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-=-- EPITOME OF NEWS. tu .Ariv XtnrKTfTB has left Brinaisi for Bomliav, ^re(ler'ck Roberts in India, v the Peninsular Oriental Steam Navigation Company'ssteiuncrTaiijore. th T r)Rl'>SING constituents Coldstream, he\ ^arioriliankv> for Berwickshire, said he |J a''ed with oy the utterance of Sir Kichard Cross a the time hid come when the Conservative party c.Uat not be afraid of showing what Conservative prin- Ples were. Perhaps the country might now learn the doctrines of the old-fa-hioneel high Toryism Protection or the. new-fangled Democracy were to t? accepted by a re-united Conservative policy. He hoped j,'6 ^ppointment of Lord Rosehery as Under-Secretary for theacepcd by a re-united Conservative policy. He hoped j,'6 ^ppointment of Lord Rosehery as Under-Secretary for Obt "me ^eParti«cnt was the first step towards Scotland 'n'ng a Minister of her own of Cabinet rank, who d take charge of all Scotch business. K0 E prosecution of a man by the King's ^nft0n "^ur&1 Sanitary Authority for living in a house ej. for habitation, namely, two old railway carriages, i hjC"P^ the fact that the carriages, with four others, were ii L CCt\ in a field by the Harborne Local Board as a °spital for smallpox patients, but had not been used." I at a viHage called Monckton, near Salisbury, i jjj nanied Lockyer wis riding a horse belonging to f 6^S Jather to a pond, when the animal made a sudden tj^r* a"d threw the boy oJT. As the lad was rising from 8rouii(l the animal kicked him on the head, rendering On^ 'nse"s'We- His father, who happened to be near, at ):Io "ent to his assistance, but in a very short time the °a 'e fdlow was dead. tia ^LANDAFF earlvin the morning a gardener Hichards went home the worse for liquor, and beH^ UPStairs to his became very violent, locked the aronm f[00r> an(1 tiarc>at,.ncd to murder her. He was of°k"ig for a ra or when the terrified woman jumped out af Ul« window, two storeys above the striet, and was k'wards picked up and taken to the infirmary, p. -^TthePolice-court, Newcast e-on-Tyne, Henry cattle dealer, of Darlington, was charged with j.aving i;jo,-a]]y rcmoved cattle to Newcastle from Dar- w2ton contrary to thcContagious Disea-es (Animals) Act, j, Defendant applied for and obtained a license for movement of eight animals on December 27th last, atting tbat thlY had been on his premises three months, g"cl it Avas proved that lie had ha l them only three days. '°ftly after their arrival in Newcastle one of the animals ^eveloped foot-and-mouth di-ease, and several of the in Y61"0113 casesof this dis ase that occurred amongcattle Newcastle a few week-: ago were traced to defendant's tll'Tials. He was fined £ 10 and costs. -INTELLIGENCE has lust reached Boyle that a ,rge bog at liaslick, near Castlerea, has, in consequence th ''00<3' nioved from its position, and is submerging j °usanils of arres of the adjoining- country. Several rmer~' houses have been engulp'.ied in the mass, and e inmates have had narrow escapes. Great excitement and apprehensions are entertained for the safety a portion of the m i-ghbonring town of Castlerea. J.AT the annual meeting of the Anglesey "eral Association, Mr. K. Davie', M.P.. defended the c°«reion policy of the Govern:: en.t in Ireland as de- jj^nded by ju.-tice and right. He agree 1 with Lord eihy that emigration was the real remedy now wanted lu Ireland. There were thousands in Ireland whom no ^medial measure- would reach, but who, if afforded a 8^rt in another country, might become rich and prosper- Mr. Morgan Lloyd, M.l\, expressed the opinion at^there would not be a general election for three years. j,e defended tha p uicy of the Government in relation to S>'pt. Votes of confidence in both the hon. members Passed. g J-HE spinning mills of Messrs. Ireland and j,°ns> Puchaveti, Fifeshire, have been totally destroyed by .re> the damage is estimate:! at several thousand Pounds. Two or tlir-c hundred workpeople are thrown ut °f emplovment. At the Middlesborough Police-court, Frank pi?'ens Jonc 1" sen of a leading ironmaster, was LharS<d with' committing