GUIN.NESS S AND OTHER PORTERS, IN CASKS AND BOTTLES. CASKS, FROM 9 GALLONS AND UPWARDS, ALWAYS IN STOCK. SAMPLES AND FBJCBS ON APPLIOATION. SCHWEPPB'S CHAMPAGNE GINGERADE, LEMONADE, SODA WATER, AND BRIGHTON SELTZER WATER. VINES AND SPIRITS OF THE BEST QUALITY. Ppeics, FROM 2a. to 78. JPNB BOTTLB. ALL ALES OF MATURE AGE. AN ORDINARY EVERY SATURDAY AT ONE O'CLOCK. IMPORTANT TO FARMERS. THOMAS RICHARDS HAS JUST RECEIVED PER THE "TRELEIGH" STEAMSHIP, 3,400 BAGS OF BASIC SLAG. A:LSO, PER STEAMER <'TEXA," <,640 BAGS OF THOMAS'S PHOSPHATE POWDER. A FEW SUB-AGENCIES VACANT. APPLY— THOMAS RICHARDS, 64-, PRIORY STREET, CARMARTHEN. GREAT REDUCTION. Ask for prices, delivered at ANY STATION. J OHN EEWISS SAINT CLEARS, WHOLESALB AND RETAIL MERCHANT Or COAL, CULM, LIME, CEMENT, GROUND AND LUMP (ABERTEAW) UME. ALSO DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF COLLIERY WOOD. WHOLESALE AGENT FOR THE CELEBRATED 4-FOOT MAESTEG HOUSE COAL. ALSO FONTYBEREM, RHOS, EMLYN, TRIMSARAN, GREAT MOUNTAIN, AND OTHER NOTED "ANTHRACITE" COLLIERIES. Whotesate Dealer in the renowned "GARTON" of Bristol ALES and STOUTS. SOIJ) IN 4, 9, AND 18 GALLON CASKS. At Is., is. 2d., Is. 4d., and Is. 6d. per Gallon (Stock always kept on hand). qr PLEASE NOTE THE ADDRESS- WHARFS :STATION YARD AND QUAY. Zf.B.-COAt, tM,, &c., are Sold at the VERY LOWPGT Remunerative rricea, and can be delivered to anywhere to suit Customers, at a LOW Charge. [8451 SPECIAL OFFER FOR FEBRUARY ONLY. 30 MANGLES, 22iN. POLISHED ROLLERS, 34/6 EACH. CASE ONLY. 30 MANGLES, 22iN. POLISHED ROLLERS, 34/6 EACH. CAS n: 0 N L Y o. DAVIES. TOW-Y WOH S, CARMARTHEN. EARTHLY FOOTSTEPS OF THE MAN OF GALILEE, Retraced in the Year 1894 with Note-hook and Camera, OFFERED TO THE READERS OF "THE WELSHMAN" FROM THE MANGER TO THE BITTER CROSS ON CALVARY. THE Earthly Footsteps of the Man of Galilee have been retraced during the past year in those superb Holy Land Art Portfolios, which picture not only Palestine, but also Egypt, Asia Minor, Greece, Rome, Naples, and the Archipelagic Islands. The joumeyings of the Apostles have also been followed with note book and camera. Over 800 splendid Photographs have been secured, from which 500 have been selected, and these embellish the work which is offered to readers of this paper on terms indicated in subjoined coupon. Part VI. now ready. This superlatively meritorious work will consist of 24 parts. Each part will contain 16 illustrations, and is offered on nominal terms to readers of the Welshman and their friends. TO OBTAIN EACH PART it will be necessary to cut out the appended coupon, and forward it, together with the necessary cash or halfpenny stamps, direct to the WELSHMAN" OFFICE, 123, Lammas-street, Carmarthen or tO OUT NEWSAGENTS. PARTS 1. TO V. MAY ALSO BE OBTAINED. COUPON. EARTHLY FOOTSTEPS OF THE MAN OF GALILEE. For one of these Coupons, and 7 -d. In cash or postage stamps, we will deliver, post &ee, to any address In the United Kingdom, Part VI. of our Portfolio of Photographs. If delivered at our Omce, or purchased of any Newsagent, the price will be SIXPENCE. Please forward Portfolio No. to Name Addre8g -h_ ,I fl you are unable to procure from our NEWSAGENTS, send cash or 7!d. in halfpenny stamps to MANAGER, "WELSHMAN," 123, LAMMAS STREET, CARMARTHEN. THE IMPROVEMENT OF LANDED ESTATES. THE LAND LOAN AND ENFRANCHISEMENT COMPANY (Incorporat6à by Spøcia 1 .Act ø f l'arliammt) A ??9? ?O?EY to Landowners for drainage, the erection of farm buildings, artisans' and miners' cottages .Cm. tnal pits for mines, and for the general improvement of landed property; also to TENANTS FOR T TTr?fn? th?