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WALTERS' HYBRO-PMEUMATtCJHEMA SYRINGE. THrs newly-invented instrument is very much -L superior to any at present in use, on account of !ts simplicity, its great portabiiity. and its durability. It is in itself reservoir and syringe, less than half the size of any others that hotd the same quantity of nuid. and gives a continuous jet of any force required, and free from air. It has been shown to several of the tuoat eminent physicians and surgeons in London, and lin-9 met with their unquatined approbation. They wi!t be forwarded per post into any part of the coun- try on receipt of a post.omce order for a (guinea and a half. Manufactured only by the inventor, J.Walters, 16. Moorgate-street, London, whose name is stamped Upon them. N.B. Elastic Laced Bandages Manufactured by J. W. are cooler, tighter, more durable, and altogether very far superior to any others. Directions for measuring will be forwarded, if re- quired. BUUM MUT AND RHEUMATIC PILLS. Cc.!P Communicated by Jlr. L/0y(7, Chcmist and D/'Mfy- gut, Richinoiid, Setrrey, to 31r. T. Prout, 229, Strand, London. S' Mav 3, 1842. IR¡-T1.ê wile of a person residing in' St. John's k3 (jreen, in this place, came to my shop a little time tince, for a box of your Pills for her husband. She toid me that previous to his taking them lie had a f<o/fn< attacks of Gout, which some times laid him up for weeks and months together, but «Mcetaking them, the last six years he has never been laid up, and only requires one dose of the Piiis to set At/M to rights. t have seen the husband since (yesterday. May 2d. 1842). and he toid me the same exactly, and moreover says, he never takes any other medicine. This, t can assure you. is not a solitary instance. I invariably find them do good whenever I have so)d them. The parties say they shai) be happy to give any information in their power, as public benefit. t am, Sir, yours, respectfully. E. lll,OYI)l Chemist. Post Omce, Richmond, Surrey." The testimonial of the astonishing etheacy of BLAtR'S COUT AND RHEUMATIC PiLLS are universaiiy accompanied by the fact, that no incon- venience of any sort attends its administration, but that the patient, without feeling the operation of the medicine, is university left in a stronger and better state of health than experienced previous to being afflicted with this disease: and in all cases of acute suffering, great relief is obtained in a few hours, and a cure is generaUy effected in two or three days. See Testimonials of Lieut. Masters (of Hawtey. hear Bagshot).iate of the Royai Newfoundland Veteran Companies, who was invalided home, by a Garrison order; the Rev. Dr. Biomberg; the Chevalier de la Marde; Mr. Cosher, Beaconsneld; Mr. Richard Sx'ne, Imton; Mra. Chambers, I%Iaid.;tone, &c. &c., whL-h demonstratf tt)is preparation to be one of the greatest discoveries i" medicine. Sotd by Thomas Prout, 229, Strand, Lond, on and ..by his appointment by MonftMEB. Carmarthen Mm.EvA.NS Near the Cross, do. MoaoAN Merthyr'fydni PHtLnps. Cardin WtLLiAMs Brecon MORGAN Abergavenny WtLHAMS Newport OouLSTONE. Handovery. and all respectabte Medicine Venders throughout the United Kingdom. Price 2s. 9d. peT box. Ask for BLAttt'S UOUT AND RHEUMATIC PILLS, and observe the name and address of fhomas Prout, 229, Strand, London," impretsed upon the (govern- ment Stamp affixed to each box of the (Genuine Medicine. rrampton's PUl of Health. HE mantfoM advantages to the Heads of Families from the possession of a Medicine of known effi- cacy. that may be resorted to with confidence, and used with success in cases of temporary sickness, occurring in famines more or less every day, are so obvious to ai}, that no question can be raised of its importance to every householder in the kingdom. From among numerous testimonials, the foiiowing is re<!pectfu!)y submitted:— "TO MR. THOMAS PCOPT, 229, STRAND. T-ONDON. 5, Cooper-street, Manchester, March 12, !842. "Str.—t have much satisfaction in commulliI'ating to you the result of my experience after repeated triais of" Frampton's Pill of Health," and t feet it but jus tice to state, that in the course of m&ny years' tria) of various Aperient Medicines, t have never foundry snits at once salutary and emcient in the reHef of the system from redundant biie.&c., &c., wit)'so!itt)e inconvenience; am, therefore warranted in declaring that they suppty to me a means long wanting, "f bcin able to recommend to Famiiies, Schoo!h,and especially Mercantile Men. whether at the desk or on the road, a most valuable resource in an occasional medicine. And t shall take credit to myseif if, in stvtn? ttiis testimony, t am the means of making Framptun's PiHs more ceneratty known and appreciated. t am, Sir, rcspectfuHv yours, WtLHAM SMtTH." The unprecedented stt!e of these Pi))s, arisin); from the earnest recommendations of the many thousands who have derived benent from their use, render any lengthened comment unnecessary; they are not put forth as a cure for all diseases to which mankind is liable, but for Bilious and Liver Comptaints. with their tuany weU known attendants. Bilious and Sick Head- ache, Pain andOppresston after meats, (hdd)ness, D<z- xiness Singing Noise in Head and Hars, Drowsiness, Heartburn. !