a-ravateel assaults upon in^'ral y°l"'R ladies, daughters of some of the principal ?a,Jitants of the town. For some time past the i risoner iuul ,to]r, (l t:ie vom,g ladies on their way home l'Iiii all "about twenty serious informa- °ns Were laid against him. Five cases were entered J011 the charge-sheet for in-, estigation, but the prisoner c^ded gui]tV- It wa, urgell b mitigation of the hence that the prisoner had indulged in over-study of a >e> and that in conscilti, lice he was almost un- countable for his actions. A line of £ -'<> was imposed two cases,'and Jones was farther ordered to find p ^^isances of £ "0, and two securities of £ 50 in each for his good ehaviour for the next six months. "h. dohx IIoLiiK, M.l'. for Hackney, London, jj18 Promised to lv present at the inaugural festival of the 5^'kney laical Club, in the Grove, at Hackney, early ^-ruarv Mrs Ilolms will accompany the hon. rllbc.r. 3 0 ^'J'-STRY MRKTING haa been held at Stratford- ^-Av°a t0 c.,llgider what steps should be taken in wero.nco to the caveat lodged in the Consistory Court, 0rcef.ter, against the issue of the faculty for ^the 6 ^atioD and improvement of the churchyard. The 'Mayor stated that the Corporation were deiermincd to 0^ert their rights to the freehold, but, on the withdrawal faculty, would consult with the vicar and cliureh- s ^rdens as to the best means for utting the churchyard nt° decent order. The meeting unanimously adopted the r°Posals of the Corporation. Manchester ma-nctrates recent y mvesti- a ca-e in which it is alleged that a girl 14 years of named Kobi.iso.i, had been persuaded by a woman ianied Allen to rob the till of her father's shop and give !r dr the po: eells, and that then, whea the thefts were ^covered, Ailen told the girl she ought to commit J^cide and gave her some laudanum for that purpose, j e girl drank the prison, but recovered. The_ magis- .rat°s committed Allen oil the charge of inciting to J,cide. IHE Charity Commissioners have estabiisned a scheme f. r the mrmag ni.nt an regulation of the parity 0f is;iac nucjjett in the parishes of St. Andrew, 7~°lborn, an i St. Clement Danes, London, in the place of scheme cstabli,he t in Nov., 1S73. A moiety of the eonie is placed at the dispo-al of the trustee appointed r each parish, who arc to grant suma of not less aan or more than £ iO each to deserving women, being her married or having attaiue.1 the age of 25 years, f bo shall have (illul the position and discharged satis- 'vt i'ily the duties of domestic servant in the eniploy- du -0^ S0:ne 'espectable person re-iding in the pans l '■"g a period of not less than seven con.-ecu:ive yea»», shall not be in the receipt of poor-law relief. fhe «s,eC3 n,ay> if they think f[t) exp,(1 and apply all or >. part of the amount in the p-ymcnt of pens.oi f shall*v.! P0''SCSsins tlle q'J.di(ica:ions for a grant, and vB> ill,, l econie unfitted for continued.-ervice by a_c, mah t8'.acc!de,lt> or infirmity, and w).o shall be unable to ''Hi tliemsc Ives 1 y their own exertions. MeHo,SnP;TINCr °r the Liberal Association ot Belect hh'e h:,s bee:l at in 0RlCr Dr ca:idi late for the representation of the county, lar' rcl °'°ne.5, Dolg.l'lv. presided, and there was a ■p,.?c atteildanee of delp-V-it-'a' Tlic names of Mr. Samuel fcober* U1' tba II0"- ^veI-vn Ash:e-V» ;md Wr; H,C1>r;i conun:?11' ^■^>-» Siircwsb.iry, were proposed by Liber-'l Mr- ll- SORTO'1 P;UR^R' LATE LNDCPC!'D?N* himJ; Candl :-ita for Carnarvon borough, wrote oiicnn,, tainc) as. Ca"'Iid;<.te, but hiy application was notcntei- H. Jn,' similar application was received from Mr.. to n10Cf' Livcr]»ool, but his name was not proposed John |eet!n £ 'Mr. Thomas Gee, Denbigh, and Mr. selected VtS' M-?