&CtlON OF and ADDITIONS to ESTATE MANSIONS, STABLES, andOUTBUIU)SM andthS genera! sanitary improvement; the amount borrowed beizg repaid by a terminable rent-charge. No invtigation of Me M necessary. Prospectus and forms of application may be obtained at the Company's omces. No. 22, Great George-street, Westminster, S.W. EDWIN GARROD, Secretary. MORTGAGE AND GROUND-RENT BRANCH OF THE LAND LOAN AND ENFRANCHISEMENT COMPANY. r? HE Company's Register contains vanous sums of trust and otber moneys awaiting investment on m'"o"r"tmgtt?M e.aannud for the purchase of ground-rents. Further particulars on application, t No. 22. Great George-street, Westminster. 8. W ?? GABROD, Secrecy. No. 22, Great (;ewge-street, Westminister, S.. (9056 JOEN DAVIES, DECEASED. Pursuant to the 4ct 22nd and 23rd Ttctorm, c<tp. 35, I?J OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Creditors and L ? Parsons having claims against the estate of John Davies, late of Nu. 103, Priory-street, Carmarthen, Retired Merchant (who died on the 14th day of December, 1893, and whose will was proved by John Evans and Thomas Davies, the surviving executors therein named, on the 6th day of February, 1894, in the Principal Registry of the Probate Division of the High Court of Justice), are re- quired to send the phrttculars thereof in writing to us, the undersigned, on or before the 12th day of March next, after which date the Executors will proceed to distribute the assets, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice. Dated this 12th day of February, 1895. BARKER, MORRIS, & BARKER, 2, Nott Square, Carmarthen, 9144] Solicitors to the Executors. BREWERS' EXHIBITION, 1894. NICH MERIT CERTIFICATES AWARDED ,TO THE CARMARTHEN UNITED BREWERIES (LimTED) FOR THEIR CELEBRATED ALES. I 'HE following extracts are taken from the several t Trade papers, containing a report of the Exhibition, with reference to the ALES sent in by the CARMAR- THEN UNITED BREWERIES :— The contributions from the CARMARTHEN UNITED BREWERIES were a very delicate light coloured A K, and a rich luscious XXXX. The East India Pale Ale was a nne sample, all of which reflected great credit upon the Brewer and Manager, Mr J. J. H. King.The Brewers' Journal. The CARMARTHEN UNITED BREWERIES &ent a A K of beautiful appearance, and a 6ne bodied XXXX. In our estimation, and in that ,f many of the visitors, the best Pale Ale was sent by the CARMARTHEN UNITED BREWERIES. They were excellent Beers, and in the pink of conditiou.The Country Brewers' Gazette. Amongst those Beers which took our fancy, we men- tion the CARMARTHEN UNITED BREWERIES." The Brewing Trade Review. The India Pale and Mild Ale (N P U) from the CAR. MABTHEN UNITED BREWERIES, produced under the direction of Mr J. J. H. King, were of excellent quality.Th Brcwcr:¡' Guardian, PBKEa ARE AS FOLLOWS :— TONIC A E PALE ALE. Highly Recommended. is. per Gallon. SeM in Casks of aK stxes. 18 Gallon 9 Gallon Casks. Casks. N P U 27s. 13a. 6d. XXXX 24s. 12s. XXXX M 21s. 10s. 6a. XXX 18s. 98. India Pale Ale 24s. 12s. Tonic Pale Ale 21s. lOs.ed. A K 18s. 9s. 4l Gallon Casks if required. Order early to ensure prompt delivery from the CARMARTHEN UNITED BREWERIES (LIMITED). WH!CfOF MR WEEKLY PAPERS HAS THE LARGEST CIRCULATION IN THE TOWN & DISTRICT? THE CIRCULATION OF THE WELSHMAN," Oonnned fo<' the most part to the Counties of Carmar- then, Pembroke, and Cardigan, chiefly the two former, Is Between 4,000 & 5,000 Copies. It varies somewhat from week to week, but OUR MAXIMUM CIRCULATION is Considerably Nearer 5,000 THAN 4,000. And if we Continue the Rate at which We have been Increasing for the past Couple of Yeara, OUR CIRCULATION NEXT YEAR wit! be fast approaching SIX THOUSAND COPtES WEEKLY. Of all the Newapapere that hare ewer been published within the timtta of the Three Conntiea above named, We have tea"on to believe that only one beaidee our own haa, at