<oss of Appetite, Wind, Spasms, &c. Two or three doses wiH convince the a<Hicted of their salutary effects. The stomach wi))speedi)y regain its strength; a healthy action of the Liver, Mowe)s. and Kidneys w!)! rapidly take place; and instead of jistiessness, heat, pains, and jaundiced appearance, strength, activity, and renewed health, extending to good o)d age, witi be the result of taking this medicine, according tn the directions accompanying each box. So)d by Thomas Front, 229, Strand. London price Is. lid., and 2s. 9d. per box; and by his appoint <nent by MoRTiMEn. Carmarthen MRS. EvANs Near the Cross, do. MORGAN. Merthyr Tydvii PHiLnrs. Cardiff WiLLiAMs. Hrecon MoRHAN. Abergavenny WtLHAMs. Newport HouLSTONR. Llandovery and by the Venders of Medicines generally throughout the kingdom.. Ask for FRAMPTOK s PiM. or HEALTH, and observe the name and address cf" Thomas Prout, 229, Strand, London," on the Government stamp. THE ELEVENTH THOUSAKD. Just Pitblished, in a Sealed Em'clopr, pr;('(! 38.; "lId snit free OM ?'<:e<'<p< ofa Post Office 3x. o. T\TANHOOD; the causes of its premature decline, .1?- with piain directions for its perfect restoraHon addressed to those suffering from the destructive enects of excessive indulgence, solitary habits, or infection; fotiowed by observations on MARRIAGE, and the treatment of Syphiiis, Gonorrhoea, (jieet, &c. illustrated with cases, &c. &c. By J. L. CuRTis and Co., Consulting Surgeons. ELEVENTH EDITION. PuMished by the Authors, and soU by BaUiere, Medical Bookseller to the Royal Coiiege of Surgeons, 2t9, Regent.Street; Strange, 21, Pate:nostef Row, ) ¡()Odon; Phinp. South Castte.street, Liverpoot; Pritchard, (%r<wtc!e Omce, Chester; Fanntn and Co., 41, Urafton Street, Dubtin; Drummond, 114, High- street, Edinburgh; f'<tM&rMM OHtce. Swansea; Ferns and Score, Chemist to the Queen, Union Street, Bus- tol; Watton, (!Iiro?iicle Omce, Shrewsbury; 7'MM Omee, Hereford; and sotd in a seated envelope by al! Booksellers. OftX<ON< or TKE fRKS< Th!! woTtt. & tmY ?NTK edttion of which is now presented to the pub))c, tO.WM copitt having been exhausted einre ita 6f*t appear- I ance, hM been Vfry ntuch improved and entarged by th<' addttton I of a more extended and ciar detail of general principles, as atao by the iutertion of weverat new and highly interesting ca<n. The book, as has been atready ttated, k the res).)t of very ample and da\ly.increaing experience in a class of dlse'les which, for some unaccountable reason, have been either altogether orer- looked. or almost with by the ordinary nle- diea) practitioner, and we feel n" hMitatioo in sxyint;, that there it no member oUt'ciety by whom the book «i)i n<.t )M: found use. fu). whetber such perton hoM the retatifn of a pANtS', a ffH. CXPTOR, Ora CLZRGTSIAN. Sun paper, The perusal of Metar*. Curtie't booh. tntitied 'Manhood,' hM rt-aiiy Mtonithed u* by devoloping .< aerteo of maladim, the Mwer. failing consequence of the vicious habit of which it tyrate. The de. r cotinexion pointed oid bet_n the si!tl'ed C4ue a?id the I effect* ft perfeptibie to every capaOty. Wt :tront;!y recwnnieud the ?ortt."—?<?c. 1II"SIIl'1l, Cllrtls's work, .l1titled 'Manned.' is M!t of the few bof'hs now coming befox; the pub!:c on BUfb & ¡¡ttbjt'<'t wh)fh ran hty ciaim to the character of being etfictty proftasionai, at tht sutne titne it is fully intelligible to all who read it. The in6ro and giyen In It, render It inval ushle. 11-Maglet. This ta a work that we fear thtre exiEta too muth need for, tn cause us to heattatc to recommend it for gencrat perusa) Kfery branch of those frightful matadie' whethfr the rexutt of ttrmorat habits or secret vices, is hfre s"ccirct)y trcftted, and di- of all me-dk- it technicality, and plain and eay directions are for the best mode tn be pursued in aU cae3, or apparently To the niarited, as well as the unmarried, this little "ork alike offords conwlRtion anrl ('lire in l'aes, and we are a to oclely in it to and lIert& Mer- f«)'y. Mesiirs. Cnrtis and Co. are to be ront-ulted daily at their reeidence, No. 7, Frith Street, Soho.SquMre, London. Country patient)) are requested to be as minute as possibTt in the detail of thfir cases—the c&mmunica. on must be accompanied by the usuat consultation fee ofj6!; nd In all cases the most invPùlable secrecy may be rfiie on. Sotd by all respeetahie Goo\¡splIer,, Ttp whntn thit: Work is sent. Dust-paid, in a sca!cd Two Apprentices Wanted. -WANTED immediacy, Two steady youths, who TV are conversant with the Wt'ish language. as Ap- prentices to the !