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1 GOODWICK. A sacred drama will -.be performed this (Wednesday) evening at Hermon Chapel,Fish- guard, to commence at 7 o'clock, by the Penybryn (Cardigan) Sunday School. Political.—Mr Walter F. Roch, M.P., will address a public meeting on Tuesday evening at Henner Schoolroom, at 8 o'clock. The chair will be taken by Mr W. Reynolds, rrehowell. Football.—For comfort in playing Rugby or Association, readers are recommended to purchase Football Boots, from 3/11 per pair, at Hodges', Market Square, Fishguard.—Advt. Purveyor.—We would draw attention to the advertisement in another column by Mr J. Edwards, butcher, Dyffryn-a native of Rosebush. Drunk.—At Dewsland Petty Sessions, held at Mathry Schorls on Friday afterooon, Patrick Power, of 2, The Cottages, Good- wick, was, was, at the instance of Sergeant Lewis, fined 25 6d with 6s 6d costs for having been drunk upon the highway in Goodwick Village on September 12th. Pure Milk.—Mr Morris Evans, of the Manor- owen Mill Dairy, desires us to report that Sergeant Lewis, Goodwick, took a sample of milk from his cart on the 28th of August, to be analysed, and as on all previous occasious, the analyst's report was genuine." This is only what could be expected as Mr Evans' cows are always grazing on the richest pas- ture lands in the neighbourhood. Marriage.—The wedding: of Miss Mas^ie I Lewis, only daughter of Mr and Mrs John Lewis, Monkton, Pembroke, to Mr A. B. Edwards, chief cashier at the Harbour Works, Goodwick, eldest son of the Rev T Edwards, London, which took place at Monkton Priory Church, attracted more than ordinary inter- est, a large number of friends assembling to witness, the ceremony, which was performed by the vicar, Rev Canon D. Bowen. The bride, who was given away by her father, was attired in a blue cloth costume, with hat to match. Miss Elsie Davies was the bridesmaid, and Mr J. E. James, New College, London, acted as best man. The honeymoon was spent in Jersey. They were the lecipients of numerous presents, the bride being exceeding- ly popular in Pembroke, having, for the past 15 years been engaged as senior clerk at the Post Office, while Mr Edwards is also held in the highest esteem at Coodwick. We join in wishing them every happiness and prosperity. Autumn Tints.- That enclosed portion of the Harbour Village estate which remains unbuilt upon at present presents a remarkably picturesque spectacle by reason of the luxur- iance of the heather mingled with the autumnal tints of the other vegetation. In the event of the G.W.R. Company deciding, as has been frequently rumoured, not to fur- ther extend the village,we would suggest that this area be laid out with a few paths and seats, so as to form a natural pleasure ground. The Parrog.—Now that the Fishguard Council has efficiently lighted the main road down as far as Goodwick Bridge it behoves the Llanwnda Council to bestir itself in the matter of extending so essential an improve- ment across the Parrog. Naturally, the local Council may plead that it derives practically no benehts from the use of that road, but nevertheless it may be urged on the other hand that the bulk of those who traverse it daily are engaged upon work which cannot fail ultimately to enhance the assessable value of the parish, and consequently are deserving of some protection to life and limb during the dark winter nights which are now so rapidly approaching. We observe that every preparation is being made for remacadamising the thoroughfare at an early date, and we fail to see why it should be less reasonable to execute this work for the benefit of Fishguard traffic than to light the road for the benefit of Fishguard residents. The "Palmersten.The overhauling of the G.W.R. Company's steam-tug 'Palmer- ston,' to which new paddle-boxes are also being affixed is being carried out in the most thorough fashion and, viewed on Monday, there appeared to be every probability that some considerable time would yet elapse ere it was completed. Banking.—A branch of the Metropolitan Bank of England and Wales has been opened at Mr Llewellyn's fine new establishment. Goedwig.—Owing to the absence of the ierence at Hoiyneau, prayer uietnuigs > Sunday substituted for the accustomed ser- vices at this place of worship. On Sunday next the pastor will perform the ordinance of Baptism upon candidates chosen from his own Welsh flock and from the English con- gregation worshipping at Bethesda. The Vicar.—The Rev E Lincoln Lewis continues to make satisfactory progress towards complete recovery of health, and on Sunday was able to officiate at Manor- Oiven Parish Church. Bethesda.—The pulpit at this new English Baptist place of worship was on Sunday occupied by the Rev Mr Williams, of Pennar, Pembroke, who preached aprreciatively to crowded congregations both in the morning and in the evening.