any time, had a circulation of 3,000, or a little over; and, as regards a Paying Circa tati on, NOT ONE HAS EVER APPROACHED 4,000, With the aingte exception of the Welshman. Our pro- greaa in,the space of Three Years is something unique, and wholly unexampled in the hiatory of Weekty Jonrnatiam in Watea. FREE COPIES Of thia Paper are aapptied only to a few large Adver. tiaera. certain Nowa Correapondecte, and others who do actual work tor the Welshmttn. With the exception of this amati number Every Copy of the Welsh- man Printed is Paid For. Not only that, but EVERY SUBSCRIBER to whom the paper is tent PAYS TBE FULL RATE of Seren Shiltinga a Year. THE WELSHMAN COMPANY has NEVER BENEFITED A PENNY by ANY POLITICAL ASSOCIATION, or by any Partisan Agency wbatoTer. The Welanman has no temptation, therefore, to serve any Cauae but that of Truth and Juatice. So far a< the Electioneering and Wire-pulling Section of the Wealthy and Great can Boycot the Welshman," They Do it. No Advertisement relating to the Big Monetary, Political, Religious, or Social Affairs of OUR BETTERS, or to tbeit Meetinga (wMch, AoM ever, w<? are often eordially invited to Roport) ever appears in the Wel3hman. Even the Noticea of Locat GoTernment Audita connected with Locat Authorities, spending our Looa! Rutea, have for yeara been rigidit withheld from us, ani given to papers in this and the adjoining countiea which comparatively few of the Ratepayers ever aee. The Welshman Stands on its own Legs; And the People, properly Bo-called, whether Toriew, Radicala. Sooalists, Chnrchmen, or Nonoonformiate, have ConSdence in it, because it Treats them All Alike, without Fear or Favour. TO BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS. r,ENDF.R;; are invited for extending the Lifeboat CofFee Tavern," and building a pair of Cottages adjoining, at the Ferryside. for Mr J. Percy. PIana and specifications may be seen on application to the undpr. ?t' ?? ? ?'? ? ? ?? ?? on or before March 16th next. The lowest or any Tender, will not necessarily be accepted. GEORGE MORGAN & SON, Architects. King Street, Carmarthen, Hth Feb., 1895. F9I47 ?' ASSEMBLY ROOMS, CARMARTHEN. FOR TWO NIGHTS ONLY, Pg.5rRSD,4 Y 4. FRIDAY, FEB. 28, q- MAROH 1, 1895. PRICES—2s, Is, and 6d. Doors open at 7.30. Commence at 8 o'clock. Carriages at 10.30. MISS MAGGIE MORTON'S RENOWNED ORGANIZATION, In the Stirring, Bventfnl, and Exciting Sensational Play, in Five Acts, entitled- "A MARKED MAN." [9150 GRAND EISTEDDFOD AT THE MARKET PLACE, CARMARTHEN, On THU EcSDA Y, MA Y 30th, 1895. ?HIEF CHORAL COMPETITION-" We never wi!I ?tu?r ?nnumb?. "? ?ca?s," Rand? Not under 7 0 in num b er. Not under 10 ill Prize, £30. I I'r Ffynon (Alaw Ddn)..85 <' y Gnf (Jenkins) ?? ? ?T ?" ?????Lie?oS ?33a;Juvemfe Choirs, .S3 33, and Silver Medal to the Conductor; Quartette, .62; Duet,.eil0a; Solos, .61 Is each, &c. P'rog,.ammes, 1d; by Post, ld. Further particulars can be had fiom the Hon. Sec., J. R. LEWIS, I 91251 97, Priory Street, Carmarthen. SALES & TO LET BY AUCTtON. CARMARTHENSHIRE. PARISHES OF LLANGU.A'NOCK AND ST. PETER'S. TO TIMBER MERCHANTS, COLLIERY PROPRIETORS, AND OTHERS. HIGHLY IMPORTANT SALE OF TIMBER TREES AND POLES. MESSRS LLOYD & THOMAS are favoured with iv? instructions to oner for SALE by AUCTION at <he Railway Hotel, St dears, at 3 o'clock, on Friday, March 8th, 1895, the Mowing valuable lots of Timber Trees and Poles, viz. A LOT I.-About 700 exceptionally wen-grown Oak and Ash Timber Trees and Poles, standing and growing on the Farm of Cwmcoch, in the Parish of Dangunnock LOT 2.-About 176 Ash and Beech Timber Treea. standing and growing on the same farm. LOT 3,-About 185 Oak and Ash Timber Trees, stand- ing and growing on the same farm. The Tenant, Mr William Thomas, will show the lots. For further particulars, apply to the Auctioneers, 5, Quay-street, Carmarthen. 