<inen and WooUen Drapery Business. Moderate Premiums wi)t be required. For particulars apply to Mr. John Green, Draper, Bridge-street, Ha- verfordwest. BUDD AND DLETCHLY Carriers by the Great Western Railway, MORNINGS AND EVENINGS, ra?O and from the ANGET. INN. FARniNGnoN-srnEET JL LONDON, and BLETCHLY'S WAREHOUSE, THO- MAS-STREET, BRISTOL, from whence goods are for- warded without delay to all parts of IRELAND and SouTii WALES, as may be ordered. ,Yb Edr({ Cha}:qe/or Shippíng at Ihi' flulu'ells Ptense Ord"r by BUDD and Co.,fromtheAffGEL tNN, FARKtKGDOJf-SlREET, LONDON, N.B Goods Carted in from any part of the Cities by a line addressed to J. BLETCuLY, Bristol, or BuDD and Co.,London. A II Empties returned witlt <-<;re 'wd free of Carriage. Br:stot, Sept. 19th, 1812. FOR COUGHS, COLDS, AND RHEUMATISM Squu-e'B Original Grand Elixir. mH!S invatuaMe Medicine speedi!y removes a!) fresh ,p"clily removes ;111 frisl] T (-('ids. with their a;tenditi,- symptoms of violent patn and soreness of the stomach proceeding from co)d and Cuu?h!ng, and is atso a most sovereign remedy in easing rheumatic pains in the timbs or joints, in which comp)ai)'t it has been so surprisingly successful as to have been by physician, &c. It gives speedy and tasting case in the most vio- lent fits of the gout. stone, or grave), and renders the functions of the body regutiu', by removing natuience. hetd-acbes, twitching of the nerves, trembling, faint- ing, &c. See that the words DicEY AND Co.* are en- graved on the stamps affixed over the cork of each bottfe. Price 2s. Sold by W. SuTTON & Co. (late DicEY & SUTTON), 10, B()w Church Yard, London; and by all the prin- cipal Booksellers, Druggists, and Medicine Venders. Of it-hom ?nay also be had, CARPENTER'S SPECtFIC for the HOOPING COUGH. Price Is. Ud. the bott)e. CARPENTER'S EMHROCAT!ON for Ditto, (to h<; rubbed in over the pit of the stomach and chest.) ls.9d the bottle. The above are the most safe and certain remedies ever discovered for that dtstressing and too often fatal disorder. Dr. RADCLIFFE's ELIXIR, a most sahjtary medi- cine used as a genera! Sweetener of the Bh'od, and for all eruptions, whether contracted by too free iiving, surfeits, or proceeding from scurvy, or humours after the meastes, smaH-pox, &c. Price Is. Ud. the bottte. DICEY and Co.'s Genuine DAFFY's EUXfR. in botties at 2s. and 2s.9d.each. See that" Dicey and Cf)." is in the stamp. DtCEY and Co.'s ANDERSONs TRUE SCOTS r!LLS. Is. lid. the box. it- Askp:trticu!ar!yfor al/d C(J.'S" MAKSHA!.L's I!EAI,-ALL. a specie for cuts, fresh wounds, bruises, ctutbiains, &c. In booties at Is. ld. and 2s. 9d. BETTON' S BR!TtSH OIL. (theontyKenu!ne),thc supertor effi(,ae.y of which is too Wt-H known to requife any comment. Price Is. 9d. TiTE WA.E& CStSXA. HOWQUA'S AND M )WQUA'S CELEBRATED TEAS. BY APPOIXfAfnXT. ?f<HE important consequences Ii)«')y to ensue to this -L Country from c the warlike operations in the ?rent Tea Mart of the worhi.h:<vc deeply occupied the minds of HROCKSOPP, HOW, and Co.. who watch the events ciosejy, with a view to do the utmost possibis justice to their numerous connections, as we)! as to maintain the eminent character which their Teas have acquired throughout Great Hrita n and !)-c'.ind. They have naturally been apprehensive that circumstances mis;ht arise to interfere with their suppjies of the ce)ebrated Teas which they import, but they have the to annoltnec that they just from Canton a very larg-e consignment from Howqua, the celebrated Hong Mercttanr, of the Black 1'1'<1 so wei) known as his mixture, as we)! as of theMoWfjua's Sma!) Leaf Gunpowder, which they are enabled to offer without any enhancement of price. The Howqua's Mixture of Forty rare black Teas is now sold at 6s. per )h., and the sinall-leif Gunpowder at 8s. 7d. p'-r )b. CAunox.—The above Te.is can onh' be genuine in the original Chu'esc catty, haU-caUy, and quarter- catty packages. A catty contains one pou''d and a third of a pound, b(,iii,- nearty '22 ounces I;-ng]¡,;h weight, and to prevent fraud a!)d aduhcration are secured with the scats of !!owqm and Mowqua, .Mer- chants, at Canton. These Teas are so thoroughly estabtished, that to entarge on their met its is perft'ctiy superfluous. Inconsequence of the many applications of our nu- merous Agents from a)! parts of the country, to set! Teas of a different class than the epiel)rale(i HO\V- QUA'S MtXTUHE. and MOWQ!JA'S SMALL LEAF GUNPOWDEH, we have undertaken to do so, and )mve selected from our extensive Stuck, such Teas which we have imported from China, as wiH ensure a ready Sale, and give general satisfaction. !n order to prevent the possibitity of our Teas being adulterated by a mixture with any inferior sorts and for the accom- modation of our Friends and the PubHc, we have packed them in iead cases, containing pounds, half- quarters, and 2 with the price Oil one end, and our seal on the other. BROCKSOPP and Co., 233 and 2:;t, High-street, Southwark, London. AGENTS SPECtALLY APPOIN,rrD FOR THIS CIRCUIT. Carmarthen. Brynmawr. David Edwards, Tea-d.'ah-r Llanclovery, U. M. Protheroe, Tea-deaier, King's Road Weishpon!, Moses Evans, do. Wrcxham, J. S. Johnson, Town-hiH. Newport, Monmouthshire Moutd, WiHiam Pring-, BookseDer. Cowbridge, D. Davics, BookseHcr Swansea, (!. T. Wi!son, Castte-Square Dadd Lewis Monmouth, C. Hough, BookseUer. r¡.ji'f'Tea Dea!ers, Confectioners, Stationers, &c., desirous of becoming Agents, may apply as above. EM<8RAT!OM TO NEW ZEKLAND. SJI.1LL CAPIT.1J,IS1'S. mHE Court of Director-, cf the New