-' for the Fli,,tshiro boroughs, were Henrv VT the F^tiuiog district, but eventually Mr. votes* hp- Son was chosen by a large majority, the Hon p Robertson, 47; John Roberts, 11, and drawn ,'TVn Ashley, V. The other names were with- the mepc Holland, the present member, who attended the diss 1"Nvil1 not retiro fro:n the representation before A *° ution of the present rarliameut. brhi I)IlE'ssiNa- a liberal meeting at Menai- assin-i' •• J" Robert. M.r., said he did not think the "lation of the cou.ity and borough franchise would lmmediately carried into effect, as that would mean le dissolution of the present Parliament, which was P e-iged to pass the County Government Bill and other pleasures of domestic reform. The Liberal Government done much to remove the grievances of Ireland and redress her wrongs, and there were now signs that the Policy was being attended with beneficial results. -Ma. ELWES and Mr. Lownes, representing the engineers and soli i;ors of the promoters of the Bridgwater arid Watehet J{uilway, have conferred with the fown Ouncil at Bridgwater in reference to the manner in ^hich the navigation of the I'arret, etc., was likely to be affected by the proposed railway. The Fort and ■Navigation Committee ha 1 recommended that a resolution arrived at, to the effect that the proposed tramway on the quay was likely to obstruct the regular traffic, should be rescinded; and Mr. Elwes informed the council that it Was not intended that locomotives should be used on the tramway in question. He al-o stated, in reference to certain objections that had been raised, tlut the bill did not contain powers enabling the promoters to interfere with or construct works on the river below the town bridge without the consent of the Corporation. The consideration of the subject was referred to a committee of the whole council. » « THE London Mansion House fund in aid of the sufferers by the recent disastrous lireio Ja-naiea, How amounts to £ f>0'J. it is the intention of the L',rd .Y'tivor to appeal by circ lar to the Mayors of the United King- dom to assist the f .nl. LOIID CAKTMCREAOIT, M.P., replying at the Sunderland Chamber of Agriculture annual dinner to the toast of the Houses of Parliament, said he did not think England could ever come to harm by the act.oil of the House of Lords. Sometimes at elections people were carried away by enthusiasm, and pledged them elves to certain measures, but tne llouc of Lords \30, not in- flueneed by such impulses. AT a meeting of the Tunbriclge Wells Farmers' L Club, Sir Mo,-daunt Wells, B u t.,continued his series of j readings oil the K'porl of the Koyal Commission on Agriculture," takisg as his subject County Boards and a Minister of Agriculture. THE annnal meeting of the Felgrave iMe- chanics' Institute has t.iken place at Tunbridge Wells, l under the i residency of Major Flc'cher Luturge. The Institute was stated to be still in a flourishing position, with a small balance on the right side. There are 290 members. ALDERMAN Wiirrco'Nn.F. ex-fayor of Ports- mouth, having offered to give £ 20(|0 towards the establishment of a local scholarship in connect:on with the Royal College of Music, arrangements are being made for obtaining the remaining lOUt), and it i.; proposed to invite the Duke of Albany to open a bazaar in furtherance of this object, the Princ. of Wales having attended the concert:it which the movement was inaug iratcd. Throng i the hon. secretary to the college, the Mayor (A.derman Pink) has lecciTe't an intimation from the Prince of Wales that his Roval Highness intends opening the college in Mav next," the amount of money already subscribed enabling the Prince to place lifty open scholarships before the country for competition. I NFORIIATION has been received in Kirkwad regarding a theft under peculiar circumstances. There was a ploughing match at Hobbister Orphir, and a large number of people congregated. Three plougumen of Hobbister went to rest at night along with another young mail, who was invited to stop in the bothy, a the night was stormy, but when the four got up in the morning they found all their watches, which were hanging on a naii at the head of the bed, gone. The police are making- inquiries.. α- A no I T NOON a man was seen to jump off Lendal Bridge, York, into the River Ouse, which is flooded. A voutig man named Stead attempted to rescue him bv means of a boat, but although lie saw the t-0 ly he was unable to nseue it, and it sank about J vaids below the bridge. A hat, which show* that it