19141 CARMARTHENSHIRE. PARIBHOF mrDRIM. To TIMBER MERCHANTS, CoLUEBY PROPRIETORS, AND OTHERS. HIGHLY IMPORTANT SALE OF LARCH AND OTHER TIMBER TREES. -?rESSRS. LLOYD & THOMAS are favoured with l?i instructions to oB'er for SALE by AUCTION, at the Railway Hotel, St. Clears, at a quarter-past Three, on Friday, March 8th, 1895, the undermentioned very valu- able Larch Trees, on the Farm of Cilcoed, In the above Parish:— LOT I-About 2.200 Larch Trees, now standing and growing near Cilcoed House, and adjoining the road lead. ing to Mydrim. LOT 2-About 1,750 Larch, Spruce, and Scotch Trees. and divided from the last lot by a X in white paint from the top to the bottom of the Wood. LOT 3—About one-and-a-half acres of Oak and Ash Timber Trees and Poles, standing and growing on the Farm of GarHegan. Mr David Evans, of Pleasant View, Mydrim, will show the Timber. [9140 CARMARTHENSHIRE. PARISHES OF XYDRIMT TRELECH-AR-BETTWS. To TIMBER MERCHANTS. COLLIERY PROPRIETORS, AND OTHERS. HIGHLY IMPORTANT SALE OF LARCH AND OTHER TIMBER TREES. T\/rESSRM. Li OYD & THOMAS are favoured with in- iTi structions to oSer for SALE by AUCTION at half- past 3, on Friday, March 8th, 1895, at the Railway Hotel, St Clears, the undermentioned very valuable Larch Trees:— LOT I.-About 1,200 very fine grown Larch, Scotch. and Spruce Treea, now standing on the farm of Cwm, near Mydrim, and being the portion under the road leadin'g to Cwm House. LOT 2.—About 1,300 Larch, Scotch, and Spruce Timber -cotc b and Spruce 'Ember Trees, on the same farm, and being the portion above the road loading to Cwm House. Lor 3.—About 9,000 exceedingly nne Larch Trees, standing and growing on the farm of Eithinduon. in the Parish of Mr Thomas Walters, Aberwern, wi!l show the above lots. For further particulars, apply to the Auctioneers, 5, Quay-street, Carmarthen. )9142 CASTELLGORFOD ESTATE. T?/DTR. JOHN FRANCIS will SELL by AUC- iiLL T)ON, at the Swan Hotel. St. UIeara. on Monday. March 4th, 1895, nre lot" of very 6ne gfown Tree". c<mptising 734 Larch and Afh on AIltcoedmawr, CaateHgorfod Farm 1,482 Larch, Ash, and Oak on the same farm; 482 Oak, Ash, and Beec'. on AUtrhew; 420 Ash, Oak, and Larch on Oetcant; 501 Ash, Bepcb, and Poles on Parkybach; all in the parishes of Llan- gicning and Mydrim. Also ab«ut 2 aorpa of valuable Oak and other Pit- wood and Poles on the Farm of CaerIIeoa, near Mydrim. Full particolara appear in poatore. [9139 CARMARTHENSHIRE. ABERCYFOR BALL 4' BWLCHGWYNT ESTATES, About 2 miles from the To<vn of Carmarthen. HIGHLY IMPORTANT SALE or VALUABLE FREEHOLD PROPERTY. TL/t ESSR8. J. HOWELL THOMAS & SON have been -L'JL favoured with inatruc'ions from William Bowen, Esq., to SELL by AUCTION, at the Boar's Head Hotel, Carmarthen, on Saturday, the 9th day of March, 1895, at half-past Two o'clock in the afternoon, in 2 Lots, or such other number of Lota as may be determined upon prior to or at the time of the Sale, the very valuable Freehold Farms, Outbuildings, and Premises, viz.:— LoT I-The exceedingly desirable Residential Freehold Farm, catled ABERCYFOB. HALL," situate in the Parish of Llandefeilog, containing a capital stone-built and slated DweDing-house and Outbuildings, all in excellent repair' and about 9a. Or. 21p. of good Pasture Land. LOT 2—The valuable Freehold Farm, called BwLCH- GWYNT," comprising a Dwelling-house and Farm Build. ings, and 53a. 3r. 4p., more or less, of Pa-ture and Arable Land, situate in the said Parish of Llandefeilog. Further particulars may be obtained of Rowland Browne, Esq., Solicitor, or of Messrs J. HOWELL THOMAS & SON. 91291 Auctioneers & Estate Agents, Carmarthen. AT EIN GOHEBWYR. ARTHUR."—Mae yn flin enym naa gail eicb yaMif ymddacgos, oberwydd prinder gofod. CYMRO "—Detbyciwyd eich l'y)hyr, ond yr ydym yn credo mae gwell ydyw peidio gadad iddoym- (tdangce.