Zealand Company JL havinE: received numerous app)ications for passages from persons of the above description, and bein? desirous offaciH- tating the emigration to NewZcaiand of pfrsoos of the in- dustrious c)asses. who do not fan within the refutations entithng them to a free passage, and ;))sn of sm:.)) capita)- ;9t9 to whom the costiy accommodation usuaHy proY]t]e'i for cabin passfna-prs wnuh] be unen'tahte, notice is hereby git-en, that cabin passages tt)Wc)!ington and Netsnnmny) be obtained in the first-e-als ship chartered by the Company, to sni) from the port of Lnn- doo positively on the J 5th of November next, 00 the foUow- iop: terms. The price of a chief cabin passal!"e. with a ]ibern) dietary, will be 50 guineas fnr a murried coupte, nt)d 30 guineas for a single adu!t person and th:tt of a fore cabin passage wii! be .€'20 per adutt. 'hf prices for chIldren wiH be io the proportions <i\ed by the Passengers' Act. or as the Directors may fix in the Case of larl!e fitm'ties. Fami- lies taking fore cab]n may hnve extra space for their accommodation upon payment of a proportionat." Rdditional sum. One tun Height wiit be allowed to chuf cabin, and half a ton to fore cabin passengers, free of charge; <'x;ra freight \\111 be allowed by the Directors in their discretion, at the rate of 4.'js. per ton measurement, and 2.')S. per ton dend weight. The Company w' appoint f.n experienced surgcrn, and I wiu. provide medicines and mpdica) comforts. Applications for passatre or freight to be addressed to the Secret:tryofthe New Zt-ft'and Company. Hroad Street Buddings; or to Mr. J. SrAYXER. Uroker, HO,Fen- cburch Street, London, on or before SaturfÎdY the 15th ot October ocx t. A deposit of tl d wi)[ be required for every chief ctbin paaenge, and of jL'5 f'jr evfry fore c:;bin passuge, which must be paid to the Cornpan- on or heiore the 15th of October, and the remainder of the passage monies previ- us to e mbarkalOu. By Brder of the Court. JOHN WARD, Secretary. New Zealand House, Broad Street Buildings, 'ø"mhp I.It),. Ik..2. j J.sLANELL Y and BRISTOL, o)- ai?(l o Y'o?i- !'esse!s. t- 1, THE NEW AND POWEnFL L S T F-A B ?'-? ?? ??? -? ? 7,  PACKET, ?* HER C U L E S, A NI) is tk) ,ail tile ol Oct. A !8t2,asfo)ions:— From L!aneUy New Docks, and Cumbo-iand Basins, Brtsto). T'ROMI.LAXELI.Y. 'VEDESDA Y, OcT. 5, (j morning WHD\KSi)AY,————1-2, 11 mon¡jl\ \VEJ)='i'ESOAY, ————]9. 5¿ m'n-nin? 9 L ill FROM B!HSTOL. SATrRDAY, OfT. 1, S.\ TlTRD.\ Y, ——— 8, 8} morning StTt'R!)\Y, ——— 15, SATrKHAY. ——— 22. 7 morllill SATURDAY, ——— 29, U:)ftcrti.)on FARES—Aftct-Cabin JOs.CJ.—Deck PasseHgo-s, 5s. (!d. Steward's Fee, Is. Childreu und"r Tn'eh'e Years of Age, Hatf Price.—Pigs, Is. Cd.—Sheep, Is. Cd.-Dugs 2s. fact). Hefrcshments may !)? Lad on Board on Moderate Terms. A RaHway Train teaves the Xew D"c!< et'ery morn- m? (except Sunday) for Pontardutais, Cross ttn), and Garna.ut. from whtch phices Concyauccs can h,> had to Uandih), and all parts of the c'motry. The Puh]ic are requested to order all Goods for the HEucums to be tUrected accordtngty. Goods forwarded to Carmarthen through Kid- eHy, by Charh's and Son's and thfnce by the renutar C,nrrmrs to 1\t'wr'astle En))yn. Cardie)), Newport, Lttt)pctcr,Abet'ystwyth, St. Oc&rs.nnu Goods for !Jandl)o. and adjacent a)-e forward'-d hy Raitway to Cro'<s trm, and then by <tt-s- tir.ation,or sent t'Ía Llandove¡.y to Lampelcr allt! Aberystwit't. AHFr(is;htstobopaidondc)ivery. For f)U'therinfot-nDati()nap.ph'atthe!J;)r)"!)yH.'i'- way Omce. pscw Dock. Hanfliy: or to Mr. \V. H. Owen, Care-street Hai), 31iirsti-sti-ect, !!)i.sto).  k  ?, t:/ ?  BRis,ror, (iE.Nl,"IIAI, Steam Navigation Company, I q?HE foUowin? STEAM VESSELS are in- A tended to Sail from CuMHKRf.AXD HAS!x, BRISTOL, to the IlndprTlwntioned Piaces, with or %I'itlioul. I"ilotS, and with lil)erty t(i ti)iv Veisels. Intended D.tysan() I!.)))rsnf Sa)iin?<]u'ing the "Ionth of IS12. FOU at TEN3Y. I)li(,%N[X. I Friday. Oct. 7. ï murn Friday. )-t. latter )Fri(!nyUet.J). /morn jFri-tay ? t ? j af?r I FROM C A lt.Nl A PT I i l,' N, 0\f<LI\C AT Ti.HY. rnu':xix. I Tuesdav, Oct. 4 .H after l'uesday I I. si n)orn Tuesday, Oct. 4 :,f-ter Tuesday 2,, I FOK TEBY. gTAR, T\1esday.-PIlŒ IX, PrilJay. I Tnpsdav Oct. 4. () morn Friday 7.7tmorn Tnesctay 11 !Ii Fndav 14 Scatter TI1Psday Oet. I r, morn Friday 2! 7 )?().n *1?, 8 121 afte, I FI\Ol TEXBY. I STAR. Satofduv Oct. ).i'norn \\ednesday .).. 6morn Saturday. tI.. ö <tno!n I \Ver\nsday 1.lL\m()rn S.tturr.ay .).).<!moin I O,t. ].I.. (i 1 7 22.. I rnorn 21). 1) r,, I after \CdIH'sday 2.. :d ITlon FOR MtLFO:), PATHK, & CALUXC sr\n. Tnps'v, C?t. ?r.i?rn 'Fti",I;!y t',), I, ",? '1;) nIU)!1 !FRO.U IU VEltFO!U'WET. C;d:il1 at i\JJ 1.1'0 It I) AX!) T E 1) Y. STA It. Friday, Oct. 7 mor)' Friday .t4. 1 1, i,ite, Fndny.Oct.?). f!mnrn 1 28 L .o,? BTTST.'ENT SHAMROCK, Fn'i.'ys. Fri,!ay, Oct.7.Smnrn' 14. 2 after iFriJay, Od. .7 morn Fri,1"" 28 "ftm'ns TIHHhys. KDSn, Saturday Oct.. ] 2} nftpr T'H.sclay ,1. after k Tuesday, I 10 morn Satuda y J" k ,after )'n..sf):n-. 0ct.t. 4*r)ftcr ',12 ? i )riO'n S,ltnn!,iy. '? ??!t?r 'i'u?dnv.N"v.J after 4Nov. "). nio I I I i I) g. HetnrnT)))'sd.ns:u)dFrt(!:<ys. A. T E '3 F 0 ,1. 