had been purchased at Ilarrogat and a thia stick with a ilver ) rim on the handle were taken out of the riyer. The bodv has not yet bce.i found. A MOVEMENT is about to be set on foot to draw up a i-etitio t» ba signed by electors only of Northampton, praying Par'iam ntnot to al ow an Atheist to irofane the oath, tho sanctity of which he does not believe in, by taking it to fur,her his own liui-poses. This petition is to be regarded as a counterblast to the mass me ting of Mr. Bradlauglfs supp-.rters m lrafa.gar- sciuare. Hitherto the Conservatives of Northampton li-jvenot been quiie succe sful in their petitions AT a meetiiijc of the Norfolk County Chamber of Agriculture held at Norwich, Mr. K. Larvey •ison^in the chair, Mr. R.T Gardo >, H.P., proval of the reply given by ie e. « Glad- A-riculture to a communication received from Mr. Uiat etoi c on the subject of a of Agriculture and Commerce. The_ Ccntr.i. Agriculture decide I that it was durable that a fod'rt rnentof Agriculture an 1 Commerce should be under a responsible Minister, but Mr. G urdon contendei that there was an antagonism between the two inteiests and proposed a resolut on to the effect that the proposed Departments of Agriculture and Commerce should be kept entirely separate. The re-olution, which was sup- ported by Mr. Read and Sir H. J. Ibxton, M.P., was unanimously adopted. AT the Petty Sessions, Partford, wnliam Allard, a baker, was charge 1, on re nand, with having stolen .£1, the money of Henry Jone; at Sutton-at-Hone, on Oct. 27 ]as\ Tne accuse 1 was given a post-o.lice order to get cash d at the po4 o lice at South Darentu, and decamped with the money. li-, I)Iei(led guilty, and was committed to prison for three months. A LAR-I!:IA--ATTKNRBI> MKETTNG of the North British Railway serrauts has been held at Edinburgh for the purpose of furthering the movement for obtaining shorter hours. It was agreed to appoint a deputation to wait upon the general manager in reference to the claims Of the' Signalm.il, which had been omitted from the recent representations made to him. It was stated that the manager had promisad to give an early answer to hie deputation which had already waited upon lam. ike recent representations made to him. It was stated that the manager had promisad to give an early answer to tho deputation which had already walkll upon lam. The meeting adjourned until it has been received. MR .JOSEPH DIKBDKN, of Old Kectory House, <stone Kent, has been charged at the Darrord 1 etty Sessions with having obtained certain sams of money- v5_ *v">7 7s 7d, £ •'» 1 Id., and £ 2-i 2s. od.be- twee:7 the months of October and December, lSt<2,ifrom Mr George Libbis Bokenham, a member of the & »ck Mr George Libbis Bokenham, a member of the & »ck Exchange, and of it, Throgmorton- street, bv false pr^nccs. Mr. Gram appeared on behalf of the prosecutor, all i the accused was repre-.ent.d Ly Mr F I e? On the accused into the box 3Wr. Lee asked for an adjournment, as the summonses were o\iK' bcrved on Mr. Dierden forty-e'gat hour-, piCMOUS1\, and he (Mr. Lee) had nat had time to go tnrough the voluminous correspondence and the various fetocK Es- change transactions between the parties. Mr. Gram was about to oppose any adjournment, when the cuaumau of tli- Bench (Mr. Bevan) intei posed by saying that as it was such a serious charge the application was leasonable^ and would be granted. The accused was admit.id to ( bail on his own recogni-aace of £ 200. TUE adiourned inquest in connection with the Bradford disaster was recently resumed before the bor nigh coro cr in the town hall. Mr. Lane o>. ga\ cvi i(.nae to the elTect that since the disaster he had wan bed the removal of the d lr!, from the base of the chimnev, which consisted of jwwdered Lme l he 1^ue, were also filled with the same material. 