THE extent of the distress in Carmarthen at this moment is far greater than the well-to- do suppose. There is not an increase but rather a diminution in the number of beggars. The- tippling, good-for-nothing parasites that beg all the year round without any real necessity are. almost ashamed to cry out while they hav& neighbours next door sundering far more than they and yet keeping silent. Numbers of honest working-men and their families are in a state of downright destitution, as the Tinworks are still idle, and building and various kinds of industry have been susptnded for a c'uple of months past. These people, or some of them, may make their condition known to a few neighbours or friends, but the majority will not beg or send their wives to stand shivering in rags for half-an-hour before the soup kitchen, making a public exhibition of their misery. Seeing the number of troublesome beggars and loafers that infest this town at ordinary times, many people are inclined to doubt that there are toilers in Carmarthen who would be too proud to beg if they were really in need. And yet there are numbers of such people In Carmarthen and our readers may rest assured that public charity does not, except in a few cases, reach those who ar& most in need. We have been told ot a certain grocer who lent a number of sacks to a family to cover the children'at night, in a house where food and fire were almost as scarce as bedclothes. Something is being done to cope with the evil, but not half enough. Suppose we had half a dozen of ladies or gentlemen who would each under- take to do half as much as Mrs R M Thomas is doing, each working in his or her own fashion. Giving a subscription is not enough. Those who- have means should go round and see things for themselves. LAs we go to press, the Mayor has called a meeting for Saturday evening to consider the distress. ] IT seems that the Conservatives are determined at next Central Election to contest every constituency in Wales where they think they have a ghost of a chance. If they capture no fresh citadels in South Wales it may safely be concluded that Liberalism is very strong, indeed, throughout the southern half of the Principal- ity, for it must be confessed that our members are a poor lot. Few are courageous enough to say this openly, but everyone believes it. The question which most of our readers will ask themselves is, what prospect lies before the Conservative candidates in these three South Western Counties. In Cardiganshire, we should say, the outlook is anything but encourag- ing to those who have worked so hard to convert the people of that county into" Union- ists." For one Gladstonian who has adopted Unionist principles there, during the past six or seven years, probably ten will be found to have developed into "Fabians" or Socialists. Mr. Harford is a useful country gentleman, and an enterprising agriculturist; the Cardiganshire Methodists show a tendency to wobble here and there Mr Bowen Rowlands has done as much as man could do to convince the electors that Liberalism means, "Look after your own business, and let your constituents look after theirs." Still, we know too much of the Cardis" to suppose for a moment that the majority will vote Tory this time. In the case of Pembrokeshire it is leas safe to prophesy. In the county there is just a bare possibility that Mr Maunders Davies may win;. if Mr. Lort Phillips or Sir Owen Scourneld were the candidate, there would be more than a possibility, However, as matters stand, Mr. Rees Davies is very likely to retain his seat. In the Boroughs