1) NOKA CKH!NA. Tuesdays.—OSPRHY, Frh'nvs.. Tlles(lay ('ct. 4. fi morn 7. mom li. I t) Fti').)y H. "¡¡tte Tues d a y >C. 11 ft,, Friday, Oct. 2t. 7 m?rn Tuesday, 2.'). 8n..)i" Friday.2M. )-'( a<r I Tm's(tav,Nuv. t .4 a!? Friday.4 .7 n-o'n Heturn Tufsdays and Fridays. Fa'"1. 5"INA1.1SEa. COUNTY OF rHMRHOKK, Tups,l"ys -.ri(i Frig's. BRISTOL, Tlitirsdiivsiii(i S,ittir(lavs. Sa tnY!1ny, Oct. \1 mOTn Tnsday 4.. f) morn Thl1rs,¡åy fl.. Ii! 111< Friday ?.. h tnon) morn Tusdav .11..10 morn Thursday !Uim'"n Friday t4 2 ? n.orn 2 morn tTnest?y Oct.?.)? mo'n JThurstt.?y .?('?'in?o'-n 1,' i, I;, v 7 oll? S.?ur.l.'y '?.. C ?nx"" ? ;,y ?. 9 m. T!?t..(iay 2" ?' '"?' i''r).!?v ? ..t2 nn"" Sutu.duy .? ? n?'" PROM SWANSEA & COLTY OF PFNtilltOKII,, Ti,iii-s(iivs. BRtSTO! Tuesdays and Frittavs. Saturday Oct.. I. 4 iiiorn Tuesday (; morn Thursday. <Mmorn Friday 7..7imnrn Saturday. S.i)morn I'UMday tL. 111¡morn ) 2 morn Friday )4. :morn Saturday ). 4 morn I Tuesday, Oct. ?- T?. ?- ? ? riday   morn ?;? ?' ? ?' I aesday .5- l? ?:???? Friday"" 2H 12 noon ?.?..y.?- ?'?'" To and tn.m NEWPORT. USK, and (-'fiAIIO'.I(iAN I d:)Hy,Stt[xhn-s<'x<'frtt'd. IOH. I LF¡L\COI13E, TORH!))GE. T)ipnn!y Steamer going' dire, 10 Ilfr3eo.1111", anr' !h;1! \n[1:1 nllc, t.m'tr)f- Pi'sscnKPrs.tt the Pier without the ;'i.toft!u;Us. Tuesday. Oct.! ii 1110rn Friday' 7 .S "1" Tursday )). 10 IN:)]:J i-riday 14 2 after 0"( 1-< .,1 n \Ilp,a., 0)'1 nTTI Fnda\' 21 Tnes(Íay 11, ö J IlUllt1 FHOMtLFKACOMHH. Passengers futbarked at tii,- I'lei- I T()R!U:)(:H. Saturday. Oct. 1.4 morn 1 Thursday. S m'.);r. SatnrrJay f\ morn Thursday. I:L. alter Saturday. Oct. !).I .[, I. ')11  I ? ,? r( ??y 2(l 7. ?, ?r Saturday .?-? 1 )T)inrs:t.'y.?7 1 1, n)urn' S:ttnrd.n',Oct. 'J9.Sn'.or!ur? FOK StDHFUK)). (;?))i-i? at H?KACO?!?. Toumx.H. Tut":day,Oct.4.6'T"rn Tuesday. 11.10 morn I Tllesdny. Oct. IQ )Tu(?,;)ay :). lIlorn FfIO31 T()tHm)G)- Thursday. Oct. Ii.. ¡¡ morn Thursday !T))nrs(1:)y, Oct.2?.o''n I ') 11 I T'burday 2, Lynmunth,t:t!tT)Rnd; f,(,i I itti. Passengers lauded and en.tm,kecl f¡ ee. to be paid for at 11 moderate charge, for which purpose a boat is always in For partÏt'nlars apply to Mr. J. F!U): SWA¡U TO H,F!{ACOMBE. COUNTY, Wednesdays.—DH!STO! Mondays. Hfnnday Oct.3.? morn! '\1tdr:('srfílY .5.. .\to!)()Hv )0.(;tmntn t Wcd¡¡eùaY. J.t.liÚ!Jlorr\ Morrtuy Oct.t7.? morn! "cj l??y 1!).. ""), 11I \dn.'s<). Mnn.iay .?4.?""rn \t;jr)t-adav.?ti.?'"?"' I .Monday. Oct. *I I.If mo-rnill,{ F;K)M I LFIl \CO:\lUE TO SWANSEA. COUNTY, "TedJ;"sday;BHISTOI" Mondays. Monday Oct.K. 21 aner \efh)cs[!ay.tHft<'r Monday !O.Hl\nlorn Wednesday 12. ti "fter I :lfnllday Oet. 17., I after \e<)))es.)y.?nttfr \\er)npsf!:ty.L'ti.t!uf[cr 1\1on:Iy, Ol"t.:H. ¡ noon \1 FOKCAKntFF. LADY CH.\RLOTTE, & rrhhy t{eturusT)!(-sdays.Ttm)-S)h)ys,an:i SH'))-'htys. The whole of the ahov are hlleri 'Ip for the c ey-ir, Slewartls on and Horses to be shipped 'l\o Ilours b. rore Sai'ing. Particnhtrs may be obtained I,y applying- at the };ri.;to!Stpam ;I\:jgatiùn Goods, P:ld.t1!l' Parce1s, &e, !-ihonld ht' nddrt'ssl'd '-fol \Jnsea to 'Ya Terrc,a ;\T SOliS, :n, Bad;; a"il J. Ix. Junes. 12. t,t: -for Cardiff, to It. H. C I:ire-street Hall, alld for 1\IewpOlt, to .1. JOIH'S, Il'¡wn1nm "'harf, Hnt<ve)is. Tenby; j\Jr. T. Pritch"¡, ILeu; :\lr, lIitl'hillgs, jun., Ha"erfoldwe,t; :llr. Palmer, 'Mi!torfi: JIll. Bowel). Paler; Mr.John Edwards, wansea; Mr- rtidham, Iii(let'or(i Air. J\Iartin, Qn,¡ iIIr. J. !,ynt,JII. NO;lCb:The 1"['1"1' tors of th" above Steam will not he accollntable for an\, Catlin PaSSl>ng't:>r's I.Jllg't!nge jost or aùo\'e the of ;{; Ilor for any 1>>ek Luggage (if lust or above the value of 20" in entered as sticii, and freight in proportion fo tJie same at tht- time of delivery nor will for any ndue of 40". (if 103t or rllI!HI¡,cd) ciiti-ted as sticii, freiht in paid for UIe at the time of rlplivery, Not &ccnutitab)e tor any Goods without Shipping Notes. All Letters seeding infc.rnwtior. 0 be pot,pllid. I Valuable r??MS to be L.et.  ?? ?3S? ?ET, A?H H?TEKI?D LTON AT ?IKHAHLHAS NEXT, I ??nn )t-)d?r-mP''t!?npd V;?L!n)df rar)T!s:—PEX- _& <<)Ki)F.\K?.hit)t(.p.tt)?)<)fT?i?v,atthe I v.u1y)<-?t<'f?"?t.LLY?A!)YH.YCi),uttin' p;)rishf)ftJ.nsa\d.:<tt)iHvi?)-!y)'?nt<)f .€5-);a!)d T.Y(<?)!'A?.U,u)thehai<!er.tri&h,atthe iii tllehli ;le at t l it.? 'T!? 'rents "f th' rri!r)'; are v'y l.)u-,??<it't" t?'i.'<)'xt't!tt'(!?n. to 1), r)'amp'<)'i, K"!t.. South S qllar," hï?Y? f.)')'). r P.JTEST), T*?AVtN(t n prPp'TKtK'r) of nornf i an') cOI11:lrt>ssed t)n' ;nn- r st)() !n)t"r?t'!cs. H.t" and Shoes cfithisprincip)" r('p!? 'h''?e<? ?hs?r? ?"'pP''sp)tft!?!),a)(')a-.tt<- ;it!j cc!)'f.))tai)'?''t! n"C)'!([n"rd<m)p<tt)p!ftnttt' theft. f.t or corns t:)(-v i-.o perft-.cti,. !uxnr!'n!s—t.))p <yart'r may trca') tht? r'-u?h?'