1 he head .tone over the luart o the Uue will also troken. It appeared to have been in that condition for some time. Mr. An- drews, member of a firm of architects for chimneys, Mid that plans for the chimney were d;awn -rom the auec- tions of Sir H. Rip:ey, who also gave orders as to the materials to be used. The inquiry was again adjourned. AT Prentford Petty Sessions, George Secret was eharg°d with allowing a dog to be at large unmuz- led 1'olice-sergeant Khrimpt n was on duty in Mat- ifick lane when a large retriever dog dew out of ths door- 0f an unfinished house, and it went at his legs m manner. In November Sesame do" tlew at i'nm mTd tore his trousers, while in December it flew at ,rp ivs coat The defendant stoutly denied ™r "p'Ml" ,1; h-ai,. bolcgcd to 1 ro.ber who he admitttd wrksl as a bnckl.yer on the unfinished buildings, whence the dog la.c attacked com- nin' l int Defendant, who had been previously cautioned, was fined 40s., cr one month „ miprtsonnK.nc. A SFRIOLSI.RE has occurred at Orby, Lincoln- shire, on th farm in tLe ccclIpation of )lr. E. Sizer. The produce of nearly 100 a res was utieny destroyed, but the farmhouse was saved. An inquest has been held at Bournemouth on the bodv of the boy, Frederick William Matthews, 9 years of age, who was accidentally shot ill the head by a plavmate named Cherrett. The evidence showed that tile two bovs were playing in some stabFs, in which was placed an old single-barrelled loaded gun. Cherre-t picked up the gun, and pointing it at his companion, in fun said. I'll shoot you." He pulled the trigger, and the result was that the right side of the poor little victim's skull was torn completely away, exposing the briinandhedicdinafewhours. The boy Cherrett at once raised an alarm on seeing what he had done, and medical aid was promptly obtained, but the case was a honele-s one from the first. The jury, after heuing the whole of the evidence, returned a verdict of Man- slaughter" against Cherrett, but recommended him to mercy on account of liis tender age. THE School Hoard election at Salisbury, which decided without a contest, has resulted in the return of four Church candidates and three denomina- tional or independent candidates. THJ? annual meeting of the Shropshire and West Midland Society has been held at Shrewsbury, and th '"rc.nort showed a profit of £ 207 on the year s proceed- ings, and the members now number 4oJ, being an increase of twentv-fonr.. Ax the Chester Police-; ourt, Martha Ander- son was recently charged with killing James Douglas, a labourer. Anne ititton said she saw Anderson, m the course of a quarrel with Douglas, throw a mug at him with sucli that, having struck him on the teiiil)le, it rcl)oulidel qnci w:ts SIILlslie(i ag:iiiist li(r doorpost. The iii,n was led ofY to th, iiitiriiitry, and subsequently died at home from erysipelas. Prisoner, who denied the offence, was committed to the as izes. Subsequently the magistrates issued a warrant against Thomas Hatton and Marv Noon for threaten- ing the Witness Dutton for giving. eddence against the prisoner. lrOR sending a schooner in an unseaworthy condition on a voyuge from Garston to Drogheda, the managing owner, James Connor, has been found in default, at Liverpool, and ordered to pay t20, costs of the Bo ird of Trade inquiry. THOMAS IIUGIIKaged ] 4, has been fined £ 2 10s. by the Carnarvon Borough magistrates for steal- ing all American cheese, weighing 56i! from the Great Western Railway goods-shed. The boy took the cheese home, and tokl his mother he had bought it for 13., and the mother retailed it to various shopkeepers. MR. DAVID DAVENIORT, B.A., lately Exhibi- tioner of Oriel College, Oxford, has been appointed Second- Master of Ashford Grammar School, Kent. AN open competition for the situation of Out- door Ofiicer in her Majesty's Customs will be held ca Feb. 1(3, in London, L'dinburjrh, Dublin, Liverpool, Bristol, Newcastle-ou-Tyne, Ilull, Leeds, Portsmouth, Plymouth, Swansea, Glasgow, Aberdeen, Cork, Belfast, and Limerick. UPTON CASTLE, the seat of MR. n. II. Yang-han, brother of the Master of the Temple, near 13cii! is reported to have been greatly damaged by lire recently. The conflagration originated in the library, where there is a very valuable collect ion of old books. THE Hoard of Trade inquiry into tbe wreck of the Asheen, 0:' t:5und,'rhn t. at San ihaven, bas ueell condlldd j at Fraserburgh, when Mr. Kotheiy, Commissioner, found that the ve-sel was rotten when sent to ca, and that the responsibility for the loss of the ve-sci, and the lives of those on board, re<ted with the managing owner. Mr. Hothery exonerate 1 the lifeboat crew and ti e coast- guard from the charges submitted that they had been re- liiss in their duty. TIIR death is announced of the Pight Pev. Dr. Pio.