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A KEEN TASTE. Cr.osE upon the shore of Lake Winnepiseogee, in North America, is a town and in that town dwells a man whom we will call Amber. I have no right to be more particu- lar, seeing that the story was told to me in confidence. Mr. Amber keeps a store; anA-he is a genial, accom- modating man; lie keeps for sale everything which the good people of the country can reasonably expect him to keep. Particularly has it been the practice of Mr. Amber to keep a barrel of whisky on tip in his cellar. One in the fall and one in the spring will generally carry him through. He is very careful tu whom he sells, and, so far as I know, the authorities have never yet given him any trouble. One day Mr. Elipbalet Spooner entered the store with a slight protuberance visible upon his left breast. Mr. Spooner was a deacon, and a most proper man. He called the storekeeper aside, and asked him if he had any good whiskey. Amber nodded in the affirmative. "Will you let me have a pint?" And the deacon pulled from his breast-pocket a pint bottle. Certainly," said the trader and forthwith he departed for the cellar. When he returned he brought the full bottle, carefully wiped and corked. What was to piy ? Fifty cents. Mr. Spooner handed over a fifty-cent scrip, and then, in a hesitating way, drew the cllrk. lle placed the bottle to his lips, and tasted—just a drop, to test the quality of the liquor. He did this twice, and the expression upon his face was one of hesitation and doubt. Mr, Amber," he said, "I am getting this for my wife. 1-i this the very best you litve Oh, you want it for a medicine ? Yes, certainly." Jf that is the case-" The sentence was finished with a smile, and a reaching forth for the bottle. Down into the cellar went the storekeeper again. There was no need that he should empty the bottle and retill it, for he had but one solitary barrel from which to draw so he took a turn around, and soon came back, wiping the bottle afresh. I shall have to charge you eighty-seven cents for this, Mr. Spooner." Having Daid the extra charge with the utmost cheer- fulness, Mr. Spooner placed the bottle again to his lip3, and tasted critically. Aha he uttered, with a bright smile and a grateful BOd. "This is something like!" And he went away entirely satisfied. And Mr. Amber, also, notwithstanding the fraud he had per- petrated, appeared to be satisfied, if one might judga from the quiet smile that illumined his rubicund visage.