-tpavc-? m(')tt?ith')ut i)'c<'r)Vt'n!t';)''?; t?cy d.'r'oto'c.tk.a?d are I'(lU;¡]! elwalJ, au,l mu<hu]'.).f du)'n.b!eth.Htt':H)se rna'le'in ti:( ordinary wny. Mari!if;'(.'tu!?d hy T. <T;n!i<'K, 44, W;<r\ick stre<'r. T. ;joot-'ti;tkt-rsi i encit to)in-tj may h:n'c iicpuces. on tr'n?rat" tt"'fn'<, on ap?ticatiun to josiali Toii,ne., Kni,71itsl)ri(i,e. I TEST)?;r!K) ALS. From Aiitloiiy and one nf t!x' EXamill'rs of he of S)trs;Rons :— "I ('an with much .lthf;l('!iün recommend to the public the boot or sho: hieh is del\ot1\\l\att'i' I"¡iHa.' hs pecuHar a,l",ul\- t"f:t's Il olht'r boot'i or she'" an', that it is to wet and I all and warmth to the is also. is to tellder :1:](1 I criD" j))t'd fet!t., ftt):" t:°ut or oth'r maladies." "ANTHONY-WHITE." U April (i, IR-l'?". Front t)' Parts, of Dover-street. I.nndon :— "I h:cfxammcd a.H \orn ith comfort and satisfaction. shoes constructed wilh iukrl!Jp(thle soles of felt. to %viliell you h.tvebt"!to\(?rt U)e"a!nt-'[oip't'Jhcy,undo'.)t)t.t'ut\possfs-,t t,.e f'o,)t pt-i'st'ssed bv ordin"r\ sit'-f". -'))<) II'e)' hHt'et):<; rare mftit ut ",)t ;;nd (irv. "J. A. P,\RIS, ;\T.I> Frnrn .1. (j, Andrpws. E'I, one of t)x' C')UitciIat.d );:tt- i'.cstd?nt"ttt.e (')'?''?.'t Sur??ons:— "tt!Vt-worn.tor so?-.ethr.e.t'?.).t?vp)tfnt"")ts c.f;)'Im- ¡¡ilk,' with flluch ('¡>tnfort ale1 .?n.t.i,? }ji!t!'t-ho.)t.- pi)i.Mith)nu(-hft)tT'f"rt!<rJ?<t)- pn'ssnre, nn': I unl t'nableJ po<s?<.?r.'a(c::tsH("t?'.<'?'pressure, n"'?"" enabled to -.Ik z, g,,?ai, "ApriiZ'.J81O," I ('')<m) i)' R'"?'?"?-sn']:'rf. !.??d!'n:— j "])":))S'r—tt?venoww''n. tor some t.r't'.ap.tirofbnots ?it))i..ttrn)efii?tpsn)es,?'t.iL'b)(,t.erm'l!?p''ia.'They are n?!nir?'.?a<):)j!tfdfo.'th.'eas(-r.dcon.for'o!t?"?rteet.ndthe f)Hst.icit\o?!?ir tread is t??'. l)'?;t,j, jcauw.n'cu.,tidenct- recommend them tu<t;f" rs, :lLD." I "H.S.RO?rS..M.U. \v. ntkt.f. n<q.. AprH 2.r). 1'2" ? L ?)i d .)n:— Frntn i)r. H vinK not only exam:nt'd, hIlt p"t to the I,n (,rOr l'xperi"e, the pT't-ntsotes invented by my frit.) ,n. I>"d;<'r, H.C.S., .tr.d I -(, in they ar a \t>r) dl,(::dcd oil th IIIt"thof1 of cnu .trllctioll. They ciTe not on:y U111Ch more ar!reeable to the ùl of the fool, but promote a '(j Itl<it"orrJl as as fronl damp. whethr witiHlut or rum the feet. "THOMAS HUPGKIX, M.I)." 11Ionth, (t.'n)<uJuh:tC.Taut]tnr), P,q., -\I.[" C.S.,tS, ::at- ) "I}];n-f'"<n \v!th satisfaction the !'ootsM!ththeinter'rpd!ate 'I'h c yare nhHt:' t'oolfort.. adapt themseh'es better to the form of the tout, 'I(d ale ÍlIIpl'n¡uus tv "]ay?.t.4'J." "JOIIXC.TArNTON." "J'?' F!. 'If p"(;:i Int' M.ift n V¡ t!I I WE??( ?SS, ???? ?3 A???S. I D t A ?- ? c n TLEY'S J:\STfWCTfO:XS FOR )1 EASe HI:\O. FOR KNKE-CAPS. Cllt(T¡ FEHECE, A B &; D. rd:so(KS. m\<TT:!At<.C. C!KCm: H!H;N< t;, A H C DtoC. STATE F()H.W!nCM LEG I U{(jE()XS I t?Kn?:md.trc?t,f) :d Scor?ndo(")t?up?.'f- i<-ott)'"f-"dHAn,Y'SHLAS!'t<A('!<)STOCK- !?(,S, K?.EE-(A:'s. an(: A?K?J; St.CKS; t'x'y an )i?h'.root,and war!)!t!<'dt"?ast). Sinc?thfrcduc- ti<)"f)"'?t?!?f.afn!<'h?! per'.<)!?s in thf country c?n i.Vf-nny bandar. ),v?,,?},,r?f,.? p?,? f,?ardif? ti.fir'nonsutf. Ti?.p;t,ti'-u'r?r<.pt-r!v<t).S<t<- inK'sttji?vfronstKotsup'?'rtiuvarict'sevt'it?.w'ak, s\v"i't' d)<)p.i,j??,?,){'?)?, ],?,nany I casRrfti'uf:Ha'?qnah!<-).rr?st)r<thf.K))fH-('ap? Ui ht'<'f t-t service ?.,?,???)?,j,?. j?j,?,?,j;s..n;) pnrt, fr'"na<?!??, ??.p?,j,j?.j????:ift..r i;i. fi:unma!).'r).r,n'?t)-);;j??ru:!)!.UYat<in;i'<)ru);u)y <'a???' f)(!)n?.?,?.???'' 't<j,. p;?? support'nay ),rt'<j')trfd. !?<-?)s??-?it?s.ISs.(;d.).<i? ?n?c- Caps,)0s(:d.; !?t..f,t Tru<s..s.pr?u?' h :"?T??. ]2?.?;nti.? {{.?2s..?).tu4s.<i.?.'?:a- dx.s Uc'?. "f<?e,yk[!«t. ?:rs. Bailey \t?itsu.) jadics. K:TTL'nE. r?rsf!nsMh,),?,?,?.?? ?,????.) ??? ?,?nt ''?"'?''y. ,APIII! Nv lif-reI ?'P'?"Tru.s:?!.?t'(-dt?..imi):nu.tt.mi. dan.cc.'t'e. DRU?(.!STS Are ?jpp?d ?;'h Trnssf-< .nd Snspf.-soty EHnda?ps. thr"'?hth.')r..V!)<??s.,)..H?us?h, ?.).)t,n.thnt?-m ennh.tf?)t)<r.sui)j,?.??.p?r?itha.soodart;cteat ant<)ne)'i.tt' p)i(')'. I'NION WORKHORSES ti,(! pliOI' llIa/l ,„ I)enltll. W. H. Bail,,v fillils i,). tliztt ht))t()rc() « of <<')" fi-in f..rtht;want"f Siir- sr)('id \y. n. B. 1'lltinllPS t(1 snpply istonisliin,, prices. Truss and iiiiii(la7,,e SRV(-r!it p;)n.h<"<. nne pu))(at), St. Pancras. ?/ ??/??r ): /-?? g,:T; /?<?.?o-< in !(-a?t;'y ot pN)/:??/s.'?, ?tj;?;jC?/?,,jy??? I ??' Orders hy Post (?i<h a Kt'toittance) attended tt*. I)Y (%i?itli a atterid,?ilt ,()le Lpn.s for ('!ipJtl'nham B<-avan and C)arke, WLctf Htsttucti.tos for mt'asuti'ta; may be had. HJr. Sfacy, Cnfrni'-t, 33. ?i)!s<M-5t.r?<'r. (" S.dc A?(")t f?r t?Kh: A ..i,? li,i, l d tt'STPUi;H?HK)).thct'thKdition,I'ric?-!<?ri..in.iS.()(.d I EJl\.t>!IIPP. and !i'pnt Free to Hny p'nt of the i\:in!!¡)nl on ??.ij)t()f'u' PustO!t:cf-U?!?r'f\r?H?.CJ..Tt!E'S?LH?r m ? .'t-r\'nus Uebit'ty.nndKs :<t- tendant sytll plthjps, nud d;¡ng't'rons coueq1]t:'n('es ('ojdt'rt:='cl, í¡{hi ,1/1 disorclers 111 ¡,iIlK fi-oiji a slule of the blood, with I means of ro sl"r'1t10n; the d,'letniolJs in:lllPn,'e of ITl('r,'I1f\' O!1 tll.. skin is fully out, the is xx-iti ten b;- R.Ht..) L..PEIlH" and Co, Consulting- SmfP(.ns. H).t))int;. tun) snut Leeds. ]'b)ishe'i by the Authors. iiiifl S«id b\ st, ange, 21, P,iternosP,, kif,, Lon.)«)): anrl bv Gneft, 51.111111 street. Birrninhanl: i"o, Bljí'-ate, Let.