-kell, for many years Roman CtllOíie Bishop of Nottingham, and at one time re -ar led as one of the nost lOllJent preach-rs among the ecclesiastics of tnat .hurcd. AT an early hour of the morning Albert Knock- nagsen, a foreign seaman on board the brig Kras Napolsky, sing in Glasgow Harbour, hanged himself oil board the vessel. IIc joincd the tri; (illite recently, and lias since be, n in i AT the l'etty Sessions, Portsmouth, William I Lumlev, of Easl-str et, was recently summoned for not Having his name, together with the words, Dealer in aiarir.e stores," in IetN rs of not 1 ss t ain sK inches long, painted over his warehoufe and se for iic,t aooks of account showing ho v.- he came into [ ossessioii of Marine stores, and the persons from whom they were purchased, and their b >i;ics; and pi ceo! abode. The Bench inflicted a fine of 7s. fd., and CI 2s. cd. costs in the first case, and including co-ts. in tli second. AT Poehester Mr. S. Harding Terry, 0.E., )ne of the inspectors to the Local G-overnmcut Board, aas held all inquiry upon the :¡¡,p'ic,\tio:\ of the Cor- poration to borrow i;1 addition to the it,^00 ilready taken up, for the improvement of the streets of the city and the purchase ol a steam road-roller. There ivas very little opposition. The in p c'.or congratulated the Corporation upon the inipro\e state of the city and the lowness of the general di-U'let rale. MR. JOHN M.VI H: nvox. Yv'.S., Edinburgh, igent for Charles Soutar, who was sentenced to live years' Dentil servitude in October la»t, in connection with the Daneeht outrage, ha-; received a letter from the Home Secretary stating that after giving a'l consideration to the oetition for a. remission of the sentence, he sees no reason :or interfering therewith. GEORGE CliAHLES. sixth Paron Yaux of Harrowden, has died at his Loildon residence, (i, Lpper orrosvenor-street, after a long illness, lie was born March 7, IS'U, and was, therefore, in his 79th year. Be married duly 1', 1> Caroline, eldest daughter of the late Arthur Yansittait. The pe a-age of aux of Harrowden, which fell in abeyance in 1(>\>3, on the ieath of the fifth baron, was revived in in favour of the late peer, as lineal representative a1à sole heir, through his mother, of Mary, the eldest sister and co- heir of the fifth baran. He leaves, one son, the Iloi. Montagu Mostyn, and two dal1gLt,r3, and an only sister, the Dowager Lady Slade, and he is succeeded in the title bv his grandson, Mr. Hubert George Charles Browne- Mostyn. THE baptism of the infant son of the Earl and Countess of Carnarvon has taken place at Ilighehre Church, near Newbury, a beautiful structure built by Lord Carnarvon in WO, close to the park, from the iesign of the late Sir Gilbert Scott. The officiating Clergyman was the Itev. E. T. V- aters, rector of High- lcre. The name-! which the infant received were Mervyn Robert Howard Molyueux, the godmothers being Ladv Abercromby and Lady Rachel Howard, and the godfathers Mr. iloward_ of Greytoke, and S:r Robert Herbert. Th. re were also present at the cere- monv the Ivirl and Countess of Carnarvon, Lord Pur- cliester, Lady \Vitii:re*.l Herbert, Lady M.rgaret Herbert, Lally Victoria Herbert, the Hon. A. Herbert, Lady Mab-1 Howard, Mrs. Howard of Grevstoko, Miss Maud Howard, Mrs. and Miss Eyre. Mr. B. Howard, &c. MR. GRANT, M.P. for the Leiih district of tmrghs, lately a Idres; ed a meeting of his constituents. He attributed a great deal of the obstruction from which the (irovcrnmeut had suffered during the past year to the tactics of the Conservative parly, and blamed the leaders for not putting a stop to it. Referring to the Irish ques- tion, he stated that there were evidences of improvement in that country and, dilating upun the