—We understand that the project for the erection of a permanent home for the congregation is proceeding apace. Subscription lists are on the eve of being opened, and it has already been practically decided that the new building shall be con- structed of corrugated iron with a brick frontage. Berachah. The Rev J D Symmonds (pastor) occupied the pulpit at this place or worship on Sunday. Port Sanitary Authority.— The Local Government Board has issued a circular to port sanitary authorities and riparian sanitary authorities with reference to the present epi- demic of cholera in Russia. Inasmuch as Fishguard has no trade with the Muscovite Empire the circular has not been sent here, but its publication may serve to remind cer- tain somnolent authorities that no port sani- tary authority as yet exists in this locality. Personal.—Mr C I Davidson, Steamboat Supt., has resumed charge after a merited holiday spell. Quay Extension.— We understand that there is every probability that, upon the com- pletion of the quay extension at present in progress, the berths of the Cork and Water- ford boats will be shifted further in the dir- ection of the Marine Stores,thus allowing two of the turbiners to lay alongside at once, and thereby obviating the inconvenience at present occasioned by the necessity for towing the boats to and from anchorage, and enab- ling the officers to be independant of the St. David Fach when desiring either to come ashore or to return aboard. Football.—A report of a Rugby match played on Pen Cw, on Saturday, between teams representative of Goodwick and Fish- guard will be found elsewhere in this issue.— On Saturday Neyland, as the champions of the West of Llanelly League, will entertain the rest of the league upon their own ground. The visitors will be captained in the forward rank by Mr G E Dunsden, of Goodwick, other local men who have been chosen to support him being A Phillips (half),D Betty (forward) and T Phillips (reserve half). On Fares.—According to a time-table pub- lished on August 1st, 1859, the South Wales Railway issued "Tourist Tickets via South Wales and Ireland," but at much higher rates than at present from Fishguard. The charge for the journey in 1859 from Newport, Car- diff, or Swansea was £ 4 for first class and saloon by steamer," and £ 3 for second class and saloon." Of course, the passage from Milford to Waterford (135 miles) was twice as long as from Fishguard to Rosslare. Hockey.—An interesting practice match took place upon the sands on Saturday after- noon, under admirable conditions, and some excellent form was displayed. At the moment of writing negotiations are afoot for a visit to Neyland next Saturday. Booth Boats.-The Booth Liner "Hilary," homeward bound from Brazil and European ports to Liverpool, is expected to call at the Harbour for the disembarkation of passengers and baggage on Saturday. L- Continuation Ulasses.—1\ meeting to con- sider a proposal to hold evening classes at Goodwick was held at the Reading Room on Monday evening. Capt Sharpe presided, among the others present being Messrs J C Bowen, W J Canning, E Anthony, and W D Lewis (clerk), with a number of young men desirous of joining.—After some discussion it was decided that evening classes should be formed and that application be made for the use of the Reading Room on Monday and Friday evenings.—The following were added to the local school managers to form a work- ing committee Capt Sharpe, Messrs Drake, A Davies, T E Williams, G L Gibson; Revs E Lincoln Lewis, J Jenkins, S H Evans and J S Davies.—All those desirous of joining the classes are requested to meet Mr E Anthony and the clerk (Mr W D Lewis) on Friday evening next at the Reading Room at 8, and it is earnestly hoped that young men in the neighbourhood will avail themselves of this opportunity. New Houses.—Many of the new houses built by the Goodwick Building Club are now being occupied. They seem to be sub- stantially built and contain some four rooms down-stairs and the same number up-stairs with a small garden attached. They do credit to the buildere—Messrs Nicholas Bros., contractors, Goodwick. Marriage.—On Thursday last, at Llanwnda Parish Church the marriage took place of Mr Morse, Sandy Hill Terrace, Llanelly, and Miss Eleanor L Isherwood, of Harbour Village, the Rev James Jenkins, B.A., officia- ting. The bride was given away by her father, and the groom was attended by the bride's brother. After the ceremony a sumptuous breakfast was partaken of at the bride's home, shared by many friends.—We wish them long life and happiness. Promotion.—Miss Morgan who, ever since the opening of the cross-channel service, has efficiently managed the Refreshment Rooms at the Harbour Station, has been promoted to a similar but more responsible position at Hereford, Her many friends, whilst sorry to lose her genial personality, will rejoice at her well-merited promotion.

British and Foreign Bible…

Expenditure of Education in






Family Notices

—Cardiganshire Cancer. Treatment.