-ds u.)d by all t!'Jakht;Ht:)s in Town and Conn- The COHDHL HAL:1f OF SVRtACt.'M is n s:"nttp stimubnt renovatnr of t1'e f!1lction5 l1fe, eaI- ')Fci')c() retit-f to rhos<' u'hn have fallt'1I i"to st;ttc<.f(..hroi)K'')ph)tit\. It is for the<c that :\It.s" Prry and Co., Surgeons, particularly I, sj<J:n,j, their Corli,,1 Ihlm of S)riacum. A ill it' 'f i'Hg hp..nth.- h pp\' nH>an8 O''re)ievin? m:nn' thous:u)()s. a!?d ot tf.?torin? a ??eat tuttn?er to tht-).f.rn):ir.pnt.er)')y"ntntti?. A.sn()thim:cf)nh''))cn)'ati.')ptfd<nhe!"?n) nO'lri.'1 tH' con-I '-ti<,ntio.ast!)freis)?'thh?n?"f!?pro.ya(;'kno\v)<-)?fdtobe peculiatl' t'lrie",cio'" in a'! inn.a' II was(ills, lu ,t IltPltite in<Ji?.t!on,fif))"s-u"j"'it-)?:n?' orsh:tkin?ofthc h:'nds or )i)n)x,obBti')atpCt)ufhs,sh..rtnt't.? of breath. or(on- Slimpt:"e habits and is sin?u)ar)y ffricafi.? ,n disordt'rs ?n?f) in- tiispf?sitions \\he<e thf str-neth is n?;)'iirft). or wherf the viscera and oth('rpart'.i<reto<)m"chrf].tXt-d:oif) deprived of their )?o-   th Whoh: nPT\"()US -y,t,?-, pr<?notif')['?dr("-tnr)!? the s?creti?ns of jtHture into proper ord?r. :<t'd re-tst:t))))shit'i' food he.dth. ho??ver .umh d?bi!i':<tpd. boid in Hottiesat )ts.. o' four t'mfs 'he quantity in olit, hottit- tor ;1:¡, May behitd <'t .d) ?lh'ÜI<:1<Jt' Vende in Town nnd Cuun- frv. ()h<=e?ve the si?n.Xnre o( R. and L. Perry nt] the -.t.xnp '))) tli ()Ilfsi(!e of  I h-.? Five l.Juud cases tuesy be had :w \?Ht,a',ei).hfr')fthe !?'t't'))ishnteu[- Rft??.s. P?rrv expf't 'vhpn consntted '.y jctter U e ?-.UH' ''fe h Qnc Po'tnd, without \vhi('h. no )r.:t't'e wh.UcVt-r c:tn u,' tak.-n o the communication,<po.sta"er''e-p!dd.) Patients are reqnebt.ed to be as miitute as i n thef'et.ti) of ir (':I('. r[?:'H '? PrRtFYlNfi SPRri!C PII.r.S, price 2-. !<). 4.. <)., n.). )ts. p'-r box. are ot t:'e mt,st nfHicted wi'h :!ttectionc. elnptions on aoy pa't «t the hody,ntcer.ttiot)'crotu'.a. &c., th-.i(1 j1hlly ea1ct1!d t0 ("Ip;!nt> the'do.fjt'ron) at) to.d!U's' counteract and rcstor:- \\mk a.nd cmaci"teLÍ constitutions, to ptistim: heatth Co., Snrgi:?Of1, my he con111td a..c; 1111a1 :1t o. 4-1, 3t:d C1",rips-stH-'et. Bi i, one persr.nal ,"iS1t is fron1 i.I CPõ}T1. trv patient 10 iklessrs. Perry to .nch as wiil lJe th.e 11>C'an (>f eileeting a permant'Tlt and e;,cc(ii:il eure, aller all .tl,e, hare ?lruvet indrel tna1. N. B.-C"u ntry J)rl1gi,t., IIledicine Yen. ders. and lie with any quan- tity of PUflfying S¡" alid Corùial "I' Syr, ¡aellIn, "jth l1ual éuh!a:l('è tl) the hy nl0S! QI the principal whole,le 1) .ilent ;lietlicine HOII in SuItI ùy Ir. E.,a, at the JOI'R'L C:TIt'P C"-R11AR tIE". COI\'IMERCI.t}.L A,D GENERAL LIF2 ASSURANCE ANNUITY. I'AM!IA' ENDOWMENT, AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, H'2. Cheapside, Lünrton, CAPITAL. £jOG,OOJ, in Shares of £50 each. I)e,posit, .;C2 per Share. D!RECTORS,Al'riTnRS,ET< Henry George Ward. Esq., (ifHstone Park. Chairman E'.J).. Duhvictj Henry pnrk Edwård Evans, Esq.. 2, Stolle's I'd. BlItllad: Chartrs Creen. E.q.,147, Lead.-nh.ti! street ,l"!Jn Hlpnny (T"rdon, Eq., 31, l'pper (j"wf'r Street Richard Pope. E?;. ?!.Noit))'T"!r,tce.C?nioerwe)) Samn-i Warren. E'q F.K.S 12, King's Het.ch Wa))., Hsq., :11.0. Dlliwich Jarnfs Juhns'tn, Esq .M.H.C.S 6 North Pfacp, Gray's tun. Er!1srnns R'J!,prh'n. Esq., ,1e t""t.t. Lin('oJr;'s Inn B.A..Catherine Biln. Thomas Marsh Esq., 3, CharifN Street, Square .John "'oster "Elmslip., "Esq., 3. CoptJ.all Bl1ildin! City Mfssrs. Lys', MuHins, and Padtlist)n, 1, ('rfat James- strfet, Bedrord-row. Mr. Hfnry VHlRntinf Smith, 37, (Mden Square Frfdertc (,awrance, Esq., R''sidfut Secretary. Rates ui premium catfutated on as tow a scale as is consistent with the safety uf the assured and the ata- blUty of the Company. A septennial division of the pronfs either in the way of bonuses or in reduction of premiums' two-thirds to the assured andone.-thifd t't theproprietors. A svstem of i"an upon persona) or other securities. provided the party borrowing assures his life for double the amount he receives. Policies \thichs)tMH have h'-cn assigned six months as a hona nde security, not void by d'ath, from suicide, hanttsof ju'iOt'e. No e!itr.tuce fee or ot))er charges beyond the policy stamp. AU mntteTs in di-spute (where no frKud ts suspected) referted t" arbitration. ("Iiiiii-s piiyattle, tiiree months after death,or earlier oil a dist-ouiit. A tii.era) commission to:111 parties I)rin,-in,-bLisit)e,,s. Prerni'n.is or unarteriy. :\1 I\ ¡rill refer'es p;ud t)Y the oflice in every cnse re- f,,rretl to them fortftt-irproft'ssiona) opinions. Interest .(tthe rate of 5!, per cent. aHoMed on the paidnpe.tpitni. Apj.iicHtions for the remainin? Shares, Agencies. an') Prospectuses, to be made to the St'('I'l'tary. 112. or at the WELSHMAN OtHce, Carmar- then. FREDERIC LAWRANCE. Secretary. The Dissentersy & General Life and Fire Assurance Co. (Empowered by Special Act of Parliament, 3 e. 21.) 62,KtNC WILHAM-STREET, LONDUN-BRIDCE, LONDON: 21. ST. DAVID STREET. E:)<NHUR(;n: AND o. KtN<j STREET. Q("EE.SQL\RE, HRfSTOL. C./PIT.JL, TRUSTEES (WIT" A SE,T AT THE nOARD; T iloilla, Esq. I Th'lllli\S Piper.Esq. n!RECTOR!?. <jpn. P,,)nsfield Esq. Sir J.Hasthopt Bart.M.P. I'der Htt's,Hsq. .ff's(')'!) F!