foreign policy 3f the Government, he stated that it li.)AI not been accom- panied bv any underhand design for self aggrandise- mCllt. lie was accorded a vote of continued confidence at the close. AT Beaconsfield, AYilliam Sacldey, master Irover, Langlcy, ami Tom Lamb, drover, Romsey, have Decn ehargeÜ with stealing thirty-four sheep, the pro- pertv of Mr. Wat-oil, sheep-dealer, Langlcy, who valued them at £100. The principal witness against the pri- soners was a man nam d Hooker, of Ilemel-Hcmpstead, who was originally charged as the receiver of the pro- perty. He deposed to selling the sheep by Sackley's in- structions, and handing him the money, part of which was received by Lamb. The Bench committed the pri- soners for trial. THE adjourned tithe cases recently came on for hearing at the i'ontefract County Court, before Mr. Bed- well. His Honour dealt with the preliminary objections raised, and held that a personal action in place of distress could be heard before him. One case was taken against William Shay for os. d. Clirn rent, at Is. Sd. per year. The vicar was called, and his agent proved that a demand notice had been served. Ownership or occupation could not be proved, however, the rate-books not being forth- coming, and the vicar was nonsuited, with costs, with leave to appeal. The other cases were adjourned. THE inquest on iiliarn Monnington, farmer, found d< ad on Whitclil! underneath an overturned horse and trap, has been concluded at Ludlow, before Mr. Wev- man, coroner. Edward Pressor, who was near at hand on the occasion of the accident, deposed to hearing cries for help. He went to the spot, but did not render any assistance. Instead, he went Into Ludlow, and related the occurrence. William Monnington was afterwards found dead, face downwards, and his brother John almost lifeless. A verdict of "Accidental death" was returned. I THOMAS IJARVET, a retired naval surgeon, waa charged on remand, at Plymouth, with maliciously wounding Kichard Kitts, a waiter at the Globe Hotel, by stabbing him with a penknife whilst assisting him to undress during intoxication. The medical ofiicer of the prison now stated lie believed the accused to be of un- sound mind. Mr. Harvey, the prisoner's brother, said he had a large house at Teignmouth, where he would take care to confine the prisoi er but this, it was stated, would be a grave infringement of the Lunacy Laws. The prosecutor wished to withdraw from the charge, and finally the Bench discharged the prisoner on his brother's promise to confine him in a private asylum. THE. adjourned inquest in connection with the Bradford chimney disaster has been resumed before the borough coroner, in the Town Hall. Tha principal witness was Mr. John all Associate member of the Institute of Civil Engineers, and a member of the Institute of Mechanical Engineers, who gave evidence as an expert. lie saId that, in his opinion, the accident was caused by the manner in which the chimney was straightened. He thought that if the chimney had not been cut, it would have re-isted the violence of the winds far better than it did. The base of the chimney was bad. The inquest was again adjourned. Au influential meeting has been held at the Mansion House, London, at the request of wholesale and retail members of the lace trade, for the purpose of considering the desirability of holding an exhibition and art collection of Irish lace in London, with a view to improve the state of that industry. It Was resolved unanimously that such an exhibition would be most opportune and expedient, and the Lord Mayor and the Lady Mayoress were asked to accord the' use of the Mansion House for the purpose. The Lord Mayor ex- '■ pressed the great pleasure it gave lr.m to accede to the request, and a committee was appointed to make the necessary arrangements, with a view to holding the exhibition at the end of June. :J THE Dudley Bench of magistrates has refused to deal with a CiOgging case, and have committed three young colliers for trial for kicking a labourer until he was rendered insensible.





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