the Conservatives have much better ground for hope. Mr. Egerton Alien is quite equal to the average Welsh Member-in fact, he is above the standard-and the fact of his being one of the Aliens of Pembrokeshire is in itself, as we have often said before, a qualification that goes a very long way. Nevertheless, anyone who knows something of the inner life of the Boroughs will agree with us that General Lnurie'a chances of success are by no means despicable. In Carmar- thenshire as well there are now Conservative candidates in the neld for both divisions of the county. In the Eastern Division there will be no change. Few people could have concerned themselves less with the business of the con- stituency than Mr. Abel Thomas has done during the time he has been in Parliament, and if he w<re not a lawyer whose face is familiar at assize courts, half the electors would, ere now, have almost forgotten his existence. But the electors know still less of Mr Ernald Richardson, and few of them are aware of any reason why they should vote for him. He must be a very sanguine man, indeed, and very ignorant of the Carmarthenshire people, who would expect votes for Mr Richardson from men who voted against Sir Marteine Lloyd, of Bronwydd. The thing is too absurd to reason about. Now, a few remarks with regard to the Western Division of the county, and we have done—for it will be time enough to consider whether Llanelly is tired of its member or not when an opponent enters the field against Major Jones. [We speak only of the Llanelly member; everybody knows that Carmarthen is not represented in Parliament.] On Satur- day last the Conservative Association select( d Mr W J Buckley, of Penyfai, as. their candidate for West Carmarthenshire. Now, in order to forecast the result of next election, it may be well to consider who and what Mr Buckley is, who and what is the man he proposes to wage battle with, and what is the pre-<ent political temper of the constituency. As reg"rds the nrst of these three questions, everything is in Mr Buckley's favour. He is a favourite with men of all parties. He is not merely a man of means, but a free-handed, generous man a dashing sportsman; a consider- able landowner, and a first-rate landlord a practical agriculturist, who not only helps on stock showa, farming clubs, and every move- ment tor the advancement of the agricultural interest, but buys, sells and exhibits stock of various kinds with a degree of success which the most experienced tenant farmers may well envy. When dealing with his favourite subjects, such as the improvement of breeds of horses and the like, Mr Buckley is an effective speaker and when we remember that he is an M.F.H.. and all that, it may probably be said with truth that hardly another man of his position in Waics is so thoroughly in touch with the prac- tical farmer. Mr Buckley is the son of a man who exercised a good deal of political influence as a speaker and worker on the Liberal side, and this circumstance will very likely secure him a number of votes from men inclined to Liberalism, although it may strengthen the pre- judices of a few other Liberals against him. Most people who know him will have very grave doubts thnt Mr. Buckley himself is a Conserva- tive, or half a Conservative but he is certainly not a ma'! to advocate the town or shopkeeping interests in preference to the country and farming interests, and thus the Conservatives would be glud to have him on the principle that half a lout is better than no bread. However this may, t e his best policy is to call himself a Conservative pure and simple, and not play with- such terms as Unionist" or Liberal Unionist." The gentry do not seem to be aware of the int nse hatred which the real Welsh