<'t<' her, Hsq. izieliat-d flullier, Esq. (,harlt" Hind}py. Eq.f.P Tho:nasB.Si:t'psut).Hsq Hun. C. P. ViHifrs. M.P. jJ..hn\Vi!t<s,Ksq. Ed\l.ard 'ilson, Ese¡. <? the return of the Michaelmas Quarter. the Di- ?? rectors ))t-a;torefn':jd th.-ir Fr! ?andth'-Pnh- lie, that in th., F;rl' DI'¡JartaH>nt th. rl'('I'Î\"t' Hisks of all tlt'ser¡I'ti.Hls, inducting Chapt'j, Sch,lcTooms. .\iit)a, (,ooJ, attd ShippHjtr in Farming- Stofk. &c.. at the atllt reJu.f! ratex as 0: her respt'ctabJe And in the. Life the)" eon- ti)tUft<)traftsa<'tai) bu<infs'-rf)atin?t<) Hft*As<<tt- rancfs, A)?imttt"u?d F?tui)yHnd()Ym)e!)ts.u!)<n)thf lIIo-t lilwral terms, con:;istellt with sound princi¡.lcs arid public S(-CU?ity. Fire Puticies transferred from other cijiir,,e idatle ft)r Fire Poli(!ies tratiferre(I from The nsu.tt allowance made to Soticitors, Surveyors, .tndtttherb. By Or(tfr of the nirpctors. THUJAS PiUCE, Secretary. AG'E:-T8 rOR THE COMPANY. Carmarthen. J"shn;( P. Watkir)s,Surs"'ni Cardiff. Thomas lIopkilJs, Ash Cuttagf Aht'r??vcnny. J'tcoh \yke, Chemist Have)fofdwest..Wt))i!!mttt.t.s,S')iritt'r Liandovery .Jaml's 'forris. Liquor l\Iercllant D.mpHy.hn li-)mas, 11, ;;iter L!att.t!th. [);nirl .Jont'. Ju)).. t)raper Ilert liyt WiHiam Morris ('ac Pant Tpnll :ewl"Illc Emlyn \Villiarn Jones, Printer Xl'wport. Cltarli' Lewis, Shopkeeper Neatli Diiviil N torr!s. (t'on'f P"'ity[nt)i)e. !njtf)in Lewis,Grocer PellJi)roke ltobbs' Point Swansea. Wi!iia'n\Va)ters,So)icitor !{pes, Hottemaker !Jsk William ():-aham, Auctioneer. ATLA!5 ASSli R.CE COMPANY, ESTABLISHED 1808. Sir THOMAS Tt-RTON, Hart.. Chairman. .'()!;X Um-EH ))A\o\ Ti)t' H"n.S)r(;. BltY! 'I'l" ) n, iS, Cli;IPIIIIII, Ksq. \i)ii:unt<afort";t,Ksq. 1)(inal(i Nlaclean, Esq. Moses l\locatta, E:.q. Eq.. f),'patv C¡lai(mr¡. .hu)ifs \iHiam Esq. H'nHtntf) P:)<-i F,(.O,.Ni. 1). W. (ie,)t-sre Prescott, Esq. Joseph Puiley, F,q. Juhn Peter Rasch, E.,49. .1??—F. B. Hookey, Esq., and J. PuHey. jun. Esq —('har)es An?U, Esq. F.R.?. .S J<?'??'c?,r-\Vi))i.,ntB«vn).Esq. S'?'-<.?r-Thomas Hopper, Esq. ??'?M???'cy?.-Thomas Doyd, Esq. ?!RE DEPARTMENT. RETURNS.—The Directors have the satisfaction of announcing to the Assured in this Omce. that a Re- turn of Premium at the rate of 20 per Cent. for the FiveYearsup to('hristmas!ast.MiH bepayab)eat the head Omcf, or thrnush the Company's Agents ;n (ireat Britain, on all Poticies of jC30P and upwards. \vhich ii-ere in force and had been so tor one entire ycaratChri-tmas. ITEYf,-This O¡fice (independent of the Returns fnd the tate Reduction ill the Rates of Premi)))))),offers tn Pertons A'-surhnces, the further ad\'Hu- tag-I' of an aHcwance f''r the loss of Rent on BuUd- if)i:sr<'ndere<i ))nt<-nanta'))ebyFire. RK\H\VALS.— I'tttn-iesdne on jt ¡chad m:I-dav shou\d be rcuc"ed \vi!hi:i ntteen days thereafter. LIFE DEPARTMENT. The attt'n::on of the r)t''Hf has, in the A(hprt'('mf;fs and Pr')po't)s of thisC-'mpany of )ate years, been CHi)edtoaTah)e of Additions app'ic.thtctoand ex- pectant on Policies of loartictilzir (iates and aes; the Director-! now hp to refer to a Statertient (which maybeobtaincdonappticationattheCfnceinCheMp- side, ot- to any of the Asrents in the Country) of Sums (t(-tit,rtl,"y pa!W,sheMinar the Sums respectivetyassured :andtheBonusestbereon. persons assure() fr'r the tprm of Liff' in Ci-rtt /ll'it,in or Ire/and respective)y, will have an ADDt- TtONmade to their Potieie-. every seventh year, or an equivatent REDL'CTH)N wii! he made in the future payments of Premium, at the option of the THE FOURTH SEPTENNIAL VALUATION Hi!! be made up to Christmas t844. AS FRANCES FOR SHORT PERIODS may now be effected in this ufRce at considerab!y reduced rates of Premium. The Company's Rates and Proposals may be had at tlw Dmee in nr of any of t11f' Agents in the Connt ry, U'/IO are (tpjtli(prise(ito i-eporton the appearance if Lit-esp)-opt)sed /b<' .11.,lI ¡"afire. iiUNRY DESHOROrGH, 92, Che(7psi(le, Sept. 18-12. The Axons for the Company at the under-men- tioned Piaccs, are. vix.:— Tenby. )I r. C. B. Oark: Alwrg-a\'enny, P. Priep; Brecon, D. Jones; W. Hees; Dan r)..very. W. Watters; fjanidtoes. R. Leu is: DaneDv, W.Webb;L!:tndiio.Mr.T.Le\vis:erthyrry<ivi'), W. Da\.ies; ;ld)Ir:h. B. Thomas: N.-ath. J. Ron- land; Newport, II, r lonmuuth, J. Phil putt. N.B. The folioai-inz Agencies are vacant, and Per- soos desirous of lIud,tal,ill!.r the same, are requested III apply by to the Aberystwyth, Cardigan, Chepstow. Bonvilston, ('armartt)en, Pembroke, SWflnea, and Tredegar. Mr. C. B. Clark respectfnUy infortT's his Friends and !))ePnhHc,th;tthehasbeenHppoi)!<edA4?enttothe .iboveOnice for the To\vn and Neighbourhood of Tenby, atid ii¡ f,-illy empowered to effect Assurance!' gainst Fire, and to receive Proposat.t of Assurance on Lives and on Survivorships. Mr. tlark invites hi:) Friends to an enquiry into the urincipiesuponMhichthisonicetransactsits business, :is set forth i,, t' above advert isement.andwhich -ire more fuHy exptained in the Company's 'o he had of him on app'ieation. T('[¡hy, St'pt. HH2.


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